Healing A Doctor Chapter 9

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#9 of Healing a Doctor

Hugh walked through the bustling camp in the hills east of Makassar. He had ditched his squad to meet someone. Using the time old excuse of taking a dump he walked off, even grabbing a book to complete his masquerade. This someone was another Doberman like him, named Jeffery. He walked away from the camp, and headed to a secluded grove. Jeffery was already there, his uncovered torso glistening in the moonlight.

"What was your excuse this time?" Jeffery asked.

"That I was going to take a dump, yours?" Hugh replied.

"A rat ran off with my boot," Jeffery said.

"They actually believed that," Hugh said, amazed.

"They saw it happen," Jeffery said, lifting up his bare paw, "I need to find it."

"It can wait," Hugh began, "We don't have much time."

Hugh sauntered over to the other Doberman, shedding his clothes as he went. They collided, a wave of ecstasy washing over them both. They held each other for awhile, savoring the contact until Hugh slid down his other's pants.

"I miss Manila," Hugh began, "All the time we could want; I can't wait for next leave."

"Yeah, me too," Jeffery replied, "I miss the time for exploring."

Their lips met, Hugh soon after being slammed against a tree. Their members came to life as they rubbed against each other. Hugh moaned in pleasure, breaking away from the kiss to catch a breath.

"I guess I'm taking it this time," Hugh said.

"I did last time," Jeffery replied, hoisting the other Doberman up to his hips.

No more words were needed as Jeffery entered Hugh, breathily moaning at the sensation of his hot tunnel. Jeffery thrust in, deep and strong, slowly pulling out and repeating the process. The two huffed and puffed, their moans the only sound beside the slow squish of sex. Hugh moaned, a little too loud, and Jeffery silenced him with a deep kiss.

They thrust against each other, their twin lusts evident throughout the small clearing. Hugh kept moaning into Jeffery's mouth, the noises audible only to the two of them. Hugh found himself grinding his pelvis into Jeffery's abs, his moans echoing around the penetrating Doberman's muzzle.

It truly was a quickie, over almost as fast as it started. They both came simultaneously, calling out their passionate releases in the confines of the others mouth. Their orgasms faded, and Jeffery pulled out, not knotting the other canine in fear of being caught, in more ways then one. They kissed again and dressed.

"You could just grab another boot from supplies," Hugh suggested as they walked back to camp.

"Let's check it out," Jeffery replied.

Hugh always loved their walks back to camp; this was a form of interaction that the other soldiers couldn't take away. As they neared the supply building, they snuck a kiss and knocked on the door. There was a loud explosion a distance away and the entire camp burst into life. The soldier manning the supply ran out and threw the two soldiers M33 assault rifles.

"Fall back to the village down there," the soldier shouted amidst the explosions, "We can hold them off from there."

The two sprinted off, firearms in hand. A shell hit the supply bunker, killing the soldier in a fiery blaze. More shells struck the camp, decimating structures and soldiers alike. Hugh's entire squad was caught in a blast, enveloped by the monstrous explosion. A group of Japanese troops burst onto the scene, picking off the grievously injured survivors.

"We have to get down this fucking hill," Jeffery shouted, fighting his way through the chaotic scene.

"If we don't make it out of this," Hugh shouted back, "I love you."

They skidded to a stop in front of a steep drop. The town was a stone's throw away, but the way to it was precarious. The two turned and looked back at the chaos. The camp was aflame, the blaze illuminating the dying and the Japanese troops' horrific slaughter. The screams and cries permeating the gunshots.

The two clasped paws and slid down the hill, nearly falling and injuring themselves. The town was so far untouched; there wasn't another fur in sight. The two dobermans hauled ass into the nearest house, where seven other army furs knelt in a circle.

"There's a tall building in the center of town we're rallying at," one of the furs began, "Let's get the lead out."

