Healing a Doctor Chapter 1

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#1 of Healing a Doctor

Here we are, first serious work of furry fiction. Please comment and rate and enjoy the story.


In a dark doctor's office, a lone coyote sat at a desk. His head lay against it, his body racked with dry sobs. He sat up, pulling the standard issue pistol from its holster. He slowly slid a magazine into the pistol, cocking it and releasing the safety. His hands began to shake now as he raised the gun to his head. His whole body began to tremble violently now. His finger slipped down to the trigger, and began to lightly press.

"He wouldn't want that," the coyote said, lowering the gun down to the table.

His eyes began to well up in tears again, and he put the barrel in his muzzle.

"I'm sorry," he sobbed, words muffled by the gun barrel.

He began to shake again, the gun slipping in and out of his canine maw.

A loud bang echoed around the small room.


Wave after wave crashed against the gargantuan military transport as it crossed the great blue expanse of the Pacific Ocean. A lone coyote leaned against the railing on the top deck, cigarette in hand, staring blankly into the water. He was so lost in his own world, that he scarcely noticed the taller golden retriever that had silently snuck up beside him.

"Have I seen you before?" The golden retriever inquired, waking the coyote from his stupor.

"I don't know, this boat isn't that big." He replied, and then took another drag of his cigarette.

"Pvt. Brian Reike," Brain said, extending a furred paw to the shorter coyote.

"Pvt. Nathan Washington, or Dr. Nathan Washington, if you prefer," Nathan replied woodenly, shaking the bigger canine's paw.

"Doctor, huh? So will you have a clinic, wherever the hell we're going?" the golden asked.

The coyote opened his mouth to answer, but turned his eyes downward towards the milky white wake of the ship. His eyes dimmed, the white wake reflecting in them.

"I could jump now, you know. I could jump now and no one would even care," he said bitterly, as he threw his half smoked cigarette into the ocean and stormed off into the confines of the ship.

Brian stared at the spot the coyote stood, mentally shocked at the display that he had just seen. He glanced at his wristwatch, reading 12:30 pm, lunchtime for the 550 troops on the transport.

"Maybe, that crazy yote'll be there?" the retriever said to himself, and then turned to walk the same path Nathan took earlier. As he walked down the narrow hallway, he saw soldiers talking and making their way to the cafeteria.

The ship was huge, five stories dedicated to the troops and ten for the supplies that would be needed for combat. The soldiers were housed fifty to a room on the bottom of the troops living place, the rest was just space with a cafeteria, gymnasium, rec room, pool and anything else a fur in the army would need.

As he walked into the cafeteria, he saw Nathan in the corner eating a hamburger alone. He walked through the food line, grabbing a bowl of chili and a coke. The coyote was in his own world again, alternating between eating his hamburger and staring at the wall.

He walked towards the coyote, conversations swirling around Brian. The coyote continued to stare at the wall, tapping his fingers idly against the red table.

"Dude, are you all right?" Brian asked, as he sat down across from the coyote


There was no response at first, the coyote continued to stare at the wall. His head bobbing as he whistled to himself.

"Dude," Brian said more urgently, snapping his fingers in front of Nathan's glazed over gaze.

The coyote jumped and a pair of tan earphones fell from his ears. He glanced around and saw Brian sitting across from him.

"What do you want?" Nathan asked a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Just to see what's up," Brian replied, eating a spoonful of chili.

"Just to see what's up? I don't even know you, why the fuck should you care," he scoffed, then taking another bite of his hamburger.

"Sorry." Brian began, "Just trying to make friends, trying to help." raising his hands up in an apologetic gesture.

"Trying to help; now where have I heard that before?" Nathan said with a grin on his face, "Are you a psychiatrist?"

"Yeah," Brian replied, "But while we're still approaching this from a psychiatric standpoint. Why did you say you wanted to kill yourself?"

"Let's see, my wife left me because she found out I had a boyfriend, my boyfriend left me because I had a wife, I got fired, and I lost the custody battle for my daughter," Nathan said bitterly.

"Uh, Shit, That really sucks," Brian began, uncomfortably scratching his neck. "Give me a second on this one."

Nathan laughed, "I really want to hear this. Give me a piece of advice that the three other furs I've seen haven't already told me."

