Healing A Doctor Chapter 6

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#6 of Healing a Doctor

If you guys haven't seen The Thing, then I'm sorry for the spoiler. It's too broad to spoil the scene though. I would definitely recommend watching it though; it's a really good movie.


Nathan woke up slowly and looked over at Brian, who still was sitting up and staring into the clinic with the same glassy gaze. Nathan sat up and snapped his fingers in front of Brian's face, not drawing a reaction.

"Brian?" Nathan asked, and then began to slowly shake him.

"He's still there," Brian whispered, paw reaching up to touch the stitches on his forehead.

"Did you get any sleep?" Nathan asked, holding the golden retriever's other paw.

He shook his head, still staring at the doorway. His ears shrank back as he reacted to an inaudible remark.

"Let me get your medication," Nathan said as he slowly got out of bed.

Brian grabbed his arm, "No," he said, "He's out there."

Nathan shook Brian's grasp off, "At least let me get dressed."

Nathan pulled his clothes on, Brian watching diligently the whole time. He began to dress Brian now, awkwardly clothing the golden retriever. Nathan threw the covers off of him, the golden retriever slowly stood up.

Nathan set a paw on his chest and pushed him into a sitting position.

"Sorry buddy, but you're not going anywhere," Nathan said as he walked over to the refrigerator.

Nathan grabbed two apples and threw one to Brian. The two began to eat, the both of them slowly chomping the fruit. Brian finished and threw the apple core at the entity in the doorway. Nathan gave a concerned look and thought to himself.

There's no way in hell that he can patrol today.

Nathan walked back over to sit beside him. Brian grasped his arm and held it, keeping him close.

"You need your meds," Nathan stated, "You have to let me get your meds."

Brian shook his head again, pointing at the doorway. "He might hurt you."

"He can't hurt me," Nathan began, "I'm too tough for him."

Brian grasped Nathan closer to him. Nathan began to scratch behind Brian's ears, the comforting gesture ignored by the hallucinating canine.

A knock sounded against the wooden door. Nathan slowly got up from his seat next to the golden retriever.

"You need to stay there, okay," Nathan began, "I'll be right back."

He walked into the clinic and opened the door. Davis was standing outside, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Are you fags going on patrol today?" he asked smugly.

"We can't, I have a patient, and I have to get a body back to a family," Nathan said, "Come on in if you have time, I'm just making some coffee."

Nathan stood aside, allowing the wolf entry into the clinic. He walked over to start the coffee. Davis sat in the red chair in the corner.

"Where's your patient?" Davis asked.

"In the back," Nathan began and then handed a steaming cup of coffee to the sergeant; he then poured one for himself and pulled up a chair in front of him. "It's Brian."

"What's wrong with him?" Davis asked.

"He's having some problems with his schizophrenia," Nathan sighed, "I think whoever prescribed his medication didn't prescribe him enough. So I'm going to have to fill him out a new one."

"How messed up is he?" Davis asked.

"He's messed up pretty bad," Nathan replied, "He hallucinated all night and all of this morning. I don't think he slept at all."

"Shit," Davis began, "Are you worried about him?"

"Once I get his medication figured out he should be fine," Nathan replied.

"Is he still messed up now?" Davis asked.

Nathan nodded, and then downed the coffee in one needy gulp. He murred as the warm beverage heated his body from his insides out.

"I'll bet that got in the way of sex," Davis scoffed, downing the remainder of his coffee.

Nathan's head slumped down, for a minute it seemed like Davis could actually show concern towards a fur other than himself. That belief was shattered even further when he continued.

"I think you're full of shit," Davis said, standing up out of the chair, "He wasn't fucked up like that in high school. You're a shitty doctor."

"Why are you such a dick?" Nathan asked, standing up as well.

"If I were you I wouldn't insult me," Davis said, "If Brian's as fucked up as you say he is then he can't save your ass this time."

"Who says I need him to save my ass, I can take you," Nathan growled, moving around the chair.

"Sounds like you want to fight me," Davis scoffed.

He threw a punch, his furred fist flying inches from the tip of Nathan's muzzle. Nathan flinched, stepping backwards uneasily. Davis laughed.

"You're a pussy," he said as he advanced on Nathan, "I can see why you're a doctor."

