A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 26: A Battle In the Gardenia (part 1)

Story by Aquos on SoFurry

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#10 of A New Start As A Trainer/ part 2

Aloha, Dragon of Wind here with another good chapter. This one and the next one is part of a two part chapter; this is part one. So, let's see how this will work out:

CAUTION: I/ Dragon of Wind do not hold or own any rights to the characters and/or Pokémon listed, only my main character. Also, this story may contain yaoi, male-male relationships, and sex scenes. If you're old enough (physically and mentally) to be mature about it, read to your heart's content; if not, DON'T.


(Normal POV)

The entire battle arena was an over-grown forest with an open-roof top: trees and flowers were everywhere you stepped. There weren't any stands, meaning that you would have to wait on the side lines....... That would mean you HAVE to be careful from stray attacks. There was a girl with a green poncho, green cut-off shorts, and brown-ish green boots on at the end of the arena: everyone insisted that it was Gardenia.

"So, you here to challenge me? I'll tell you this: it WON'T be as easy as you thing!" she seemed nice enough.....though, like the saying, "Every flower has its thorns": seemed to fit well with this Grass-type Gym leader.

"Yeah, both of us.......but you might as well just give us two badges now: save us the trouble." Said Shane, he was intimidating her.....not a good idea to intimidate a GL.

"Oh, is that a challenge? Well, bring it on!" she said, taking a Pokeball out from under her poncho and enlarged it. Shane walked to the front and brought out one of his Pokeballs; Lucas noticed that Shane had three balls on his belt instead of just two...... 'Where did he get the extra Pokemon?' Lucas and Lucario went to the side and watched as a referee, similar to the one at Oreburg's Gym, came out an announced the rules:

"This battle is between the challenge Shane Jeftson and the Gym Leader Gardenia. The battle will be a one-on-one battle with three Pokemon, and the battle is over when all three Pokemon on one side are unable to battle: to make it more fair only the challenger may substitute Pokemon. Now.... Let the battle commence!"

"Finally, go Ditto!" yelled Shane as he tossed the Pokeball, unleashing the pink blob to the field.

"Well, guess you're wanting to gauge me......NOT a very smart thing to do: go Cherubi!" said Gardenia, sending out a cherry like Pokemon: there was a main body with a stem that had a smaller body attached to it; both was red but the main body was awake while the smaller was asleep. Lucas remembered some info about Cherubi: when the small berry starts to shrivel, it means the Pokemon is close to evolving into a Cherrim.

"Okay, Ditto: Transform!" cried Shane as the battle started: Ditto morphed into a Cherubi, though it was lighter in color.

"Cherubi, Leech Seed!" ordered as the Pokemon launched a barrage of seeds and vines towards Ditto.....though Shane kept his cool.

"Dodge it, then use Bullet Seed!" said Shane calmly; Ditto side-stepped away from the Leech Seed attack, then stop out dozens and dozens of seeds from its mouth at high speed. Gardenia tried to warn her Pokemon, but it was too late: the attack connected and, even though the attack isn't very effective, KOed the Cherubi almost instantly. Gardenia chuckled to herself as she returned the Pokémon as the announcer bellowed out:

"Cherubi is unable to battle: the victor of this round is Ditto!"

"That seemed a little TOO easy, what do you think Lukey?" asked Lucas.

"Yeah, as if she WANTED Cherubi to get knocked out after that attack: what is she planning?"

"I don't know......but I DON'T like it. Shane might need to be careful with this battle." Lucas finished with a worried look on his face. They turned back to the battle to see the orange-haired leader throw out a Turtwig, the Grass-type starter for the Sinnoh region.

"I'll keep Ditto out; now: Bullet Seed!" said Shane as the pink berry Pokémon shot out high-speed seeds out of his mouth again.

"Dodge it, then use Grass Knot!" said Gardenia; the turtle made a quick dodge, then brought up his head; part of the stick attached to it was glowing. The pink Cherubi that was Ditto was ensnared by the sudden grass that wrapped around it; Shane seemed to panic a little, but he was able to think on a quick strategy:

"Ditto, return!" He cried as the pink Cherubi changed back into the normal state of Ditto, then enveloped in a red light to be sucked back into his ball. Shane put the ball away into his belt and took another one: this one, by the looks of it, was a great ball.

"Now let's go Staravia!" cried Shane as he summoned a brown and white bird from the ball: it had a curl on its head that went inward towards itself; the size of it was no smaller than a parrot.......AND according to the PokeDex: Staravia was a Normal and Flying-type Pokémon.

"Ah, finally taking me serious are we? Well it won't help you!"

"We'll see, Staravia: Aerial Ace!" Shane said; the bird went into a backwards flip in mid-air and sped towards the turtle.

"Dodge it, then use Leaf Storm!" said Gardenia as her Turtwig tried to side-step out of the way, emphasis on the tried; Staravia zoomed into the turtle and launched him to his owner's feet, swirly-eyed.

Turtwig is unable to battle, the victor of this match if Staravia!" bellowed the announcer again.

"Again, that seemed WAY too easy: she MUST be planning something." Said Lucas again to his mate, earlier on he sent out all of his Pokemon so they could watch.

"Yeah, I KNOW both Cherubi and Turtwig had more to give; she must be trying to milk out Shane's Pokémon's strength. Let's hope Shane can handle her last Pokemon, he'll need it." said Lucario, agreeing that their friend walked into an inevitable trap she set up.

