Healing A Doctor Chapter 4

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#4 of Healing a Doctor

When Nathan woke up Brian was nowhere to be found. His ears picked up the sounds of something frying in the other room. Nathan slowly sat up, still naked, and glanced at the digital clock in the corner, it read 4:45. He stood up and walked into the clinic, Brian was there, naked also, frying up some bacon and eggs.

"I'll move this back when I'm done," Brian began, "I didn't want to wake you, coffee's in the pot."

Nathan grunted and got a cup of coffee. He took a sip of the hot beverage and set it down on the counter.

"Did you get any sleep last night?" Nathan asked, walking up behind Brian and rubbing his shoulders, "You're so tense."

"A little," Brian replied, scraping the eggs off onto a plate.

"I think you should try and catch a nap before we patrol," Nathan said, grabbing the plate from Brian and taking it to the table.

"I'm fine," Brian said as he took the bacon to the table.

"No you're not," Nathan said firmly, "At least have a couple cups of coffee, you look like a ghost."

"Fine, you're the doctor," Brian said and then poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down.

"Let's eat," Nathan began, "I want to talk to you after though, to make sure you're okay."

Brian nodded and grabbed three eggs and three strips of bacon off of their respective plates. Nathan followed suit, grabbing the remaining two eggs and two strips of bacon.

"By the way," Nathan began, "It was nice of you to do this, thank you."

Brian grunted, already done with one egg. Nathan shook his head and began to eat at a slower pace. The two finished around the same time and sat and sipped coffee for a while, before Brian broke the silence.

"You probably think I'm crazy don't you," Brian said as he gripped his empty cup.

"No," Nathan replied, "Everybody has bad dreams, I mean hell, I just had one last night."

"Yeah, but not like this," Brian began, "Not angry dreams."

"Angry dreams," Nathan said slowly pondering the words, "What about."

"It's not a pretty story," Brian said, "But if you want to hear it."

Brian told his story, James raping him, him murdering Kris and Tyler, the hell he went through in prison, and the way he used military time to get out. Nathan sat silent throughout, his muzzle agape with shock. He stood up out of his seat and gave Brian a hug, pressing their naked fronts together.

"God, that's terrible," Nathan said, letting Brian go from the hug, "And I thought what happened to me was bad."

"I've killed people," Brian stated, "You watched loved ones die horrible deaths in front of you. They're both equally bad."

"I can understand why you killed James," Nathan began, "By why Kris and Tyler, they only cheated on you."

"I had this fucked up voice telling me to," Brian began, "It was like, inside my head, I'm schizophrenic."

"Don't you take medication?" Nathan said with a worried tone, "That disease can really fuck with your head, I've talked to people with the disease, they had hallucinations that told them to do terrible things."

"I do now," Brian replied, "It's mostly under control now, but when I get stressed the voices come back.

"That's terrible," Nathan began then added, "We must not have a happy story between the two of us."

"I don't know about you, but I have a happy story," Brian said, grabbing Nathan's paw.

"Please do tell, I'm all depressed now," Nathan replied.

"You're my happy story," Brian stated, a shy smile on his face, "You're the best thing to happen to me in a long time."

Nathan stood for a moment, tears building in his eyes. He went and hugged Brian again, sitting down in his lap and burying his head into Brian's golden chest fur.

"That's one of the nicest things anyone has said to me in a long time," Nathan said into Brian's chest, "Thank you."

"Don't mention it," Brian replied, rocking the coyote from side to side in his muscular arms.

The two stayed in their loving embrace for twenty minutes. They broke apart with a kiss, Nathan saying as he stood up, "We need to get into uniform, patrol starts at six."

"What about our guns?" Brian asked.

"They'll be in the humvee," Nathan replied, grabbing the green army uniform out of his bag.

"Do you know who we are patrolling with?" Brian asked, pulling the green pants from his bag.

"No, but we are patrolling the southern part of the city," Nathan answered as he finished dressing.

"Is that a good thing?" Brian said as he pulled the green shirt over his head.

"Good as in peaceful, or good as in lots of fighting?" Nathan asked as he tied on the army boots.

