Healing A Doctor Chapter 7

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#7 of Healing a Doctor

Nathan woke up to the noise of something cooking in the clinic. He sat up, his body and face aching from the beating he had taken yesterday. Brian was not beside Nathan, his usual spot empty, a depression in the mattress in his place. Nathan got dressed and walked out into the clinic; Brian was working away at something on the counter.

"Good Morning," Nathan said, making Brian jump.

"Nathan," he said, turning his back to hide his work, "What's up."

"Nothing," Nathan said with a hint of suspicion in his voice, "What are you doing?"

"It's a surprise," Brian began, "Why don't you get a little more sleep."

"Oh I'm fine," Nathan said, sitting down in his chair, "Did you take your medicine?"

"Of course I did," Brian said, walking up to Nathan and guarding his surprise with his body, "Now I insist, I'll be back to get you when it's finished."

Nathan stood up and allowed Brian to escort him back to the bed. Nathan got under the covers and Brian tucked him in.

"Cozy?" Brian asked, patting the coyote's chest gently.

"Yes," Nathan began, "You really don't need to do this, I promise I won't peek."

Brian was about to speak when an abrupt buzzing cut him off. He ran into the clinic urgently, nearly tripping on the tile floor. Nathan laughed and laid back, his eyes closing as he relaxed. There were more sounds of clatter and goings on in the other room, Nathan's ears perking up curiously with each sound.

"You keep your eyes closed," Brian began as he walked into the bedroom.

"They're closed," Nathan said as Brian helped him out of the bed.

"I don't trust you," Brian joked, covering Nathan's eyes with his paws.

Nathan laughed as Brian shepherded him into the clinic. His nose picked up the scents of breakfast and his tail began to wag against Brian's abs.

"It's been a while since I've made one of these," Brian began as he stopped, "I hope it tastes okay."

Brian's paws left Nathan's eyes, sitting there on the table was a Belgian waffle covered in strawberries and whipped cream. Nathan squealed in delight and jumped up into Brian's arms.

"Where did you get this?" Nathan asked, eying the waffle with wonder.

"It was hard to find a waffle maker at three in the morning, but I got it done," Brian began, "I bought the stuff at the grocery store as soon as it opened, and I've been cooking since I got back."

"Thank you Brian," Nathan said, and then kissed Brian on the lips quickly.

"You'd better eat it before it gets cold," Brian said, releasing the coyote.

Nathan sat down, the silverware and napkins already set out to the side of the plate. He forked out a bite and put it in his mouth. His eyes closed as the succulent flavor ravaged his taste buds. He set another bite on the fork and gestured for Brian.

"You have to have a bite of this, it's amazing!" Nathan said, raising the fork to Brian's lips.

"It's yours," Brian said, blocking the fork with a finger, "I'm fine just watching you enjoy it."

"Have you had anything to eat this morning?" Nathan asked.

"No, I'm fine though, thanks," Brian insisted.

Nathan cut the waffle in half. He went to grab another plate and loaded the half of waffle onto it. He set it down across from himself.

"I insist," Nathan began, "Grab a fork and chow down."

Brian sighed and went to grab the silverware. The two ate in silence; the only sounds the scraping of forks against plates. The waffle was soon gone, the two scraping up the final strawberries covered with whip cream.

"Are you ready for the beach?" Nathan asked.

"We really don't have to go if you don't want to," Brian began.

"Bullshit, it'll be fun, just let me clean my face up," Nathan replied, then running into the bathroom.

Brian put the dishes in the sink. He leaned on the counter, waiting for the coyote to come running out. And run out he did, Nathan shot out of the bathroom like a child who's late for Spongebob. He threw on his shoes, and ushered Brian out of the door.

"A little excited are we," Brian said, a smile brimming with amusement on his face.

"I want to go soak up the sun while it's still there," Nathan said still trying to push Brian through the door jamb, "Move your big butt!"

Brian moved, allowing the exuberant coyote onto the curb. He waited for Brian to move beside him, and the two were on their way, paw in paw.

