Healing A Doctor Chapter 8

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#8 of Healing a Doctor

Finally! Chapter 8 is up. Sorry for the wait, but I got a brand new laptop and can finally work on this story again. I'll be releasing these every Saturday from now on, due to my boss giving me the Sunday shift. Thanks for being patient and enjoy the story.


Nathan sat down on his chair in the clinic and relaxed. He had been up all night preparing the clinic for the flood of people that were coming in today. Brian was still asleep, most likely to avoid his imminent hangover. Nathan glanced at the clock, which read 8:39 AM, and decided that Brian had slept enough.

He tiptoed into the back room where Brian was still fast asleep. He stood at the foot of the bed, pondering the best way to wake the larger canine. He chuckled to himself, and began to burrow his way up to Brian from the end of the bed. After his head reached Brian's crotch, he began to deviously rub and caress the backs of Brian's thighs.

Brian moaned in his sleep, flexing his hips up towards the caressing touch. His penis began to peek out of his sheath, the red flesh rubbing against the coyote.

"Brian," Nathan called.

There was no response. Nathan licked down the length of Brian's dog hood. His paws moved up to rub the golden retriever's abs. Brian snorted in his sleep and awoke, seeing the form of Nathan under the covers.

"If I get up do we get to get to do the nasty nasty," He said, then chuckling at the sight of Nathan's head under the covers.

"We have work remember," Nathan said, moving his body up to the head of the bed.

"Lame," Brian began, "Did you sleep last night?"

"No," Nathan sighed, "I had to set up for vaccinations. I fucking hate Davis."

The two laid together for a while, Nathan's clothed form against Brian's naked body. Brian grabbed Nathan to his side and kissed the top of his head, squeezing him as his lips retreated.

"Anyway I can help?" Brian asked

"Can you give vaccinations?" Nathan asked.

"No," Brian replied.

"Then no," Nathan began, "Maybe you could hand me stuff when I need it."

"So I'm your nurse," Brian said.

"You could call it that," Nathan replied.

The two quickly kissed and got out of the bed. Nathan walked into the clinic and Brian dressed himself. All of a sudden, there was a sharp knocking on the door.

"Hello," a masculine voice sounded from outside.

"Coming," Nathan replied.

Standing on the doorstep was a scarred doberman, wearing a tattered military uniform. He stood at the same height as Nathan and was a little skinnier than the lean coyote.

"Are you here for vaccinations?" Nathan asked.

"No," The doberman began, his voice barely audible, "I heard there was a psychiatrist here."

"Oh, yeah he's here now, come on in," Nathan said, allowing the brown and black canine entrance.

He seemed to slump when he walked. Almost as if every step was a war within itself. Brian had heard the conversation and had readied a chair in the back room for the poor doberman.

"Okay," Nathan began, ushering the doberman into the back, "When you guys get done come out and get your shots."

No sooner had Nathan turned back into the clinic when the door slammed open to reveal Davis.

"You're doing shots today, right?" Davis said, looking in at the clinic.

"You should know," Nathan replied, "I'm not doing personnel until tonight."

"Oh, really," Davis began, "You don't do personnel until night."

"Fuck you Davis," Nathan replied, "I don't vaccinate personnel until this evening, come back then."

"Fine, I'll come back later then," Davis began, "By the way, has Brian taken his medicine yet?"

"I don't know. Why does it matter?" Nathan asked.

"Never mind, I'll be back," Davis said, turning and walking out down the street.

A group of children with their parents were walking up the opposite end of the street. Nathan put on his best smile and began to work. The furs came in waves, flooding the clinic with their numbers. Nathan worked quickly, being both skilled at his work and caring for his patients at the same time.

After hours of steady customers, there was a break. Brian and the doberman walked out of the back talking idly.

"I'll talk to you on Wednesday, Hugh," Brian said, shaking Hugh's paw.

"Thank you for talking to me," Hugh replied, "Although it's technically your job."

"Don't mention it," Brian said.

"You guys ready for your shots?" Nathan called out, holding two needles.

"I already got mine thanks," Hugh began, "Goodbye."

He waved as he walked out of the door, the slump gone from his walk. Nathan set the needles down and began to rub Brian's shoulders.

