Little Sis... A hard Times story 8

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#8 of Hard Times

Jordan the rich Bull's Neutered Ro...

Jordan the rich Bull's Neutered Rottwieler's younger sister wants to meet the big Bull...

As always RPed with the talented "boinggoat" boinggoat

Neuters sister

"Soooo this is the guy who cut yer balls off?" The short thick bodied black and tan Rottweiler bitch snorted, as she stood beside her naked neutered brother. Looking down as the fat black Bull who was lounging back in the swirling waters of the hot tub. "He don't tell you about the other stuff..." The big black Bull snickered as the big black and tan bitched arched her eyebrow.

"What other stuff?" Jocasta asked as Jordan smiled up at her, and licked his thick rubbery Bullish lip's.

"I rut him in the muzzle and tail hole... like I do all my Steers, geldings and neutered pups." Jordan explained, as the amused bitch taunted her neutered brother a bit more, before she shimmied out of her bathing suit. And then slipped naked into the hot tub with the big rich Bull, who was sitting beside a cute little Appaloosa mare. Debbie had a blissful look of satisfaction splayed across her long narrow equine muzzle clearly she was in post orgasmic bliss. "So you cut her brothers balls off too?" The Rottweiler bitch asked, half enraged and half turned on by the idea.

"Her ex-boyfriend actually..." Jordan smirked as he reached over, and began to fondle the big canine female. As her neutered brother watched passively from a nearby deck chair... "Mmmmm..." Jordan 's eyes narrowed, even as his wicked grin widened leeringly. He drank in the lovely sight of the naked Rottweiler's wet fur, shining in the dim light of the Tub room. And the heavy mounds of her breasts floated, just above the frothing water of the hot tub. He slid his large hands around her thick sides, kneading her soft body gently. That big blunt canine muzzle sagged open, and her long tongue lolled out of Jocasta's wide fang filled mouth. As those big hot hands cupped around her big bouncy breasts, fondling and tweaking her thick knobby nipples. Getting a soft whine of pleasure, as the big Rottie bitch slid over onto the fat black Bull's hefty knee.

Jordan licked his lips, salivating as he kneaded and massaged those heavy tits in his big, strong hands. "Mmmm, you've got such nice breasts...and such a big, strong body, you're almost built like a cow. You know I find that VERY sexy." Jordan whispered in a low, lusty rumble, as he slipped his hands under the bubbling water. Sliding them around her hips... one fat hand grabbing her ass, the other fondling her chest. And then teasing her big delicate nipples, as he ground his thigh between her legs. The fat bull leaned forward, his belly brushing against hers... as he planted a soft kiss on her muzzle. "I've never had a predator girl before." He whispered in her ear as those big hot hands stroked over her soft parts. "You're gonna be my first..." Jocasta inhaled deeply, licking her lip's and panting heavily as that big knee rubbed over her pubic mound. Making her big powerful body tremble and press harder against him as she smiled softly.

"Well honestly I've Never been with a herbivore like you... didn't figure you were dominant enough to be enough male for a girl like me." She chuckled softly and looked deep into his eyes, as a tremble of pleasure raced through her big lush body. "So yer my first as well... but that's exciting as hell to me." Jordan chuckled softly, and nuzzled the stocky bitch's cheek hotly.

"Oh... I think you'll find that I'm male enough for your satisfaction." "Here..." The big Bull took her paw, and pulled it to his fat belly, then pushed it down until his stiff Bull dick was in that leathery palm. "How does that compare to what you're used to... hmm? That goes inside you tonight." He leered, and slid his hand to her plump groin, groping her hot drooling pubic mound.

"Ohooooo my..." The black and tan bitch inhaled sharply as her short stubby fingers grasp that long thick hot male organ. "Its soooo long... and springy." Jocasta moaned as her chubby paw rubbed up and down that thick length... as Jonny's blunt muzzle blushed and looked more than a bit angry.

"Tonight you give your pussy up to a real male... to a Bull." He took a moment to look over her shoulder, at her neutered brother watching from his chair. "Hey puppy. You like watching me make out with your sister? She's such a hot girl, did you ever wish you could fuck her? You never will now, heh heh... does it make you wish you still had your balls, neutered puppy? Go on, watch me nail your hot sister."

