Mateship Ch. 3: Culmination

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#4 of A Dragon's Mateship

It's about time, isn't it?

Please note: Due to lack of interest on Snow's part, this story is not going to be continued. It is, however, at something of an ending point, so it will not be taken down.


Bailmont: Snow.

Charizard: Snow.

Dove: Me.

Pokémon © Nintendo, Game Freak, etc.

Dove made a final check of a notebook she kept in her and Bailmont's bedroom, a smile almost stretching from earhole to earhole as she confirmed that all the information she'd taken down over the last two months added up. She had gone off the pill since then and been keeping meticulous track of her body functions, consulting every pregnancy book and website she could find to make sure her assumptions were correct. She set down the notebook and sighed happily, then looked at the clock and realized she had been spacing out: Bailmont would be home soon, so she gave herself a quick primp, brushing her snow-white hair so it flowed down to her waist and adjusting her blue shirt and jeans, hopping out to the entryway and eagerly awaiting the sound of Bailmont's footsteps.

The large black and red dragon's heavy footsteps were soon heard as he dragged himself into their apartment and flopped on his front on the couch, his wings falling where they may. "...I hate stupid people..." he grumbled, his voice muffled from being stuffed in the pillows on the couch. "Someone came in today and demanded blow off valves for his damn V.W. I tried to tell him he had to buy a turbo first...and he argued with me!"

The Dragonair descended to her knees next to him, reaching out with her arm and a wing, stroking the back of Bailmont's horned head with her hand and his leathery wings with her feathered ones. "Bad day, sweetie?" she cooed.

"Very...why do stupid people always come to my bay?" He sighed and gave her a wing hug. "Though I am glad to be home and off for a few days now, spend some time with you."

She cuddled into the hug, nuzzling his shoulder. "I appreciate that you'll put up with a lot of crap for me...well, for us, and that you've been so patient the last couple of months, what with me going back to work too," she purred, keeping her voice as smooth as silk as she referred to her working towards getting her teacher's license and being willing to take evening classes to move things along faster.

He smiled and rolled to his side so he could cuddle her more. "Of course, I want you to be happy too, and you love to work with kids."

Dove nodded and rubbed her nose against his. "Yes, I do indeed...and it's about time I'm finally not just willing, but able to give you a family," she said with a gentle peck of his snout.

Bailmont smiled and kissed her back, too tired to get her innuendo and just lay there cuddling her. "How are your tests going? You knocking them dead?"

The Dragonair nodded, her romantic composure faltering for a moment. "Yes, Bailmont, things are going quite well. In fact, I'd like to ace a certain, even more important test in a few weeks."

He nodded. "Go get 'em tiger," he said with a slight chuckle and a yawn, stretching out.

Dove giggled and shook her head, climbing onto the couch and lying on Bailmont, her chin on his chest propping her head up as she looked him in the eyes. "Honey, I don't think you get me...I'm in the motherly way," she continued, her voice losing some of its patience.

He raised an eye ridge at her. "What do you mean?" He sat up a bit, careful not to let her slide off, his tired mind still not grasping what she was saying.

She rubbed one of her temples, shaking her head. "Bailmont, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, but sometimes you're just a big, cute dummy. Do I have to write 'I'm going to be fertile soon' on a chalkboard?"

Bailmont's eyes went wide, and Dove could feel his pants tightening some. "You mean...that time?" He then kissed her deeply, suddenly aware she did smell just different enough for him to notice, not unlike when she was aroused, but this time a bit more...earthy.

Dove nodded, immediately melting in his arms and allowing him to kiss her. "Mm...wah," she vocalized as she pulled away from the kiss. "Yep...I'm going to be at my most fertile from tomorrow night until Monday...." She looked into his eyes, her soft, shiny black eyes pleading with him as she added, "Are you...ready?"

He nodded and rubbed her waist. "For a very long time. You...want to start working towards that now?" He tried to sound as sexy as possible, letting his voice drop very low, trying to push all of her buttons at once.

She blushed. "I don't know...can you wait until tomorrow? I want you nice and full." Her blush deepened as she fully realized what she had just said and the mental images that came to her.

