Gta Story of Matis part 2

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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At 12:05 A: M, a thunderously loud guitar chord broke the relative silence of the night. Matt jumped off of the couch, pistol out in a matter of seconds. At the realization it was just harmless music the mobster holstered the gun and sat wearily at his girl's feet.

"What is it Matt?" Julia questioned, her beautiful fur messed up and her eyes tired and dull, "Not more gangsters is it?"

"No Julia," Matt began, sighing as he laid back down beside her, "It's nothing, go back to sleep."

"We should fix your shoulder Matt," Julia said a hint of concern in her voice. Matt groaned in response, "No Matt, seriously get up." Julia started to move his feet off the couch.

"Babe, calm down," Matt said tiredly, "I can get up, get the shit you need in the bathroom I'll be there."

"Whatever, I'll drag you in there if I have to," she said menacingly as she left the room.

Matt got up and walked through the penthouse apartment, it was well-furnished, with a very expensive white carpet, and hideous green wallpaper, that reminded Matt vaguely of pureed asparagus. Matt continued to walk and found himself in a hallway, as he walked down he peered into the many doors. The majority seemed to be closet, with a den and an office thrown in. Finally at the end of the hallway was the bathroom.

The bathroom was very large with all the normal utilities. As Matt looked around he saw an ice bucket with a bottle of champagne inside. As he shut the door the song that was playing, a Peter Green influenced blues jam, faded to an almost silent volume.

"Rich motherfuckers got a soundproof bathroom and champagne," Matt scoffed and sat on the counter next to the sink. Julia then walked in a bottle of whiskey and tweezers in her arms.

"Okay, take off your shirt," Julia ordered unscrewing the cap off of the whiskey. As soon as he got the shirt off she started to pour the liquid on the wound.

"Shit, what the fuck was that," Matt yelled clutching his shoulder.

"Don't you pour the disinfectant on the shot first?" Julia asked."

"No you pull the bullets out first, so the whiskey can get at every thing," Matt said angrily still clutching his shoulder.

"Oh sorry," Julia said putting down the whiskey and picking up the tweezers, "Do you remember how we met?"

"No I don't," Matt began, his girlfriend then plunging the tweezers into his open wound, "What the fuck, Julia?"

"Oh sorry, thought that might jog your memory," Julia said bitterly, pulling out a bb from the wound. Through the rest of the procedure nothing was said between the two until Julia finished putting on the dressing.

"You know," Julia began seductively, running a finger down Matt's bare chest, the white fur stained with blood from Julia's impromptu surgery, "We are alone." Matt leaned in for a kiss, but was cut short by a loud crash.

"Goddamnit, Ed," Matt said to himself, cocking the pistol and leaving the bathroom. He walked down the hallway to see an angry bulldog pointing a glock at his friend's head.

"Buddy, you fucked the wrong girl," the bulldog said brandishing his gun angrily. Matt brought his gun up and unloaded two .50 caliber shells into the bulldog's chest knocking him to the floor, his life blood pooling on the floor. He looked up at Ed to see Roxy, naked holding a kitchen knife to his neck.

"Roxy, drop the fucking knife, or I swear to God I'll shoot you," Matt said raising the gun to fire again. Roxy pushed the knife against Ed's throat, drawing blood. Matt fired the shot piercing the beautiful vixen's eye, and exiting through her skull, coating the wall in blood and brain matter.

"Ed, what the fuck, you got taken hostage by a fucking girl," Matt laughed handing the bulldog's glock to the shaken fox.

"Dude she drugged me, she offered me a drink," Ed started his voice then dropping to a more mischievous tone, "She did that thing with her tail that I love, you know with the rubber bands and..."

"I don't want to fucking hear that!" Matt exclaimed, "You think with your dick too much."

The two bickering furs didn't notice Julia standing in the doorway, holding Matt's bloodstained shirt, a look of disbelief on her face.

"So you can kill people that easy Matt," Julia sobbed, "I can't fucking believe you, she was my friend."

