Fantasy and Instinct Part 1

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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Note: Despite the alias of my co-writer, this is not a Star Trek/Pokémon crossover. It is worth noting, however, that this co-writer and I met because she is a fan of my work. Hooray for fan collabing, especially when your fans rock so much!

If you can't tell from the story description and if you don't recognize Kera, this contains a lot of sexual content. You've been warned.


Emma Trent: Starfleet Counselor.

Kera Hsagra: Me.

NPCs on Kera's TV: Me.

Pokémon (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc.

Dr. Kera Hsagra sat on the toilet in one of the hospital's women's bathrooms, her head in her hands, rubbing her temples. It was that time of the month for the Latias Pokémorph again...or for her, that time of the year, and she could tell that this one was going to be a doozy. Her stomach was knotted up and she felt as if the floor was spinning under her. "Ugh...why's it have to suck so much at fiiirst..." she moaned.

Dr. Emma Trent knocked lightly on the restroom door. "Kera? You in there?" The fellow obstetrician and midwife, and Kera's good friend, knew Kera had been in there a while.

"Yeah...I'm here. some wicked nausea. 'That time' for me," she said with a bit of a groan.

The longhaired brunette human entered the restroom, concern for her friend overriding all else. She stopped in front of the stall she knew contained Kera. "Anything I can do to help? Hold your hand?" Trent knew that when it came to morning sickness, sometimes one just had to get it out of one's system.

The Latias morph smiled slightly and opened the door. "Yeah, just gimme a hand to hold, that's nice," she said, her soft, intelligent amber eyes looking up at her friend and coworker's blues.

Emma nodded, offering her hand and a gentle smile as she entered the stall. "That I can do."

She took Emma's hand and let out a deep breath, still holding her head in her other hand. "'d think that after treating as many patients as I have, I'd have my own cure for morning sickness."

Emma chuckled. "I'll tell you what you always tell them." She continued, imitating Kera's voice, "'Just ride it out. There are more positive things to come. It might help just to get it out of your system.'"

Kera gave a light chuckle. "Yeah...well, maybe good things come if you're a mammal. I, however...well, I actually gotta make an appointment with you now."

Emma nodded. "And I will see you through this, just as I have every year before, my friend," she said with a knead of Kera's hand. "Now, not to sound rude, but if you're going to vomit, you should. We have patients to see," she added with a smile, turning around.

Kera chuckled again. "I dunno abou- urk!" She scooted off the toilet, positioned herself to pray to the porcelain god, and after a few deep breaths, lost her breakfast.

Emma turned and knelt beside her friend, rubbing her back. "That a girl," she crooned gently. "Let it out."

Kera coughed a couple of times as she caught her breath. "The hell...I almost never puked before...oh man, this egg cycle's gonna flat-out suck, I just know it," she whined, nonetheless comforted by Emma.

She continued to stroke her friend's back. "You'll get through it. Now, I may be a mere human, but I suggest we wait and see if you have any more surprises. Try not to fight it."

The slightly dazed Latias nodded. "Right...just let it out," she said, breathing deeply. "You can go if you want...I think I can handle it now...."

Emma nodded and gave Kera's back a last rub. "Make that appointment right quick, okay?" she said before she stood up and left the bathroom.

After her morning sickness had abated for the time being, Kera washed her hands and went to the employee lounge to rinse her mouth out with a travel-size bottle of mouthwash she kept in her locker in case of long shifts that left no time for her to go home and brush her teeth. As she walked, she reflected upon her situation. Latiases, being egg-laying Pokémorphs, laid infertile eggs at the end of each monthly menstrual cycle if they were not fertilized. Although these cycle eggs were only a little bigger than chicken eggs (fertilized eggs were incubated in their bodies and developed into eggs roughly the size of Pokémon eggs), they could be annoying enough that Kera couldn't afford to risk suddenly starting to lay an egg in the middle of tending to her patients, so she opted to undergo hormonal treatments during college. Now she instead passed the period-sized egg cells that mammals did without putting her fertility at risk...but not without side effects.

Every twelfth menstrual cycle, if she wasn't impregnated during its first few days or at any time during the previous eleven cycles, the egg, although still infertile, would develop over the course of the next twenty-eight days, give or take a day, into an egg about half the size of a fertilized egg, and during those weeks, she would experience many symptoms of pregnancy, from morning sickness to mood swings. The symptoms weren't nearly as bad as they would be if she was actually pregnant, at least not until now, and she would eventually pass the egg after a short period of uterine contractions not unlike labor. This would be the eighth such cycle she had experienced, and as a fetishist of just about all things pregnancy- and birth-related, she had become very, very good at having fun in the process of passing the eggs.

A week later, Kera was starting to worry. This egg cycle was worse than any before, and she was anxious to find out if something was wrong with her. At the moment, she was sitting on Emma's examination table in a white t-shirt and khaki shorts; she knew from years of experience that if she could trust anyone, both as a professional and as a friend, to help her with reproductive problems, it was Emma.

Emma knocked gently on the door before entering the exam room. She smiled at Kera and held up a folder. "I just needed an extra peek at your labs. How're you feeling?"

"Mmf. Worse than I should be. My moods swing like the tides, my stomach hurts, my chest is more sensitive...and it's starting to worry me," she grumbled.

"Well, your blood work shows your hormone levels are more than double what they should be, so that could explain your symptoms. I'd like to do an ultrasound to check things out, okay?" Emma donned gloves and pulled out the familiar ultrasound cart, firing up the machine.

The Latias morph nodded and lay on her back, pulling up her shirt and pulling down her shorts to show her tummy. She was naturally curved in the lower areas thanks to the Latias body shape, so the swell she already had was nothing unusual or even something she could lose if she wanted to.

"This is a bit cold, sorry," Emma said as she squirted Kera's tummy with gel before placing the wand over it. The machine emitted the typical noises, sounding as if they were deep underwater.

Kera shifted a little on her back. "Nothing I've not experienced before," she responded, looking at the screen. She couldn't help but grin; unlike most of her patients, she could actually make sense of what she saw on an ultrasound monitor.

Emma focused on her task, and after a moment, came across the egg. "It's a little oddly shaped, Kera. If this contained your offspring, I'd be more worried, but this is not unusual for a cycle egg."

Kera cocked her head. "It looks like...I don't know, a little teardrop-shaped. They've always been ovals before; I've never had an egg that shape...or...that big...." She shivered a little, though whether with anticipation or fear, it was hard to tell...but probably the former.

"You're more mature now, Kera. I'd expect the eggs to get a little bigger and a little differently shaped over time. You can handle-...." Emma stopped, readjusting her screen and then repositioning the wand. "Oh my...."

Kera squinted at the screen, her vantage point making it a bit hard for her to see what Emma was talking about. "What? What's wrong?"

Emma looked at Kera and smiled. "If I see two cycle eggs, but they don't actually contain offspring and are a natural part of your maturation cycle, do you still call it twins?"

The Latias's amber eyes shot open as she craned her long neck to look over at the screen in disbelief. "What in Lugia'" She gulped a little, her body shuddering again. That was definitely a shudder of anticipation.

"Have you ever heard of that before?" Trent asked.

"'s rare to have two big...oddly-shaped...cycle eggs, but yeah, I read about it..." Kera stammered, her mind elsewhere. "Mmf...can you figure out how big they are now?"

Emma pressed some keys on the machine's touchpad and a moment later answered, "I'd say they're each double the size of your last's as if you're growing two normal-sized, if not normal-shaped, eggs."

Kera's eyes opened even wider. " way...." She looked down at her tummy, then at the screen, then back at her tummy. She stopped daydreaming enough to make some quick calculations in her head. "If that's the case...I might need a little help...."

Emma nodded. "See this egg?" she asked, pointing to the screen. "It's longer, pill-shaped. It might be more difficult to pass."

"Oog...that means it has a long widest diameter..." Kera reasoned. "And that teardrop egg, well, it still has only one place with a widest diameter," she said in a bit of relief, even though she knew that it wasn't going to be easy to pass either of them.

Emma nodded. "That's how it appears. My guess is, on top of having two eggs, your morning sickness and other symptoms reflect the changes in the shape." Trent began wiping off the gel from Kera's abdomen and helped her sit up. "I'm not ready to say you cannot pass them, but Kera, I don't want you to go through this alone, not this time. I know you've done this before and you tell me I worry too much, and each time, you call me and everything turns out fine, but I want to be there this time. Consider it an educational experience for me, consider it whatever you want. But I want to be there. Didn't you once tell me a woman's family or mate should be there when she lays a real egg?"

Kera tried to shake her deviant thoughts from her head as she considered her friend. She always laid her cycle eggs alone because she was sure she'd upset Emma too much with how she did it, and given the wide hips of a Latias in addition to the usual egg size and shape, never had any reason to think she'd have much trouble. But two big and oddly shaped eggs...better safe than sorry this time. "Yeah...yeah, I did. Guess this time I'm the one who might need a midwife," she remarked with a smile. "Glad it's you."

Emma could see her friend was distracted. "Me too," she replied with a gentle smile. "What is it, Kera? Is there some reason you don't want me there?"

Kera chuckled lightly. "Eh heh...not that I don't want you there...more that, well, I have this way I deal with the involves masturbation...and a lot of it. I know you know I encourage sexual acts in labor if the patients are okay with it, but I don't want you to come help me if you're not okay with it." In her head, she added, "And I also don't want to ask you to watch me frig myself into oblivion." She had made offers to Emma of being friends with benefits years ago, but Emma refused and Kera had never spoken of them again, not wanting to lose their friendship.

Emma took her friend's hand. "And I would never refuse a friend something that I knew would help ease her pain. I may not be comfortable with sexually pleasuring my patients, but I have taken your lead at times and encouraged them to do so if they felt comfortable. It helps some of them, and for that I am grateful. Besides, it's a natural act. I am not ashamed or disgusted; I'm just not as open about it as you are." Emma kissed Kera's hand. "I love you, Kera. Maybe I don't love you as a romantic partner, but I love you just the same, and I want to hold your hand or hold you, or do whatever you need. You don't have to do this alone. More than that, I don't want you to."

The Latias shivered when Emma kissed her hand, her hormones flaring up again with her sexual thoughts. Then she blinkblinked, needing a minute to digest what Emma told her. Then, surprising herself a little, she actually started tearing up, giving Emma a loud sniffle as she smiled and pulled the human into a tight hug. Not a sexual hug, just a friendly hug...a very friendly hug. "*sniff* Th-Thank you, Emma...mmf, I'm sorry, my hormones are just totally fucked up...but that means so much to me."

Emma returned the hug and held on tightly. "Oh sweetie, I know you'd do the same for me. I'm going to be with you every step of the way, hormones and all," she remarked with a chuckle.

Kera took a few deep breaths before she released Emma from the hug, wiping her eyes and nose on her own sleeve. "Okay...I think I got that out. So...guess we should plan on you joining me for a longer leave than normal in a few weeks, shouldn't we?"

Emma nodded and stroked her friend's back. "We can plan on it. How does this normally go for you? What's it like, I mean? I don't think you've ever described it to me."

"Um...well, it's kinda like labor and birth in my patients, but it goes a fair bit faster. I think the last egg I laid took about...five hours or so from the first contraction I could feel to being ready to lay, and then it was...probably fifteen, twenty minutes to push it out. I, um, kinda lost track of time at that point...I really got into it by then," she explained, fidgeting a little.

Emma took it in, in professional mode at the moment. "And were you in pain at first? What positions do you assume to lay?"

Kera nodded. "Yeah, there was some pain, but it wasn't bad. I just kinda puttered around my house for the first couple of hours and watched some TV, listened to music, and all that. After that I'd start pleasuring myself, usually in my bedroom, but then I took a shower when I started getting really sweaty...."

"And then?"

"Um...then I went back to my TV and actually, um, put in a few movies to help me keep the mood, y'know what I mean?" It was a wonder she wasn't blushing by now, even as open about her sexuality as she was.

Emma nodded, thinking more clinically now. "How do you know when it's time to push? When you're open enough, I mean?"