He nodded. "Okay, but not willingly." He chuckled a bit, shifting in his uncomfortably tight pants.

She batted her eyes, knowing how uncomfortable he could be when aroused. "For meee? Pleeease?" she asked.

Bailmont nodded. "I won't paw off, I promise, though I won't promise to like it." He laughed and pinched her bottom a bit. "So you got anything planed? Or are we playing this by ear?"

Dove wrapped her arms around his torso and nuzzled his chest. "Well...I think we both know what we're gonna be doing tomorrow night once the lights are out. But before that...I hadn't thought," she said, her tail flicking happily.

He smirked. "We could mate constantly for the next 48 hours." He couldn't help but offer that up, intent on mating now that she brought up finally being ready to have a pup with him.

She laughed for a bit at that suggestion. "Ohh, Bailmont, I don't think I could take that much mating," she remarked once she regained her breath. "I can barely go twice in a're just too much."

He smirked. "You're welcome. You do it to me, though: you're just so damn sexy I can't help but get all worked up when I remember you're all mine," he said with a warm smile.

The Dragonair smiled back at him and leaned up to kiss him again. "And soon, we'll finally have a family to show for it..." she trailed off, blinking hard and wiping her eyes.

"Yes, a lovely pup worthy of your beauty," he assured her with another quick kiss. He smiled and held her close, now more excited than horny.

Dove nuzzled into his chest again, wrapping her wings around him as best she could and recalling every little fantasy she had formed about the time they would mate to try to conceive. "And a pup as noble and courageous as you are," she added. Bailmont smiled and rubbed her back with one hand and joined in her fantasizing about it all, bringing a warm smile to his face again and a happy sigh to his voice.

Early the next night, the sun having just begun to set, the two dragons pulled into the parking lot of Twin Dragons Nightclub. It took a fair bit of persuasion on Bailmont's part to convince Dove to come back here after her attempted rape almost two months ago, but promising to never let her out of his sight this time and giving her his own version of a sad puppy face had swayed her. She stepped out of the car, wearing tight blue jeans and a white t-shirt that had a picture of a chibified Dragonair winking at whoever was looking at it on the chest, a little heart floating above its head. She had applied a bit of red lipstick to her lips and had her hair in a long, many-tied ponytail. Bailmont followed behind her, also wearing tight black jeans and a white muscle shirt with an unbuttoned black dress shirt on, several rings and chains in his horns, ornamental stuff from his ancestors. He couldn't help himself from constantly groping Dove as they made their way in.

Dove stuck to Bailmont like his shadow, the memory of the white dragon too fresh in her mind to be apart from her mate for long. Once they entered the club, she held onto his arm and looked around, pressing her side against his. He wrapped a huge arm around her and held her close. "It's okay Dove, they increased the security since last time." He pointed out new guards, including an ordinary-looking but subtly observant blink dog standing in one corner and a muscular Blaziken roaming the floor, as he lead her to a table close to the stage and sat her down like a gentleman, pulling up a chair to sit down next to her.

The Dragonair nodded and sat down, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry...I just can't help but get the shivers from this place, you know?" she asked with a nervous smile, reflexively looking around for any sign of the white dragon.

"M'lady, I promise you, I doubt they even know where he is, let alone would let him back in. Roland takes that stuff personally." He smiled and patted her leg.

She nodded again and took his hand in hers, trying to just look at the table or at him, leaning her head on his shoulder. "I am a bit hungry," she admitted.

He nodded and put his hand up to signal the nearest server. The Charizard morph from their first visit came walking over; she had a noticeable bulge in her middle now under her uniform. She of course did not remember the two as she held a pencil and pad of paper at the ready. "What can I get you two?"

Dove smiled up at the Charizard and replied, "I'd just like some French fries and water, please...I seem to have left most of my appetite at home," she said in as steady a voice as she could muster, her eyes drawn to the Charizard's middle.

The larger Pokémorph smiled and nodded. Bailmont didn't want to get tired from eating too much so he kept his order light too. "I will just take a milkshake and some onion rings."

The Charizard nodded and took the orders. "I will get it right out," she replied. With that she walked off, her belly just big enough to widen her profile.

