The Geldings Girlfriend... Hard Times 7

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#7 of Hard Times

Taking some advise from fans I...

Taking some advise from fans I've shorten the chapters hopefully to two or three orgasms heh

Jordan's new gelding brings the big Bull a gift...

RP-ed with "boinggoat" boinggoat

The Geldings Girl

"Well now Jerome... who is this..." Jordan ask as the young formerly straight gelded horse... stood in front of him with a very cute little Appaloosa mare.

"Ummmm this... this is my girlfriend... Debbie." Jerome choked, as he looked over at the big smirking amused looking Bull. "Debbie this is... Jordan my Errr... Bull."

"Your Bull?" The sleek sexy dappled young mare looked over at her, obviously uncomfortable boyfriend questioningly.

"I wasn't aware you had a... girl Jerome." Jordan smirked, as he lay back on his bed and looked up at the pair smiling. Jerome shivers as now as all eyes were on him, the young white gelding trembled as he cleared his throat.

"Well... Debbie was away... living in Spain for a year as a exchange student..." The handsome white gelding explained, as he flashed Debbie a soft smile. "But... but shes back now and well..." Jordan smiled softly, as he saw where this was headed...

"Ohooo I think I see..." Jordan chuckled, as he smiled up at Jerome and then stood back up to move around behind the pair. "So she's back and ready to get intimate... but doesn't know your my gelding Now." The big rich Bull chuckled lewdly, as he flashed the pretty mare his best dominant Bullish smile.

"Wait... he's your what?" Debbie nickered as a look of confusion crawled across her long muzzle.

"My gelding..." Jordan explained, as he reached around and unbuttoned Jerome's ragged jeans and shoved them down. The young gelding wasn't wearing any underwear, exposing his limp sheath with the wicked black scab snaking down under it. "He gave me his ball's... so that he could rut Dagmar... one of my Cow's" Jordan explained with a smirk, as he saw the Mares muzzle twist up in anger.

"He... he..." Debbie fumed, as she looked at her former boyfriends denuded crotch.

"Yep... he gave up his nuts to rut another female." The big Bull smirked as he displayed Jerome gelding scab for her. "Good thing you did let me cut them off..." He snorted into Jerome's long pointed equine ear, as his big hot hands fondled the geldings softening body. "Because if you still had them... I think Debbie here would be kicking them off." He snickered in delight as the pretty young mare looked up intensely at that idea.

"You fuckin' right I would." She snapped as a tremble of anger ran down her strong spine. As she thought about her boyfriend... who she had been saving herself for had rutted some Elk Cow slut.

"Well there are other... even more pleasurable ways for getting revenge." Jordan smirked as he moved to press himself against the sleek dappled gray mare's big round rump. Debbie's eyes flew open wide as she felt the Bull's be hot junk against her soft rump. "He's unable to mount you... or anyone else ever again thanks to me." Jordan whispered into the little mare's pointed equine ear as she pressed back against him. "Wouldn't the prefect revenge be to make him watch, as a big powerful Bull gave you the pleasure he never can." The pretty mares lip's rolled back into a nasty smile, as she ran her fingers over Jerome's rough scab.

"Guess he really can't huh..." She laughed derisively at the mortified gelding, even as she reached back to fondle Jordan's stiffening organ.

"Oh he has a very talented mouth... sucks dick like a real pro now, and I bet his hot slick tongue is just as pleasing to a mares sex." Jordan chuckled lewdly as his big hands moved around to unbutton the pretty mares jeans. Debbie didn't move to stop him, and as he unzipped her jeans and slid them down over her hefty hip's and big round rump.

"Ahah, Debbie... heh, you'll like your new male better than any stallion." Jordan promised, as his own long organ rose in the cuddly dappled mare's hand. His own thick, groping hand kneaded and caressed her satisfyingly large round buttocks. "Of course, even geldings are just replacements for the real thing... beautiful girls like you." Jordan explained with a broad smile on his chubby black muzzle. The pretty young mares soft mouth hung open slightly, as that might Bull cock grew and grew in her soft three fingered hands.

