A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 25: Best Birthday Gift

Story by Aquos on SoFurry

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#9 of A New Start As A Trainer/ part 2

Hey guys, here is another chapter of Lucas and his gang: what will happen now that they're in Eterna City? Well, let's take a look, shall we?

CAUTION: I/ Oathkeeper35 do not hold or own any rights to the characters and/or Pokémon listed, only my main character. Also, this story may contain yaoi, male-male relationships, and sex scenes. If your old enough (physically and mentally) to be mature about it, read to your heart's content; if not, DON'T.


(Normal POV)

Lucas and the gang walked to the PC so they could rest for the night: it was sunset and they were tired after walking for a while. Lucas, out of curiosity, checked the date on his PokeDex: it was June 19th, his birthday. 'How could I forget my birthday!? I am SO STUPID!' he thought as he slapped his forehead. Lucario jumped at the sound:

"What's wrong?" Lucas laughed and smiled at Lucario.

"I completely forgot the one of the best days of the year: my birthday is today." Lucario had a big grin and actually picked Lucas up in his hug.

"Happy Birthday then! How old would that make you then?" The trainer tapped him on the shoulder to let him know that he was being hurt.

"I would be.... 15."

"15? That's about a few weeks off from mine: my B-Day is July 4." 'Independence Day.' Lucas thought as he was suddenly kissed by Lucario on the lips, it was for a brief moment until they began their walk to the PC.

"Well, right now I'm having one of the best birthdays ever: I'm spending time with someone I love, we're boyfriends, AND we mated."

"Hey you two love-birds, let's go!" Called Shane, waiting at the PC entrance. Lucas and Lucario sprinted towards them and they all entered.


(Lucas's POV)

We got rooms just a few hours ago and I can't sleep: knowing how time passes in the Pokemon world WOULD have been useful knowledge sooner. In the real world I remember, specifically, my birthday being a week away. I tossed and turned, it felt weird not being able to sleep with my mate: we were told that Pokemon and trainer have to sleep in separately. I decided that since I can't sleep, might as well take a look around town while it's cool and there aren't any people around. I got up and went for my backpack: I pulled out a pen and some paper. After a few seconds I placed a note by Shane's bed so he would be able to read it if he wakes up and wonders where I went off to.

"Okay, now to leave a note for Lukey: if he sees me gone without the note he'll freak out." I said to myself as I finished writing the note. I slipped on my shoes and walked, quietly, to the other room: everyone was asleep. I went over to my lover's bed and gently placed it by the pillow.


A few minutes later I'm outside, feeling the nice temperature. I looked around and saw the river we passed, I walked towards it wanting to get a closer look. It felt nice out, not too hot or cold; the warmth of the humidity, the coolness of the breeze....it was amazing. I always felt close to nature when it was calm and serene like a warm autumn day in a forest. I got closer to the river and saw a big tree on the bank: a perfect place to lay down by the water.

After a few minutes I reached the tree and sat down on the bank: the sky was cloudless, letting the moon radiate its light down; the tree cast its shadow over me, making the scene look almost ghostly......and oddly romantic. I leaned back onto my hands as I started out onto the surface of the water, feeling the breeze blow around me like it was wrapping a blanket around me. I saw the occasional sight of a Magicarp jump out and also a Remoraid or two, but it didn't disturb the silence that I adored. I took a deep breath:

"This....this feels so relaxing: no other Pokemon to bother you, no people to annoy you, just you and a calming sight." I said out loud, pulling my hands behind my head and crossing my legs so I was in a reclined position. I closed my eyes and listened to nature: I heard a few Pokemon I couldn't find names for off the top of my head, but they all let out their sounds as in harmony. 'It's like Arceus or God is giving me a birthday present.' I thought to myself in humor, chuckling to myself as I closed my eyes again. Then I heard a voice, calm and serene.....the feeling of it felt like silk:

"I knew I would find you here." Lucario came walking around and sat next to me.


(Lucario POV)


I heard a door open and close during my sleep, waking me up. I got up, gave a few stretches, and sensed something....or should I say I DIDN'T sense something: Lucas' aura just faded a few seconds ago, telling me he left the building. I was going to panic when I saw a note:


_ Went out for a while because I couldn't sleep, so I decided to go out for a while. Don't worry about me: if I'm not back soon, I'll be back by morning. Love ya_

I guess I felt better knowing where he was, vaguely......but I still felt compelled to be with him: my mate was a magnet for trouble, plus I wanted to give him some love since it was his birthday today. So, as quietly as I could, I got out of the bed I was in and was ABOUT to exit until I remembered: what if we didn't get back till morning? I decided to see if I could edit the note so it would be both me and Lucas. I saw a pen and took it; it fumbled in my paw but I was, eventually, able to get it in-between my digits and scratch out "Lukey" and put "Guys" and I also added in "Lucas" and my name. I put the pen back and exited the room, then the building.

