A Friendship That Becomes Something More

Story by Aquos on SoFurry

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Hey guys, Dragon of Wind is here with something special: a NEW story! This one is different than the others: this one is just a said-and-done thing, no chapters in it. Some of you might think that this is not a very good idea for me.....but I thought it would be good for me to improve when it comes to adding details. So, now that I'm done chit-chatting on, I'll start this story off.


"Come on, you're too slow!"

"I'm coming! Just slow down so I can catch up!"

These voices belonged to two teens: Michael and Sean (Shawn). They're best friends; no one could be closer than them. Michael was a 5 foot 3 inch tall husky with long, soft, light grey hair; his eyes were a pool of lush greenery: the richest green anyone has seen. His build was of a runner, making him very fast and nimble. He was a very bright person with a personality to match......though his clothing would say otherwise: he always wore dark color T-shirts and black jeans. Sean was a 5 foot 1½ inch tall black lab with extremely short, but very soft, fur; he had sea-blue eyes that went with his love of water. His build was of a swimmer, making him very buff and attractive to the other girls. He wore, usually, light colored clothing; it complimented is kind and caring personality. Both have been friends since birth: their families have been friends in high school.

"Come on, we're gonna be late!" Michael urged as he began to pull Sean by the arm.

"Mich, you know I'm not as fast as you." The lab said as he tried to keep the husky's fast pace. They were heading to Michael's house; their families were having a game night and they wanted to see the humor of them playing Charades, Pictureka, and who knows what else. They declined the invitation, so it was just the adults... so that meant Sean could spend the night over at Mich's.

Mich's house came into view as the two teens ran along the sidewalk to the walkway up to the front door. They came bounding up the front porch of the white house: it was two stories and had three bedrooms, Parents' room, Mich's room, and guest's room. Mich entered without knocking and called inside,

"MOM! DAD! I'M HOME, AND I HAVE SEAN!" They didn't care if Sean came over when they didn't know; they know his parents so it was always alright for him to come over. Both families were in the living room, board games piled on the coffee table: Mich's mom was a nurse at the town's local hospital and his dad worked at home; Sean' parents seemed the same....except his DAD was the doctor and his MOM stayed home.

"Hey honey, we were just about to start." Said Mich's mom sweetly.

"You sure you don't want to join us?" asked Sean's dad as he took some dice. The teens both replied in unison,

"No thanks, we'll be upstairs." They went up into Mich's room as the adults began a game of Yatzee. They did NOT want to come in when they started or else they would have dragged them in to play. Up the stairs the two dog friends went then left past a few doors until they reach one that has warning signs taped onto it like "Caution: Do Not Enter" and "Keep Out". They both went in and closed the door behind it: inside was a bed with the head at the closest corner to the left; there was a big TV in the opposite corner with an Xbox underneath it in a shelf with games stacked up messily on the side of it; a desk was put next to it and a window was perched in front so there was a view of the front yard. Mich went over, turned both the TV and Xbox on, and gave Sean a controller: they loved to play Halo 3, and they were pretty good together as a team....of course, they also go up against each other sometimes.


About a few hours later it was late, and Michael's mom said it was time for bed, she had a point: it was around 10:00 pm and it was 4:30 when they started.

"Alright Mom, good-night!" called back Mich as he heard his mom yell back a "Good-Night" as well. They both got into their sleeping bags they had set up in the floor and talked for a while.

"Hey, did you hear about Jenny?"

"No, what?"

"I heard that she got grounded for being with Joe at a party: apparently they were drinking A LOT."

"Really? I heard that Stephanie went to that party too."

"Steph too? Damn, I was going to ask her out tomorrow."

"Been there bro: I was GOING to ask Maggie out until I heard she started dating Brad."

"Seriously?! No wonder you looked sad for that week."

"Shut up, you liked Tiffany and SHE was already with someone when you asked her out: she said yes then Jack talked her into changing her mind."


"What's up Sean?"

"Girls are ALWAYS so hard to go after: either they go bad before you can get to them or they're already taken by someone else. ARGH! IT'S FRUSTRATING!" Sean rolled over and stared at the wall; Mich leaned up more and reached over a hand.

"Dude, don't worry about it: we'll BOTH find someone." Sean didn't move. Mich scooted closer to comfort his friend, but was surprised to hear crying.

"Sean, it's alright." Sean came over and began to hug Mich: these kind of things happened, if one of them needed comfort then the other had it to give them. Mich rubbed his friends back, trying to calm him down; unconsciously he gave Sean a kiss on his head. Sean felt it and regained his composure:

"Thanks Michael, you're a good friend." Sean said as he gave him a happier hug.

