My Life as a Furry: Chapter 9

Story by Aquos on SoFurry

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Hey guys, sorry I'm not posting as many "My Life as a Furry" chapters: been WAY too busy with my other story "A New Start As A Trainer". But that will change......hopefully. Anyway, let's start off with:

CAUTION: I/ Dragon of Wind do not hold or own any rights to the characters and/or Pokémon listed, only my main character. Also, this story may contain yaoi, male-male relationships, and sex scenes. If you're old enough (physically and mentally) to be mature about it, read to your heart's content; if not, DON'T.


We made our way, quickly, out of town from the patrolling Domino goons......but it was difficult: they were EVERYWHERE! We actually had to knock out some goons when we found it necessary.......of course I was the one that had to knock them out.

"Okay, HOW MANY GOONS DOES THIS GUY HAVE?! I haven't seen this many in the warehouse!" I whispered to the three others that followed me: I didn't need them to answer back; they knew I was just saying it out loud. We stayed on the side of the road so no one would see us if they were walking, we needed to stay hidden.

"He must have increased his men so it would be easier to take you guys, but I still have one question: why?" I searched through my memory of the battle with him, everything he said:

'Join me, and you won't ever need him again: I'll be all you'll want.'

'Ah, so that is why you came after him: you are bound to him by love. Such a feeble thing, I'm afraid that I must destroy this!'

'I will let you live so that you and the grey wolf can continue to be together, but I WILL come back for him......... and you!'

"I......don't know: maybe I'm like him and he wants me? It doesn't matter: the next time I see him, he's dead." I said in a voice dripping in a cold tone.

"No, you're not doing it alone Sol: you have me!" said my mate, putting his arm around me.

"And us: we're in too!" said John and Shaun; I forgot they agreed to help out in dealing with Domino and anything else.....wait a second:

"Icey, didn't you say that Domino was ONE of the groups here: does that mean there are bigger, more powerful gangs?" I asked, getting nervous. He laughed a little and got a little closer;

"Yeah, there are more gangs, Domino's gang is the worst though: he's the ONLY gang that allows supers.......and with all the new furries coming in, most of them are supers and join his group." That was what I hoped for: we are dealing with the most powerful person in SoFurria......great.

We walked a little bit further, knowing that if we head home they would most likely be there to ambush us......leaving us with the only other option of hiding in the woods. We walked a few more steps and I felt something vibrate in my pocket; it sent a few shivers through my body up to my tail, making it twitch. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a dark blue Blackberry phone; I didn't even know I HAD a phone in my pocket until I felt it vibrating. I looked at the screen and saw a text message, I checked the sender: it was Nerfy.

*wer r u?

I quickly sent a reply:

*im hed'n 2 the 4 S

I sent the message and slipped the phone back into my pocket, everyone curious about what I did:

"What's up?" asked IB, cocking his head.

"LN flashed me a text: he wanted to know where we were; I told him we were heading to forest." I said as I felt my phone vibrate again:


I typed my response:

*the tr E w E met b I

I sent the text and put my phone away; I turned to the gang

"We should hurry, those goons could find us if we stay in the open like this." Everyone nodded and we sprinted into the trees: we past the creak and made our way to the twisted oak tree that me and Icey encountered those coyotes. Shaun jumped up onto one of the roots, John leaned against it; IB reclined against a different limb of the tree, I chose to stand. I tried to put my focus into something but I couldn't find a definite idea to stick with; my head swirled with everything that happened: me being here, my appearance being like my avatar, IB being my mate, Domino, was all too much to handle. Before I knew it I walked over to small tree in front of me and just laid back on it, letting my brain think of a plan we could use. My silence was short-lived as John came over to me, wonder what was going on.

"You okay?"

"I don't know, this is just so confusing: just a few days ago I was a human going to high school, hanging out with my best friend I'm a mid-night black colored wolf with Iceblood as my mate, the ability to use light and darkness, and a dragon out to get us. Tell me: does THAT sound normal to you?" I said. At first he seemed hurt by my tone,

"Sorry, it just gets frustrating sometimes."

"It's cool: and no, it doesn't sound normal.......but, then again, you're not normal either." He said, making a point I didn't want to hear. I sighed and he pulled me in for one of those one-armed hugs brothers give you when you feel down.

"Cheer up, you're not going through this alone.......not by a long shot." I looked up and made a more pleasant sigh, then answered back.

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks John."

"No problem." Soon we heard rustling from behind us, meaning that maybe they found us; I summoned Light-Splitter and got ready to attack.....only to have LilNerf jump out of the tree tops. I relaxed, but still had LS with me just in case.

"Sorry I made you wait, couldn't shake these four guys." Domino goonies, typical. He continued on "Glad to find you guys in one piece: heard that the Black King is looking for you and Icey......what did you do to make him so pissed?"

"I re-took IB from him after he kidnapped him: now he wants us both."

"Well, it's a good thing that we have a few good guys on our side: I heard that dragon is trying to take ANYONE he can and make them look for you, heard he already has a few of the furries I know......" He trailed off; I was guessing that he was friends with them, I might know them as well.

"Can you name some of them? I might know them too."

"No, I'm POSITIVE you don't know them: they're newbies......and supers." He said in a lower tone. Supers, like me and Icey and Riley......wait, Riley!

"Oh no, was one of them named Riley?!" I asked in desperation.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Oh man! That's bad!" I began to pace back and forth, hoping that maybe it wasn't: if Riley was re-recruited by Domino, then I can kiss my ass good-bye. When I looked around to see the others, I felt comforted by the sight: Iceblood was asleep as well as Shaun. I became calm, but was still upset: what if Riley took another job from that dragon? I don't think I can handle another surprise attack from him.

"He a friend of yours?"

"Yeah, he helped me get IB back form Domino the first time: I'm not sure I can handle attacking him." I said, scared. 'I think I might need some more help than just LN, John and Shaun......but who else?' I began thinking, but I couldn't bring up anyone else that I could find to help us out......that or they probably wouldn't: I pulled up the names Kaa, Dregna, Todex, TripleX, furryfan, but I was sure they wouldn't help out with this "war".

"What are we going to do: that damn dragon is gaining supers to join him in taking ANYTHING he wants, mostly me and IB, and we can't do a thing about it!" I said, it was so FRUSTRATING; my fists were clenched around the handle of my sword that I remembered I didn't dispense.


AND STOP! Sorry, gotta stop there......I also apologize if this chapter is a little short.

What will happen now: Domino has supers on his side and they are all after Sol and Iceblood. Will they be able to stop him before a fight breaks out? Let's hope they do before it's too late.


*I suck at writing in text form*

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