Healing A Doctor Chapter 14

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#14 of Healing a Doctor

Well, after a period of time fraught with delays and drama, this series is done. I do have some other writing projects started and I will update you as soon as I choose one. Lastly, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the ending.


The first thing Nathan saw as he woke up was the clear bag of an IV and bright florescent hospital lights. He sighed and sat up, the pain in his chest nothing more than a mild ache. He was in a hospital ward filled with row upon row of beds, of which the majority were filled with moaning soldiers.

A doe nurse walked past him, her nose buried in a clipboard. Nathan waved to get her attention, but could not summon the nurse to him. He called out, "Could I get some water, please?" and was surprised at how scratchy and dry his voice sounded. The nurse stopped to turn and look at him, and replied.

"It'll be here shortly."

The nurse hurried off and quickly returned with a glass of ice cold water. Nathan grabbed it and chugged it down hurriedly. He felt better as soon as that first trickle past his throat and by the time the glass was gone he had reached a state of contentment. Now just to find out what happened to Brian and Davis.

"Will that be all?" The nurse asked.

"No," Nathan began, "Did anyone come in with me."

"Yes actually," the nurse began, flipping through the papers on her clipboard, "We don't have any identification though, sorry."

"Is he here?" Nathan asked.

"He's in the operating room," The nurse replied, "That son of a bitch is tough."

"Can I see him?" Nathan asked.

"No, you'll have to wait until the doctors are done," the nurse said, "I have to go tend to the other patients, so if you'll excuse me."

The nurse walked off, leaving Nathan to wallow in his lack of information. He waited for the nurse to drop out of sight before placing his feet on the ground next to his bed. Nathan grasped the IV needle and removed it from his arm. It dangled above the floor once free, its contents dripping down and pooling on the floor.

Nathan slowly got up, not wanting to fall to the ground from lightheadedness. He swayed a little, but managed to keep his balance. He shuffled through the rows of beds, his chest beginning to hurt more with each movement. Soldiers gazed up at him with weary and sick eyes; others looked like the dead, unmoving and surrounded by the whish and whir of a life support system.

The coyote stopped to catch his breath, resting a paw at the foot of an orca soldier's bed. The cetacean looked up at him and said.

"What happened to you?"

"I got shot," Nathan replied, "You?"

"Lost my leg in a mortar explosion," the orca said throwing aside the blanket to reveal a bandaged stump, "Did you get a purple heart for it?"

"Mine wasn't in the line of duty, so no," Nathan began, "I have to check for someone, good luck with the leg."

Nathan left the orca and proceeded down a hallway. At the end was a locked door that said operating rooms and urgent care. There was a sign beside it that said, Authorized Personnel Only. Nathan pulled down the doorknob and walked through the doorway. The walls were green with a white tile floor, Nathan sighed, he did not enjoy the color.

There was a junction of hallways, and Nathan turned right down the one that went to the operating rooms. A group of doctors walked by and Nathan just managed to duck into an empty room as they passed.

"Those two from the house are lucky to be alive," one of the doctors began.

"I'm amazed that coyote made it through surgery, let alone survived the gunshots," another replied.

"What about the other one they brought in?" the first doctor asked.

They went out of Nathan's hearing range before he could hear the reply. He mentally kicked himself. All that he had to do was just ask a doctor. Who else knew everything that went on here? He peered out the small glass window, checking to make sure the coast was clear before he ventured back down the hall.

Three doors down from where Nathan hid, a clear commotion was audible. Nathan continued towards it. The nurse from before burst out of the room, she was too preoccupied to notice Nathan and barreled past him, hurrying down the wall with a look of urgency on her face. Nathan peered through the window, hoping to see who the doctor's were operating on. The surgeons were in the way, however, and Nathan could not ascertain who was in there.

"Can I help you?" A voice from behind Nathan asked.

Nathan turned around with a start to see an older wolf dressed in doctor's clothes.

"I think my friend's in there," Nathan began, "But I can't tell."

"You're the coyote from the house incident right?" the doctor asked.

"Yes," Nathan replied, "I heard there was somebody else alive."

"There is," the doctor began, "Could you identify him for us?"

"Of course," Nathan replied.

The doctor held the door for Nathan, who walked in like someone who is dreading something. There was a pool of horror spreading from his heart and throughout his body. morgue. The doctor tapped one of the surgeons on the back and told him to move aside to allow the coyote to see. Nathan gasped.

It was Brian. The coyote gave a sigh of relief and said to the doctor.

"His name is Brian Reike."