Dove blushed a little as she watched the dragoness leave. "I guess she must've been pregnant the last time we were here..." she trailed off, her mind clearly elsewhere.

Bailmont smiled. "That will be you soon m'lady, if I have any say in the matter," he murmured as he patted her leg again under the table, intertwining his tail in hers.

Her blush deepened slightly as her tail squeezed his, immediately feeling more at ease with Bailmont's reminder, which caused her to shiver slightly in anticipation. "Yeah," was all she could say in response.

He gave her a quick kiss. "You're going to look so good with a baby in there," he said with a pat of her flat belly. "Now who wants to go first?"

She gulped and trembled again, emotions welling up in her heart for a moment, but she was determined to maintain her composure until she could let it all out to Bailmont alone. She shook her head and cleared her throat. "G-Go first with what, honey?"

Bailmont pointed at the stage. "Karaoke night love, I signed us both up to take a go at it." He chuckled and winked. "I already know my song."

Dove's eyes widened as her grip on his tail tightened. "K-Karaoke?? I...Icouldn'tI'mmuchtooshy," she blabbered, tucking her neck down a little as if to try to make herself shrink.

He smirked and hugged her close. "Want me to go first to show you how easy it is?" Dove nodded, untucking her neck. Bailmont had long known that she was uncomfortable being the focus of a lot of attention unless she was confident in what she was doing, so she tried to calm herself further by thinking of a song. He nodded and stood up, still smirking as he talked to the DJ and then walked up on the stage and waited for the music to start. Then rock music began to belt out from the speakers as Bailmont swayed his hips and locked his gaze on Dove as he sang.

_She was a fast machine

She kept her motor clean

She was the best damn woman I had ever seen [...that I, ever seen]

She had the sightless eyes

Telling me no lies

Knockin' me out with those American thighs

Taking more than her share

Had me fighting for air

She told me to come but I was already there

'Cause the walls start shaking

The earth was quaking

My mind was aching

And we were making it and you

Shook me all night long

Yeah you shook me all night long_

Dove's eyes went wide, her tail flicked, and her wings extended as far as they could go in her chair, her cheeks turning a bright shade of pink. She didn't even notice their water arrive. Her voice was again taken from her: she could only answer with, "Oh."

The song soon ended and Bailmont smirked and bowed to loud cheers and applause. He then stepped down and sat down back at their table. "M'lady, beat that," he said with a joking grin and a wink.

She held his hand again and looked around. "They'll all be staring at me..." she said nervously.

He nuzzled her neck. "Don't look at them, look at me. You will do great. I know you sing great, better than my scratchy rock voice, now go get 'em tiger."

Dove gulped and nodded, slowly making her way to the stage and trying to focus on the one person she wanted to stare at her. She skimmed the karaoke machine for a song she knew, then her eyes rested on one entry. She quickly hopped down and drank some of her water to wet her dried throat, and then walked back onstage, taking another deep breath and letting her finger hover over the "Play" button, looking to Bailmont with a smile. He smiled back and nodded calmly. She sighed and pressed the "Play" button, closing her eyes and rocking in tune to the slow music.

_Anytime you want to be right here

Just imagine me and all this will appear

You can keep this moment all your life forever near

A dream worth keeping

When you're feeling lost I'll be your star

Just reach out and touch me no matter where you are

In a world where precious things are disappearing overnight

Just keep my star in sight

I believe we found a dream that's worth keeping

For more than just a day

And even though the winds of change may come sweeping

It's still a dream worth keeping

So don't let it fade away_

He smiled and listened intently, slowly rocking his head to the beat as he sucked off his milk shack and smiled up at here, his blue eyes shining as he listened. After Dove called out the remainder of the song, Bailmont hopped to his feet and started clapping, as did the rest of the room: she got a full standing ovation from the crowd, cheers and whistles accompanying them. The Dragonair blushed and bowed to the audience, replacing the microphone and walking off the stage, shyly scratching the back of her neck. Bailmont met her halfway and hugged her tightly. "You did great love. Have fun?" He sat her back down so they could finish their food.

