Healing A Doctor Chapter 10

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#10 of Healing a Doctor

Louise and the three other members of Nathan's and Brian's squad were driving through the ruined city, heading in to pick up Nathan and Brian. Everywhere you looked were craters, ruined buildings, and brick and wood thrown randomly around. Every couple of blocks, a family could be seen carrying a loved one out of the rubble, or cradling someone lost. The streets were covered in the blood of the innocent, angering the furs inside of the humvee.

"This is so fucked," Greg said, staring out the window.

"I know," Harry replied, "You'd think they'd at least wait for the celebration to be over."

"Knowing these foreigners that's what caused it," Mel said, driving slowly through the rubble.

"You're such a racist redneck, Mel," Louise scoffed, lowering her firearm to the floor.

"It's not racist if it's the truth," Mel quipped, turning back around to look at the fennec.

"Eyes on the road Mel," Louise began, "Knowing you, we'd get stuck in some crater."

"Probably the biggest most obvious one too," Harry said, snickering.

Mel laughed sarcastically and turned sharply, putting Harry's side of the vehicle on some rubble. Harry bounced up twice, hitting his head on the metal roof with two dull thuds.

"Fuck you Mel," Harry said.

"You'd like that wouldn't you faggot," Mel replied.

"Guys, that's enough," Louise began, "Jesus, it's like high school all over again."

Harry flipped Mel off behind Louise's back. Unlucky for him though, Louise saw the obscene hand gesture. She spun around and bitch slapped him.

"I told you to knock it off," Louise growled, "I'm not in the mood for your bullshit."

Harry rubbed his sore cheek and with a glare fell silent. They rounded the corner to a macabre scene, where once was a massive square full of furs partying, remained a mass grave filled with the bodies of the mutilated dead. There was a small path through the bodies, just wide enough for the humvee. Mel quickly did a sign of the cross then began to roll through.

"I think I'm going to puke," Greg began, staring out the window wide eyed.

"Then stop looking dumbass," Harry replied, averting his gaze from the horrific scene.

"Only the fucking Jap's would do something like this," Mel began.

"That's bullshit," Louise began, "Are you forgetting the American invasion of the Philippines a couple of months ago."

"They were collateral," Mel began, "There were enemy troops in those villages."

"No Mel, they killed everyone in those villages for the hell of it," Louise replied.

"Where the hell do you get your info, conspirator monthly?" Mel asked sarcastically.

"No, I get my info from the people who were there," Louise said, "Not from the censored government bullshit you read."

There was a disgusting popping sound, and Greg turned from the window. He stared out the other side at the sky.

"They killed Ling," Greg said.

"That banging hooker?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, Mel just squished her head," Greg replied.

"Goddamn Mel," Harry began, "You ran over a dead hooker's head. How does that make you feel?"

"Why don't you lie under the tires and see?" Mel replied, flipping off Harry.

"Why doesn't he get slapped?" Harry whined to Louise.

"Because you deserve to get flipped off," Louise replied

Mel shook his head at the two's bickering and drove on, soon leaving the square. No words were said as the humvee drove towards the clinic, except for Harry and Louise's bickering. Louise and Harry continued bickering and fighting until the clinic came into sight.

The humvee screeched to a halt in front of the clinic, the hole left by the front wall's absence gaping at them mockingly. Louise stepped out of the humvee, and drew her pistol. She walked up to where the door once stood, idly kicking a chunk of brick aside with her booted paw.

"I'll go check on them," Louise began, "You guys wait out here."

Louise trudged into the clinic, stepping around the brick and wood. She walked into the back, finding no living things there. She looked around the clinic, hoping not to find their dead bodies. The bathroom door creaked open, its white scalded paint shining against the already brilliant sun. Louise walked towards it, kicking the door all the way open.

She promptly closed the door and snickered; she then looked around and sneakily entered back in. The entire room smelled of sex, evidence for the past day of fun the two had. Louise raised her pistol up, and fired twice at the ceiling. Nathan and Brian jumped up, looking around for the shooter.

"Glad that woke you up," Louise began, "Smells like you two had fun in here last night."

"What time is it?" Nathan asked, yawning and stretching.

