On the island

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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My first story in Charn's Writing Contest... Big Bison Damon Appleton all star Football player has a run in with another contestant

First encounter on the Island

Damon trundled down a twisting jungle pathway, surprisingly gracefully for a mountain of muscle. But clad in his gray sweat pants, and powder blue football jersey. He stuck out from the greenery like... well like a thousand pound Bison running through the jungle. The 'Thump thump thump.' of his massive hoof beats on the winding twist path a loud warning to another around. Damon Appleton All-Star Professional Football Player was headed their way, best run and hide or get ready to be neutered. Because this big stud was going to win... it wasn't a matter of money. Damon had more of it than he could ever spend, thanks to his multi-year multimillion dollar contracts. Oh no money had nothing at all to do with this, Damon Appleton was a competitor. A winner... who just liked to win... who almost always won if he really wanted to.

There had been three other guys in the Helicopter with him, when they had set him down in this remote corner of the Island. Each of them had been released into a different clearing in the jungle, his three local competitors only a few dozen miles away. The instructions had been on the vague side, get to the tower intacted nutting as many other competitors as possible along the way. And then if anyone else made it... nut them as well until your the last male standing. Or in this case the last male swinging... a fat pouch between your leg's. The big shaggy Bison snickered at his own joke as he rounded a curve in the trail. Instantly spotting a huge old log laying across the path, powerful muscles working on finely honed athletic instinct. The big Buffalo leaped atop the log, his huge black hoof sinking into the old rotted wood slightly as his full weight came down.

The big Bison heard the sound a second later, as he was bounding over the old log. It was a kind of Zinging release of some tightly stretched cord, and then his plant hoof was jerked out from under him. Sending the big Buffalo falling forwards, Damon reached out to catch himself. And then suddenly found his big hands, yanked together as a second snare was triggered.

"RRRRROROROA." The big Bison screamed as his huge powerful body was suddenly and violently yanked out straight. Suspended by his right ankle and both of his wrists, the all star suddenly found himself dangling helpless. Luckily with his enormous body weight, the big Bison was only held a few feet off the ground. "Son of a Bitch!" Damon screamed angrily, as he bucked and struggled against the tension in those ropes. Glancing around, he could see the springy young tree's that were trying to pull him apart. Reaching down with his free left leg, the big Bison used it to brace himself up. His cloven hoof digging into the muddy ground, as he struggled to gain enough traction to pull himself free.

'Clap Clap Clap.' Two small paws beat against each other slow, and mockingly as a small form stepped out of the bush. "What a marvelous display of athletic prowess..." The small Dhole chuckled, as he slowly approached the big trapped stud smiling gloatingly.

"Wha... who the hell?" Damon looked this small rusty colored newcomer over, as he opened a small pack and produced a scalpel.

"Now why is it... I wonder that the level of size and athletic prowess, is almost always inverse to the amount of intellect." "We were all quite plainly told... that this Island was laced with traps." "And since the point of this game is for the contestants to neuter each other... it only stands to reason that all of the traps would be non lethal." The small rusty colored Dhole set out his cryogenic cooler as he tugged down Damon's plain gray sweat pants. "Ohoo Hoo hahaha... whats this?" Fukuzawa snickered, as he ran a paw over the bright shiny red materiel of the Bison's tightly packed jock strap. "Bright and shiny... soft and smooth... homoerotic eye candy for your teammates no doubt." "Secretly the big Bull... wants to be a Cow... for all his big masculine teammates."

"You'd better run..." The big Bison snarled, as he trashed and fought against the ropes holding him all splayed out and helpless.

