Rematch Zavis' Revenge

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#6 of Battles...


Zavis comes back for a little Revenge in his rematch with the Zebracorn... Having made a deal with a Demon Fox...

Rematch Zavis Revenge

Zavis hissed coldly, as he slowly stalked around the old abandoned foundry where he had recently lost a match to the magical Zebracorn Hooves. The anger still burned bright in him, at his humiliation and rape that followed the equine male's victory. The only comforting thought about the whole ordeal, was watching the Zebracorn get fucked along side him. From the crowd that had watched their brutal battle, and that the foolish equine thought were his but in fact who owned him. He shivered, as he recalled a particularly vivid moment of the ordeal, when he and Hooves had been pressed chest to chest. Forced to kiss one another and jerk each other off while pleasuring a Lupine cock between them.

The only concession he gave the magical male was he hadn't lied, his balls had grown back very well. And three different doctors had agreed they were potent and in proper working order. With that in mind he had gone to a set of Foxes he knew, and gotten the aid he needed to take the Zebracorn down. Now he stood nude in the center of the foundry, the two Foxes flanking him on either side. One was a simple male Fox, standing rather awkwardly in a black t-shirt, and blue jeans. While he looked expectantly at the entrance of the foundry through his thick geeky glasses. The other stood nude like him, his fox cock raging hard and standing a rather insane fifteen inches of proud male meat. The black flesh clashed horribly with the Fox's blazing white fur and demonic red main coat.

"Are you ready Azy?" Zavis hissed urgently, gathering himself for the coming fight as he peered around.

"Indeed bitch." The demonic looking Fox growled, as he closed his jet black eyes. After a moment he let them fly open, the inky blackness now glowing a violent red as a massive pulse of energy shot out across the town. Calling out to the magic of the Zebracorn, the summon was simply, come and fight or be destroyed.

Hooves lay basking in the afterglow of adoration, in the bed of a couple of his lustful fight fans. His resent win having gotten the big Zebracorn a lot more of sexy fan bois. All of whom were just dying to suck all the spoo out of his massive black balls. When suddenly the big equine sat bolt upright in bed... as he sense the magical summons. It was and undeniable challenge... a dark deadly magical challenge. Instantly his white and dark body shimmers and faints from view, as he magically travels across town to his own private arena. While the three watch a cloud of mist rapidly forms within that big open space, and from this ethereal mist the big striped stud stepped. "What is this?" Hooves demanded, as he looked over the three over, instantly recognizing the Demon Fox for what he was. "Planning on having a gang bang are we?" The big Zebracorn demanded, as he looking them all over darkly. "I can call a few more to even things out if that's needed."

The Demonic Fox smiled softly and gave a little laugh as the Zebracorn appeared. "I'm not here to fight. I am here to make sure that you don't cheat anymore." The Demonic Fox growled softly, stamping his foot onto the ground. As he did his eyes flashed red and all over the large building runes flared to life, covering it in a red haze that only the magical inclined could see. As the haze settled, instantly a weakness began to come over the big Zebracorn... it was faint almost unnoticeable at first, but it was there.

Meanwhile Zavis smiled strolling forward towards the Zebracorn until he was just a few feet away from him. "I am here for my revenge bitch and this time, your cheating ass isn't going to win you hear me." He hissed, spreading his legs wide into a battle stance while he grinned at his sleeked foe. "Come on, take your best shot." Zavis hissed, turning slightly to the side to give a narrower profile to his big opponent.

While Zavis challenged the Zebracorn, the two Foxes moved to the upper tier of the building, smiling at the carnage that was about to unfold. The Demonic Fox channeling his power into the barrier, while he siphoned the Zebracorn's power off to somewhere slowly. The other Fox gently pulled out a white crystal around his neck and began to toy with it slowly, smiling down at the pair. "I would hurry horsey, you don't want to drag this out too long I would say. Oh Zavis, Azy gets to milk you for the next six months regardless of who wins m'kay." The geeky Fox hollered down, truly wanting to see how the fight turned out.