Dove nodded, smiling up at him. "It...was fun," she conceded, "but I'd still rather sing only for you," she continued as she sat back down.

"That can be done." He smiled and made a mental note on what to get her for her next birthday, bobbing his head as the next person, an arctic fox bouncer on his day off, belted out "American Woman" as they ate. Dove nuzzled Bailmont's shoulder as she soaked up his praise, sighing happily before she too started eating.

A couple of hours later, the two dragons had returned home, but wanting to share some personal time with Bailmont alone before they made love, Dove asked him if they could be on the roof for a short while. He happily agreed, and now they stepped out of the stairwell onto the roof of their apartment building. The sky was dark red with the nearly-set sun, and the breeze was a welcome respite from the hot air of the nightclub. Dove stepped forward and spun around in the soft grass that had been planted on the roof, her ponytail whipping over her shoulder. "Mm...I feel so wonderful right now, Bailmont," she purred.

He smiled and hugged her from behind, taking a deep breath of the fresh air. "I love the Twin Dragons, but sometimes the air is way too thick," he said quietly, swaying gently from side to side with her in his arms.

The Dragonair nodded and turned to lean forward against him, undoing her ponytail and letting her hair free before swaying with him in the breeze. She rested her cheek on his chest and felt his heartbeat over the sound of traffic below. "That's probably the last time we're going there for quite a while...thanks for making it memorable for me."

He smirked and rubbed her back. "Okay, but I still want to parade you around there when you're big with my pup; I love showing off my very pretty mate," he remarked with a happy sigh, kissing her on the top of her head.

She shivered, her heart leaping into her throat for a moment. "Even when she's as big as a house? I've done my research on how big your pups are when they're born..." she trailed off.

Bailmont chuckled. "Yes, even then, but you won't get anywhere near as big as my mother did with me. Remember, it's going to have half of your genes, my lovely mate." His smirk turned into a smile, in the back of his mind relishing the image of her bigger and rounder.

"Heehee, I know. Your mom's a giantess, though; she can get away with it. Scrawny little me will just look...big." She panted lightly, knowing he must be picking up her scent by now, the same scent she had given off the other day.

His nostrils flared as he took in her heavenly scent. "You're not scrawny; you're perfect." His pants started to get tight again as he held her and inhaled her scent, loving every whiff of it.

Dove's eyes went half-lidded as she felt his arousal build along with hers. "Not going to be scrawny for long, that's for sure...." She looked up at him, her cheeks flushing, and bit her lip. " you want"

"Yes...very much so," he said in a hungry voice as he stepped back to pull his shirt off and yank his pants down. He then crouched on his knees and lifted her shirt, licking both of her nipples and then sucking on one.

She whined and stroked the back of his horned head, trembling as she too stripped, then lowered herself to her knees and cupped his big face, leaning in and kissing him on the maw. "Mm..." she moaned down his throat.

He moaned back and returned her kiss, gently rolling forwards, laying her on her back in the grass, one of his hands roaming down her body to play with the sweet-smelling area between her legs. She rolled her head back and forth, gripping the earth beneath her and opening her legs, craning her neck to look down at his firming sheath, his balls looking deliciously full to her. She reached up and wrapped her arms around his back, stretching her wings to hug him as best she could. He continued to murr, groan, and moan as he eased his hips down and rested his firming sheath at her entrance, letting his emerging member fill her up slowly. His murmuring became deeper at the feeling as he hugged her back, being careful not to crush her under his weight.

"Ohhh," she moaned, feeling him open her up inch by inch in time with his heartbeat, panting hard as her tail flicked and curled up to press on his privates. "Mmf...s-so big..." she gasped. He panted and breathed on her neck as the tip of his member reached her cervix, beginning to slowly pull out and push back in, taking his still-emerging member's size into account: no matter how much he wanted to pound her like a dragon of his specie, he knew her body wasn't built to handle the kind of mating his ancestors shared, and a part of him still feared accidentally causing her pain from their lovemaking.