"It's like...well, by then I was pretty in tune with my body, so it was like, I just knew. Plus, the pressure down there felt different...y'know, all those things our patients say." She was wringing her hands a little bit and starting to blush, though from arousal, not from embarrassment.

Emma assumed the blush was from embarrassment and caught herself. "Of course. Sorry, just curious. One last question: what position do you assume?"

"Usually I get a few towels and stuff on the floor of my bedroom and squat over 'em, sometimes using my bed for leverage and sometimes on one knee, but by then I'm really, really worked up so I just switch positions at will." She giggled a little. "Sometimes I even take a position that makes laying a little harder...."

Emma frowned and smiled, confused. "Like?"

"Like, um, flat on my back, mainly...or if it's more pleasurable than painful, with my hips the egg's going against gravity." The white of her face and neck were now bright pink. "It's...freaky, yes, but...sometimes it just feels so good...."

"Different," Emma acknowledged. "I won't ask you what you fantasize. Truthfully, I see pushing too much like pooping. So not sexy."

Good thing Emma didn't ask, because Kera really didn't want to go into detail about what she could fantasize in mid-laying. "Eh heh...well, um...yeah. That's...that's kinda it."

"Good to know for when the time comes," Emma said. "Where do you want me?"

The Latias didn't have to think about that for long. "Um...well, we'll just see when the time comes, y'know? Ideally, next to me in some way."

"Sounds good," Emma replied, suddenly uncomfortable from all that Kera told her.

Kera nodded, pulling her shorts up and sitting on the side of the bed. "Um...y'know, Emma, when it's time, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do...."

"I know," she agreed. "But the last thing I want is for you to worry about me then."

The Pokémorph smiled at her and rested her hand on Emma's again. "So no pressure on either of us, yeah?"

Emma returned the smile and nodded. "Yeah."

Three weeks later, Kera was once again in Emma's examination room, but this time her normal tummy was swollen with what could be mistaken for a pregnancy close to term with a single baby. Kera, of course, knew that it was caused by her twin irregular eggs, and she did like the attention it gave her: people would look at her as she walked by and would feel her tummy, which made her feel special, especially when children asked to touch it (she of course simply told them that she was pregnant).

Emma entered with her customary pleasant smile, Kera's chart in hand. She knew her friend would lay any day now, and she felt a certain shyness and sense of excitement this time. While she had always cared for Kera during her cycle period and knew what it was all about - biology included - this was the first time she was going to see the process complete itself. "How're you feeling?" She reached for Kera's hand and squeezed.

The Latias smiled back at her friend, resting her other hand on her tummy. "Okay...well, given the circumstances. Feels like there's a steel bar in my hips sometimes and my skin can itch like hell from how fast and how much these cycle eggs grew, and I still get kinda snappy...but I think I'm ready to lay, thank you very much," she answered.

Emma let go of her friend's hand and placed her hand on Kera's abdomen, palpating it to judge the eggs' positions and size. "You look ready," she agreed. "Any contractions yet?"

Kera wriggled a bit from Emma's hand on her stomach. "Mmnope. But I've never been more than one day late, so I think you should be comin' by my place once your shift's over, y'know?" She almost let out a slight trill of pleasure from Emma's touch.

Emma muttered an apology for making Kera uncomfortable and nodded. "I agree. I promise not to fuss at the first pain, but I want to be there ASAP. Have you thought about your, for lack of a better term, birth plan?"

Kera nodded. "Yep. I'd like to be at home if at all possible, and, well, if the pain starts getting the best of me, do what I did before: pleasure myself...which you don't have to help with, most likely."

Emma nodded. "All right. I imagine you have all sorts of ways to alleviate pain," Trent added with a shy grin. "You just do what feels right, but I imagine we have the shower and tub, and some sort of squat will be needed. Does using a squat bar help you, or a stool?"

"Yeah, squatting helps a lot, and for these eggs," she patted her stomach, "I guess I can't screw around this time. Gotta really try, y'know?"

"Yeah," Emma agreed with another nod. "Your body's going to do the work whether you help or not, so you might find yourself pushing when your muscles already are just to preserve your strength. Let them come on their own, y'know? Just hold on to my hand and endure the ride. I'd hate for you to tear."

Kera blushed a bit and scratched the back of her neck. "I know...I'll do my best to just let things happen, but as I've learned from my patients, not pushing when your body's yelling at you to push can be harder than hell." She squeezed Emma's hand as she rubbed her belly. "But I think I can do it with you talking me through it."

"I'd say I empathize with you, but since I've never given birth, I can't," Emma replied with a smile and a shrug. "I know it's hard for all of our patients for sure, but I believe in you, Kera, and I'm going to be with you all the way."

Kera took a deep breath and nodded. "Thanks. It means a lot that you want to be there. It really does," she said with a soft smile.

Emma came up to the door of Kera's townhouse and opened the door with her free hand. Her other hand contained her bag of birth supplies and a deftly juggled birth stool and squat bar that hooked on a bed or that could stand alone on the floor when properly secured on a stand. As they had agreed, the door was unlocked. Emma had been to Kera's home several times, so she wasted no time exploring the Latias's comfortable and tasteful surroundings. "Kera?" she called out, closing the door behind her.

The sound of Kera's voice crying out, "Oh, GO-O-OD!" came to Emma's ears from upstairs, along with loud, straining grunts and, "God, it's so big...Ican'tstopit!"

Panic gripped Emma as she shifted her gear in both hands and raced up the stairs. Her first thought was the labor had hit Kera way too fast for her to call Emma. Bursting into the bedroom gasping for breath, Emma said, "I'm here, hon, I'm he- ohhh my goodness...."

The sight greeting Emma was not Kera squatting over a pile of towels with an egg half out of her, but rather, Kera squatting over a football-sized and -shaped plastic egg on her bed, most of one end thrusted into her sex as her juices drooled down its sides. In front of her, her bedroom TV was playing a recording of an iguana woman in the middle of laying an egg with the help of a Komodo dragon man, grunting hoarsely. Emma had saddle-attacked Kera in mid-fantasizing. The Latias cracked open an eye and froze at seeing her friend in the doorway, her whole head and neck turning a lovely shade of pink. "...Um...y-you're...early...."

Emma instinctively turned away out of embarrassment and was equally embarrassed when she ended up facing the TV with the interesting scene. "Um...yeah, guess so. Sorry."

Kera shivered at the feeling of the fake egg still in her sex and the sound of the recording. "Mmf...y-you...gimmeafew?" she babbled, sweat beading on her brow.

Emma bit her lip. She was embarrassed and at the same time fascinated by her friend's open and raw sexuality. "Can I stay and help?" Trent pointed to the TV. "You her?" She was trying to get a feel for what was going on so she could help.

Kera gulped and nodded. "Y-Yeah...kinda...just helps me focus..." she breathed, removing the egg from her crotch at feeling her sexual buzz start to die. "I seeing people...give birth...y'know?"

Emma didn't know exactly. She had seen many give birth before, and although she never tired of the magic of it, she never considered the sexual undertones. "Don't stop...I mean, if it helps you prepare, I guess I need to be prepared too, right? Especially this aspect. Wanna start over? Maybe a rehearsal'd be good for us."

The Latias panted a few times and widened her eyes at Emma's suggestion. "Um...well...the contractions aren't so bad yet...I'm really just having fun now," she said, patting her tummy. " fact, there's one now."

Emma's eyebrows arched and she dropped her gear on the dresser, coming forward to feel Kera's belly. The telltale hardening was there, signaling a contraction. "When did they start and how far apart are they?"

Kera smiled at the feeling of her friend's hand on her belly again, taking slow breaths. "Couple hours' irregular, 'bout five, six minutes apart..." she answered.

"I suppose you didn't want to worry me or be interrupted," Emma said casually as she retreated to the bathroom next door to wash her hands. "But I meant what I said: if this will help you open up, I'll play along. I need to be prepared for your...creativity, right?" she asked, returning.

Kera nodded. "Mm, yeah...didn't see any need to call you over when I could handle 'em okay, and given how I liked to deal with 'em...cuz, um, sometimes they press on a sensitive nerve," she said, her blush returning as her belly continued to tighten.

Emma resisted the urge to laugh uncomfortably. "I'm a professional and I need to get used to the unexpected, so please, teach me. Um...had you pushed that out that much already? Do you wanna start over?"

"Um, no, it was more like penetrating myself with it...trying to imagine laying being more pleasurable than painful." Kera looked down at the fake egg as her contraction passed, her sexual juices glistening on the plastic object.

Emma nodded. "I see. So want to try again?"

Kera nodded. " you really want'd help if you got into it, told me to vocalize what it's like...I can get a little wordy sometimes when I'm turned on."

Emma nodded. "Um, okay." Trent couldn't believe what she was about to do, but she was also curious about it. "Can you restart the tape?"

The Latias leaned back and took a remote control from her nightstand, hitting the rewind button. "H-How about you check me while we wait? I swear, I'll try to think of it professionally...."

"Sure," Emma agreed, grateful to be able to focus on work at the moment. As she donned gloves, minus lubricant because she knew Kera was slick already, she said, "Remember what we said about no pressure? I can deal with arousal as long as my friend isn't in pain."

"I remember. Just clearing my conscience a little more." She lay on her back and spread her legs for Emma to check her.

Emma gently inserted a finger into Kera's folds and was surprised she could fit an additional finger in. Sweeping her fingers inside, she replied, "You're not thinned out much, but you're two centimeters dilated already."

Kera nodded, taking a deep breath to try to focus just on her arousal and not on Emma's fingers, which was nearly impossible with how sexed-up she was even though her fantasizing had been interrupted. "Okay...good...remember, I go to eleven centimeters, not ten...."

Emma removed her fingers carefully and snapped off her gloves, discarding them in the wastebasket near the door. "What now?"

Kera shifted a little and looked at her TV. "Um, I think it's about maybe you should sit down or something," she said, taking the egg back in her hands.

"Behind you as you squat?" Emma suggested. She wanted to simulate as close to the real thing as possible. "Unless when the time comes, you want me just to observe...."

"N-No, when the time comes, I want you to be right here with me. I'm going to need it." Kera put the egg between her legs as she sat on her shins. "If you can hit the play button...."

Emma took the remote from the nightstand before removing her shoes and climbing behind Kera as she knelt over the egg. She rubbed her friend's shoulders in reassurance. With a deep breath, Emma hit the play button on the remote. "Just let it come."

The video started with the iguana woman squatting over a pile of towels, her legs spread and the male Komodo dragon supporting her from behind and licking her face as she groaned and periodically held her breath, her tail flicking. "Ooh yeah, come on, push that egg out," Kera groaned, rubbing the egg against her sex.

"Don't fight the pressure," Emma crooned, trying to hide her uncertainty with playing along. Instinctively, she continued to rub Kera's shoulders.

The Latias turned the egg so its point was pushing into her folds, she breathing heavily. "Mmf, yeah, egg's coming, egg's coming," she purred. The iguana's lips pulled back to show her teeth as she grabbed the Komodo's hands, a bit of fluid dripping from her sex.

"Let your body open up, Kera. You have nothing to fear."

Kera leaned her head back on Emma's shoulder, continuing to take deep breaths as she masturbated. "N-Nothing to fear...egg will come...."

The komodo purred to the iguana, "That's it, little bit at a time, egg's coming."

Emma brushed Kera's forehead. "If you want, try a little push. It's okay to practice, just not too hard, okay? It's not time for you."

Kera nodded and opened her legs a little more, pushing her body down to let the egg slip in a little further. "Ooh...ggh!" she grunted, shivering.

"Good girl," Emma encouraged. "Don't fight it. Let the pain come."

Now the camera moved to show the tip of the iguana's egg emerging from her sex as her contraction ended and she gasped for breath, her hand going between her legs and stroking the point. "OhhhGod...what I wouldn't be at her laying..." Kera murmured.

Emma laughed. "You'll be at your own soon enough. Tell me what you're feeling right now. Verbalize it."