"You... you are something of a stud." She moaned softly, even though she had never really held a hard male organ before. The sexy young mare knew that her former boyfriend, had not sported so long and fine an organ as this. And the pitiful limp hose that dangling from between his thighs now, couldn't satisfy anyone... Of course contrary to her thoughts, Jordan got a good measure of satisfaction. Every time he looked at her old boyfriend's limp horse dick, and the empty space below it. And thought to himself of how it would never get hard nor please a mare, especially, never please this mare. That delightful deed was his privilege alone now, with a look of smug pride. The fat, black Bull leaned back, letting his long pole thrust straight up. While he gently rocked his hips, sliding that stiff, warm meat through the dappled gray mare's gentle fingers.

"Thanks Debbie... heheh. You could say it runs in my family." Jordan explained casually, his best attempt at sounding modest about his powerful male attributes. "And you are a very lovely mare. But of course you knew that... or this wouldn't be so hard for you right now." The rotund young Bull added flatteringly with big lustful smile.

"Huhuh." The pretty mare giggled at this flattery, as she begin to feel an excitement building within her loins. The big handsome if heavy set Bull was making her feel special just like Jerome use to. "So this..." She rubbed her soft palms up and down that long stiff length, as Jordan's long organ tensed and throbbed as she stroked it.

"First time handling a stud? Go on heheh, explore it all." He squeezed her big round ass again, pulling her hips up against his own heavyset frame.

"This is all for me... I made it get sooo big and excited?" She asked feeling very aroused and flattered all at the same time, a tremble of lust racing down her strong spine as he pulled her against him. "Ye...yes... I've never seen one all hard and excited like this." She panted softly, as her trembling hands fondled their way up his cock to those huge heavy Bull balls admiring them in plain awe. Jordan leaned back and licked his lips, his fat shaft twitching, oozing and glistening pre-cum from its tip. As it was handled and gently caressed by the playful, very aroused mare.

"Ammm, all of it just for you beautiful... and I'm glad you seem to like it. Because you've got so much that I like." Jordan moaned, leaning his heavy body against hers, and sliding his big flabby arm around her sleek sexy torso. And then slipping both of his big hot hands under her loose fitting blouse. He rubbed her belly, then slipped upwards and started groping those generous breasts. While his big meaty loins throbbed with lust for this cute little mare. He let out a lusty sigh, when she began playing with his fat black balls. The chubby Bull rolling his hips, to make them move in her hands. Those powerful, plump man-melons heavy and firm, the flesh of his nuts strong and virile... "Ammmm... you like my balls babe?"Debbie giggled again, as Jordan assure her that his huge erection was all for her, a blush covering her big round equine nose. As she helped him strip off her shirt, and the hefty bra holding her pendulous breasts. Thick nipples erecting as his big hot hands cupped and squeezed her teats. "Those are important too, of course." The big rich black Bull went on in a low voice husky with sexual excitement. "Only studs have a set, and mine are some of the biggest in school. Jerome doesn't have balls at all anymore." Jordan added with a smug smirk as he glanced over at the gelded Jerome. The passive gelding was watching in a odd mixture of horror and admiration, as he saw his big powerful Bull. Tease and excited the one girl Jerome had wanted more than anything to mount, now he could never mount anyone ever again. But his Bull could... and that was the reason he had brought her here, to share the only really masculine thing he had... his Bull.

"Oh yes I love them." She chuckled looking over at the passive gelding with a dark smirk. "No... no he doesn't at all." She agreed with a angry look on her pretty gray muzzle. Jordan briefly followed Debbie's gaze and glanced at Jerome, shooting him a smug grin. Before leaning over to nuzzle and nibble at the sexy mare's big pendulous breasts.

"Heh, are you glad I cut off his balls, and made sure he'd never have an erection, or please a mare again?" Jordan asked lewdly, as he groped and massaged those lovely breasts with his strong, thick Bullish fingers.

"That's exactly what he deserves... breaking his promise to me like that." The pretty mare nickered clearly still very angry that Jerome had cheated on her with some Elk slut.

"Maybe later I'll take them outta my trophy case and let you play with what's left of his stallion hood. In the meantime." He leered and slid a big hot hand down to the sturdy mare's hips, caressing her belly along the way. And then stuffing those big hands down her panties, lewdly groping her quivering mare sex. "I want to get my hands on your sexy body Debbie... all of it..."

