Wild Ch. 9: Primal Power

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#9 of Love in the Wild

Disclaimer regarding incest and pronouns as usual.


The Monster: Me.

Nivalis: Me.

Poachers: Both of us.

Stormtalon: Nauta.

The white griffon walked back up the slope to the cave, his shoulders slumped dejectedly. What he had just seen was not what he needed...not with Storm so close to birthing. He stood in the mouth of the cave and called out, "Storm?"

The maleherm - who looked more female than male at this point - sat up slightly in the soft nest. Since he'd grown so big, he didn't go out as much anymore, his chest very maternal and his belly rounded with their child, and he still had at least a moon to go. "Yes, honey...?"

Nivalis smiled a bit in thanks that Storm was safe, walking over to the nest and sitting down next to Storm and holding his brother in a hug, rubbing his tummy. "How are you, love?"

Storm hugged his brother as best he could, his belly pressing against his brother's while the baby kicked strongly inside of him. "Mmmf, heavy...fat...you know how it is." He flicked his wings and moaned, sitting up more.

He nodded, giving Storm's belly a scritch. "Heh, not really, but...I'm afraid I have bad news. Remember those anthros who came to our territory and were stealing our food about four, five months ago?"

He nodded softly and tilted his head, frowning and flicking an ear. "Yes? What about them? Do I even want to know?"

"You should know. They're back, and there's a lot more of them. Maybe some...twenty from what I could see. And you're in no condition to help me fight them off...not this time," he said morosely.

Storm started to stand up, growling softly. "This just isn't fair...why won't they leave us alone?" He looked at his brother sadly, holding onto Niv's hand.

Niv shook his head, frowning. "I don't know, but I have to go fight them off. I won't do it alone, so don't worry. What I need you to do is to stay here and stay safe, no matter what happens." He rested his open palm on Storm's belly and looked deep into his eyes.

The pregnant griffon put his hand over his brother's, looking up to him worriedly, desperate to do something to help but the baby inside him made it too dangerous and nearly impossible for him to fight. "Oh, Niv...I feel terrible. I want to help...."

He sighed and rubbed Storm's belly again. "This is how you can help me. As long as I know you and the baby are safe, I won't have anything to be afraid of. As you told me," he fingered the necklace he wore, the gift Storm had turned down, "it's the father's duty to protect the mother while he or she carries the child."

Storm nodded a little bit and looked down, chirping. "I'm just still not used to not being the father...." He shrugged and hugged his mate tightly. "I love you."

Niv returned the hug and gave Storm a deep kiss, then leaned down to nuzzle his belly. "I love you too," he said, slowly starting to stand up.

The baby kicked gently after they kissed, and Storm smiled, holding his brother's paw as Niv stood up. "Be careful bro."

He winked at Storm before he turned around. "Don't worry; I know exactly what I'm doing. They'll never know what hit them," he said. "And once I get back, you better be ready to celebrate."

He chuckled a bit and tried to rest again. "Okay hon, I'll trust you."

Nivalis walked over to the mouth of the cave and took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself. Then, with the grace and dexterity he'd been developing over the last several months, he started to hop down the edge and into the border of the forest.

Storm sighed and reclined on his back, trying to find a comfortable position, having trouble while the baby kicked. He stroked his tummy lightly. "Oh, sweetie...calm yourself...."

An anthro stallion walked beside his companion, both on guard duty. Seemed kinda ridiculous to even have guards since all that was here was a bunch of animals...but having lost the earlier group, they knew that something was here. He grumbled, resting his rifle on his shoulder. "Man...how come we got stuck with guard duty?"

The wolf next to him scowled, flicking his tail. "Stop complaining. We don't know what happened last time, so we gotta take precautions."

"Precautions suck! The only possible threat the others reported back were a bunch of savages, and we could so take them! I wanna shoot something!" he complained.

"Then shoot yourself, I'm tired of your whining!" He pointed his rifle at the stallion to emphasize his point, and then turned his attention back to his post, keeping watch on the jungle.

The stallion grumbled and continued to walk around the camp. He was about to complain again when a loud cry came to his ears; a cry that sounded animalistic but was unlike anything he head ever heard, sounding like a mix of a roar and a bird of prey's screech. The whole camp stopped what it was doing and looked around. "The hell?" the stallion asked himself, suddenly quite tense.