"You're really good at your job," Nathan said, kneading his paws into the golden retrievers back.

"I feel bad for that guy," Brian began, "This is throwing all doctor-patient confidentiality out the window, so you have to promise no t to tell."

"Why? What happened to him?" Nathan asked, stopping his rubbing.

"He was stationed up in the hills to the east, he said that the Japs had landed and were fighting their way here," Brian began, "Just like us, he and another soldier fell in love."

"What's so bad about that?" Nathan asked.

"He was killed in the invasion, right in front of Hugh," Brian replied.

"Jesus," Nathan said, looking down to the ground.

"Hugh's suffering from survivor's guilt," Brian began, "In other words; he thinks it's his fault that he lived while his lover died."

"Did you fix him?" Nathan asked.

"You can't," Brian began, "You just have to get them to believe that they aren't at fault for being alive."

"Well then did you get him to believe yet?" Nathan said.

"You and your questions," Brian said and then chuckled, "I don't know, he's happier now though."

"I have a break-" Nathan began.

"How long is this break?" Brian asked, holding Nathan to him.

"I don't know, lunch hour is almost done so... ten minutes, maybe," Nathan replied.

"We'll have to make it a quickie then," Brian said, flirtatiously flicking Nathan's ear.

"You know I meant getting our shots, right?" Nathan said, then adding on, "I really need to get on that prescription for you."

"For my Wiseass Syndrome," Brian said, as Nathan broke his hold.

"No for being horny," Nathan replied, as he picked up the two needles, "Now, who goes first."

"I don't do needles," Brian said, backing away steadily from Nathan.

"Seriously, big tough guy like you scared of needles," Nathan replied, "Fine I'll go first."

Nathan grabbed the bottle of rubbing alcohol and a cotton swab. He tilted the bottle onto the swab, coating a side in alcohol. He rubbed his skin and flicked the cap of the needle off with a spare claw. He readied to plunge the needle into his furred forearm, but paused.

"Hey Brian," Nathan called out, "Why don't you do this part."

Brian stopped and turned around.

"I don't know Nathan," Brian began, "I might mess it up."

"Bullshit, come over here," Nathan replied, gesturing the uncertain golden retriever over.

Brian shuffled over, grabbing the needle from Nathan's outstretched paw. He stood over him, not sure about what to do next.

"So, see that vein there, just stick it in there," Nathan said, "Gently and steadily though, I really don't want to pull half a needle out of my arm."

"I really don't think I should do this," Brian replied, breathing in through his teeth.

"Just do it," Nathan said, "You can't hurt me."

Brian shook his head and gently stuck the needle into Nathan's arm. He closed his eyes as he pushed down on the plunger and pulled out. Nathan grimaced, and then grabbed the needle from him. Nathan got up and disposed of the needle.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" Nathan said as he turned back to Brian, "Your turn."

Nathan advanced upon him with cotton ball and rubbing alcohol in paw. He swabbed his arm, and grabbed the needle.

"Do we really have to do this?" Brian asked.

Nathan replied with a kiss, pushing his body up against Brian's muscled chest. Their tongues returned to their fervent game of running about the two lover's mouths. The game was interrupted by Brian's groan as Nathan pricked his arm with the needle.

"Sneak," Brian said, breaking the kiss.

"You're worse than the kids," Nathan scoffed, throwing the used needle across the room and into the garbage.

They kissed again, but were interrupted by a loud crying outside.

"I don't want a shot," a child's voice cried out, "It's going to hurt."

"Speaking of kids," Nathan began, breaking Brian's grasp.

A young cheetah and his mother entered the clinic, the cubs face streaked with tears.

"Hello there," Nathan said warmly, "If you would just sit right there this will be done in no time."

The cub complied, sitting down on the offered chair. He promptly resumed crying as Nathan grabbed a new needle.

"I don't want it," the cub cried out.

"Would you rather be sick?" Nathan asked.

The cub shook his head, but still sniffled.

"You see the big baby in the corner over there," Nathan said, pointing at Brian.

"He looks too tough to be a big baby," the cub said.

Brian chuckled. The young cheetah's mother walked up to Brian's side.

"Are you kidding me?" Nathan began, "He's the biggest baby I know, anyways, he hates shots and he had to get one, and guess what."

