A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 24: Complications

Story by Aquos on SoFurry

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#8 of A New Start As A Trainer/ part 2

Sussup! Dragy here and I'm wanting to see your faces when you read that last chapter: you probably looked SO surprised! XD

N E wA (any way), let's get this show on the road (finally have the warning label back up)

CAUTION: I/ Oathkeeper35 do not hold or own any rights to the characters and/or Pokémon listed, only my main character. Also, this story may contain yaoi, male-male relationships, and sex scenes. If your old enough (physically and mentally) to be mature about it, read to your heart's content; if not, DON'T.


(Normal POV)

As Flygon let down Lucas besides Lucario, the trainer was thinking on what he should do: he liked Flygon a lot and it was POSSIBLE for him to love him, but Lucario was his mate.... no matter what. The very thought of Lucario leaving him was unbearable.... he just didn't want to think about it and he CERTAINLY not let it happen: so he was going to keep it hidden. So Lucario didn't wonder why they were up there so long he went to tell him:

" I talked to FG, he said he was sorry but was STILL going to try and get me to like him."

"Well, he can try.... you're too strong for that." he joked while putting an arm around Lucas; he began to think that Lucario was wrong: what if he DID fall in love with Flygon.... would Lucario leave both him and the team? 'No, no; don't think that, it'll only get you more worked up' thought Lucas as he wrapped his arm around Lucario as well.

Eterna Forest made its way into view of the team, foliage a dark green and the forest inside coated in darkness. Shane and Salamance landed and the trainer returned him into his ball; Lucas returned all his Pokémon but Lucario and they made their way through.


(Lucario's POV)

Lucas seemed to have something on his mind that was bothering him, though I could know by his aura it was a mental conflict: it was about me. I couldn't help but feel upset about that: I would have thought Lucas would trust me enough to tell me if he had something on his mind, so I decided to see what he was thinking about.

"Lucas, you seemed troubled: is something wrong?"

"No......no......nothing at all: why do you ask?" my mate said as he kept his head pointed forward: he was trying to lie. I walked in front of him and made him stop.

"Lucas, I KNOW you have something bothering you: your aura is the same as mine and I can sense the battle in your head. Please tell me," I kept a stern face, but he didn't look up: he looked down even more.

"I can't tell you...." he walked past me. I didn't move when I turned around.

"You can't or you won't?" I saw him stop and sigh, then turn around. He looked back up and walked over to me, fear was written across his face.

"Lucario, me and Flygon kissed: when we were flying and was starting to land, it just.....happened. Please don't be mad at him, be mad at me! I put up no struggle when he kissed me......." I just stayed where I was, hearing my boyfriend blubber out like a little kid. He started to babble, so I silenced him with a kiss: he just completely gave in. I understood why he was scared of telling me: Lucas' weakness is when someone kisses him, he just gives in when it's a loved one... though if it's someone he doesn't love or HE kisses someone then he is able to resist. Our lips parted so we could speak.

"Lucas, I'm not mad: I know that you weak-legged when someone gives affection and you like them.....you've been like that ever since you said you loved me. It's okay." I pulled him into a hug so he could feel better; I was sure he did because he sobbed hard into my chest, dampening my fur. After a few minutes he pulled his face up and tried to smile, I took his hand and we caught up to Shane.


(Lucas's POV)

'Oh my God! He actually forgave me for kissing Flygon; my boyfriend is the best!' I thought as I leaned my head onto his shoulder. Shane took out his PD and checked the map,

"We're about a fifth into the forest, if we continue this pace then we SHOULD be out by sunset." I groaned, me being in this place when it's dark did NOT suit me: I knew there were all sorts of Bug-type Pokémon in this place... like Ariados and Wurmple, both were also Poison-type.

"Is there any way that we can get out of here faster?" I asked.

"No, the trees are too dense for Flygon or Salamance to fly through. Walking is the only way to get through here."