The wolf readied his weapon. "See, I told you to shut the fuck up." He looked into the direction of the screech, his ears perked, his tail held erect in excitement. He cocked the weapon, looking for something to shoot.

Everyone else picked up a weapon and stood at the ready, waiting for something to happen...and something happened fast. A wave of animals charged the poachers, largely a mix of the deerlike animals they had been hunting but equally numerous were the huge wolves that preyed on the deer...why were they cooperating?

The wolf growled. "Open fire!" he called. He shot at the first thing he saw, aiming for its head, but with the inaccuracy of the weapon and his surprise, the chance of him hitting were slim.

The horse started shooting wildly, but the animals were fast...and strangely coordinated. They seemed to zigzag as they charged their opponents, making them difficult to target. The wave of cervines reached the camp quickly and charged the poachers with their horns and hooves while the wolves attacked the anthros who were already opening fire, overwhelming them with teeth and claws.

The wolf slowly backed away, taking shots when he could, stopping to reload his weapon. "Fall back!" he yelled out, though not much of his party was left to hear him by then. "Fucking animals!"

The horse and the ten or so furs who remained obeyed his command, fleeing from the assaulting animals. As he ran alongside a vixen, the stallion heard a wet crunch as she fell to the ground; he looked over his shoulder to see that a round stone had impacted in the back of her head. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something white in the camp, but was he was too busy running from the few animals who were giving chase to think much of it.

The wolf ran faster, tripping over a body and falling to the ground, losing his rifle and gasping as he tried to get back up. "Oof! God damn it, help me!" he yelled at the stallion. The stallion ignored him, more interested in saving his own hide. Within a second, a dire wolf was upon its would-be malefactor, its jaws quickly finding the anthro's throat. The anthro wolf let out a yelp as he felt the larger predator's jaws upon his neck, turning to a scream before it cut off suddenly as he was killed.

The remaining poachers soon found themselves chased into a marshy area. Their attackers had apparently broken off their pursuit, but they remained on edge, everyone reloading his weapon and catching his breath. "What...the hell...just happened?" the stallion breathed.

Another fox gasped as he waded into the marsh, slipping a bit and losing his gun in the muck. "Damn it...where'd the wolf go? How many did we lose?" He looked around anxiously, flicking his bushy tail.

The stallion looked around. "I dunno...looks like...twelve or so. How the hell could a bunch of animals drive us off? We hunt them!" he growled.

"So let's go hunting!" The fox reached around in the mud, trying to find his gun. "Fuck, I lost my rifle."

The stallion waded into the water to help. "Here, I found it...wait, that's not a guh-," he started to say before something wrapped around his ankles and dragged him underwater, he letting out a whinny before he went under.

"Eep!" The fox jumped back, losing his footing and falling onto his back. He flailed and gagged, suddenly back in a panic from whatever had attacked his comrade.

The other anthros looked over in surprise and fired a few shots into the water. A deep and burbling roar was heard as the water erupted in front of them in a multitude of tentacles, each one as thick as a telephone pole and covered in tiny, bony plates the same color as the murky water. The fox panicked, trying to crawl out of the marsh as he saw the tentacles, screaming in fear and shaking so much he couldn't even stand up. The tentacles quickly lashed out against the anthros, apparently blindly at first but very sensitive to touch: as soon as one touched an anthro, it wrapped itself around the unfortunate victim and pulled him into the water. Bullets chipped away the tentacles' armor but were too weak to do any significant damage. Before he was able to flee the marsh, a tentacle grabbed the fox by the waist and pulled him down, the life almost immediately squeezed out of him as he disappeared into the water.

Almost as soon as it had started, the attack was over. Nivalis stood at the marsh's edge and looked at the water with a satisfied smirk. The remaining tentacles all retreated into the water and he saw the ripples as the creature to which they were connected swam away. "This time, don't come back!" he growled. The griffon turned to survey the damage to his temporary army and then return to Storm.

The maleherm had started drifting asleep, curled up in the nest as best he could, hands cradling his belly while he had his wings folded over his body, hiding his pregnancy.

The sound of footsteps alerted Storm to the presence of approaching creatures, but these footsteps sounded unlike his brother's or those of any animal. Voices speaking a language he didn't understand came to his ears.

Storm twitched a bit, flicking an ear up and blinking slowly, just wanting to rest with his pregnancy. "Mmm...Niv...?" he asked sleepily, not really aware of what was going on yet.