"'s like...laying in reverse..." she panted, moving her body up and down as she kept the back of her head against Emma's shoulder, resisting the urge to kiss her cheek. "It's stretching my labia so...deliciously...."

Emma nodded. "Let your body open, feel the egg drift downward, slowly increasing the pressure."

"Hahh...aaah...." The faint sound of the egg slurping in and out of Kera's sex filled the room along with the sounds of the laying reptiles from the TV as the scene jumped forward to the iguana pushing again, the egg slowly widening her.

"That's it, Kera, puuush," Emma crooned low in her throat. "Let it open you up. Puuush right down into your bottom. Let that egg open you up."

Kera finally lowered herself as much as she dared onto her fake egg, enveloping it almost to its widest diameter as she started to cry and grunt out her orgasm, her juices again dribbling out of the seal her nethers created around it.

Emma had become completely absorbed by that point. "Talk to me."

"GgghIcan't! Toobig!" she shouted, wriggling and turning the egg to rub it all around her birth canal. The iguana's egg was approaching its own widest diameter, and she clenched the Komodo's hands so tightly her knuckles started to turn red and her whole body trembled.

"Stop pushing," Emma said huskily. "Wait until the pressure builds again and let me know when you have to push." She held out her hand for Kera to take. "We'll do it together, but until it's time, look into my eyes."

One of Kera's hands left the egg and took Emma's hand, keeping the egg in her as her body shook with her orgasm. She opened her amber eyes and looked into Emma's blue ones.

For long moments, all that could be heard was Kera's ragged breathing. Emma paused the video so the iguana was in mid-shake. "She looks constipated," Emma remarked with a shy grin. "Is that what it feels like to push?"

Kera looked at the video and chuckled shakily, slowly moving her body up to slip the egg out of her, setting the now-slippery egg aside. "Heheh...well...we tell 'em's like having a bowel movement...for a reason," she murmured, relaxing back against Emma.

Emma chuckled, surprised to find herself sweating a little. "I think we're ready for the real deal. I don't want you pushing like that 'til it's time. Do you think you'll want to push like this?"

"I really won't know...until I get there." Kera slowly moved to lie on her side, one hand on her tummy and the other still holding Emma's. "Thanks a lot for...understanding."

"Anytime," Emma answered, moving to sit in front of Kera. "Thanks for sharing that with me."

"Oh, I'm gonna...mmf." Kera rubbed her stomach as another contraction started, she trying to talk through it. "I'm gonna show you more."

"Just breathe," Emma encouraged, stroking her friend's abdomen with her.

Kera breathed slowly and deeply, focusing on something other than the tightening. "Mm...s'gonna be hours yet 'fore I can push."

"So how do you ride it out?"

"Hoo...focus on something else. Talk to myself. Walk around. Masturbate later on," Kera rattled off, kneading her friend's hand.

"Hoh-kay," Emma replied with a chuckle.

About two hours later, Kera was feeling restless, so she was trying to walk around and be active. At the moment, she was doing dishes at her sink, now wearing blue jean shorts and a white pajama shirt that nicely showed off her belly's curve. "Are you sure you're not hungry? We have time to eat."

The brunette shook her head. "No, thanks. I'm too excited to eat, but you go ahead. You'll need the energy. Remember to keep it light, though. I'm not sure I could catch the egg and hold your hair back as you lost your lunch at the same time," she added with a grin.

The Latias chuckled. "Good thing I don't have hair," she replied, looking upward as she set a dish in the rack, "and I'm not hungry. 'M too excited too...for now."

The slip of the tongue was testament to how excited Emma was. "Anything I can do for you now?"

Kera shrugged. "I dunno, you're doing a lot just by hangin' out with me, rub my shoulders?" she murmured, her face going into a concentrating stare.

Emma could tell Kera was in the midst of a contraction, so walked over and began rubbing her shoulders. "Just breathe."

Kera took a deep breath and started to scrub another plate. "Mm...come on, come on out," she said to herself.

"They getting stronger?" Trent asked, continuing to rub Kera's shoulders.

"Yeah," Kera answered, staying calm with Emma's rubbing and calming voice.

"That's good," Emma crooned. "It means you're making progress. Do what you need, Kera. I'm just here to help."

Kera had to close her eyes for a few seconds, but she kept her focus on something other than the pain by continuing to blindly scrub until the contraction dwindled. She let out a cleansing breath and opened her eyes again. "M'kay."

Emma rubbed Kera's shoulders a final time for the moment and smiled. "You're doing great. Feeling any pressure yet?"

Kera took a second to consider, rubbing the bottom of her belly with a wet hand. "Mm...just a little. Still have a while to go yet, I think."

Emma nodded. "You can do it. Just let me know what you need. Lots of options for labor around here."

The Latias scratched her tummy and stretched a little. "I know. Just gets hard to deal with the anxiety sometimes."

"I still can't believe you've been doing this alone. I know you're a professional and all, but every time I thought of you doing this by yourself, I just...I hated it."

Kera smiled back at Emma. "It wasn't that hard. Honest. Annoying at times, but until now I never thought I'd need help. I'm glad I picked you," she said with a hug.

Emma returned the hug. "From here on, you got me."

Kera released Emma from the hug after a few seconds and sighed. "Now I'm all antsy...I wanna go for a walk."

Emma nodded. "Okay. Should I bring my stuff just in case?"

"If you wanna., maybe you should give me another check...I don't think it'll be needed."

"All right," Trent agreed. "It's just, you're the expert here. And if things go faster for subsequent layings like they do for most of our births, I don't want to be unprepared if you can't make it back. Let's get you someplace private."

Kera smiled at her friend and walked to her living room floor, sitting down and lying back. "We're in my own home. Can't get much more private."

Emma chuckled. "I was thinking away from the kitchen window and into your bedroom or bathroom, unless you want to do it here?"

"Oh, pfft. There's no one here, and frankly, when I'm in labor such as it is I'm not too concerned for modesty. Just check me quick so we can walk, please."

"Of course," she agreed. Emma pulled her pair of spare gloves from her pocket and put them on. She then pulled Kera's shorts down just enough to examine her. Out of habit, she covered Kera's private areas with the t-shirt Kera wore as best as she could. Inserting her fingers once more, she was surprised to find she could fit four fingers in, and that Kera's cervix was thinning beautifully. "Four centimeters and counting. You're thinning out as planned as well."

Kera's eyebrows rose. "Four centimeters?? Whoa...I am cruisin'!" she quipped cheerfully as she patted her tummy. "I knew walking and being active would help!"

Emma grinned, easing the shorts back up and snapping off her gloves. "Of course it did. You've done this enough times to know!" She offered her hand to help Kera up. "Let me at least grab some more gloves and some water for you, okay?"

Kera nodded and pulled herself to her feet with Emma's help, refastening her shorts. "Okay. Let me get my shoes on."

While Kera found her shoes, Emma returned to the kitchen and grabbed two bottles of water. She then ran upstairs and collected her box of rubber gloves from her birthing kit, and contemplated bringing the whole thing with her. It was no secret Emma didn't like being as spontaneous as Kera, especially when it came to her work. She did not want to deliver Kera in the middle of the neighborhood with nothing but gloves and water, but at the same time, she knew she had to trust Kera and her sense of her body. In the end, Trent returned with just the gloves and water. "Ready?" she asked as she came down the stairs.

Kera, who had to sit down to be able to tie her shoes, nodded with a grumble. "As sexy as this tummy is...and as fun as it can be despite itself at times...I will be happy to be able to tie my shoes in less than a minute again," she replied, giggling and standing back up. "We won't go too far. Just around the block, then see how I feel."

"Sounds good." Emma opened the front door and offered her arm to Kera. "Tying shoes isn't all it's cracked up to be."

Kera linked her arm in Emma's and stepped outside, taking a deep breath. "Ahh...thank Ho-Oh for nice weather," she mused as she started walking slowly. It was almost four in the evening, and the sun was just starting to set.

Emma took her own deep breath and tried to focus on the scenery, even though her own heart was beating fast. She'd attended hundreds of births, but with Kera, it was like starting all over again. "Good girl, ride it out."

The Latias looked over at Emma with a smile as they left the driveway. "'re such a good friend...I'm so lucky to have you with me...not someone who'd make me go to a hospital whether I want to or not...."

Emma smiled and patted her arm as they walked. "I know I can't make you do anything, Kera, but I won't lie. As much as I believe in your birthing abilities thanks to all my experience, like any other midwife, my priority is your health. We'd go to the hospital if need be, but we'd do it together."

Kera giggled a little. "I know, I know. It's my priority too. But as I tell all my patients, a mother should be able to birth anyplace safe, comfortable, and familiar. Sometimes that is a hospital."

"Agreed," Emma replied with satisfaction. She was not simply a stick in the mud. "I am wondering what happens with these cycle eggs. Would they break during the birth? I know they're unfertilized, so what happens to them?"

Kera shook her head. "Breaking them should be a last resort. The shell fragments can and probably will cut the birth canal. And they're harder than they look. They aren't like chicken eggs. These big ones, though, are probably even harder."

"So they won't break, that's good to know. What do you do with them once they're laid? And I know there's no placenta to deal with, but what about some kind of afterbirth?"

"Since they don't contain a living embryo that needs to hatch, they have a pretty thick shell, so I can only really break them open if I, like, dropped them on concrete a couple times. And," She rubbed the bottom of her belly.

Emma unlinked her arm and pulled Kera to her with her arm wrapped around Kera's shoulder for comfort. "Let me know if you want to try a new position, okay? Just slow, easy breaths."

Kera nodded, rubbing her belly and breathing slowly. "Mmm...mmm...."

"That's it. Let the pain wash over you."

Kera closed her eyes as she put her other arm around Emma's shoulder. "Mmm...hooo...." She kept up her breathing until the contraction passed and she nodded. "M'kay...walking definitely helps."

Emma gave Kera a light squeeze. "They definitely seem stronger and a bit closer."

Kera gently nuzzled her friend's face, hoping she wasn't being too bold. "They are. Trust me. But I promise I won't touch myself until we get home," she said with a wink.

Emma found herself snuggling closer. "Would it help to do it now?"

"It'd help to do it anytime...but I try to hold out as long as I can. Makes it all the sweeter when I do it." She linked her arm in Emma's again and continued walking.

Trent frowned. "But how does it help when pushing exactly? I would think your muscles would tighten during the very time you want them relaxed."

"It's like...sexual pleasure helps assay the pain of contractions and pushing. It gives me something else to focus on. At the same time, it helps my body muscles relax and let the egg come at its own pace. I should show you that website I keep talking about," she rambled, blushing slightly with arousal.

"Don't get me wrong, I get it in theory. But climaxing involves an increase in muscular tension, so I assume it's a fine balance," she replied.

Kera shrugged. "I dunno...for me, it works and works well, and I sure as hell am not complaining. But, um, you wanted to know what I do with my usual cycle eggs.'s a little embarrassing...."

"You don't have to tell me, Kera," she began.

"You should know, it might become relevant. I keep them and hard-boil them for future...use," Kera almost mumbled.

"Future...use?" Emma echoed.

Kera was silent, letting Emma figure it out on her own.

Soon they came to the playground, where Kera smiled at the kids of diverse species monkeying about. "They're so goofy...."

Emma had long since given up on trying to figure out what else Kera did when no one was watching. For the moment, she focused on the present. "They are. Oh to be so lucky, eh?"

"Yup. Makes ya long to have one of your own...just a little," Kera said with a pat of her tummy. She wanted to keep her distance from the kids, not wanting to upset them with being in labor. "Eh heh, but I'm still young."

"And I'm old and decrepit?" Emma asked, chuckling.

"Haha, no, you know what I mean." She started to continue walking but grunted and quickly moved behind a big pine tree, hiding her from view so the kids wouldn't see her.

Emma followed her easily and as they crouched behind the tree together, Trent whispered, "It's okay, love. We should probably head back but for now, let's squat here. Let it open up."

Kera nodded and moved herself to squat, putting her palms on her knees and using Emma to keep her weight centered as she breathed. "Ooh...yeahhh...that's it..." she vocalized.