"Time for patrolling," Louise replied, "I see you slept with your uniforms on."

Brian got out of bed, popping his back and neck.

"We're ready to go if you are," Brian said.

Louise held the door for the drowsy furs. The two ambled through the clinic and out onto the ruined street. Nathan looked over the humvee, and then did a double take as his eyes caught the gore covered tire.

"Is that brains?" Nathan asked, flicking a piece off with his spare claw.

"It's a long story," Louise began, getting into the back of the humvee.

She held the door open for the two lovers and closed it behind them. She gestured for Mel to start driving.

"You know, it's normally the guy who holds the door for the girl," Louise began, handing out Nathan and Brian their weapons.

"Nathan," Harry began, "I got a question for you."

"Lay it on me Harry," Nathan replied, laying his sub machine gun on his lap.

"You're a doctor, so why are you on the frontlines with us other dumb grunts," Harry said, looking at the coyote.

"Fucking new regulations," Nathan began, "When I got my orders, I was told that combat troops were in high demand and that non combat troops would have to assume combat roles if they weren't busy with their work, and I haven't been too busy."

"Shit," Harry replied, "That sucks."

"Yeah, I'd much rather be a full time doctor than a part time soldier," Nathan said.

"You two have a new place to live," Louise piped in, gesturing at Nathan and Brian.

"Well, seeing as the entire fucking wall came down, I would hope that we got a new place," Brian scoffed.

"You're out of town a ways, closer to the base," Louise began, "You get an actual house."

"Lucky sum'bitch," Mel cut in, shaking his head.

"This way it's easier for us to get you in the morning," Louise said.

"Yay," Nathan said sarcastically, "At least we have a place to sleep."

They rounded a corner to the sight of American and Japanese soldiers caught in an intense firefight. Furs on both sides fell to the ground, bloody and ruined. The six stared out the window, transfixed by the carnage outside.

"We have to help them," Greg began, wincing as another American went down.

"We can't," Louise began, "We've got to clear the next street over."

"So what exactly are we doing," Nathan said.

"We are clearing a section of town of Japanese soldiers," Louise replied, "We're meeting up with more guys and fighting our way to a specified checkpoint, where the fighting will continue from the next day."

"So we're reclaiming the city," Brian said.

"You could say that," Louise replied, "Mel turn right up there."

The jeep continued on its way, the soldiers struggle gone from sight. They stopped in front of a ruined supermarket. A group of friendly soldiers came in to view, stopping at the front of the humvee.

"Okay," Louise began, "It's show time."

The six walked out onto the street. The heat was stifling, over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and dust swirled over the scene. The other soldiers walked up, the leader, a wolf, addressing Louise.

"You guys have that side of the street," the wolf began, "We've got this one, you have four buildings to cover, they're all in a row so you shouldn't get lost."

"Where are we rendezvousing?" Louise asked.

"There's a little burnt out store at the end of the street, we'll meet up there, "The wolf continued, "Good luck, I hope to see all of you alive and well at the end of this."

He walked his unit into the supermarket, bumping Nathan's shoulder as he went by.

The six furs walked to the edge of the building. They stood for a second, checking their firearms and steeling their resolves. Louise, turned her head around the corner, and then quickly turned back.

"There's a couple of Japs in the street," she began, "Me and Nathan will lay down a suppressing fire, and you four will cut across the street. Do the same for us so we can cross. Crystal?"

The five affirmed her orders and prepared to execute their roles. She gave the signal, her gun rounding the corner and firing, Nathan's following suit. The four ran across the road, keeping low and fast as they slid under a caved in tin roof. They crawled to the other side of it, and were met by Japanese resistance. The sounds of gunfire and screams of pain could be heard across the way.

"Go!" Nathan exclaimed, "I'll cover you."

Louise nodded and tore off. Nathan crouched and turned the corner, firing down the street. The couple of Japs had turned into a dozen. They were taking cover behind cars and debris, firing back at the lone coyote. Louise had safely made it across the street and was gesturing for Nathan to come over. Nathan ignored her, smiling at the red flash as one of his bullets hit home.


