Climbing up the ranks

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#5 of Battles...

Hooves is making his way of the ranks of fighters it seems... this time poor "handofblades" handofblades Zavis is the unlucky opponent... Although I'm sure the handsome snake will be spoiling for revenge... Great RP buddy

Climbing the ranks...

The sleek handsome young reptile came bouncing down the stairs, with a lively spring in his step. Fresh off his victory over the big nasty W.H. the sleek snake stroll up the street with a confident swagger. Young, strong and confident in his personal prowess Zavis was perfectly comfortable on the dark street outside the gym. And so was strolling along with his hands in his pockets, and his head in the clouds. Until a big three fingered hand clapped down on his shoulder, and suddenly the handsome spotted reptile was yanked into a dimly lit alleyway. "What the fuck?" Zavis snarled and he staggered against a rough brick wall, instinctively dropping into a low ready fighting stance.

Leaning against the far wall the big striped equine smiled, it was a strange effect in the half light. The Zebracorn's white stripes standing out vividly, while the black ones melted into the darkness. Giving the impression that the big equine was not completely solid, but some kind of fading specter. "Hear ya took the big Horse." The Zebracorn smirked, although his half invisible muzzle was hard to read. "That for real... or are ya just full o shit?" "Because I don't think your that good..." "Hell I could of had you just now... If I'd wanted."

Zavis hissed, his tail coiling and flexing behind him, as he narrowed his eyes at the male before him. Flickering his tongue out, he caught vague wisps of scent rolling off the male before him. And much like his striped body, it was only half there it seemed. Deep scents of Zebra, mixed with light airy other that simply vanished when he tried to focus on it too long.

"Yeah... I put the big ass in his place, and then fucked him like the mare he is. And I will do it to you as well, unless you get the fuck out of my way. You overgrown riding pony." Zavis hissed, shoving the Zebracorn away from him, as he pushed up off the wall. As he did the snake moved forward a step or two, making sure he couldn't be backed into a corner... if this fellow tried to get more physical.

"Ohooo beat and fucked him huh." Hooves smiled tasting the truth on the air, around this sleek young snake. He was telling the truth about taking the Horse, in more ways than one. Suddenly the big Zebracorn seemed to pull back into the wall, and then he vanished from view. The young snake sneered as the cowardly appearing equine faded out, but then jumped in surprise. As a huge hot body pressed against his back, and that teasing voice purred into Zavis' ear hole. "I'm not a pony... and your not male enough to ride me." Hooves taunted, as the reptile instantly spun around, lashing out at the shadows that were all he could seem to find. "Heheh jumping aint ya snake boy?" Hooves chuckled, back in his spot leaning against the far wall...

"Shit!" Zavis hissed angry and fearful now, moving away from the big Zebracorn. He didn't had much experience with magic, but he knew that this wasn't something that he wanted to mess with. Still, he couldn't resist a challenge and the smug over confident equine was challenging as hell. He was already starting to guess at who he was facing now, and he hoped it was the one known as Hooves rather then someone else. "All right fine, you aren't a pony, yet your just a bitch." Zavis hissed steeling himself for the on coming confrontation he could sense was coming. Stepping forward he reached down peeling off his T-shirt, and tossed it at the Zebracorn blocking him from view for a moment. As he did his tail shot out, wrapping around the lid of a trash can. And with a hard twist of his body, the reptile launched his body to the side. Sending the old metal trash can lid towards the reclining Zebracorn's midsection.

The big sexy Zebracorn melted into the darkness once again, as the trash can lid smashed into the brick wall with a loud clatter. And then bounced off into the street beyond, as the Zebracorn seemed to drop down atop Zavis, pinning him to the cold damp asphalt.

"If you want to play... you can come to my place." Hooves snarled stuffing a small ragged piece of paper into the snakes shorts, with a time and address scribbled on it. "If you've got the balls that is..." "Hell I can't see or feel any tho'." The big equine joked, rubbing his hot palm over the snakes crotch playfully. His body growing hot at the Zebra's touch, his cock sliding free of his cock slit slightly, making his shorts bulge slightly. Before he stood up and quickly walked away leaving Zavis confused and angry.