"Yer damn right I don't wanta drag this out to long." Hooves agreed as he looked over at the Snake leeringly. "I got a good half dozen fan bois to visit and fuck tonight... besides fucking your sweet muzzle that is." He chuckled licking his lip's. "Your revenge... that's a laugh." "Your pleasure you mean... just because you didn't get this..." The big Zebracorn gestured to his bulging sheath. "Up your tail hole last time... don't worry you will this time." Hooves assured as he made a show of looking up at the Fox's, and then without warning his hard hoof flew up. Zavis saw it and moved to block it at once, only to watch it drop back down as Hooves pounded a powerful punch into the side of his head instead... sending the reptile staggering to the left dazed. Instantly the big equine pounced upon the Snake punching and slamming hard knee's into Zavis. Wanting to end this fight quickly and get it over with, before much damage could be done to his sleek sexy body.

Zavis couldn't get in a word edge wise, as the Zebra launched a massive assault. He felt his brain rocked by the hard punch, and he gave a woof of air as the Zebracorn slammed into him with his knees. Groaning, he brought his tail cracking around slamming the Zebracorn in the side, knocking him off as he rolled away from the big stallion. He smiles as he rising to his feet as he watched Hooves wearily.

"I'm going to get that all right, but not quite how you are thinking bitch." Zavis hissed, as he stood he felt a slight warm trickle on his face. Reaching up, he gently wiped away a small trickle of blood running out of the small nose holes along his muzzle. As he did, a familiar blue light glowed around his hand for a second, before the bleeding stopped. "Hehe... I think that is going to be useful in this fight." The slender Snake hissed, grinning at the confused Zebracorn

"Errrr hey what was tha..." The mighty Zebracorn grunted, as that long tail tip whip up between his legs. Lifting the big equine up for a second, before sending him crashing to the floor. Hooves clutched at his battered junk for a moment, before climbing back to his hooves. Realizing what was happening, when his magic didn't swiftly take the burning pain away, as the magical healing started. "Oh fuck." Hooves grunted as he understood what was going on, those runes weren't just blocking his power they were stealing it away. "Now that's a naughty trick." He moaned sagging back, and pretending weakness as the Snake moved in for his next attack. This time slinging a lightening fast kick at that long proud equine head, and then as hooves ducked under it. That long tail whipped around the handsome equines neck, squeezing and jerking his handsome muzzle forwards. Burying that soft equine nose between the reptiles rump cheeks, pressing those soft mobile equine lip's to that tail hole.

"Lick it bitch." Zavis snarled, his powerful tail tightening down savagely until the Zebracorn couldn't breath. His long slick equine tongue flickering out at last, to lick over that smooth scaly hole, making the Snake moan gasping in pleasure. And then Hooves big hands shot up grasping those strong thighs and lifting Zavis up. Spinning to smash the reptile repeatedly, into one of the huge steel support beams. Until that tail released him, and then the big Zebracorn tossed him across the shop and onto that old tool cover work bench. Zavis groaned, as he slowly stood back up, looking over at the other male as the light blue aura surrounded his own body. Fixing the broken bones in his battered form and easing the pain that screamed through him. He was really enjoying the fact, that the effect seemed to just happen and it wasn't something he had to focus on. Grinning over at Hooves he laughed aloud as he began to walk over slowly, eying him up and down. "Son of a bitch." Hooves snorted looking up at the Demon Fox who was grinning down at him from above. And then gesturing to either side... the big Zebracorn suddenly saw all his willing fan bois. That wick smile growing even wider, as Hooves realized he was to be humiliated in front of them. And then he saw that they had video camera's pointed down at them.

"You know what your biggest problem is bitch." The Snake hissed, his eyes flashing a violent blue. "You seem frozen in fear about losing your power." As he finished his statement the Zebracorn's junk suddenly became flash frozen, his balls and cock surrounded by a shield of frigid ice. As his screams of pain resounded around the building, Zavis smiled and gently knelt right before the Zebracorn.

"Fuck..." The big handsome Zebracorn cursed, as he looked back at the Snake just in time to see his own fat black junk frost over. "OOOOOOOO..." Hooves moaned, as shivers ran down his spine... even as Zavis moved over and knelled down in front of him...

