Pulling the caboose...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#25 of Charns tales...

Pullin' the caboose

Charn licked his pink lip's, as he heard soft pad footsteps make their way up the stairs. The bathroom door swung open and a lithe sleek body moved on the other side. Bright white and tawny spotted fur shown through the glory hole... 'Ahhhhh sweet a cheetah' Charn thought licking his lip's, as tight fluffy feline genitals are plopped through the big hole to hang over the rim teasingly. "Ohooooo a Predator how Yummy." Charn purred lustfully, as that slender spotted feline sheath as it bulged up excitedly.

"Ahem... ok so... do your thing!" A soft voice purred... unaware of just what the Tigers thing was. On his side of the Glory hole the sleek slender Cheetah heard a deep rumbling chuckle. As big, hot leathery paws began to cup his soft fuzzy loins gently rolling them around and around in his wide palm.

"With pleasure... I rarely get to play with a Pred... but every time is very special... to me." Charn purred back, as he leaned forwards to nuzzle and kiss those cute fluffy feline goodies. The lithe young feline trembling on the other side of the wall, as he felt hot breath wash over his quivering loins. "Sooooo Yummy." The big Tiger purred lustfully as he just sniffed and licking those fuzzy genitals. Thinking just how much he loved being taken advantage of... by big cocked studs... That big rough feline tongue, licked over the Cheetah's fluffy ball sack playfully as he watched the pretty spotted felines cock peek up.

"Damn this is hot..." The sleek slender feline purred through the wall, as his spotted sheath began to bulge even more. That sleek pink feline fuck stick slowly peeking out, as that big hot mouth mauled his plump orbs. "Ummmmm..." The sleek handsome feline moaned thrusting his strong young hip's against the wall harder. As that hot mouth made it's way up his musky sheath to that long pink feline rut stick. Hot maw engulfing that long stud stick, raspy tongue scraping over the hard aching flesh. Tasting that potent feline maleness, as it stimulated those flexible barbs. While strong claw tipped fingers grip and knead those hard little nuts underneath. Gradually pulling down on that fluffy pouch... as he licks and nibbles on that pointed feline fuck stick. The Cheetah felt tremendous pangs of pleasure and sensation as those big sharp teeth prick into the skin of his pointed cock head blood oozing. "Ohoo Gods... I... I know what your doing..." The young handsome predator moaned, as he felt Charn teasing that hard cock head. The young spotted feline's sensitive pink nose, picking up the scent of his own blood and pre-cum. That excited erection bounced up even harder and thicker, as the Cheetah pressed his body against that wall. "Don't stop..." He moaned softly, his own claws digging into the wooden wall, as the Tiger bites down further and his cock tip pops off.

"Ammmm..." Charn moans from the other side of the wall as he slowly chews and then swallows. "So good to be with a reasonable fella predator." The big Tiger moaned his tongue lashing that bleeding shaft, as his hot mouth moves back down it. The pretty Cheetah can feel his balls being stretched, and tugged downwards by those huge paws. Squeezed harder and harder, blurring the distinction between pleasure and pain. The slender spotted feline bucking and thrusting himself into that deadly maw, as the pleasure and pain fill his mind and push him towards his climax. As that hot mouth moves farther and farther down his throbbing length, shortening that hard rut stick as it does so. Charn chewing and slurping loudly, now that there was no point in hiding it any longer.

"Do you... are you enjoying..." The sleek spotted feline moaned as the pleasure and pain meld together within his brain. His passion growing rapidly with each lick and nibble, somewhere between his loins and his brain.

"Ammmm Hmmmm." And he does love that barbed feline cock, that salty male meat ripe with testosterone. Soon he's biting into the root, and tugging his head back, pulling the Cheetah's hips against the wall. So he can fish deep into that fuzzy sheath and chew tenderly on the root of that delicious feline fucker. His sharp teeth teasing the nerves there as the Cheetah's eruption interrupting his quiet eating. Hot bolts of slimy bitter semen clogging his throat, washing down the last of that little Felines meaty maleness.

"Are... are you going to take it all?" The sleek little spotted feline whimpered as he felt that hot mouth leave his sheath. Slipping lazily down over that limp empty sheath... engulfing those firm tight ball's within their fuzzy sack.