The seven furs burst out onto the streets, the Japanese now bombing the town and swarming it with their numbers. A rifle cracked, and a wolf to the side of Jeffery fell to the ground, a new hole in his back. A shell went off near them, tearing apart the two lizards nearest Hugh. The four remaining ran into an alley, bullets scraping the walls and ground by them. Another shell hit the building beside them, demolishing it and crushing the two furs, a horse and a bear, following Hugh and Jeffery.

The alleyway led off into a wide street, the two stopped and kissed at the end of the alley for the last time and hauled across the street. The Japs were advancing towards them, their numbers filling the street. The two soldiers fired off bursts at them, catching many of the enemy. Hugh ran into a house beating Jeffery there. As soon as he made through the door, a shell went off outside. Hugh shrunk against the wall next to the door, thinking that his lover may be dead. To his relief, he came running around the corner and plopped down beside him. The two embraced; glad they still had each other. They ran into a living room with a large window, taking cover under the sill.

"I love you," Hugh said, nuzzling into the other soldier.

"I-"Jeffery began, cut off by the roar of machine gun fire.

He turned Hugh away from it, shielding his lover from the hail of bullets. The bullets went through the wall and into Jeffery's body. The firing stopped and Jeffery slumped over, his back nearly obliterated. Hugh sat, with his lover's body twitching and dying in his arms. Jeffery went still, his eyes still open. The remaining lover laid Jeffery on the ground, closing the dead soldier's open eyes. Hugh sobbed and stood up, ready to meet his lover in the afterlife. Another shell went off in front of the window he was standing behind. He flew backwards, the shrapnel cutting across his torso like a hot knife through butter. He slumped against the wall and blacked out.


Since the Davis incident, for Nathan and Brian, patrols were no longer something to loathe, in fact, they almost looked forward to them. The new sergeant was a lot better with furs, able to coax laughs out of the other men, and able to tolerate a wide variety of cultures and taboos. Hell, she could even deal with Mel's shitty driving. Needless to say, everyone loved her.

Sergeant Louise Valerez was a spunky female fennec fox hailing from Piscataway, New Jersey. She had the Jersey attitude, which more than made up for her shorter stature. Nathan had invited her over for drinks with him, Michael, and Brian after dinner, precisely for her spunky personality.

"I think we did a good thing, Brian," Nathan said as he walked back into the clinic, still in his uniform.

"Yeah, shooting down those insurgents was a good thing," Brian replied, hanging his coat on the wall.

"No I mean getting rid of Davis," Nathan began, "Have you noticed how much happier everyone on our patrol is? It's like that evil bastard was leeching the life out of all of us."

"Now that I look back on it, I think your right," Brian said.

"Of course I'm right," Nathan replied, falling into the golden retrievers arms.

"Think we have time for a quick one?" Brian asked, looking over the brown canine in his arms.

"When is Hugh coming in?" Nathan asked back, looking into Brian's brown eyes.

"Oh shit!" Brian exclaimed, "I forgot about him."

"It's cool, we can wait for tonight," Nathan replied.

"I'm sorry if I scared you back there;" Brian began, "That was just my other half doing its part."

Nathan got caught in a knife fight during patrol, a knife fight that he nearly lost. Brian had one of his schizophrenic episodes, and charged the insurgent, slamming him against the wall. Nathan could see the fear in his eyes, even from where the coyote lay on the ground in his sliced up uniform. The insurgent tried to fight, his knife dancing around Brian's muscled form, but to no avail. Brian caught his knife hand and forced the knife into the insurgent's throat, pinning him to the wall. Nathan remained silent for the rest of the patrol, awed by the display of anger and power meant to protect him.

"You didn't scare me," Nathan replied, "I'm just glad you're on the same page with yourself now."

"I can't believe Clayton came out and thanked you for the shot after we had our session," Brian said.

"You did a good job with him, it's really a shame what happened," Nathan replied.

"Thanks," Brian replied.

"Can I tell you something?" Nathan asked.

"Anything," Brian replied.

"You're going to want to sit down," Nathan began, "This is going to take a while."

"Of course," Brian replied, pulling over two chairs.

