Healing A Doctor Chapter 11

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#11 of Healing a Doctor

Louise Valerez walked into Nathan's dark and gloomy house. It was a Saturday, and because of this she thought that her doctor friend would be able to look at her arm. HQ was too busy dealing with more grievously injured furs than she, so they her to wait. She walked into the living room of the house, where Nathan still sat clutching the pillow.

"Nathan?" Louise asked, tapping the coyote on the shoulder.

"Oh hi," He said, "What's going on?"

She was immediately struck by how tired he looked. His words also lacked the same energy they once did and came off as forced formalities.

"Are you okay?" Louise asked.

"No," Nathan replied, "I can't sleep, I have no energy, I must be depressed."

"Maybe if you tried to get some sleep you'd feel better," Louise offered.

"Maybe," Nathan said, "Now did you need something or is this just a pleasant visit."

"I was wondering if you'd look at my arm," Louise began, quickly continuing as the coyote got to his feet, "But I'd rather you sleep before you do anything."

"I'll try," Nathan replied, "But I can't make any promises."

"Ok," Louise said, "I'll just wait here for you to be done."

Nathan grumbled in reply and walked up the stairs to a bed. He slumped on to it face-first, slowly turning over when he required to breath. Once his head found its way to the pillow, he realized how tired he was. Nathan figured that it would be to hot to get under the covers, so he just lay on top of them, still fully clothed.

He battered his eyes as sleep overtook his body. Nathan relaxed and was soon fast asleep, gently snoring.


Nathan was sitting in the clinic, before the bombs fell. He was reading a magazine and puffing away on a cigarette. The front door creped open and Brian walked into the room. Nathan dropped everything he was doing and ran to him. Brian caught Nathan with his arms outstretched, holding the coyote tight to him.

"I missed you, you bastard," Nathan began, "I'm not letting you leave again."

"I missed you too," Brian replied, "I'm glad you're still okay."

Nathan kissed Brian in response. The two held each other as they were enveloped in the most passionate kiss that either of them had ever been in. Their muzzles smashed together, their tongues moving throughout their narrow prisons like speeding Ferraris. They released each other, Nathan quickly headed for the back, stripping as he went.

"I just got back," Brian began, "Do we really have to screw?"

"Yes," A shirtless Nathan replied, he then trailed a finger down Brian's chest, "I need it."

"In that case," Brian said, "I'd better oblige you."

Nathan finished undressing and found himself pushed against a wall by Brian. Their muzzles met, tongues flailing around the confines of the other's mouth. Nathan slid off Brian's pants, the garments piled around the golden retriever's ankles. Nathan's paws began to work on Brian's sheath, working the golden retriever up further.

"You're pretty eager, aren't you 'yote," Brian said, breaking away from the kiss.

"I'm always eager," Nathan replied, "Now let's get the big pink monster out of its cage."

Nathan went down on his knees, and pulled down Brian's briefs. Brian's now fully erect penis seemed to shine in front of the coyote's eyes. Nathan went down on it, licking around the shaft and pointed head. Brian moaned out, trailing his fingers through Nathan's head fur and up and down his brown ears. Nathan broke away to suck on two fingers.

"What are you doing?" Brian asked.

"Surprising you," Nathan replied, pushing the lubed up fingers into Brian's orifice.

Brian grimaced at the unfamiliar sensation. His discomfort quickly melded back into pleasure as his screaming nerves adapted to the new pressure. Nathan chuckled as the golden retriever moaned and then pulled his fingers out of his lover's ass.

"Why did you stop?" Brian asked.

"I'm gonna need the fingers for this," Nathan replied.

Nathan enveloped Brian's cock with his heated muzzle. As the coyote's head bobbed up and down over his golden furred lover, Brian found himself thrusting into Nathan's stimulating muzzle. Nathan slowed his head's movement's, taking time to lick up the drops of pre that were now rolling down Brian's cock.

"I don't see what you need the fingers for," Brian scoffed.