"Yes...." The big Tiger purred plainly, well past laying at this point as his long rough tongue curling around those sweet nuggets. The heat and suckling working to relax them tugging and drawing them low in their pouch. Those strong throat muscles caressing those potent male orbs as the bigger predator swallowed, and swallowed again. He feels his balls sliding down through his sac, which doesn't make any sense. But he feels them sliding down, there is an almost gentle pinch even as his hip's slam against the wall. And then he was loose staggering back a step, and those big white and pink strained lip's smirked. "Ammmm... Thank you that was delicious." That lustful Tiger purred, as his huge paw reached through to smear that narcotic healing cream over the Cheetah's denuded crotch...


'Bing Bong.' The short chunky little Fossa rang the door bell for the twentieth time. He knew they were in there, he could hear the drunken revelry. The young Fossa was a student at the university as well, but he had to work his way through. And this lousy pizza delivery job was the best work he could get, delivering food to drunken full ride jocks. Giving up on the door bell and knocked the thick bodied Fossa tried the knob. It wasn't locked of course, so he strolled in to the house. And towards the sounds of merriment just down the short hallway, the big open living room was full of drunken college jocks. "Errr... Pizza."

"Oh... Hey fuckin' great I'm starved." A big roan horse... who Danny the Fossa recognized as the star Quarterback of the collage football team. He was clearly very drunk as he shelled out of money for the food, and then held his wallet upside down. "Sorry dude... got no tip for ya." The big horse snorted with a drunken grin, as the Fossa frowned.

"Thanx a lot..." Danny growled as he turned to go, when a big hand grabbed him by the shoulder and spun him around.

"Oh hey wait... how would ya like a blow job for a tip?" The big jock stallion giggled, as the Fossa looked him up and down curiously. "Best yer ever had..." The big drunk jock promised, as he was still holding the smaller predator by the shoulder.

"Who's gunna do it?" Danny asked skeptically, as the big equine grinned at him stupidly. "You?"

"Wha... Awww Hell No." The big drunken former stud snorted, as he put on a gruff show of masculinity. "I aint no pansy boy... but we got us one upstairs giving head through a hole in the wall."

"A glory hole..." Danny choked, as he listened to the horses drunken rambling. He'd heard about them of course, but the young Fossa had always believed they were just myths. Made up to spice up cheap quick gay paw off stories... trust a bunch of horny so called straight jocks to have a real one. "Pent up closeted... jock cock sluts..." The short Fossa cursed under his breath, as the big handsome equine rambled on about what a good time he'd had in the pansy kitties muzzle.

"Huh?" The big roan equine grunted, as the Fossa pressed on to keep the drunken jock from thinking about his words.

"So where is this... glory hole huh stud?" Danny asked, as he sat his empty hot bag on a small table.

"Up stairs three door on the right... its a bathroom with a hole in the wall." The big equine explained, as he shoved a slice of pizza into his wide mouth.

"Ummm'k thanx." Danny grunted, as he started up the stairs even as a big intoxicated Buffalo came stumbling down.

"Enjoy..." The big former stallion called, as he strolled off into the kitchen with the pizza box's.


Danny reached out for the old tarnished brass door handle, when the dark old wooden door flew opened. A tall lean Cheetah staggering out of the room, almost stumbling into the short chunky Fossa. "Errr... sorry." The oddly passive feline muttered weakly, as he staggered past Danny and headed down the hall. "Gunna hava lay down now..." The handsome spotted feline moaned as he wandered off towards the bedrooms. Danny shook his head, muttering under his breath about stupid drunken jocks. Stepping into the small well lit room, the Fossa closed and locked the door. Spotting the raggedly cut hole at once, and then saw a big orange and black finger stick through. Swirling around the rim of the hole playfully, before curling up slowly beckoning to the newcomer.

"Whatcha got for me." Charn's sleepy contented voice purred through that ragged hole, as the chubby Fossa slowly unbuttoned his jeans. Wiggling his hip's to get them down and expose his amazingly prolific genitalia. His small paws rubbing over his sheath and firm nuggets, as a shiver ran down his spine at the sound of that deep lusty purr.

"Oh I think you'll like this..." The Fossa snickered, as his incredibly long and strangely shaped cock rose to a creditable erection. Danny stepped up and began to fed it through the glory hole, drawing an over awed rumble of excitement from the other side. "Well... whatcha think?"

