Healing a Doctor Chapter 12

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#12 of Healing a Doctor

It had been three months since Davis had first come to the clinic. Nathan and Davis had struck up a very close friendship, and the two of them were happy just to keep it that way. In the three months that Davis had been living in the clinic, life had followed a routine, wake up, eat, fight or work, eat, and sleep. Life stayed that way, until one day.

The day in question was a sunny Saturday. Fighting had come to a standstill; the Jap's had to powerful of a fortified position on the Western half of town. Nathan's workflow had depleted also, he spent his weekends lounging around and chatting with Davis.

Nathan's eyes slowly cracked open, all the while steadily adapting to the glorious day. He sat up and yawned, stretching his arms wide to the skies. Davis had already awoken, so Nathan walked down the stairs to join him. The wolf was looking out the window, sipping a cup of coffee in the morning sun.

"Anything interesting going on?" Nathan asked.

"Just a couple explosions," Davis replied, "I made you a cup of coffee, it's on the coffee table."

Nathan grabbed the coffee, promptly taking a sip of it. Davis made the best coffee that Nathan had ever tasted. Nathan sat down in the chair next to the wolf. There was a military magazine lying across Davis's leg. On the cover was a tiger, wearing a military uniform with an American flag in the background.

"Could you hand me that magazine?" Nathan asked, "I think I know that guy."

Davis handed Nathan the magazine, quickly returning his glance to the window. The headline on the magazine read.

Post humorous Medal of Honor Given to Black Ops Soldier.

Nathan flipped the magazine open to the article. There was a picture of the tiger on the first page. Nathan read the article and said.

"I dated this guy."

"Really?" Davis asked, "When?"

"I've told you the story," Nathan began, "That's my wife's brother, Max."

"Where was he stationed?" Davis asked.

"It says he was at the Canada-Montana border destroying Russian supplies," Nathan said, "Jesus Christ, it says he killed 20 furs after getting shot twice."

"Raw," Davis said.

"I wonder who else is in here," Nathan began, reading the magazine.

He read about all of the current conflicts, tales of heroism and horror. There was nothing about Makassar though, and Nathan couldn't help but scoff.

"Of course they have nothing about Makassar."

"We've been here a while," Davis began, "It's not like there's anything new to report."

"There wasn't even a snippet about it," Nathan said.

"Why do you even care?" Davis asked.

"I don't know," Nathan began, "Because I've fought, and am still fighting here."

There was an urgent knocking on the door. Nathan jumped up and walked briskly to the entryway. The coyote opened the door to reveal Michael standing on his doorstep.

"Can I come in?" Michael asked.

"Of course," Nathan replied, allowing the general entrance

Michael walked into the kitchen and sat down on the counter. He pulled out a cigarette, prompting Nathan to say.

"Since when did you smoke?"

"Since this whole fucking thing went to hell," Michael replied.

"It's not that bad," Nathan began, "Is it?"

"We can barely hold the Jap's back," Michael replied, "I have a favor I need from you."

"Anything," Nathan replied.

"I have an escaped POW from one of the prison ships," Michael began, "He's pretty bad, so I want you there when I debrief him and to treat him."

"I can do that," Nathan replied.

"Is it okay if he comes in today?" Michael asked.

"It's fine," Nathan replied.

"I'll just bring him to the basement and get you when we're ready," Michael said, standing up from the counter.

The blue jay walked out, the cigarette now lit in is hand. Nathan went down the clinic to make sure everything was in order. He got out all of the tools he would need and made a fresh bed. Once he finished those tasks, he sat in his downstairs office and waited. He didn't have to wait for long for Michael to return with a small-statured ferret.

The ferret looked beat up and like he hadn't eaten in days. He was also twitchy, jumping at every sound and sudden movement. Nathan allowed the two of them entry into the clinic, making sure to move slowly as not to freak out the ferret further. Michael and the ferret went downstairs, with Nathan bringing up the rear.

The ferret sat down on the bed in the clinic, now calmed down somewhat. Michael pulled up a chair in front of him and rested his beak on a feathered paw.

"Now, Corporal Jameson, I want you to tell me what happened to you on that ship," Michael began.

The ferret stayed silent, glancing at the general with fear in his eyes. He bowed his head, clearly ashamed of his silence.