Brian sat for a moment, and then answered, "After these events took place, did you start to have suicidal thoughts?"

"No shit Sherlock," Nathan scoffed, "Why would I even contemplate suicide when I have a good life."

"Just wondering," Brian asked, "Maybe your wife was a cunt, or your boyfriend or boss was a huge dick, and you wanted to, end it."

"No, nothing like that," Nathan replied, "They were all good people. That's what made it so sad when it all went down the shitter."

"So maybe if you found another mate, those feelings of sadness might just disappear," Brian countered, leaning back in his chair.

"I love how you use "might" and "maybe", Nathan said then laughed, "It's like you almost don't know what the fuck you're talking about."

"Ok, I am one hundred percent sure that your lack of a mate is the source of your problems, now my hypothesis is that you started smoking to fill the void that your family and boyfriend left behind," Brian said, "I'll say it again, find a mate before you hurt yourself."

"Like the certainty," Nathan replied, "You're right about the smoking thing, but, how am I supposed to find a mate here."

Brian began to smile, "Well, you said you had a boyfriend so I assume you're homosexual, or bi, and you're on a boat with 500 other dudes, so just look around."

"But if I pull moves on a straight guy, I could be court-marshaled, discharged and publicly humiliated for the second time," he replied, with a "you should know better" look on his face.

"Well," the golden retriever began the smile on his face turning into a full grin, "I'm gay, and single."

"Well Shit," Nathan smiled, "but I thought doctors weren't supposed to date patients."

Brian laughed, and then replied, "I don't think you count as a patient and I'm a pyschiatrist not a doctor."

"Same fucking thing," Nathan managed to spit out amid gales of laughter, "I mean we consider dentists as doctors. Why not pyschiatrists?"

"Well we don't call ourselves doctors," Brian said, dismissing the coyote's laughter.

"What if I told you I know where we're going and I know the game-plan for this campaign," Nathan said, the laughter dying from his voice faster than a fire in deep space, then continuing, "I don't think the local populace or the military would appreciate our relationship."

"I'd say fuck it," He replied cheekily, leaning back in his chair, "So where are we going?"

"This boat's headed to Manila, in the Philippines, and then we're getting airlifted into some city called Makassar, on Sulawesi, predominately Muslim population, little more then a million people there. Once we get there, we'll be split up into three groups, each assigned a specific part of the city to patrol," Nathan finished, taking another bite of his hamburger.

"So we'll be fighting the Japanese, right? Trying to liberate the city." Brian replied, enthralled by the details.

"Yes," Nathan confirmed, "But there are also dissidents, Indonesians, that like the Japanese rule and resort to terrorism and guerrilla warfare, so we'll be mainly fighting them."

"I guess they're calling this world war three," Brain began, "That's fucked."

"It's only a matter of time, Russia and Germany are starting to butt heads and with the UN gone the US will have to fight one of them," Nathan replied.

"How do you know all this?" Brian asked, "I thought all that shit was confidential."

"Let's just say a little bird told me," Nathan said mysteriously.

"Pass the salt, please," Brian asked, looking down at his neglected food.

"You're gonna put salt on your chili?" Nathan asked, disgusted.

"I like my food salty," Brian replied, gesturing again for the salt.

"You know how unhealthy salt is, right?" Nathan said, moving the salt to his side of the table, out of the golden retriever's reach.

"You know how unhealthy smoking is you hypocrite?" Brian replied, leaning forward across the table to extend his reach.

"Touché," Nathan replied handing the bigger canine the salt. "So what are we gonna do today."

"Well," Brian began, heavily salting his chili, "We could go to the rec room, or some guys I know have a water polo game after lunch."

"Water polo sounds fun," Nathan replied, then finishing off his hamburger.

Mnnf, Brian managed to grunt out, as he began eating his chili.

The two sat the table for a good fifteen minutes, finishing off their respective lunches. At 1 o clock they both got up and walked outside the cafeteria to the busy hallway.

"I'm aft," Nathan said turning to walk towards the back of the boat, "I'll see you at the pool."

So the two went to their respective rooms and went to the indoor pool, on the top level of the living quarters. The ship seemed to be alive, as they walked through on their separate paths. The hustle and bustle of all the soldiers was in resemblance of opening bell on Wall Street.