This close to children, Emma didn't want to examine Kera, but she could tell just by Kera's vocals that the laboring woman was progressing. Trent rubbed Kera's back as she rocked slightly. "The egg's gonna drop just as soon as you open up, Kera."

Kera closed her eyes and focused on the feeling of her eggs pressing down against her cervix. "Yeahhh...cooome onnnn...."

"Feel anything?" Emma had nothing but Kera's judgment to go by at the moment.

Kera nodded, wiping her slightly sweaty forehead on her sleeve. "Little pressure...not too"

"Want to try an experimental push to se where we are? Something small."

The Latias gulped and gave a little push, flinching and hissing through her teeth. "Mm, nopushing...notopen...."

"Okay, Kera, that's good, we've got some time. But I can tell by your vocals the egg is dropping down. When this one's over, shall we go home?"

"Hoo, hoo, hoooo...y-yeah. Bettergohome." She gave a few more pants and reached back for Emma's hands, hefting herself up.

Emma helped the Latias up and eased her first steps. "You okay?"

Kera let out another deep breath and nodded, wiping her forehead again. "Mm hmm...just ready to get more comfortable." She walked at Emma's side, holding the human's hand.

"We can see to that," Trent replied, handing Kera some water. "I'm not going anywhere."

Kera gulped down the water. "Thanks." The two walked past the playground, Kera trying to appear composed and hoping the kids wouldn't want to run up and touch her belly.

Once the kids were behind them, Emma asked, "Anything I need to know about the birth you haven't told me?"

The other woman shook her head as they approached the bridge over a small creek. "I don't think so. Lemme see...I masturbate, I move around, I do what feels best...."

"And after you lay? Is there something resembling afterbirth or does the next egg follow suit?"

Kera took a moment to consider Emma's question. "I, um...I've never had more than one at a time. There's kind of a discharge, yes, but nothing like a placenta. And I think they said that if I have multiple eggs, they're laid about a day apart."

"All right, love," Emma answered with a smile. "Let it be our adventure."

As soon as they stepped inside Kera's door again, the Latias took off her shirt and threw it on a chair. "Hope you don't mind my immodesty...but I'm a little warm."

"Not at all," Emma returned. "Maybe a shower's in order?"

Kera smiled and nodded. "I am getting a little sweaty..." she said as she ascended the stairs with her friend, unbuttoning her shorts.

Emma followed Kera, patting her back. "The water should relax you, most definitely. I can give you privacy if you'd like some relief."

Kera nodded again as they entered her bathroom, pushing down her shorts and underwear, nude in front of her friend again. "You only have to leave if it makes you uncomfortable."

Emma blushed. "The only way I'd feel uncomfortable is because I'd be spying on your intimate moments."

"Well, life doesn't get much more intimate than during labor and birth. I know these eggs aren't fertile, but they're- ggh," she grunted, leaning against the sink and panting.

Emma rushed forward, instantly supporting her friend. "More pressure, I see. It's all good, love. Your body's doing all that it needs."

Kera's arm shook as it inched towards her belly. She couldn't resist masturbating for long, but she didn't want to make Emma leave. "Mmf...owowow...hahhh...y-yeah...."

"Go for it," Emma returned, nervous, but not wanting to see her friend in pain. "Squat down here if you like."

Kera nodded and placed her hand between her legs, gingerly touching herself and moaning, remaining upright. "Mmyeah...hooh...." Emma kept Kera upright, unsure of what to do next. The Latias morph began to pant at the mix of intensifying pain and pleasure, slowly rubbing at her slit as sweat beaded on her face and she let out little whimpers. "H-Helpmesquat...." Emma did as Kera asked. Thankfully, the sink gave Kera something to hang onto as Emma helped Kera into a deeper squat. Emma remained behind her and continued to rub her shoulders. "Th-Thanks," Kera breathed as she continued to rub herself, eventually letting out a deep breath and nodding. "Okay...we are definitely moving along...."

"You're doing great," Emma replied. "I'm just wondering if you'll be able to stay upright in the shower? I'd hate for you to slip."

Kera gulped. "Good point...I'll sit...or stay on my knees," she said. "C-Can you check me?"

"Sure." Emma set Kera down gently to her knees and reached for the box of gloves she'd tossed aside hastily when they'd entered the bathroom. Putting on a pair and moving so she was before Kera, Emma helped her get into a tall kneel. "Ready?"

Kera nodded and spread her legs a little, taking another deep breath. "She's just checking you...not touching you...she's off limits..." she mentally reminded herself.

Emma once again inserted her fingers into Kera's opening and was surprised to find she was almost completely effaced and six centimers dilated. "How's six and 75% effaced?" she asked with a grin.

Kera chuckled, grinning. "S-Six, huh...okay...might not take as long as I thought...."

Emma smiled. "Well, your body knows what to do and you're quite relaxed. The second phase could be a bit more challenging given size and shape of the eggs."

Kera nodded again, a bit torn between fear and arousal. "Right...guess I should shower now then." She stood up with a grunt and reached into the shower, turning it on.

"Will you be okay?" Emma asked. "I don't want you to slip."

Kera smiled at Emma, feeling the water warm up to her liking and stepping into the shower. "I'll be fine...just go like this, I will," she chirped, lowering herself down to her shins and sighing happily from the feeling of the warm water on her skin.

Emma nodded. "Okay. I'll wait downstairs. We should develop a code word if you need me or I don't misunderstand again."

"If you wanna. Help yourself to whatever you want," Kera said as she reached for a bottle of the skin moisturizer she used in lieu of shampoo. "Code about banana?"

Emma chuckled. "Okay. I just figured you'd want some time alone."

The Latias looked over at Emma with a smile again, a bit of longing in her eyes. "It is...kinda nice to have you with me, but yeah, I can get pretty wild in my fantasies."

Emma hesitated. "Would you like me to stay?"

"Only if you want to stay, but from here on in, I'm more than likely going to be...well, having my hands down there," she said with a slight blush.

Emma nodded. "Well, I need to set up my stuff up here, so I'll leave you be. You do want to lay in your bedroom, right?"

Kera nodded. "I do, yeah. But feel free to go wherever you want," she began as she rubbed some of the moisturizer on her chest, letting out a sound like purring. "You are a most honored guest in my home."

Emma grinned. "I thank you, dear."

An hour and a half later, Kera, her skin wrinkled and having brought herself to several intensely satisfying orgasms, called out, "Banana," in a bit of a breathless voice.

Emma had long since been done setting up in the bedroom and had gone downstairs to the kitchen and living room to tidy things up. It was her own nesting instinct come to life. She'd done her best to ignore Kera's cries of pleasure in favor of a more discreet approach, but upon hearing the code word, she remembered. Trent came upstairs and into the bathroom. "How're you feeling?"

Kera had turned the shower off and was sitting against the shower wall, looking more than a little out of breath as she panted slowly, a slight grin on her face. "I think...I've gotta be almost there...check me?" she purred, her eyes half lidded.

"Let's get you out of the shower first, okay?" Emma grabbed a towel and after wrapping it around Kera helped her out. "Are you feeling pressure to push?"

She stood on shaky, rubbery legs. "Little more pressure, yeah...might not have to push this one out...might come on its own..." she murmured.

"That'd be great," Emma answered, steadying Kera. "Has that happened before?"

"Few times...can't control it, really...but that's half the fun," Kera remarked as she stumbled into her bedroom and sat on the bed.

Emma smirked, then prepared to do the exam. "I suppose." The Latias lay on her back and spread her legs. Anyone with even the slightest familiarity with the female anatomy would be able to recognize that the redness of her crotch had nothing to do with her naturally red skin; as was typical, Kera's progress was becoming more visible to the naked eye. "Looks like your body's getting prepared on schedule," Emma remarked. She frowned upon inserting her fingers. "You're completely effaced, but still at six. Not to worry, though. It could take some time for you to open fully."

Kera merfed and looked over her tummy at Emma, her brow furrowing. She was having a lot of fun, yeah, but she didn't want it to take too long. "Oh well...guess I better try something else."

Emma was curious. "Like?" She removed her gloves and tossed them in the trash.

"Well, walking helped, but I don't wanna make myself too something like walking up stairs, just standing around, or...well, dancing a little," she said as she sat back up.

Emma grinned. "Dancing could be fun for you!"

Kera giggled and stood back up. "Think I'll start with stairs...kay?" she asked, not really waiting for an answer as she walked to the door.

"Be careful," Emma reminded, following Kera out.

"Sure sure, nice and easy." Kera kept a hand on the handrail as she started to descend the stairs, feeling the eggs jostle about in her uterus and put a bit more pressure on her cervix. Emma could do nothing but watch and wait, her nervous energy expended from her cleaning. It didn't take long for Kera to stop and turn to face the wall, her hands gripping the handrail and she taking deep breaths. "Mm...comeon, comeon...."

Emma made no move for the moment, but offered her encouragement. "That's good, let it build. You want it to build."

"Y-Yeah...ohhGod..." Kera moaned, leaning her forehead against the wall, one hand reaching back for Emma's.

Emma came forward and took Kera's hand in hers, smoothing her thumb across the skin. "Want to squat?"

"Y-Yeah...mmmf...." She started to pant, her other hand gripping the handrail harder.

Emma came forward and eased Kera into a squat like before, her own cheek pressed against Kera's. "If you want, hold on with both hands. I won't let you fall."

Kera reached back and took Emma's other hand, nuzzling Emma's cheek and moaning. "Ohhh...ughhh...guh...c-comeonnn...."

Emma made sure to support Kera fully so she could feel confident she wasn't going anywhere as the contraction crested. "That's it, love, just ride the wave." She readjusted her grips as Kera's palms felt slick.

"Ggh...hahhh..." she grunted, bobbing her body up and down slowly, trying not to squeeze Emma's hand too tightly. Her body shook a little as she felt an egg press against her cervix.

Emma moved with her, but held her securely as she rode out the contraction. "I know it's more painful than you're used to, hon, but let your body do its work. It's okay to stay vocal if it helps."

The Latias morph released one of Emma's hands and brought her own back down to her slit, tracing her fingertips around her nethers in an effort to have pleasure offset the pain. "Ohhyeah...that's it...ohhhyeah..." she breathed.

Feeling a bit awkward despite how much she knew Kera needed pain relief at that moment, Emma decided she'd take the opportunity now that she had a free hand to see if she could assess Kera's progress. Placing her hand against Kera's now taut abdomen, she tried to gauge if the egg had shifted at all. "Try to stay relaxed, Kera," she soothed. "Even if you cum, you need to let your body stay open."

Kera gulped as the contraction started to fade, trying to just ride a wave of pleasure rather than make herself cum. She moved her hand away and felt her own belly with Emma. "" she breathed.

Emma smiled wanly and gave Kera's hand a squeeze. "I'm spoiling your fun, aren't I?"

She chuckled lightly. "N-Not really...good thing you're straight, or I'd make out with you right here and now..." she breathed, reaching up to wipe some sweat off her forehead.

Emma chuckled as she gently palpated Kera's abdomen, which was slowly softening as the contraction passed. "It seems as though the first egg isn't quite in the right position yet. If I had to guess, I'd say it was sideways. It could take a while, Kera. Do you want to think about switching positions?"

Kera gulped and pressed on her own abdomen to confirm what Emma said. "Y-Yeah...I'm kinda...tired from the shower...can we lie down?"

"Sure thing," Emma replied. "Contraction over?" It would be much easier to move while Kera wasn't in pain.

Kera nodded. "Y-Yeah. now I'd usually be pushing..." she murmured as she pulled herself back to her feet, breathing heavily as she climbed the stairs back to her bedroom.

Emma followed behind her just in case another contraction hit. "Well, like we said, each egg is bigger and more oddly shaped, so this time it was bound to be different." She rubbed Kera's shoulders. "You're doing beautifully. I'm not going to let anything happen to you, I promise."

The Latias smiled, blushing faintly. "Th-Thanks...I know you won't..." she breathed, soon climbing into her bed and lying on her side, resting her head on a pillow and closing her eyes.