"What?" The cheetah replied.

"He said it didn't hurt at all." Nathan said.

"Really?" The cheetah asked.


The mother tapped Brian's shoulder.

"Your friend there is really good with kids," She said.

"Yeah," Brian replied wistfully.

"Little Clayton hasn't been himself since his father died," She began, "He didn't use to be afraid of anything."

"It's normal to be afraid of needles," Brian replied, "I am."

"His father was a drug addict," She said.

"Heroin?" Brian asked.

"Yes. He overdosed and died while he was supposed to be watching him," The woman said, "I think he needs someone to talk to."

"I'm a psychiatrist," Brian began, "I can talk to him later this week if you'd like."

"That would be wonderful," She exclaimed, "I'll take him in on Tuesday."

By the time Brian and Clayton's mother finished their talk, Nathan had already given Clayton his shot. Clayton walked over and punched Brian in the arm, then grabbed his mother's hand and walked out.

"What the hell was that for?" Brian asked, rubbing the spot where the child had punched his arm.

"I told him that if he got the shot that he could punch you as hard as he could," Nathan replied.

"That's nice of you," Brian said bitterly.

"Aw, come on you big baby," Nathan began, walking over and rubbing his arm, "Want me to kiss it better?"

Brian nodded his head and Nathan bent down to kiss his arm. He drew away, only to be picked up and hoisted into the air by Brian. Their lips mashed together, Nathan's arms free to rub over Brian's chest and back.

"I thought your arm was sore," Nathan said, getting a reprieve from the assault of Brian's lips.

"I'm never too sore to screw around," Brian replied, pushing their muzzles together again.

Brian walked the two into the back room and laid down on their bed. Nathan, still on top of Brian, promptly yanked his pants down, revealing Brian's semi hard member.

"A little horny today are we?" Brian quipped, smiling.

"I've been working all day," Nathan began, "I need a good fuck."

"Maybe you should write yourself up one of your prescriptions," Brian replied.

Nathan snorted and continued to kiss his lover. He worked his way down his front, his tongue teasing the fur on Brian's chest, effectively arousing the golden retriever. Brian moaned, running a paw through Nathan's head fur as he continued his ministrations. Nathan seductively slid his pants down and prepared to lower himself on the hot red flesh.

Knock Knock

"Son of a bitch!" Nathan exclaimed.

He threw his clothes on and tried to hide his erection in his pants. He huffed as he walked to the door, angrily walking the few feet.

"Get decent," Nathan called back to Brian before opening the door.

Nathan gasped as he recognized the figure outside. He was a tall blue jay, his avian features dressed in a general's uniform.

"Can I come in?" The general asked.

Nathan laughed and got the general into an embrace.

"Michael! You son of a bitch how's it going?" Nathan exclaimed.

"I will not be spoken to in that matter," Michael began, "I'll have your ass for that."

"I was just kidding," Nathan said, then quickly adding on, "Sir."

The two stood and looked at each other for a minute. Neither giving the other purchase on what emotions the other was feeling. At the same time, the two burst into laughter.

"You should have seen the look on your face," Michael howled.

"You got me," Nathan replied, "Come on in and take a load off."

The general entered and sat down on the chair in the clinic. Brian walked into the back and pulled out two more of the chairs.

"So how's little Nathan," Nathan asked as he plopped down in the seat across from the general.

"He's good," Michael replied, "How's yours?"

"Good, as far as I know," Nathan said.

"You mean you don't know how your kid is?" Michael asked.

"I've lost touch with her," Nathan replied.

"Well then you need to call her," Michael began, "That's an order soldier."

Michael got up out of his chair and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Nathan asked, "I wanted to talk to my main man."

"I have some business to attend to," Michael replied, "You be sure to call up Haley now, I don't want my goddaughter not knowing her father."

"Sir yes sir," Nathan replied, saluting to the back of the avian as he left.

Brian just stood and stared at the spot where the general just stood.

"Did you just call the general a son of a bitch, and then by his first name and get away with it?" Brian asked, still shocked.

"He's my bird," Nathan replied.

"I didn't think that your bird was, that bird," Brian said, still slack jawed.