"Oh really," Nathan replied, his words muffled by the throbbing dick in his mouth.

Nathan's fingers went down to squeeze and roll Brian's testicles around . Nathan could sense Brian was getting close, so Nathan removed his mouth, kissing the head as he backed off.

"Why did you stop this time?" Brian asked.

"I wanted to polish doggy's bone before he buried it," Nathan replied.

"Well let me see if I can bury this bone," Brian said.

Nathan stood back up and was promptly embraced by Brian. The smell of the two's musk filled the air with the sweet smell of sex and passion. Nathan jumped up on to Brian's chest, his tail just above Brian's erection. Brian gave his lover a nuzzle before he brushed the coyote's tail aside and entered, slamming Nathan's back against the wall as he did.

Nathan groaned out and bent his head into Brian's golden chest as he slowly entered the coyote. Brian gave a shaky gasp as he hilted Nathan, licking the top of his head as he finished.

"You should do some of that crazy flexible shit," Brian began.

"Well I really want to get fucked, so the flexibility can wait," Nathan said, rubbing a paw up and down the golden retriever's chest.

Brian nodded and began a sensually slow rhythm of thrusts. The feeling of slow entry and exit made Nathan even hornier, so his paws found their way to Brian's ass, where they began to rub and massage the muscled cheeks.

"You're such a friggin tease," Nathan breathed out.

"I want to take my time this time," Brian said, plunging into Nathan yet again.

Brian ever so slightly sped up his pace, effectively shutting the coyote up. Brian laughed and continued their slow and smooth mating, pushing the coyote against the wall with every thrust. Nathan began to push back, prolonging the feeling of Brian's meaty cock filling his inner walls.

As the two rutted, it seemed as though the world just stopped. Like if the whole world revolved around the two's loving act. Nathan brought his muzzle to Brian's, beginning to deeply kiss the golden retriever. The coyote's tongue curled and slid around the dominant golden retriever's mouth, caught in a dirty game of cat and mouse with the other's tongue.

Brian began to lose control of his pacing, now wildly breeding Nathan. Nathan wrapped his legs around Brian, trying to allow Brian's godlike pleasure tool deeper into him. Brian forced his knot in, producing an audible pop. Nathan broke the kiss to cry out and release his canine seed. Brian managed to keep his body under enough control to withstand the assault of Nathan's walls without cumming.

Brian chuckled and began to grind his knot into Nathan. He growled and moaned as he continued his fucking of Nathan, trying his damnedest to keep going. Eventually Nathan's body was too much for the golden retriever and the dam broke. Brian released wave after wave of his cream into Nathan, bucking his hips forcefully as he did so.

Brian and Nathan pressed every inch they could of their bodies together, sharing their orgasms together through touch. Brian kissed Nathan on the lips and carried the coyote back to their bed. Nathan moaned as the rod inside of him shifted with his movement.

Once the two of them were on the bed, they began to cuddle. Arms and legs caressed and rubbed the other's bodies. Nathan murred with contentment, glad of the treatment he was receiving.

"How was I?" Brian asked.

"I can't believe you have to ask," Nathan scoffed, "It was stupendous, I might need an encore."

"I don't think I can," Brian replied.

"Why not?" Nathan asked.

"I don't want to ruin the moment," Brian began, "I'm fine just cuddling with you."

The two lied there and cuddled. Nathan laid his head back into Brian's chest fur, closing his eyes in bliss.

"I've missed this," Nathan sighed.

"You know I can't stay," Brian said.

"What?" Nathan asked, "Why?"

"This is a dream," Brian replied, "It's all in your head."

"But..." Nathan asked.

"But it felt so real?" Brian finished, "Think for a second, the clinic is destroyed and I'm most likely dead."

Brian got up, his penis and knot passing through Nathan as if he weren't there. Nathan broke into tears as the golden retriever walked away.

"Wait," Nathan sobbed.

"What is it?" Brian asked, turning back.