"Don't worry, I'll help you warm up." Zavis hissed, breathing on the frozen male junk and washed searing hot air over the ice. At first it brought feeling back to that pain filled cock, right before it began to nearly boil the flesh in white hot heat. Then with a smile the Snake nudge the Zebracorn's cock head with his nose. A blue flash of light fully healing any lasting damage to the male organ, but did not removing the throbbing pain within them.

"Wha... warm me up... EIEIEIEEEE." The big pretty equine squealed, as his frozen testicles were brought to searing white hot heat... "OOOWWW." Hooves screamed in agony trying to fade away... even as the damage was repaired leaving only the throbbing pain still just as vivid as if it never healed. As the Zebracorn began to fade, Zavis smiled and faded with him, sliding into the shadows along with Hooves. From there he smiled and gave a jump, gliding through the darkness with subtle ease. Landing behind the squealing pain filled Zebracorn with a wicked smile.

"Naughty bitch trying to run away." The handsome spotted Snake hissed, pressing his body up against the Zebracorn's hot form. His arms reaching up to cup the other male's chest, squeezing hard on those hard pecs. While he brought his hands to a blazing inferno, searing pain right into the twin nipples, before he turned throwing Hooves across the room.

"What how..." Hooves snarled, as the Snakes voice hiss into his ear as they quivered in the shadows. That cool body pressing against his back the reptiles hard cock wedging between his ass cheeks. And then his hard male nipples were set on fire, making his big striped body trembling in pain as frothy equine sweat suddenly covered his strong body...

The pretty striped equine slamming back first into one of the heavy steel support pillars. "No more running." Zavis hissed, drawing a deep breath and pulling out the last of the Zebracorn's ability to run through the shadows from him. Leaving the big handsome stallion trapped in the real world.

"Ow Fuck OOOOWWWW Fucking Helllllllllll..." The big Zebarcorn screamed, as he was thrown across the room, and slammed brutally hard into that steel pillar.

"Now, what else you got bitch... because I've got plenty." The spotted Snake hissed, his eyes narrowing as he began to stalk towards the pretty equine. Hoping he would try a few of his other magical tricks.

Meanwhile above them on the catwalk the Demon Fox began to laugh and called out. "Come on Uni, I want to see you fight... all I have seen you do so far is be a little mare. Come on, bloody the snake up, unless you want to be made a bitch before all these adoring fans." He laughed wicked, as he toyed with the two twinky Rabbit bois the Zebracorn had just came from rutting. Looking away Hooves did his best to ignore the Demon Fox and concentrate on his opponent.

Hooves lay back against that cold hard steel panting for breath, as he watched the snake stalk around him. Spinning around the big Zebracorn flash his attacker that shiny hindie dancing and prancing back at Zavis. Trying to use that sexy swaying rump to entice the Snake, as he moved towards him... Using his psychic powers to fill that reptiles head with nasty naughty images wild sexy fantasy... Zavis gave a hot moan as the Zebracorn flashed him that shiny hot rump, fogging his mind with the striped swaying hotness. His cock throbbed roughly in desire, as his pre-cum began to ooze and dribble down his length. His mind still continued to go through his various revenge plans on the Zebracorn, making him smile. Then he began to focus his thoughts on Hooves nuts, sending many of those thoughts right back at him. Crushing an mauling those testicle nerves, forcing white hot agony through his brain. But causing no harm to those big testicles within their velvety black bag.

"Oh that is a hot ass... I've got to say." Zavis moaned lustfully as his ran his Big hands over those firm round rump cheeks.

"Yeah... yeah you want it you waAAAAAGGGHHHHA." Hooves screamed, as his big low dangling balls suddenly felt like they had been put in a mangle. Crushing... squeezing... pounding suffering burned withing those fat black stud nuggets. His knee's crossed pushing his long hard stud hose, and massive black plums were forced out making them an even bigger easier target.

"Its dazzling... making me see double... I think." The big snake groaned as his body shimmered, two sexy Snakes starting to form as he literally walked apart from himself. Each handsome spotted Snake moving to flank that hot shiny hindie, two scaled hands slapping each ass cheek. As they both breathed in the deep musky Zebracorn's sweet potent male scent.