"Is there any conditions or problems that we should be aware of?" The wolf doctor asked.

"He's schizophrenic," Nathan replied, "But that's all."

"Thank you," The wolf began, "I'll get the nurse to escort you back to your bed."

"Tell me how he does, ok," Nathan said.

"Ok," The wolf began, "Nurse!"

The doe popped back in the room with an armful of bandages as if on cue. She set them down next to the operating table and glanced at the two.

"Would you escort this man back to his bed, please?" The wolf asked, "Thank you."

The nurse grabbed Nathan's arm like a mother leading her child across the street. As they moved out of the room, the coyote craned his head back to try to get a glimpse of his lover. The golden retriever's face was visible for a brief instant, before the doctors swarmed around him again.

Brian's face was unscathed, almost angelic in how perfect it looked. Nathan sighed with relief again, knowing that Brian would be all right. The nurse pushed open the door back to the hospital ward.

"Are you and that golden retriever close?" the nurse asked.

"Yeah," Nathan replied, "We are."

"Well then I hope he's all right," the nurse began, "How are you feeling?"

"Just a little sore," Nathan replied.

"Well here's your bed," the nurse said, "Just lie down."

"Thank you," Nathan replied.

Nathan sat down on his bed, and began to idly play with the dangling IV tube. The nurse chuckled and gently pushed the coyote down on his back.

"I thought you were a doctor," the nurse began.

"I am. Why?" Nathan asked.

The coyote took a sharp breath as the nurse put the IV needle back in his arm. She chuckled.

"Normally you leave an IV in your arm," The nurse scoffed.

"True," Nathan retorted, "I was on a mission though."

"That you were," the nurse replied, and then chuckled.

"Nurse!" A tired voice called out.

The doe sighed and left Nathan's bed. She waved as she left, walking down the aisles of beds with a weary precision. Nathan moved under the covers of his bed and nestled his back into the mattress. The coyote glanced down the rows of beds; the nurse was down all the way by the opposite wall, gently helping a soldier drink a glass of water. Nathan chuckled, since becoming a doctor he had gained a newfound respect for nurses and what they did, because he was sure he couldn't do it.

There was an empty bed beside him, and there was a deep-seated hope that Brian would be its occupant. He nearly cheered when he realized Davis was really and truly dead, that he could not harass the two of them ever again. After this, they could just get Haley and go to some far off paradise where the two of them could be together.

Speaking of Haley, Nathan glanced around for a phone. There was a wall mounted one, just down from him on his side of the room. Nathan looked around for the nurse, and not seeing her, removed his IV for the second time that night. He hurried as fast as his soreness would allow, and soon reached the phone. He dialed that familiar number, and hoped that his daughter was up to answer his call.

"Hello," Haley's voice answered tiredly.

"Haley sweetie it's Daddy," Nathan replied, "I have good news."

"What is it Daddy?" Haley asked.

"Brian's okay," Nathan began, "And we'll come home and get you very soon."

"That's good Daddy," Haley replied, "It's really early, and I want to sleep, I'll talk to you later."

"Sweet dreams sweetie," Nathan said, then hanging up the phone with gentle care.

He turned around to see the stern face of the doe nurse. Her foot tapped against the ground and Nathan couldn't help but swallow nervously.

"You've been up and about tonight," She said.

"Yeah sorry," Nathan began, "I had to talk to my daughter."

"That's nice. If you keep moving around I'm going to sedate you, "the nurse replied, "You need rest."

"I'm fine," Nathan said, "Trust me I'm a doctor."

"Really," the nurse began, flipping through the papers on her clipboard, "Says here you're just a patient, which means I'm in charge.

"I'm seriously ok," Nathan replied, "If I need anything it's to walk around, I need to do something."

"I have something for you do to," the nurse offered.

"And what's that?" Nathan asked.

"You can go back to your bed so I don't have to chase you around," The nurse replied.

Nathan glared at the nurse and walked past her. He'd never thought a nurse would ever be able to tell him what to do. She followed him to his bed and stood angrily at the foot of it. Nathan sighed and got back into his bed, throwing the covers over his body.

"Now go to sleep," The nurse ordered, "Or I will sedate you."

"Yes mam," Nathan sighed

"That's the attitude I like to hear," The nurse replied, "Good night."

"One thing first," Nathan began, "What's your name?"

"Shirley, now go to sleep," Shirley replied.

"Shirley now go to sleep...," Nathan began, "What the hell kind of name is that?"

"Wiseass," Shirley scoffed before walking away.