"You can stay as long as I'm asleep right?" Nathan asked.

"Yeah I can," Brian replied.

"Then I never want to wake up," Nathan said, running to the golden retriever and jumping into his arms.

The two kissed, their lips once again locked in their endless battle of passion. Nathan didn't care anymore; it sure as hell felt real. Brian returned the two of them to the bed, where they continued to make out. Eventually, the two stopped and looked at each other, glad that they were together again.

The two fell asleep there. The funny thing with dreams is that time can either go much faster than you want it to or much slower. Unfortunately, the first was the case. Nathan's perspective began to shake, yanking him unwillingly from his slumber.


"You getting up Nathan?" Louise said.

Nathan grumbled and sat up, not noticing the tent in his pants. Louise laughed and Nathan quickly covered up his immodesty.

"Looks like you had good dreams," Louise laughed.

"Just let me change and I'll be right with you," Nathan replied, "The clinic is downstairs."

"Okay," Louise replied, her eyes lingering on Nathan's junk, "I'll see you down there."

Nathan sighed and changed into his civvies. He walked down to the clinic, putting on a pair of surgical gloves as he went. Louise was already sitting on the examination bench, her shirt off and folded beside her.

"I'll just stitch this up and we'll be good to go," Nathan began, unwrapping the bandage from her arm.

"I think the bullet might be still in there," Louise said.

Nathan nodded his head and gently spread open the wound. Sure enough, the bullet was embedded deep in her arm muscle. Nathan had a pair of tweezers handy and pulled the bullet out, placing it on the table next to him.

"I really don't want to get stitches," Louise began.

"Is there a reason?" Nathan asked, beginning to feed the thread through the needle.

"My mother gave me my last stitches," Louise began, "I got to get those pulled out, get a tetanus shot, and then get more stitches on top of that."

"Well I'd think I'm a better surgical seamstress than your mother," Nathan scoffed.

Nathan pierced Louise's skin and began to close the wound. Louise grimaced and tensed, making Nathan stop halfway through a stitch.

"You're going to have to relax," Nathan began, "If you tense this is going to hurt a lot more."

"Same principle as anal then," Louise said, relaxing her arm muscles.

Nathan scoffed and continued working, soon closing up the small hole. He grabbed a bandage and wrapped it around the now closed wound. Louise gave Nathan a hug, her breasts pushing just under his chin.

"Got any booze?" Louise asked.

"I still have some chardonnay," Nathan replied, "Let me get it."

Nathan ran up the stairs to grab the wine and two glasses, when he returned, Louise was leaned back, her bra slipped down to reveal her breasts. Nathan walked over and set the glasses and the bottle on the table. Louise grabbed his collar and pulled him in.

"Since I was such a good girl, I think I should get a lollipop," Louise said, her lips a breath away from Nathan.

"Sorry," Nathan replied, moving away from her.

"Loosen up a little," Louise began, "You and I both need this."

"I'm fine," Nathan said.

"Just forget about him," Louise scoffed, "He's dead anyway."

"DON'T FUCKING SAY THAT!" Nathan bellowed, knocking the operating table and its contents to the ground.

Louise's ears laid back, she was clearly shocked Nathan's display. She picked up the mess Nathan had made. While she was doing this, Nathan walked over to the sink, and leaned his head against the cabinets above it.

"You're going to have to mop the wine up," Louise said.

"That's fine," Nathan sighed.

"I'm sorry," Louise offered.

"Just go," Nathan replied.

Louise walked over and put her shirt back on wordlessly. She headed for the stairs, turned around, and then kept walking. When she reached the next floor up, Nathan began to mop up the spilled liquid. He had just finished cleaning up the spill when Louise came running back down the stairs again.

"There's a patient here for you," Louise began, "He sent me down to ask if you were ready for him."

"Send him down I guess," Nathan replied.

Louise ran up the stairs and sent the fur down. The wolf had a scarred face and was missing his right ear. He glanced at Nathan and began to chuckle.