"Oh he tried it... more than a few times when I was young." The pretty Rottie bitch smirked as her neutered brother, choked and blushed in embarrassment. "Hahaha..." Jocasta laughed at Jordan's words nailed her horny older brother perfectly, knowing that her brother had desperately wanted to do what the big Bull was going to get to do...

Jordan choked with laughter as Jocasta spilled the beans about her brothers incestuous desires. "Well I hope you kicked him in the balls... a few times for his troubles."

The sleek black and tan canine pressed her big lush body to that hefty black Bovine body... "Kick no... although I did have to grab them and yank them a few times... of course I can't do that now." Jocasta giggled as she shared a look over at her humiliated brother with Jordan. "Of course he won't be trying to hump anybody anymore huh... thanx to you."

"What a naughty puppy." The big Bull snorted, an shook his head teasingly at her castrated brother. Jordan grinned at Jocasta, and squeezed her firm round ass. "Well at least he appreciates what a good, quality bitch you are. He's been wanting your pussy for so long, let's allow him watch at any rate." "Stand up here." Jordan ordered lustfully, indicating the underwater shelf on which he sat. "Face him... I want to show him how much fun... I'm having with his sister." A quiver ran through her big strong body as that strong hand squeezed her big round ass. "Ohooo that's naughty... ya want to watch this big stud rut me bro?" She asked with a nasty grin and the chuckled as she saw that in fact Jonny didn't want to see that... "Ok sweety..." Slowly she stood up... that hot canine sex dripping as she climbed up into position...

Jordan smirked in erotic delight as the pretty Rottie Bitch teased her neutered brother. "Oh you can still grab his balls, they're just not attached to him anymore. I'll show them to you later, and we can have some more fun with your brother's balls..."

"Hahaha... not attached to him anymore." The big lush Rottie bitch roared with laughter, as Jordan promised to let her play with Jonny's balls later. "Oho I bet he'd like that better than me." As she watched her older neutered brother stammer and looked amusingly submissive as he stuttered.

"Mmm, you miss those, puppy?" The big black Bull teased Jonny, as Jocasta stood flaunting her quivering sex in front of him. He grinned broadly at the nut-less dog, then lifted his big hands out of the water. One coming to rest firmly on Jocasta's firm round ass, the other rubbing her plump prominent sex mound.

"Yes... yes sir I... I do." Jonny gulped as he watched those big black hands fondling his sisters drooled black sex... drawing a long soft moan of pleasure out of Jocasta.

"Here it is pup... your sister's hot lusty pussy. Jordan waved that big hand in front of it, like a game show host talking up prizes. "Have you ever seen it before... did you get that far with your balls still on?" The big rich Bull snickered lewdly as he licked a thick finger, and then slipped it into her.

"Yes... yes I can see... have saw..." The big neutered Rottweiler howled, as he watched those thick fingers slipped into it. One at first and then a second, the pretty bitch moaning and bucking her hip's on those fingers...

"Did you ever get to play with her pussy... like this?" Jordan asked with a teasing leer, as he started firmly fingering the bitch's gooey hole...

"I... ummmm yes sir when she was pasted out..." While and angry Jocasta growled at him and rubbed herself more firmly against the Bull.

The fat Bull chuckled in lustful delight, but shook his big horned head. "Ohoh... you are a naughty puppy. Groping your cute little sister while she was unconscious, because if she was awake she'd grab your balls and punish you. Ammm... but I bet it was worth the risk heh? She feels SO nice in there..." Jordan leered at the neutered Rottie, licking his thick rubbery Bovine lips.

Jonny was leaning forwards so far that he was almost falling out of his chair as he watched the two of them... "She... she does." Jonny moaned licked his thick black lip's as he drooled everywhere... the last of his male hormones fueling his lust.

"Ummmm... I'm so glad I get to fuck her." Jordan moaned gloatingly as he pumped her sex faster with his big thick fingers. "Hey puppy, did you ever get to do this?" The big blach Bull asked with a smirk, and then leaned his broad muzzle into Jocasta's crotch, and lewdly licks her puffy oozing folds."