"Well yeah," Matt replied, "They had weapons, and Ed is so fucking stupid, I had to save his ass."

"Well maybe you should've let Ed fucking die," Julia shouted, throwing the shirt on the ground.

"Hang on," Ed began only to be cut off by an angry growl from Matt. Ed's ears lowered and he stood there looking shocked.

In a flash, Matt's gun was up and pointed at Julia's head, "Bitch, pick up that shirt."

"Oh why, you gonna fucking kill me too?" Julia yelled, pouring what was left of the whiskey on the shirt.

"Ok fine," Matt yelled reaching into his front pocket and pulling out a fifty dollar bill, and laying it on Roxy's bloodstained body.

"Now when the fucking paramedics come and fucking take your friend away, you and that bitch can fucking go suck dick on the STREETS FOR ALL I CARE, NOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE BEFORE I KILL YOU TOO!"

To prove his point he fired a shot into the wall next to Julia's head, sending her running for the door out.

"Dude, you need fucking therapy," Ed stated, ears back from the scene his friend just made.

"Yeah, but I don't have the time," Matt replied, "Now lets get out of here before the fuzz gets here."

The two mobsters left the bloodied apartment, making sure not to leave tracks in the blood. Matt picked up his now very stained shirt and shook his head throwing the shirt behind the couch. They walked out of the penthouse apartment and walked down to the elevator.

"What do we do now?" Ed asked as they began to travel down, ears still back.

"Well we have to call the boss and tell him we fucked up," Matt answered, "and I need a new suit."

Ed laughed and shook his head, "You and your fucking suits man, seriously."

The elevator stopped in the lobby of the building and the two furs walked out and on to the crowded street. The noise level was nearly deafening as the crowd roared and screamed for the grunge band on the stage. As the two furs fought their way across the street a burly wolf wearing a black leather jacket and jeans, shoved Matt against a brick wall.

"You fucked up, Matt," the wolf growled pushing him harder into the wall.

"A pleasure to see you too Allan," Matt replied cheekily, to which the angry wolf pulled out a knife and held it against his throat.

"I don't know if you know Matt," Allan began, "But your murders have caused a gang war in Liberty City and left four of our guys dead," emphasizing the last four words with a shake.

"They started it," Matt replied, nonchalantly pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.

"That doesn't matter to the boss," Allan replied plucking the cigarette from Matt's mouth. "He wants you to kill the Vago's gang leader. There's a party in East Los Santos 654 Mason Street tomorrow. He'll be there and so will all the other movers and shakers, in the Vagos gang. Kill them all"

The wolf took a final drag of the stolen cigarette, and then ground it out next to his head, before storming off.

"That guy has it out for you Matt," Ed began, "You know he wants to take your spot as the don's right hand man."

"Like I give a fuck," Matt said bitterly pulling out another cigarette and lighting it. "We need a car, lets just get it done and go home."

At that the two furs silently slunk between the crowds of dancing and drinking furs, and finally made it out of the five block radius where the festival was taking place, and to traffic.

As a black Feltzer stopped at a traffic light Matt whispered urgently," Follow my lead on this one, and don't fuck up.

Matt jumped out in front of the car and raised his pistol at the driver, "Get out of the fucking car slowly and I won't have to shoot you.

A coyote wearing a Tommy Smith jacket stepped out of the car and said angrily, "Don't you know who the fuck I am."

Ed whispered to Matt," Dude, I think that's The Nightmare."


"Dude, it is."

Matt looked more closely at the coyote, "Mr. Smith? Tommy Smith?"

The coyote looked at him in disbelief, "Of course, are you saying you didn't recognize me."

"No, sorry Mr. Smith," Matt said, ears drooped, "You can keep going."

The Feltzer sped off past them; the driver's middle finger up at the two would be carjackers.

"Dude, we just saw Tommy Smith," Ed said excitedly.

"I didn't think he'd be such a dick though," Matt replied

"You did try to carjack him though."

Matt laughed in response and sat on the curve, setting down his pistol. "Let's just wait for another car."

