Healing a Doctor Chapter 3

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#3 of Healing a Doctor

Nathan slowly woke up, the dreams of last night forgotten as he snuggled into his love's arms. Brian was still asleep, a contented half smile on his face. Nathan yawned and sat up, gently throwing Brian's arms off of him.

"Wake up sleepyhead," Nathan said, and then kissed Brian on the cheek.

Brian groaned and his eyes fluttered open, "What time is it?"

"I think it's about nine," Nathan said, "Let's get some breakfast."

Nathan walked out of the cluttered room to the office. Brian sat up and rubbed his eyes, then followed Nathan out. Nathan was walking around between the table and counter. There were two bowls of fruit on the table.

"Have a seat," Nathan said, "I'm just making some coffee."

Brian sat down and began to dig in to the fruit, "Don't we have any meat or eggs?" Brian asked.

"No," Nathan replied sitting down across from Brian, "This was all that was in the fridge."

Nathan slid a cup of coffee across the table towards Brian then began to start eating. There was a silence for a while as the two ate neither speaking nor making eye contact.

"There's something I want to talk about," Brian said.

"What?" Nathan said, then taking a sip of coffee.

"It's just...," Brian began, "It's just that I feel like I'm pressuring you."

"Pressuring me to do what?" Nathan asked.

"Have sex, I understand if you want to wait, I mean we've only known each other two days." Brian replied.

"Hey," Nathan began, "Tonight I promise."

"Whatever's ok with you," Brian replied, "So we have to reorganize the clinic today right?"

"Yes, it should just take an hour or two and I only need your help to move some of the beds," Nathan said and then stabbed the final piece of fruit in his bowl.

"Sounds good," Brian began, "What then?"

"I'll put it this way the sooner we get done, the sooner we get down to business," Nathan answered, then downed his coffee. "If you're done I'll take your stuff."

"Yeah, let's get this done," Brian said then passed his dishes over to Nathan, who then threw them in the sink.

"So I'll start reorganizing these drawers, and you can start moving beds," Nathan said as he pulled out a drawer.

"Why do I have do to beds?" Brian whined, puffing out his lips in a mock pout.

"Because you're bigger than me, now go," Nathan said, shooing him into the other room with his free hand.

Brian went into the other room and began to move the relatively light beds into the clinic. Nathan managed to get all of the things he needed organized and began to prepare the beds for patient use.

"How many beds do we want back here?" Brian called from the back room.

"I don't know, four or five sounds good, I need some space to work," Nathan called back, "I'm done in here so I'll give you a hand."

Nathan walked in and grabbed the other end of the bed Brian was moving. The two moved it into the other room and repeated the same procedure five more times.

"Well that took less time than I thought it would," Nathan said, sitting down on one of the beds and bouncing on it.

"To think of all the time we have for more fun activities!" Brian exclaimed as he sat down next to Nathan.

"I feel we should christen the clinic," Nathan said, Brian's ears perking up then slumping down when Nathan finished, "When's the last time you had a check-up?"

"A while," Brian said, "Why."

"Strip down to your skivvies and take a seat," Nathan said as he got up and walked towards a file cabinet.

Brian complied, stripping down and sitting back on the bed. Nathan grabbed a form and some examination gloves and pulled up a stool in front of Brian.

"What's with the gloves," Brian began, "I thought we knew each other better then that."

"Protocol," Nathan replied.

"Protocol's a bitch," Brian said half to himself.

"I'm gonna need a full name," Nathan said pulling a pen out of his pocket.

"Brian Lambert Reike," Brian replied.



"Date of Birth?"

"December 29, 1991."

"Ok then, I'm sure I can get the rest of the details later," Nathan began, "Now please walk into the other room and step on the scale."

Brian walked into the other room and stepped on the hospital scale in the corner. Nathan began to move the balances until he found the correct weight. He then brought up the black metal ruler from behind the balances and measured Brian.

"6'4" and 236 pounds," Nathan said writing in the numbers, "Go back to the bed please."