"You don't happen to have a swim suit, do you?" Brian asked.

"Yes," Nathan replied, "But I didn't bring it because I'm not swimming."

"I left my suit on the boat, I need a new one," Brian said, "I think that store I was at this morning had some suits for sale though."

"How far away is the store?" Nathan asked.

"It's on the way to the beach," Brian replied, the two continuing to walk.

"How do I look?" Nathan asked, "Do I look like I got the shit kicked out of me yesterday?"

"Don't you think this would have been better to ask when we were at the clinic?" Brian replied, "You look fine."

"Well that's good," Nathan began, "I don't need anyone asking about it."

The two walked down the street, the store being only two blocks away. They could see the beach from the front of the store, blue water meeting yellow sand, the beach already crowding with furs. The two walked into the store, the fox clerk recognizing Brian from that morning.

"Was waffle worth it?" He asked.

"Yes," Brian replied, "Where are your swim suits?"

"In back," the fox said, pointing a paw towards a shelf in the back of the store, "Dressing room next to it."

"Terima kasih," Nathan replied as Brian led the two to the back of the store.

On the shelf were a variety of bathing suits. Brian picked up a little blue Speedo and laughed.

"What do you think about this one?" Brian said, stretching the tiny piece of fabric.

"I'm not letting you wear that," Nathan began, "I'll have a hard on whenever I see you in it."

"And that's a bad thing," Brian replied, setting the Speedo down and picking up a pair of red trunks.

"No, but it'd look kind of suspicious if I'm covering my crotch all day," Nathan said.

"Just blame it on some hot chick," Brian scoffed as he walked into the dressing room.

Brian came out a short time later, wearing nothing but the trunks. He mock posed, flexing his biceps.

"How do I look?" Brian asked, kissing the expanded muscle.

"Studly," Nathan replied, squelching a laugh.

Brian went back into the dressing room and changed back into his clothes. When he finished the two walked back to the front counter. Brian set the trunks on the counter.

"Emphat puluh lima," the clerk said, ringing in the trunks.

Brian laid the currency on the counter. The fox took it and handed the trunks to Brian.

"Can I use your dressing room?" Brian asked.

The fox nodded and Brian walked briskly to the back. He knocked over a shelf in the process, the shelf luckily not having any fragile goods on it. He set the shelf right side up and continued to the dressing room.

"Your friend is kind of tolol. Yes?" The clerk began looking towards the back of the store.

"Yeah," Nathan replied, and then laughed, "Biggest tolol I know."

"Are you together?" he asked.

"Yes," Nathan began, "But it's a secret, you can't tell anybody."

The fox brought his finger to his lips. Brian came out of the back, the trunks on under his pants. He walked up and put an arm around Nathan.

"Sorry for the shelf," Brian began, "Nothing got broke."

The clerk nodded and waved the two out of the store. As they walked towards the beach he called out.

"You keep tolol out of trouble now."

"What does tolol mean?" Brian asked, enveloping Nathan's paw in his.

"It means airhead," Nathan replied.

"You guys are insulting me in a language I don't know, that's nice," Brian scoffed.

They continued to walk to the beach, idly chatting until the sand touched their paws. Brian stripped off his clothes, now wearing just the red trunks, and ran towards the water. Nathan walked down closer to the water, finding a wooden chair and sitting down, relaxing as the sun's rays warmed his body.

A giggle cut off Nathan's repose; he opened his eyes to see Citra. She was running towards him in a little pink bikini, her furred breasts bouncing up and down with each stride.

"Nathan!" she squealed, "How you?"

"I'm good Citra," Nathan replied, "Hari yang indah,"

"Yeah," she replied, "Let's go swimming."

She grabbed his paw and tried to pull him out of the chair. He groaned in discomfort, the stretching on his arm returning the ache to his side.

"Are you okay?" Citra asked, releasing the coyote's arm, "What happened to your face?"