"I'm going to go get you something to drink. Can't have you getting dehydrated," Trent added. "Feel up to eating something at all?"

Kera shook her head. "Drink is good...but I can't eat now." She was already calming down from the comforting softness of the mattress.

Emma nodded. "Okay, love. Are you feeling nauseous right now? Should I get a bucket just in case?" Emma knew intense labor pain could induce vomiting, and Kera was in more pain than usual this time around.

Kera nodded. "A little...but I think I'm just dizzy from masturbating so much...better safe than sorry, y'know?" she replied with a smirk.

Trent nodded once more. "I'll grab a trashcan just in case and be right back. You rest." Emma took one last look at Kera before heading down the stairs to the kitchen. She picked up the small trashcan under the sink, emptied it, and then retrieved a glass of fruit juice and a straw. Carefully balancing each as she ascended the stairs, Emma offered the glass to Kera, saying, "I thought you could use the sugar in the juice for the energy."

Kera reached for the glass and sipped on the straw. "'re a miracle-worker, Emma...people ask me why I don't have a string of kids...why don't you?"

Emma placed the trashcan beside the bed and smiled at her friend wistfully. "I'm married to my work, I suppose. I'm old-fashioned too. I want a husband first, and then a family."

The Latias nodded and turned to set the glass on her nightstand. "Yeah...I want a real family of my own too. That is, someone to act as the father if not really the father. Mm, I mean, if I wound up with a woman!" she corrected herself with a chuckle, trying to stay positive.

"I understand," Emma replied. "Do you feel your biological clock ticking like humans do?"

"Every creature capable of bearing young has a biological clock, Emma. Some are just better at ignoring it than others...but I need someone I can fall in love with, not just have a fling with." She reached for Emma's hand. "It might be the hormones talking, but if you weren't straight, I'd seriously consider dating you...."

Emma blushed. "If I weren't straight, I think we'd be married by now. Think about it: no one understands my passion for this work better than you. I'm actually a little jealous. How does it feel to experience this miracle every year? Granted, this must be a lot scarier since this is quite a bit more effort."

Kera matched Emma's blush. " really makes me appreciate it even more than I used to. It gives me a firsthand look at what my patients are experiencing. It's...different, yeah, since these eggs don't contain an embryo I plan to raise, but...mmf...I'm getting all poetic in labor," she said, sticking her tongue out.

Emma chuckled. "Sappiness I can handle," she remarked as she patted Kera's hand. "Feeling any more pressure than before? I think if you stay relaxed like this, we'll be ready to push in no time."

Kera nodded. "I can feel the egg...well, one of them, more than before. But, um, there is one way I can relax." She pointed to her TV. "There's some videos in the top right drawer of my's marked 'active.' Find it?"

"Sure," Emma replied, suddenly feeling just a bit more apprehensive. She found the video easily enough and slipped it into the VCR. "Another birth video?"

Kera nodded again, turning to face the TV, keeping her head on the pillow. "Seeing is believing...those are some clips of mothers in active labor...helps me stay calm to watch them do it."

"All right." Before pressing play, Emma said, "Listen, I know I said you don't want to get too tense by masturbating, but a little might help to jumpstart things again. After all, sex is good for inducing labor in humans, and any sort of lubrication will help the egg pass, so if you want, you can see where it goes."

Kera took a deep breath and nodded. "C-Can you start it?" she asked, resting a hand on her belly and smiling up at her friend.

Without a word, Emma pressed play. She sat on the end of the bed where she could keep an eye on Kera as well as the video. It was not the kind of thing she considered arousing and she did feel a bit awkward being there as her friend pleasured herself, but she reminded herself it was a legitimate way to jumpstart labor and reduce pain, and if it was good enough for Kera, she would trust Kera's judgment.

The video opened with a clip of a large (in both belly and overall size) grizzly bear woman in a hospital bed, gripping the bed's handrails and breathing heavily as a male grizzly rubbed her back and encouraged her. Kera chuckled lightly. "She's having twins...she's one helluva woman."

"I'll say," Emma replied. "I'm surprised you have hospital birth scenes, though."

"It's all good with me, Emma," Kera said as she reached down between her legs again, but merfed and instead reached for Emma's hand. "Mm, contraction...." Emma took Kera's hand in hers and placed her other hand on her abdomen. She could tell just by touch the contraction was building. The Latias breathed through pursed lips, whining lightly from the egg poking at her sides. "Mm, come on and turn, baby..." she murmured as she kept her eyes on the TV.

Emma blushed somewhat before saying, "If you think it'll help, go for it. I'll stay right here."

Kera nodded and pushed a finger into herself, moaning in both pain and pleasure, but mostly in pain. "Come on, turn so I can lay you, baby," she said breathily to herself, having to close her eyes, her hand kneading Emma's.

"Can you feel the egg?" Emma whispered. She was beginning to think an orgasm just might help her shift the egg if Emma added enough counter pressure on the outside.

Kera nodded but couldn't verbally respond to the question as she hissed from the pain. "T-Talktome," she whispered back, breathing heavily as she touched herself.

"About what?" Emma asked, unsure of what she was asking.

"ThatI'mnotdoingitwrong!" she yelped as she pushed another finger inside herself, her body shaking.

With one hand, Emma felt for the egg and began to apply some counter pressure to begin the turn, and with the other still holding onto Kera's hand, she began to offer words of comfort. "Everything's going as it should, Kera. You're bringing that egg down with every contraction, and with each one, you're starting to feel more and more pressure on your cervix. Pretty soon, you're going to feel yourself open even more. Just think how good it will feel to puuush."

Kera paused her whimpering to purr briefly as images of her pushing shot through her head. "Y-Yes...ohhLugiayes..." she moaned as she buried her face in the pillow, imagining that the pillow was the face of a lover comforting her as she started to fantasize again about pushing out an egg containing a living embryo.

Emma continued to apply pressure, feeling the egg slowly turn. "The burn you feel isn't painful, it excites you. You're excited because you know the egg is coming, Kera. All you have to do is let it. Feel it drop, drop, drop. You're ready to puush soon. Just like relieving yourself, you can't fight it."

Emma's goading was all Kera needed to tense up and release Emma's hand, gripping the sheets and stiffening as she cried out into the pillow, her hand between her legs furiously stroking her walls as she came at the height of the contraction.

Emma took her hand from Kera's abdomen for the time being and stood still, not sure what to do or say...except finally, "Good girl, Kera."

Kera slowly drifted down from the height of her intense orgasm, looking up at Emma with half-lidded eyes. "Thanks," she breathed, as she settled back in to watch the video.

Two hours later, Kera was still lying on her side. She'd shifted positions when she needed a change of pace, all trying to move the egg to face down, as it was supposed to. Her contractions had picked up in frequency and intensity, and she'd been checked several times, but the answer was always the same six centimeters, and she was starting to get frustrated with the egg's reluctance to turn. Every contraction, Emma would turn it slightly, then it would slip back, but each time, it would stay a little more turned. Kera could see that this egg would take even more effort and endurance than she expected. Now, breathing heavily, she hugged her pillow against her chest, nearly curled around her belly.

Emma offered Kera more juice in effort to maintain her strength. "I know it's slow going, but you are making progress. Maybe you'd like to try walking or sitting on the commode? Gravity might help bring it down, and on the commode, you'd have long term, stable support."

Kera gulped down the juice gratefully and nodded. "Can...can we use...thebirthstool?" she breathed. She was exhausted from bringing herself to so many orgasms, and while they helped with the pain immensely, her sexual energies were finally running on low.

"Good idea," Emma agreed. She returned to the corner of the room where she had moved her gear in the last hour. She pulled out the birth stool and fluffed its thin layer of comfort padding. "Should we sit here or move to the bathroom where the tile is? I have towels we can put down if you want to stay here."

The Latias pushed herself to sit up, looking down at her belly and prodding it. Over the course of the last hour, she could swear she saw it change shape slightly even when she wasn't contracting. "W-We can move..." she replied.

Emma nodded. "We can put the chair just inside the bathroom so you can still see the TV," she said as she moved to set the stool in the bathroom. The birth stool looked like a minimalist's potty chair, with its simple frame sitting low to the ground and its wide opening. The U-shaped opening mirrored a toilet seat, except it was wide enough for Emma to bring her hands underneath it to catch a descending baby, or in this case, an egg. Its design was meant to promote faster and more comfortable birthing because sitting on it allowed a mother to make ample use of gravity if she was too tired to squat, and it provided a smoother passage for the offspring during birth.*

"'Sokay...I don't need it...anymore..." Kera murmured as she scooted to the side of the bed, looking more than a little out of it. Her focus was turning inward, and she'd paid less attention to the TV over the last hour, focusing more on her body and on Emma's help.

Emma scooted the chair further in so it rested beside the toilet and faced parallel to the front of the sink; having water closer by was helpful. Trent turned back to help Kera, and noticed her intense focus. "Contraction?"

Kera shook her head. "Focus," she replied simply, reaching out to take Emma's hands to pull herself to her feet, breathing slowly and deeply.

"Good job," Emma encouraged, easing her to her feet and guiding her into the bathroom. "Still nauseated at all?"

The Latias shook her head. "Dizzy...not nauseous." She leaned her head on Emma's shoulder, nuzzling it lightly.

Emma wrapped her arm around Kera's back waist and stroked her back. "That a girl...breathe nice and steady."

Once Kera reached the stool, she slowly lowered herself onto it, putting an arm on the sink and leaning her forehead on it. "Why isn't it working...what if it won't work..." she moaned.

Emma stroked Kera's back. "Hey, you are making progress. It's taking a while, but I have no doubt in your ability to do this, Kera."

Kera moaned lightly. "I've been at six for hours...why won't this damn egg turn...." She shook her head and rubbed her belly, wondering if this was how her patients felt.

"It is turning," Emma pointed out. "But remember, these eggs are unlike any you've laid before."

Kera panted and cupped some water in her hands from the sink, splashing it on her face. "I-I know...but it," she grunted, panting more.

"Talk to me, Kera. What's happening?" Emma knelt in front of the stool and noticed a bit of clear fluid was starting to trickle from Kera. She wondered if it was a sign of things to come.

"Hurts...ggghhh...eggpressing...on my siiides...!" she groaned. "H-Help turn it!" Immediately, Emma pressed her hands to Kera's abdomen and applied more counter pressure. The egg was definitely lower, but she couldn't tell if it was turning at all. The Latias clenched her fists and grunted, her body shaking as she panted. "Harder!" She was tired of waiting; she wanted it turned.

Emma doubled her efforts, but in the midst of a contraction, she couldn't tell if it was working. She thought she saw Kera's folds widen somewhat, but perhaps that was wishful thinking. "Give me a little push, Kera, work with me." Kera reached down to her belly and mimicked Emma's movements, gritting her teeth as a tear rolled down her cheek. The pain of the contraction paled in comparison to the pain of the egg turning, but if it would make it go faster, she could deal with it. "Give me a little push, Kera, and tell me what you feel."

Kera reared her head back so she was sitting upright and spread her legs a little more. "Hgg...turn, damn you!" she hissed as she gave a hard push at the same time as she turned the egg. She let out a scream as the egg finally completed its turn, its end pressing hard against her cervix.

Emma didn't know she had been holding her breath until she felt the egg shift and she exhaled slowly. Panting almost as hard as Kera, she smiled. "Did we do it?" Kera was still in the midst of a contraction and couldn't answer with anything more than a nod; the egg didn't move back and had thankfully settled in place. She alternately shook her head slowly from side to side, curled her chin down, and looked up at the ceiling, her head becoming very animated now that she was losing herself. Emma sighed inwardly in relief. As further proof, the fluid was streaming steadily from Kera now, a sure sign the egg would soon be on its way. Emma placed both hands on Kera's shoulders to steady her. "Don't fight the pain, love. Moan or grunt if it helps, but let the pressure come. Relax your thighs, relax your bottom, okay?"

Kera's grunting and groaning turned to whining at Emma's touch, but she visibly relaxed, leaning her long neck forward and resting her forehead against Emma's shoulder. "Hahh...hoohhh...hahh, okay...okay...."