Nathan growled and aimed a punch at Davis's jaw. The wolf easily sidestepped it and shoved Nathan as the coyote's momentum carried him, knocking the coyote off balance. The wolf shoved him again, into a wall this time.

"You can't fight for shit either," Davis taunted, "I can't see why Brian would date a bitch like you."

Nathan threw himself at Davis again, launching a flurry of punches. Davis sidestepped each one and countered with a right cross of his own. Nathan swayed for a second then spat out some blood from his mouth.

"Why the fuck are you doing this?" Nathan yelled.

"Cause what you're doing is immoral," Davis replied, "I fucking hate faggots, the only reason I haven't turned you in is because me and Brian have history."

"How do I know you two weren't going out in high school?" Nathan asked.

Davis stood for a minute, simmering in his anger, the cocky smile leaving his face.

"Oh you don't like that, faggot," Nathan taunted, "You're a huge fucking hypocrite."

Davis roared in anger and rushed at Nathan. He picked up the coyote like he weighed nothing and slammed him into the cupboards above the sink. Nathan slumped down and on to the floor. Davis picked him up and shoved him, sending Nathan sailing into the wall.

Nathan staggered onto his feet, only to have Davis knock him back to the ground with a series of punches to his head. He tried to crawl away, hoping to get enough of a breather to come back fighting.

"You'd better crawl away, pussy," Davis yelled as he slowly advanced on the crawling canine.

Davis stepped on the small of Nathan's back and delivered a devastating right hook to the side of his face. Nathan laid still on the floor, his raspy breaths and the odd mumble into the ground the only sign he was still conscious.

"Davis the Savior Williams, bitch," Davis taunted as he eyed the bruised coyote at his feet.

"Fuck you," Nathan replied, his voice barely audible.

Davis growled and kicked Nathan in the side. He curled over, shielding the hurt area and his head from further mistreatment. Davis kicked Nathan in the back twice more, making him cry out in pain. He kicked the coyote across the muzzle, a fine mist of blood and saliva spraying from his mouth.

"You done, bitch?" Davis asked, kicking the grounded coyote yet again.

Nathan nodded as his front slumped to the ground. It hurt for him to breathe, his ragged gasps permeating the otherwise still atmosphere of the clinic. His nose was bleeding, covering his front in blood.

Davis laughed and lifted the coyote up. He tilted Nathan's head from side to side, coldly examining his handiwork.

"Goddamn I still got it," Davis said smugly.

Nathan managed to spit out a mixture of blood and saliva into Davis's smug face. The wolf growled and slammed him into the wall. He pressed his paw against Nathan's throat and began to choke him.

Brian heard the commotion and cried out, "Nathan!"

"I want you to tell him to stay in there, no matter what, capische?" Davis said pressing harder against the coyote's throat.

"Brian," Nathan coughed out, "Stay in there, you hear, don't you come out."

"That's a good little puppy," Davis scoffed.

He released his hold a little bit and pulled out his knife. He waved it across Nathan's gaze and pressed it against his cheek.

"You feel that?" Davis asked, "This could end your life in the blink of an eye, I wouldn't even flinch."

Brian cried out again, more urgently this time, "NATHAN!"

Nathan fought to get out of Davis's strong grip, but was pushed back, the knife now teasing the fur over his jugular.

"Settle down there," Davis said coldly, "My paw might slip, I suggest you stay calm. Just listen to him."


A tear began to form in Nathan's eye. He shrunk against the wall, the knife still pressed against his throat.

"You bastard," Nathan said quietly, "You'll pay for this."

The knife traveled to Nathan's adam's apple. Davis lightly pressed, drawing blood.

"I should mute you for that," Davis began, "But I feel merciful today."

He released Nathan and let him off the wall. He sheathed his knife and turned to walk out the door. He got on the curb and waved goodbye to Nathan, he shut the door and the sound of tires speeding off could be heard. Nathan slowly reached a paw up to staunch the bleeding from his black nose, standing there wondering what just happened.

Brian cried out Nathan's name again, shaking the coyote from his shocked state. He ran into the back room, Brian's glassy eyes greeting him from beside their bed.

"I heard noises, was it James?" Brian asked.

Nathan took his paw and walked him back to the bed, taking care not to bleed on him. Brian sat on the bed, looking at him blankly.

"Yes," Nathan began, "He's not going to bother you anymore, I took care of it."