"Ohooo..." Debbie inhaled sharply, as those big hot hands slipped down into her panties; shoving them and her jeans on down past her knee's. Until she lifted her long sleek equine legs and stepped out of them, Jerome kneeling down to help her strip them off. "Whinny." Escaped her soft lip's as those big hands slide over her hot velvety sex, which was already damp with her excitement. "No... no one ever has..." She moaned in delight, as his fingers toy with her most private parts, sending tingles of excited racing to her brain. The fat black Bull looked over at Jerome and smirked gloatingly.

"Thank you Jerome what a good gelding you are, helping your Bull get a mare's pants off so he can have her. I am sooo glad I cut your testicles off." The rotund Bull chuckled again, reaching over to pat the limp horse's ball-less crotch. The gelding blushed brightly, as he looked up passively at his former mare and the big excited male who was going to breed her.

"I... Errr... Uhum yes sir." He rambled not really sure what to say at this... he wasn't really glad that he'd lost his balls to the Bull. But that was over and done with and now without them... he was much to passive to stand up for himself.

With a soft lewd chuckle Jordan turned his attention back to the pretty Debbie. His heavy palm caressed her plump slot, firmly kneading her supple, moist mound. The Bull licking his lips as he leaned against her, almost looming over her, his cock and balls pressing against her body. "Mmm, so nobody's ever had you before, huh? Well I want to change that." Jordan assured, boldly groping her bare breasts once again. "I'm a big, powerful, lusty Bull, and I want you... you pretty mare. I've got a lot of experience, I've had more pussy than anyone else in school. And I aim to get my dick inside even more. I cut off your ex-boyfriend's balls, made him limp-dicked gelding forever. Debbie trembled in both growing sexual excitement, and a kind of passivity that a mare in season develops. Her breath coming in ragged moans as she listened to the massive male extolling himself, his thick masculine musky filling her senses... While making that tight virgin slit between her thighs dribble long strings of hot equine lust down those hefty inner thighs...

"And now I wanna put this big hard thing inside you... Do you want that, sexy mare?"

"Yes... Yes I do... I want a real male to mount me." The pretty dappled gray mare shivered as she whinnied in need. Jordan licked his lips smirking, and then gently placed his head against her soft cushy chest, pushing her onto her back on his big bed. Putting his damp hand on Debbie's thigh's and pushed her long sleek sexy legs apart. He moved over her plush body, his own heavy body filling the space between her legs.

"Ohooo.." Debbie gasped as she was pushed over on to that huge bed, her long sexy equine leg's going up as Jordan pushed in between them grinning. The sexy little mare breath deepening as his hefty body pinned her smaller rounder feminine body to the soft mattress.

"Ammm, and you're getting the best my beauty." Jordan assured with a lusty smirk, as he lined his manhood up with her luscious slot, his big balls dangling low and heavy between his thick thighs, giving the gelding much to envy. He pushed into the young mare slowly, the big Bull savoring his latest conquest... As she saw Jerome watching them from the floor looking up at her from between Jordan's legs. The helpless gelding having quite a view of her big pink tear drop shaped sex, until the black Bull's low dangling balls blocked that view.

"Ummm." She moaned, as the thick round tip of that long thick Bull cock parted her hot drooling sex lip's as he slid perhaps a hands depth within her. Before it thrust up against her maidenhood, as the big bovine hover over her. Taking his time moving in and out slow and teasingly driving her heat wilder and wilder. Jordan moaned softly in lust, as he felt that succulent pussy sliding down around his long bovine pole... Even just a hand's length in he could feel the heat of her slick pussy, wonderfully vibrant and tender around his thick meat. "Ohoo Ohoooo." Debbie moaned, as that thick hot rut stick teased her oozing sex... while that big strong body covered her own. In soft sweaty corpulent male flesh, his aroused musk heady within her long slotted nostrils.

"Ohohoh yeah... you feel so nice." Jordan whispered to her, the big young Bull lowering his body onto that soft round mare. Lifting his hips to keep his cock from plowing through her hymen right away. "Ummmm, just one more push, and I'll be the Bull that popped your cherry." The rich black bovine snorted lewdly, rocking his hips to let his fat balls sway while licking her stiff nipples. "Tell me you want that." Her soft hands slowly slide down Jordan's broad shoulders... down his soft sides to at last cup his big fleshy butt cheeks in her palms. Even as her back arched, thrusting her big round breasts up into his lusty licks those erect nipples tingling. "Take me... pop my... my cherry." She moans, her strong hands pulling those big round butt cheeks apart as dragged him deeper into her virgin sex... until there was a soft 'POP' and then he was sinking deeply and smoothly into her.