Zavis hissed and thrashed before the Zebracorn pushed up off of him. Rolling around quickly, he sprang to his feed and hollered out after the vanishing Zebracorn. "I'll be there bitch, and they are internal you dumb fuck." Zavis shouted, raising his fist in anger.


Almost an hour later Zavis entered the dark old abandon Foundry building, one rusty steel door was open and inside was a huge old shop. The wide concrete floor was open, except for huge steel beams running from the floor to the steel roof high over head. Around the walls where work benches with old tools laying on them randomly, the scents rolling off of the area obviously stained with male musk, blood, and piss. Zavis nearly gagged on the stench, his species way of smelling leaving a bad taste in his mouth. Looking around, he could hear the shouting coming from the upper tiers, where dozens of furs standing and placing bets. Hissing still Zavis looked around, only wearing the shorts he had been wearing before.

"All right I'm here." Zavis shouted out aggressively, looking around the big open shop floor. "Now show your smug mug, and stop fucking disappearing like a pansy bitch... Stand and fight me like you got some stones you sick striped fuck." The slender spotted snake hissed, body tensing ready to react should the slippery Zebracorn attack him before showing himself.

"Well now so you are..." Hooves called from the catwalk high above the shop floor, where he had been entertaining some of his new fans. Slowly the big equine strolled down the metal stairs, his hard hooves making loud ringing notes on those metal steps. As he descended to the hard concrete floor and strolled over to in front of Zavis. "So your here to fight huh no stones... oh that's right hidden stones." Hooves sneered as the crowd above roared with laughter, as the Zebracorn stripped off his robe to stand naked. "Lose the shorts... ya aint got nothing worth hiding anyway..." Hooves taunted lewdly, as he stretched and twisted loosening up as he smiled at the handsome snake.

Zavis hissed darkly, as he eyed the naked Zebracorn, already knowing what the other male had in mind if he lost. Well... he wouldn't lose then, wouldn't let the smug equine have his pleasure. Stripping off his shorts, the snake tossed them off to the side showing off his own naked flesh. He wasn't a massive muscled hulk, but his body was well trained. Showing off the exact muscle structure as was healthy for a fighter like him. Then to top it all off his own cock was already hard, standing out a proud seven inches in front of him. A final contradiction for the Zebracorn's statement, came from just bellow the snake's cock slit. Where two patches of scales seemed to bulge out just a little bit out, roughly giving an idea where his internal balls were kept.

"Heh... seeing how many times your bitch ass as been handed out, to anybody and everybody makes sense why you don't mind showing off your goods. Hooves soft velvety black lips curled up into a gloating smile, as he spotted the bulges of those internal balls under the reptiles scales. "By the way how was the last fuck WH gave you? Not sure how you let such a punk ass kick yours." Zavis hissed, moving up to throw a massive right cross at the Zebracorn's pretty muzzle, throwing all his force into the first blow. Planning on simply spinning if he missed, his tail coming around as a heavy sledge hammer should the equine duck away from his strike. The big handsome Zebracorn's muzzle burned with blush, as he heard the snakes words. He'd went out of his way to find fan's who hadn't witnessed his humiliating defeat and sexual violations.

"I lost because I let myself be talked into holding back..." "Now shut the fuck up... and figh..." Hooves shouted, as he easily twisted away from that flailing punch. Only to have that long powerful tail swing around like a whip. Hard powerful muscle smashing into the pit of the sleek striped equines stomach, sending him flying backwards across the hard concrete floor. Quickly the big Zebracorn curled up into a ball and rolled to his hooves... and then stood there smiling intensely at Zavis. "I can see that tail really is your best asset heheh." Hooves turns his back on the reptile lifting his short tail up and to the side... displaying that shiny black tail hole to his opponent. "I've been told this is mine..." Hooves giggled racing back swiftly and hopping onto the snakes lap, impaling himself on that long wiggling snake like cock. Zavis moaning with lust as Hooves bounces up and down eagerly on that hard cock.