"Now why would I want to do that?" The handsome young Dhole snickered, as he tugged on the ropes holding Damon. Testing their tension as he examined the springy young tree's that were keeping that tension. "I mean look at all the trouble running through the jungle has gotten you into heh." "Besides I've got to help you out with those secret desires of yours... I'm going to send you back to your testosterone fueled playmates a Steer." "Perhaps not as good as a Cow... but as I understand it... perfectly suited for all their pent up desires... hah." The Dhole smiled, as he slowly tugged the Bison's fat balls out of that shiny red nylon pouch. Watching amused, as the big shaggy black Bovines long cock slowly pushed that pouch out as it stiffened. "Hahaha... you see I'm serious jock boy... I am going to win." The Dhole's small glove clad paw reached down to caress's that fat organ through the soft shiny materiel of Damon's jock strap. "And you... well you are just another loser... luckily it looks like you enjoy losing..." The little Dhole noticed the huge powerful corded muscles of the Bison's back tensing. But attributes it to the fact that the big obviously proud potent male, knew he was about to be neutered. And was setting himself to bare the pain, Fukuzawa starred at those big potent ball's overflowing from his palm. As he readied the scalpel in his other paw, to plunge into that sleek shaved sac. Ignoring the sounds of the ropes creaking and those powerful muscles bunched and strained. Even the movement of those small tree's, couldn't take his eye's off of the shiny blade of his scalpel. As he set it against that smooth warm male flesh, and then his world exploded into movement and pain.

That big cloven hoof chewing through the damp earth as the big Bison pushed himself forwards, suddenly there was a crackling 'Snap'. And then half of that young tree was flying through the air, as it broke off and was whipped forwards. The big Bison had been worried about getting hit by it... that is until the Dhole had stepped between the tree and his backside. There was a loud 'Thwack' and a brief burning flash of pain, but then the small Dhole was screaming as he was thrown through the air. With the tension released Damon staggered to his hooves and quickly freed his huge hands. And then stomped over to the small Dhole as he lay on the ground cradling his bruised crotch.

"That limb hit ya right in the jewels?" The big Bison snickered, as he knelt down lifting the Dhole's small paws up over his head. Holding them with in one massive fist, as he spread the small Doctors legs and ripped down his trousers. "Bruised them up pretty bad..." Damon snickered, as he played with those tiny eggs with his thick fingers for a moment. "Not to bad tho'... not like this will." The mighty Buffalo lifted one huge cloven hoof and sneered down at the panicked Dhole. "I hope you're ready to get yer nuts stomped into paste!" That big hoof came down savagely on those tiny orbs... 'CRUNCH!' went the bigger of those two plums.

"IEIEIEIEIEEEE!" The small rusty red Dhole screamed, his eyes bugging out of his head while he watched that big hoof lift again. "NNNOOOOOOOO." He screamed as that huge cloven hoof came down once again, catching the smaller orb as it had the first. 'CRUNCH!'


The helicopter set down as close to the radio beacon as possible, but it was still a fairly good hike. The guardsmen a tall rough looking German Shepard, and a shorter thick bodied Hog found their subject. Draped over a big old rotten log, the small handsome Dhole was moaning weakly as he slipped in and out of consciousness. The Dhole's bushy tail pushed up over his back his tail hole a gaping cum drooling mess above his deflated sac. The big Hog reached down and fondled that black and blue sac, experimentally feeling the mush of what had once been testicles within. "Crushed... he got both of them..." "Heh chalk one up for the grass eaters."

"This one was small game..." The big German Shepard chuckled as he checked the marker tag with his scanner. "Just wait until he runs into some real Predator."

"That should be fun..." The big Hog snickered, as he lean in and licked the Bison's cum off those wide spread thigh's. "I'll clean him up... if you go first." The big Pig grinned, as he lapped around that gaping tail hole. "I like sloppy thirds." He grinned, as the big German Shepard began unbuckling his uniform trousers...


Little Sis... A hard Times story 8

Jordan the rich Bull's Neutered Rottwieler's younger sister wants to meet the big Bull... As always RPed with the talented [!["boinggoat"](http://beta.sofurry.com/edit/%5C...


The Geldings Girlfriend... Hard Times 7

Taking some advise from fans I've shorten the chapters hopefully to two or three orgasms heh Jordan's new gelding brings the big Bull a gift... RP-ed with [!["boinggoat"](http://beta.sofurry.com/edit/%5C...

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Rematch Zavis' Revenge

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