"Why hello there Nathan," the wolf began, "Got a new clinic I see."

"Davis?" Nathan asked, "I thought you were..."

"Dead," Davis finished, "No just in a shit ton of pain."

"What's wrong?" Nathan asked.

"Your friends decided to cut me up even more," Davis began, "I have this infected stab wound, could you fix it."

"Why would you come to me?" Nathan asked.

"I don't know," Davis replied, "To show you what you did to me."

"Brian's coming back in a few minutes," Nathan began, "So don't try anything."

"Now we both know that's a lie," Davis scoffed, "I heard about the Japanese taking him."

"How?" Nathan asked.

"Word travels fast," Davis replied, "Would you look at this cut or not?"

Nathan went for his tools of the trade and began to examine the wound.

"How can you still trust me?" Nathan asked, stopping what he was doing.

"Getting tortured can really open your eyes," Davis began, "I guess you could say I had an epiphany, I realized that just because you and Brian were different didn't give me the right to antagonize you like I did."

"Works for me I guess," Nathan said, "I'll just disinfect it and let it heal."

"How long will it take?" Davis asked.

"Depends," Nathan replied, "I need company so I'll probably keep you around."

"Okay," Davis said, "Just don't cut me up again."

"I really am sorry about that," Nathan began, now putting on some surgical gloves.

"I pushed you to do it anyway," Davis replied, flinching as Nathan began to disinfect the wound.

Nathan continued his work in silence, disinfecting and rebandaging the wound. Nathan couldn't help but looked over the damage he had caused, the ear had closed up and the cuts on his face had faded to discolored patches against the grey fur. The wolf still did look quite handsome however, a fact that Nathan could not overlook.

Davis stood up and looked over the doctor's handiwork. Davis stood up and stretched.

"Damn nice work doc," Davis said.

"Thanks," Nathan replied, throwing the gloves away.

"Do you want to hear something fucked up?" Davis asked, sitting back down.

"Why not," Nathan said.

"I heard that the Japanese are taking POW's to the prison ships," Davis said.

"That's old news," Nathan replied.

"Yeah but I guess the Japs are experimenting on them there," Davis began.

"How so?" Nathan asked.

"I heard that they were trying out new torture methods, and medical shit," Davis said.

"Shit, what kind of medical work," Nathan said, "Cause if they find the cure for cancer I am personally swimming out there and shaking their paws."

"I'm talking more like vivisections and amputations," Davis replied, "I heard from your friends about it."

Nathan stood stock still, now fully realizing the implications of what Davis just said. Nathan's paws found the counter, where they gripped and scored the surface. Davis saw Nathan's reaction and walked over to hug him. Nathan tensed up even more, unsure of what his reaction should be.

"What are you doing?" Nathan asked.

"You looked like you needed a hug," Davis replied, and moved away from the coyote.

"I didn't expect that," Nathan said.

"I changed," Davis began, "I realized how stupid it was to be a dick."

"That's good," Nathan replied, still uneasy.

"I'm sorry if I unsettled you," Davis said.

"It's fine," Nathan began, "You don't think..."

"No," Davis replied, "I'm sure he's on some island drinking tequila trying to get back to you."

Nathan couldn't help but chuckle at the comment, but he still knew it wasn't true. He hoped that Brian was okay, and he hoped that he would get him back. Davis gave Nathan another hug, and this time Nathan hugged back.

"This doesn't make me gay," Davis said.

"Of course not," Nathan replied, "There's nothing gay about a hug."

Davis broke away from Nathan, who did feel slightly better now. He was struck with an idea and broke a run for the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Davis asked.

"To get something," Nathan replied, "I'll be right back."

Nathan went up to the top floor and routed through the many boxes up there. He quickly found what he was looking for, the blue disc. He ran back down the stairs and set it on the counter. Davis looked at with suspicion.

"What's that?" Davis asked.

"Something that Brian got me," Nathan said as he booted it up.