"Damn, I don't like it here: too many things to scare you..." I spoke as I looked around. When I looked to see past Lucario, I saw that he was replaced by a Ghost-type: Gastly.

"Ahhh: GASTLY!" I yelled, falling back by the sudden fright. The Pokémon laughed and faded away as Shane and Lucario ran by me.

"Lu! Are you okay? What happened" Lucario asked, putting a paw on my shoulder. I could barely speak as I was shaking too much from the scare.

"I...s-s-saw...a...g-g-g-Gastly. I-I-I.....th-th-thought.....h-h-he was....y-y-y-you." I saw both Shane and Lucario show me their hand to help me up, I took both of them and they steadied me; that Gastly REALLY must have frightened me.

"You good?" asked Shane. Lucario was close to me, his presence made me pull myself together so I wouldn't look stupid in front of him.....though me whimpering and twitching like a leaf didn't help with that.

"Yeah, just got a good scare... that's all." I said, shaking my head. We began our walk again, with me being a bit more vigilant.

"You sure? You're still shaking a little." said Lucario, keeping me close: he was right, I still had the jitters. Lucario put both his arms around me to keep me up, and I felt better:

"Yeah, thank God it was only a Gastly; if it was a Haunter, I would have been paralyzed on the spot by his poison in his tongue." I said in relief: if a Gastly was here then there must be more Ghost-types around.


(Normal POV)

After a half an hour, the three made their way through a third of Eterna Forest and into a spot that had light shining through: here they rested.

"Man, how big is this forest? In my Platinum game I was able to get through it with no problem." complained Lucas.

"Well, it must have a very good concept on it in real life." said Shane.

"Well, be glad we didn't run into any trainers: during our travels we haven't seen many of them." remarked Lucario. He had a point: almost every trainer runs into one everyday.....but the gang only met up with two so far: Shane and David.

"Yeah, I am... but I wouldn't mind a FEW others: we need money too." And as if on cue to Lucas' comment, to little girls, one in a red dress with orange headband and the other in an orange dress with red headband, came walking through and saw them; they went absolutely gaga over Lucario as they ran over to meet him.

"Hi, I'm Lia." Said the twin wearing the red dress.

"I'm Mia, Lia's twin." Spoke the girl in the orange dress. Then, in unison, they spoke their next sentence:

"We like your Pokemon."

"Thanks, he the closest friend I ever had: his name is Lucario.... And I'm his trainer: Lucas." He replied. He motioned to his partner trainer, "This is Shane: we're travelling together."

"Nice to meet you." Said Lucario in a polite voice, obviously doing it for the girls.... But they didn't say hi back.

"Uh, Lukey: I don't think they have translators like we do." Lucas whispered. He went over and said what Lucario said. The girls squealed,

"Wow, how do you know what he's saying? Are you psychic?" Asked Mia, Lia nodded.

"No, I have this special device that allows you to know what Pokemon say. Do you want to try it?" The twins said yes while Lucas and Shane gave their Translators, temporarily, to the twin to try and hear their Pokemon as they summoned all of them out.

Once everyone was out, Lucas and Shane explained what was going on.

"Okay guys, right now we don't have our translators on: meaning we won't be able to understand you," Everyone looked worried "The reason why is we want these little girls to hear what Pokemon actually have to say. Is that okay with you?" They all nodded as they walked up to the twins.


(With twins and Pokemon)

"Hi, I'm Gallade. Lucas first caught me when I was a Kirlia. Nice to meet you." Spoke the Blade Pokemon. Next was Monferno,

"Hi, the name's Monferno.... But you two," getting close enough for them to pet "can call me Monny." He made them laugh as he did a back flip away. Up was Flygon,

"Aw, you look so cute. Well, my name is Flygon and I'm the most recent addition to Lucas' team."

"Wow, these translators are super cool! Maybe we can hear what OUR Pokemon have to say?" said Lia as she took out two Pokeballs.

"Zigzagoon, Linoone, come out please!" she cried as the two Normal-type appeared.