Even as those twin Snakes moved up beside him, slapping and pinching those big round striped ass cheeks.

"Wait... wait two... two of you." The big Zebracorn choked, as he looked from one to the other, realizing this was in fact one of his own tricks. Thinking he was going to have to go darker and more wicked as the two Snakes fondled and violated his tight ass. The two Zavis' smiled, suddenly pressing their cool bodies against the hot sweaty Zebracorn. Hooves is the victim of his own sneaky tactics, entranced by the sexy spotted reptile in front of him. As he moves up to plant a long slow lusty kiss on the stunned Zebracorns soft mobile black lip's. "Ummmmm."

One Zavis controlling his front, wrapping his arms around that long equine neck, pulling him up into a hard hot kiss. The other slithered up behind him, grinding his cock between the hard fleshy globes of that pretty ass. Gently probing at that hot tail hole for a second, getting himself all lined up. And then violently and brutally sinking all seven inches into that sweet tight ass. Hooves screamed and bucks hard trying to open himself, and ease the way for the hefty cock being forced up his sexy equine tail hole.

"Eheheee." But the cock thrust in to hard and penetrating him far to fast, and so the big equine is forced to squeal in agony. As his hot tail hole is split wide open by that hard reptilian cock. "Ohooo fuck... Ohooo Fuckin' Hell... not so fast ." Even as his big black balls are squeezed savagely, making that long thick equine stud stick bouncing up and down. Spurting gooey cream all over both him and the second Zavis... Hooves was pushing back on that hard cock inside of him at that point... even as high above his fan bois snickered and laughed. The twin Snakes tails also got in on the action, wrapping around his midsection and squeezing hard. Crushing his ribs and spinning that big body around as they began to rock and rub against the trapped equine.

"Is the mare boi enjoying this?" The Zavis behind Hooves hiss, licking his ear while he reached down between their bodies. Grabbing a firm hold of both of Hooves fat black balls, and squeezing them powerfully until his felt them cracking. Then paused healing any damage he had done to prolong the torture, as he began to squeeze again. "I think he is..." The Zavis in front moaned, grinding his cock into the Zebracorn's thick male fuck stick as he broke their kiss. And then for fun, Zavis began to channel heat into his two cocks, shivering in pleasure as they grew hotter and hotter. At first to a pleasant warm, but then it rose to a uncomfortable tingling heat. Before growing steadily to a searingly agonizing fiery hot, a red hot steel rod within that tight quivers anus.

"Oh Noooooo." Hooves moaned, as that heat went from uncomfortable to burning and then to searing. While the one in front of him charred a streak up the underside of that throbbing equine cock. Making the big Zebracorn buck and struggle hard to escape that flaming invade. Racing forwards to escape only to impale himself on the hard knee of the second Zavis. Stumbling to the side he clutched at his aching ball's and flaming tail hole. Hooves rushed at them unleashing a wild confusing frenzy of blows, each and every kick, knee, and punch seeming to come from some odd and seemingly random direction. To lash into those dangling nuts in a blinding flash of spinning darkness. One Zavis doubling over in pain, but seemingly is held suspended in the air. Attempting to clutch his sac and just trying to fall to the ground to cover up, but those slashing fists, smashing knee's, and crunching hooves slam home in front of him. Hooves turns and staggers away chuckling in dark amusement, as one Snake lays crumpled on the ground moaning in agonizing pain.

Zavis groaned in pain, the two Snakes feeling each others pain leaving them both in total agony. Thankfully due to the stolen magic, both males slowly rose back up, smiling at the chuckling Zebracorn male. With dark wicked grin Zavis began to shimmer again, the two males splitting now into four. Slowly walking around the startled Zebracorn, each one smirking before unleashing a hellish torrent of strikes.