Nathan shook his head and sauntered across the road, still shooting at the hunkered down Japs. He slid under the tin roof where Louise and the rest of the squad waited. Nathan coolly reloaded his weapon, slamming and cocking his gun.

"What the fuck were you doing?" Louise asked, "The point is not to get yourself killed."

"I'm not dead am I?" Nathan replied, "Let's get this shit done."

"Okay, we're going to take these buildings a floor in groups of two," Louise began, "Since we'll most likely be fighting in an enclosed space I want to keep the chances of friendly fire to a minimum. I'll take Harry, Mel will go with Greg, and Nathan and Brian will go together. "

The furs nodded and left the cover, Brian and Nathan still waiting there. Louise poked her head in and said.

"Brian, you keep your mad dog under control," Louise said, running off to the first building.

"We got the third building," Brian began, "You ready?"

"I'm always ready," Nathan replied, shooting out of the cover.

Brian followed behind him, the two running down the narrow alleyway that led to their building. It was a two story building, a Laundromat took up the first floor, and a couple apartments made up the second. Nathan ran up and kicked in the back door, entering in the Laundromat in the combat stance. As Nathan walked up to the first row of washing machines, machine gun fire permeated the still air. Nathan dropped down behind one of the rectangular white machines, the bullets pinging against his cover.

"Brian!" Nathan yelled, "Get in here and ice these fuckers."

Brian rounded the corner with his light machine gun and began firing. The Japs crouched down, not wanting to be eviscerated by the rounds. Nathan ran around to the row of washing machines they were hiding behind and sprayed a full clip into the group of soldiers. Their crimson blood spurted up and stained the walls and the white washing machines. Brian walked up to the growling and panting Nathan, who was staring at the bloody scene before him.

"Nathan?" Brian asked, touching Nathan's shoulder.

"We have to clear the upstairs," Nathan replied, brushing away from Brian's touch.

Brian sighed and followed Nathan back to where they started. The stairs were hidden behind a small door. Nathan tried the knob, the door was locked. The coyote pulled out his pistol and shot out the lock, kicking the door open. He walked up the stairs, pistol drawn in front of him.

The stairs entered into a large room, three Japanese soldiers sitting in the middle of it. As soon as they saw the bloodstained coyote, they broke into a frantic Japanese clamor. Nathan shook his head, not understanding a word they said. He lowered the pistol so it pointed at one of their heads.

"Wareware wa gobuku," The tiger in question said.

"Do you speak Japanese?" Brian asked, looking over the three enemy soldiers.

"No," Nathan replied, and then pulled the trigger.

He walked up to the two remaining and dispatched them with a bullet to the head. Brian walked past Nathan, warily glancing out the window.

"The other's almost made it to the checkpoint," Brian began, "We should catch up with them."

Nathan sighed and sat against the wall, running his claws through his head fur. Brian sat beside him, setting his gun on the ground. He grasped Nathan's shoulder, and the coyote buried his head in the golden retriever's shoulder.

"What did I just do?" Nathan asked, "What came over me?"

"I'd just equate it to bloodlust," Brian replied, "That and this heat's no good for anyone."

"Do you have any water?" Nathan asked.

Brian handed the coyote next to him his canteen. Nathan unscrewed the cap and took a sip and then poured a fraction of the liquid over his face. Nathan handed the canteen back to Brian, who promptly finished off what little of the water remained.

"Are you okay?" Brian asked.

"I don't know," Nathan replied, "I guess I'm okay now, this just scares me a little that's all."

"You did your job," Brian offered.

"My job is to heal, not to kill," Nathan said.

"You're a soldier too;" Brian began, "What we did here today could save the lives of many people."

"Not this," Nathan replied, gesturing at the three furs he had just executed, "As far I know they were surrendering."

"How do you know?" Brian asked.

"Good point," Nathan began, "But when they're sitting up here while all the fighting's going on outside, looks like surrender to me."

"Just don't think about it," Brian replied, "Blame it on the heat."

"But I'll know what I did," Nathan said.

"It'll just take time," Brian said, embracing the coyote.

There were sounds of cheering from outside, the soldiers had accomplished their objective. The two lovers could have come down and joined the celebration, but instead savored their company in that large room.