"Ohooo gods ohooo gods no I... I didn't... I tried but then she started to wake up..." There was a loud 'Thwack' as the Rottweiler's deck chair turned over dumping him onto the hard tile floor. Making both Jordan and Jocasta roar with laughter, as she quivered in pleasure from that broad hot Bovine tongue...

Jordan licked the stocky bitch's pussy a few more times, after he stopped laughing.

"Ammmm... your sister really does have a Great pussy... pup. I can't wait to feel my dick sliding all the way up in there. In fact... I don't think I will wait." He nuzzled the big girl's belly and patted her broad hips. "Lay down on your back there... you can keep your feet paws in the water. Then... heh heh, spread those sweet hefty legs Jocasta..." When she does so, Jordan teases Jonny a bit more. "Look at that... you naughty little pup. She'll spread her legs for me... never would for you." Jonny crawled over to the edge of the tub, and cling to the lip as he starred across it to his sisters dribbling sex on the other side.

"Jocasta." He whimpered, as he watched the big black Bull who had tricked him into giving up his balls, and then rutted him like he was some bitch. Which in point of fact the big Rottie understood he was now... Jordans neutered male bitch. A shiver ran down his spine, as Jordan stepped up and guided his long thick Bull prick into Jocasta's hot sex. "Ohoooo gods." The neutered puppy whimpered, as he watch that big organ sliding in... know very well what that felt like. As the big Bull had used him repeatedly over the last few weeks, as he'd made Jimmy lure his school buddies in for the same treatment... Yes, the fat Bull's ball collection was growing rapidly, thanks to his castrated sex toys willingness to lure their friends in to get the same treatment. He would probably never get every boy in school under his knife... but he was already making a sizable dent in the male student body. The Rottie had had his testicles cut off by that fat black Bull's pretty Cow... and then been fucked by him. While watching him take the balls of his best friends... and now he watched as those huge bovine sacs swayed. Giving him a fleeting glimpse of that thick, long Bull rod sliding into his sister's hot pussy. The Bull gripping her body firmly, and pushing in there as his thick rut meat spread her sex open wide.

"Uhoooooo..." Jocasta moaned loudly as that big organ plunged deep into her hot wet canine sex, those chubby legs wrapping around Jordan's broad waist. As Jordan's hefty belly draped over her own, as the big lusty Bull leaned forwards. Slamming his thick cock ball's deep into her, as those big hot hands clutched at her large breasts. "Ohoo fuck... Ohooo wow its..." The pleasure dazed Rottweiler bitch moaned, as she gave up her sleek powerful body to her brothers new master. "Your sooooo big and powerful." The pretty black and tan bitch howled in delight, as her legs locked around him, dragging him deeper still into her quivering sex. While jonny watched opened mouthed, drool dripping into the hot bubbling waters. Jordan breathed deeply sucking in the steamy air through his open mouth, and snorting out lustfully through his big black nostrils. The big Bull energized by that snug canine cunt wrapped around his hard pole, feeling so virile and powerful as he slammed into her. His fat belly shook as he pulled back and thrust hard into the plump Rottie bitch's squirming body. The force of his pounding, making her breasts shake and bounce, before he grabbed them with his thick hands and kneaded them. He rocked his hips, big balls swinging in the hot bubbling water, splashing as he fucked her. "Ohh yeah Jocasta... ohohoo this feels so fuckin' good."

"OOOOOOOOOOOOHO." That pretty black and tan bitch howled loudly as Jordan's big strong body pressed down onto her, as the big rich Bull rolled his hip's slammed in and out of her hot sex.

"Oh yeah, tomorrow I want you to tell all your friends that you gave your pussy to a Bull last night, and you're never letting a dog fuck you again!"

"Ummm Hmmm baby... Sooooo fuckin' good." She agreed as her gooey sex quivered wildly as it built towards a powerful orgasm... she'd never been filled so completely before and whimpered. "Ohooo gods even without a knot... you... your magnificent!" "Yes oho yes all my friends..." She screamed as a stunning wave of orgasm rolled over her... leaving her lay back open mouthed... her long canine tongue lolling out the side of her mouth. "No dog good enough for your bitch..." She agreed with a loud howl of pleasure... as she flashed Jonny a lusty smirk.