"Relax everything, Kera," Emma crooned, petting the Latias's neck. "I want you to think about what it'll be like to push again. I want you to think about what it'll be like to feel the egg coming, and coming, and coming. You don't have to do a lot to help it along, just feel it spread you open, let it happen."

Kera panted hard, some spit drooling out of her mouth. If she could see herself at this point, she might actually be aroused again. "Y-Yeah...ohhhLugiathepressure," she murmured.

Emma's eye caught the bathroom door and she had an idea. Standing, she shut the door, on the back of which hung a mirror. Now, both of them could see what was happening. "You don't just have to trust my progress reports, Kera, see for yourself."

Kera looked over and smiled, feeling her arousal build from the sight of herself. Narcissistic or not, she knew she was beautiful even if in pain. "Heh...look at that pregnant lady...waiting to push..." she purred.

Emma smiled. "You're doing it, Kera."

Kera chuckled, then grunted slightly. "Mmf...I gotta go...toilet," she murmured, starting to lift herself out of the seat.

Emma placed her hand on Kera's shoulder. "This thing comes with a bucket if you'd rather stay here."

Kera shook her head. "No...I'd rather just use it for its main purpose...if you don't mind."

"Okay," Emma answered, easing her up. "Going might actually further things along, actually."

Kera smirked at her friend as she shifted to the toilet. "Lucky me," she remarked.

Another two hours later, and having passed the ten-hour mark, the pressure in Kera's belly became overwhelming. Once the egg turned, her labor had jumped up a notch, and was swift and intense. Kera was now on her bed again, wanting to be somewhere soft as her labor intensified. She moaned as her latest contraction left her, on all fours and gripping the bedsheets. "Ch-Ch-Check me?" she mewled.

Emma donned gloves and did as Kera asked. She knew immediately things had changed. "Guess who's at eleven?"

"Yes...yes...thank you...!" Kera replied, amazed that she had jumped from six to eleven centimeters so quickly even if it was an intense two hours. She looked over her shoulder at Emma, smiling widely.

Emma grinned back. "Once we turned that baby, it was all go. Now, missy, how would you like to lay?"

"S-Squat?" Kera asked, already moving to the side of the bed.

"Whatever you'd like," Emma replied. "If that's what feels right, let's go for it." Kera nodded and slowly moved to squat next to the bed, leaning forward to rest her head on the mattress as she spread her legs, taking slow breaths. Emma slipped in behind Kera for the moment, wishing she could see Kera's eyes, but knowing her support was more important. "Let me know when it's time."

Kera continued to breathe slowly and deeply, feeling the egg pressing against her cervix. She soon merfed and nodded, deepening her squat and bearing down.

Emma rubbed Kera's hips as she supported Kera's squatting position. She'd already put towels in place, though it was weird to feel the liquid drip onto her thighs, a mix of birth fluids and other lubricants. "Puuush down, right into your bottom."

"Hmmmm...mmf...hnnnng..." Kera grunted. This being her eighth egg cycle, she was well practiced in using her muscles, and her efforts were soon rewarded as she felt the egg shift and her cervix strain, causing her to grit her teeth.

"That's it, Kera," Emma whispered, her cheek against Kera's. "The egg's coming, just let it."

Kera bobbed her body slightly to try to focus, pushing when she bobbed down and breathing when she lifted herself. Her hands gripped the bedsheets tighter, and she shivered at the feeling of Emma's cheek against her own.

Kera's shiver only made Emma hold her closer and move with her. "I'm going to let you tell me what's happening when, love. This is your show and you know what to do."

The Latias soon let out a "Gah!" as the contraction waned, panting, but trying to keep her head in contact with Emma's. "B-Big..." she said shakily.

Emma kissed Kera's cheek. "I know, love, but you can do it. Reach down and feel your egg coming."

Kera gulped down some spit in her mouth and breathed hard, her arms shivering and sweat building up on her skin. She started to calm down when Emma kissed her cheek, letting out long pants and leaning forward to rest her head on her mattress.

Emma continued to stroke Kera's back to offer comfort, but she had noticed Kera swallowing hard and grew concerned. "Should I grab the trashcan?"

Kera nodded. "Justincase," she breathed, gulping again and nuzzling the softness of her bed. She moved from a squat to rest on her shins, her breathing slowing into pants.

Emma reached to pull the trashcan over, placing it beside Kera. "Nausea is just your body's response to the pain," Emma reminded. "I think pushing like this for now is good for you."

Kera nodded again. "Right...right...." She moved a hand to her belly and rubbed it gently. "I...I might get fantasy again..." she warned.

"That's okay," Emma replied, "I just want to help you in any way that I can. Maybe it would help to picture the iguana? Or see the video?"

The Latias took a few seconds to recover her thoughts before she nodded and weakly pointed to her dresser. "I-Iguana," she murmured.

Emma nodded, and after making sure Kera was steady, she stood up, removed the previous video, and replaced it with the iguana tape. The parallels now were evident: Kera and she were in very similar positions, and like Kera, the female iguana appeared to be waiting for the next contraction. Emma resumed her place behind Kera. "What do you need from me?"

"J-Just...stay with me," she answered, letting out a long sigh as she looked over at the TV, smiling slightly at the sight of the iguana. Her eyes went half-lidded as she relaxed, waiting for the next contraction; she could feel lingering tightness in her belly that told her her work was far from over. Emma remained silent, simply rubbing her friend's shoulders. It was eerie how the video mimicked what Kera was facing at that moment. Trent couldn't believe Kera would soon be laying an egg more real than what she saw on the video. Before long, Kera grunted and worked herself back into a squat, bobbing her rump down and pushing. She groaned and craned her long neck back, almost at a ninety-degree angle thanks to its flexibility.

"Thatta girl! Puuuush! Hard! Keep it coming, Kera!" Emma coached.

"GHHHH!" Kera grunted, spreading her legs and bobbing again, pulling her lips back and gritting her teeth. On the video, the iguana was also in the throes of pushing and her tail whipped from side to side.

Emma placed her hands on Kera's thighs and looked under Kera at her folds. Thus far, they had not begun to part, but fluid continued to leak out and her lips were very red, an indication that blood flow had centered there. "Goood girl, push right down into your bottom."

Kera moved her neck until her face was pointing at the ceiling, her teeth clenched and her eyes shut as she pushed. When she bobbed down, a bit more fluid would leak out and her sex would flush a bit deeper red. The tufts of feathery hair on her head pinned back against her neck slightly as her hands gripped the bedsheets.

Emma held her securely and put her head against her shoulder, willing her energy. No other human would likely think laying an egg was this difficult, but Dr. Trent knew differently from her years of experience caring for others. "Let the egg come, Kera, you can do this."

The Latias gave another hard, grunting push deep into her bottom until she let out a gasping breath, moving her head forward again and panting hard as she kept her eyes closed. "Hahh, hahh, hahh, damnit'sbig," she breathed.

Emma rubbed her back and readjusted her posture so she was more comfortable too. "Can you feel it coming?"

Kera gulped and nodded slightly. "Slow...ggh...opening cervix...."

Emma nodded. "It's going to take some time, but if the fluid's any indication, your body's doing what it needs to. Are you okay to rest here for a sec? I'm going to grab some more for you to drink and some wet cloths, okay?"

Kera moved to sit on her shins again, her body shaking lightly from the overload of hormones and emotion. "G-Go ahead..." she said quietly.

Emma stood up slowly and retrieved the glass from the nightstand. She dumped the watered down juice in the bathroom sink and replaced it with water from the tap. She then took the decorative ceramic basin sitting atop the bathroom counter and filled it with water, tossing in a washcloth from the towel rack. She left the bathroom and placed the glass back on the nightstand while she set the basin on the floor beside Kera, next to the trashcan. Grabbing the water, she offered it to Kera. "We can't have you dehydrated during this phase especially, can we?"

Kera took the water and gulped it slowly, nodding. "Mmm..." she murmured as she handed the water back to her friend. "You're so good to me..." she trailed off, leaning to rest her head against the mattress, breathing hard at the throbbing coming from the egg pressing on her cervix.

Emma took the washcloth from the basin and wrung it out before applying it to Kera's forehead and then her neck. "I know I'm a broken record, but I can't believe you've done this alone over and over. I know, the eggs were smaller and it wasn't as painful, but no one should do this alone with no one to see them through the pain."

Kera smiled lightly at Emma's ministrations, keeping her eyes closed. "If pain's part of it...fine with me. It's pain with...purpose," she got out, nuzzling against the washcloth and purring lightly.

Emma continued to cool Kera off. "I know, but so much can go wrong even with something routine. I'm not trying to frighten you, but if I hadn't been there to help you turn the egg...promise me you won't do this alone ever again."

Kera sighed. "Only if I can give you a kiss...just on the cheek," she answered, opening her eyes a crack and smiling wider.

Emma chuckled. "Of course. But why the unusual request? Is mine that bad?"

"Cuz yer a wunnerful person and it might be my only chance." She leaned her head up and turned to look at Emma, waiting patiently.

Emma rolled her eyes and offered her cheek. "We're friends, Kera; we can hug and kiss whenever you want. I love you, you know that. I'll always be here for you."

"Thanks." She gave Emma a light kiss on the cheek, but let her lips linger a bit longer than she would with just a friendly kiss. "I gotta be me," she said quietly almost into Emma's ear before she pulled her head away.

Emma gave Kera a hug and answered, "I know, love, as do I. But I mean it; I'm not going to have you lay alone, not ever again. A woman needs support during this time. You know that as well as anyone."

Kera nodded, then let out a grunt. "Mm, hereitcomes," she murmured as she lifted herself back into a squat, but this time reached back with one hand to seek hers out.

Emma took Kera's hand in hers and geared up to offer support. "Let it build, Kera, and bear down when you feel on top of it. Talk, if it helps."

Kera took some quick breaths and whined, "Buildingbuilding...ohhLugia...!" before she took a deep breath and bore down, letting out a long, hard grunt this time instead of trying to hold her breath, starting to get into the swing of pushing.

"Goood," Emma encouraged. She could usually tell how things were progressing just by the pitch of a mother's voice. "Go with your body, Kera, let the sound follow it. Push as it hits you."

"Rrr...RRRrr!" she grunted, squatting deep and reaching down with her other hand to feel her opening as if to confirm whatever she was feeling inside her.

After some forty minutes of pushing, the egg still wasn't showing. Kera had moved from squatting to kneeling and now to lying on her side, feeling tired from the positions. She gripped the bedsheets in one hand and Emma's hand in the other, barely able to speak above a whisper: the egg was moving, but slowly. Emma's last inspection told her that the egg was coming and the long, widest part of the egg had passed her cervix, keeping her flesh stretched and almost certainly bruised around the egg.

Emma offered the glass of water and encouraged Kera to drink from it. She dabbed at her forehead with the washcloth. "You are doing this, love. It's coming, I promise."

Kera nodded lightly and drunk from the water, her eyes almost constantly half-lidded between contractions. "Tired...hurts..." she panted. Even when she could speak, she couldn't form more than a few words.

"I know, love." Emma was beginning to think she might need to get Kera to a hospital if things went on much longer. She didn't like how weak Kera was. At the same time, she didn't want Kera to be treated as a freak among her human colleagues. Kera relaxed as much as she could, moving her legs as little as possible, for doing so caused the muscles in her vagina to tense and rub against the egg, aggravating her further. On the other hand, despite the pain, the arousal from what Kera was doing was also getting to her, and it wouldn't be long until the egg would reach a certain bit of spongy flesh. Emma waited with Kera quietly. She knew it wouldn't be long until the next contraction. She gently rubbed Kera's abdomen, trying to assess the egg's position.

Kera wasn't trying to gulp down her saliva anymore as she yielded more and more of her self control to her instinct, causing a small bit of drool to leave the corner her mouth. "Anything...?" she asked in a pant.

"It's low, right where it should be. It's just big. Working it out is going to take knowing when to work with your body," Emma reassured.