"Me and him go way back," Nathan said, walking over to close Brian's jaw, he then kissed it shut, "I delivered his baby son and saved his wife."

"You can deliver babies?" Brian asked.

"I'm not qualified to, but I know how," Nathan said, "It was in the subway, and I was the only doctor there."

"Jesus, you really are a good doctor," Brian replied.

"I'm just a doctor," Nathan said.

"So modest," Brian joked, holding Nathan to him.

"It's the truth," Nathan replied.

They kissed again, and once again their lustful endeavors were interrupted. A series of urgent knocks sounded throughout the clinic.

"Jesus Christ!" Nathan exclaimed, "Is it so hard to just have fifteen minutes before someone else shows up."

"I'll be in the back," Brian began, "Holler if you need anything."

Nathan nodded and answered the door. Davis was outside, standing impatiently on the doorstep.

"You're here for your shot right?" Nathan asked.

"No shit Sherlock," Davis replied barging his way into the clinic, "Where's Brian?"

"In the back," Nathan replied.

Davis sat down in the chair, facing away from the back. Nathan gave Davis his shot and then walked to the counter.

"Do you want to hear something hilarious?" Davis asked, eyes dancing dangerously.

"Lay it on me," Nathan replied.

"I replaced Brian's medicine," Davis said.

"With what?" Nathan asked, his voice even amidst the thoughts of worry and hatred of Davis roiling around inside his head.

"Cyanide pills, I found some the same color as his meds," Davis began, "Don't want him interfering next time."

Nathan swallowed a bit of spit. Jesus Christ, please tell me he didn't take his meds.

"I found some kickass speakers the other day," Nathan began, seemingly unfazed by Davis's deed and comment, "Do you like music?"

"Yeah I guess," Davis replied, "What do you got?"

"I only got this one CD, it's a Steelers Wheel one," Nathan replied.

As the two were talking, Brian snuck up behind Davis. Nathan started the music, the opening to "Stuck in the Middle with you" blasting over the strategically placed speakers.

"I really loved the movie this song was in," Nathan began, grabbing a scalpel from the counter.

Davis tried to jump out of his seat, only to be grabbed by Brian who held him in a sitting position. Nathan walked up to Davis, taunting him with the knife.

"See this," Nathan began, "This could end your life in the blink of an eye."

Nathan cruelly sliced the scalpel down his right cheek, leaving a cut from the corner of his eye to his lip. Brian's paws became soaked in Davis's blood as it seeped from the wound. Davis screamed in pain, trying his damnedest to break free from Brian. He kicked out, catching Nathan in the shin. Nathan growled angrily, slicing the blade across the left side of his face.

"Jesus fucking Christ!" Davis spat out, blood spraying out with the words, "I'm fucking sorry you fucking psycho, just stop."

"Say it don't spray it, fucking poisoner," Nathan spat, bringing the scalpel up to his ear.

He pressed down on Davis's ear with the knife, making him squirm.

"Settle down there, my paw might slip," Nathan said coldly, pushing down harder.

"You son of a bitch," Davis began; he almost continued but was cut off by his own shrill screams.

Nathan began to saw through the tissue that connected Davis's right ear to his head. Davis fainted when Nathan was halfway through. Nathan continued his work, not noticing the look of disgust on Brian's face. There was a spurt of blood, and then Davis's ear plopped onto the floor, soaking in a pool of crimson. Nathan coolly walked over and switched off the music.

"How did you figure out my plan?" Nathan asked.

"Intuition," Brian replied.

"You really have a lot of intuition then," Nathan began, "I thought I was surprising you, I'm glad you helped though."

"I figured you would do something," Brian replied, and then gestured at the ear on the ground, "Just not... that."

"Was it too extreme?" Nathan asked, "Because I think he deserved it."

"He did technically try to kill me," Brian said, "I guess we have to kill him now."

"No, I have a place for him," Nathan replied, "I'd like to get him there before he wakes up."

"Really," Brian began, "How are you getting him there?"

A car horn sounded from outside. Nathan ran over to the door and waved them in. They were a trio of felines, dressed in insurgent gear. Nathan talked with them in Indonesian for a few minutes then the three grabbed Davis, chair and all, and carried him off.

"That answer your question," Nathan said, washing off the scalpel in the sink.

