My Life as a Furry: Chapter 8

Story by Aquos on SoFurry

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Hello everyone! I have brought another chapter for me to put on SoFurry! Let's review now:

1. Sol and Riley went after Domino to get IB back

2. Sol defeated Domino and got IB back

3. IB got power of ice

That pretty much covers it....... oh: and IB mated with Sol. Now, on with the story!


As the night passed by, so did my awareness of my dream: it wasn't bad or good, but rememberal. I was sitting on the couch at my house in the middle of a chat with Iceblood by our PMs. It was the third day that I met him and he was being extremely nice. He asked me something that I thought was a joke: he wanted to know if we could be mates. I said yes, at first playing along.... but I soon found out he wasn't joking: he really did love me. When I found out it was real I was over-came with admiration and embarrassment: someone was in love with me and I was blind to it. The more time we talked, the more feelings I felt toward my German love. Soon I could only think of Icey: that's all. I tossed and turned, remembering what I would think if I told my parents I was in love with a guy...... in Germany... that I met online.

"Sol..... Sol, wake up." I heard Icey, shaking me gently. I open my eyes and sat up, only to see the room blurred. I rub my eyes and felt water: I was crying.

"Damn, I must have looked completely stupid: crying in my sleep." I said, hitting my leg with my bunched-up fist.

"What were you dreaming?"

"*sigh* I was dreaming, in fast forward, how we met up and fell in love. I guess the tears came from the memory of if me thinking about what would happen if I told my parents about us."

"Why would you cry about that?" asked IB, looking hurt. I knew it would be painful for me to give him my reason, but he had a right to know:

"Because they don't like homosexuals: if they find out their fifteen year old son is gay, they would ground me till I'm dead! Then they would think that they brought it upon themselves and think that if you and I break up then everything would go back to normal...." it was hard for me to say the words I wanted him to know: I was, literally, forcing myself to say them. I looked at the clock through my blurred eyes: 5:30; still had a bit more time before we really had to get up. I rolled back over and tried to get some more sleep but IB still wanted to talk.

"Look, Sol: I don't care what ANYONE thinks. If anyone thinks they can break us up, they can go to hell...... frozen solid!" I was trembling now, thinking of how my parents would react if he said that in front of them. He kept talking, "I don't give a shit if your parents don't like us together: screw them if they EVER try and separate us! There ain't NO WAY I'm losing you!" He gave me a hug, leaving me in awe by his words. I gave in and wrapped my arms around him, feeling his warmth; I felt the steady beat of his heart against the rush of my heart and it made IB chuckle back a little.

"I think maybe we should try and get some more sleep, Icey: its half past five in the morning." I said as I lied back down; he did the same thing and we quickly dozed off again.


Morning came and I found myself alone, I guessed IB went back into his room. Can't really blame him, I toss around in my sleep (or so I'm told by my brother). I got up, pulled my shirt on, and head into the kitchen...... only to find IB holding a note. I peek over his shoulder to read:

Iceblood and Sol,

_ I had to leave early for work today. Sorry that I didn't tell you guys sooner: slipped my mind. Anyway, I'll be home soon._

  • Nevassa

"Well, looks like we have the day to ourselves then." Said Icey, putting down the note.

"Apparently, could be nice just to hang out without a big 'THING!' going on." I spoke, relieved to finally have a calming day. I continued on, shrugging "So, what do you want to do, cause......... I got nothing!"

"Well, we could go to the arcade?" suggested IB.

"Sounds good to me: after we get something to eat we'll head on out!"


After getting some cereal, we head out to the Arcade: I've been there only once, and that's when I was on my first date with Iceblood (which I loved completely). It was crowded in there, mostly around ONE specific area: the laser-accuracy game. We made our way to the front to see a light grey husky with a well-toned build. He turned around and I saw his face: beautiful blue eyes. Overall, he looked VERY attractive... wait a sec, I HAVE A BOYFRIEND! I heard him speak in a low voice to his opponent: a black lab with ruffled fur,

"Sorry, better luck next time."

"Dammit! I thought FOR SURE I had you!" brayed the lab, putting down the gun in defeat. He walked away, grumbling behind him while the husky said with confidence, "So, who's next?" No one spoke...... except me.

"I'll go!"

"Well, looks like we have a brave little soldier here. What your name?" He asked as I made my way to the gun the lab put down.

"Sol, what's yours?"

"John." He said simply as he started up the game. I played it only once and it was the game I was best at: the game was based around a turn-taking process; first one player goes then the other, and whoever had the better score wins. John went first: he took out 8 of the 10 discs that were supposed to shoot, making his score 800. He looked proud of himself; I just rolled my eyes and began to shoot: got 10 out of 10, a perfect 1,000 (need good accuracy when shooting balls of light at baddies XD).

"Lucky shot I guess don't get so cocky."

"Who said I was getting cocky...... besides you that is." I was having a blast: I got nearly every round perfect! John was having difficulty keeping his head in the game. After a few more rounds, the scores were 6500:5700. Four more rounds were left and John had chance to win: if he scored a perfect on all of them, he might have a chance to win.