Zavis moaned hotly, as the Zebracorn slammed his tight oh so fuckable striped ass down on that snake cock, hilting himself in a single hard motion. The force of this unexpected move, nearly knocked Zavis to the ground. But his tail quickly caught the handsome spotted snake, Zavis basically sitting on his tail while Hooves sat on his lap. "Oh you fucking bitch." Zavis moaned loudly, reaching around the Zebracorn's waist to grab a hold of that hard throbbing cock. While the other big hand wrapping around Hooves' big right testicle. "If you want to lose so quickly... all you got to do is ask bitch." He hissed, thrusting up hard into the pretty equine, knocking him up to the tip of his cock. Before jerking him down by his right testicle, with a painful yank. While he squeezed the hard black Zebra shaft with an iron grip as he teasing jacked it. "Cause I won't ever let go." Zavis hissed, as he twisted his head to the side, grabbing a hold of the Zebracorn's long equine neck with his powerful maw, securing him in a hard bite.

"Who's losing... from where I'm sitting, it looks like I'm winning." Hooves snickered as his strong anal muscles squeeze and milk that throbbing organ playfully. "Ummm feels like it too." "Is that as hard as you can squeeze and and tug on my stud stick." The big Zebracorn snickered as he used his inherent psychic powers to focus his darker desires on Zavis' jewels. Imagining a thousand naughty things to do with those hidden balls. The horny Zebracorns sexual excitement fueling the power of his attack. Hooves sent mental images into the snakes mind, fulfilling his nastiest fantasies. Zavis closes his eyes and enjoys the mental bliss he is in, seeing his most embarrassing yet favorite fantasies come to life. The sleek spotted reptile lets out a high-pitched wail as his mighty marbles are assaulted savagely. "Ohooo won't you." Hooves snickered as he already felt those powerful jaw lose him as the reptile moaned in pain. As those hidden protected orbs grasped and barraged by invisible waves of the Zebracorn's pent up sexual energy. Zavis squeals shrilly and struggles to break free, but despite his best efforts those invisible fingers hang on digging into his trapped fat nuggets.

"FUCK!" Zavis half screamed into the Zebracorn's neck, as his internal nuts were mauled. Sending fiery agony up through his groin into his stomach, trying to force him to curl into a ball. That combined with the various images of him fucking the Sexy Zeeb in the most lewd poses and position he could. All of that made his balls boil with lust and thus making then hyper sensitive. Groaning he knew he couldn't stay like this, he had to do something to get the sexy Zebracorn off of him. Or at least get him to relent from his sex filled magical attacks. Releasing that hard black fuck stick, he moved his other hand to that big right testicle of the Zebracorn. Hissing, he wrapped both of his hands around those hot heavy orbs and using the natural strength of a constrictor. Zavis began to apply enough force to crush a potato right to the center of Hooves fat nuts.

Meanwhile he let his tail lower, letting the Zebracorn lay on top of him. While he wrapped his long powerful tail around the whole of that huge black rut stick. Coiling nearly three feet of powerful squeezing muscles around that hard equine salami he began to squeeze, first at the base then rolling up towards the head. Planning on popping the fat throbbing cock head at the same time he squashed the Zeeb's right fat balls.

"Eeehehee..." Hooves whinnied in agony as his psycho sexual attack seemed to be failing, he intensified the imagery as his hot tail hole worked lustfully for a few moments longer. Until the big striped stud felt his right nut starting to given under the pressure of Zavis' attack. "Ok I gues we can't do this the easy way." Hooves snarled shimmering and faded into shadows, only to reappear a dozen yards away. "Now I'm going to have to hurt you..." The sleek pretty Zebracorn slunk provocatively towards Zavis, licking his shiny black lip's as he slid a hand down towards his mighty stud stick. Those striped hips bouncing back and forth in that sexy devils sway that attracts every eye... Zavis let out a lustful sigh as he watches Hooves deadly sway, his cock aching for the equines sexy teasing touch, his spunk-filled grapes eager to blow their heavy pent up load inside that soft hot equine anus...