Jordan actually puts up a little resistance to her needy pulling on his buttocks, just to spread them teasingly for his gelding's viewing. While also to make her really work for the pleasure of getting that fat Bull to be her first. Once he feels her virginal barrier split around his shaft, Jordan started stuffing his hot Bull hood into that slick mare pussy vigorously. His pendulous ball sac flapping between her thighs, as he has his pleasure in that sexy dapple gray mare. Jordan licked her neck hotly, as his hard shaft pleasures her hot drooling pussy. The big black Bull loving knowing that he castrated her boyfriend, and now he was popping her cherry. 'Every girl in school should come to me like this...' Jordan thought gloatingly, as he drew his strong hip's back and slammed in and out of that hot sex.

"OOOOOOOOOOOO.." Jerome moaned softly, as he watched the big black Bull take his former girlfriends virginity. And act the former stallion had always dream of doing himself. His own male organ throbbed weakly, and he began to rub on that semi hard organ slowly stretching it more than stroking it...

"Aahahaha..." Debbie screamed, as her virginity was taken by that huge hard male organ... sending a jolt of pain through her along with the pleasure. But then, as Jordan pinned her down and rutted her lustfully, the pain vanished completely although she still sobbed softly into his shoulder. The lusty Bull licked the pretty mare's neck, and panted hotly onto her bouncy chest as he rutted her good and hard. Jordan grabbed at her breasts kneading them, as he hammered himself into her hot sex. His bulky bovine balls eager to empty in her belly, instead of the eager stallion pair that Jordan had cut off... He rocked his hips those big buttocks flexing, his heavy sac swaying in a big circle between his thick thighs. Lewdly showing off to the gelding, just how a male with balls was supposed to use them. Jordan could feel Jerome's hot breath on his buttocks and flapping balls, even as his powerful thrusts made the pretty young mare whinny and squeal in pleasure. That big Bull cock smashing in and out of her bleeding sex, while the heat in her loins grew steadily as did her passion.

"Ohooo... Ohooo gods yes... Oho rut me... rut me hard" The sexy female screamed and begged loudly, as her body wiggled and thrust up against her Bull's big strong body. Jordan groaned into Debbie's neck as he nailed her hard, the fat Bull's heavy body thrusting powerfully into that soft, virgin pussy. His big ass shuddered as he felt his large balls lifting, and he shoved a hand under his mare. Grabbing the horse girl's soft ass, holding her hips in place while he hammered her savagely.

"Nng, Oh guh, gunna cream in you Debbie... Oh yeah." He let out a deep, rolling bellow of pleasure as his fat balls jumped, his tail flagged up and down. His pucker flexing along with the pulsing of his Bull hood, as the young Bull delivered his cum into his new mare lover's belly...

"EEEHEHEHEEE." The pretty mare screamed, as a powerful wave of orgasmic pleasure washed over her strong sexy young body. Those strong feminine sex muscles gripping and squeezing, as her sex contracted with orgasm. Sucking that hot potent male seed deep into her quivering womb. While her strong body buck and quiver in more pleasure than she had ever felt in her young life. Those big dark eyes rolling back in her head, as the pleasure became to much for her. And for a few moments she lost consciousness under the big rutting black stud...