The two made it into the locker room at the same time, and walked in together. It was a large room, green tile on the floor with lockers on three of the four walls, mirrors and sinks on the other. The lockers were deserted, the players already in the pool. They chose lockers across from each other, neither wanting to be caught gawking at the other.

Unknown to Brian, Nathan had grabbed a locker next to a mirror, so he could see Brian's body. As he began to strip, the first thing Nathan noticed was the golden's impressive upper body. He was buff, not to the point that it was disgusting, and his luxurious golden yellow fur shone with a brilliant sheen, a raised trail going from his chest to his more delicious bits.

He then proceeded to take off his pants and underwear, taut thighs and firm buttocks, tantalizing Nathan under the canine's bushy tail. As he reached for his swim suit, a pair of trunks, he turned unintentionally, revealing his sheath and balls to the captivated coyote. Nathan had to suppress a gasp of the thickness of it, the dangling balls swaying as he turned back around.

Goddamn! Nathan thought to himself, as he began to strip. His body was lean and well-toned, his brown fur rough and callous looking compared to Brian's. Although he liked to think of himself as average sized, it was clear that the other canine had him beat by at least three inches in length. His body definitely not as pleasing to the eye as the much larger Brian.

He put his trunks on, and walked to the showers, bare pads scraping the linoleum tile floor. The showers were in a big square room, the only way to see in was the entrance, and the showers were on the sides of the wall not visible to anyone in the locker room.

Brian was already there, and had started a shower up for him, just to the right of Brian.

"Got you a shower started," Brian said, running his paws through his fur, "These can be a bitch to get warm."

Nathan stepped into the warm stream, water coursing through his fur, leaving him warm and content. For a while, the two just stood in the shower letting the warmth purge the stress of the day.

"Have you ever played water polo before?" Brian asked breaking the silence.

"Not since high school," Nathan said, tilting his head back and letting the shower spray massage his face.

"Well it's played like this..." The golden retriever began, explaining the rules and technicalities of the game to the coyote.

As the golden retriever finished, the two turned off the showers and walked out into the pool. There were already ten furs in the water, swimming idly by the goals and around the playing field.

"Goddamn Brian," one of them, a lean wolf, began, "How did you know we needed another goalie? Can he play?"

"Yeah, he's good," Brian replied jumping into the water, "Guys this is Nathan."

The introduction was met with grumbles and half-hearted "nice to meet you's". One of the furs called out," Are you gonna play or not? The water's not gonna bite."

Nathan jumped into the pool and took his place in front of his goal, Brian turned out to be on his team and before the game started he whispered, "Dude, if you're nervous? It's just like soccer."

"But I've never played soccer," Nathan replied.

"Then just wing it," Brian said swimming out to the center of the pool.

The game began, Brian clearly dominating the field, muscled arms pushing the ball through the water. Although Nathan was inexperienced, he did a good enough job, only letting in two goals. His team won in the end by a landslide, and the furs in the pool left for the lockers.

The twelve furs crowded the shower room, and many of them began to strip down. Nathan found himself trying not to look at the other male furs. No need to bring any attention to my sexuality, he thought, turning his body to face the wall.

One by one, the furs finished and left the locker room until only Nathan and Brian were left.

"What do you think?" Brian began, looking to make sure they were alone, "Not too bad of a first date."

"I don't know if I'd count that as a date," Nathan said, "We'll have to have a more official first date in Makassar.

"Sounds like a plan, hear that there's some good beaches on Sulawesi," Brian suggested.

"Sure, if you like shark infested waters," Nathan said sarcastically, "I'm not getting eaten by a shark."

"You're such a downer," Brian said as he turned off the shower and then walked into the locker room. "You know you have more of a chance of getting struck by lightning than getting killed by a shark?"

Nathan followed suit and began to towel off. He finished and began to dress.

"95% of statistics are just plain bullshit," Nathan said as he pulled his shirt over his head.

"Maybe it's one of the five percent that's not," Brian said pulling on his pants.

"Bullshit!" Nathan replied

"You know, I don't think we really introduced ourselves well enough," Brian said thoughtfully.

"I don't know what you mean," Nathan replied, "I thought introductions were more, my name is Nathan, How do you do."

"If we're going to be in a relationship, I think we need to know each other better," Brian said, "I'll start, I'm from Boston, Mission Hill, I'm a film buff, and I went to school at Delaware State. Now you go."