By the time that they were missed, flies had begun to flock to the corpses. Nathan and Brian took this as a sign that they had overstayed in their private room. They picked up their gear and walked out into the alleyway, Louise was standing at the end of it, hands on her hips.

"Where were you guys?" She asked.

"Fighting," Brian replied.

"We cleared this shit out," Louise began, "Come join the party."

Louise walked down the street, Nathan and Brian following her. The Japs that fired at Nathan and his squad as they crossed the street were now dead, their bloodied bodies lying where they fell. The other army furs were inside the store, laughing and cheering.

"Did you see that fucker's face when I shot him," a soldier that Nathan and Brian didn't know said, "I almost laughed my ass off."

More laughs echoed through the cramped space. Nathan and Brian walked their way to the back, setting their gear on the shelves as they went.

"I expected one of those dudes to come at me with a sword," Mel began, "Or pull some Bruce Lee shit."

"You guys should have some respect for the dead," Nathan called out from his vantage point.

"Japs don't deserve respect," Harry said, "Only good Jap is a dead one."

There was a collective affirmation to Harry's words. No one heeded the doctor and continued their racist boasting. Nathan looked around, seeing a blue Speedo on one of the shelves. He shook his head and tapped Brian's shoulder.

"Look," He said, pointing at the swimsuit, "It's the store we went to before the beach."

Brian hung his head, assuming that the clerk was dead. Nathan sifted through the rubble, finding the dead fox's wares.

"This is fucked," Nathan said, "I hope Citra's okay."

"Maybe we can talk the guys into stopping by on the way back," Brian said, throwing a brotherly arm around the coyote.

Nathan almost turned and kissed the golden retriever. Luckily, he was reminded of where he was by a soldier's raucous question.

"What about you doc?" A soldier asked, "How many did you kill?"

"Enough," Nathan replied, "Check out the Laundromat, you'll see."

"I got to see this," Harry said, a few soldiers following him out.

Nathan scoffed and shook his head, leaning against the wall. One of the soldiers' procured a Jap pistol. He waved it around, examining the foreign weapon.

"Where did you get that?" Louise asked.

"Off that fucker that the doc iced behind the car," He replied, pointing it and firing at the vehicle, "This can't shoot for shit though."

Harry and the soldiers returned, laughing and joking all the way back. Harry walked up and patted Nathan on the back.

"You're fucking hardcore doc," Harry said, and then gave the coyote a noogie.

Nathan angrily pushed him away, not amused by his comrade's reaction. He backed off, standing out in front of the store. There was a loud crack, and Harry fell to the ground with a sniper's bullet in his thigh. The soldiers in the store ducked behind cover haphazardly, not knowing where the shot had come from.

"Where you shot Harry?" Nathan asked, raising his head to glance warily at the street.

"In the back of my thigh," Harry yelled back.

The sniper fired again the bullet hitting the rubble inches below Nathan's exposed head. Nathan laid down flat, keeping his head covered. He tapped Brian's shoulder.

"Top floor, first building on the right," Nathan said, "Third window, I think."

Brian nodded and rose up, gun blazing. The walls of the sniper's building were quickly riddled with bullet holes. Brian unloaded an entire clip into the building, falling silent with a series of dry clicks. Brian lowered his gun, and sat back down beside Nathan.

"Nathan," Louise called out, "I got the med kit, get to work."

Nathan sighed and jumped up, running briskly to the injured fur. He gave Harry a morphine shot and pulled the bullet out of his meaty thigh. Even under the effects of the painkiller, Harry still groaned in pain. Nathan quickly finished his patch job, stopping the bleeding and bandaging the wound. Two soldiers carried him off, his body relaxed and calm.

"That sounded like it hurt," Brian began.

"I could have been gentler," Nathan replied, "It's good for him."

The furs laughed, somehow able to ignore the chaos that had just taken place. Nathan didn't join in, still shocked at how close he came to death. The laughter died down, and the soldiers prepared to camp out the store. Louise walked up to Nathan, snapping in his ear to get his attention.

"Ready to go?" Louise asked.

"I guess," Nathan began, "You driving?"

"Yeah," Louise replied.

"Shit I'm scared now," Brian scoffed.