"Don't make me ask you again," Michael demanded.

The ferret still bowed his head, prompting Nathan to lean over to whisper into the blue jay's ear.

"Let me handle this," Nathan began, "He needs a kinder approach right now."

"Go ahead," Michael replied

Nathan touched the ferrets paw, prompting him to look into Nathan's brown eyes. The ferret lost his look of fear.

"You aren't like him aren't you?" Corporal Jameson asked.

"No," Nathan replied, "What's your first name?"

"Frank," the ferret said.

"Frank," Nathan began, "You really do have to tell us. It's the only way we can help."

"There were dozens of us," Frank began, "They'd have us all over the ship, either working or hidden below. If you were lucky, you were placed on work detail, you were outside, and the Japanese didn't do anything to you. They were about to switch everyone around, I was going to be tortured. On my last day of outside duty, I escaped."

"How?" Nathan asked.

"The guy who was replacing me on outside duty, big golden retriever, snapped my guard's neck. We jumped off the boat together, a couple others followed. The sharks got them, me and the golden retriever separated somewhere in the harbor. I got picked up by some black ops guys and brought to HQ."

"Did the golden retriever mention his name?" Nathan asked, hope in his eyes.

"No," Frank replied, "I owe him though; I couldn't have made it out without him."

"Are you injured in any way?" Nathan asked.

"No," Frank said, "I just need some rest. Are we done now?"

Nathan looked over at Michael, who nodded.

"Yes, get some sleep," Nathan said.

The ferret leaned back on to the bed, prompting Nathan and Michael to return upstairs. The doctor and the general sat at the kitchen counter and lit up, taking much needed drags of their cigarettes.

"I thought you stopped smoking," Michael began.

"Since Brian was taken I started up again," Nathan replied, "Please try to find him."

"He could be anywhere now," Michael said, "On the ship, in this hell hole of a city, anywhere."

"Do your best, for me," Nathan pleaded.

"I can't make promises," Michael replied.

Nathan sighed and took another drag. Michael grabbed his shoulder reassuringly and left. Davis soon replaced him, and the wolf took up Michael's old seat.

"How'd it go?" Davis asked.

"Brian's still alive, I'm sure of it," Nathan began, "He's off of that god forsaken boat."

"Why don't you check?" Davis asked.

"I don't want to be proven wrong," Nathan replied, looking up at Davis teary eyed, "I don't think I could cope if I knew."

"Could I have a drag of that?" Davis asked.

Nathan handed over the cigarette. Davis only took a quick drag before expelling the smoke in a lazy puff and handing it back to Nathan.

"I haven't smoked since 10th grade," Davis began, "Me and Brian were out behind the gym, we smoked five packs between us. We got so sick." Davis paused to laugh, "We got away with it though."

"Five packs!" Nathan exclaimed, "You guys were crazy."

"We did the stupidest shit," Davis replied, "We never got caught."

"That's a shame," Nathan began, "Maybe you two would have learned something."

"Maybe," Davis replied, "It sucked in that town when he left for college."

"Did you ever talk to him after that?" Nathan asked.

"No," Davis replied, "Not until I saw him again on the boat."

"I probably should look for him," Nathan began.

"I'll go check that disc thing," Davis said.

Davis went off and soon returned with the blue disc. He handed it to Nathan, who snuffed out his smoke and turned it on. The image was soon shooting through the ruins of Makassar, searching for Nathan's lover. The image stopped at a Laundromat, the same one where Nathan and Brian fought together for the last time.

Brian was leaned up against a washing machine. The golden retriever slumped over, clearly breathing heavily. Nathan shut off the disc and ran for the door, grabbing his pistol as he went. He stopped next to the door, and dialed up HQ on a wall mounted phone.

"This is Doctor Nathan Washington," Nathan began, "I need a humvee now to pick up a soldier behind enemy lines."

The voice at the other end of the phone said something that made Nathan very anxious.

"I need it now," Nathan replied angrily, "It's only a matter of time before they pick him up again."

Nathan relaxed and hung up the phone. The coyote threw open the door, a much more dramatic exit than was needed because he just sat on the curb. The humvee soon zoomed into view, stopping smoothly in front of the coyote.

"I got shotgun!" Nathan called, running around the front of the vehicle to the other side.