Brian sat down and Nathan opened a drawer full of medical instruments. He walked back to Brian with a stethoscope in hand. He stood behind him and unnecessarily brushed his hand across his chest.

"Breathe in," Nathan began, "And out."

Brian complied, Nathan then nodding and writing something on the clipboard. He went to set down the stethoscope and mock tripped, catching himself on Brian's thigh.

"Oh shit!" Nathan exclaimed, running a paw down Brian's leg as he got up.

"You okay?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, I'll check eyes and ears next," Nathan said, grabbing a flashlight.

As Nathan looked into Brian's eyes and ears, Brian could faintly feel a sneaky paw on his crotch.

"Is that-," Brian began, cut off when Nathan stuck a popsicle stick in his muzzle.

"Everything there's healthy," Nathan said, pulling out the stick and throwing it across the room into the garbage can. "Now normally I'd check muscle strength and look for any obvious deformities, but seeing as I've been examining you for the past two days I think you're fine."

"Really?" Brian asked, "That doesn't seem to follow protocol."

"Fine," Nathan sighed, "Is there anything fucked up with your body that you'd like me to check?"

"No, I think I'm good," Brian replied cheekily.

Nathan scoffed and wrote something down on the clipboard. Setting it down he said.

"I think you may have an incredibly rare incurable disease, but other than that everything's fine," Nathan said as he sat next to him the bed.

"What disease?" Brian asked grimly, "I hope it's not serious."

"It's called Wiseass Syndrome, yours' is the worst case I've seen," Nathan said fighting to keep the laughter out of his voice, "Seriously though, you're fine, but there's one more thing I'd like to check."

"Dude, don't scare me like that," Brian said the relief showing in his voice, "If you don't mind my asking, what are you checking?"

"Just making sure your most important organ works right for tonight," Nathan said as he kneeled down before Brian.

He slid the green camo boxers down around Brian's knees and began to play with his sheath and balls. Brian gave a husky moan as the talented coyote gently suckled on his golden scrotum.

"Nathan," Brian panted out as his penis began to peek from its hiding place, "You're really good at that."

Nathan moved his head from Brian's sack, long enough to reply, "Naturally."

Nathan's muzzle then moved up level to the tip of Brian's penis. He began to lick and suckle at the tip, making the pink appendage grow. He continued until Brian was at his full length. He promptly brought his muzzle down half way down the ten inch piece of meat and began to tease it with his tongue.

"Holy..." Brian panted out his paws finding his way to Nathan's head fur, ever so gently pushing down.

Nathan responded to this pressure and took more of Brian's dick into his muzzle. His lips we're now flush against the retriever's three inch knot.

Nathan was sucking on and flicking his tongue across the meaty length invading his muzzle and throat. Brian began to pant and growl, his hips humping up against his will. Nathan continued his talented toungework for three minutes, then taking Brian's knot in his muzzle. Nathan now really started to deep throat Brian's cock, swallowing the drops of precum and using his throat muscles to massage Brian's shaft.

Brian finally lost control when Nathan's tongue teased the underside of his knot. His paws tightened their grip on Nathan's skull and Brian came. Waves of canine sperm flooded down Nathan's throat, Nathan's swallows continuing to stimulate Brian, making him moan.

When Brian finished, Nathan's head left his cock, a final squirt of cum hitting his nose.

Brian laughed between gasping for breath.

"How was that?" Nathan said as he stood up, and then he licked the cum off of his nose.

"Great," Brian said, "Do you want me to uh..."

"No that's fine," Nathan replied, "I'm sure you'll repay me in full tonight."

Brian stood up and pulled up his boxers, he then put on the rest of his clothes. Nathan cleaned up the mess they made, throwing away the gloves and the disposable sheet that covered the bed.

"So what now?" Brian asked as he walked up to Nathan.

"Lunch, and then we need to go shopping for dinner," Nathan replied, grabbing his coat from the rack behind the door, "We can go to that restaurant down the street again."

"After dinner?" Brian asked.

Nathan replied with a kiss and threw Brian his coat. The two then walked back to the restaurant they drank at last night. The waitress was working again and she promptly walked up to greet the two.