Louise chuckled sarcastically and punched Brian's arm. She led the two furs back to the humvee, where Harry was already waiting. Nathan and Brian got in the back with Harry, who chuckled as they entered.

"So I get to check out the new digs," Harry said.

"I guess you do" Nathan replied.

Louise started the engine, creating a steady throb. She moved forward, skirting a pile of rubble.

"I hope you have a lot of booze," Harry began, "I think I could drink a whole winery."

"As your doctor it's up to me how much booze you can drink," Nathan replied, "So behave."

"Shit doc, that aint fair," Harry whined.

Brian chuckled and wrapped an arm around Nathan. Nathan decided he didn't care about present company and kissed Brian on the lips. The golden retriever's surprise was audible, but he quickly fought off the feeling and returned the kiss. Nathan broke away, and looked at Harry, who lay slack jawed on the stretcher.

"So you two are... like that," Harry said, staring at them.

"Yes," Brian replied, "We are, "like that."

"Can I sleep safely without you guys..." Harry began, letting Nathan and Brian finish the sentence.

"Of course you can," Nathan scoffed, "You're not really my type anyways."

"That's good," Harry replied, breathing a sigh of relief.

'You guys really should stop telling other furs." Louise began, "You could get into huge trouble."

"It's a ticket out of here," Nathan replied, laying his head on Brian's shoulder.

"Fine," Louise called back, and then continued to herself, "No one ever listens to me."

Brian stretched, Nathan pulling his arm back as soon as he finished. Brian looked Nathan over, before asking.

"Are you okay?"

"I don't know," Nathan sighed, "Today was kind of a bitch."

"I think it was for everybody," Brian replied, "I really hope it's not like this from now on."

"It will be," Harry began, "Those fuckers are everywhere, and they could stay here forever with all the local support."

"But they basically destroyed the city," Brian began, "Who in their right fucking mind would support someone who did that?"

"I don't know," Harry replied.

The soldiers that the group had passed on the way to their fight were waving and cheering at the humvee. Louise honked back, waving a paw at the victorious soldiers. Harry scoffed.

"No one shot in the ass there."

"You're probably the only one dumb enough to get shot in the ass, Harry," Louise replied.

"People get shot in the ass all the time, Foxy," Harry replied.

"Only dumb ones, bunny," Louise scoffed.

"I'm smarter than that dumb pile of foxy fluff Mel, and that pussy of a lizard Greg," Harry began, "If your hypothesis was correct, one of them would be back here right now."

"Just shut up Harry," Louise replied, reverting her eyes back to the road.

"I don't know what happened to me today," Nathan stated, moving his head from Brian's shoulder to his paws.

"The heat, remember," Brian replied, "And it's not like you murdered anyone."

"But I did," Nathan began, "I did."

They passed the restaurant that Citra worked at. Nathan looked up and tapped Louise's seat.

"Stop here," Nathan said, laying his heavier gear down.

Louise brought the humvee to a stop, and Nathan jumped out of it. The restaurant was nothing more than a pile of rubble. Nathan ran over and began to dig like a madman. He threw aside debris, looking for the waitress.

"What the hell are you looking for?" Louise asked.

"A friend," Nathan called back.

He removed a final chunk of building, revealing Citra. She was dead, impaled by a support beam. Even in death she looked beautiful, her body strangely pristine. Nathan hung his head, and replaced the chunk, marking the site where she rested. Brian walked up and knelt down beside him.

"I don't feel as bad anymore," Nathan said.

"About what?" Brian asked.

"She didn't do anything," Nathan began, "Three of those heartless sons of bitches for her seems like a fair trade."

"She was a good kid," Brian said.

"We should go," Nathan said, "I don't want to hold anyone up.

"Okay," Nathan said, grabbing Brian's paw.

"Remember to look both ways before you cross the street," Brian said, as they stood on the curb.

Nathan laughed and started walking across the street, paw in paw with Brian. They got in the car and drove off, pressed against each other the whole way.

"I'm sorry for your friend," Harry said, "I'm sure they were a good fur."

"She was," Nathan replied.