One Zavis punched Hooves hard in his handsome muzzle, splitting those soft equine lips and spinning him around for the next clone. Who's hard punch smashed higher, causing that big equine nose to pour bright crimson blood. As he spun around from the blow, another Zavis kneed him hard in the gut forcing all the air out of his lungs. Shoving Hooves around to the next, that Zavis slung a savage low knee to his fat dangling balls. Before sending him round to the first Zavis again, who wrapped him up in a cool sooth hug. Kissing him hard on those soft bloody lips, loving the idea of having them wrapped around his cock. big handsome Zebracorn bounced around and around that circle, moving from brutal kicks and punches. To sexy strokes and kiss's Hooves soft lip's split and bloody from the hard scaly fist smashing into is pretty muzzle. And then with a evil giggle, he shoved Hooves into the second Zavis again who took a couple of quick steps and launched a might kick between those long sexy equine legs. Hooves aching as his nuts were pounded and smashed, and his belly and side beaten roughly.

"AAARAGH." The handsome stud screamed as that powerful kick lifted him into the air. The Zebracorn coming down on the same hand railing he'd hung the Snake in in their first fight. His arm's wrapping under the upper rail, holding his big body up. As the four Snakes smiled and lined up in front of him, taking turns racing forwards and driving hard knee's and kicks to those big danglers. Making the big stud squeal and scream... until his voice at last degenerated to a soft gurgle. The first Zavis let his tail coil around the Zebracorn's left nut, trapping it in the coils.

"Time to kiss one of these big boys goodbye." The sleek spotted Snake hissed with a grin, as he slowly tightening his tail around that fat stud nugget. Aiming to give a long slow painful 'Pop', while his other three clones moved up. One punching the Zebracorn in the nose, while the other two began to kick and knee him in his side. It wasn't until that powerful muscular tail coiled its self around his fat right nut that Hooves got his voice back.

"Nu stop..." He moaned as that tail slowly constricted around it squeezing the cords first, making the blood rush. Before the big testicle its self was caught in those tightening coils, as they squeezed tighter and tighter filling his senses with the tortuous pain... "IIEEIEIEIEIE." The big pretty stallion screamed like a little trapped colt, as that constriction ohoooo so slowly pressed tighter and tighter. And then there was a loud wet sound 'CRUNCH!' like a cabbage being crushed under foot. And the big striped equine was collapsing onto all fours, vomiting on to the floor. Even as his long black equine salami was drooling pinkish pre-cum down his inner thighs... Zavis smiled and nodded, as he watched Hooves collapse to the floor. One of the Zebracorn's fat stud nuggets reduced to mash within his hefty ball sack, the Snakes revenge was now only one third complete. Strolling away from the gagging Zebracorn, Zavis laughed as he let his clones fade away. All the power flowing back into him, as he raised his hands up to the crowd.

"One down... and one to go." He laughed as the big Zebracorn crawled across the floor after him. "Now what's the best offer I hear for his ass... and his mouth. I know for a fact they are both fucking hot and talented as hell." He screamed, relishing his domination of the Zebracorn, totally ignoring Hooves for the moment. Sure that the equine wouldn't be a threat at the moment, seeing as he was only half a male at the moment.

"Five hundred... for his pretty muzzle" A small mouse called down, giggling lustfully at the big equines humiliation.

"Six... if I get to pull his teeth out myself." The mouses twin offered, giggling as he wanted to get in on taking down the bigger male.

"Eight for his ass..." A tall Crocodile snickered, as he looked down grinning... before adding. "And another six if you let me eat his big black salami." This statement bring on a flood of offers, all wanting a piece of the gelding as well as to rut him in some way.

Hooves looked up, finding himself looking up under the handsome spotted Snakes tail, it was the prefect shot and the big Zebracorn took it. Driving his long spiral horn up between those wide spread legs, that sharp horn tip aimed at where he knew Zavis' nuts to be hidden. Planning to spear both of them on his needle sharp horn tip, much like he had done in their first fight. As soon as the Zebracorn's horn slammed into his scales, Zavis faded from view causing the horn to miss totally. Seconds later Zavis reappeared behind the Zebracorn, slamming a hard kick up into that remaining testicle. Smashing it against his pubic bone, while he smiled and waved up at the cheering crowd.

"While I would love to give some of you the chance to take this bitch's salami." The Snake shouted up to the fans who were now cheering for him. On all fours again, the big Zebracorn gagged and choked as he second big orb was smashed hard against his pubic bone hard. On the very raw edge of shattering, as it dangled there swollen like an over filled water balloon.