"H- How?" Brian stammered.

"You meet some interesting people at work," Nathan said.

"Why couldn't we kill him?" Brian asked.

"This way, he gets tortured and most likely killed in a way that isn't likely to get us into trouble," Nathan explained.

"I still can't believe you cut his ear off," Brian began, "That's fucked."

"I figured you'd get the movie reference," Nathan replied.

"That's from a movie," Brian said, surprised

"You haven't seen that movie," Nathan said, surprised, "That scene's famous."

"No, I honestly haven't," Brian replied.

"We're watching it, tonight, that movie's like my favorite movie ever," Nathan said.

"I don't like watching movies that contain subject matter of something I did just after I did it," Brian began, "I still don't watch prison movies."

Nathan laughed then said, "Why, did something happen in the showers?"

"There's a reason I'm not a bottom," Brian replied.

"That's fine; we can watch something else," Nathan began, "After we clean this up of course."

With that, the two busied themselves with removing any trace of Davis's unfortunate evening. They walked into the back, discussing their story as they went.

"So if anyone asks us," Nathan began, "Davis told us he was going AWOL and that he had bought plane tickets for... Where should we send the son of a bitch?"

"Dubai," Brian replied, "It's not like they are going to track him down or anything."

"Well now that we got our story straight," Nathan began, "What do you want to do?"

"Watch a movie, some other things," Brian said, throwing off his shirt and sitting on the bed.

"You know," Nathan began, "I could do without the movie."

"You sure?" Brian asked.

"If we watch one you'll have to pick," Nathan replied.

"Ever seen American Psycho?" Brian asked.

"Is that the black and white one at the motel?" Nathan asked, sitting down beside Brian on the bed.

"No the one with Christian Bale," Brian replied.

"Ooh, sounds scary," Nathan began, seductively running a claw down Brian's shirtless torso, "I might need my big bad boyfriend to hold me if I get scared."

"I'll do more than hold you," Brian replied, pulling Nathan's shirt over his head, "Still horny?"

Nathan nodded and Brian leapt on him, kissing every inch of the coyote's body he could reach. Nathan ground his hips up into Brian's, grinding their growing bulges to the tempo of their carnal lust. They both managed to slip off the rest off their clothes amidst the grinding and groping they were doing. Nathan moved his head up, allowing Brian better access to hungrily kiss and nibble on his neck and chest.

"Ooh, so ferocious," Nathan half swooned half growled.

Brian started the movie, and then went to work lubing himself up. He was about to enter the coyote under him, but stopped.

"We need a position change," Brian said, flipping Nathan over onto his front.

"I love this position," Nathan replied, pushing back into Brian's needy hips.

By the time the opening credits rolled by, the two canid lovers had already started a steady pace of thrusts. Brian began laughing at the movie, his heaves tickling Nathan's back.

"Ya ta ta," Nathan said uncomfortably, "I don't need to be tickled now."

"Sorry," Brian said, stopping his thrusting, "This movie's funny."

They started to fuck again, Brian sacrificing speed for depth. His thrusts rocked Nathan forward, the power behind them already getting Nathan close to release. The coyote moaned, reveling in his being dominated. His back arched into Brian's chest, trying to deepen Brian's penetration.

"That feels so good you don't even know," Nathan moaned out, reaching down to stroke his member.

"I got that," Brian said, knocking Nathan's paw out of the way.

Nathan came as soon as Brian touched his cock, his coyote fluids staining Brian's paw and the bed beneath them. Although Nathan's passage contracted and relaxed numerous times, Brian managed to keep control and continue his thrusting.

"Already?" Brian asked, "You really were pent up."

"Let's see if you can't squeeze another one out of me," Nathan replied.

The two laughed again at the movie. The two continued, laughing and humping, for ten minutes until Brian decided a change in pace was in order. He grasped Nathan's hips firmly and began to jackhammer the male under him. Nathan gasped, this change of pace now making Brian's knot known on Nathan's hole.

The tennis ball sized knot at the base of Brian's penis demanded entry, and with each of Brian's earnest thrusts, it came closer and closer to achieving its goal. Brian pressed his head and lower body onto Nathan's back. He used this greater leverage to pound his knot in into Nathan's tight hole in three thrusts. Each one sending a spurt of Nathan's cum out onto the sheets.