It was the final round and the score was now at 9500:9700, I was three hundred points away from winning. I focused and began shooting: two came onto the screen at once and I waited until both of them were together and shot.... destroying both of them. Then more came, and I shot them all. The game ended with a total score of 10300:9700. John put the gun down, defeated, and came over to me,

"Wow, I'm the best at this game and YOU beat me...... how?" I thought for a second and then found my answer: I took a step back and made a ball of light in my paw. He didn't look surprised, other than remarked that he didn't see it before.

"Should have guessed: a super. Why am I not surprised?"

"Maybe you, somewhat, knew. Doesn't matter anyway, it was a good game." I offered a hand and he gladly shook it. Everyone cheered behind us and I soon felt the presence my boyfriend behind me, I turned around and soon felt a little warmth on my cheek: a victory kiss. I nearly blushed, but I don't think anyone here cared....... IB kissed me in front of them and they didn't seem bothered by it.

"Hey, why don't we all get some lunch?" asked John, he seemed to be very caring...... not that many people, that I have met, seemed to have that quality in the real world.

"Okay, sure! Why not!" I said as IB nodded. We followed our new, light-grey friend outside and over to the same pizza place Iceblood and I ate at during our date. The waitress brought the menus and we looked them over. After a few seconds we ordered and the waitress took these inside to give to the chef. I leaned back to relax, but almost fell. The others laughed and I replied with a playful "Shut up!" they dialed their laughter down, but it was still there.

"Why are you laughing at me?" I asked in a whiney voice.

"Cause you nearly fell backwards!" brayed John as he was hunched over in his seat. I looked over to see Iceblood laughing too.

"What, IB... you're laughing at me too?"

"Come on Sol, it's not you don't laugh when I do it. Am I right?" He had a point there "Besides, you're still my guy...... just my funny guy!"

"Jeez, I always thought YOU were the goofball in this relationship!" I mocked back humorously.

"Yes but not ALL the time my sweet, naïve, wolfie friend." My boyfriend said as he scratched my head gently, I rolled my eyes as he did it....... but, frankly, I really enjoyed it.

"So...... are you two, like, together? Asked John, crossing his arms. We both looked at him, having "Are-you-kidding-me" expressions on our face. He just looked puzzled saying "What?"

"You SERIOULY think we would be doing this stuff if we WEREN'T together?" asked Iceblood. John just stared at us, still not believing us. We looked at each other, knowing that there was ONE other way to convince him. We moved in and kissed each other, only for a second to show John, then faced him. His mouth was propped open in awe, not knowing to believe what he saw.

"NOW you believe us?"

"Yes, now I do." He said as we all got confortable "So, how did it happen?" We looked at each other, and started.


....... (If you want to know, read previous chapters).......

"Which brings up to right now eating lunch with you." Ended Iceblood. John was now astonished at hearing the ENTIRE story we had to offer.

"Oh. My. GOD! That is ONE hell of a yarn you're spinning, maybe you could someone like me on your side: that Domino sounds like someone that could give us GOOD furries a bad name!"

"Thanks John, it means a lot for someone like you to help out: we need all the help we can get to take out Domino." I said sincerely, having a friend like John was DEFINITELY an upside. After we were done talking for a few seconds, a dark red fox came up from behind John and rested his hands on his shoulders: he was tall, shorter than John though, and slender.... But that didn't hide the fact that he was an obvious work-out type of guy.

"Uh, John...... who's this and why is he like that?" I asked, probably already knowing the answer. John looked at me with a "sorry-about-that" look while scratching the back of his head.

"Well.... guys... this is my mate: Shaun." As John said that, Shaun hand his hand through his long, jet-black hair quickly and said a quick "Sup." Me and IB said a simple "Hey." and Shaun sat down in a chair at our table. He immediately began talking.

"So, what are you talking about? I over-heard a story about a 'black dragon' and someone by the name 'Domino'; you friends with 'em?"

"HELL. NO!" We both said in unison. Shaun looked lost, probably thinking 'If they weren't friends, then why are they talking about him?'

"He kidnapped Iceblood and nearly killed me when I tried to save him." I explained, though Shaun seemed unfazed.

"Ah." We probably didn't want to know WHY he understood it. Shaun looked over and said "Are those the guys?" We all looked over and, sure enough, a group of Domino's goons were walking about; they were, apparently, trying to find something...... or someone.

"We gotta get out of here! They'll DEFINITELY find us if we stay!" I said in a rushed tone. Everyone agreed and we quickly walked away from the table......right before the waitress brought out the pizza (Dang it! XD).


Cliff hanger! Sorry, had to put it in: I'm beginning to lose some ideas for this story, so if any of you have some..... PLEASE share them; they might be good enough to be put in!

Well, see ya next time..... I'M OUT OF HEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeere!

*Oh and SO sorry for not getting this out there sooner, got caught up in my other story.... I will try and see if I can balance these two out*

My Life as a Furry: Chapter 9

**Hey guys, sorry I'm not posting as many "My Life as a Furry" chapters: been WAY too busy with my other story "A New Start As A Trainer". But that will change......hopefully. Anyway, let's start off with:** **CAUTION: I/ Dragon of Wind do not hold...

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