"Peaceful," Brian replied.

"No," Nathan said, "It's where the most insurgent fighting has been."

"Great," Brian began, "Do you want to stand on the curb with me until they get here?"

"Sure," Nathan said, "But I want a kiss first."

Brian walked up to the smaller coyote and lifted him up to his height. The two kissed, Nathan held to Brian by his well-muscled golden arms. Their tongues went back to their old game of slowly exploring the other's muzzles, every tooth and crevice was caressed.

Brian broke the kiss and set Nathan back on the ground. The two held paws for the five feet it took to walk to the door. It was funny how such a short distance could hold more meaning then a lifetime of such behavior. They broke apart as they left the clinic, standing separately from each other on the curb.

The sun was rising, orange and red shooting across the sky. There was not a cloud in sight, and it was supposed to be a hot, dry day. Nathan leaned his back against the brick wall of the clinic, Brian followed suit.

"I heard it's supposed to be 95 degrees today," Brian said.

"We don't need to resort to small talk to keep up a conversation," Nathan replied, "I want to hear what you want to do this weekend."

"Other than you?" Brian asked.

Nathan laughed then replied, "Other than me."

"I really want to go check out the beach," Brian said, "I miss the water."

"That's fine with me, just don't expect me to get in the water with you," Nathan said, "I was thinking we could go check out the jungle."

"Don't they have tigers in the jungle?" Brian replied.

"Is my big bad boyfriend scared of a wittle pussycat?" Nathan said sarcastically.

"Is that Wiseass Syndrome you were talking about contagious, because I think you caught it," Brian quipped back.

"You're not going to get eaten by a tiger," Nathan scoffed.

"You're not going to get eaten by a shark," Brian replied.

"Want to make a bet?" Nathan asked, now standing upright.

"About what," Brian replied.

"I'll bet you two hundred dollars that some unlucky bastard will get attacked by a shark before someone gets attacked by a tiger," Nathan said, sticking out a paw to shake.

"I'll take that bet," Brian replied then shook Nathan's outstretched paw.

As they shook, the humvee came screaming around the corner. It screeched to a stop next to the two. The door opened and the two canines entered. Inside the humvee, five furs sat. A fox was driving, a rabbit was in the front seat, a lizard manned the gun, and in the back with Nathan and Brian, the lean wolf from water polo.

"Shit Brian!" the wolf said, eagerly shaking Brian's paw, "I figured some MFP applicant like you would be out in the jungle."

"No Davis, I'm a doctor's assistant," Brian explained, "How have you been?"

"Great, I'm a sergeant now," Davis boasted, "Got in a fire fight the first day here, only survivor from my unit."

"That's awesome man, the sergeant part, not your unit dying," Brian said, "So do you have our guns?"

"Oh, yes I do," Davis said, gesturing for the driver to go.

He reached under the seat, pulling out a medium sized submachine gun and a partway disassembled light machine gun.

"For Nathan," He began, extending the gun out to the coyote, "A MTE 45, three kinds of firing. Handguns, ammo, and other gear are under the seats by the way."

The reason for the odd names for the guns was a military policy, instated in 2014, that renamed guns based on size, the smaller the gun the smaller letters alphabetically it had. It was military protocol to name all guns by full name, so that HQ could know who had what firepower and where at.

"And for Brian, a WYH 44, huge fucking gun," The sergeant said, giving the pieces to Brian. "Now that you have your guns I can tell you what we're doing today. There has been increased insurgent activity in the slums this week, so HQ told us to keep a watchful eye on that area."

The humvee hit a pothole which bounced the passengers out of their seats. Davis hit his head on the roof and angrily yelled up front.

"Do you have to hit every fucking pothole in the fucking road, Mel?"

"Sorry," Mel said with a southern drawl, "We're almost there."

"Ok, you two," Davis began, loading a clip into his assault rifle, "We are going in to that building down the road a ways, we are going to clear out any insurgents in there, all right."

"Sir yes sir," The two added, assembling their weapons for combat.

"You don't have to call me sir," Davis sighed, "Makes me feel like a fucking drill sergeant."