"Ran into a door," Nathan replied, "Brian out there needs someone to swim with."

She waved goodbye and ran out into the crystal blue water. She tackled Brian and the two submerged, coming back up a few moments later. Nathan laughed and closed his eyes, dozing off in the warm sun. He dozed for an hour, unaware of Brian and Citra's nefarious scheme.

He barely felt the chair lift off of the ground; he grunted and fell back asleep. He swore he was moving, but dismissed it. A giggle sounded off from next to him, he turned a little, removing his ear from the noise's general area.

"Damn kids," he mumbled the giggling continuing.

He began to hear the sounds of waves crashing on the beach, he dismissed that too, believing it was just the tide coming in. There was now a splashing sound and Nathan finally opened his eyes. He looked around and saw Brian and Citra's head level to his. He looked down and shot awake. The chair tipped and he fell.

The coyote crashed into the crystal clear water, his fur and clothes soaking almost immediately. The water was warm, and most likely would have been pleasant if the salt wasn't stinging his wounds. He stayed in the water for a while, the water only being about seven feet deep. He lay on the sandy bottom, the sand being warm as well. He broke the surface a few seconds later, taking in a much needed gasp of air. The laughter of the two pranksters scalded his ears.

"What the fuck was that for?" Nathan asked, sopping wet from his unwanted dipping.

"We wanted you to go swimming," Citra replied, "It's fun."

"You want me to swim," Nathan began, a vengeful look in his eyes, "Let's swim."

He picked her up and threw her out further into the water. She giggled as she went under popping back up later and splashing Nathan back. Brian picked him up from behind, winding up to throw Nathan out into the water.

"Oh shit," Nathan said, "Please don't."

Brian laughed and threw him, the coyote fully submerging for a second time. The water was deeper here, about 13 feet. There was a ridge close by. The ridge was about 20 feet across and at a deep enough depth that a swimming fur would not collide with it on accident. He swam over to check it out, having enough air to comfortably stay down there for a while.

There was a slight current at the mouth of the ridge. To the surprise of Nathan, a large fish swam out and stopped in that current. It was a sand tiger shark. It stayed out in the current, its eyes watching Nathan with a curious intent.

Oh shit, Nathan thought to himself, slowly rising to the surface.

Once his head broke the surface, he took a needy gasp of air and swam quickly back to the shallows where Citra and Brian were standing. He stopped in front of them, gasping.

"You okay? You were down there a long time," Brian said, looking at the sopping wet coyote.

"I saw a friggin shark down there, dude," Nathan said, bending over to catch his breath.

"You did not," Brian began, "You're pulling my leg."

"If you don't believe me why don't you dive down there," Nathan replied.

"I will," Brian said, swimming out to where Nathan went in and diving down.

A short time later he surfaced, he leisurely swam back. He stood up slowly, the two furs eyeing him and waiting for him to speak.

"Well..." Nathan began.

"Well what?" Brian asked coyly.

"Did you see it?" Citra piped in.

"Yeah," Brian replied, "I touched it too."

"What happened?" Nathan asked.

"It just swam away, it was just chilling down there," Brian replied.

"It should have been dead," Nathan replied.

"Didn't you feel that current down there?" Brian asked, "It was just relaxing, probably waiting for a fish to swim by."

"Or a fur," Nathan scoffed.

"They're more scared of us than we are of them," Brian replied.

"Bullshit," Nathan began, "Sharks aren't scared of shit."

"Sand tigers could care less, we're too big for them anyway," Brian said, "Sand tigers only eat fish."

"They've attacked people though," Nathan said.

"So have hamsters, but you don't see people giving a shit about that," Brian replied.

The three stood in the water for a moment, silently. Little did they know, something was approaching them from the deep. It sped up and brushed Nathan's leg. He jumped and swore. It was a young fox, but Nathan still jumped.

"Something just touched my leg," he said then ran out of the water .

"You mean that kid," Brian replied, trying to hold back a fit of laughter, "I told you that shark was gone, now come back in the water."