Louise was the driver, and her posture slumped as Nathan got in the vehicle. Since her failed seduction of Nathan, she did not speak to Nathan unless the situation required it. Davis jumped in the back and the trio were on their way.

"Where are we going?" Louise asked.

"Down to that Laundromat," Nathan replied, "Where we fought the day we lost Brian."

"Why would anyone be hiding there?" Louise asked.

"Those Japs hid well enough from me," Nathan replied.

Louise huffed and continued driving. They soon reached their destination, and stopped across the street from it. There was an eerie silence, not a noise could be heard for miles. Nathan jumped out of his seat and ran across the road, not giving a damn as to whether an enemy sniper could pick him off.

Nathan skidded to a stop just in front of the front window of the Laundromat. He stepped in over the broken window pane and tentatively called.


There was a soft groan in reply. Nathan ran into the building, stopping at the back row where the golden retriever lay. The coyote gave a yip of joy and went to him.

"Brian," Nathan sobbed, "Oh Jesus, I missed you."

"Nathan?" Brian replied tiredly.

"It's me," Nathan sighed, nuzzling his lover, "Can you walk?"

"I think so," Brian began, "You're going to have to help me up."

Nathan helped the golden retriever on to his feet, and couldn't help but notice the now healed scars on his wrists. Brian staggered against the coyote, nearing taking the two of them down. They managed to cross the street without to much happening. Brian was pulled into the vehicle by Louise and the four were off.

"What's he doing here?" Brian asked, pointing at Davis.

"He's cool now," Nathan replied, "He's living with us now."

"Nathan..." Brian began, looking at Davis warily.

"I do suppose an apology is in order," Davis began, "I'm sorry."

"Okay then," Brian replied, "How long have you two been living together?"

"About three months now," Davis said.

"Damn," Brian said, "I must have been on that boat a long time."

Nathan ran a paw through Brian's head fur, savoring the texture that he had missed for so long. Brian reached up to caress the coyote's face, rubbing off a tear trailing down his brown fur.

"Why are you crying?" Brian asked.

"I'm just so happy," Nathan replied, "I was so scared that you were dead."

"They can't kill me," Brian scoffed, "I'm crazy remember."

"We're both crazy now," Nathan began, "I'm taking pills for PTSD, I started having flashbacks at night after you were gone."

"So that's what those were," Davis cut in, "You were keeping me up with those."

"Sorry," Nathan said.

"I have a pain in my side," Brian began, "I dinged it coming out of the harbor. Think you could look at it?"

"I can't believe you have to ask," Nathan replied.

"So that's a yes?" Brian asked.

"Yes," Nathan replied, nuzzling up to the golden retriever.

Davis remained quiet through all of this, thinking to himself. He wouldn't even have to kill Nathan, all he had to do was take care of Brian, he could leave after that and Nathan would take care of himself. Louise let them off in front of the clinic, speeding away as soon as the three were off.

"Like the house?" Nathan asked, holding the door for the injured Brian.

"It's nice," Brian replied.

"The clinic's in the basement," Nathan began, "I'll head down there as soon as I drop my gear off."

Brian stumbled his way into the house, his pain evident in every stride he took. Nathan followed after him, ready to help him up if he fell. The coyote dropped his gear in the entry room and ran downstairs, where Brian was slowly lowering himself on the bed.

"Let me help you," Nathan said.

"I got it," Brian replied, "You don't need to trouble yourself."

"Bullshit," Nathan replied, keeping the golden retriever steady and lowering him all the way down to the bed, "It's my job."

Brian leaned back onto the bed, grimacing in pain.

"I really need you to check my side," Brian began, "It really hurts."

"Okay," Nathan replied, putting on a pair of examination gloves, "Just relax."

Brian scoffed as Nathan began to feel the hurt area, making the coyote stop his examinations and ask.

"Is something funny?"

"I thought we knew each other better than that," Brian said.

"It's protocol," Nathan replied.

"Fuck protocol," Brian said, prompting Nathan to scoff.

The coyote started up his examinations again, prodding around the golden retriever's body. Nathan scoffed as he felt over the golden retriever's chest.

"What's so funny now?" Brian asked.

"We need to get you buff again," Nathan began, "You got skinny."