"I want to talk to you about my attempted suicide," Nathan said bluntly.

"Go ahead," Brian began, "I'll try and help you out."

"You have to promise not to tell anyone," Nathan said.

"Nathan," Brian replied, "The only person I would ever tell the secrets of a patient to is you, you know that."

"Okay," Nathan began, "When I lost custody of Haley, it felt like something inside of me... died."

Nathan paused, tears building up in his eyes. Brian scooted up next to him, throwing an arm around the coyote.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," Brian said, rubbing the top of Nathan's head.

"Yes I do," Nathan replied.

"Okay then," Brian began, "Please continue, I need to hear the whole story so I can help you."

"I remember sitting alone in my house," Nathan continued, "I just stared at pictures of them all day long, there was nothing better to do. One day I just decided to end it, I couldn't take the loneliness anymore. I bought a length of rope from the local hardware store and hung a noose over the coffee table in the living room."

Nathan seemed to shrink into Brian's chest, hesitant to say what happened next. Brian responded by holding him tighter, sending every ounce of his love for Nathan through his touch.

"I kicked out the table; I hung there for what seemed like forever. When I finally blacked out, the knot in the noose slipped, I fell face first onto the floor and broke my muzzle. I laid there crying for what seemed like hours, breathing in blood and air," Nathan said, turning to show Brian the scar on the side of his muzzle, "Although I was lonely and depressed, I never tried it again, it was probably the feeling of being strangled that kept me from it, it's the worst feeling ever, you're just hanging there choking and squirming, but you cant get out. Until I met you, I always had this sick wish that I died there, but now I wish I never tried."

Nathan began to cry, his emotions running out of his control. He sobbed into Brian's shirt, staining it with his tears. Brian began to rock Nathan in his arms, trying to comfort the coyote.

"It's okay," Brian cooed, "Just let it out."

"I'm sorry," Nathan sobbed, "You probably think that I'm just some overly emotional queer."

"No," Brian reassured, "That's a hard thing to talk about, it was brave of you to do it."

"I just keep thinking back on it, the way I was" Nathan sighed, "Now that I met you, I can't believe I could have ever thought like that."

"You just need to forget about it," Brian began, "Not completely, but enough to where you can say, "Hey, I used to be like that, but I realized how stupid it was to mope and I changed for the better."

"Have I told you that you're a good psychiatrist," Nathan sniffled.

"Yeah, you have," Brian said, chuckling as he hugged Nathan, "You've had a hard life, its okay for you to get emotional about it."

"You always know what to say," Nathan said.

"Of course I do," Brian began, "It's my job. Now let's get you cleaned up before our company arrives."

Brian stood the two of them up, offering to carry Nathan into the bathroom.

"I can walk," Nathan began, "I'm not that much of a mess."

Brian backed off, letting Nathan lead the way. Once in the bathroom, Nathan slid off his clothes and stood in front of the mirror, looking over his body.

"I'll get the shower," Brian began, stripping down and starting the shower.

Nathan nodded, looking over his mostly healed body. The scars had faded to discolored patches of fur; he gave himself one more once over and then joined Brian in the shower. He grabbed the soap and rubbed it over his body. Brian stretched out, knocking the bar out of Nathan's paw.

"Aren't you going to grab that?" Brian asked, a dirty grin plastered on his face.

"You knocked it over, you grab it," Nathan replied.

"I think we may be at an impasse here," Brian began.

Nathan bent over to pick up the soap, turning his rear away from Brian. Brian chuckled, grabbing another bar of soap.

"I can't believe you're making prison rape jokes," Nathan scoffed.

"I forgot about it," Brian began, "Most of them weren't rape anyways."

"So you were the prison bitch," Nathan replied.

"For one dude, and it was for protection," Brian said, "I was only raped in prison once, then the guy got killed and it never happened again."

"I can't believe you can joke about stuff like that," Nathan replied, "You have got to be the toughest son of a bitch mentally I have ever met."

"You know I'm a psychiatrist right?" Brian asked, "It really isn't that hard to apply what I tell other people."