"Did he hurt you?" Brian asked, looking at Nathan's face.

"No," Nathan replied, "He couldn't hurt me; he just gave me a couple battle scars is all."

"So is he..." Brian began.


"So he's never coming back?"


Brian looked around Nathan's body. He gave a sigh of relief and lay down.

"I'm going to sleep now," he said before nodding off.

Nathan tucked the golden retriever in, a few stray drops of blood landing on the blanket. He rubbed the slumbering golden retriever's face with his unbloodied paw, and walked into the clinic. A part of him was glad that Brian was as messed up as he was, he couldn't deal with Brian's incessant questioning on the matter right now.

He pulled out Brian's medication; the prescription was plastered on the bottle.

"One a day," he said out loud, looking over the bottle.

Nathan recognized the drug, Mindrol, and could recall the dosage details off the top of his head. He grabbed a sheet of paper, and figured out the correct dosage.

"No wonder his schizophrenia's so bad, he's not taking enough," Nathan said, again talking to himself.

He shook out two of the blue and white pills on a plate and filled a glass of water. He flipped the paper over and wrote.


If I'm not in the back when you wake up, take these, they'll make you feel better.



Nathan stood and set the plate and paper on the table next to their bed. He turned back into the clinic, preparing himself for the self-treatment he was about to do.



Nathan's expletive woke Brian up about two hours later. He looked to his side and read the note, following its instructions. His glance traveled to the drops of blood on the blanket, he gasped.

"Nathan?" he called out, looking about the dark room.

Nathan didn't reply. He saw a flickering light in the dark clinic and went to investigate.

"Hello," Brian called out, stopping in the entryway.

There was a clattering and Nathan's voice replied back.

"You're finally awake lazybones!" Nathan said, "You've been out of it, for the past... fourteen hours, give or take."

"I can't remember anything from then," Brian began, his eyes traveling to an odd spot of blood on the floor, "What happened."

"The kid got picked up," Nathan replied.

Brian walked into the clinic; Nathan's back was to him.

"Is there something going on?" Brian asked.

Nathan reached a paw out and snuffed the candle, hiding his reflection in the mirror in front of him. Brian flipped on the lights, and Nathan slammed the small mirror down, breaking it. Brian walked to him, placing his paws on Nathan's shoulders. He brought his lips down for a kiss.

"No," Nathan said as he stood up, his back still facing Brian.

"What's wrong," Brian began, "I didn't do something when I was out did I?"

"No, it's not that," Nathan replied, "It's nothing."

"No, It's not nothing," Brian said, turning Nathan around to face him.

Nathan had managed to patch up all of the open cuts, however, his fur was matted with blood and the bruises still remained. His torso was covered in bruises and his nose was still dripping blood.

"Oh my god," Brian began and then traced a paw across Nathan's throat, "Who did this?"

"Who do you think?" Nathan said, twisting around again, "Davis."

"That fucking bastard," Brian began, "Why didn't you get me?"

"You would have been worse off than me," Nathan began, "I don't want to talk about it."

"I'm just glad you're all right," Brian said as he nuzzled his love.

"I'm going to kill that bastard," Nathan growled, turning to face Brian, "I'm going to need some plastic surgery when I get home."

"Did something go wrong when you were patching yourself up?" Brian asked.

"I hit my side on the counter," Nathan began, "That bastard got me good."

"When those wounds heal you're gonna look like a badass," Brian said, now holding his coyote to him.

"Yeah right, I'll look like Frankenstein," Nathan replied, "I need to get all of this blood out of my fur."

"I could use a shower too," Brian said, walking the two into the bathroom.

The two pulled their clothes off, Nathan groaning as the shirt went over his head. He turned and looked at his naked torso in the mirror, the bruises from Davis's beating evident even under his brown fur. His attention was drawn away from himself when Brian turned on the water and stepped into its wet, relaxing grip.

"Thanks for waiting," Nathan scoffed as he finished stripping down, "Not too hot okay, this is going to hurt enough without scalding water."

Nathan got into the shower, the water pleasantly warm. His nose stopped bleeding as he hit the water. He stood there for a while, letting gravity do the work. He then began to rub his fingers through his fur, the dried blood flaking off down the drain. He moved a paw to his back, Brian stopping the movement.