"Being on a boat for three months with hardly any food will do that to you," Brian said indignantly.

"Come on," Nathan replied, "I was just kidding."

Brian was about to reply but was cut off by a sharp gasp. The coyote had found the source of the pain, a rib. Nathan felt along it, nearly bringing the golden retriever to tears.

"You don't have to manhandle it," Brian said, clearly in a lot of pain.

"You big baby," Nathan replied, "At the most it's cracked. You just need to take it easy."

"I have better things to do than take it easy," Brian replied, grabbing the coyote again.

Nathan saw Brian's chain scars as the golden retriever grabbed him. He sobbed, the noise coming out of his throat in an uncontrollable gush. Brian got his coyote in a hug, grimacing as Nathan's arms clasped around his chest.

"I can't believe what happened to you," Nathan began.

"Just forget about it," Brian replied, "I was thinking about you so much I barely felt it."

"I never want to lose you again," Nathan sighed, squeezing Brian.

"Are you good?" Brian asked.

"I guess," Nathan replied.

"Can you let go of me please?" Brian began, "That really hurts."

"Oh shit," Nathan said, letting go of Brian, "Sorry, I won't hug you until you are better."

"That's not fair though," Brian said, pouting.

"I'll be gentle then," Nathan scoffed.

"Okay," Brian sighed, "Who's that ferret I saw on my way in? He looked familiar."

"That's Frank," Nathan explained, "You escaped off of the boat with him."

"I'm glad he made it out okay," Brian began, "There were so many sharks, you would have been scared shitless."

"I told you sharks are meant to be feared," Nathan replied, "By the way, you owe me 100 dollars."

"Why don't we make that 100 kisses?" Brian asked.

"More like two hundred," Nathan replied, moving his head closer and closer to the golden retrievers.

"This one doesn't count," Brian said, grabbing the coyote's head with his paw.

There were no tongues involved in this kiss. It was just two lovers, enjoying the contact that the two have longed for. Nathan moved onto Brian's chest, prompting him to yell.

"Fuck!" Brian said, breaking away from the kiss.

"I'm sorry," Nathan replied.

"It's fine," Brian began, "Why is Davis here?"

"I told you," Nathan replied, "He came to me, I helped him, and we became friends."

"You can't trust someone like Davis," Brian sighed, shaking his head.

"He changed," Nathan said, "I trust him."

"That's what he does," Brian began, "He gets you to trust him, and he hurts you. It's how he gets back at people."

"What do you mean?" Nathan asked.

"He killed my best friend, a girl in my class, a teacher, all because they crossed him. Davis is a sadistic fucking psycho," Brian replied, "I knew, but I never told anyone, cause I was afraid he'd do the same to me."

"How?" Nathan asked.

"He made the teacher coffee and poisoned it," Brian listed, "He made a girl kill herself because he left her when she needed him most. He killed my best friend in a rigged game of Russian roulette."

"He wouldn't do that," Nathan replied, "Not anymore."

"You know," Brian scoffed, "You are so naïve, you think he sincerely wants to be your friend. You tortured him and gave him over to the Jap's in hope that they'd kill him. Why the fuck would he even be near you except revenge."

"He's changed Brian," Nathan said again, "How can you not see that?"

"I just hope I'm better enough to help you if you're wrong," Brian replied.

"I don't need protecting," Nathan said, "You need to get some rest; I'll be down in a couple of hours with a sandwich."

Nathan kissed Brian's forehead and went back upstairs, where Davis was waiting.

Nathan sat in the chair beside him, letting Davis begin the conversation.

"How's Brian?" Davis asked.

"He's just fine," Nathan replied, "I'm so glad he's back."

"I'm going to miss a warm coyote in my bed," Davis began.

"You can always pile in with me and Brian," Nathan replied.

"Naw," Davis began, "I might get involved in some freakiness I'd rather stay out of."

"I thought you'd try anything once," Nathan scoffed.

"Can we change the subject?" Davis asked.

"Fine," Nathan sighed, "But watching you get uncomfortable is hilarious."

"Do you mind if I go talk to Brian?" Davis asked.

"Go ahead," Nathan replied, "As long as he's not asleep."

Davis nodded and went downstairs. As he got out of Nathan's sight, a sly grin appeared on his face. Phase two of his plan could now begin. Brian was not asleep, however, and was staring at the ceiling.