Nathan stood on the shore, his clothes and fur dripping onto the yellow sand. He looked warily out over the water. He pondered for a moment then replied.

"You'll have to catch me first."

Brian laughed and sprinted out of the water, Nathan had already started running down the beach. He sidestepped sunbathers and playing children alike, trying to eek out a lead in front of the rapidly approaching golden retriever. Nathan laughed and turned sharply away from the water and scrambled up a sand bank. Brian jumped at him; grabbing his waist and pulling him back down.

"Ok, you win," Nathan managed say around gales of laughter.

Brian lifted Nathan up over his shoulder. He began to run towards the water, the coyote trying to worm his way out of his grasp.

"Come on Brian," Nathan began, "Put me down."

"Sorry Nathan, can't do that," Brian replied, running faster towards the water now.

"Brian. Stop!" Nathan replied, then yipped as Brian jumped forward, sending the two splashing into the water.

The two of them landed on the shallow bottom below. Brian lay on top of Nathan, merriment dancing in his eyes. They looked at each other for a moment, and then kissed. They broke apart and went up for air, the excitement of the forbidden public display of affection still lingering. They looked about earnestly, no fur seeing their loving kiss.

The three frolicked about in the ocean's waves until the sun was hanging low in the sky. The water was now tinted a dark blue from the orange light. The furs on the beach had since cleared off to head back home, leaving Nathan and Brian alone. Nathan ran up to the beach, lying down on the sand so its frothy wake would move across him sporadically. Brian followed and laid on top of him, the two rolling around in the wake.

When they stopped rolling, Nathan was on top. He brought his muzzle to Brian's for a kiss, their twin passions manifesting themselves in the heated motions of their tongues. They rolled over again, Brian's form pinning Nathan to the sand, their paws intertwining. A wave crashed over them, dowsing the two in foam.

"I love you, Nathan," Brian said after removing his muzzle from Nathan's.

"I love you too," Nathan replied, "You said you wanted to have a romantic dinner, so let's go."

"You might want to change out of those clothes," Brian began, "I got us a table at a gourmet restaurant in the tourist district."

"Really?" Nathan asked, "I would have been fine with Oreos and vodka, but a fancy restaurant is fine by me."

Brian laughed and let Nathan up. They walked off the beach, grabbing the stuff they brought and headed back to the clinic. They walked into the door and Nathan stripped off the wet clothes and threw them on the ground.

"Do I have time for a shower?" Nathan asked, "I want to get all of this salt out of my fur."

"Yeah," Brian replied, "I'll come with you."

Brian took off his swimsuit and put it near Nathan's clothes. They walked back to the shower. Brian comically extended a paw in a courteous fashion.

"Would you like some help into the shower sir?" Brian asked in a faux English accent.

"Why thank you Alfred," Nathan replied, taking the offered paw and then being helped up into the shower.

"Where did you get Alfred from?" Brian asked, following Nathan into the shower.

"That's a butler name," Nathan began, "You'd make a good butler."

"Why's that?" Brian asked, turning the water on.

"Because you'd look damn sexy in a tux," Nathan replied, giving Brian a quick kiss.

Brian laughed and began to wash the salt out of his fur. Nathan followed suit, rubbing his paws through his fur and cleaning it. He grabbed some soap and began to wash his body now, bringing the bar up and down his lean torso. Brian finished his washing and got Nathan in a reverse hug.

"You ready for dinner?" Brian asked, placing his muzzle on Nathan's shoulder.

"I've been ready," Nathan replied, shutting off the water, "Am I going to have to dress nice?"

"I don't think so," Brian began, "We got a private booth so we don't have to worry about it."

"You got us a private booth!" Nathan exclaimed, "How much did that cost?"

"The maitre d's wife broke her leg, I told him you could take a look at it," Brian said, releasing Nathan from the hug.

"That doesn't answer my question," Nathan replied.

"It's free," Brian began, "You should have seen his face when I told him about you, his wife's leg must be really bad."