"Magnificent..." The big Tiger purred, that soft rumbling voice going from half asleep to keenly lustful. Even as more and more of that long throbbing rut pole was speared through at him. Charn took it into his warm paws, tugging on it teasingly as he watched in wonder. The little fur was packing one hell of a weapon in his sheath, or now out of his sheath. The big striped feline pounced on that immediately, his hot mouth licking and slobbering over that oddly shaped cock.

"Oh wow... you really are... Errr eager." Danny moaned, as that seemingly scalding hot mouth explored his twenty six inch long rut stick. As those furry lip's kissed and licked their way down that mighty length. Big hot paws fondling and caressing that massive rut stick, as those furry lip's and hot lapping tongue moved lower.

"Ammmm yes eager." Charn purred as his mouth slipped past those double knots and on down. Until he was nuzzling that fuzzy pouch, with its fat twin orb's dangling over the edge of the hole. Even as those big paws stroked, and tugged on that hot saliva soaked cock. The young Fossa wasn't use to this amount of stimulation, he'd only fantasied about getting blowed. He'd been gay, nerdy and awkward in high school, once in college he had experimented with his roommate. But neither of them had much experience at it, and so had not been very good. Unlike this fur, who clearly knew expertly how to use his muzzle to pleasure another male. And was doing so with wild gusto the young almost virgin Fossa was rocked by the pleasure. His strong hip's already beating, and banging against the cool tiled bathroom wall. As his body reacted to the pleasure that hot muzzle was providing him, long cock throbbing and oozing wildly as his twin knots inflated. As it sensing his aroused state, those big smooth paws became more insistent. And that lapping tongue growing more fawning, as it curling around the base of his long cock. Licking and stroking over Danny's furry sheath before dropping back down to his bulging well packed jewel sack.

"Ummmmm gods your so good at... Your mouth feels soooo very... Oh fuck how do you do that with your tongue..." Danny babbled helplessly as his furry little body press hard against the wall, hip's driving his mighty cock into that pleasurable embrace. Even as his hefty young ball sack, was engulfed in the furnace like heat of the Tigers maw. Gentle suckling pulling those fat orbs down, silky lip's pressing against the base of his sheath and taint. Even as those strong paws squeezed and tugged harder and harder on his quivering erection. "Ohoooo fuck yeah... swallow me." The horny young Fossa begged, as his pleasure hung dangling on the cliffs edge or orgasmic release. Even as his strong hip's beat a lustful rhythm against that hard cold bathroom wall. He barely noticed the pinch, and hot stinging that blended almost instantly into the pleasure he was feeling. Lost in the flood of hormone induced desire and building sexual tension of his coming release. On the other side of the wall, the big feline was snorting and grunting as he swallowed heavily. And then that hot mouth seemed to be inside the Fossa's sheath, rough tongue exploring the thick root of that mighty cock. Sharp teeth nibbling and nicking into it, as those big hot paws grow rougher and more insistent. There's a soft 'Crack' and a vibration run's up Danny's spine and triggered his orgasm. The Fossa's last cream bubbling out of that ragged wound, even as those tugging paws jerked hard. There was a sharp rip and then Danny's crotch was tingling, as thick fingers rubbed swiftly rubbing over his crotch. And then before Danny knew what was happening his jeans were back up and zipped.

"Thanx fer giving me the sausage... pizza boy." Charn purred, as he lifted that long dissevered cock and looked it over admiringly. As Danny staggered out of the bathroom and wandered back down stairs...


On the island

My first story in Charn's Writing Contest... Big Bison Damon Appleton all star Football player has a run in with another contestant First encounter on the Island Damon trundled down a twisting...

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Little Sis... A hard Times story 8

Jordan the rich Bull's Neutered Rottwieler's younger sister wants to meet the big Bull... As always RPed with the talented [!["boinggoat"](http://beta.sofurry.com/edit/%5C...


The Geldings Girlfriend... Hard Times 7

Taking some advise from fans I've shorten the chapters hopefully to two or three orgasms heh Jordan's new gelding brings the big Bull a gift... RP-ed with [!["boinggoat"](http://beta.sofurry.com/edit/%5C...

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