"Hmph, you certainly aren't holding anything back......well, neither am I: let's go Roserade!" Gardenia called as she summoned her last Pokemon: it was, by the looks of her, four feet tall and had roses, three of them put together, for hands; the right hand was red and the other was blue. She was a Grass and Poison-type Pokemon.....and her special ability, Poison Point (meaning the opponent could be poisoned when contact was made), made her difficult to beat.

"Well, finally your last Pokemon....I'll stick with Staravia. Now go: used Aerial Ace!" said Shane as the bird made another swift movement towards Roserade. Gardenia huffed and gave her command:

"Roserade: Magical Leaf!" The female Pokemon outstretched her hands and launched a barrage of multi-colored leaves at the in-coming Pokemon; Staravia didn't see it coming and was immediately pelted with the attack, falling to the ground with swirls for eyes.

"Staravia is unable to battle; the victor of this match is Roserade!" sounded out the announcer; everyone was jaw-dropped.

"Holy shit! That Roserade is strong!" exclaimed Lucas, now clutching to his lover: how would Lucario handle against THAT?!

"I know.....and I have to face her." Lucario said, gulping at the challenge. Lucas hugged to him closer, telling him it was going to be okay......but in his mind he was thinking that it hopefully would. Shane returned his fallen Staravia and took another ball:

"Go Ditto!" he cried as he threw the ball; the pink blob emerged once more.

"Now Transform!" called his master as he morphed into the Roserade, he was lighter colored though. Gardenia chuckled as she made another move:

"Roserade, Weather Ball!" she commanded: the Rose Pokemon jumped high and launched a ball of fire towards the unsuspecting Ditto.

"Dodge it!" Ditto rolled out of the way just in time; Lucario looked confused by what happened.

"Wait, Roserade is a Grass type.....how can it use a Fire-type move?"

"Weather Ball is a Normal-type move that allows the user to send out a ball depending on the weather: it's really sunny today, that would make the Weather Ball take on the type of Fire." Explained Lucas; in his game he had a Castform that knew Weather Ball so he knew about the move.

"Ditto, Poison Sting!" cried Shane. Purple needles came out of Ditto's hands and hit Roserade repeatedly, though it wasn't very strong due to her being part Poison-type.

"You're gonna have to do better than that! Roserade, Magical Leaf!" called Gardenia; her Pokemon once again launched multi-colored leaves out of her floral hands and hit Ditto; the hit was too much for it and he went down, KO-ed.

"Ditto is unable to battle; the victor of this match is Roserade!" called the announcer. Shane returned his Pokemon and put the ball back into his belt: he had ONE last chance to win against her.

"Go Salamence!" he sounded out as he tossed the ball into the air, releasing the indigo-colored dragon. He let out a roar, shaking the entire arena as if he was using Hyper Voice.

"Oh, a challenge: Roserade, use Poison Sting!" said Gardenia, the Pokemon followed her orders and let out tons and tons of purple, toxic needles.

"Dodge it, then use Dragon Breath!" called out Shane; the dragon easily flew out of the way and let out a vibrant-colored wave out of his mouth, striking the Pokemon hard. The Roserade was kneeling down, tired by the energy usage of ALL the attacks she unleashed. Shane saw this as an opening for a direct attack:

"Now, Dragon Claw!" he cried: the dragon zoomed down, keeping his glowing arm close to the ground for an upper-cut, and went in for an attack on the stunned Roserade.

"Dodge it!" said Gardenia in the nick of time, the Rose Pokemon rolled away from the upper-cut and got to her feet: she wasn't expecting to face against a Dragon-type.

"Now, Flamethrower!" called Shane, unleashing his hidden move that he kept secret: Salamence threw his head back and launched his fifth move. The flames soared through the air and fell onto the Grass and Poison-type, causing a lot of damage....TOO much damage for her to take. She fell to the ground, swirly-eyed.

"Roserade is unable to battle; the victor of this match and the winner of this battle is Shane with his Salamence!" bellowed the announcer as Gardenia returned her Roserade. Shane returned his Salamence and walked casually over to Lucas, joking once he got there:

"Not very hard."

"Are you kidding me?! She would've beaten you if your Salamence didn't know Flamethrower....by the way: why didn't you tell US he knew Flamethrower?!" asked Lucas, both mad that Shane didn't tell him about the move and happy that he won at the same time.

"Slipped my mind, I guess. Anyway, you're up next: show her whose boss." Said Shane, voice full of confidence. Lucas nodded and went over to where Shane stood during his battle, then spoke out:

"Gardenia, I am Lucas: your next challenger. My friend has won his battle and I tend to do the same thing as he."

"Well, confident aren't we? You're gonna need more than CONFIDENCE to win this....I can assure you." She said boisterously as the battle soon began.


Okay, I'm ending here.

Will Lucas be able to defeat Gardenia as Shane did? Will have to find out next time!

A New Start As A Trainer/Chapter 27: Battle in the Gardenia part 2

**Hello SoFurry! I bring you the second part of 'A Battle in the Gardenia'! Hope you are enjoying the chapter so far.....'cause the next one after this will BLOW. YOUR. MIND!.......well, not literally. Also please read the after note, it's...

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My Life as a Furry: Chapter 9

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A Friendship That Becomes Something More

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