Dove hooked her legs around his, gasping loudly with every thrust. She kissed the top of his head, taking in the smell of their lovemaking and body odors, it sending the signal to her already sexually stimulated brain that this mating was more special than any before. He grunted with each thrust and tangled his tail in hers and lowered his wings to form a tent-like shield around them as he mated her, the smells triggering things in his brain as well, though he was careful to maintain control; she could still tell parts of his mind were being stimulated and he was acting more animalistic in this mating.

Her gasping rapidly climbed in pitch and volume, she not trying to take her time or slow down; she wanted his seed in her, and she wanted it now. Her back and neck arched and her legs pulled against his, her lips pulling back and she taking hissing breaths through her teeth as her muscles spasmodically clenched and released his member. Bailmont let out a low rumbling sound as he pushed into her one last time and let loose a flood of his seed into her, hugging her to him and letting draconic moans escape into her ear. "Nnngh!" she grunted as she focused all of her senses on the hot wetness spurting into her, pulling him as deep into her as she could and squinching her eyes shut, her lithe body seizing up and stiffening as her body accepted his semen.

Once his orgasm faded he hovered over her, panting and licking her neck, enjoying the euphoria of their first truly unhindered mating. She panted hard, gulping and tilting her head back to allow him to lick her. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled a bit blankly; now that her more primal urges were satisfied, she was herself again. She ran her fingers along the back of his neck, her body sweaty with their mating. He smiled and looked down at her. "That was good...can't wait for round two." He chuckled and tickled her nose with a few blades of grass.

Dove giggled lightly, then sneezed. "*sniff* Good, because I am going to get pregnant tonight, so help me," she murmured, kissing his snout.

He kept his position above her until his long member fully retreated. He then sat up and stretched out his body and wings. "Ahh, wanna head back inside? It's getting a bit chilly on my backside."

She nodded and looked around, having lost track of time, and indeed of everything but Bailmont. "Help me get dressed...or at least presentable?" she purred, rolling to her knees.

He snickered and gathered their clothes up, then scoped her up in his arms and covered both of their bodies in his wings and started walking back to their apartment. The Dragonair wrapped an arm around his neck and kissed his shoulder, closing her eyes and not caring who would look at them. They were in love and they were going to start a family; who cared what someone else thought?

Bailmont used his tail to open their door after unlocking it hastily. He brought her inside and locked the door behind them, going straight to their bedroom and setting her on their bed, throwing their clothes in the hamper. He stood over her, admiring her. "Damn you're sexy."

She mewled at him, spreading her legs from her sitting position. "I love it when you look at me like that. I meant what I said in my song: if you're ever feeling lost, I'll guide you," she said quietly with a tender smile.

He licked his chops and let his eyes wander across her body. "M'lady, with you at my side, I can never be lost." He then murred as his body warmed up for a second round, his member sliding back out and dangling between his legs, still half limp.

Dove batted her eyes at him and rested her hands on her tummy. "To think...we're going to create a new life tonight...I almost can't believe it's happening."

Bailmont smirked and stroked his member back to hardness before he crawled into bed with her. Remembering what she had told him about good positions to have sex in for conception, he rolled her over onto all fours and straddled her backside. "Yes, and I am going to make damn sure you get very pregnant and enjoy every second on it. I am going to make us parents."

Her heart fluttered again and she lifted her tail to show him her reddened sex, still slick from their earlier mating. "Mmf, yesss..." she said as much to herself as to Bailmont. She looked over her shoulder and smiled at him. "I need your baby in me. Please, Bailmont...please make me a mother," she begged.

He nodded and plunged in again, having an easer time now that she was already slick and open. He grabbed her hips in his firm hands and slowly gyrated back and forth, leaning forwards to lick the back of her neck and let draconic murmurs escape him as he mated her again, this time to fully pleasure her and give her an intense orgasm.

Dove was already panting and moaning, pushing her hips back against him, hearing the bed creak slightly and quiet slurping sounds be made with their thrusts. "T-Tellme...tell me...what's gonna happen..." she breathed, trying to sink deep into instinct and every pregnancy fantasy she had concocted.

"I'm going to fill you up, make you big and round," he grunted as he picked up his pace. "Going to give you a big belly and big milk-filled breasts." He knew what she wanted to hear and how to say it to drive her wild as he continued to mate her, swaying his hips back and forth.