"However I've got plans for it... Azy." He called out looking up at the smirking Demon Fox. Demon Fox laughed and tossed a small metal ring down to Zavis. Who easily snatching it of the air, holding it up triumphantly for a moment. The pain and shock to much for Hooves, and so he could offer up no resistance. As Zavis pounced atop him, and buried that hard rut stick deep in his trembling tail hole.

Slowly fucking him deep and hard, as his scaly hand slipping that metal ring over that big blunt cock head.

Wrapping his arms around Hooves and locking that metal ring onto his huge bulging black cock. As the metal slammed shut with a soft clink of metal, a hard clank echoed up the Zebracorn's cock was severed in a single painless moment. Reaching down Zavis grabbed a hold of the fallen stud stick, and held it aloft as he raised his chest off Hooves striped back slowly squeezing that thick fuck rod.

"This little ring is rather special..." Zavis called out as much for the crowds benefit as the Zebracorns. "It keeps sending nerve impulses to the bitch's brain." "Heheh... so he feels everything I do with or to it." The handsome spotted Snake giggled... shaking that long floppy black stallion stick.

"Ohoooo Ohooo gods please..." The once oh so proud stud begged, as he was swiftly robbed of this long thick stallion fucker. It was only as the snake held it up showing it off to the crowd and explaining what the ring did that Hooves realized the theft.

"So... bottoms up." Zavis hissed with a loud laugh, opening his maw and swallowing Hooves whole long black length. Sending it straight to his stomach, letting the acids there take care of that big hot male meat.

"Wha... wha... No Nooo you can't do... Ohooooo..." He moaned as he felt that big cock sliding down that hot slimy throat... the sensation familiar and very pleasant. Until that hard throbbing cock hit the rolling boiling acids in the reptiles belly, and then the aching burning sensation started. Tickling at first... and then growing annoying... but then those hot fluids began to dissolve his hard male flesh. The slow torment making the Zebracorn thrust his hip's back and forth, the phantom pains forcing him to try and move his hard cock away. Even though that was impossible now, but it made the crowd giggles. Because it forced the big equine fuck himself, on that hard snake cock up his pretty butt. Zavis moaned hotly, at those feverish thrusts as the Zebracorn humped backwards into him. Driving his hard cock into that tight pleasure gland deep in that hot ass, building more and more pleasure in the handsome Snake's aroused organ. Hopefully driving Hooves mad with lust, as he would never reach a climax in this fight. Then with a vicious grin Zavis grabbed the big near gelding and hauled him up. While he rolled back onto his thickly muscled tail, using it as a seat as Hooves now rode that rock hard cock.

"Turn around bitch, I need to finish this off." Zavis hissed, spinning the near gelding around on his lap. Trapping the equines lost ball between the geldings body and his own scaled one. Moaning softly he leaned up and began to make out hotly with the helplessly near gelding. Slowly tightening his hold on Hooves, smashing that nearly ruptured nut between their bodies. "Now..." Zavis hissed, breaking the kisses briefly just as the Zebracorn is begining to enjoy it. "Tell me what you are my sweet slut, and tell me what my beaten bitch boi wants?" The handsome Snake hissed, slamming him hard with his thick cock. Fucking him hard and deep, as he began to roughly bite and kiss the Zebracorn's soft bloody muzzle.

Hooves was far to broken to resist now... even as his last orb was mashed between their hard bodies. He was feeling very weak, and submissive with that hard cock buried balls deep in his ass. And the Snakes mouth pressing against his bruised and split lip's, flickering tongue exploring the equines bloody mouth. "I... I'm you... your bitch..." The once overly proud stallion moaned weakly, drawing loud rancorous laughter and frenzied clapping from the watching crowd. "Let me cum please one last..." But then his words were cut off, as the Snake roughly bite and kiss his soft bleeding muzzle.

"I don't think so bitch." Zavis hissed roughly, reaching down and grabbing a hold of the equine's one remaining testicle. "Now scream for me." The handsome spotted reptile hissed, squeezing with all of his might. Fucking hard as he came closer and closer to his climax, seconds from blowing his hot serpent stick into that tight fuckable ass.