The humvee stopped in front of the apartment building. It was made of the same type of brick as the clinic, although much more weathered. It only had three floors, a lobby and two floors of apartments. The five exited and stood in front of the entryway.

"Now I'll take the lobby and first floor with Harry," Davis began, "Mel and Greg, you take the second floor, and Brian and Nathan take the third, check every room and kill any possible insurgents."

The furs went to check their respective areas. When Nathan and Brian made it to their floor, Brian slung the machine gun over his shoulder and pulled out his pistol.

"What kind of pistol is that?" Nathan asked, pushing open a door and checking the inside.

"A UD 09," Brian replied, kicking open the opposite door, "What pistol did you get?"

"A GBI 02," Nathan answered, "They didn't have the revolver I wanted."

"Why the fuck would you want a revolver?" Brian asked, stopping for a second.

Nathan turned around and replied, "I like revolvers, I could be like Dirty Harry."

Brian laughed and began to walk again, "Why Dirty Harry?"

"Because he's a badass," Nathan began, "Now shut it before you get us shot."

The two continued down the hallway, every room empty. They turned the corner and found a lone door at the end of the hall. The two lovers wordlessly advanced on it, when they got closer they were able to make out Indonesian shouting. Nathan gestured to wait up, pressing his ear to the door.

"Persetuban tentara di sini," Was all Nathan could make out.

He reached out to try for the door, it was locked. Brian kicked the door down and burst into the room, Nathan followed. For a while, the two canines and the three insurgent felines in the room stared at each other, their guns too far away to reach. One of them began to eye his AK-47.

"Jangan bergerak," Nathan barked in Indonesian, pointing his gun at the three.

Without warning the three made a break for their guns. Nathan fired, two three round bursts catching two of them. The other, a cheetah, grabbed his gun and ran out the window.

"I got him!" Brian yelled, following the fleeing insurgent, throwing his machine gun to the side.

The cheetah had run onto a fire escape and was running up it to the roof. He turned and fired, the shots sparking against the metal grate. Brian fired back once, hitting the cheetah in the leg, the bullet taking a chunk of flesh with it. The wounded fur limped up to the roof, Brian pursuing. He made it up to the small roof, the feline shrinking against one of the brick chimneys. Brian raised his gun, pointing it at the smaller fur. The cheetah began to limp towards the edge of the roof now, his gun forgotten near the chimney.

I should let him go, Brian thought to himself.


But he doesn't have a gun.

But he could have killed you or Nathan, Kill him!

Brian growled angrily as he advanced towards the cowering cheetah. He pulled the trigger twice, hitting the cheetah in the chest. The feline shuddered once then toppled backwards, plummeting to the streets below. Brian turned around coldly and walked back down the fire escape, sidestepping the chunk of flesh left on the stairs.

He walked back into the room. Nathan was reading some papers he found on a desk, sitting with his feet up to avoid the pooling blood.

"Those fucking cheetahs are fast," Brian said as he caught his breath.

"I think we killed some high people," Nathan said, lowering the papers to the desk, "These are battle plans, weapons invoices, troop numbers. We've got to turn this in to HQ, we could get medals.

"Shit," Brian said, as he picked up the machine gun, "You okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Nathan asked as he stood up, avoiding the blood.

"You just killed two people, doesn't that go against the Hippocratic Oath or some shit like that," Brian replied as he walked out of the door, papers folded securely in his pocket.

"The Hippocratic Oath means I can't kill patients on purpose," Nathan explained as they walked back to the lobby.

"Really," Brian began, "I thought that meant that doctors couldn't hurt or kill anybody."

"It's open for debate," Nathan replied, stopping in the middle of the lobby, "We should call Davis and tell him about what happened."

"I have a radio," Brian said as he grabbed the handheld radio and handed it to him, "Don't tell him about the papers though, that windbag would probably take credit for it."

Nathan nodded and switched on the radio. He addressed the sergeant, and told him that the top floor was clear. After a while the patrol group met in the lobby, they then walked out to the humvee and continued what would prove to be an uneventful patrol.

The humvee stopped again a couple of hours later in front of the clinic. The two lovers got out, Davis following them.