There was a loud boom outside of the humvee. The vehicle slid over and kept its straight path, a huge dent in the side. The sudden sounds of pinging and glass breaking filled the void of the explosion. A bullet hit Harry in the forehead, killing him instantly. Louise took a bullet in the arm, sending the humvee into a ruined building.

The whole car bumped and shook, lying on its side after it crashed with a loud crunch. Nathan came to against the door, lying on Harry's dead body. Brian sat in the corner, unconscious. Louise had already opened the door and crawled out, gasping for breath behind the ruined vehicle. The guns continued firing at them, the bullets bouncing off of the metal exterior. Nathan crawled over and touched Brian's face.

"Brian," Nathan said, gently trying to wake him up.

There was no response, Brian still sat there limp.

"Brian?" Nathan whined, "Please tell me your okay."

Louise knocked on the front window, gesturing for him to get out of there.

"Please," Nathan pleaded, nuzzling against the golden retriever.

"They're coming," Louise began, "We have to go now."

"Brian, you have to wake up now," Nathan said.

"Now!" Louise bellowed.

Nathan sniffled and nuzzled his lover.

"I can't leave you," Nathan said, "Please wake up. Please!"

"Get out of there!" Louise called.

Nathan kissed Brian on the lips, a part of him hoping that he'd return to life like one of those cheesy romance movies. Unfortunately, Brian didn't wake up, he just laid there.

"I love you, and I always will, Goodbye," Nathan whispered, giving the golden retriever a final kiss before leaving the ruined humvee.

Louise and Nathan ran to a wardrobe big enough for them to hide inside. The closed the door moments before the Japs came in to examine the wreckage. They pulled Brian out, and two of them carried him away to an unknown fate. The remaining soldiers walked around the vehicle and then left, leaving Nathan and Louise undisturbed.

Louise creaked open the wardrobe door, peeking around to make sure it was clear. She walked out Nathan following her.

"He's gone," Nathan stated, sitting down by the wreckage.

"It'll be okay," Louise began, "Could you fix me up?"

Nathan nodded, wrapping a strip of his uniform around the through and through wound. He was unusually perfunctory with his work, not using the tender love and care he put into his patients. Louise grunted in pain as he tightened the impromptu bandage.

"How are we getting back?" Nathan asked.

"I'll use the radio in the humvee, if it still works," Louise began, "I'll get treated at base, you don't need any stress right now."

"Okay then," Nathan replied, sitting back down against the humvee.

Louise called in for a ride back to base and arranged for Nathan to be dropped off. In fifteen minutes another humvee arrived. The two grabbed their gear and loaded into the vehicle. They swiftly turned and sped off. Louise and Nathan were in the company of total strangers.

"How is it?" A young beagle asked Nathan.

"How's what?" Nathan asked back.

"Combat," the beagle said.

"It's hell," Nathan replied, "Running through rubble, Japs in every building. I nearly died today."

"I'm excited for it," The beagle began, "I can't wait to kill some of those bastards."

"Don't be," Nathan replied, "That attitude will get you killed."

They both fell silent and soon reached Nathan's stop. It was a large black house overlooking the city. It must have had a fantastic view, until now of course. Nathan jumped out of the humvee, the vehicle speeding away soon after. He walked up to the depressing house, and opened the wood door.

The house was large, with two staircases, one going down and the other up, in the entry. There was a note on the inside of the door, Nathan scoffed at its placement and read it.

Clinic-Doctor's Office Basement

Living Quarters This Level

Bunks-Storage Upstairs

Nathan laughed at the note before crumpling it up and throwing it to the floor. The house had blue off white walls and hardwood flooring.

At least it's blue, Nathan thought to himself as he began to explore his new home.

The first thing he noticed was how freakishly clean it was, nothing was out of place. The house maintained the same color and flooring throughout, except for the white tile floor in the basement. The house was well lit due to the big windows and the numerous artificial lights. He discovered lots of good loot, from a laptop computer to box of records and CD's. Nathan finished making his rounds and raided the fridge, pulling out an apple. The coyote sat on a red upholstered armchair, and stared out the window. In a few moments, the apple was gone and Nathan began to stare at the telephone on the counter. He knew what he had to do now.

He looked around the drawer's for the present he bought Brian earlier. It was a bottle of Chardonnay, the same kind that they drank at the dinner. He opened up the bottle and dialed the number. He took a swig, savoring the taste as it went down.