"I tell you no pay," she said, throwing a twenty at Nathan.

"So you speak English," Nathan replied sitting down at the same booth.

"Yes now you want food or just drink," she said as she pulled out a paper and pencil.

"Just bring us the best thing on the menu, please," Brian replied, "What's your name?"

"Citra," She replied, "I be right back with food."

"Free food!" Brian exclaimed.

"Yeah, but I still think we should get our own, we can't just bum meals from this place," Nathan said pulling out money from his wallet.

Citra came back with two steaming bowls of soup; she set the bowls down in front of the two. Her eyes glanced over to Nathan's wallet and she clucked her tongue.

"I tell you hundred time," She began, then shook her head, "You no pay."

"Fine," Nathan said as he put his wallet back in his pocket.

"Take bite," Citra said as she handed the two spoons.

Nathan scooped up a bite of the red soup. There were chunks of fish and vegetables floating around in it. He took a bite, the flavor turning from rich to extremely spicy.

"Holy Shit!" he exclaimed after he swallowed, "Could I get a glass of water please?"

"You wuss, friend almost half done," She said as she walked to the kitchen to grab his glass of water.

Brian was digging into the soup voraciously; showing no sign the spiciness was affecting him. By the time the waitress returned, the bowl was empty. Nathan chugged down the water, downing the entire glass.

"Could I have your soup Nathan?" Brian asked as he slid the bowl to the side, "Is there any way to make this spicier?"

Citra laughed as she called in Indonesian for the cook to bring out more chiles. The cook, a fat panda, diced up the hot peppers and dumped them in the soup.

"Could I get some fish please?" Nathan asked as Brian started to eat again, "With mild sauce!" he called as the two left for the kitchen.

Brian finished the soup twice as quickly as the first bowl. He slid the bowl to the side and belched.

"That's disgusting," Nathan said his nose catching a whiff of Brian's breath.

"It's a compliment in some cultures," Brian replied.

"How could you eat that?" Nathan asked in disbelief, "I swear that damn thing burned my gums off."

"My father liked Mexican restaurants, so every Sunday me and him would split the Spicy Habenero Supreme Nachos," Brian replied, "Could I try a piece of your fish too?"

"Fine," Nathan sighed, leaning back in his chair.

Citra placed the fish in front of him. It looked like cod with a white cream sauce and herbs.

"Fish, mild sauce, for wuss," she laughed, then slapped Nathan on the back "I kidding you favorite customer."

"Terima kashi Citra," Nathan said in Indonesian as he dug into the fish.

The cod had a very robust taste, the sauce adding a sweeter side to it. Nathan moaned as the succulent fish pleasured his taste buds.

"Oh my god, you have to try this," Nathan said after he swallowed.

Brian took his spoon and took a corner of the fish. He put the spoon in his mouth and chewed the fish. He swallowed and placed the spoon back in his bowl.

"Could use salt or hot sauce or both," Brian replied.

"You have no taste buds," Nathan scoffed.

Nathan ate the filet, stopping even to eat the sauce that was left over. He stood up and Citra ran to him and hugged him.

"You leave so soon?" she said, looking up at him.

"Yes, we'll be back for dinner tomorrow," Nathan said as she let him go.

The two waved as they left the restaurant, they then walked to a grocery store and began to stock up on food. As soon as they finished there the two found themselves at the clinic at 4:30.

"So," Brian began as he set a bag of groceries on the counter, "What now?"

"Well," Nathan replied pulling out a box of Oreos from the bag, "Oreos for dinner."

Brian laughed as Nathan pulled out an Oreo and began to eat it. He was still laughing when Nathan walked up and put an Oreo in his open mouth.

"You know," Nathan said, pressing himself against Brian, "I think sex is better when you work up to it."

Brian gulped down the Oreo, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, when you tease and flirt like we've been doing, it makes sex so much better when it comes to its completion," he replied slowly pulling off Brian's shirt.