"Now to see if I can sense him," I said as I focused on pin-pointing Lucas' aura, which I did almost immediately. He was heading towards the river; he DID look at it with interest. I walked towards it and saw Lucas get into view, he lied down and started off into space. I got closer and over-heard him talking to himself:

"This....this feels so relaxing: no other Pokemon to bother you, no people to annoy you, just you and a calming sight." I had to agree with him: sometimes you just want to get away from everything, I feel that too usually.

As I got ever-so closer, I over-heard him think a very definite thought:

'It's like Arceus or God is giving me a birthday present.' I chuckled at the hearing of it and decided to make myself noticed.

"I knew I would find you here."

End of Flashback


(Normal POV)

"Lucario." Lucas said as the Aura Pokemon came around and sat beside the trainer.

"Hi, why you out here by yourself? Nearly gave me a heart-attack when I couldn't sense your aura back at the PC."

"Sorry, I couldn't sleep so I decided to get out into the open air and just....relax" Lucas replied with a voice full of guilt: Lucario held onto Lucas' hand and got a little closer.

"Its fine: everybody needs some alone time every now and then.....do you mind if I join you?" Lucario asked, he put some sweetness into his voice: Lucas' heart melted when he heard this.

"Of course not: I would love your company, you know that." Lucas gave his Pokemon a kiss on the cheek, but after this Lucario took Lucas' chin in his paw and kissed in on the lips: it was slow at first with just lips against lips.

Lucas wanted to go farther, as he began to suck onto the lips of the Pokemon. Lucario gave in, for the first time, and began to suckle on the trainer's lips. The two just kissed while lying against the tree, having an absolute perfect time with each other. Lucario's arms crept around Lucas and his arms went around Lucario's waist: they poured in deeper, now using their tongues inside the jointed muzzle/mouth.

Soon things got a little more hectic: Lucario started to push against Lucas, making the trainer lie down onto the soft ground. He began to rub his sides, gaining moans from his mouth: Lucas started to do the same thing by scratching his mate's chest.

"Lucas.....I love you so much!" he said in his kiss. He rubbed a little harder into Lucas' sides, making him moan even louder......and longer......and, in a sense, slutier. Lucas, to get his mate back at him, thought that he should pleasure him by groping Lucario's groin area and rub very slowly. Lucario stopped abruptly and let out a long moan.

"Lucas......ack.....ahh!" Lucas laughed at the outcry by Lucario,

"Sh. Calm down, it's all right." Lucas said calmingly; it seemed to do the trick because Lucario wasn't making any other noises when Lucas continued his scratching. The trainer laid his head on the Pokémon's chest, let out a yawn, and relaxed while his mate rubbed his back softly.

"I love you Lucario, thank you for making this a birthday I'll NEVER forget."

"You're welcome; it was my pleasure to give you the best birthday."

"Well, I promise to give you the best B-Day too; you wouldn't mind......would you?" asked Lucas, yawning; he was going to fall asleep soon.

"No, not at all." Said the Aura-user. He gave out a yawn and hugged Lucas close to him; he felt himself falling to sleep. He said good night to Lucas and gave him a good night kiss; Lucas said good night as well and fell deep into sleep.......but it wasn't dreamless:

(Unknown POV)

"They both have strayed from the path we have chosen for them, should we take action?" asked a figure.

"No, we should let them go through it on their own.......but we need them to get through what we have planned for them." Said another.

"You are right, but should we should also let them choose what they want: if they is willing to become part of this world then....we have no right to deny it." said a third, now coming into view.

"But they are becoming too attached to their Pokemon, each of them to one in particular: would that also become a problem?" said the first.

"No, if things go any further.....it only increases the pressure for them to choose where they want to be for their life." Replied the third.

"He is right: their only job is to calm down Dialga and Palkia before Giratina or Darkrai get involved with their conflict." Said the second voice.

The three figures hovered in a circle: all of them were white; though they each had a different color that set them apart: blue, yellow, and red. Soon they disappeared, leaving Lucas looking at only the dark. It didn't stay black for long: soon the sight was filled with lightning of different colors and two giant Pokemon locked in combat: one looked like a dog and the other a dragon; the dog-like Pokemon was blue with light grey lining, the dragon was light grey with pink lining. Lucas could tell which they were by muttering their names in his sleep: Dialga and Palkia. The two rammed each other, causing ripples to pour out of them; a few of the lightning bolts dispensed before they finished, meaning their dimension was collapsing.