Kera nodded. "Big...yes..." she murmured. Soon she grunted and tiredly lifted her leg again, feeling a contraction welling up.

Emma supported her leg and watched the reddened flesh between Kera's legs pull away from itself painfully. She had to be encouraging. "If you want to let this one pass, you can."

The Latias panted loudly and gave short, quick, grunting pushes, too tired to keep up a single push for long. She curled her neck down and pushed against the weight in her birth canal, feeling her flesh ever so slowly give to the stretching of the egg.

Outwardly, Emma saw the small strain of progress and she wanted to keep Kera's spirits up. "That's it, Kera, feel the egg opening you up. Picture the iguana straining. It's coming, it's coming."

Kera could feel it, all right: every contraction brought the egg just a bit closer. She squeaked, "Rubme!" as she let out a breath and took another.

Emma hesitated. Up until this point, she had not actually been involved in pleasuring her friend, and she didn't want to either. She took Kera's hand and brought it to her sex. "You know what you need."

The Latias immediately inserted her fingers into her body and stroked herself, pushing them up until her fingertips touched the hard egg. She stroked around it, trying to encourage her muscles to stretch, whimpering as she stroked her most sensitive areas.

Emma wasn't sure what to say at this point, feeling more than a little bit awkward, but at the same time unwilling to think about leaving her friend like this. "Does it help?"

Kera let out another whimper as she gave one more hard push, then relaxed, lowering her leg slowly and sniffing at the friction this caused inside her. She looked up at Emma for reassurance.

Emma took Kera's free hand in hers. "You're doing great. If you need, get lost in the fantasy for a while. Talk aloud if it helps you."

Kera kneaded Emma's hand and let out a grunt. "New...position..." she breathed. "Sit me...up."

Emma did as she was asked and piled pillows behind Kera, then helped ease her into a semi-sitting position. "Like this?"

Kera nodded, letting out a sigh and relaxing against the pillows, her legs spread and her sex slowly leaking onto the towel they had placed on the bed. She closed her eyes and rested her hands on her tummy, rubbing it.

Emma sat beside her friend. There would be plenty of time to sit in front of her and watch the emerging egg, but for now she wanted to support Kera. "I'm sorry I couldn't do what you wanted, but I'm not going anywhere if you want to help yourself."

The Latias leaned her head on Emma's shoulder. "S'okay...I can do it..." she said quietly, nuzzling Emma's shoulder. Emma knew she had done the right thing for herself, but she still felt somewhat guilty anyway. For the moment, she focused on letting Kera relax. One of Kera's hands went down to her crotch and idly toyed with her folds as the other took Emma's hand and softly squeezed it. Emma squeezed Kera's hand in return and looked down at Kera's belly, missing seeing Kera mouth "I love you too." Kera soon groaned and curled over her belly, keeping her eyes closed and pushing as she kept her grip on Emma's hand but only squeezed a little more. Her grunts became long moans as she tried to balance conserving her strength with pushing.

Emma was pleased to hear Kera was changing her approach, which told her that Kera was listening to her body. With gloved hands, Emma gently spread Kera's legs further apart so she could see more directly. The flesh seemed an even brighter red, and fluid was beginning to trickle even more steadily once again. "That's it, love, go with your body. Puush."

"Ohhhh...nnnggh," Kera moaned, moving her hand from her sex to her chest and rubbing it in a big circle, causing her to moan louder as the contraction built. She fell back onto the pillows and pressed the side of her head into them, trying to just let this contraction bowl over her.

"Wait for it," Emma encouraged. She held Kera's hand while her other hand pulled slightly at Kera's folds.

Kera gasped when Emma touched her, her legs shaking as she mewled and whimpered from the pain and pleasure, the hand at her chest rubbing harder and faster as her muscles pushed against the egg even without her added effort. Even if she was too tired to push hard, the feeling of the pressure in her nethers was comforting her that things were happening, if painfully so.

"May I feel where the egg is?" She rubbed her thumb in circles atop Kera's other hand, which she held tightly. "It's all right, love. I'll be gentle."

Kera whimpered again and gave a quick nod, squinching her eyes shut as the pain and pressure peaked. Her free hand left her chest and grabbed the pillows around her head, just needing to squeeze something.

Emma waited for the peak to pass before slowly and easily inserting two fingers inside Kera in an effort to locate the egg. She soon realized it was not close to "crowning" yet, but with its size, Emma wasn't surprised. She gently extricated herself, her fingers slick with fluid. "It won't be long now before you should be able to feel that tell-tale bulge, Kera. The egg's definitely progressing well."

Kera panted hard as the contraction waned, then tried to slow her breathing so she wouldn't hyperventilate. She rolled her head over to look at Emma, her hand on the pillows going between her legs to try to feel for herself. She opened her mouth to speak when she gagged, pointing at the trashcan. Emma moved swiftly and picked up the trashcan on the floor. She eased Kera so she was sitting upright so she wouldn't choke and rubbed her back, letting her know things were okay despite the sudden nausea. The Latias held the trashcan in her hands and gagged a few times, then emptied her stomach into the trashcan with a few coughs. She panted hard and gulped, trying to save her strength while she could.

Emma continued to rub Kera's shoulders as she vomited, issuing soothing words of comfort. "Should we wait to see if it's past?"

Kera held the trashcan between her legs and rubbed her temples with her fingers, groaning and trying to alleviate the dizziness in her head. "Ughhh...lemme rest...."

Emma nodded, handing her the glass of water. "Drink this. We need to keep you hydrated. If you need me to hold the trashcan, just say so."

Kera accepted the glass and drank it all in one go, muttering a "Thanks" as she slowly leaned back to rest on the pillows, keeping her eyes closed. Emma remained quiet, allowing Kera a few moments' rest.

Twenty minutes later, Kera was in full laying mode and her focus had almost entirely turned inward. She had barely spoken a word of intelligible speech since she had vomited, only pointing to things she wanted or using other nonlingual cues to communicate with Emma. Now she was on all fours on the bed, Emma having needed to change the towel under her once. As much as she was operating by instinct, if Emma was ever more than a few feet away from Kera, the Latias's composure would falter. Emma sat poised at the end of the bed, observing Kera's opening, now beginning to bulge painfully outward slowly. She could not yet see the egg, but felt sure the tip would soon be visible. She placed both hands on Kera's hips to steady and comfort her. Kera's skin was slick with sweat and her legs were partly spread as she rested her head on a pillow, waiting for another contraction. Between contractions, she was surprisingly calm despite her intense focus. After riding twenty minutes of contractions, though, she had worked up an increasingly intense second wind that she hoped wouldn't give out. Emma continued to brace Kera. "Do you think you can lay like this?"

Kera nodded slightly. Something was telling her that if she wanted to lay naturally, then she should act the part too and mimic her ancestors as much as she could by being on all fours and not speaking out loud (unless she had to). In addition to it just feeling right, it seemed to be working: she could feel that she had made slight progress while she waited for her strength to return, and pushing on all fours made the egg come down faster. Kera breathed slowly until she felt a contraction start, pulling herself completely to all fours and bearing down against the pressure in her sex.

Emma held Kera steady and watched as her lips bulged outward with the pressure. She wanted to cup the opening but was afraid to ruin Kera's concentration. "That's it, love, right down into your bottom."

Kera's body bobbed backwards with her hard pushes and forwards with her short intakes of air, her labia bulging just a little more over the course of each contraction before the egg would slip back in slightly. She let out guttural grunts and groans, waiting for Emma to finally tell her that she could see the egg's shell so she knew the end was in sight.

Emma could indeed see the tip of the egg with this contraction, but as expected, for now, the egg slipped back inside somewhat when the pressure was gone. Still, Emma knew the egg would slip out more and more as things progressed. Emma grew concerned, however, as she listened to Kera's breathing. "Kera, I know you want the egg out, but I need you to slow down your breathing as much as possible, okay? I don't want you to hyperventilate." Trent patted her rump. "Let your body work with you."

Kera snorted almost animalistically but obeyed Emma's advice, breathing hard with her mouth wide open as she continued to bob but not push, eventually feeling the contraction fade. She kept her eyes closed and her body on all fours as she panted, light snorting coming from the back of her throat with each breath.

"Thatta girl," Emma crooned, rubbing Kera's back as she rested. "You're pushing really well, Kera. I know you're tired, but I don't want you to tear. Your body knows what to do, and we need to let it happen on its own time."

Kera's neck drooped until her snout was touching the bunched-up bedsheets, her snorting turning into purring with Emma's touch. She wanted to tell Emma how grateful she was for Emma's support, but was afraid that if she broke her mood now, she'd not get it back, so she could only purr. Emma continued to comfort Kera with touch, wanting to remain quiet out of respect for the process Kera was experiencing. Kera reached out in the direction of the water on the nightstand, silently telling Emma what she wanted.

Emma stood up from the bed and retrieved the water, holding the straw and glass steady as Kera drank. "This position still feeling right?" Kera nodded as she gulped down the water, soon releasing the straw and rocking back and forth slowly, her head swaying. She craned her neck up to look at Emma, leaning in to kiss the other woman's forehead softly. Emma obliged her, sensing what she wanted. Somewhat awkwardly, she said, "I know you'd do the same for me. No need to thank me now."

Kera nodded and lightly nuzzled Emma's cheek, then gasped and gripped the bedsheets, immediately starting to pant. Her contractions were coming on faster than ever, and with every contraction and every bit of progress, she slipped a little further into instinct.

At that point, Emma decided on a change of plans. "I'm going to stay right here, love, but I'm going to help you breathe." Trent knew she'd be able to tell by the sounds Kera made and her facial expressions what was happening in plenty of time. For now, however, Emma wanted Kera to know they were in it together. Emma began breathing out loud, though much slower, in effort to calm Kera into matching her pace. Then, placing both her hands on Kera's shoulders to steady her, Emma intended her body to be the leverage Kera needed to offer strong, productive pushes. She didn't want to pull Kera from her current position, but it left room for her to push up into a kneeling position if she chose.

The Latias squinched her eyes shut and tried to mimic Emma's breathing, still breathing a mix of pants, deep breaths, and snorts. As the contraction plateaued, she whimpered and gave short moans with each breath, rearing up and putting her palms on Emma's shoulders to try to let gravity pull a little, her sex bulging outward and bright red, leaking fluids onto the towel as the white shell of the egg became visible again.

Emma followed Kera's lead and leaned forward slightly so that Kera could get a better grip on her shoulders. Now, with Kera more kneeling than on all fours, Emma couldn't see what was happening with the egg, but for the time being, she knew Kera would provide all of the insight she needed. It felt good to play such an active role in this part of the laying, when instinct really did take over, and the mother to be really just needed someone to support her as they strained with intense effort. Careful not to disrupt Kera's position, Emma reached down and cupped Kera's opening. "Open your eyes, Kera. You might not feel the pain if you don't think of it that way."

Kera grunted a few times and slowly half-opened her eyes, and Emma could see one of the side effects of Kera's retreat into instinct: thanks to the latent psychic power of Latiases, Kera's normally amber eyes now had splotches of light blue, and not just on the irises, but also on the whites. It didn't seem to affect Kera's vision at all: she locked her eyes on Emma's and gave periodic, quick strains; Emma could feel the egg inch out just a little bit more.

Emma could feel the egg begin to crown even more without looking, but she knew unless Kera allowed her body to open even more and give more than quick pushes due to the pain, it would prolong the agony. "Think of how good it feels to puuusssh, Kera. I want you to focus on the pressure, the heaviness inside of you. I want you to picture your lips opening up. The egg's coming, but you're not afraid for it to emerge because it feels so good."

Kera snorted and her eyes rolled back slightly at being reminded of her most personal and powerful fetish. She curled her neck back until her face was pointing straight up, reaching down with one hand under her belly and nudging Emma's hand out of the way, feeling the hard shell of the egg for herself. "Ugghhhh," she vocalized, giving a real push and letting out a long moan at feeling herself stretch and bulge.