The fat black Bull's big ass flexed with every hard thrust, and the neutered Rottie got to watch this mighty bovine balls pull up. And quiver... then Jordan let out a deep bellow as his Bull hood erupted inside that bitch, the big Bull filling her belly with his batter. He rolled his head back as he came in her plump body hard, the lusty Bull emptying his large balls... Jocasta lay back panting wildly, as she felt him cum deep inside or her, only just then considering if a herbivore could knock her top. She'd really never thought about it before now... because she'd never considered letting one rut her... Now she knew that the big Bull would be rutting her a whole hell of a lot... "Damn baby... you really fill a girl up." She moaned weakly as she lay back panting for breath...

Jordan took a deep breath, and then smiled looking down at the big, thick Rottie bitch writhing on his thick organ. "Get used to it... sweety." He advised with a broad grin, and put his hands on her belly to stroke her hefty breasts, caressing her sleek curves.

"Hahaha... a girl could get use to that really easy..." The big black and tan bitch giggled, as she fondled his hefty body lovingly.

"Ammm... I want you to come over to my place later on Jocasta. I want to get some video of me fucking you..."

"Video... you do that to all your girls?" The pretty bitch panted, as the last quivers of her powerful orgasm thundered through her big lush body... Clearly she found the idea of him fucking her on camera both exciting and pleasing... Jordan leered, and licked his lips as he caressed her round belly and large canine breasts.

"No..." He admitted kind of embarrassed, that he just wanted to show off his predator conquest. "But I think I might start..." He quickly covered up, as they rested there together in the bliss of afterglow. "I should get a video collection of every girl I get into, just like I have a collection for every guy I bend over..." The Rottie bitches eyes widen as she looks from the big Bull over to her now shamefaced brother...

"You gotta vid of Jonny taking that big thingy of yours up his tail hole?" She asked, clearly both excited and amused by the idea of seeing her horny straight older brother getting it up the ass like a bitch...

Jordan laughed loudly, his fat belly shaking wildly. "Well, yes! It's part of the video of his balls coming off... how about that Jocasta?"

"Call me Jo... lover." The big gruff black and tan Rottweiler bitch grunted.

"Wanna watch your brother's dreams of a family coming off? And then you can watch me having his ass..." Jordan chuckled softly.

"Ho baby that would be soooo fuckin' hot." The pretty young canine admitted, as she looked over at her humiliated brother and grinned. "Heck I gotta bunch of girlfriends, he use to try and mount all the time who'd love to see that vid..."

Jordan's grin broadens. "Well hey... they're all welcome to watch as well. You can bring them by my place sometime... I'm a very good host, I make sure all my guests have a good time." The big rich Bull said suggestively.

"Is that true Jonny?" Jocasta teased, as she glanced over at her even more embarrassed older brother. "Did you have a good time..." She asked teasingly, and then laughed wildly when Jonny mumbled.

"Yeah... yeah I did." Jordan chuckled along with the plump Rottie bitch under him.

"Yep... the video shows that too... You can see his dog dick getting hard and spurting, while I'm fucking his nice toned ass. I bet those girls would love to see that." Jordan grinned as he felt himself growing excited once again... "Of course there will be a viewing fee... I think for admission I'd have to ask that all attendees take their shirts off."

"Hahah... I don't think that'll be a problem... in fact we may have trouble getting all of them to keep anything on at all..." The big sexy Rottie bitch laughed as she felt Jordan's long cock hardening within her... "Your ready... I can feel it... take me again."



The Geldings Girlfriend... Hard Times 7

Taking some advise from fans I've shorten the chapters hopefully to two or three orgasms heh Jordan's new gelding brings the big Bull a gift... RP-ed with [!["boinggoat"](

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Rematch Zavis' Revenge

Zavis comes back for a little Revenge in his rematch with the Zebracorn... Having made a deal with a Demon Fox... ...

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Climbing up the ranks

Hooves is making his way of the ranks of fighters it seems... this time poor [!["handofblades"]( ""handofblades"") handofblades]( Zavis is the unlucky opponent......

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