They didn't have to wait long, a blue Landstalker pulled up to the traffic light and without ceremony Matt raised the pistol and fired a round into the driver's window.

"Come on! Let's go before the fuzz shows up," Matt yelled, running to the car and pulling the dead doberman out. Ed jumped in the back while Matt began to drive towards the freeway to Los Santos.

"Matt, why am I letting you drive," Ed said a hint of concern in his voice,"And there's fucking brains on my seat.

Matt glared back at him and swerved into oncoming traffic, "I know how to drive, Ed, and stop your bitching."

"Shit man, I'm sorry just get back in our lane, Jesus," Ed yelped cowering in the back seat, avoiding the pink and red stain.

"Baby," Matt scoffed pulling back into his lane, turning on the radio.

A metalcore band from the festival blasted into the car, the unintelligible screaming raking Matt's eardrums. Matt groaned and turned off the radio as he began to drive through Whetstone County. As they continued to drive, Matt began to feel regret, he'd lost his girlfriend and stood a chance of losing his best friend as well.

He kept driving, the sun slowly rising as he drove into the urban jungle that is Los Santos. As they neared the address Matt pulled over at a 24/7 and shook Ed awake.

"Dude, lets get some breakfast," Matt said still shaking Ed's sleeping form.

Ed slowly got out of the car and followed Matt inside in a post sleep stupor. The two furs grabbed energy drinks, chips, and all sorts of junk food.

"That will be fifty bucks," the cashier, a fat bear, said dryly.

"Um, no," Matt began aiming his pistol at the cashiers head, "I think it's free, fatty."

The cashier raised his hands and the two mobsters strolled out of the store, food in their arms, back to the car.

"Ed, you can drive," Matt said tiredly, "I'm gonna sleep till we get there."

Ed tiredly got into the drivers seat, and started off to East Las Santos, energy drink in hand. After about fifteen minutes the car slowed to a stop in front of the specified address.

"Shit!" Ed exclaimed, "The party's started we have to get in there."

"Fine," Matt said groggily, drawing his pistol and starting for the door of the single story ghetto house.

"Matt, wait," Ed said urgently, Glock in hand. "If Julia's in there keep cool lets just kill who we have to kill and get out with little to no collateral damage."

"Fine, fuck Ed, I'm over that bitch," Matt replied, a hint of impatience in his voice.

At that the two furs walked in the door, the gangster rap blocking out the sound of the guns cocking. There were at least fifteen gang members and ten strippers now with more on the way. The two mobsters saw their target, a dragon, sitting in his armchair, a certain red and white husky dancing seductively over him. Matt growled, and then began to open fire.

The nine bullets in the clip found themselves in the chests and heads of nine Vagos gang members. The dragon, however survived the attack, and fired back with his handgun, a 38. ACP pistol. The two bullets he fired catching Matt in the thigh and side, sending him to the ground, blood spurting from the wounds.

Ed fired back hitting the leader in the chest three times, and three other gang members in the head. The three surviving gang members began to fire back, their poorly aimed shots ricocheting off the walls and furniture. Ed dragged Matt behind a couch and sat beside him.

"Matt, Christ they got you good," Ed said in disbelief.

"Ya," Matt began as he reloaded his gun, "I'll fix it though, don't worry."

Matt blindfired his pistol over the couch, pressing the still hot barrel against his wounds effectively cauterizing them.

"SON OF A FUCKING BITCH, THAT HURT, FUCK!" Matt yelled as he fired hitting a lizard in the stomach, dropping him to his knees, then to the ground in a puddle of blood.

"Room for one more guys," Julia said dropping down behind the couch.

"No sorry," Matt said bitterly, "No fucking traitors behind this cover."

"Ya, that's fine," Ed said looking at the bloodied up she-husky, "Just sit by me I'll keep you safe."

She wordlessly crouched down next to him glancing apologetically at Matt; her head leaned against Ed's elbow. As Matt glared at the two, a hail of automatic gunfire tore through the couch, carving a bloody red trail across Matt's chest.