"You do realize this is pointless right?" Nathan said shaking his head at the golden retriever.

"Humor me," Brian replied.

"Ok, I'm from New York, the Bronx; I went to school in NYC, and my favorite color's... blue."

"Your favorite color's blue, is that really that important to share." Brian scoffed.

"I don't know what you're complaining about, at least I said something." Nathan retorted.

"Yes, but it's not important to a relationship," Brian retorted back.

"It keeps us from fighting over what color to make the curtains," Nathan replied.

"But...," Brian began, "Good point."

The two finished dressing and began to walk out of the locker room, stopping before the main door to the hall.

"We'll have to play again tomorrow," Brian began, as the two stood in the hallway, "That was fun, and you're a good goalie."

"Too bad we get to Manila tomorrow," Nathan said sadly.

"And you know this how," Brian replied.

"I have a GPS in my bag, we're sixty miles away," Nathan replied.

"Well shit!" Brian exclaimed, "I hope we end up in the same group, at least."

Nathan shook his head, "I might be able to keep us together, if my contact can pull through, I don't know about the others though." Brian opened his mouth to question, but was cut off by Nathan, "I'll see you tomorrow," he said then pecking Brian on the cheek and walking away.

Brian stopped to look for other soldiers as Nathan walked away. That was risky,Brian thought to himself as he turned and walked the opposite direction.

The two went about their business on the ship as usual, Nathan relaxed in his bunk and made a phone call, and Brian went to the gym and worked out. So time passed until two in the morning, when Nathan was asleep.

"Wake up Nathan," Brian said, shaking the lethargic coyote.

"What?" Nathan mumbled half awake, lifting a hand to push away the retriever.

"Wake up lazy!" Brian said more urgently, flicking Nathan's sensitive nose.

"OK! I'm up," Nathan said, sitting up drowsily, and then snapping into more alert state, "What are you doing here? You could get us in trouble."

"I wanted to-" Brian began, only to be cut off by a shush from Nathan. Brian began again more quietly, "I wanted to show you something."

"Ok, I'll meet you outside," Nathan said, putting on his shirt and pants. He elected not to wear shoes, not wanting to make anymore noise then needed to. He walked quietly through the rows of beds out into the hallway.

"Where are we going?" Nathan asked, not noticing the golden canine's tail wagging.

"Just follow me," Brian said, starting to walk briskly through the ships labyrinth of hallways and stairs. The unnatural florescent lights cast the narrow halls in blue light. They continued walking until they stood in front of the door to the pool lockers again.

"What are we doing here?" Nathan asked, Brian already inside the locker room.

Nathan walked in after him, still wondering what the canine had up his sleeve. He entered the room to see the topless back of the attractive golden retriever. As he began to slide off his baggy sweats, the lights suddenly shut off, casting the room in unfathomable darkness.

"You're going to want to lose the clothes," Brian said from the darkness, "When you're done just walk straight."

Nathan complied, stripping down to nothing in the dark and throwing his clothes randomly in one direction, the noise perking the coyote's ears up. He then began to shamble forward, blind as the proverbial bat, through the lockers. All of a sudden, a shower stuttered on, the sound of the water striking the floor echoing through the space.

"I really feel like... getting clean, Brian began, voice echoing through the darkness, "Walk towards the sound of the water." He commanded.

The coyote walked into the shower room, paws getting wet from the shower water pooling on the floor. His ears perked up, and he picked up the sound of the shower to the left of him. He moved toward it, more comfortably now, and stood under its warm jets.

"Turn around," Brian's voice sounded from the dark.

Nathan replied back, "How can you tell if I turn around? I can't see shit!"

"You should have eaten more carrots as a kid," the unseen golden retriever joked, "Now turn around, please."

Nathan complied, turning and looking off into the darkness. Brian jumped in front of him, the coyote's eyes barely registering the movement. The powerful golden retriever pushed him up against the wall, holding him as the water ran over their closely pressed naked forms.

"What's the point of this?" Nathan asked, trying to push the golden retriever away.

"Letting go," Brian replied, "Of, in this case, sight."

"But what's the point?" Nathan asked again more firmly this time.

Instead of answering again, Brian pressed his lips against Nathan's, paws massaging into his chest fur. Nathan used the opportunity to get off the wall, now being held in the bigger canines strong arms.