"I got it," Brian said, carefully running his fingers through the bloodied fur. He gasped as he saw the black bruises on Nathan's back, stopping to muffle a sob.

Nathan turned around and shushed him, the majority of the blood washed out of his fur. Brian got him in a tender embrace, their foreheads touching.

"I'll never let anything like this happen to you again," Brian whispered, he then gently kissed Nathan's lips.

It wasn't like any kiss either of the two had experienced before. It was tender, not full of passion or lust, but of concern and powerful love. They held it for a while, just standing together their lips doing all the communicating for them. Brian broke away, tears forming in his eyes.

The two embraced again, Brian taking care not to brush the coyote's hurt features.

They stood there in each other's arms for what felt like an eternity. Brian reached over to slowly turn the water off, the dying streams trickling to nothing in an instant.

"We don't have to do anything tomorrow," Brian began as the two got out of the shower.

"What do you want to do?" Nathan asked.

"I would like to go to the beach and have a romantic dinner," Brian began, "But if you just want to hang around here, it's fine with me."

"Then we'll go to the beach," Nathan stated, walking out of the bathroom still dripping wet.

"But what about..." Brian began as he followed Nathan.

"If we hide away, then that son of a bitch won," Nathan replied, then turning to face Brian, "This is like a middle finger to him."

"That's fine. You better hope those cuts close up, those sharks will be after your ass," Brian laughed.

"Who said I'm getting in the water," Nathan said, "Besides, I got something bigger and badder after my ass."

Brian laughed and hugged Nathan, pressing their damp bodies together. The hug soon turned into a slow passionate kiss. The very air around them seemed to throb with their passion. Brian pulled away, a trail of saliva still connecting the two.

"That was a wet kiss," Nathan said, wiping the spit off his muzzle, "Want to watch a movie?"

"Which one," Brian replied, now letting go of his lover.

"You tell me, you're the self proclaimed film buff," Nathan scoffed, "You'd better pick a good movie."

"What kind of movie?" Brian asked.

"You pick," Nathan insisted.

"How about The Thing?"

"Haven't seen it," Nathan replied, "Is it good?"

"Hell yes its good," Brian scoffed, "You're telling me you haven't seen The Thing?"

Nathan shook his head. Brian picked Nathan up and ran him onto their bed. He turned the disc on and ran back out into the clinic.

"Do we have any booze?" Brian asked.

"There's a bottle of vodka in the bottom drawer," Nathan called back, worming his way under the covers.

"You mean I have permission to raid the doctor's private stash," Brian joked.

"I can make an exception for tonight," Nathan replied back.

There was a clattering in the other room. Brian ran back, the bottle of Black Cherry Smirnoff and two glasses in his paws. He set them on their bedside table, pouring himself and Nathan a generous glass of the liquor. He crawled into the bed beside Nathan, grabbing the glasses and passing Nathan his.

"Nothing like horror movies and alcohol," Brian said, then taking a sip of the liquid.

"You didn't say it was a horror movie," Nathan said, "I hate horror movies."

"What's the matter? You scared," Brian joked and then added, "You'll be fine, I'm right here."

"Can I ask you a question?" Nathan asked.

"Yeah, babe."

"Did you and Davis go out in high school?" Nathan asked, looking Brian in the eyes calmly, "Because before he beat the shit out of me, I insinuated that you two went out, that really pissed him off."

Brian sat for a moment, swirling the drink around in his paw.

"No," Brian began, "He was always out fucking chicks, I was closeted back then anyway."

"Why'd he get so pissed then?" Nathan asked.

"It's just Davis being Davis," Brian began, "Now I have a question for you. When's your birthday, so I know when to get you a birthday present."

"November 7th," Nathan replied.

"So I didn't miss your birthday, good," Brian said, "Ready for the movie?"

"If I get scared I'm going to be pissed at you," Nathan said, snuggling up against the warm thick fur of the golden retriever.

Brian laughed and got the disc set up; the two stared at the wall, the opening credits rolling by.

The movie progressed, as it played Nathan's grip tightened on Brian's arm. It got to the part where the doctor was trying to revive the dead fur with the defibrillator. The chest caved in, and Nathan jumped. He quickly buried his head into the golden fur of his lover.

"That scared the shit out of me!" Nathan laughed, his gaze traveling back to the wall.