"Do you guys know a good restaurant near here?" he asked, "The food back at base is shit."

"We were just going to a place for lunch," Nathan began, "You could come with."

"That'd be great," Davis began, "It would be good to catch up with Brian. We were friends all through high school, you know. I remember this one time..."

The conversation carried on like that all the way to the restaurant, ending when the trio sat down in Nathan and Brian's usual spot. Citra walked over and said.

"Favorite customers back," Citra said, grabbing a pen and paper, "What'll you have?"

"Just surprise us again," Brian said, "A round of beers would be nice though."

"Ok, I'll be sure not to bring anything too spicy now," Citra joked as she walked to the kitchen.

In a few minutes, the beers came out and Citra left for the kitchen again. Davis took a drink and laughed.

"Believe it or not, I love this cheap ass Indonesian beer," Davis said then drank another sip.

"I prefer American myself," Brian said as he sipped the amber liquid.

"So do you guys eat here for free?" Davis asked as he played with a fork on the table.

"Yes, I've offered to pay too, but they don't accept my money," Nathan replied.

"Maybe the waitress has a crush on you," Davis offered, "She's staring at you from the kitchen."

Nathan craned his head over to look, and sure enough, she was staring at him. She blushed and ducked deeper into the room. Brian stiffened and drank a hearty swig of beer.

"She's pretty dude," Davis began, "You should totally try and tap that."

"Can't go wrong with local tail right?" Nathan said and then chuckled half heartedly.

"Here she comes now, you should talk to her," Davis replied.

Citra walked out of the kitchen with three steaming plates of the fish Nathan had last night. She laid the plates out in front of the three, some peppers on the side with Brian's.

"Will that be all?" She asked as she stood by the table.

"Yes," Davis began, when Citra began to walk away he quickly added, "Actually, my friend Nathan here would like to talk to you."

As she walked closer, Brian began to grip the table. She didn't notice, however, and walked over behind Nathan. Although the three surrounding him didn't notice, Brian's mind was in turmoil.

Kill her

Kill Davis, it's his fault

Kill them all

"What you want?" She asked, rubbing Nathan's shoulders.

"I just..." Nathan began, looking at Brian through the corner of his eye, "I just wanted to say, thank you for all you've done for us."

She sighed and walked away, Brian relaxed his grip on the table. Nathan turned and looked at Citra's ass as she walked away. His gaze was forcibly returned to the table when Brian fiercely kicked him in the leg.

"How could you let that fine pussy get away?" Davis asked, and then ate a bite of fish he swallowed then added, "This is some good fucking fish."

"I know right," Nathan replied then said, "Brian are you ok? You don't look so good."

"I'm fine," Brian managed to get out around a mouthful of fish.

Nathan shrugged and started eating, while Davis sat with a smirk on his face.

"So you two... room together, right?" Davis asked, still smirking.

"I guess you can say that, why?" Nathan replied.

"You two queer?"

Nathan sat stock still, his mouth agape. Brian even snapped out of his inner struggles to stare at him.

"Is that some kind of fucking joke," Brian said bluntly, "Who the fuck do you think you are, accusing us of some shit like that."

"I just assumed," Davis replied, "He's cute Brian."

"Don't talk about him," Brian barked, paw slowly moving to his pistol.

"I was just saying," Davis said then shrugged, "You two must have met on the boat."

Nathan sat still for a while longer then nodded, Davis laughed.

"You two fuck yet?"

"That's private," Brian growled, cocking the pistol.

"Christ, Brian," Davis said, "Calm down, you'll blow a blood vessel."

Nathan looked over to Brian and gasped, he moved over to whisper into Brian's ear.

"Not here."

Brian nodded and relaxed, he then said, "You're not going to tell anyone, are you."

"Maybe," Davis replied, "I won't tell on two conditions. First, I get to eat here for free; second, when I need a break from barracks, I can crash at your place."

"That's fine," Nathan began, "You can stay one night out of the week,"

"I think you mean whenever the hell I want," Davis replied.

"One night a week every week," Nathan said, "You can get out, go drinking, party. We don't give a fuck as long as you don't get in the way."