Stepping into view wasn't Niv. It was a trio of anthros consisting of a male tabby, a female zebra, and a male badger. Their dress and the guns they were carrying made clear who they were: poachers. Their eyes widened upon seeing Storm, pointing their guns at him.

The griffon started to sit up, his wings parting to reveal his maternal curves and a groan coming from his beak when the baby kicked. "What are you doing here?!" he demanded, struggling to force himself awake now that he realized the poachers had found his and Niv's cave.

The anthros' eyes widened further and they looked at each other, muttering in their own language before they nodded. One of them took aim at Storm and fired a dart into his shoulder.

Storm yelped and growled, swatting the dart out of his shoulder and starting to stand up before he whimpered, falling back into the nest and squirming a bit, panting in fear. "What are you doing? Go away!"

They were on him in a flash, tightly binding his wrists and ankles with lengths of rope and holding his head down so he couldn't try to bite them. The zebra looked at her companions and smirked. "Well well, this is odd...this one has male and female parts. It's gonna make us rich," she observed.

The griffon tried to struggle but couldn't, lying there while they bound his body, his round belly kicking and squirming. "Let me go!" he demanded.

The anthros couldn't understand him any more than he could understand them, of course, so they kept talking. "Man, a two for one deal...we lucked out big time," the badger observed.

"And if we can get the father...if there is one...so much the sweeter," the tabby said, licking his lips in anticipation.

Storm squawked and just lay there, his tail lashing, about the only thing he could still control. The zebra crouched down to examine his belly. "It looks pregnant too...very pregnant. I wonder how long until it's going to give birth?"

The tabby shrugged. "Doesn't really matter. If it can be bred...or even better, impregnate itself...we'll make a fortune with the pups."

The zebra chuckled at the feline. "Heh, I wish I could do that." She smirked at the badger and gave Storm's belly some more pets, feeling the baby kicking within. "Well let's get it out of here."

The badger rolled his eyes. "You're such a freak, you know that?" he said.

"You're not a chick are you? What would you know?" she countered.

The badger sighed and rubbed a temple with a clawed hand. "Women," he grumbled.

The tabby raised an eyebrow. "I dunno. It looks kinda heavy...especially if it's pregnant. I'll just go back and get a stretcher or something," he said.

"Good idea," the zebra agreed.

The tabby gave Storm's belly a pat and stood up to leave. The baby kicked back against the feline's paw, while Storm grunted from the kick and the unwelcome touches, eyeing all of them angrily as his frustration smoldered. Not long ago he would have killed them on sight; now he couldn't even flee to defend his child.

The tabby was halfway to the mouth of the cave when Nivalis stepped back into view. He had heard the voices before he reached the cave and a chill ran down his spine upon realizing that their sanctuary had been breached. The white griffon hissed at the intruders and fully spread his wings to make himself appear as large as possible.

Stormtalon chirped as he heard his brother nearby, but still couldn't move. "Bro?! Help! I'm tied up!"

Niv let out a short roar as he crouched to pounce, but having three guns leveled at him made him divert his leap to the right. Bullets zipped against the rocks near where his feet had stood just a moment ago, Niv hiding against the side of the cave's mouth.

The zebra blinked and looked around. "Where did it go?" She waved her gun around and flicked her tail anxiously.

The other anthros kept their guns pointed at the side of the cave's mouth. "It's hiding...guess they are kinda smart. We need to draw it out; it doesn't have a chance in here against us," the badger observed.

The tabby flicked his ears in anxiety. "How?" Then an idea hit and he looked over at Storm, grinning widely...and maliciously.

The pregnant griffon was whimpering in fear for his brother's safety, despite Niv telling him he'd be all right. The zebra looked at the cat and tilted her head. "What is it?"

He looked over at her for a moment, still grinning. "Make this one call out to it, of course."

She blinked. "How?"

He crouched down next to Storm and rubbed his chin in thought. Then he poked a clawed finger into what he hoped was a pressure point in Storm's shoulder. The griffon whimpered and yelped in pain, twitching and feeling his arm burning. "Stop it!" he cried out, panting heavily in fear and feeling his belly tightening. Niv instantly tensed up at hearing his brother cry out, clenching his fists at his apparent inability to help. His mind raced for a solution.

The tabby pressed a little harder. "That's more like it," he growled.