"What does it do?" Davis asked.

"I'll show you," Nathan began, "Brian Reike."

The blue disc began to project an image onto the screen. On the space of wall was a large rusted ship bouncing around on rough seas. The camera zoomed on it, soon showing the dark halls. As the camera went, the two furs in the clinic could see the various atrocities being committed. In one room, a female wolf was being water boarded, in another a grotesquely splayed gecko was pinned to the wall, slowly dying in a pool of his own blood.

Nathan held his breath, hoping not to see Brian's dead or tortured body. Luckily for him, the image zoomed to Brian chained to a wall with a steady drip of water dripping onto his forehead. Nathan breathed a sigh of relief.

"At least he's ok," Nathan said.

"He's not," Davis began, "That's Chinese water torture."

"What?" Nathan asked.

"Look at his wrists," Davis said.

Nathan could now see that Brian flinched as every drop of water hit him. The chains he was in dug into his skin with every jump, rubbing his wrists bloody. Brian looked directly at Nathan, almost as if he knew the coyote was watching. Nathan gasped and looked away. Davis turned off the disc, and sat back down.

"After enough time the water freaks you out so much that you tell whoever's torturing you everything," Davis began.

"Why are they doing it though?" Nathan asked, "It's not like there's a point to it."

"I'm sure it's psychological," Davis replied, "They're probably just trying to intimidate people."

"That's fucked," Nathan began, "We don't do anything like that."

"Who do you think we test our weapons on?" Davis asked, "You just don't hear about it because we're supposed to be the good guys."

"This whole thing is fucked," Nathan scoffed.

"Let's change the subject," Davis began

"I'm hungry," Nathan stated, "Do you want a bite to eat?"

"That was an abrupt change," Davis replied, "What are we having?"

"I'll burn some grilled cheese sandwiches," Nathan said.

"You can't be that bad of a cook," Davis began, "I'll just make us something."

Nathan followed Davis up the stairs and to the kitchen. Davis had already turned on the stove and was warming up a pan. Nathan leaned against the counter, unsure of what to do.

"Just go relax," Davis began, "I'll bring the food in when I'm done."

Nathan nodded and went to lie on the couch. He rested his head on his paws, a smile on his face. He was still surprised at how caring and nice Davis had become a complete metamorphosis like that only happened once in a blue moon. He was still thinking about Davis when he once again fell asleep.


Nathan was in the clinic again, this time consciously aware that he was dreaming. He sat in one of the chairs in the clinic, waiting for Brian's imminent arrival. Soon enough the door opened again, revealing Brian. Brian was slumped over; he looked very tired, or very sick. Nathan, being a doctor, immediately got up to help him.

"Jesus Christ," Nathan began, "Are you okay?"

"No," Brian replied.

Brian fell forward, hitting the tile of the clinic floor with a dull thud. Nathan ran to him, supporting the golden retriever's head in the crook of his arm. Nathan quickly adapted the role of the concerned doctor, gently checking over his boyfriend.

"What is it?" Nathan asked.

"I just hurt," Brian replied.

Nathan drug him over to a bed, the golden retriever limp the whole way. Nathan lifted him up, love giving him the strength he needed to carry the heavy weight. Nathan sat down on the bed, laying the golden retriever across his lap. A warm sticky feeling enveloped Nathan's thighs and paws. Brian's wrist's were bleeding, the outline of the chains imbedded in his skin.

Nathan sobbed and tried to stop the bleeding, pressing the sheets against the cuts. Brian broke free, caressing the coyote's head for a final time. Brian seemed to come apart at the seams, his internal organs plopping grotesquely on the floor. The golden retriever shuddered and laid still, his paw limply falling from the coyote's face.

Nathan stared at the gory sight, too shocked at what had happened to cry. He shambled into the clinic and lit up a cigarette, nearly burning himself with the lighter as he did. Nathan took a needy drag, unsuccessfully trying to calm his nerves. His nerves weren't helped by the wolf that had just entered the room.