"Brian?" Davis called out, "You up?"

"I know what you're trying to do," Brian said.

"What am I trying to do?" Davis asked.

"It's not going to work," Brian replied.

"Oh really," Davis said, picking up a needle and a clear bottle.

He filled the needle up halfway with the fluid and set the bottle down. He advanced upon the prone golden retriever the needle outstretched.

"You are despicable," Brian began, not noticing the needle.

"Why?" Davis asked, now within striking distance.

Brian mumbled something unintelligibly and the wolf pulled his head closer to try to understand him. Brian's paw came to life, rapidly enclosing and squeezing Davis's throat. Davis plunged the needle into Brian's arm, the golden retriever's grip now slowly weakening.

"You feel that?" Davis chuckled, "Your strength just drains away."

Brian gasped; his arm was now unresponsive to his commands. He felt that suffocating numbness move over his body, paralyzing him. He fell limp, unable to move against the effects of the drug.

"The best part of this," Davis began, "Is that you're awake for everything. This will wear off in about twenty four hours, plenty of time for me to kill off that bitch of yours."

Brian was angry, but because he couldn't move, the anger came out through his eyes in the form of an icy glare.

"Your pulse and breathing will slow and soon be undetectable," Davis continued, "Nathan will panic, and most likely miss the signs, you'll be really dead to him. That frees me up to leave him, and hopefully he'll kill himself so I don't have to. Maybe I'll fuck him first though, right here so you can see, so he feels bad about your death and that he had sex with me so soon. Maybe he'll blow his brains out in your lap, and you won't be able to do anything to stop him."

Brian's mind was roiling with anger. If he could move, that wolf's face would be smashed into a billion tiny pieces.

"Time for me to start acting," Davis said coldly before crying out, "NATHAN! JESUS COME QUICK, IT'S BRIAN!"

There was a crash upstairs as Nathan dropped whatever he was doing. There was the urgent pounding of running footsteps, and a panting Nathan appeared in the clinic. Davis had mustered up some tears and was looking at Brian's body, sobbing.

"He just stopped breathing," Davis sobbed, "He was talking fine, and then he just went."

Nathan ran to him, checking for signs of Brian's pulse and breathing. Brian hoped that Nathan could find it, and could quickly fix him so he could kill that Davis bastard. Unfortunately he didn't, and he began to cry.

"No," Nathan began, starting CPR on the golden retriever.

Brian winced in pain on the inside. The artificial pumping of his blood was painful; the drug did not dull pain. Nathan sobbed, breathing air into his lungs. Brian wanted to do something, to move his eyes or his tongue just a fraction of a centimeter to prove he was still alive, but he couldn't.

"BRIAN!" Nathan yelled, working on his chest again, "DON'T YOU FUCKING DIE ON ME!"

"I think..." Davis began, sniffling, "He's gone."

Nathan fell onto Brian's chest, sobbing. Brian felt a deep sadness he never knew he could feel, because of his sobbing mate that he could not console. Davis walked up behind him and placed a paw on his shoulder, Nathan nuzzling his cheek against the comforting gesture.

"Come on," Davis said, "I have something that will make us both feel better."

Davis pulled Nathan up and moved to where Brian could see the two of them. Davis brought his lips to Nathan's, linking the two in his first gay kiss. Nathan pushed back into it, making Brian die a little inside. Davis began to use his tongue, making sure to let Brian see the messy conquest of Nathan's muzzle. The wolf's paws moved into Nathan's pants, making the coyote push the wolf away.

"No," Nathan began.

"No?" Davis asked indignantly.

"It's way to soon," Nathan said, backing away from Davis.

"So you can kiss me like a fucking slut in the same room where your boyfriend just died, but you can't fuck me?" Davis asked.

"Don't be mad," Nathan began, cut off by Davis.

"You know what, fuck you," Davis began, "I lived with you, befriended you, even turned gay for you, and you wont return my affections."

"I think these are extenuating circumstances," Nathan began.

"Extenuating circumstances my ass," Davis scoffed, "You should just kill yourself, you stupid know it all fuck."

"I'm sorry," Nathan began, walking towards Davis.