It hadn't occurred to Emma until that moment Kera might want to catch the egg herself, that feeling it could actually keep her motivated. Trent obediently moved her hand out of the way, always in awe of how some of her patients just seemed to know what they needed to do if they weren't afraid. She decided it might be best for her to continue the fantasy for Kera. "This is what you've been waiting for, Kera. The egg's right there. Puuush, puuush...."

The Latias finally had to stop pushing and catch her breath as the plateau of her contraction dropped, tracing her fingers around her folds. Her labia wasn't stretched any wider now than Kera could comfortably open herself with her fingers, but it was bowled outward with the egg behind it; her naturally red skin was now bright red, especially the edges of her lips. Kera leaned her head forwards and rested it under Emma's neck, the other hand reaching up to paw at Emma's cheek.

Emma took Kera into a hug and just held her for a moment as the Latias caught her breath. "It's gonna come, Kera, I promise. Let me know if you'd like to try something else."

Kera nodded slightly, slowly steadying her breathing as she nuzzled under Emma's chin, rubbing her hand around the large bulge between her legs. She shakily reached up for one of Emma's hands and brought it back down, wanting Emma both to feel and to reassure Kera that she was all right.

Emma smiled gently as she stroked Kera's abdomen lightly before reaching down further and feeling Kera's bulging lips, tracing them as Kera had done. "Just what we like to see at this stage of the game, love. I'm not going to let anything happen to you, I promise."

Kera gulped and nodded again. To the few who knew of her labor and birth/egg laying fetishes, she insisted she was neither sadistic nor masochistic; she was in pain, yes, and she wanted the pain to turn into the pleasure she knew was possible, but at the same time so deeply aroused, being stretched and strained from the inside out and knowing why. She closed her eyes and focused on the stretching, trying to will the feelings to change from pain to pleasure.

Emma could see Kera's focus turn inward, and she knew Kera was returning to fantasy. All Trent needed to do was allow Kera to fall into it naturally. "Talk to me Kera, what's going on?"

Kera shook her head, not wanting to break her pseudo-character. She just let out a few guttural vocalizations not unlike pleasured grunts, though they had a hint of pain in them. She tried to step outside of herself, to see her sex open wide to let the egg pass....

Emma wasn't sure she could do anything at the moment except keep Kera steady and let her know she was with her. Trent continued to trace her fingers across Kera's bulge, adding to the heaviness she was urging Kera to push against, ever so gently pulling Kera's lips a bit wider.

Kera let out a loud groan as she felt the pressure build slightly with Emma's rubbing and pulling, then groaned louder as her belly visibly tightened, reaching blindly for a hand to hold as she spread her legs a little more and bore down.

Emma kept one hand at her side for Kera to hold, and she pressed the other more firmly against Kera's opening, inserting two fingers inside to stretch Kera. A spurt of birth fluids drained from Kera, but Emma was too busy to notice. "Thatta girl, push against my fingers."

Kera pushed with renewed vigor, rolling her head in a circle and baring her teeth, deepening her kneel slightly with her push as the egg pressed hard against her opening. Her lips slowly spread further apart and bulged a little more, Kera's vocalizations becoming louder as she was opened.

Emma felt purely like a witness at this point and marveled as she felt Kera's lips open more and more on their own accord. She could tell just by Kera's vocalizations that as much as she was moving things along in an effort to maintain control of this birth, this was happening to her. "Let it come, Kera, let it come."

"Gggrr...rrRRRH!" she grunted, fluid dripping out of the increasingly tight seal formed by the egg. She tried to ease up on her pushing, but the urge to push being spurred harder by Emma's help was just too much. She curled her chin down to her chest, took a deep breath, and bore down again, the egg's end approaching its widest diameter.

"It's coming," Emma encouraged, clearly in awe. She kept her hand against Kera's opening and her fingers inside the Latias to help stretch her. "You look even hotter than the iguana," she teased.

Kera gave one more hard, grunting push, the blood vessels in her temples standing out against the skin, before she cried out in a mix of pleasure and pain as the egg reached its diameter, unable to keep up her push from the overwhelming stretching.

Emma hadn't realized she'd been holding her breath until she heard Kera shakily exhale, the egg having fully opened her, and yet, it was still deep inside her. It was an amazing sight. The contraction appeared to be over, but they both knew it was only a matter of time before the urge would become overwhelming again. "Whatever you need, Kera, go for it. I'm not leaving you."

Kera gave growling pants as she caught her breath, still looking to be in both great pain and pleasure. She put both of her hands on Emma's shoulders and pulled her into an almost-hug, resting her forehead against Emma's, needing to embrace her friend as much as she dared.

Kera's forehead was slick with perspiration and unsurprisingly clammy. Emma's own forehead was sweaty and her abdomen tightened in anticipation. She slowed her breathing in an effort to keep Kera calm and she rolled her gaze up to see Kera. Offering a reassuring smile, she said, "Would it help you to pleasure yourself now?" Her smile hid the awkwardness she felt, but she knew deep down, pleasure might help to bring the egg the rest of the way down.

Kera again mimicked Emma's breathing, her eyes slowly opening. Now they weren't just covered in splotches of blue: they were completely bluescale**. She pulled her head away and let her tongue hang out, nodding and grunting with each nod as if attempting primitive communication. She looked over her shoulder at the foot of the bed, motioning with her head that she wanted to be brought over there. Emma wasn't sure she completely understood Kera, but she followed her instinct and helped ease Kera to the foot of the bed. She was unsure of what to do next and her quizzical look communicated as much. The Latias slowly turned to sit on her rump, kicking the footboard, which swiveled down to be a horizontal plane, then she rested her feet on it, keeping her legs relatively spread. Apparently, with her penchant for birth fantasies, she had converted part of her bed so it could serve as a sort of two-leveled delivery bed that gave her legs and feet support without stirrups. She let out a deep breath as she placed her hands on top of her abdomen and waited, resting her head on the mattress.

Emma leaned back in surprise. Kera really did love her work even more than Emma thought she did. Unsure of what to do, Trent returned to the bedside and waited. Kera pointed between her legs to the foot of the bed, smiling up at her friend as she breathed slowly. Smiling, Emma moved into position, now in more familiar and comfortable territory. Still, during most births, there was someone else there beside the mother, and Trent, ever the maternal soul, wanted to offer comfort. Reaching out, she placed a hand atop Kera's. Kera took Emma's hand in one of her own and kneaded it lightly. Her other hand rubbed her tummy in a slow circle, her eyes closing as she soaked up all the contentment she could, thinking back on how many times she'd tended to mothers in this position. Now it was she who was doing it; even if not to lay an egg containing a living embryo, the similarities were striking.

Once more, Emma remained silent out of respect for the moment. She realized then that being here could never be completely awkward, despite Kera's obvious romantic feelings for her. Emma was a heterosexual woman, yes, but Kera, like so many other women before her, was choosing to involve Emma in this special and deeply personal time. It was just as magical, and Kera deserved just as much reassurance as anyone else. Trent had expected the Latias to be quite confident and self-assured about this process, but in fact, Kera appeared quite needy. It made Emma want to provide comfort and security all the more. Kera purred quietly as she rested, closing her eyes briefly. Within a couple of minutes, she let out a "Mmf," curling her neck around and reaching down to the top of her wide-open slit, the constant pressure the egg exerted on her most sensitive spots causing her arousal to slowly overtake the pain. Emma looked down at her feet out of embarrassment. She needed to observe the egg, but she did not need to watch Kera masturbating. Besides, she knew Kera's vocalizations would tell the story.

Kera drew her feet a little closer to her body in reaction to her pushing, her grunting quickly turning into long whimpers as she stroked herself, even slightly wriggling the egg. It just barely slid out with each push, and before long it became clear that this was the pill-shaped egg, meaning Kera would be stretched to the max for much longer than normal.

Emma looked up in time to come to this realization herself, and she bit her lip. She knew this was not going to be easy for Kera, and self-pleasuring seemed to be the only thing that might come close to helping her; Emma knew that now more than ever. "Good girl, Kera. Focus on reaching the peak and puush."

"Nnn...hahh...ohhh...!" Kera let out as she stroked herself, a thick, reddish mix of liquid dripping from the egg and the bottom of her sex, probably her own pleasurable secretions mixed with birth fluid and a little blood. She arched her neck back (probably a sight that would make Emma cringe with her neck's length and flexibility) and grit her teeth, determined to have one more orgasm.

Emma winced slightly as she watched Kera grit her teeth, unsure if she was pushing or lost in pleasure. From the look of things, whatever was happening, there was progress. "Oh, Kera, it's coming!"

"Hraaahhh...ahh!" Kera grunted and groaned, mentally commanding the wave of her orgasm to crest despite itself. With each second, the egg slipped out enough for its progress to be visible, Kera's lips starting to change from bright red to purple, bruised from being stretched for so long.

It was strangely arousing hearing another woman climax in front of her. Emma had never experienced it before, not even with her other births. Were she not so busy focusing, she might have acknowledged her blushing skin. "Kera, you're quite close now. Would you like to feel your egg?"

Oh, Kera was feeling it all right, both with her hands and her poor, stretched flesh. The egg bobbed slightly in her sex with Kera's rubbing of her clitoris, and her vocalizations changed to guttural grunts unlike any Emma had ever heard Kera make, but Emma may have recalled the roars and vocalizations of dragons seen on television and in movies. Kera felt her orgasm well up inside her...just a bit more....

"ComeKeracome, puuuuush! Puuuush!" Emma's own vocalizations had become urgent and throaty, charged with the excitement of the moment.

"Hahh...hahh...." Kera took a few deep breaths, seeming to lie still for a second, before she curled almost into an O shape around her belly, her eyes fully opening, now not only completely blue but glowing as she let out a cry not unlike a dragon's roar, fluid spilling out in spurts around the egg, which started to slide out much faster than ever before. It must have been a sight simultaneously awe-inspiring and frightening, seeing this woman having retreated so far into instinct with the force of her orgasm that she was acting more like an animal than a Pokémorph.

Emma was too focused to really become frightened. She placed her hands on Kera's thighs to steady her; it was the best she could do. Kera was doing this. "Let it come, Kera, let it come. Eeeeasy. Eeeasy."

Drool leaked out of Kera's mouth as she snorted and gave quieter aftershock roars, and the egg slipped...slipped...and then slid. With a bit of a slurp and a gush of fluid, the egg slipped free. It was huge and pill-shaped as they expected, but Trent was less concerned about the egg and more concerned for Kera. She reached for Kera's hand. "You did it, love."

Kera panted a few more times, closing her eyes, then reopened them to show they had changed back to their normal colors. She smiled down at Emma and kneaded her hand weakly, kissing the air in Emma's direction before she let out a long sigh and lay back, her whole body going limp as her breathing slowed to calm, steady pants.

"You feel okay?" Emma asked. Kera was only able to give a thumbs-up with one hand, exhausted from the laying as her smile remained plastered to her face. Emma chuckled. Since the egg was infertile, she needed only to set it aside, so she wanted to focus on Kera. Fluid was still draining from her, this more tinged with blood. Trent wasn't concerned, however, as this could be expected. She gently palpated Kera's abdomen and felt for the other egg.

Kera let out tired purring as she felt Emma's hands on her abdomen, which was still sore from her contractions but also very sensitive. The gentle touch was all she needed to lull her into closing her eyes and falling into a deep afterglow sleep.

* A visual aid:

** That is, black, white, and shades of blue.

Mateship Ch. 3: Culmination

It's about time, isn't it? Please note: Due to lack of interest on Snow's part, **this story is not going to be continued**. It is, however, at something of an ending point, so it will not be taken down. Cast Bailmont: Snow. Charizard:...

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Wild Ch. 9: Primal Power

Disclaimer regarding incest and pronouns as usual. Cast The Monster: Me. Nivalis: Me. Poachers: Both of us. Stormtalon: Nauta. The white griffon walked back up the slope to the cave, his shoulders slumped dejectedly. What he had...

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This out-of-nowhere one-shot comes from an RP with []( Contains interspecie sex. Yay ^\_^ Cast Alan: Me. Alan's Pokémon: Me. Tayuya: Kitsuchan. Various...

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