Nathan once again curled up under his blankets, and once again he found himself staring at the empty bed beside him. He sighed, not wanting to wait any longer to see his lover again. The coyote unwillingly closed his eyes, the stresses of the past couple of days soon washing away in the comforting sea of sleep.


"Careful!" A voice whispered urgently.

"Quiet!" Shirley commanded, "I don't want you waking up all of my patients."

Nathan cracked an eye open to see a group of doctors surrounding the bed beside him. Nathan couldn't see who or what they were crowding around. The coyote tilted his ears towards the group, trying to hear what they were saying.

"Do you think he's gonna be okay now?" Shirley asked.

"He's stable so far," The wolfen doctor from earlier replied, "We just have to wait."

"Is there anything special I have to do for this one?" Shirley asked, followed by the rustling of paper on her clipboard.

"Just check on him every so often," the wolf replied.

"Great," Shirley began, "I'm going to go make my rounds."

The group of doctors dispersed, leaving Nathan an open view of the bed. The occupant was turned with his back to Nathan. The light was too bad for Nathan to discern his species.

"Hey dude," Nathan whispered, "Who are you?"

There was no response; it seemed that the occupant was out.

"Hey dude," Nathan whispered louder. "What?" A tired voice replied.

"What's your name?" Nathan asked.

"Brian," the voice replied.

"Brian...," Nathan began, "The same Brian that isn't a licensed psychiatrist, who went to college at Delaware State and is a self proclaimed film buff even though he hasn't seen Reservoir Dogs?"

"How did you know?" Brian asked, looking over at Nathan and smiling at the sight of him, "Nathan! Thank God you're ok!"

"I'm glad you're ok baby," Nathan began, "You had me worried for a while."

"What happened to Davis?" Brian asked.

"He died," Nathan replied, "Did you patch me up back at the house?"

"Yes I did," Brian said, "How'd I do?"

"Pretty shoddy," Nathan began, "But seeing as you're not a doctor I'll let it slide."

"It's pretty cold over here," Brian said, "Why don't you come over?"

"I would, but the nurse said she'd sedate me if I left my bed," Nathan replied, "Why don't you come over here."

"I would but I'm so sore," Brian whined.

"Look and see if she's coming," Nathan replied.

Brian sat up and glanced around, his eyes glowing in the dark. He laid back down slowly, giving an audible groan of pain.

"It's good," Brian said.

The nurse didn't put the IV back into Nathan's arm, so he easily slid out of his covers. He was over in Brian's bed in an instant, worming his way in beside him. Brian turned over and threw his arm over the coyote so that they were spooning. The golden retriever buried his nose into Nathan's fur, savoring the smell.

"I missed you," Brian began.

"I missed you too," Nathan replied, "Guess what?" "What?" Brian began.

"Haley's glad you are okay," Nathan replied.

"You talked to her?" Brian asked.

"Yeah just earlier," Nathan began.

"Well..." Brian began, cut off by the creak off a door.

"Oh shit, it's the nurse," Nathan whispered, "Quiet."

Shirley walked about the rows of beds, her shoes clacking on the tile floor. She stopped at Nathan's bed and gave a weary sigh. She looked over to Brian's bed, and scoffed.

"Well I guess you are sleeping," She began to herself, and then moving on.

Nathan and Brian remained quiet until the nurse went out of sight. The two laughed, glad to be in one another's company again. Nathan began to feel the golden arms wrapped around, his paws ran through the fur, enveloping themselves in its soft warmth. Brian murred and moved his body up closer to Nathan's back. Nathan gasped at the feeling of the stitches there.

"What kind fight happened between you and Davis?" Nathan asked.

"I had an episode as soon as I turned away from you," Brian began, "I came back standing over him in the bathtub, I ripped him apart."

"What did he do to you?" Nathan asked.

"He had a knife clutched in his hands," Brian replied, "He cut me up."

"It's finally over," Nathan said, "We won."

"Yeah," Brian began, "Now it's just me and you and the future."

"You know how I said I wanted to move to Sweden after this?" Nathan asked.

"Yeah, what about it?" Brian replied.

"I think we should just stay in America," Nathan began, "Culture shock's a bitch."

"Yeah," Brian said, "I'm good with anywhere as long as I'm with you."

"This is getting sappy," Nathan replied. "And I'm good with any house too," Brian continued, "Just as long as it looks extremely fuckable.

Nathan snorted the sound echoing through the ward. He quickly fell silent, not wanting to be out for his and Brian's reunion. Brian chuckled with him, falling silent after a short time as well.