"Of course Sean, we're buddies: it's what we do."

"Do buddies also give each other kisses?" joked Sean. Michael blushed a little:

"Hey, it was an accident."

"I'm not blaming you, I was just saying that it felt nice......" Sean said, his turn to blush. The husky looked confused: Sean liked it?

"You mean, you didn't mind it?"

"No, I enjoyed it actually. Why?"

"Because...." Trailed of Michael "I liked it too. I don't know why....but I did." He got a little closer to Sean, ad Sean got closer as well: they had no idea why they were doing this. Soon they both close their eyes and closed the last few inches: feeling the softness of each other's lips. They pulled apart and opened their eyes, amazed at what they did.

"Did we just......kiss each other?" asked Sean. Michael smiled and pulled closer, now both of them touching.

"Yeah, we did......it felt good." He said while wrapping his arms Sean; he, at first, didn't know that he felt nervous around his best friend.

"Can we do it again? I want to feel it again." The lab asked in a small voice; the husky replied by sealing his lips against his: this time they began to suckle on each other's, tasting their saliva. They began to kiss harder and wrapped their arms around each other, both feeling something they had not felt before: blissful pleasure.

"Mich, this feels......so good." Sean muttered, still lip-locked.

"It does..... I also have something to say," Mich said, stopping the kiss "I love you Sean." Sean was dumb-founded by what his friend.

"Mich, I.....I love you too." Said Sean, snuggling close to Mich. They kissed again, now feeling a sensation they knew; it was a sensation they felt towards some girls: lust. They craved each other, wanting the other's body and all the other had.

The two began to rub against each other, feeling even more pleasure by it since they just found out their true feelings. They dug deeper into their kiss, sucking at their mouths and rubbing hard against each other; soon they couldn't hold it in anymore and they began to moan with pleasure.

"I never......felt this......before." Sean moaned as he felt the presence of Michael's tongue as his and Mich's intertwined and danced together, pushing and pulling, fighting for dominance.

"I have.....right now! I want you to stay with me forever Sean!" Michael said as he picked up Sean and put him on top of him, then he grabbed his shirt and pulled it towards him for a very passionate kiss. Sean obliged by pulling himself closer to his new boyfriend.

After a few minutes of this, Michael got up for a second and Sean did as well.

"Why did you stop?" asked Sean, upset that the affection-giving ended.

"Well, I was hoping we could go.....further." He as he slipped his tee off and tossed it onto the bed, Sean caught on and took off his as well. They also pulled down their shorts, they knew they loved each other and THIS was going to make sure they would always STAY together.

"Do you think your parents will like it if we mate?"

"No.... if they don't know." Michael said, taking hold of his mate: he kissed him, muzzles intertwined as well at their tails and tongues.

"If they know, will it end the family friendship?" Sean asked nervously as he pulled back from Michael's kiss. Michael, knowing that he is scared of this, decided that it should be Sean's choice for sex.

"Okay, if you want to wait.....then I'll wait: but if you want to, tell me." Mich said, giving Sean a gentle kiss. Instead of thanking him, Sean buried deep into Michael's muzzle and kissed him long and slowly. Unfortunately, both fell asleep before they could finish their kiss.


When morning came, Michael woke up to have his lips still against Sean's: that told him that they did kiss and that they were probably going to be together then....... 'At least we don't have to worry about not finding a girlfriend.'

"Hey, Sean.....wake up." Michael said, gently shaking the sleeping friend. He stirred, his tail twitched for a second, then he began to sit up.

"Hey Mich, 'morning." He said pleasantly. Michael had somewhat of a frown/confused look on his face:

"Did we.....did we become boyfriends?" Sean, putting one hand on Michael's shoulder, leaned in and kissed him. Michael closed his eyes and kissed back, loving that he didn't dream up last night.

"What do you think?" joked Sean.

"I'll take that as a yes." Said Michael, resealing their lips. It was brief until they got up and decided to downstairs for breakfast. They got dressed and exited the room, bounding down the steps. They were content on knowing why they felt so close to one another: they loved each other........and now they both know.

Days passed into weeks and the two have been together longer than any relationship had been, but no one knew about it: they planned on keeping it secretive since they wouldn't be in high school that much longer. Soon weeks formed to a month and they were no longer seniors any more: they were collage men, meaning that they were free to do whatever they wanted.......they applied to the same collage and both got in, they also got the same dorm so no one else would know.

Pretty fast the summer went by and soon collage started: they enjoyed it, of course, but loved getting to be with one another after a hard day of school.


DONE! So, what did you think: is it good? Please comment and vote on it, that way I know what to do to make ANY story I write in the future a good one.

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