The Zebracorn knelt swiftly in front of spotted reptile, sniffing and pressing his muzzle into that naked crotch. Long hot tongue slipping out to lap at Zavis' hard cock for a few moments, before going down that hard throbbing length. The Snake hiss's and thrusts his hip's forwards as his head snapped back in pleasure. So that he is unable to to see the punch coming, as a big rock hard fist blasts into the snakes crotch.

"IEIEIEIEEE." Zavis shrieked in pain as that huge hard fist slams into his big hidden nuggets, those defenseless nuts quivering on the edge of rupture.

The big reptile still felt his scream echo all over the area, as his groin was assaulted by so many different feelings. White hot pleasure raced down his hard throbbing cock, as he spurted pre-cum into the Zebracorn's hot mouth. With suckling each second bring him closer and closer to a release his hot spoo. And then the icy agony in his balls as the big equine's fist slammed over and over again into his groin. "IEIEIEIE...." He screamed again the small lumped scaled patches visibly quivering in pain, as his nuts began to swell within their 'Safe' home.

"Bust the bitch." A high pitched voice screamed breathlessly from the cat walk high above. "Castrate that scaled cunt." Cried various furs from the top railings, loving the violent display before them. "Fuck that bitch raw." Others called down tauntingly as the cheering grew loud, big males stamping their foot paws on the old metal mezzanine. "Two thousand for seconds in his ass." A husky lust fill voice called, already planning on how to abuse the snake when it was over.

"GET OFF OF MEIEIEIE!" Zavis screamed as another savage punch thudded into his groin, his nuts wobbling violent as they began to ache on the edge of rupture from the abuse. With a hot pain filled moan, the sexy snakes tail struck hard. Slamming into the Zebracorns low hanging balls, with devastating force making Hooves gag and hesitate for a moment. And within that moment the snake was able to strike hard. Jerking his legs back, he slammed both feet into the Zebracorn's muzzle. Launching him off of the scaled male and sending him rolling away bloody and dazed. Then using a surge of pain filled energy, Zavis catapulted to his scaly feet. His bouncing cock spurting a mix of slimy pre-cum and blood as he gave a nearly primal scream.

"FUCKING CUNT!" Zavis bellowed, rushing forward to catch a hold of the Zebracorn and shoulder checking him into one of the huge hard metal beams supporting the roof. "I AM GOING TO POP YOU, YOU FUCKING MARE BOI." Zavis screamed, each word matched with a hard knee drove into Hooves bulging black groin. Making those hard heavy nuts bounce and thrash around, as the big stallion scream and squealed. Yet as he got to mare boi, Hooves melted into the shadows once again. Leaving a furious and sexually frustrated Zavis leaning and panting against the metal support beam. "Damn you." Zavis moaned, his body shaking in pain, anger and frustrations as his panted for breath. His balls aching in agony, his long sleek cock throbbing in need, and he was nearly ready vomit. As the realization hit him... he couldn't win... not against this...

A big shiny black hoof as hard as steel, slammed up between the reptiles legs from behind. As Hooves reappear just behind him, as if the Zebracorn had walked right through him. Looking back over his shoulder, watching as the sleek reptile clutched his wounded crotch and almost folding up. Hooves spun delivering a powerful round house kick to the side of the handsome snakes head. Sending Zavis staggering to the right his eyes glazing, as he was fighting now to just remain on his feet. High above them the crowd's noise level surged, as their favorite turned to to regard his dazed opponent.