"Makes sense," Nathan replied.

"Think you're cleaned up?" Brian asked.

Nathan nodded in reply, setting the soap down on the shower shelf. They stood facing each other, the water running down their naked bodies. Brian took the initiative, pressing his lips against Nathan's. Their arms soon found each others, and they stood, intertwined underneath the running warmth. Nathan broke away.

"We really shouldn't be doing this," Nathan said.

"Why?" Brian asked.

"Because our company will be here soon," Nathan replied.

Brian stood still for a moment, and then began to grin roguishly.

"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn," Brian said, sweeping Nathan off his feet in the cramped space.

Their two muzzles met again, Nathan held horizontally by the much stronger golden retriever. Brian let Nathan stand on his feet, promptly returning his lips to the coyotes. Brian's paw went down to cup Nathan's sheath, gently rolling over the furry appendage. Brian's paw retreated and he lifted Nathan up, pinning him against the shower wall with his hips. He brushed Nathan's tail aside, and prepared to enter, making the kiss deep and long.

Nathan pulled back from the kiss, his head level to Brian's. Brian paused, looking up at Nathan.

"We can't..." Nathan began, the disappointment audible in his voice.

"Yeah," Brian replied, "I know."

"When they leave though," Nathan said, "I'm gonna be all over you."

Brian chuckled and shut the water off. He walked Nathan out, the coyote's legs still wrapped around his hips. Nathan began to kiss Brian's neck, making the golden retriever moan.

"You know," Brian began, "You're turning me on even more right now.

Nathan got off of Brian's hips.

"Good," Nathan replied, giving Brian a quick smooch before toweling off.

The two dried and dressed in silence. They stood at the bathroom door, just holding each other's paw.

"How do I look?" Nathan asked, "I want to know if I smell good to, because no one wants to sit next to a wet dog."

"Okay," Brian replied, "Twist around."

Nathan complied, Brian nodding and mumbling to himself.

"Okay, lean in and give me a whiff," Brian said.

Nathan leaned in and Brian attacked his neck with his cold nose. Nathan jumped, giggling at the sensation.

"The verdict?" Nathan asked.

"Well, you look extremely fuckable, and you smell... extremely fuckable," Brian replied.

"Is that the only answer you have?" Nathan asked.

"Extremely fuckable," Brian replied, and then chuckled at the look on Nathan's face.

The two walked out of the bathroom paw in paw. They strolled through the back room without a care in the world, scarcely noticing the light on in the clinic. They walked to the doorway and gazed into each other's eyes.

"Quick kiss before I get everything set up?" Nathan asked.

Brian leaned down to kiss Nathan, the coyote's lips rocketing to that familiar spot. A chorus of raucous cheers and wolf-whistles broke out as they kissed. The two lovers broke apart instantly, glaring into the clinic. Sitting in a circle around a table were Hugh, Michael, and Louise, sipping cocktails and laughing it up.

"Do you guys usually take showers together?" Louise asked, snorting through her nose after she finished.

"Come on," Hugh began, "That's perfectly straight. So's making out with another guy..., wait never mind."

The two furs and the avian laughed again.

"I told you they were gay," Louise began, "I called it."

"To be honest I didn't believe you," Michael replied.

"It was pretty obvious," Hugh said.

"So you guys...," Nathan began, "Don't have a problem with it."

"Why?" Louise asked, "Are we supposed to?"

Nathan breathed a sigh of relief and plopped down in the empty chair next to Louise.

"I'll go grab another chair," Brian said.

"You know that every girl wants a gay best friend right?" Louise said.

"I'm not really best friend material," Nathan replied.

Brian walked back into the clinic. He stopped and looked over the room, seeking something unknown to the group sitting down.

"Do we have anymore chairs?" Brian asked Nathan.

"Oh come on," Hugh began, "You two can sit lappsies."

Nathan stood up offering the seat to Brian. Brian sat down, and Nathan sat down on top of him. He leaned back for a quick kiss amidst the catcalls and wolf-whistles.