"At least you kept it from getting sappy," Nathan scoffed.

"I can't help but be sappy around you," Brian retorted.

"At least it's a good sappy," Nathan replied.

Brian didn't reply. Nathan looked back, and was met with a kiss, a peck on the lips. It only lasted for an instant, but the small gesture magnified the shimmer of love in each other's eyes. Brian rolled on top of Nathan and brought his head down for a not so innocent kiss. After a few seconds of earnest tongue wrestling, Brian brought his head up again.

"I love you," Brian said.

"I love you too," Nathan replied.

The two were clad in hospital gowns, which made Brian's plan of action that much easier. Brian lifted up the blanket slightly, so that he was able to see his lover's naked front. There was a little bit of pink sticking out of the brown sheath, the sight of which made Brian murr.

"Now that's what I like to see," Brian began, moving his hips down to Nathan's.

"We can't," Nathan replied, "There's too many people."

"Haven't you seen Enemy at the Gates?" Brian retorted, "We'll just be quiet."

Brian brought a paw down to his sheath and brought his lips to Nathan's. The coyote moaned as the golden retriever's tongue slid in, bucking up into Brian. Brian backed away from the kiss to lube up his now fully erect pulsing meat. The golden retriever moved back into the kiss, and threw the blanket over the two, covering the majority of their lewdness.

Brian entered the coyote, inch by inch the meat slid in. Nathan nearly moaned obnoxiously loud in pleasure, the only thing that stopped him was his lips clamped firmly on Brian's tongue. Once the meat was half in, the golden pulled back, so that just the tip of his marvelous cock remained in. He thrust in savagely, moving in another extra inch. The bed rocked, Nathan's head slamming against the pillows. Brian repeated the motion, over and over, until his knot was kissing the outside of Nathan's hole.

Brian's arms rested beside Nathan's head, who murred and grasped those strong pillars of support. Brian began to roll his hips, fucking the coyote slow and deep. Nathan cried out into Brian's muzzle, his prostate singing with the pleasure of Brian's cock. Brian gave a powerful thrust to spice up the movements, which moved the bed forward.

Brian picked up his pace, the movement of his hips rustling in the blanket. Nathan bridged up, his chest pushing against the golden retriever in a display of pure ecstasy. Brian growled into Nathan's mouth, finally enjoying the tightness he'd missed for so long. He moved his arms from the coyote, and grasped the metal headboard.

He began to jackhammer his lover, his thrusts increasing with speed and power. Nathan's arms found the golden retriever's back, where they kneaded and massaged the powerful shoulders. The two's tongues and their thrusts were moving in sync, unifying the two lovers even more in their love making. Brian growled again into Nathan's muzzle, he was getting close.

Brian gave one more powerful thrust, sending his knot into Nathan's ass and the headboard slamming into the wall. Nathan came, his release signaled by a bite to Brian's lips and the orgasmic thrashing of his legs. Nathan's bridge broke, sending him and Brian down into the mattress. He arched his back and squeezed around Brian's cock, his moans turning to muffled sounds of passion through Brian's mouth.

Brian rolled his hips a final time and came. His three month sexual depravation was finally lifted, and his semen flooded out of his body like a flash flood. His orgasm was powerful as well, he thrashed about on the bed, moaning and groaning desperately into Nathan's mouth. The two's orgasm's subsided and the two broke apart, breathing fast and loud.

"I really needed that," Nathan began.

"Me too," Brian replied, "That was awesome."

"I know, I was there," Nathan said.

The two laughed and kissed again. Little did they know that the nurse had seen the majority of their coitus, and she stood at the foot of the bed smirking.

"Do you guys know what happened to the wall there?" Shirley asked, acting like she had no clue what had happened.

"It was always like that," Nathan replied.

"Oh Nathan," Shirley began, "You're down there too?"

"No," Brian began, "I was just... kidding."

"Nathan, I know you are there, now get back to your bed," The nurse began, "Or I'll sedate you."

"Um, I can't," Nathan began.

"Why not," Shirley replied.

"I'm kinda stuck," Nathan said.

"How?" The nurse replied.

"Uh, yeah," Nathan began.

"I know what you guys have been doing," Shirley began, "And I really don't care, but you were disturbing the patients."

"So... you're not going to sedate me," Nathan replied.

"I never said that," Shirley began.

"Shit," Nathan said, "Good night Brian."

"Night lover."