"Oh, oh, ohyes...make me swell so huge -ggh!- with your baby...our baby...our baby..." she rambled, images shooting through her mind of herself finding out she was pregnant, kneeling in front of the toilet, of her standing on the scale with a journal in hand, of her just starting to show....

Bailmont bit his lower lip as he kept going; he was going to dump what he had left into her. "Going to watch your sexy ass waddle with your belly." He murred at that thought; he was starting to realize he couldn't wait to see how big she was going to get, finding the thought slightly arousing, more than likely receiving her desires through their spiritual connection.

Dove's head craned back as she whimpered with his thrusts, her hands gripping the bedsheets. "Give me a body made to off...seeing my belly shake with our baby's movements...nnng...ohhhLugia...." Now she was posing for Bailmont in maternity lingerie that showed off her bump that looked even bigger in comparison to her delicate body, she was practicing labor breathing with Bailmont, she was at full-term and with a body that made her look like an angel-suddenly-turned-fertility goddess.

The images started to filter into his mind as well; he thought it was just him coming up with them, not that she was transmitting and he was receiving. "G-Going to make a woman out of you..." he grunted as he started to shoot pre again. He could feel it mounting; this orgasm was going to be intense.

Finally, the image shot through her mind of her holding their pup to her newly maternal breasts not an hour after birth, the new life calmed by its mother and father holding it and whispering comforting words to it as it suckled from Dove...and she knew that it wasn't going to just be a fantasy anymore. It was going to be a dream coming true right before their eyes. "B-Bailmont...I love youuUU!" she cried as she came, her sex gripping his shaft as tightly as it could.

" too!" he cried back as he pressed his tip against her cervix and unleashed his most powerful orgasm yet. His package felt as if it was going to explode as he roared to the heavens and made the pictures on the wall rattle with his bass as he called out his completion to his mate and all within earshot. Dove's jaw clenched as she felt him pump his seed into her yet again, feeling the hot mass creeping into her womb, imagining it moving deeper into her body until it met with her egg and then....

They all but collapsed as their orgasms faded and their legs went numb. Bailmont pulled his mate with him and rested her on his chest facing up, wrapping her up in his wings and panting. The Dragonair caught her breath, resting her hands on her belly again...she could swear she felt a little bulge from how much he came into her. Just a little. The feeling of his seed entering her, the knowledge that she was fertile, the fantasies that were becoming realities...she sniffled, starting to tear up.

He nuzzled her neck and put his hands on top of hers. "It's a matter of time now my love," he whispered knowingly.

Dove finally broke into sobs, a pair of tears rolling down the sides of her head as her tail gripped his. She tilted her head up to look at him. "Thank you...Bailmont...thank you," she said quietly.

"No, thank you, thank you for choosing me." He smiled gently, a tear of his own rolling down his muzzle as he was content on holding her all night.

Dove paced back and forth outside the bathroom, biting her lower lip as Bailmont watched her. "But what if there's too many differences between us...or what if I've just been having hysterical symptoms?" she asked nervously. The last couple of days, she'd definitely been feeling symptoms consistent with what she'd expected, namely an occasional feeling of tightness and tenderness in her breasts and periodic nausea throughout the day.

He smirked and watched her pace. "Dove, please stop pacing, you're making me sea sick. We both know what that's going to say: that you're pregnant," he said, filled with stubborn confidence in them.

"Mmf...why does two minutes always feel like you're waiting on a jury's verdict when you're really waiting for a pregnancy test?" she continued, not missing a beat. She subconsciously rested a palm on her stomach, a habit she'd picked up since their three days of attempted conception matings three weeks ago.

He rubbed her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. "Because you're high strung. Just relax, take deep breaths. You're not doing yourself well working yourself up into such a frenzy."

The Dragonair took a deep breath and leaned against him. "I'm sorry...I can't help it..." she murmured, reaching for one of his hands.

He took it in his. "It's okay, I know it's a lot to be anxious about. It's part of you and I love it." He nuzzled the top of her head and smiled at her warmly.

She looked up at him and met his smile, not saying another word, just holding his hand and letting his calmness rub off on her until she heard the "ding!" of their egg timer in the bathroom that made her yelp even though she was waiting for it. She took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing...." She gulped and slowly walked into the bathroom.