"Hey Louise," Nathan began, "Pour me a shot of that Jack."

The she fox passed the full shot glass over to Nathan, who promptly tossed it back.

"So when are we having our talk?" Brian asked, looking at Hugh.

"I really don't think I need it," Hugh began, "I got over it."

"Well that's good that you did," Brian replied, leaning back into the chair.

Hugh nodded, taking a sip from his brown colored drink. The group sat around the table, chatting and drinking for hours. All of a sudden, a loud bang echoed off in the night. Hugh jumped, clutching his chest.

"Its just fireworks," Michael began, "Indonesia beat Japan in a friendly soccer match an hour ago, the party's just getting started here."

Hugh still looked around warily, his grip tightening on the glass. Another firework went off, and Hugh's body shrunk into the chair. His gaze snapped from side to side, reliving the horrible events that had taken his lover. He screamed out, the glass shattering into his paw. He snapped out of it as soon as the sharp glass punctured the pad.

Everyone, except for Nathan and Brian, stared at the doberman. He stayed back in the chair, his happy and cheerful self pulled back into his shell. Nathan stood up and grabbed his uninjured paw.

"Come on," Nathan began, "Lets get that paw fixed up."

Nathan walked him into the bathroom, away from the prying eyes of his guests. Hugh sat down on the counter next to the sink.

"I have to grab some things," Nathan began, "Will you be okay?"

"Yeah," Hugh replied quietly.

Nathan walked back into the clinic. He opened one of the drawers, pulling out tweezers and bandages.

"Is he okay?" Louise asked.

"Yeah he's fine," Nathan replied, "Brian; I'll ask you back when I'm done."

Nathan walked back to the bathroom. Hugh was staring at the wall, not acknowledging Nathan. Nathan snapped his fingers, bringing Hugh back from his state.

"Hold out your paw please," Nathan said, putting a towel on his lap.

Hugh complied, sticking out the paw. There were three visible shards of glass imbedded in it. Nathan got the tweezers around one of them and pulled it out. The shard found its way in the sink.

"You really did a number on your paw here," Nathan said, now working on the second shard.

"Don't let anything happen to him," Hugh said, wincing as the shard came out.

"To who?" Nathan asked.

"Brian," Hugh began, "It's terrible living without them."

"Yeah," Nathan replied, pulling out the third shard, "I've had it happen to me before."

"Was it a boyfriend?" Hugh asked.

"Yeah, and a wife and kid," Nathan replied, looking over the paw.

"That sucks," Hugh said, looking down at the ground.

Nathan began to press down lightly.

"If you feel like something just got cut, tell me," Nathan said.

There weren't any shards of glass stuck inside of the cuts, so Nathan ripped off a bandage and began to wrap it around the paw. He finished, tying a knot around the back of his paw.

"You should really talk to Brian about this," Nathan said, sitting up beside him on the counter.

"I really don't want to trouble him," Hugh replied.

"You really should," Nathan began, "He really helped me."

"Really?" Hugh asked, "You seem so upbeat. What happened?"

"It's a really long story," Nathan replied.

"I got the time," Hugh said.

Nathan told Hugh his story, keeping his emotions in check throughout it. When Nathan finished, Hugh stood up and gave him a hug.

"You have got to be the toughest son of a bitch mentally that I know," Hugh said.

"Seriously?" Nathan asked, breaking away from the hug.

"Yeah, I would have been bawling my eyes out," Hugh replied.

"I'm gonna go get Brian," Nathan said and then walked out of the bathroom.

Once he was out of earshot, he chuckled; Brian really did do a good job. The golden retriever was in the back room, leaning against a bed.

"Hugh's in there ready for you," Nathan said.

There was no response, Brian just stood there looking at Nathan with a blank gaze. Nathan went up to rub his arm reassuringly.

"What was that about?" Brian asked.

"What?" Nathan asked back.

"You know what I'm talking about," Brian replied.