Nathan and Brian were sent home after their time in the hospital. Luckily for them, the nurse didn't tell so they were able to capitalize on the veteran's benefits. They had returned to America and got a house in a middle-sized town in northern California. Now, the two sat in a car, driving down a road just outside of Toledo, to finally pick up Haley.

"I'm really nervous," Nathan began.

"Don't be," Brian replied, "Last time we talked to her she seemed really excited."

"But what if she's not happy when she's living with us?" Nathan asked.

"It'll be fine," Brian began, "Trust me."

"I do trust you," Nathan replied, "You're always right."

"Her driveway's coming up," Brian said.

Nathan swallowed nervously in reply, and stared out the window aimlessly. In the days leading up to it, he was so excited to have his daughter again. But now that he was here, that excitement was replaced by nervousness and second guessing himself and his parenting skills.

The car turned and began the drive up the driveway. It was long and winding up a slight incline.

"This must be a bitch to shovel," Brian began.

The house came into view and Nathan sat up, staring at the building. Brian pulled the car in behind the other car parked. Brian got out of the car and sat on the hood. Nathan followed and stood beside him.

"Are you going to go?" Brian asked.

"Aren't you coming with me?" Nathan began.

"She's your daughter," Brian replied, "Besides you need to do this."

"Ok," Nathan said, "We'll be quick."

Nathan headed for the front door. There were three steps up to it, and each felt like an eternity to the coyote. He knocked thrice, and he got so nervous that he was about to just take off and run. The only thing that stopped him was a joyous squeal from inside. The door cranked open and Nathan's daughter jumped up into his arms.

"Daddy!" Haley cried, squeezing her father.

"Oh god sweetie," Nathan began, a tear rolling down his cheek, "I missed you so much."

Mary was standing in just inside in a hallway. She glared at Nathan, and huffed.

"Good afternoon Mary," Nathan began.

She huffed again. Nathan looked down at his daughter and released her from the hug. She looked up at him with a grin on her face. She turned and ran back inside, and gave her grandmother a hug.

"Goodbye grandma," She said.

"Goodbye Haley," Mary replied, "You be good and listen to your father."

"Yes grandma," Haley said.

Haley ran past her and started to grab her bags. Nathan followed her in and grabbed two of the heavier ones. Haley had already run out the door and was putting her stuff in the back of the car with the help of Brian. Mary stopped Nathan before he followed her out.

"You take care of her," Mary began, "If you two queers hurt her or let her get hurt, you'll regret it."

"I will Mary," Nathan began, "I have to go now."

Nathan left the house and put the last of the bags in the back of the car. Haley was already in the back on the other side, buckled up and ready to go. Nathan smiled and got in the passenger seat. Brian waved goodbye to Mary and started up the car. In no time at all they were back on the road, on the way home in California.

"I have two questions for you," Haley began.

"Ask away sweetheart," Nathan replied.

"Can we stop by McDonald's for lunch?" she asked.

"I don't think so," Nathan began, "It's so unhealthy to eat there."

Both Brian and Haley groaned.

"Come on," they both said in unison.

"Fine," Nathan replied, "When you're both fat it won't be my fault."

"Its fine Daddy," Haley began, "We can get out and run it off."

"I'm still not getting anything," Nathan said, amidst Brian's chuckling.

"They have salads," Brian began, "And it wouldn't kill you to have a McFlurry."

The trio went to McDonalds and drove through the drive through. Brian got a big Mac, and Haley got the chicken nuggets. Even Nathan got a Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese, the lure of a McDonald's cheeseburger too much for him. They pulled over on a shoulder of the road and ate their meals.

"You said you had two questions Haley," Brian began, as they continued on, "What was the other one?"

"Which one of you do I call mom?"

Nathan and Brian laughed, the question too much for the two of them. Brian's paw found Nathan's and they gripped each other. They were ready for anything now, they were finally a family.

Healing A Doctor Chapter 13

Well, one more chapter after this one. What's next? I have absolutely no clue. I have a couple projects ready to get started and I'll get back to you as soon as I make a decision as to which one I will make into a series. So after an extremely long...

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Healing a Doctor Chapter 12

It had been three months since Davis had first come to the clinic. Nathan and Davis had struck up a very close friendship, and the two of them were happy just to keep it that way. In the three months that Davis had been living in the clinic, life had...

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Healing A Doctor Chapter 11

Louise Valerez walked into Nathan's dark and gloomy house. It was a Saturday, and because of this she thought that her doctor friend would be able to look at her arm. HQ was too busy dealing with more grievously injured furs than she, so they her to...

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