Healing A Doctor Chapter 13

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#13 of Healing a Doctor

Well, one more chapter after this one. What's next? I have absolutely no clue. I have a couple projects ready to get started and I'll get back to you as soon as I make a decision as to which one I will make into a series. So after an extremely long wait, here it is.


Brian continued to sob, a deep and throaty sound. His ears perked up, however, at the sound of a higher pitched sob. Nathan was still alive. The golden retriever threw the door open and ran to the coyote, the door creaking shut behind him. Nathan was on the floor, his chair tipped over from the blast that nearly took his life. The coyote had a powder burn on the side of his cheek, a cruel memento of his close brush with death. Nathan's eyes were closed, a he slowly rocked back and forth, shaken at how close he had come to doing it.

"Nathan!" Brian exclaimed, picking up the coyote and ignoring the sharp pain in his side.

"You son of a bitch!" Nathan yelled back, hitting the golden retriever's back, "I thought you were dead."

"I don't know what I was," Brian replied, "Why the fuck do you have drugs like that lying around?"

"It's a sedative, and when used properly with an anesthesia, works very well for surgery," Nathan explained, "I have no clue how Davis found out the dose without killing you."

"That's comforting," Brian scoffed.

"I can't believe I kissed him," Nathan said, shaking his head.

Brian set down the coyote and stretched, grimacing as his side audibly popped. He sighed and sat on Nathan's desk. Nathan stood beside him, leaning against the desk beside the golden retriever.

"I can't either," Brian began, "Why didn't you believe me?"

"I don't know," Nathan replied, beginning to pace back and forth, "I just thought he changed."

"No one just up and changes," Brian said, "He was out for your ass since he walked in this house all that time ago."

"You're right," Nathan sighed, "How is it you're always right?"

"Practice," Brian replied, "I'm going to kill Davis."

"Just let him go," Nathan began, "He didn't do anything, and besides, I'm sick of all of this killing."

"He didn't do anything," Brian growled, "He paralyzes me, kisses you and hits you, and tries to get you to kill yourself. You want someone like that alive."

"You're no murderer Brian," Nathan said, grasping the golden retriever's shoulders, "You don't have to do this."

"But I am a murderer," Brian replied, his head slumping, "I'm a fucking psycho murderer."

"That's in the past," Nathan began, "You say to me all the time, just forget about the past and live for the moment, that's what you need to do here."

Brian laughed at the irony of the situation. The patient giving the psychiatrist advice on how to deal with his mind. Nathan sat down beside him, idly tracing a paw down his thigh.

"You're right," Brian said.

"That's a first," Nathan scoffed.

Brian grabbed Nathan's paw, interrupting the coyote's movements over his thigh. The two canines, moved closer together, gazing into each other's eyes.

"It'll only get better from here, right?" Nathan said.

"Of course," Brian replied, "We have a month or two left until we're back home, maybe sooner if we can sell the homosexual psychologically traumatized act."

"It's the truth though," Nathan began, "We are homosexual psychos."

"I don't think having PTSD counts as psychotic," Brian scoffed.

"I'm still a danger to those around me," Nathan replied.

"No you're not," Brian joked, "You're a cute little coyote."

"This cute little coyote could still beat your ass," Nathan replied.

The two of them laughed and moved even closer together. The heat of their bodies converged, cementing the fact in both of their minds that they were finally together again. Their lips met and their mouths opened in an earth shattering display of love. Brian's paws began to run down Nathan's chest and arms, making the coyote moan against his tongue.

Nathan moved onto Brian's lap, not breaking the kiss. The coyote's paws moved to Brian's back, where they rubbed and massaged with every stroke of Brian's tongue against his. Nathan began to lift off his shirt, only to be stopped by the golden retriever.

"What is it?" Nathan asked, pulling his shirt back down.

"I could use a shower," Brian began, "I still have that salt in my fur."

"You're probably starving too," Nathan replied, "Let's go, sex can always wait."

"That's surprising coming from you, you horndog," Brian scoffed.

"I can't help but be horny when I'm around you," Nathan replied.

The two walked to the door and out into the clinic. They were too involved with each other to see the bloodied body of Frank on the bed. Unbeknownst to them, Davis was watching. As soon as the two lovers walked out of sight, the wolf ran into Nathan's office and grabbed the pistol from his desk. Davis laughed as he held the gun before his eyes.

"Looks like I get to kill you after all, doc," Davis said.

The wolf laughed again and closed the door to Nathan's office. He was going to wait for the two of them to come downstairs. After a quick exchange of conversation, he would kill them and then leave.

The two lovers had quickly gotten over their respective troubles and were now chatting idly. The two of them stopped in the kitchen, where they shared a quick kiss and grope.

"You want a shower or food first?" Nathan asked, breaking away from their kiss.

"Which ever one of those you can make sexier," Brian replied.

"You are way too much of a flirt," Nathan scoffed, "If you don't mind; I want to take a shower first."

"You just wanna see me naked," Brian said, looking over at the coyote mischievously.

"Maybe if you gain back all of that muscle," Nathan said, squeezing the golden retriever's arm, "Then I might want to see you naked."

"My most important muscle didn't shrink," Brian said, removing his arm from the coyote's grasp.

"Now that's something I want to see," Nathan began, enveloping his paw in Brian's and leading him to the bathroom.

The bathroom in this house was much nicer than the one at the clinic. This bathroom was brand spanking new, or the coyote did a very good job of cleaning it. There was not a spot of dirt or grime on any surface and everything shone, from the white tile floors to the stainless steel faucets.

"It's so clean in here," Brian said, staring at the bathroom.

"This was Davis," Nathan began, "He liked a clean house."