"It's not even the best part yet," Brian replied, bouncing up and down in excitement.

On the screen, the supposedly dead furs head came off and slid away. Nathan gasped, looking away from the screen.

"That is fucking disgusting," Nathan began, "How can you watch these?"

"Because they're just fun to watch," Brian replied, "Now quiet I love this next part."

The movie finished some time later. Brian reached over to shut the disc off, but Nathan stopped his paw.


Nathan paused for a moment, repositioning his body to get a better look at the wall. He tossed back his glass of vodka and said.


The image changed to a school room, filled with young students. Haley was in the back, slowly doodling on her notebook. Nathan laughed when he saw she was doodling butterflies. Brian, in a move utilized by most high school students on a first date, yawned and stretched, wrapping an arm over Nathan's brown furred shoulders. They sat and watched for a while, until the bell rang and the screaming children ran out of the classroom.

"We're getting her when we get back to America," Nathan began as Brian shut down the disc, "And I'm not going back to New York, I need a change of scenery."

"Where do you want to go?" Brian asked.

"Anywhere," Nathan began, "Somewhere different, somewhere where we can start over and just be a family."

"Sounds like paradise," Brian replied, "What happens if we can't get her back though?"

"I'll get her back, whatever it takes," Nathan said his voice gradually rising in volume, "I don't care if my fat bitch of a mother in law wants to keep her from me. She's my flesh and blood, the only family I have left. I will stop at nothing until I can hold her in my arms again, be there to dry her tears, and be a good father for once in my miserable fucking life. "

Brian sat still for a moment, looking at Nathan in a new light. He smiled and kissed Nathan's cheek.

"I think you're cured," Brian said proudly.

"Really?" Nathan replied.

"Yes," Brian began, "This isn't the depressed moody Nathan I first met, you have a drive now, a purpose."

"Well thank you doctor," Nathan said and then kissed Brian back, "Where do you want to live?"

"God, I don't know," Brian began, "Anywhere, as long as I'm with you."

"I'm thinking Europe," Nathan replied, "I've always wanted to go there."

"Where in Europe?"

"Anywhere really," Nathan said, "I'll let you choose."

"I'll have to think on it," Brian replied, "Do you think I need to take my medicine before we go to sleep."

"No," Nathan began, slowly getting up from the bed, "First thing in the morning you have to, I'll grab it now."

"Thanks Nathan," Brian called as the naked coyote walked into the clinic, "Could you grab some food too?"

There was a cry of pain in the clinic. Brian ran in, Nathan was limping about on one paw, a fresh cut on his foot paw.

"I am having some terrible luck today," Nathan said as he walked his new injury and the scalpel to the sink, "That fucking scalpel was laying blade side up, I must have missed it when I was cleaning up."

Brian laughed and said, "I'll grab the meds and the food, and you come in when you're finished."

Nathan nodded and sat on the counter beside the sink. He stuck his foot paw under the faucet and began to clean it. Brian grabbed two of the blue and white pills and a bag of potato chips. He sat back down on the bed and waited for his coyote to come back into the room. He limped in a while later, a fresh bandage wrapped around his left foot paw, Brian already snacking on the salty chips.

"Those are so bad for you," Nathan scoffed as he sat back down beside him.

"A little bit of trans fat never hurt anybody," Brian replied, then stuffing another pawful into his muzzle.

"When you have a heart attack, you're going to take that back," Nathan said.

"Fine doctor," Brian began, crinkling the top of the bag closed, "Thank you."

"Thank you for what? Telling you not to eat junk food?" Nathan joked.

"No, for taking care of me when I was out," Brian said, pulling Nathan closer to him, "It was nice of you."

"It's my job," Nathan said then kissing Brian on the nose, "I'm just glad you're better now."

"I'm going to kill Davis, no one can do that to you," Brian said, "Was I somewhat aware of what was going on?"

Nathan nodded, burying his head into Brian's shoulder.

"You were crying out for me," Nathan began, "He wouldn't let me back to you, I was so scared you were going to hurt yourself, thank god you didn't."

"I hate that son of a bitch," Brian growled, "I should kill him."

"I know, I hate him too," Nathan began, "But I know you're actually going to kill him, and I don't want that."