Storm howled and shivered, feeling his gut clench and gasping in fear for his child, struggling to move but unable to do anything at all, but the feeling inside of him was making him very scared. "Niv! The baby...!"

Niv scraped his talons against the stone, his other hand clenching the crystal on his necklace...then his eyes snapped open in realization. "Storm, listen to me! If I can't control myself...you have to kill me!" he called out.

The gray and blue griffon panted, looking at the three captors in fear and open hostility. "What...? Bro, what are you doing?!"

Niv tore the necklace off and threw it to the ground, the crystal shattering. He immediately felt his mind be invaded by a base and feral intelligence, clutching his head and roaring out at the top of his lungs.

Storm panted and moaned, trying to calm down but the pain was intense and the lack of muscle control made things more difficult. He felt another tightening in his belly, feeling as if every muscle surrounding his baby clenched. "Oh god, no...not yet...stop that! You're hurting my baby!" he pleaded with the feline.

Niv grunted and fell to the ground as he felt every muscle in his body strengthen and harden, his fingers and toes aching as the talons and footclaws lengthened a bit and their edges became serrated, even deadlier than they already were. He felt rational thought start to fade, looking at the world around him as a truly feral creature would.

Storm panted while he felt the contraction, hoping dearly that his water wouldn't break, but he couldn't do much with the dart he'd been hit with keeping his muscles limp.

The white griffon took a few deep breaths as the changes passed quickly, then let out a deep and reverberating roar as he leapt back into view, still on all fours. The badger raised his gun and fired, but Niv leapt to the cave's wall faster than the badger could recalibrate his aim and then sprung off the wall and past the badger, his talons slashing the anthro's throat.

Storm winced a bit as he watched his brother tearing at the badger, the stocky poacher falling with that single swipe of Niv's talons, and the spraying blood matting down Niv's clothing and white feathers. "Mmmf!" he groaned, never having seen his brother so enraged before...it scared him a little, necessary or not.

Quick as lightning, Niv spun in a half circle with his leg extended, slashing the zebra across her chest with his footclaws as he then pounced the cat, biting the man's throat with a gurgling roar, his mouth filled with the taste of blood. Now that Storm could see him a little better, one other detail of Nivalis's minor transformation became apparent: the pupils and irises of Niv's eyes had disappeared, leaving them stark white.

The griffon squawked softly, looking at his brother, chirping to him and flicking his tail, his belly tightening again. "Mmmf...Niv...? I need help...."

The wild griffon pulled his face up from the fallen poacher, the white feathers on his face covered with the blood of his foe. He looked over his shoulder at Storm, still more like a frothing animal than Storm's brother, and then movement caught his eye. The zebra, who had fallen to the ground, raised her rifle weakly at him. He hissed and rolled to the side as she fired, spinning around and pouncing her next, his claws crossing her face and then her throat.

Storm winced again, ducking his head a little and trying to lift a wing before realizing he still couldn't. "Niv...mmmf...I think she's dead...."

He let out a few hissing breaths before he slowly looked over at Storm. He walked over to his mate on all fours, growling at him. He leaned down to Storm's crotch and sniffed it, licking his beak. "Mate...now..." he murmured.

The herm blinked, panting softly, his belly kicking and tightening again. "Niv...what are you talking about?"

Niv growled again and slashed through the ropes binding Storm. He roughly moved Storm to a crude all-fours position and tore off his pants. "Mate!" he barked as he gripped Storm's hips and humped Storm's backside, not very hard yet.

Storm yelped and panted, his cock stiffening as he squirmed, whimpering in discomfort. "Niv...no...." He couldn't struggle, but his tail lashed in anxiety.

He gripped Storm's hips harder, the points of his elongated claws poking Storm's hide. His shaft stiffened enough to start to penetrate Storm's sex, Niv letting out animalistic grunts.

The herm griffon yelped and screeched angrily. "Bro, stop it! There's something wrong with the baby...! NIV!"

He raised his talons to strike his mate for speaking against him...but his hand stopped in midair. Strike Storm...? That didn't make sense....

Storm scowled at him, his belly twitching strongly with a contraction, the baby kicking against Niv as the bigger gryphon moaned. "Niv, stop this and help me...."

Niv's hand fell slowly and he shut his eyes, shaking his head. He still looked to be in a violent state, especially with his shirt and feathers covered in blood. "Storm...what..." he mumbled, coming to his senses.