"We're such free-loaders," Nathan replied.

He toweled off and went into the back room to get dressed. When he came out he was wearing a fancy white button up shirt with the top two buttons undone, showing off his brown fur, and a pair of black slacks.

"How do I look?" Nathan asked, twirling around to show off the clothes.

"Extremely fuckable," Brian joked, slapping Nathan's ass gently as he passed.

Nathan laughed and punched Brian in the arm. Brian giggled in reply and began to dress also. When he finished he was wearing a blue dress shirt and a pair of black jeans.

"Jeans?" Nathan asked, looking over the golden retriever.

"They're black, so they're fancy," Brian replied.

"They're still jeans," Nathan stated, "Whatever, I'll be the only one looking at your pants anyway."

"Well lover," Brian began, "We have fifteen minutes, so let's get going."

The two put on black dress shoes and left the clinic. The restaurant was about two blocks away from the clinic in the direction away from the beach. Nathan commented on the scenery.

"I didn't think we were so close to the tourist district," Nathan replied.

They rounded the corner and came into view of the Tresor Culinaire Restaurant. It was a white stone building with a fountain in front of it. They walked up to the door, a smartly dressed fur opening it for them. It had two levels, with a red carpeted stairway leading to the top floor. They walked to the maitre d's front station. He was a diminutive beagle who wore a pair of spectacles.

"Brian!" he exclaimed, "C'est un plaisir de vous revoir."

"C'est un plaisir de vous voir aussi," Brian replied.

"And this must be the doctor," the maitre d began, "It's a pleasure to meet you as well."

"Thanks," Nathan replied, "What is wrong with your wife if you don't mind my asking."

"Her leg is broken," the maitre d began, "It's infected."

"Oh, I'm going to need to look at it personally. Is tomorrow okay?" Nathan said.

"Oui," the maitre d replied, "I've wasted enough of your time, let me take you to your table."

He led the two through the busy restaurant. He opened in door in the back that led into a hallway. He opened the closest door. Inside there was a red velvet booth, with a rosewood table. The maitre d gestured for them to head in.

"I have to go back to the front," he began, "A waiter will be in shortly."

The two sat down, Nathan picked up a menu and looked it over. He set it down on the table and sighed.

"I should have taken French," Nathan stated.

"Je veux être avec vous pour toujours, je t'aime," Brian said, looking over the menu, "I know what I want to eat."

"What did you say?" Nathan asked, looking Brian from across the table.

"Forget it," Brian replied.

"No, I want to hear it," Nathan said.

"Do you really want to hear it?" Brian asked, a smile forming on his face.

"Yes you big tease," Nathan said, "It can't be that bad."

"Ok fine," Brian began, "I said, "I want to be with you forever, I love you."

Before Nathan could reply, the waitress came in. She was an attractive young deer, shaped just like an hourglass.

"Would you like some drinks this evening?" She asked, her voice akin to the morning chirping of birds.

"We'll have the Chardonnay," Brian replied, "The 1993 please."

"Thank you sirs," she began, "It'll be right here."

She left the booth, and Brian reclined into the soft velvet. Nathan flipped open the menu and gasped.

"Did you just order a ninety dollar bottle of wine?" He asked looking over the top of the menu.

"We get dinner for free tonight remember," Brian began, "Besides I thought you didn't know French."

"You still write the numbers the same," Nathan replied, "We are such free loaders."

"Bullshit," Brian began, "You're helping the guy's wife, when I told him you were a doctor, he offered the meal in return for you looking at his wife."

"How do you know that guy?" Nathan asked.

"He was my French teacher in high school," Brian began, "He said he always wanted to work in a fancy restaurant abroad. I'm glad he finally got to."

"I'm still tipping," Nathan replied.

The waitress walked in as Nathan finished. She set the wine and two glasses down on the table. She opened the bottle and poured out the white wine into the glasses. She then asked.

"What would you like for dinner?"

"Would you order for me?" Nathan asked, handing his menu to Brian.