"Shit! Matt!" Ed yelled, sliding over next to the gasping and bleeding husky. Matt staring at the gaping holes with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Ed, take the traitor and get the fuck out of here," Matt said, voice fading and eyes dimming.

"No Matt your fucking crazy, let me help you out of here," Ed said pulling at Matt's prostate form.

"Ed, NO!" Matt yelled, then whispering, "You take care of her Ed, yourself too, and besides I got fifty bucks, I'll be fine."

"Yeah Matt, OK," Ed sighed, grabbing Julia and running out of the house, dodging gunfire and bodies. As the two furs ran, Matt tried to limp out behind them, only to be hit again in the neck and brought to the floor. His body lay in a pool of his own blood as he twitched and bled out.

Ed and Julia made it out without a hitch and ran to the blue SUV. They jumped in and drove off into the morning, stopping at the beach.

"I have a question Ed," Julia said looking at her savior. "Why were you such good friends with Matt, cause he could be, uh, borderline psychotic."

Ed laughed, "Well, when we were kids I got into this bad fight, where five kids jumped me in an alley and beat the shit out of me, and Matt came in and put three of them in the hospital. Since then, we became good friends, joined the mafia together, and got in this mess."

"Wow, so when did he get so crazy?" Julia asked a look of curiosity on her face.

"Well, we had just started in the mafia, and we were in the drag trafficking business. Some rival drug dealers found out who his family was, and they tortured and murdered them. That day, something inside of him snapped, he got angry easier and became a ruthless killer."

"Shit," Julia said quietly, "So why didn't he kill me."

"He can't stand hurting the people he's attached too," Ed began, "And he can't stand to see them hurt. I don't know if he ever told you this, but he had an old girlfriend in Liberty City. So one day he takes her to a show at the Cabaret Club, they take a cab home and these Spanish Lords pull up and fire a Tech 9 into the back seat on Matt's side, five rounds into his body and two into his girlfriend."

"Wow, that's terrible," Julia sadly replied, getting closer to Ed.

"That's not all though," Ed started, as Julia put her head on his shoulder," She died, in his arms, as the cabbie drove to the hospital. When I got to the hospital, he had gotten into a drug cabinet and almost overdosed, all because he thought he could have saved her but didn't, he would've rather died than her."

Julia nodded her hand rubbing Ed's lean chest, "I need to get out of here Ed, and do you think you could take me back, to Liberty City with you. I just want to forget that all this happened."

"If you think its better in Liberty," Ed scoffed holding her free hand," It's just like here, maybe even worse."

"Yes, but I need to get away from here, and seeing as Matt's dead, you'll have to go home wont you."

"Whatever, you can come with me," Ed reluctantly agreed, "but you can't talk with any mafia people."


"Well, because, in my mafia, when a member dies his girlfriend is open for, you know," Ed began his ears dropped in embarrassment."

"Ed, are you doing that to me," Julia giggled, kissing the fox on the lips, "unless you have ... issues with it."

Ed smiled, and then leaned in for another kiss, turning it into a make out session in the car. As the two broke away, Julia asked, "What did Matt say to you before we left?"

"He told me to take care of you, that's all," Ed answered, hands gripping the steering wheel.

"Hey, I have a tail too, why don't you tell me about that thing you like to do," Julia's voice trailing seductively, moving her hands down by Ed's crotch.

Ed wordlessly started the car and started to drive to the airport, Julia's hand receding back to the passenger's side. The sun than began to rise, making the water shine and the beach turn a warm orange color.

"What, where are we going," Julia said, a hint of disappointment in her voice, "It was just starting to get good."

"To Liberty City, I thought you wanted to go," Ed said grinning, "Cause if you don't, we could always just stay here." He started to park the car next to the curb.

"No, drive motherfucker, drive!" Julia yowled, as the car shot back into traffic.

Stories from a furry Grand Theft Auto

Well, here it is, my first furry erotica story. I decided to make this story in the GTA universe due to the fact that I've played the series since it was created. All place names, gangs, cars etc. are property of Rockstar games. If you are under...

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