"Who are you?" Nathan asked.

"I know you," The wolf replied, "I'm surprised you don't know me."

"Are you... James?" Nathan asked.

"Yes I am," James began, "You really do have some fucked up dreams."

"I have pretty normal dreams," Nathan replied, "Nightmares on the other hand..."

"You do know why I'm here right?" James asked.

Nathan shook his head, the cigarette once again held between his lips. James followed suit, lighting up before continuing.

"I'm a projection of your subconscious," James began.

"Like that movie Inception," Nathan said.

"I didn't get to see that because I was dead," James scoffed, "Moving on, I'm the part of your subconscious that tries to keep your emotions in check."

"You don't do to good of a job," Nathan replied.

"Whatever," James huffed, "You need to move on from Brian."

"I can't," Nathan began, "He filled me, I'm I shell of what I once was."

"If you don't find someone to fill that void you will get hurt," James insisted.

"But who?" Nathan asked, "And Brian could still be alive."

"There's a good chance he's not," James replied.

Nathan recoiled from the words, dropping the cigarette on the floor. James walked over and hugged Nathan, comforting the coyote with his wolfen arms. James rocked Nathan back and forth, the coyote quickly losing himself in his grasp.

"What about that Davis?" James ventured, "He seems nice enough."

"I still don't trust him," Nathan began, "He's nice and good looking and all, but I think there's too much bad blood between us for anything to work out.

"That's what you think," James scoffed, "He came here, sparked up what seems to be a friendship with you, and you think there's still bad blood between you. He got over it, so should you."

"He's straight though," Nathan continued.

"Doesn't mean you can't try," James replied.

"I have a question for you," Nathan began, "Were you this nice to Brian?"

"I don't know," James said, "I know what you know."

With that the wolf left, leaving a somewhat more knowledgeable coyote behind. For the remainder of the dream, Nathan stayed out of the back room, not wanting to see his dead lover. He knew it was just a dream, but seeing as it could actually happen to him made it all the worse.


When Nathan awoke it was late evening, Davis was no where to be seen. Nathan sat up and yawned, stretching his arms after his nap. He got up and walked into the kitchen, where Davis was hard at work again.

"So you're up," Davis began, cooking up some kind of meat.

"Yeah, sorry I slept through lunch," Nathan replied.

"It's fine, I needed the extra sandwich anyways," Davis said, "How do you like your steak?"

"Bloody," Nathan said.

"Just like a wild dog," Davis joked, "Go sit down, this is about done."

"You really didn't have to do this," Nathan said, "I could have easily cooked."

Davis shook his head and dished up the two steaks. He walked into the dining room dramatically, humming carnival music as he went. The coyote followed him, chuckling as he placed the dishes on the table with a flourish. Davis pulled out a chair and said.

"Your chair, sir."

"Thank you sir," Nathan replied, then ventured as he sat down, "You know, if you were gay this would count as a date."

"I guess it would, wouldn't it," Davis replied, "Dig in, it'll get cold."

Nathan cut out a bite of the deliciously juicy steak. Once the chunk of meat was in his muzzle, he groaned in ecstasy, slowly chewing the food as to savor it. He swallowed and quickly called out.

"Davis, you have got to be one of the best cooks I've ever met."

"I can't be that good," Davis said shyly.

"But you are," Nathan replied.

The two continued their meal in silence. Davis finishing a good fifteen minutes before Nathan. When the coyote did finish, he gave a satisfied belch and leaned back.

"What do you want to do now?" Nathan asked.

"Sleep," Davis began, "It's been a long day."

"How can you sleep?" Nathan exclaimed, "I'm barely even tired."

"You've been sleeping all day," Davis scoffed, "No wonder you aren't tired?"

"Good point," Nathan replied, "Good night then."

"Where do you want me to sleep?" Davis asked.

"Well normally patients sleep downstairs," Nathan began, "But I can make an exception for you, the beds upstairs are much more comfortable."