"That was nothing," Nathan scoffed, "I told him my story because he felt bad and he gave me a hug because he felt bad for me.

"Don't let it happen again," Brian said coldly.

"Or what?" Nathan asked.

"You don't think I'll do it," Brian spat, "It wouldn't be the first time."

Brian moved towards the coyote, Nathan not moving due to fear. One of Brian's strong paws clasped his arm, gripping the limb intently. The other paw crept towards Nathan's throat. Nathan tried to fight back, only to be pulled towards the creeping paw. Brian's paw moved at an uneven snail's pace, almost as if he was fighting with himself. Nathan shivered as the paw began to clasp around his throat. Brian's other half had won.

"Brian," Nathan whined, "Please."

Brian removed his paws, looking intently at the coyote with his blank eyes. He shook his head and stepped back, the vigor returning to his eyes. Nathan backed away from him, eying the golden retriever with a mixture of fear and caution.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Brian asked.

There was no response from Nathan.

"Dude, you're scaring me," Brian replied, "What's up?"

Brian hugged Nathan reassuringly, only for Nathan to break away. The coyote still stared at him, his jaw now dropped.

"I thought you had it under control," Nathan said.

"What?" Brian asked.

"You know what," Nathan replied.

"Oh Jesus!" Brian said, "I'm so sorry."

"Go in there," Nathan replied, "Hugh needs you."

Nathan stormed past him and into the clinic. Brian stood in the back with his head in his paws, and then walked into the bathroom. Nathan sat down beside Louise, taking the bottle of Jack Daniels off the table.

"What happened to Michael?" Nathan asked.

"He's a lightweight, birds can never hold their drinks, he left," Louise began, "Is something wrong?"

"It's nothing," Nathan replied, unscrewing the cap off the bottle and pouring himself a shot.

"It's not nothing," Louise said, "You can tell me, I'm your best friend remember."

"Brian is just..." Nathan began, "He's a schizophrenic."

"He takes medication, right?" Louise asked.

"He used to, but there was a... mix-up with his medication," Nathan began, "Most of the time he's fine, but he can get... scary."

"Well, I really don't know how to help you there," Louise replied.

"Some best friend you are," Nathan joked.

"It's your problem," Louise began, "Jeez, I can't be everywhere in your life."

"Settle down," Nathan began, "I was kidding."

"Okay then," Louise replied, "I have to head back now, see you tomorrow, and good luck."

Nathan waved as she left. For an hour he sat there alone, sipping from the bottle of Jack Daniels. He found himself lost in thought, and then tried his damnedest to drink the thoughts away. Before he could though, Brian and Hugh walked into the clinic.

"I'm glad you're feeling better, Hugh," Brian said.

"Thank you for your time," Hugh began, "Both of you, but I really have to go."

Nathan got up and got the door for him, smiling cheerily as he left. Nathan slammed it shut behind him.

"You said you could control it," Nathan growled.

"I can it's just... hard sometimes," Brian replied meekly

"Well you need to-," Nathan began, cut off by a loud explosion.

This was no firework. The ground shook with the impact and Hugh's blood spattered against the window. Nathan went and looked out the window, and was met by a closer explosion. The windows shattered and he flew backwards, hitting the counter with a dull thud.

"Holy shit!" Brian exclaimed as more explosions pummeled the city.

He threw Nathan over his shoulders and ran into the bathroom, the sounds muffled to a dull thud. Nathan lay in his arms limp, his body slack and unresponsive.

"Please be okay," Brian repeated over and over, checking Nathan's body for signs of life.

Nathan's chest shallowly rose and fell, the only sign that he was still alive. Brian held him to his chest, sobbing now.

"Please," Brian said, "I'm so sorry."

Nathan slowly opened his eyes and groaned out in pain. Brian gave a cry of joy and began to smother Nathan's face in kisses. Nathan lay back on to Brian's thighs, moving his limbs to make sure he was okay.

"I'm so sorry for what I said, and did," Brian began.

"You weren't really you," Nathan replied, "But still, that was really fucking scary."