"FUCK YOU!" Davis bellowed, backhanding Nathan full across the muzzle and storming out.

Nathan slumped to the floor, bleeding from the inside of his cheek. Davis left with a smile on his face, now all that was left to do was to wait for the inevitable to occur. Brian sat immobile, racked with concern about the coyote. Hopefully he wouldn't do something stupid in the time it took for him to get better.

Frank sat up from his bed, startling Davis. The wolf grabbed Nathan's scalpel and advanced on him, the ferret squirming in fear. Davis took the knife and jammed the blade into Frank's windpipe. The ferret began to gag, blood flowing out through his nose and mouth.

"Shh," Davis began, "It'll be over soon."

Davis pressed the knife in until it was flush against Frank's spine. Frank tried vainly to fight Davis off, his paw weakly pushing against Davis's face. The ferret gave a final twitch and laid still. Davis pulled out and wiped the bloody knife off on a section of clean sheet and sat down beside the Frank's dead body. He waited, knowing if the coyote came out of the room that he would have to do the same to him.

Lucky for Nathan, the coyote didn't. He instead went to his office and sobbed, for a long time. Brian lay there, unable to move and powerless to console his lover. He could only hope that he would recover in time to keep Nathan from hurting himself. Nathan came out of his office, smelling strongly of alcohol. He sat next to Brian's prone body, rubbing the golden retriever's thigh.

"I lost you again," Nathan began, "Why did this happen?"

Nathan began to sob, his tears falling onto the golden retriever's fur. The coyote's head moved down to Brian's chest, his body trembling with each inhale and exhale of breath.

"You were right," Nathan said.

No shit, Brian thought.

"You'd be saying I told you so," Nathan scoffed, "I'm going to miss this, you and I against the world. You saved me and I couldn't save you, after all you've done for me, I've failed you."

God he needs a hug or something right now, Brian thought again.

"I think I'm coming to join you Brian," Nathan sniffled.

NO! Brian thought.

Nathan brought his lips to Brian's, kissing him goodbye. He grasped Brian's limp paw and headed for his office. As Nathan turned, Brian's paw began to regain movement. The coyote was to far gone to notice, however, and walked into his office.

Nathan turned dimmed the lights and sat down at his desk. He began to cry but his eyes were unable to produce tears, so he was sobbing dryly. He pulled the pistol from his holster and stared at it, turning the cold piece of steel over in his hands. He loaded the gun, cocking it and clicking off the safety.

Brian was able to move his arm, and he tried desperately to get the coyote's attention. He swung it against his bed and the table beside him, producing a loud thumping noise. The coyote did not notice.

Nathan brought the gun to his temple. He began to tremble again, his fingers slipping and missing the trigger. He steadied himself long enough to lightly press the trigger, before placing the gun back on the desk.

"He wouldn't want that," Nathan said, looking into the clinic.

Brian could now move his entire upper body, and he flailed around, not catching the coyote's attention as his gaze snapped back to the pistol. Nathan slammed the door shut without looking, making Brian's heart sink in his chest.

Nathan picked the gun back up and placed the barrel in his mouth. His eyes flooded with newfound tears and blurred his vision. He began to tremble again, the barrel of the gun slipping in and out of his mouth.

"I'm sorry," he said around the gun barrel, his finger moving to the trigger.

Brian suddenly was able to move his full body. He jumped up and sprinted for the door, hoping he could stop his lover.

"NATHAN!" Brian yelled.

There was a gunshot followed by a thump. Brian sank to his knees, his head resting against the door as he began to sob.

He was too late.

Healing A Doctor Chapter 13

Well, one more chapter after this one. What's next? I have absolutely no clue. I have a couple projects ready to get started and I'll get back to you as soon as I make a decision as to which one I will make into a series. So after an extremely long...

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Healing A Doctor Chapter 11

Louise Valerez walked into Nathan's dark and gloomy house. It was a Saturday, and because of this she thought that her doctor friend would be able to look at her arm. HQ was too busy dealing with more grievously injured furs than she, so they her to...

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Healing A Doctor Chapter 10

Louise and the three other members of Nathan's and Brian's squad were driving through the ruined city, heading in to pick up Nathan and Brian. Everywhere you looked were craters, ruined buildings, and brick and wood thrown randomly around. Every couple...

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