"Finish the slimy slut." A angry lust tinted voice called from above them. "I wanta see what his balls look like." A cruel laugh added as the Zebracorn stalked. "Double my money for me..." A hundred voices screamed hundreds of different things, as they watch the Zebracorn stalk his opponent. Hooves wheels his big equine body around, knocking Zavis to the ground. And then he steps up between the snakes wide spread legs, grinning down wickedly as he looks Zavis in the eye. "Say bye bye to yer bady makers!" He panted lifting one huge gleaming black hoof high above that aroused crotch. Before sending it smashing down into those hidden male plums, flattening them against the hard pubic bone with ball shattering force. The reptile looking up at the underside of that huge dirty hoof in terror, as that pretty muzzle smiles down at him. Hooves giggles sadistically, slamming his huge hard hoof down brutally. The snakes screamed loud and high pitched, as his eggs are smashed and crushed brutally. Pain... that was all that Zavis could think of as soul searing agony ripped up and down his spine as his junk was battered. He was going to be ruined, his maleness taking and all he could do now was flop uselessly on the ground. As he curled into a ball around the Zebracorn's hoof, as it ground against his hard pubic bone. Crushing and shredding the cords that connected his balls in his groin to his cock.

"Oh gods... oh gods..." Zavis groaned, wishing snakes had the ability to cry, the pain being almost to much to bare. "My fucking nuts, your popping my fucking nuts you magic cheating bastard." He groaned, his cock still throbbing uncontrollably from an expectant climax that would never happen now.

"Heh... not yet... but its coming you slithering slut." Hooves snarled, as he grabbed the weakly struggling reptile and picked him up. Hanging Zavis from an old hand railing, the smirking Zebracorn stepped back and grinned wickedly. And then as Zavis watched in horror the big equine lowered his head, and speared that long spiral horn between the snakes legs. That needle sharp tip easily piercing those hard scales, plunging into the soft male flesh behind. The Crowd high above screaming and clapping wildly, as that horn was pulled out with one of those snake nuggets impaled on it. "That's one down." The big sexy striped stallion gloated, as he pranced around throwing his arm's up. Making the watching crowd scream all the louder, and stomp their hooves and foot paws wildly. And then he turned and plunged that deadly horn in again, it emerging with that second fat nugget on it "That's two..." "But I'll tell you what... if you treat me really good bitch..." "I'll use my magic to regrow your stud nuggets..." "Now we'll start with your mouth..." Hooves smirks as he strolls up and rubbed the big blunt tip of his throbbing cock against Zavis's scaly lip's.

Zavis felt his tongue flicker out, in reaction to the pain racing through his groin. Forcing him to sample both the heady masculine smell of the Zebracorn, as well as the musky taste of the male above him. Groaning in pain, Zavis clung to the small hope that if he pleasured this male enough, then he might actually regain his own malehood. Opening his maw wide, he felt the bones in his jaw gently click, and groaned as he lowered his head to swallow the equines hard cock. Slowly sinking more and more of the hard horse phallus with ease as he began to swallow, the powerful muscles in his throat massaging the whole length in his throat. As his tongue coiled around it, licking up and down the fat black horse hose.

"Ohooo yeah." The mighty stallion moaned, tossing his long handsome head back to look up at his screaming fans. As the submissive snake swallowed his long thick black stud hood. "Damn your good at that..." The big striped equine moaned, as his powerful hip's began to lazily hump that sleek scaly muzzle. "I'm guessin' this aint the first stud stick you've swallowed huh bitch." Hooves teased as he listened to the crowds adoration, and the screaming offers being made for the privilege of getting to go next... "Well yer making a good start of it... keep this up and you might just get yer balls back." He laughed as the snakes blood and cum ran down his long spiraled horn.

Zavis groaned around the stallion's thick black length, sending vibrations up along the thick shaft. As he continued to swallow more and more of the thick fuck tool, until his lips kissed the base of that hard cock. His throat rhythmically swallowing and relaxing around the massive equine rut tool. In his mind he prayed that he was being good enough to earn himself a chance at revenge, already planning a dozen ways to bust the Zebracorn's balls. And even knowing exactly who to talk to get help with that task. Still, he wasn't about to let his thoughts distract him from the task of getting his nuts back.