Brian kissed Nathan, his tongue working his way into Nathan's mouth, their tongues dancing a slow seductive tango. Brian picked Nathan up, holding him to his chest and walked him to the bed. He laid him down, breaking the kiss and ripping his clothes off.

"I'm waiting," Nathan said, stripping himself of his clothes too.

Brian got into bed with Nathan, getting on top of him and kissing him. Nathan reached a hand into his crotch and began to coax Brian's penis out. Brian broke the kiss to spit on his hand, slickening up the rod.

"Nathan," Brian said as he entered him, "I love you,"

"I know babe, me too," Nathan said with a gasp, "Now fuck me into a stupor."

Brian pulled the majority of his dick out then slammed back in, making Nathan moan. He repeated this over and over again at the same pace. Nathan crying out every time the Brian's doghood slammed into his tight orifice.

Brian began to speed up gradually, adding in his own chorus of moans. He kissed the coyote under him, while his claws dug into Brian's back. Brian gave a groan of lust and began to thrust even deeper. Nathan's paws leaving Brian's back to grip the mattress.

Brian began to rapidly piston his hips now, his knot beginning to swell and catch inside Nathan's ass. Brian then sat Nathan on his lap, pushing up with his hips. The two kissed and groaned together, Brian's knot catching and sticking inside of Nathan. Nathan began to bounce up and down in time with Brian's thrusts, moaning as he did so.

Nathan bit his lip, spraying cum against Brian's chest, the tightening of Nathan's walls coaxing him to a release. He howled as he came, grabbing Nathan closer to him. He twisted Nathan around and laid him on his chest, his own back facing the bed.

"Did I repay you enough?" Brian asked, "Cause if not we can always have a round two."

"I don't think I have a round two in me," Nathan replied breathlessly.

The two laid still for a while, basking in the glows of their orgasms. One of Brian's paws lazily rubbed Nathan's chest fur.

"God I've missed getting fucked by a canine," Nathan said as he lay curled up against Brian, "Those fucking barbs hurt like a bitch."

"I've just plain missed fucking," Brian said then kissed Nathan's shoulder, "I haven't since my ex left me."

"How long has it been?" Nathan asked.

"A long time," Brian replied.

"Wanna kiss and cuddle for a while?" Nathan said, scratching the fur on Brian's head.

"I want some Oreos first," Brian said, pulling Nathan close and lifting him up.

The two walked towards the counter, Nathan's arms wrapped securely around Brian's shoulders held close to him by Brian's knot. Brian grabbed the Oreos and walked the pair back to the bed.

The two snacked for a while, demolishing three quarters of the delicious box of cookies. When they finished the two kissed, their tongues moving slowly across one another's muzzles, like calm waves on a tropical beach.

"I missed this," Brain began, breaking the kiss and rubbing Nathan's back, "I forgot how nice it was just to lay in bed with someone."

"Yeah, me too," Nathan said, "So tell me about your ex."

"He was a huge dick," Brian began, "He cheated on me, but I made it so he never cheated on anyone again."

"How?" Nathan asked, ears perked up with intrigue.

"I don't think that's a story you want to hear when you're stuck with me," Brian began, "I'm not too proud of it."

"Did you have any other boyfriends?" Nathan asked, and then kissed Brian on the cheek.

"Just one, in college," Brian said, "And that's another story you don't want to hear when you're stuck with me."

"Huh," Nathan began, "I take it he was a dick too."

"More like sadistic bastard," Brian scoffed, "He's the reason I bulked up.

Nathan moved his head to Brian's chest then said, "I don't want to know then."

They lay in each other's arms for a while, rubbing their paws all over the other's body. They kissed again; tongue's wrestling for dominance in the other's mouth.

"I know it's only 8 o clock, but I think we desperately need some sleep, we start patrolling tomorrow," Nathan said.

"So no more pillow talk," Brian said disappointedly

"No sorry," Nathan said, "Hopefully we can wake up early and clean up this mess."

"Ok," Brian yawned, "We better not be having Oreos for breakfast."

"Who doesn't want Oreos for breakfast," Nathan scoffed, as he closed his eyes.