Then everything went black again: a silhouette appeared before him and it was oddly familiar. He felt a name come into his mind but he couldn't say it or remember it when it did, though it was familiar. Soon the figure faded, leading him to wake up.


(Lucas's POV)

"Lucas......Lucas, wake up." Said my boyfriend in a calming voice. My eyes fluttered open to see him hovering over me:

"Hey Lukey, how'd you sleep?" He asked me as I leaned up to lay back on the tree.

"Pretty well, how about you?" said my mate as he gave me a hug to bring me closer; I let him pull me close since I was a little nervous.

"Good, but I also had a dream: there were three figures, like in my dream before I got here, and they were talking about someone..... two people to be exact. It's like they were talking about me and someone else, though I can't be sure; they said that it was their job to calm Dialga and Palkia before Giratina and/or Darkrai get caught up in the fight as well.

"Soon they just vanish and leave me with a sight of the two fighting. As they collided, I saw a very small of the scene dissolve: their dimension is collapsing. Before I could say or think about it the scene went black again, but it wasn't ONLY blackness: there was a figure, but I couldn't tell who the silhouetted was.....though something told me who it was. I tried to say the name when it came to me but it wouldn't let me say it and I forgot it. I don't know what it all means: am I the one that needs to calm Dialga and Palkia's dispute or is there another person that is supposed to help me?" Nothing I thought of made any sense when I put in something for the missing variable. I rested my head in my hands, thinking that I was just missing something here and I was too oblivious to see.

"Cheer up, you'll figure it out."

"Thanks Lukey, can I count on you helping me?" I asked getting up and out-stretching my hand.

"Why wouldn't I?" he asked taking it, I pulled him up and we began our walk back.


We went to our rooms and discarded the messages left behind and we pretended to sleep, everyone woke up around the same time we planned on waking up. Shane leaned up and yawned:

"Hey, 'morning."

"Hey Shane, how'd you sleep?"

"Pretty well, you?"

"Same here: come on, let's get the guys."

The two trainers slipped their shoes on and went to the next room to get their Pokemon; they were going to face Gardenia today. They decided that Shane would go first to check her strength: Shane was obviously stronger and Lucas, if not knowing, would lose to her first time around.

"Ready guys?"

"Ready!" said everyone as they were sucked into their balls. The three (Lucas won't return Lucario unless he has to) walked to the front desk, thanked Nurse Joy for letting them stay here, then walked outside: it was sweltering out and the city was crowded with people.

"Damn, this place is almost as crowded as Jubilife!" cursed Lucas as he scowled. They made their way into the crowd and, for a half-hour, swam through the sea of people.


Everyone was at the Gym entrance after getting through the rush of the people there: Shane went lone as Lucas and Lucario tried to stay together and with Shane.

"Whew! THAT was hard: I'm feeling a strong sense of déjà-vu." Lucas said.

"How?" asked Shane

"I had to do that in Jubilife: took half an hour to get to the PC."

"Well, we're here: let's go in."

"Right...... GARDENIA: YOUR BADGES WILL BELONG TO US!" said Lucas, yelling out the last part; he realized that it sounded WAY better in his head. Lucario and Shane proved this by laughing:

"Shut up okay: I'm excited." Lucas remarked as the entered the second Gym leader's battle arena.


And...... CUT! That was a great chapter don't you think?

Lucas: Yeah, what about you guys?

Shane: I was hoping to talk more.

Well, next chapter is your battle with Gardenia: Lucas will be watching.

Shane: Ah, okay then.

Lucario: What about ME?! What am I: chopped liver?!

Lucas: No, of course not: come on *takes hand and they begin to walk off*.

Lucario: Okay.

Okay, hope you guys like the next one! BYE!!!

*My Birthday is in 3 days from right now, gonna be 15!*

A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 26: A Battle In the Gardenia (part 1)

**Aloha, Dragon of Wind here with another good chapter. This one and the next one is part of a two part chapter; this is part one. So, let's see how this will work out:** **CAUTION: I/ Dragon of Wind do not hold or own any rights to the characters...

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My Life as a Furry: Chapter 8

**Hello everyone! I have brought another chapter for me to put on SoFurry! Let's review now:** **1. Sol and Riley went after Domino to get IB back** **2. Sol defeated Domino and got IB back** **3. IB got power of ice** **That pretty much covers...

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 24: Complications

**Sussup! Dragy here and I'm wanting to see your faces when you read that last chapter: you probably looked SO surprised! XD** **N E wA (any way), let's get this show on the road (finally have the warning label back up)** **CAUTION: I/ Oathkeeper35...

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