"We need to get the medication for me," Brian said, "Will you put in the order?"

"I'll do it as soon as the bombing stops," Nathan replied.

"Thank you Nathan," Brian said.

"Why can't you get these medications yourself?" Nathan asked.

"It's complicated," Brian replied.

"Forget it then," Nathan said.

"I thought I had it under control," Brian said, looking down at the floor.

"So did I for a little while," Nathan replied

"You said this was a bombing right?" Brian asked.

"I saw the planes when I looked out the window," Nathan replied.

"Well then it should be over soon," Brian said.

The bombing would last for two days. The two furs stayed huddled on the bathroom floor for 24 hours. Until Nathan finally stood up and said.

"Fuck this; I'm going to lie down in my bed."

"I don't think that's a good idea," Brian replied.

"Why not?" Nathan asked.

"It's a lot safer in here," Brian began, "Plus, if I'm knotted to you we're screwed if the roof comes down on our heads."

"Who said we were fucking," Nathan scoffed, "I'm going to bed, you can come if you want."

Nathan lay down in the bed, stripping off his clothes and getting under the covers. The bombing was louder in here, due to the shattered windows out front. Brian shortly joined Nathan, worming in beside him. As soon as Brian was situated, Nathan cuddled up to him, his head planted on its spot on Brian's furred chest.

"What happened to Hugh at drinks?" Nathan asked.

"He had a flashback," Brian began, "He said it was like being there again."

"Poor dog," Nathan said, "May he rest in peace."

"At least he's with Jeffery now," Brian replied.

A bomb landed directly in front of the clinic. Knocking items off of counters and bathing the room in orange light. Nathan leaned back into Brian, who draped an arm over him.

"Our water heater's a gas one right?" Brian asked.

"Most likely," Nathan replied, "We should probably turn it off."

"Do you know where the valve is?" Brian asked.

"I don't," Nathan began, "The gas lines are probably out anyways so I don't think we have to worry about it."

"Then its fine," Brian replied, "Could I tell you a secret?"

"Of course," Nathan said.

"I'm not a licensed psychiatrist," Brian replied, scratching his head to show his embarrassment.

"Really?" Nathan asked, "But you're so good at it."

"I went to school for it and didn't finish" Brian began, "After James... I couldn't stay there."

"Why did you lie?" Nathan asked.

"I wanted to help you, and I knew the only way you'd listen was if I was a professional," Brian replied.

"Seriously?" Nathan asked.

"That was part of it," Brian began, "I didn't want you to think that I'd just be a burden on you if we were together."

"I couldn't think that about you," Nathan began, "I know for a fact that you're no deadbeat."

"After this though, I'm getting that degree," Brian said.

"That's good," Nathan replied, "At least now I know why I have to get your medication."

"I need to know something," Brian began.

"What?" Nathan asked.

"Why do you stay with me?" Brian asked back.

"Because I love you," Nathan replied.

"But I could kill you at any moment," Brian began, "You'd think a fur would run in that situation.

"Yeah," Nathan replied, "But you're not always like that, and you take medication that keeps you from becoming too whacked.

"I'm glad you're staying," Brian began, "I really love you."

The two laid there watching the dancing orange light in the clinic. Brian began to gently flick and nibble the tips of Nathan's ears, his paws rubbing down the lean coyote's sides. Nathan grunted as Brian flipped him over on his front, Brian quickly pinning him to the mattress.

"This is a pleasant surprise," Nathan said.

"Glad you like it," Brian replied.

Nathan pulled Brian down to him for a kiss. Their lips met just as a bomb struck the side walk of the clinic, taking down the front wall and exposing the clinic to the full visual and aural assault of the bombing. Brian stood up off of Nathan and said.

"Would you get off the bed please?" Brian asked.

"Why?" Nathan asked back.

"I can do this with you on it then," Brian replied, picking the bed up.

Brian started to walk Nathan and the bed into the bathroom. Nathan looked surprised, wondering why the bed needed to move.

"What are you doing?" Nathan asked.