Brian pulled his lover closer and fell asleep. His knot popped out, making Nathan giggle. The two's breathing mixed together perfectly as they slept.


Brian walked briskly to his dorm room. James was waiting for him there, and Brian was excited to meet him for their one year anniversary. He ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time.

"Happy anniversary!" Exclaimed Brian, as he burst through the open door.

Almost immediately he knew something was wrong, James wasn't in his usual spot. He looked over the small four room apartment, assorted bottles of liquor strewn across the floor.

The door slammed behind him, he ignored it and kept looking for his boyfriend.

"What the hell are you doing here?" A voice from behind him asked, the words slurring together.

"James," Brian began, addressing the much bigger grey wolf, "Jesus Christ you scared me. It's me Brian, I'm your boyfriend."

"I don't know any Brian," the wolf slurred, then slumped against the wall.

"James, you're just drunk," Brian said walking towards him to help him up.

"Don't fucking touch me weirdo," James shouted, slapping Brian across the face.

Brian fell to the ground, head hitting it and leaving him dazed. James staggered towards him and stood Brian up.

"You look like my boyfriend, smell like him," he began and then drunkenly kissed him, "You taste like him too, I'm going to do stuff to you that he'd never let me do..."

James hit Brian again, making the world turn black. He came to a few minutes later on their bed, his paws already tied to the bedposts. The wolf began to tie his legs now, cruelly tightening them.

"James," Brian pleaded, "It's me, you don't want to do this."

"Good," James began, "I'm glad you're awake, I wanted you to squirm when I took you.

"No," Brian whimpered, his cries unheeded by the advancing intoxicated wolf.

Brian screamed as James impaled him with his substantial length. He blacked out from the pain, soon after. For hours he laid there limply, his head thudding dully against the headboard. James finished with a drunken groan and collapsed to the side of Brian, he fell asleep while Brian stared at the ceiling blankly.

Brian snapped out of it sometime later, his entire body racked with pain. He tried to sit up, but a pain deep in his bowels forced him back down. He began to sob as he realized he had been drunkenly raped by his boyfriend. His feelings of sadness were replaced by anger as he looked around the room; his legs were tied to the bedposts.

At least the bastard kind of untied me, Brian thought as he slowly sat up, grimacing from the pain. A growl escaped his throat as he grabbed a pillow and thrust it against his boyfriends face. James woke up, his paws trying to claw at Brian. A sob escaped Brian's throat as he pressed harder, holding it until his boyfriend lay still.

He removed the pillow, James's face laid frozen in death's icy glaze. He picked the top half of the body up and threw it to the floor.

Brian sobbed while he untied himself and as he dragged the body out into the living room. Later that night he would hide the body in the forest surrounding the college and burn the filthy sheets on the bed. He would get away with it, the police not suspecting the fur that was so in love with the victim.

Time began to pass more quickly; it began to slow to normal about five years later. Brian was sitting in a house staring out of a window. It was storming out, and Kris said he'd be back in ten minutes. His nails impatiently tapped the sill, sighing as he glanced at the clock.

He walked away from the window and grabbed his coat. He had bulked up since the incident with James, but still grabbed his pistol. Kris always said this neighborhood was bad, and he gave Brian the pistol as a precautionary measure. Kris was always nice, caring and put the needs of others before his, especially his boyfriend's. He left the house, walking down the street to the grocery store where Kris was supposed to be at.

Brian just happened to glance at Mama Claire's Diner across the street, seeing an otter and a fox sitting in a booth chatting. The fox leaned over to kiss the otter and then glanced out to the street. He shot out of his seat and ran outside towards Brian, the otter racing behind him.

"Brian, this isn't what it looks like," Kris said, red fur drooping in the rain, "He's just a friend."

"You're cheating on me?" Brian said in disbelief, tears leaking from his eyes and mixing with the rain.

"Well..." Kris began, wrapping his arm around the otter next to him, "You've just gotten more distant, that's all, and Tyler here is more like what I need right now."