Nathan's arms and legs gave out in his post-orgasmic frenzy and he fell to the bed. This rapid fall tugged on Brian's knot, releasing wave after wave of his canine semen into Nathan's body. He paused the movie and collapsed down onto Nathan. The two of them lay there panting for a while, just basking in the afterglow of their passionate mating. Brian leaned over onto his side, now spooning with Nathan.

"There was an unfortunate lack of foreplay that time," Nathan began, leaning his head back into Brian's chest.

"Didn't look like it bothered you that much," Brian began, "You must have really been horny."

"Next time, we'll have to see how long we can go," Nathan said, leaning up to kiss Brian.

Their tongues met in between their mouths, curling with each other for a brief second before diving into the others muzzle. Their tongues danced, much like the courtship of the rattlesnake, in the confines of their muzzles. They broke the kiss, replacing the kiss with a more sensual rubbing and grinding.

"Let's start this movie back up," Brian said, "Play."

The two lovers watched the movie, Nathan held securely by Brian's knot and his arms. They laughed and gasped together, the film bringing together both comedy and horror.

"We need to get you another bottle of medication," Nathan said.

"No you don't," Brian replied intently watching the final scene of the movie.

"What happens if you have a spell like Friday's?" Nathan asked.

"I won't," Brian began, "You're here, and you did something when I was out to put me at ease."

"What do you mean?" Nathan asked.

"Even when I'm on my meds, I dream what I hallucinate," Brian explained, "It's usually not too bad, but since that Friday, I haven't had one of those dreams."

"If you get out of it, how am I supposed to stop you from hurting yourself?" Nathan asked.

"You won't let me, that's just the thing," Brian replied.

"What if you hurt me?" Nathan asked.

"I won't let me, or the other me," Brian replied uncertainly.

Nathan saw that he had worried the beautiful golden retriever behind him. He rubbed his shoulder and nuzzled his cheek, expressing his apology for causing Brian's worry with his touch.

"Let's change the subject," Nathan began, "We'll worry about it later."

"When are you calling your daughter?" Brian asked.

"Later," Nathan replied.

"Its morning over there right now," Brian began, "You should call her."

"Fine," Nathan sighed, "Carry me to the phone."

Brian complied, lifting Nathan up in his strong arms and carrying him into the clinic. The phone sat on the counter next to the sink, so Brian sat up next to it on the counter, letting Nathan relax on his lap.

"Do you want me to get unstuck or stay with you?" Brian asked.

"You can stay," Nathan replied, dialing the number.

They sat waiting as the phone went off. A voice on the other end said, "Hello."

"Yes Mary," Nathan replied, "Yeah this is Nathan."

"I don't want you talking to her," Mary said over the line.

"Just please," Nathan began, "I'll keep it short, and besides I'm fighting in the war right now. This could be the last chance I ever get to talk to her."

"Fine, I'll get her," Mary's voice rang over the line, "Wait here."

There was a silence on the line. Brian grabbed Nathan's paw for encouragement. Nathan squeezed Brian's enclosed paw in anticipation.

"Daddy?" Haley said.

"Sweetheart? Is that really you?" Nathan began, "You sound so grown up."

"Why does Grandma say your bad, Daddy?" She asked, "You don't sound bad."

"Sweetie, Grandma can think what she likes, but I'm not bad." Nathan replied.

"She also said you were different," Haley said.

"We're all a little different sweetie," Nathan began, "If we weren't we'd all be the same."

"She said you loved different," Haley replied.

"Well, I do," Nathan began, "But that doesn't make me a monster, in fact, it's pretty normal."

"But I thought boys loving girls was normal," Haley replied.

Brian chuckled, and Nathan shushed him. He idly dragged his claws on the counter as he began talking again.

"That is normal," Nathan explained, "But sometimes, people don't like that kind of normal, like me, but just because we aren't as normal as anyone else doesn't mean we can't have someone special in our lives."

"Is your someone special there?" She asked.

"Actually he is," Nathan replied, "Do you want to meet him?"

"Sure, Daddy."

Nathan took the phone away from his muzzle and gave it to Brian.

"Hello," Brian said.