"What is it Lia? Are going to battle soon?" asked her Linoone, confused, Zigzagoon nodded as well.

"Nope, no battle right now.... I just wanted to hear my Pokemon speak for the first time!"

.........(After, like, an HOUR of this).........

"Here you go, thanks for letting us use them." Said Mia as both gave the Translators back to the trainer they received it from. The teens quickly put theirs back into their ear and replied back,

"No problem, we were happy to lend them to you." Said Lucas, Shane nodded meaning he was going to say the same thing.

"Now...... how about a battle?" asked Lia, bringing up the subject. The twins brought out a Pokeball, pointing it at the two teens "A Double Battle."

"You want to battle two trainers when just one of them, probably, has more age than both of you combined?" joked Shane. The twins nodded; no changing their minds then.

"Okay, deal: if we win you show us a faster way out of here." Said Lucas, taking out a Pokeball; 'I might want to go easy on them, they could be newbies' He thought, returning his Monferno. Shane took the Pokeball of Ditto and returned him:

"You go first."

"Great, go Poochyena!" cried Mia. Out came a small, black dog that looked close to a black lab; Lucas knew that they were Dark-type.

"Let's go Zigzagoon!" cried Lia; Zigzagoon looked like a raccoon with brown stripes instead of black and, by Lucas' knowledge, it was a Normal-type Pokemon... making Fighting type moves effective, but he said he was going to go easy.

"Go Monferno!" he cried as Monferno was summoned.

"Ditto, let's do it!" said Shane as he summoned the pink blob.....which was found VERY huggable by the two girls.

"I'll go first: Poochyena, Bite on Monferno!" yelled Mia. The black dog came racing towards the fire-monkey; Lucas gave his order:

"Dodge it!" in the nick of time, he was to dodge the fangs of the dog. Lucas heard the dog yell out: "Dang it! Hold still!" Monferno taunted back with "Not gonna happen!"

"Now, Flame Wheel!" commanded the trainer. The Fire-type surrounded himself in flames and propelled towards Poochyena.

"Zigzagoon, Surf!" spoke Lia as the small raccoon commanded a wave to splash onto the field.


(Lucas' POV)

Dammit! I forgot that a few Zigzagoon can learn that moved, that means these girls are NO amateurs: meaning that if Monferno faints, it's up to Lucario to pull off a victory.

"Monferno, you okay?" I called out, seeing my Pokemon get up slowly; he shook off some remaining water and growled. Then I heard Shane launch a move:

"Ditto, Transform!" The blob took form into Poochyena, though he was lighter in color and the colors were opposite in places. Shane pulled out his solid black PD and quickly checked the moves:

"Lucas, these girls are good! This Poochyena knows Crunch, Bite, Quick Attack, and Howl."

"Amazing, we might have a hard time beating them." I said as I shuffled Monferno's move through my head: if the Zigzagoon knows Surf, then I'll use...

"Monferno, Dig on Poochyena!" I yelled out as Monferno began to burrow his way underground.

"Ditto, Crunch on Zigzagoon!" commanded Shane as Ditto, using Poochyena's speed, went towards the Raccoon Pokemon with his teeth glowing purple.

"Dodge it!" yelled Lia, only to see Ditto bring its fangs down on the Pokemon....knocking it out. Monferno finally unleashed his attack on the Poochyena, sending him up into the air.

"Now, Flamethrower!" I cried out, my Monferno let out an immense amount of flames, burning the Dark-type and knocking him out.

"No, my little Poochy!" Mia and Lia returned their Pokemon, then brought out their other Pokemon: Lia's Linoone and Mia's Mightyena.

"Okay, so you send out your favorite Pokemon....WE will send out OUR favorite! Let's go Lucario" I shouted as I threw my mates ball; Shane sent out his Salamence and he let out a roar.

"Okay, Linoone: Headbutt!" ordered Lia.

"Mightyena: use Crunch!" commanded Mia. Both Pokemon did as they were told to do: Linoone bulleted towards my Lucario while Mightyena ran towards Salamence.