Brian stood glaring at the two. No one could steal his boyfriend away like that.

"How long?" Brian spat.

"Three months now," Kris replied, "We were celebrating our anniversary. I think I'm going to have to leave you, I'm sorry but Tyler's just better for me."

Brian angrily pulled the gun out from his pocket and fired, hitting Tyler in the head. His body fell like a sack off potatoes, his blood flowing with the water into the drainage pipes under the city.

"Tyler!" Kris screamed as the otter hit the ground, "You fucking-," Kris began, cut off as Brian pulled the trigger again, hitting him in the shoulder.

The fox fell face first on the ground, and tried to crawl away. Brian followed him, slowly, coldly, planting a shoe on the fox's back.

"Please," Kris cried, "I'm sorry, if you let me up; I promise I'll be true to you and only you. We can forget this whole thing ever happened."

"Go fuck your whore in hell," Brian spat as he shot Kris in the back of the head.

He sat in the street in a blind daze as the cops pulled up and arrested him. They cuffed him and forced him into the back seat. Nathan was there in the back with him, crying.

"How could you do it? He didn't deserve it." Nathan asked in between sobs.

"You're fucking dead," Brian spat glaring at the coyote.

"You think you can kill me?" Nathan said, the sobs gone from his voice, "Do it, I'll just come back."

"If you give me a reason too," Brian replied.

"You wouldn't," Nathan began, "You couldn't kill me like them. You love me to much."

Brian angrily growled, his hands somehow slipping through the cuffs and closing around Nathan's throat.

"Don't tell me how much I love you. If you pull this shit with us I'll kill you," Brian yelled as he started choking him.

Nathan tried to fight off the much larger golden retriever but could not prevail. He gave one final gasp and lay still, slumping against the car's window. The siren went off, the world fading to white.


Brian sat up like a rocket, he was gasping for breath. Nathan shot up next to him and got him in a hug.

"Are you ok?" Nathan asked, "Can you breathe?"

Brian nodded and began to sob into the smaller canine's chest. Nathan began to scratch behind his ears, calming him down somewhat.

"I had terrible dreams," he began the sobs gone from his voice; "I killed you."

Nathan shushed him and laid the two of them back down. Nathan kissed Brian on the cheek again and wrapped his arms around him.

"Jesus Christ you scared me," Nathan began, "I thought you were having an embolism or something like that."

"An embolism?" Brian laughed, "Why would you think that?"

"It's happened before," Nathan began, "I was an intern at a hospital, watching some old fart sleep to make sure he didn't die in the night. He sat up suddenly, gasping like you did, I had no clue what it was and he died there. Turns out he had an embolism."

"I'm sorry I scared you," Brian said, "It was just like I was back there with them."

"With who?" Nathan asked.

"My exs," Brian stated, "I'm sorry."

"It's fine, just go back to sleep, it was just a dream," Nathan said, moving his head down to his usual spot on Brian's chest.

Nathan fell asleep in a short time, but Brian stayed awake, eyes glued open.

Could you do it if he hurt you, Brian thought to himself.

He then looked down at the sleeping coyote. He looked so cute when he slept, and he felt so good just to cuddle against in the middle of the night.

Don't fool yourself, Brian thought, He could hurt you just as easily as James or Kris.

He wouldn't, Brian thought back, Not Nathan.

But if he did.

Then I could. I would have to.

Healing A Doctor Chapter 4

When Nathan woke up Brian was nowhere to be found. His ears picked up the sounds of something frying in the other room. Nathan slowly sat up, still naked, and glanced at the digital clock in the corner, it read 4:45. He stood up and walked into the...

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Healing a Doctor Chapter 2

The sun was hanging low in the sky when Nathan and Brian finally landed in Makassar. They arrived in front of the clinic at the same time, dropped off by two separate transports. They grabbed their bags and began to walk towards the...

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Healing a Doctor Chapter 1

Here we are, first serious work of furry fiction. Please comment and rate and enjoy the story. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In a dark doctor's office, a lone coyote sat at a desk. His head lay...

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