He chirped quietly to his brother, wanting to raise a hand to caress his face but still couldn't move. "Bro...please...I love you...."

Niv's eyes opened slowly; they were still completely white but they seemed calmer. Then they snapped wide open in disbelief as Niv fully registered what he had just done and what he was about to do. He disengaged Storm and crawled away on his hands and knees, whimpering loudly, tears starting to form in his eyes. "Oh god...Storm...what did...?" he cried.

"Honey...come here...please...I can't move," he chirped to his brother and sighed, wondering how long it would take to wear off. With great hesitation, Niv returned to Storm's side, timidly reaching out to touch the backs of his fingers to Storm's face. Storm gently turned his face to rub his beak against Niv's fingers, licking them lovingly and looking up to him with his bright blue eyes.

Niv started crying openly and held his brother in a hug, sobbing, "S-Storm...I'm so s-s-sorry...I couldn't control it...."

"It's okay, bro...I love you, don't worry about that." With his panic subsiding, the contractions did as well, and he sighed as his brother held him close. "I'm just glad we're safe now Niv."

He cried and held his heavily pregnant brother until he finally ran out of tears, pulling back and sniffling. He looked down at Storm's belly and rested his palms on it gently, feeling their little one kick. He leaned down and kissed the spots he felt movement, wishing Storm could hold him back.

Storm just sighed softly as he felt his brother's caress, watching him stroke his large belly. The thumps of their child were strong and eager. "He's going to be a strong one...."

He nodded, still in a remorseful daze. He looked up at Storm and motioned with his head over to the corner of the cave where he kept his possessions. "How about I fix your body up, love?" he said morosely.

"How would you do that?" his brother asked.

Niv walked over to his collection of herbs and sorted through them, picking out a root and bringing it over to Storm. He held it in front of Storm's beak. "Eat this. I don't know if it'll work for sure, but it usually makes my muscles a little more limber."

He nodded gently, taking it in his beak and munching it slowly, sighing a deep breath and resting his head back. "Bro...thanks...I don't know how I'll ever repay you."

He lay down next to Storm and held his arm behind Storm's neck and laid his other hand on Storm's tummy, nuzzling Storm's cheek gently. "Just forgive me...I'm sorry, I didn't know that would happen, I thought I could control it...."

"I would never cast my brother out...and my lover...and the father of my child." Storm smiled and chirped lovingly to Niv. "Never worry about that...you did what had to be done. We're safe now."

Niv shook his head. "It still gets worse. I was holding onto that necklace to give its energy to Asahi in case something went wrong during hir birthing, and when everything was fine, I was saving it for you. Now that it's gone, I can't get it back...."

He purred gently. "Everything will go just fine love, don't worry. Our baby's been through so much, coming into the world is hardly more difficult." He smiled gently, kissing Niv on the cheek.

He nodded, not completely convinced but having no choice but to hope that Storm was right. He stayed next to his brother until he felt Storm's slightly cold body start to warm up a little, which he hoped was a sign that the medicine was working.

Storm wriggled slightly and closed his eyes. "I'm tired now...I'm going to take a nap. Maybe you should go wash yourself off," he murmured.

Niv nodded, giving Storm a kiss before he stood up and padded to the lagoon, cupping water in his hands and bringing it to his face. As he did so, he caught sight of his reflection in the water: his snow-white feathers stained red with blood were upsetting enough, but his eyes...they were still empty and white. He growled at his reflection and washed his face, thinking, "Our child does not need a monster for a father."

Wild Ch. 10: Group Hug! 3

Stormtalon carefully stepped over low branches and logs, holding his heavy belly as if his baby would fall out if he didn't. He had a decent pair of breasts on his chest, and though he was very pregnant, he still looked fairly masculine, looking at his...

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This out-of-nowhere one-shot comes from an RP with [http://kenichi-shimerugi.deviantart.com/](http://kenichi-shimerugi.deviantart.com/) Contains interspecie sex. Yay ^\_^ Cast Alan: Me. Alan's Pokémon: Me. Tayuya: Kitsuchan. Various...

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Wild Ch. 8: Group Hug! 2

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding incest and pronouns as before. Stormtalon and Asahi (c) him, Nauta Sinneau. Nivalis (c) me, Si "Evertide" M. ...

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