"With your love life?" Davis asked.

"No, with my patients, I could care less if you see us kissing or... you know," Nathan replied.

"You drive a hard bargain, but I couldn't screw over an old friend. It's a deal," Davis said as he stood up, "I'll see you two lovers tomorrow."

As he left, Brian extended his middle finger at his back. Nathan pushed him then asked

"What if he turns around?" Nathan asked with a serious tone in his voice.

"Then I'll shoot that motherfucker," Brian replied as he lowered the finger.

The wolf walked out of the restaurant, and Brian's paw slowly crept into Nathan's. He released the coyote's paw and walked out of the restaurant and back to their domicile. Nathan was expecting a tender hug and a kiss as soon as he walked in the door. Instead, Brian ran inside to his bag and pulled out an orange bottle. He shook out a pill and swallowed it, getting a glass of water to wash it down. He sat down on one of the beds, head in his paws.

"Brian?" Nathan asked, walking over to sit down beside him "Is there something I can do to help?"

"I don't know, maybe," Brian replied, "I should have taken my meds this morning, you don't know how much they help until you don't have them."

"Its fine," Nathan began, "That Davis guy is a fucking dick."

"Yeah, I know," Brian replied, "We played water polo together in high school. He's still as much of a dick as he was then."

Nathan crept up beside Brian, who raised his arm to allow him to snuggle against his chest. The two kissed, slowly and passionately, Brian's paws rubbing Nathan's shoulders.

"I'm sorry," Brian said as they broke the kiss.

"For what?" Nathan asked, grabbing one of Brian's arms.

"Just for the restaurant," Brian began, "I'm sorry if I scared you."

"You couldn't scare me Brian. With the shit I've been through you'd have to be twice as scary as you think you are," Nathan replied.

"I can be pretty fucking scary," Brian said, "It's okay though; I couldn't live with myself if I hurt you."

"Come on," Nathan replied, and then added on as he adopted a mock boxing stance, "I can take you."

"Oh really," Brian scoffed as he stood up.

"Really," Nathan replied, throwing a mock punch and gently hitting Brian in the shoulder.

Brian growled and lifted his lover up. He walked around with Nathan for a while, the two both laughing their heads off, before gently slamming the coyote down on a bed.

"That's cheating," Nathan said as Brian got on top of him.

"I didn't think we had any rules," Brian replied, mischievously grinding his pelvis against Nathan's.

Nathan giggled and kissed Brian's nose. Things progressed and the two began to make out, tongues moving in and around each other's muzzles passionately. Brian rose up from the messy kiss, moving down to kiss Nathan's neck.

"You always know how to turn me on," Nathan replied, kneading his paws into the golden retrievers back, "You're still so tense."

Brian rolled over so that Nathan was on top, the coyote straddling him.

"I've got you now," Nathan teased as he rubbed his paws down Brian's chest.

"Did you know I wrestled in high school?" Brian asked, "I'm good with my hips in any position.

He thrust upwards, making Nathan giggle. Nathan then rolled off to the side of Brian, who promptly threw an arm around him.

"We'll have to "wrestle" some time," Nathan flirted, "I want to see how talented you really are."

"You're such a flirt," Brian said and then softly flicked his nose.

"Is that such a bad thing?" Nathan asked smiling.

"No," Brian began and then kissed Nathan on the cheek, "I think it's cute."

Nathan giggled and snuggled up closer to Brian, "I think we'd have more fun if we ditched the clothes."

"Sounds tempting," Brian began, "Do we have a shower in here,"

"There's one in the back, why?" Nathan replied.

"I want to get clean if you know what I mean" Brian replied coyly, kissing Nathan on the forehead.

"You're a poet and you didn't know it," Nathan joked, "Sounds like a plan."

"No cheesy ass rhyme?" Brian said in mock disappointment as he stood up.

Nathan replied, "Sorry, I'm not that cheesy."

The two walked into the bathroom, hidden in the back. It was a small bathroom, a shower with a toilet and sink. The shower was rounded against the wall with plastic sliding doors.

"I didn't even think we had a bathroom," Brian said as he stripped off his shirt.