"Do you know what time it is?" Mary's voice on the other end asked.

"This is Nathan," Nathan said, "Can I talk to Haley?"

"Somebody better be dead," Mary grumbled.

Nathan moved the phone from his mouth to take another swig. He was visibly affected by her coarse remark. There was a shuffling on the other end as Haley answered the phone.

"Guess what Daddy?" Haley said.

"What sweetie?" Nathan asked.

"I got the lead role in the school play," She squealed, "I'm the princess."

"Oh baby that's wonderful," Nathan replied, "What play are you doing?"

"Snow White," She replied, "There are a lot of lines, but the teacher said I was perfect for it."

"Do you sing?" Nathan began, "Like in the movie."

"I do," She said proudly.

"I have to tell you something sweetie," Nathan began, "It's about Brian."

"What about him?" Haley asked.

"He's... not here anymore," Nathan said, holding back a sob.

"Is he with mommy now?" Haley asked.

Nathan breathed a sigh of relief, glad he didn't have to explain his words more. He didn't think he could tell the story, it still hurt.

"I think so," Nathan replied, "They took him away."

"Will you get him back?" Haley asked, "I liked him."

"I don't know," Nathan said, sniffling now.

"What's wrong Daddy?" Haley asked, "Why are you sad?"

"I miss him," Nathan replied.

"I'll be right back daddy," Haley began, "You stay there."

There was a rustling and a sound of running footsteps on the other end. There was a quick exchange, Haley's high voice with Mary's low. She then ran back to the phone.

"I can't come to make you feel better Daddy," Haley began, "Grandma said that the plane tickets were too expensive."

"You don't need to come out here Haley, just talking to you makes me feel better," Nathan replied, his daughter bringing a smile to his face.

"That's good daddy," Haley replied, and then yawned, "I'm going back to bed now, good night daddy."

"Good Night sweetheart," Nathan said, hanging up the phone.

The sun had set, casting the house in darkness. Nathan headed up the stairs and found a bed. He laid down eager to go to sleep. The coyote closed his eyes, and tried to find Brian's warm body. Nathan was taken aback by his absence, Brian was the reason he was able to go sleep. The more he thought about it, the more futile his attempts to sleep. He went down stairs to try to relax on the couch. He glanced around, hating to be alone.

A part of him hoped that he would see the familiar shape of Brian rounding the corner. It killed him inside knowing that this desire was impossible to attain. He hugged a pillow to him; it's fluffy outside reminding him of Brian. He walked over to a large entertainment center, and placed a record in the record player that sat on top of the shelf.

It was a Nick Cave record, and the somber notes of "O Children" resounded through the cavernous house. Nathan returned to his seat, the music comforting him. As the song grew to a close, the power shut off with an ominous whir. Nathan was cast in a deep black, making him shrink up against the couch. Now Nathan was never afraid of the dark, just of what it might hide. Maybe ghosts from his past were in that darkness, trying to pull him deep into those horrible memories. He desperately wanted Brian now, to hold him and to make all of his troubles disappear into his warm safe arms.

He sobbed, unashamedly and loudly. Brian had managed to pull him out of his despair, and now he was being sucked back into it. Nathan wanted to fight it, to try to keep his happy demeanor, but knew he couldn't, not without his love beside him.

So he cried, alone in the dark, once again.

Healing A Doctor Chapter 11

Louise Valerez walked into Nathan's dark and gloomy house. It was a Saturday, and because of this she thought that her doctor friend would be able to look at her arm. HQ was too busy dealing with more grievously injured furs than she, so they her to...

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Healing A Doctor Chapter 9

Hugh walked through the bustling camp in the hills east of Makassar. He had ditched his squad to meet someone. Using the time old excuse of taking a dump he walked off, even grabbing a book to complete his masquerade. This someone was another Doberman...

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Healing A Doctor Chapter 8

Finally! Chapter 8 is up. Sorry for the wait, but I got a brand new laptop and can finally work on this story again. I'll be releasing these every Saturday from now on, due to my boss giving me the Sunday shift. Thanks for being patient and enjoy the...

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