"Ok," Brian began, "I'll have the canard en sauce à vin rouge, and he'll have the special."

"Ok, you'll food will be done shortly," she began, "Is there anything else?"

"Actually yes," Nathan began, "What's your name?"

"Solène," She replied, leaving with a seductive sweep of her hips.

"Goddamn, that is one good looking cervine," Nathan said, "If you were single and straight please tell me you'd tap that."

"I would, but you're a lot sexier," Brian began, "Let's drink, I propose a toast."

"To what?" Nathan asked, raising the glass.

"To you and me," Brian replied, gently tapping his glass against Nathan's.

The two drank the white wine. Brian licking his lips after he set his glass back down.

"What did you think?" Brian asked.

"It tastes like a ninety dollar bottle of wine," Nathan replied, "I think I can smell the food coming."

"We're in a restaurant-"Brian began, cut off when Solène entered with the food.

"The canard en sauce à vin rouge, and the special, truite en sauce crème blanc. Anything else?" She said, laying the food down in front of the canines.

"Pas, merci d'être notre serveuse cette nuit agréable," Brian replied, laying his napkin in his lap.

"De rien, monsieur," Solène replied.

As soon as she turned and left the two canines dug into their meals with earnest. In a half hour both of them had finished their meals and drank half of the bottle of wine. Brian poured the two of them another glass.

"We don't have to drink the entire bottle," Nathan said, watching as Brian tossed back the glass.

"It's such a shame to let it go to waste though," Brian replied, taking a hearty swig from the bottle, "I'll just finish it."

He chugged down the remained of the bottle. Nathan sipped at his beverage, finishing when Solène cleared off the table. Nathan pulled out a fifty dollar bill from his wallet.

"Here's a tip for you," Nathan began, "Buy yourself something nice, thank you for the wonderful service."

She nodded in reply and left. Nathan stood up and pulled Brian to his feet.

"Come on big guy, we're going home," Nathan said, supporting the inebriated golden retriever on his shoulder.

"How are you not drunk?" Brian asked, slurring his words together.

"Maybe it's because I had two glasses and you drank the whole bottle," Nathan replied.

They walked out the back, Nathan waved to Solène as they left. She waved back and opened the door for the two. They walked out onto the street, Brian staggering alongside Nathan. They made it to the front of the clinic, the sidewalk in front of it covered in boxes.

He set Brian down on the curb, and walked up to them. On the top one there was a note.

I figured you needed something to do tomorrow. So I went ahead and told the hospital you could help with vaccinations! Have fun queers!

From your bestest friend


"Fuck you Davis," Nathan growled, propping open the door with his shoe.

"What'd he do?" Brian asked, walking unsteadily towards Nathan.

"Nothing," Nathan replied, picking up the top box and carrying it into the clinic.

Brian staggered in and drunkenly collapsed on the floor. Nathan drug him into the back room and sat him on the bed. He grabbed his medication and a glass of water and sat down beside him. He popped the two pills into Brian's mouth and chased them down his throat with the glass.

Brian swallowed and lay down, falling asleep in a matter of seconds. Nathan laughed and kissed his forehead. He left the back room and began to lift the boxes inside. He sighed, knowing that the remainder of his free time with Brian would be replaced by a bunch of whiny kids.

Healing A Doctor Chapter 8

Finally! Chapter 8 is up. Sorry for the wait, but I got a brand new laptop and can finally work on this story again. I'll be releasing these every Saturday from now on, due to my boss giving me the Sunday shift. Thanks for being patient and enjoy the...

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Healing A Doctor Chapter 6

If you guys haven't seen The Thing, then I'm sorry for the spoiler. It's too broad to spoil the scene though. I would definitely recommend watching it though; it's a really good...

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Healing A Doctor Chapter 5

Nathan burst angrily through the door. They had just got back from an uneventful patrol, and Davis was being his usual self. "I'm going to shoot Davis in the face!" Nathan exclaimed, now beginning to pace back and forth. "Just calm...

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