Jerome whimpered, and tugged on his plump weak little erection franticly, doing his best to get off. But having little luck... with his limp shrunken cock. Jordan groaned, panting into the unconscious mare's neck. As his hips slowly came to a stop, grudgingly slowing down like an out-of-steam locomotive. He grunted and heaved himself off the mare, his long pole pulling out of her wet sex. To lay oozed onto the bed beside her, as he panted to catch his breath. He opened his pleasure-glazed eyes, and saw his gelding vigorously pulling his soft dick... and chuckled. "Can't get it up, gelding? Of course you can't. You gave that privilege up with your balls." The rich fat Bull teased, and then patted the bed on the other side of him from Debbie. "Come to your Bull gelding." With a frustrated whimper, Jerome slowly climbed onto the bed beside his Bull. That limp semi hard organ drooled long strings of clean seedless goo onto the bed sheets. As he moved up and lay passively on the bed, looking over as the semi conscious mare moaning and babbling softly. And then up at the big potent Jordan, who was smiling leeringly down at him. As those big hot hands still smelling strongly of Debbie's drooling sex fondling him... The fat Bull grinned leeringly, and then slid a thick corpulent arm around Jerome's shoulders. While his other hand... still damp from Debbie's pussy, slipping down to fondle the horse's scar and play with his limp organ. "Hmmm... well... well... well. There's just a hint of stiffness there." Jordan commented, as he kneaded and pulled on that rubbery flaccid hose. "You must've Really enjoyed watching me screw that beautiful mare. Heh, you wanna be next gelding?" Jerome panted for breath, as his excitement grew with his big Bulls fondling the scent of that mare pussy fueling his frustrated desires. .

"Oho gods it was so fucking amazing... I... I've wanted to do that for... for years..." The helpless gelding admitted, as that big hot hand smear mare scent all over his useless male organ. "Oho I... I'd love to... to be next... but I don't think it'll get stiff enough..." Jordan nodded his big blunt head, his lip's twisting into a smile that just broadened and broadened. Jordan couldn't help himself, although the big Bull tried his best to suppress his hysterics. But the sudden comedy of the gelding's statement, had him laughing so hard he was almost snorting air. He rolled around holding his blunt black muzzle, slapping the soft mattress. Shaking his big horned head, and trying to stifle his giggles. And then, he just gave up and laughed so hard the huge bed shook. Finally he wound up on his back, tears rolling down his broad black cheeks. Staring up at the ceiling, his hefty belly still shaking with the occasional errant chuckle. "Heh... heh oh god, that was a good one Jerome. You... totally caught me off guard there." The big handsome Bull smirked down at the limp little gelding. The passive Jerome blushed deeply, even as the semi conscious Debbie giggled soft at him, he'd been a straight stallion and was still thinking like one. But as the amusement of his Bull and ex girlfriend forcefully reminded him, he was no long... Now he was a little gelding mare boi, for real males to use.

"Errr... I mean please mount me next my Bull..." The embarrassed and very humbled gelding mumbled meekly. Jordan chuckled as he rolled over onto his side again, nuzzling and fondling his cute castrated horse toy.

"Ammmm you are the cutest little gelding. Roll on your side a bit? I'll fuck you just like this, while spooning." The rich Bull smirked, as he watched the blushing horse obey without resistance. "And don't worry sweety... you'll get to watch me cum in Debbie quite often, I think..." Jerome lay there on his side, gently pressing his big round equine ass back. Jordan's soft belly pressed against his lower back, forcing the young gelding to bend forwards. The big black Bull grasping those soft hip's and tugging back playfully, as he wedge that long thick stud stick between Jerome soft flabby ass cheeks...

"Uhum thank you sir..." Jerome moaned, as that long springy male organ was slipped easily up his well used tail hole. "Ohooooooo." He moaned, as Jordan use the juices from his new mare as lubrication to sodomize the passive gelding. Making the mare boi, smell like a mare in heat.

"Here limpy..." The big black Bull snickered turning them both around on that big bed. "Lick her sex nice and clean... for her second breeding after I finish practicing in you." Jordan ordered, pushing Jerome's long equine muzzle between Debbies sexy thighs. Rubbing his soft velvety nose against that soaking wet cream filled horse pussy... Obediently the gelded horse began to lick up his Bull's cooling cream, and his former girl friends fragrant juices. "Good geldie... Hahaha." Both Bull and Mare laughing derisively at him.


Rematch Zavis' Revenge

Zavis comes back for a little Revenge in his rematch with the Zebracorn... Having made a deal with a Demon Fox... ...

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Climbing up the ranks

Hooves is making his way of the ranks of fighters it seems... this time poor [!["handofblades"]( ""handofblades"") handofblades]( Zavis is the unlucky opponent......

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From big stud to big gelding...

Everyone has a first time... perhaps this was KonuBadgers... RP-ed with the big smexy Badger himself [!["konubadger"](