"Why not?" Brian scoffed, "The bastard assaults you while you have a mentally fucked up patient and he endangers my life, he deserves it."

"You know the shitstorm we'd be in if we killed him," Nathan replied, "It's not worth it."

"If he ever does this again I'll..." Brian began then brought his fingers across his throat.

"He won't, not with you here, the only reason he did what he did today was because you weren't there to stop him," Nathan replied, "Now I want to stop talking about this."

"Fair enough," Brian began, "I figured out where I wanted to live."

"Where?" Nathan replied, now looking at Brian's face excitedly.

"Sweden," Brian said, "They're still allied to the United States, and the quality of life there is exemplar."

"That sounds like an adventure," Nathan replied, "I'm game."

"Are you going to take care of those scars when we get home?" Brian asked, running a finger across the coyote's face.

"Yes, I don't want to pick up my daughter looking like this," Nathan replied, gesturing at his face, "She hasn't seen me for three years, I don't want to scare her away."

"Good point," Brian began, "I'm ready for bed, we've got a fun day tomorrow."

"Can't we talk just a bit more," Nathan half whined, rubbing the golden retriever's shoulders.

"I guess..." Brian said as he lay down, "What do you want to talk about?"

"I want to hear a funny story," Nathan replied.

"Only if you tell one too," Brian said.

"I will," Nathan said as he lay down beside him, listening intently.

"One Christmas, when I was still dating Kris, we went to his house for dinner. His parents were about seventy and were still, uh, sexually active. So we walk up into their house, and his parents are screwing on the couch. Daddy freaks out, and tries to run upstairs, but he's tied to Momma. So he jumps up right, and throws his back out, so he hits the floor and Momma's ass goes straight through the glass coffee table," Brian said.

"Were they okay?" Nathan asked.

"They were fine," Brian began, "We all had a good laugh about it," Brian's voice lost its vigor, "That was the last dinner I had with Kris."

"Oh, at least it's a happy memory," Nathan replied.

"I want to hear your story now," Brian said the energy back into his voice.

"It was thanksgiving and we had all of Clarisa's family over for dinner except her brother. Grandma tried to deep fry a turkey-"Nathan began, but was interrupted by Brian interjecting.

"One of these stories," Brian said tiredly.

"I don't have to tell it if you don't want me to," Nathan replied.

When Brian didn't reply Nathan assumed he wanted him to continue.

"So she deep fries this turkey, best damn turkey I've ever eaten. She walks in, all proud and mighty and sets this turkey on the table. She does this little jig thing, and starts singing about, how grand a cook she was and how perfect she was. Her butt went through the floor, and she's all stuck. The funny thing is though, she went through right above the family below ours dining table. And these people are just hucking these peas and mashed potatoes at her. I was laughing so hard, my wife came up and got her unstuck and Grandma comes up and scolds me for laughing at my elders. I'm still laughing this whole time; she comes up to try to slap me and she trips and hits her head on the cranberry sauce dish. Best thanksgiving ever, my mother in law was out cold for the whole thing." Nathan finished, amidst Brian's hearty laughter.

"Best thanksgiving ever," Brian said, "Ours'll be better."

"Of course," Nathan said cuddling up to his golden god of a canine, "Good night."

"Night," Brian replied.

The two lay plastered together, Brian's front to Nathan's back, Brian's paws strewn over Nathan's back. He gently began to feel his bruises and wounds. Nathan moaned quietly, a low painful sound.

"I won't let anyone hurt you again," he whispered as his head hit the pillow.

The two slept in each others arms. For once, they shared a blissful dreamless sleep.

Healing A Doctor Chapter 7

Nathan woke up to the noise of something cooking in the clinic. He sat up, his body and face aching from the beating he had taken yesterday. Brian was not beside Nathan, his usual spot empty, a depression in the mattress in his place. Nathan got...

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Healing A Doctor Chapter 5

Nathan burst angrily through the door. They had just got back from an uneventful patrol, and Davis was being his usual self. "I'm going to shoot Davis in the face!" Nathan exclaimed, now beginning to pace back and forth. "Just calm...

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Healing A Doctor Chapter 4

When Nathan woke up Brian was nowhere to be found. His ears picked up the sounds of something frying in the other room. Nathan slowly sat up, still naked, and glanced at the digital clock in the corner, it read 4:45. He stood up and walked into the...

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