"Lucario, Force Palm!" I cried as Lucario jumped back just enough for him to gain pressure in his palm to blow away Linoone.

"Salamence, Dragon Breath!" Shane told his Pokemon, the dragon unleashed a vibrant colored breath and hit the Dark-type. He fell backwards, but wasn't knocked out yet, neither Linoone: their trainers gave them new commands.

"Linoone, Slash on Lucario!"

"Mightyena, Hyper Voice on Salamence!" Shane retaliated with his own attack:

"Use Screech on Mightyena!" I quickly told Lucario to "Cover your ears!" He did and jumped back so he wouldn't be targeted by any attacks as Salamance let out a blood-curdling roar that sounded close to nails on a chalk board. It slammed against Mighytena's Hyper Voice and tried to force it back, the attack began to slip and soon the Hyper Voice broke.... that left Mightyena wide open for an attack.

"Now Lucario, Metal Claw on Mightyena!" I called out: my mate raced towards the dog with razor sharp claws and slashed at him. The dog cried out and fell to the ground: KO.

"Now Salamance, Dragon Breath again!" ordered Shane: his dragon let out another vibrant colored breath attack but at Linoone, but it missed.

"Linoone, Head-butt on Lucario!" the Normal-type began to run full sprint at Lucario, so I launched my final attack:

"Lucario, Aura Sphere!" He charged up a blue ball and waited till the last second to throw it, making sure that he couldn't dodge it. The Linoone saw this and tried to stop, but it can't once it gets running (check Pokémon references to be sure); the Aura Pokémon unleashed to massive amount of energy and made a small explosion on impact with the other move. Dust and smoke surrounded the two; after a few seconds the came into clarity.... Linoone was KO-ed.

"Dang it, we lost! Sorry sis." said Lia to her twin.

"It's okay Lia, I had fun!" replied her sister. They both walked up and gave us some money for the win; we pocketed it and then they spoke:

"So, you still want us to show you a short-cut out of here? Well, we know one."

"Really? Thanks, we've been walking for quite a while." I said, glad they remembered the deal we made. They turned half-way around and made a motion with their hands, telling us to follow them. We did as we were told and followed the twins.


After about a half-hour we came to an exit with light shining through it; we all sprinted towards it and found ourselves in front of a bridge with a river right below it.

"Here we are: this bridge leads you to the entrance to Eterna City. Hope you can take on your own, we have to get home." said Mia, followed up by Lia:

"We're not old enough to travel alone with our Pokémon, but we CAN have them. Bye!" They both waved and left through the forest again.

"Well, that was nice of them to show us the way here." I said; even though it was my idea I still appreciated them doing it.

"Yeah, next stop: PC so we can rest. Then tomorrow: Gym Battle with Gardenia." Said Shane; I forgot that he was collecting badges too. Well, I guess I have a little competition on my hands with Shane for title of Pokémon League Champion......


DONE! Sorry I had to cut if off here, I'm saving up ideas for the next chapter.

So..... what do you think will happen in this city? Nothing? Something bad? Something good?

Can't say for sure... but it WILL be in the net chapter.

See ya till then!

A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 25: Best Birthday Gift

**Hey guys, here is another chapter of Lucas and his gang: what will happen now that they're in Eterna City? Well, let's take a look, shall we?** **CAUTION: I/ Oathkeeper35 do not hold or own any rights to the characters and/or Pokémon listed, only...

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 23: Misunderstanding

**Buenos días amigos (that's friends in Spanish), how is everyone doing? I have yet ANOTHER chapter to bring you: let's see what happened so far.....** **Shane joined the team: nice** **Lucas got some advice he could use with Lucario: very...

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 22: Bound By More Than Love

**Hey guys.... sorry for the wait: this chapter was hard to write. If you wanna know, then read through this and read the footnote... you'll understand why. I guess now I'll just.... start it up then.** ......... (Normal POV) "Lucario....... thank...

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