"Why wouldn't we?" Nathan replied as he threw his clothes into the corner.

"I don't know," Brian said, "It was in the back and I didn't see it."

"You walked in there like five times last night," Nathan replied.

"I was sleepwalking," Brian sighed, "Kind of."

Nathan slid the door open and got in the shower. Brian followed, throwing his pants off as he closed the door behind him. The space was cramped and the two were already pressed together.

"Do you want to do the honors," Brian asked, gesturing at the nozzle.

Nathan nodded and reached to turn the stainless steel nozzle. It squealed and lukewarm water shot out of the nozzle.

"We can get it hotter than that," Brian said, cranking the nozzle all the way to the right.

The water sputtered for a moment, then turned icy cold. Brian jumped hitting his head on the showerhead. Nathan turned it over to the left, getting a nice hot temperature.

"You okay?" Nathan asked.

"Ya," Brian replied, "Let's get to it."

Nathan and Brian kissed, their tongues slithering in the others mouths like courting snakes. During the heated exchange of saliva, Brian's elbow bumped the nozzle, turning the water frigid cold again.

"Goddamnit," Brian said as he jumped again, this time taking care to avoid the showerhead.

Nathan laughed and rubbed Brian's chest as he turned the nozzle again. The two began to make out in the shower, taking care not to bump the nozzle again. Brian's paws went down to cup Nathan's ass, squeezing the cheeks and making him moan into his muzzle. One of Nathan's paws slunk down to Brian's crotch, this time uninterrupted in making the pink monster come out of his hole.

Brian opened his mouth to moan, and then exclaimed, "Goddamn, this water tastes like shit!"

Nathan stopped his ministrations to laugh and say, "You're not supposed to drink it."

"Well yeah but-," Brian began as Nathan began to rub the large appendage. Brian moaned again, this time with his mouth closed. Brian's paws also began to tease Nathan's member, erecting his canine penis. Nathan kissed Brian again as the two began to rub their hips together.

They moaned into each other's muzzles, the pace of their hips increasing slowly until the two climaxed into each other's fur. They separated at the hips to wash the cum out of their fur, but promptly mashed back them back together after the evidence went down the drain.

The two stayed glued together in the shower for a good hour, lip to lip and tip to tip. Finally breaking the kiss to leave the cramped shower.

"We should get a better shower," Brian began, "And get some towels."

"What's wrong with air drying," Nathan replied, "There's some towels in the clinic, I'll grab some."

As Nathan walked into the clinic Brian took a seat on the sink counter. Nathan returned and threw a white towel at him, keeping a bluish one for himself

"I don't think we cleaned up too well," Brian scoffed as he rubbed his head fur dry with the towel.

"Well I'm always good for more sex," Nathan replied.

"You know I meant like soap and shampoo clean right?" Brian asked

"Oh not the "dirty" clean but the "clean" clean," Nathan replied

Brian nodded and a grin began to form on Nathan's face.

"I could make it dirty," Nathan thought to himself.

"We have some soap in the clinic," Nathan said, with a sly smile on his face, "I'll go get it."

Brian dried off and began to pull his clothes back on. He was cut off by a mock gasp of surprise from Nathan.

"Oh no, I dropped the soap, I sure hope no one comes in here when I'm bending over to pick it up."

Brian laughed and walked into the clinic after him. It would be the start of a great night.

Healing A Doctor Chapter 5

Nathan burst angrily through the door. They had just got back from an uneventful patrol, and Davis was being his usual self. "I'm going to shoot Davis in the face!" Nathan exclaimed, now beginning to pace back and forth. "Just calm...

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Healing a Doctor Chapter 3

Nathan slowly woke up, the dreams of last night forgotten as he snuggled into his love's arms. Brian was still asleep, a contented half smile on his face. Nathan yawned and sat up, gently throwing Brian's arms off of him. "Wake up sleepyhead,"...

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Healing a Doctor Chapter 2

The sun was hanging low in the sky when Nathan and Brian finally landed in Makassar. They arrived in front of the clinic at the same time, dropped off by two separate transports. They grabbed their bags and began to walk towards the...

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