The smirking Zebracorn moaned in pleasure, as those delightful vibrations run up his long black cock... His fat bruise balls aching in a mixture of pleasure and pain, both of which having been provided for him by the snake. Giving them the incentive of getting their malehood returned always make males soooooo eager to please. He thought of his last conquest, tongue fucking his tailhole for hours and nearly loss a load instantly.

Zavis let his tail coil and slither it up the Zebracorn's leg, gently poking at his tight shinny rump, teasing the tight black tail hole playfully. Almost as if he were waiting for the male to give him permission to fuck his ass, while he sucked down his hot potent stallion seed. Hooves jumped as he felt that cool smooth tail tip probing his hot tight pucker.

"Ooooo ho whats this?" Hooves snorts as that powerful muscle teasing his anal opening. "Found my real weakness have you..." The Zebracorn panted breathlessly. as his long shapely equine legs spread wider. "Ya know generally its the winner who sticks things in the loser..." He snorted trying to sound gruff and commanding, even as that tail hole winked open. Instantly that tail tip slither right into him wiggling and twitching around inside of that hot ass. Making the big stallion whinny in pleasure, as it rubbed over his male pleasure gland... Leaving him weak in the knee's and gasping for breath. "GG... guess we could mmake an exception... just thisss onc..once." He moaned. Zavis groaned around the thick male shaft in his throat, as he nodded around the Zebracorn's hard cock. His tail roughly thrusting deep into the Hooves like a massive male phallus, but unlike a cock he could wriggle this in any direction he wanted. Grinning around the massive black cock, Zavis began to thrash his tail around as the stallion nearly dropped to his knees. His tail massaging all over the zesb's hard male pleasure gland. 'Cum, cum you bastard, cum so you can regrow my balls and I can destroy you bitch!' Zavis thought, swallowing harder and harder, trying to suck the potent male seed from the big striped equines balls. While his own punctured set, continued to dribble and leak down the Zebracorn's shiny horn.

As that squirming, thrashing tail almost lifted him off the ground... Hooves grasp that sleek smooth reptile head. Leaning over Zavis as he pumped his hard equine cock almost down into the snakes stomach. The Zebracorn stallion screamed and whinnied in pleasure, rolling his sleek hip's as he was really pounding that muzzle now. Hard black hooves clattering on the concrete, as he drew closer and closer to his orgasm. That big blunt cock head flaring out wide, as his big bruised balls drew up within their sac. "Ummm Ummmm gods this makes me feel soooo submiss... OHOHOHOOOO..." And then he was spurting, what seemed like gallons of hot creamy stud spoo down Zavis' throat. Spurting and spurting for what seemed like ages as his big body trembled, covered in frothy equine sweat. The scent of a big sexy stallion heavy in the cold damp air of the old shop. But at last it eddied... and dribbled to a stop the big stud staggering back, taking the first offer someone shouted to him for the reptiles ass. As he then knelt and placed that terrible bloody horn tip against the Snakes wounded crotch. Bright blue light flared as a healing warmed seem to radiate from it, the blood vanishing as the wounds closed. "In a day or so you'll be back to your normal self..." He assured Zavis, even as that twitching tail tip continued to thrust and twist within him. Making the big Zebracorn fall onto all fours as a crowd gathered around them both. A huge smirking draft horse who had purchased the reptiles ass smirked as he lifted him up... While Hooves looked up to see a big horny Tiger grinning down at him, as that thrashing tail in his rump made the big Zebracorn moan weakly...

"Pony wanta bone?" The Tiger growled, clearly seeing that he had the Zebracorn at a disadvantage.

"I'm not a poooonnOOOMMMM..." Hooves protest was cut off, as that big slimy cock was thrust between his quivering lip's. The Zebracorn feeling to passive from the pleasure radiating from his tail hole to resist as the big feline began to muzzle raped him...


From big stud to big gelding...

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Collection 6

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