"Problem solving," Brian replied.

"We were fine where we were," Nathan began, "You don't need to trouble yourself."

Brian set the bed down in the middle of the bathroom floor. He sat back down on the mattress, cracking his neck.

"I don't know about you, but I don't want an ass full of shrapnel," Brian said, standing up and closing the door.

"I know what I want an ass full of," Nathan flirted.

Nathan chuckled and gestured Brian over to him. Brian quickly complied and soon was on top of Nathan again. They kissed passionately, their tongues furiously working to pleasure the other party. One of Brian's paws went to Nathan's chest, gently playing and caressing the coyote's nipples. The other went down further, all the way down to the private's privates.

Nathan moaned in surprise as Brian brought his member to life. Brian backed up from the kiss, Nathan gently sucking on Brian's lip and pulling his head up with Brian's in protest. Brian winked at him, and moved down to the end of the bed. He winked at Nathan, and then lowered his head down to the coyote's penis.

"Brian-" Nathan began, cut off by Brian's tongue caressing the underside of his member.

Nathan threw his head back and moaned, this being his first muzzle job in ages. Brian's warm mouth enveloped Nathan's cock in euphoric pleasure, his tongue teasing the coyote to a whole new level of feeling. Brian began to play with Nathan's asshole, gently rubbing and barely entering the orifice with his paw. This new stimulation coaxed another moan out of Nathan, who then said.

"Turn yourself around."

"You don't have to get me off," Brian began, "Consider this an apology."

"You don't have to apologize," Nathan replied.

Brian licked the head of his member, then moving back and breathing a wave of air on it.

"Yes I do," Brian said, before returning to work on Nathan's penis.

Nathan found his paws on Brian's head, slowly pushing it down to extend the pleasure he was feeling. Brian's tongue began to slide all over Nathan's meaty length, while his muzzle undulated around the flesh. Brian then took Nathan's cock all the way up to the knot, and began to hum. These new vibrations sent Nathan over the edge, releasing wave after wave of canine spooge down Brian's throat.

Brian swallowed it all like a pro, not letting a single drop spill out of his maw. Nathan whimpered as Brian removed his mouth from his penis, the cold air tortuous to the warm heaven that he had just experienced. Brian returned to the head of the bed, returning to Nathan's side. He sexily brought Nathan's head to his in a kiss, Nathan's tongue meeting saliva and his own spooge. They broke away, a trail of cum and spit connecting their muzzles.

"How was I?" Brian asked.

"Stellar," Nathan began, "I forgot how good those were."

"I hope you don't mind if I sleep, seeing as we've been up for over 24 hours straight," Brian said.

"Of course not," Nathan replied, "Good Night."

Brian yawned in reply and curled over, falling asleep as soon as his eyes closed. Nathan, however, felt that he needed to have a little bit more fun. He gently turned Brian on his front, the golden retriever snorted but remained asleep. Nathan snickered and moved down to Brian's member. The coyote massaged the life back into it with his paws, promptly waking the golden retriever up.

"I told you that you didn't-" Brian began, interrupted by Nathans muzzle's conquest of his dog hood, "Ooh, that feels good."

Nathan laughed around Brian's member. It was going to be a fun night.

Healing A Doctor Chapter 10

Louise and the three other members of Nathan's and Brian's squad were driving through the ruined city, heading in to pick up Nathan and Brian. Everywhere you looked were craters, ruined buildings, and brick and wood thrown randomly around. Every couple...

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Healing A Doctor Chapter 8

Finally! Chapter 8 is up. Sorry for the wait, but I got a brand new laptop and can finally work on this story again. I'll be releasing these every Saturday from now on, due to my boss giving me the Sunday shift. Thanks for being patient and enjoy the...

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Healing A Doctor Chapter 7

Nathan woke up to the noise of something cooking in the clinic. He sat up, his body and face aching from the beating he had taken yesterday. Brian was not beside Nathan, his usual spot empty, a depression in the mattress in his place. Nathan got...

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