"Is this my Daddy's special someone?" Haley asked.

"Yeah, I'm Brian," the golden retriever began, "I've heard lots about you, your daddy loves you a lot."

"I know," Haley replied, "Can I ask you to do something for me?"

"Anything," Brian said.

"You take care of my Daddy," Haley said, "You keep him safe for me, and give him lots of hugs and kisses."

"I'll be sure do to that," Brian replied, "He wants to talk to you now; I'll talk to you later."

Nathan grabbed the phone, silently chuckling at the look on Brian's face.

"Are you going to see me when you get back?" Haley asked.

"Of course, I'll bring Brian too," Nathan replied, "And if you'd like, maybe you could come and live with us."

"Would you like that Daddy?" She asked.

"More than anything in the whole world," Nathan replied.

"Even chocolate ice cream?" She asked.

"Even chocolate ice cream," Nathan replied, laughing after he finished.

"I love you Daddy," Haley said.

"I love you too sweetheart," Nathan replied, "Hey, is it okay if I talk to you tomorrow."

"Yeah, Can I ask you one more question?" Haley asked.

"Anything sweetie," Nathan replied.

"Does it hurt for you?" She asked.

"Does what hurt?" Nathan asked back.

"You know, what mommies and daddies do when they love each other," She replied.

Brian laughed uncontrollably and fell off of the counter. Nathan bewilderedly went down with him, fortunately landing on his soft thighs. He shushed Brian and replied.

"I'll tell you about that when you're older," Nathan said, "Goodbye honey, I love you."

"Love you too Daddy, bye," She replied.

The phone clicked off and Brian burst into a fit of laughter. Nathan chuckled with him, lying down on his rising and falling chest.

"Oh my god!" Brian exclaimed, "She's so adorable! I love her already and I haven't even officially met her yet."

"Yeah, I'm so glad she loves me," Nathan replied.

"What are you talking about?" Brian asked, "Are you kidding me? You're great with kids."

"No I'm not," Nathan said.

"I beg to differ, and so does Clayton's mother," Brian replied, "Now, this tile floor is killing my back, can we move back to the bed now?"

"Of course," Nathan replied.

Brian picked himself up and walked back to the bed. Nathan kept his arms wrapped around him tight, nuzzling his cheek the whole way. Brian turned around and fell backwards onto the bed, Nathan promptly snuggling into his chest.

"She's just like you, asking all of those questions," Brian said.

"She always took after me," Nathan replied, grabbing the golden retriever even tighter to him.

"Someone's really snuggly tonight," Brian said.

"You're so soft," Nathan began, "I could just stay right here forever."

"Well I couldn't," Brian replied, pulling out of Nathan, "I gots the munchies. Do you want anything?"

"I'm fine, just come in when you're done," Nathan said, then scoffing as he curled over and closed his eyes.

"But you haven't eaten yet today," Brian said concernedly.

"I'm fine," Nathan began, then yawning, "Just come back soon."

By the time Brian had returned from his snack run, Nathan was asleep. Brian slid in beside him, throwing an arm around the snoozing coyote. Almost like a newborn pup blindly finds his mother's teat, Nathan's head found Brian's chest, his murmurs of contentment audible.

Brian leaned down and tenderly kissed Nathan on the lips. The coyote whining in his sleep as Brian removed them.

"For Haley," Brian said, then lying down peacefully beside the one he loved. Brian rubbed the coyote's shoulders, Nathan responding to the touch with a sleepy mumble.

No matter what I'll take care of you, Brian thought.

You mean we'll take care of him.

Healing A Doctor Chapter 9

Hugh walked through the bustling camp in the hills east of Makassar. He had ditched his squad to meet someone. Using the time old excuse of taking a dump he walked off, even grabbing a book to complete his masquerade. This someone was another Doberman...

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Healing A Doctor Chapter 7

Nathan woke up to the noise of something cooking in the clinic. He sat up, his body and face aching from the beating he had taken yesterday. Brian was not beside Nathan, his usual spot empty, a depression in the mattress in his place. Nathan got...

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Healing A Doctor Chapter 6

If you guys haven't seen The Thing, then I'm sorry for the spoiler. It's too broad to spoil the scene though. I would definitely recommend watching it though; it's a really good...

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