"Your remaining senses get stronger. Touch, hearing, smell, taste," Brian said after breaking the kiss, a roguish tone in his voice at the last word.

Nathan pulled the bigger canine back toward him again, slamming his own back up against the wall under Brian's muscular bulk, mashing their lips back together. Muzzles parting to allow the other's tongue in, paws rubbing up and down the other's back. They kissed long and hard, tongues dueling in each others mouths, curling teasingly behind fangs, and pressing into the back of their muzzles.

They broke the kiss, Brian moving down to kiss and nibble the neck of the coyote under him.

"I talked... To my bird," Nathan said, pausing to pant from the pleasure between words, "He got us in the same group."

Brian raised his head away from the yote's neck, "That's great!" he exclaimed, then starting to tickle Nathan's ear.

"I also found a way for you to live with me," He began, Brian stopping his ministrations, " You're my resident psychiatrist at the clinic, we only have to do one patrol a day, and we get weekends off because that's when the clinic is open to the public."

Brian gleefully kissed Nathan again, Nathan opening his mouth and moving his paws down to grab the golden retriever's sheath, starting to squeeze, a little bit of pink peeking through.

All of a sudden, the lights turned on, and Brian turned off the shower and forced Nathan against the wall close by, out of sight from whoever came in.

"Is there anyone in here?" A voice angrily asked, footsteps echoing through the space.

Brian kept his paws over his and Nathan's mouth, the wall still keeping them out of view.

"Must be a leaky shower," the voice began, "Sounds fixed now, I'll tell maintenance tomorrow. Fucking emergency lights are out too! Shit, Tom's gonna get it."

The lights turned off again; luckily the owner of the voice did not notice the clothes thrown randomly against the lockers. The two canines stood up from the wall, standing apart from each other now.

"We'll have to finish this later," Brian said, reaching over to turn on the light, the light purging out the darkness from the room. Nathan reeled backward, blinded by the sudden light. Brian managed to catch him, and managed to get him into a hug.

"What time are we supposed to get into Manila?" Brian asked, holding his boyfriend tighter to him.

"Sometime around 7:30 in the morning," Nathan replied, "I'll probably see you at the briefing tomorrow."

"Well okay then," Brain began, "We'd better get some sleep then," he finished as he let go of Nathan, walking to where the clothes were piled and throwing them towards the coyote.

"Where are the towels?" Nathan asked fur still dripping.

"Oh, Shit!" Brian exclaimed, already putting his underwear and sweats on, soaking them, "How did I forget towels?"

"Nice," Nathan said, trying to hold back laughter, "Just steal some from a locker."

Brian looked into a nearby locker and found two towels, he threw one to the coyote and the two of them began drying off.

"You know what" Brian began, "I really hope these aren't that dude with herpes's towels."

Nathan stopped toweling off, his head fur ruffled, "Are you serious?" Nathan asked, throwing the towel at Brian.

"I'll just be wet now, I guess." Nathan said sullenly, slowly pulling on the soon to be damp clothes.

"Dude, I was just kidding," Brian apologized, seeing the coyote pulling the wet clothes over his lean body.

"No, It's fine, you just seriously grossed me out," Nathan said, "If I get herpes I'm killing you."

The two started laughing, and finished dressing, leaving the towels on the floor. They walked out into the hallway and shared a quick kiss before returning to their respective bunks.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Brian said as they parted.

Nathan's reply was a wave back as he walked back through the hallways to his bunk. He made it back and stripped off his wet clothes and went to sleep. He was feeling happier than he had felt since his family was still together and his old boyfriend loved him. I guess Brian was right, Nathan thought to himself, I just needed to fill a void.

Brian, on the other hand, lay in his bunk at the opposite end of the ship. Head reclined on his arms rested on the pillow. He gave a sigh and turned over, mind clouded with many thoughts. Who would have thought I'd find a new boyfriend here, he thought happily, clearing all the other thoughts from his mind as he slowly fell into the stupor of sleep.

Healing a Doctor Chapter 2

The sun was hanging low in the sky when Nathan and Brian finally landed in Makassar. They arrived in front of the clinic at the same time, dropped off by two separate transports. They grabbed their bags and began to walk towards the...

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