"IAIAIAIEIEIEEEE." The big pretty Zebracorn screamed like he had never screamed before, feeling his last orbs cracking and popping in that tightening grip. Even as his big cock was burning and aching worse and worse, as that stomach acid slowly reduced it into meaty goo. And then almost softly that one remaining testicle 'CRUNCHED' in Zavis fist, shattering to chunky mush. Hooves tiny stump surging but it wasn't creamy cum that spray out, but bright red crimson blood. Hot and coppery it painted the Snakes cool reptilian torso, even as the Zebracorns bright blue eyes rolled back in his head. As he felt that hard cock surging inside of him, the sleek Snakes hot frothy spoo stinging his torn ravished tail hole as it filled him... While the watching crowd went wild, clapping and stomping their foot paws as they all watched his total emasculation. Zavis smiled, kissing the Zebracorn on the lips again, sucking the blood off his lips. As he felt that hot blood coat his chest, making his chest swell with primal power and passion. His own maw had twisted in a visage of pure pleasure, as he rode out his climax in that hot tight anus. Painting the Zebracorn geldings insides, as he slowly leaned in pressing his muzzle alongside the neutered males.

"Keep this in mind bitch... I know the runes to take your power away. So if you want a real match, with rules and such fine. I will take you on, pop your balls or you can pop mine so long as you heal the loser up nice afterwords. I like fighting you, fucking you and even losing to you, and I think you like the same. Now get ready for your total humiliation at the hands of these fans. In the time it takes you to heal, I am going to totally fuck every single one of them. And make them sequel my name instead of yours, while you a helpless gelding are going to watch." He hissed softly so that only the Zebracorn gelding hear him.

"He is all yours boys and girls." Zavis hissed after pulling free of that hot tight equine anus, his slick spunk leaking out of that well fucked tail hole. "Now open wide bitch, I want some hot Zeebie mouth pussy." He hissed, dropping the neutered male to the ground, as he stood holding his hips out offering his cum covered cock to the beaten gelding. The pretty Zebracorn looked up at the reptile as he grasp that long horn, using it as a handle to pulled the geldings soft mouth onto that hard cock. Giving the proud former stallion a taste of the inside of his own tail hole, as he rutted that hot mouth savagely. Even as the crowd came running down the stairs, waving paws full of cash as they bid for the gelding cum drooling tail hole... That big Croc winning out and wasting no time in jabbing his fat reptilian organ up that quiver ass...

Zavis moaned hotly as he roughly took his pleasure from Hooves, fucking him hard as he waved briefly to the Demon Fox. Letting him know it was fine, and he could begin to feast upon the carnal lust that was boiling off the room. Now as more and more furs began to fuck and be fucked in a massive orgy all around. Turning slightly, Zavis grabbed a hold of one of the Rabbit twins and smiled, kissing him roughly while his brother snuggled up to the Snake's other side.

"You... me... your brother, one in my ass, one on my cock." "And we can have this bitch licking our tail holes, while we fuck each other silly..." "Sound good?" He teased, getting eager nods from the twin Rabbits as he leered down at them. before he could fully enjoy his victory, he felt a flash as something burning hot pressed up against his back. As the Demon Fox slipped his own hard cock right into the Snake's ass, nibbling his neck gently.

"Now... about my payment." Azrael growled roughly as he licked Zavis' neck dominatingly.

"Oh fuck... so hoooot!" Zavis moaned, suddenly becoming submissive as the Demon began to take his payment for making this whole revenge orgy possible.


Climbing up the ranks

Hooves is making his way of the ranks of fighters it seems... this time poor [!["handofblades"]( ""handofblades"") handofblades]( Zavis is the unlucky opponent......

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From big stud to big gelding...

Everyone has a first time... perhaps this was KonuBadgers... RP-ed with the big smexy Badger himself [!["konubadger"](


Collection 6

Jordan the rich young Bull from 'Hard Times' expands his Steer herd... RP-ed with the lusty [!["boinggoat"]( ""boinggoat"") boinggoat]( ...

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