"Okay then," Davis replied as he went up the stairs, "Thank you for helping me Nathan."

Nathan couldn't help but stare as he walked away. He blushed and put the dishes in the sink, he could wash them in the morning.

He is really cute, Nathan thought to himself.

And he seems really nice; maybe I could try something tonight.

Nathan gasped, in a way this was cheating on Brian. He sincerely hoped that the golden retriever would come back and sweep him off his feet. But what harm would a little fooling around have when he wasn't here. It wouldn't hurt anyone.

Nathan walked up the stairs, still lost in thought about Davis and Brian. When he rounded the corner, the sleeping form of Davis came into view. He looked cute as he slept, his left cheek was rested on his paw, and his ear stump gently twitched as he slept. Nathan stood and looked over him for a second. He eventually realized how creepy he must have looked standing there and slowly ventured over to his bed, venturing to trace a paw along Davis's side as he passed.

The wolf moved towards Nathan's paw, an audible whimper escaping his muzzle when the paw retreated. Nathan chuckled and removed his shirt, throwing it to the side as he got in his bed. His head hit the pillow, and he immediately closed his eyes. He couldn't sleep though; he missed Brian's warm chest and strong arms, holding him as he slept.

Am I really about to ask this, Nathan thought to himself

He walked over to Davis's bed, stopping at the side of it.

"Davis?" Nathan asked, "Are you still awake?"

Davis snorted and woke up, glancing around the room warily. He quickly calmed down and turned to look at the coyote.

"I am now," Davis began, "What is it?"

"This is really awkward," Nathan began, scratching his neck nervously before continuing, "Could I sleep with you tonight?"

"Why?" Davis asked, "You know I'm not gay."

"Yeah I know," Nathan replied, "It's just, I can't really sleep without someone next to me, I have really bad dreams when I'm alone."

"That's fine then," Davis said.

Nathan slid in beside Davis, taking care not to touch him unless it was necessary. Davis threw an arm over him, making Nathan chuckle.

"What?" Davis asked from Nathan's back.

"This might constitute as gay," Nathan scoffed.

"Fine then," Davis replied, beginning to move his arm away, "I can move it then."

"No!" Nathan called out, grabbing Davis's arm as he yelled.

Davis chuckled and returned his arm, Nathan giving a contented sigh as the grey furred arm rested on him. Davis moved his hips, which were now pressing against the coyotes.

"You've got some nice hips doc," Davis said.

"That also constitutes as gay," Nathan said, "But thanks for the compliment."

"Maybe I can give this gay thing a try," Davis said half to himself, "I'll try anything once."

"That would be nice," Nathan replied, a grin plastered on his face

Davis chuckled again and moved his hips away, his sizeable sheath rubbing through the fabric of his pants against Nathan's tail. Davis yawned and laid his head down against the pillow, his arm still wrapped around Nathan

"Good night," Davis said.

Nathan just smiled, and nuzzled into Davis's arms. Although it wasn't the same as Brian, it still was nice to be held as he slept. Nathan hoped Davis wasn't kidding about his trying a gay relationship, maybe it would work. The coyote looked back again at the sleeping Davis and chuckled at the smile on his face. He sighed contentedly again and entered into a well deserved slumber.

Healing a Doctor Chapter 12

It had been three months since Davis had first come to the clinic. Nathan and Davis had struck up a very close friendship, and the two of them were happy just to keep it that way. In the three months that Davis had been living in the clinic, life had...

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Healing A Doctor Chapter 10

Louise and the three other members of Nathan's and Brian's squad were driving through the ruined city, heading in to pick up Nathan and Brian. Everywhere you looked were craters, ruined buildings, and brick and wood thrown randomly around. Every couple...

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Healing A Doctor Chapter 9

Hugh walked through the bustling camp in the hills east of Makassar. He had ditched his squad to meet someone. Using the time old excuse of taking a dump he walked off, even grabbing a book to complete his masquerade. This someone was another Doberman...

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