He nodded and leaned against the door jam, still smiling as he watched her pick up the pregnancy test. It wasn't easy to hide his true feelings like this; he was as worked up as she was, but he wanted to stay calm so he could keep her calm.

Once her eyes rested on the pregnancy test, she screamed "Oh, SHIT!" so loud that Bailmont jumped in surprise and hit his head on top of the doorway. It was very rare for Dove to curse; in fact, he could probably count the times he had heard her do so on one hand, meaning that whatever the result was, it was enough to overpower her usual calm personality.

"OUCH! Damn it..." he cussed as well, then walked over to her, rubbing his head right in front of his horns.

Dove was still gawking at the pregnancy test, her whole body shaking and her eyes wider than he'd ever seen them go. "Oh, Lugia...Ho-OhRayquazaMewtwo..." she babbled, invoking the name of one Pokégod after another.

He came up behind her and stared down at the test, still rubbing his head. "What? Did the test crap out? No need to yell, I can get you another...."

She shoved her hand against his chest. "Look at it!" she commanded.

Bailmont looked at it and scratched his head, turning it this way and that. "I can't make heads or tails of this thing, damn digital tester."

Dove's eye twitched and she snatched it from his hand, setting it on the sink. "Honey..." she began, leaning in to hug him so he couldn't see her face, "we need to start a baby book."

His eyes went wide as it suddenly came together in his sometimes thick head. "" She could swear she felt him sob just a bit as he hugged her back, murring happily into her ear as he nuzzled the side of her head.

"We need to tell the folks," she continued. She hugged him as tightly as she could as her own tears rolled down her cheeks, her wings encircling his body and she jumping up and wrapping her legs around his middle and her arms around his neck.

"We gotta do lots of things now!" he cried. He held her weight easily with one arm and put the other on her flat belly, smiling horn to horn.

"It's really happening...we're really going to have a pup..." she said in a voice that sounded as if she couldn't believe what the test told her.

Bailmont nuzzled her cheek with his snout and looked deeply into her eyes. "Yes, you are now happily pregnant."

Her eyes shone with her tears and she licked his nose. "We are pregnant. I'm not going through this alone."

"Of course not, but you're the one carrying him or her, I just helped to make it," he said with a small chuckle and licked her back and slowly rocked with her in his arms.

She rested her cheek against his as they rocked, then whispered into his ear, "Give the baby kisses?" He smirked and took her to the living room, laying her down on the couch and sitting on the floor next to her as he lifted her shirt up and kissed her stomach right on her belly button. Dove moaned and caressed his chin with her wing, her hands pawing at the couch cushions. "Bailmont...there's a baby in there. Can you believe it?"

He nodded, giving her stomach another kiss and then rubbing it with one hand. "Yes. I am just happy you decided to have one with me, that I get to watch you grow and give birth, and then raise the pup that is here with you."

She smiled down at him as she used her wing to pull him in for kisses. "Only you will ever have that privilege, Bailmont," she said in the middle of the kiss. He smiled and pulled her onto the floor so they were lying front to front, his hand still on her belly as they kissed.


Bailmont's song was "You Shook Me All Night Long" by AC/DC.

Dove's song was "A Dream Worth Keeping" by Sheena Easton.

"American Woman" originally performed by Lenny Kravitz.

Batteries not included, refills sold separately.

Wild Ch. 9: Primal Power

Disclaimer regarding incest and pronouns as usual. Cast The Monster: Me. Nivalis: Me. Poachers: Both of us. Stormtalon: Nauta. The white griffon walked back up the slope to the cave, his shoulders slumped dejectedly. What he had...

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This out-of-nowhere one-shot comes from an RP with []( Contains interspecie sex. Yay ^\_^ Cast Alan: Me. Alan's Pokémon: Me. Tayuya: Kitsuchan. Various...

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Wild Ch. 8: Group Hug! 2

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding incest and pronouns as before. Stormtalon and Asahi (c) him, Nauta Sinneau. Nivalis (c) me, Si "Evertide" M. ...

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