"Good," Brian replied, "If you had turned into a clean freak I'd be so annoyed."

"What's wrong with clean freaks?" Nathan asked, "They clean everything for you."

"They just can get dickish about it," Brian sighed, "Kris was like that."

"I'm no Kris," Nathan began, pulling his shirt over his head.

The two undressed and headed for the shower. The shower was one of those bath/shower hybrids, the tub itself was a brilliant shining white with a faded floral curtain. Brian scoffed at the pattern as Nathan turned on the water.

"I hate floral curtains," Brian said.

"Well let me fix that," Nathan replied, stepping out of the shower.

Nathan shut the lights off, hiding the curtain and everything else from view.

"That better?" Nathan said, blindly entering back into the shower.

"Now I can't see what I really wanted to see," Brian whined.

"Yeah," Nathan began, "But now your other senses are stronger."

Nathan moved forward, stopping at the bulk of flesh and fur that was Brian. He tilted his head up, and brought his lips up to Brian's. Brian grasped Nathan so that his back was against his chest, keeping their mouths connected. Their muzzles opened, allowing the pink muscles inside free access to the each others mouth. Nathan moaned as the golden retriever began to sensually rub his paws across Nathan's naked torso.

Brian turned Nathan around, promptly returning their muzzles after the movement. Nathan's paws went around to cup Brian's cheeks and tail, rubbing up and down the pieces of flesh. The two continued their passionate make out session, paws gliding over the other's body without abandon.

When they finally separated, the water's temperature had dulled to lukewarm.

Nathan stepped over the bathtub wall and turned on the lights. Brian staggered out of the shower, half blind from the sudden drastic change in light conditions.

"You couldn't warn me?" Brian asked.

"When I left I figured you'd catch on," Nathan replied.

"Fine," Brian began, "What are we eating?"

"Cold sandwiches and soup sound good?" Nathan said.

"It sounds fucking awesome," Brian said, toweling off and leaving the bathroom.

Nathan chuckled and followed Brian. The golden retriever was sitting at the kitchen counter, checking out the house. His naked legs were crossed, hiding his godly golden sheath and balls from view. Nathan tried to fight his growing arousal, an erection the last thing he needed right now.

"This is really nice," Brian began.

"Thanks," Nathan replied, as he began to look for the ingredients, "We have turkey and ham for meat, and chicken noodle and tomato for soup. What do you want?"

"Turkey and chicken noodle sounds good," Brian said.

Nathan set about making the sandwiches and soups. He had decided he wanted the tomato and figured he could eat a whole pan's worth by himself. Brian was watching him, not his cooking, but his body. Brian had missed his lean coyote and couldn't wait to hold him again and again and again for the rest of his life.

Davis heard the hiss of the gas pipe as Nathan put the soup on the stove. He grimaced. Davis had hoped that he wouldn't have to go upstairs to go after them. He quickly formed a new plan. If the two lovers did not venture downstairs again, he would wait for them to fall asleep and then kill the both of them.

The coyote had finished making the meal and sat down next to Brian with his turkey sandwich and tomato soup. The two began to eat in silence, savoring the much needed meal.

"I didn't think a cold turkey sandwich could taste this good," Brian said, the sandwich already half gone.

"Of course it's good," Nathan began, "I made it."

"Are you sure?" Brian asked, "From what I recall you couldn't cook for shit."

"Making a sandwich isn't exactly cooking," Nathan scoffed, "Dick."

"That's right, I am the dick in this relationship," Brian began, "Speaking of our relationship, I think we should rekindle it soon."

"How soon?" Nathan asked, now beginning to start in on his soup.

"I'll leave that up to you," Brian replied.

Nathan finished his meal and threw his dishes in the sink. Davis meanwhile was getting impatient. He had been sitting there in the basement for what must have been hours, with no one but the smelling dead body of Frank. He chuckled and looked at the dead ferret.

"Ever think of necrophilia Frank?" Davis asked.

Davis chuckled and slapped the dead ferret's back.

"I'm just fucking with you," Davis continued.

Davis stopped laughing, his little joke not funny anymore. He growled, tapping his feet against the floor. He heard a creaking upstairs and his ears perked up. Someone was moving.

Nathan got up from his seat and headed for the basement. He was stopped by Brian calling.

"Where are you going?" Brian asked, standing up from his meal.

"I have to grab some things from my office," Nathan began.

"I'll come with," Brian offered, walking up to the coyote.

"You should finish eating," Nathan said.

"I'm fine," Brian replied.

"You need to regain all of your lost weight," Nathan began, "Eat up, besides I slaved over that meal for you, the least you could do is eat it."

"Hurry back then," Brian said, turning back to his food.

Nathan went down the stairs and flipped on the lights. He gasped and fell backwards. Frank's bloodstained body was visible on the bed, his blood stain on the sheets and floor. Nathan walked to him in disbelief.

"Jesus, Frank," Nathan said, kneeling down beside the ferret.

Nathan examined the ferret. His eyes found the neck wound, a crimson river with many tributaries across the white fur. Nathan tossed the blanket over Frank, hiding his body from the outside. Nathan bent his head, giving a moment of silence to the dead fur and hurried back up the stairs. Little did Nathan know that Davis was following him, the pistol hidden behind his back.

"Where are you going doc?" Davis asked.

Nathan ears shot up in surprise. He turned to stare at the bloodstained wolf.

"Davis," Nathan began, "Why the fuck did you do this?"

"No hard feelings doc," Davis replied, "Life for a life, ear for an ear."

"Frank had nothing to do with this," Nathan spat.

"He was in the wrong place at the wrong time," Davis began.

"Fuck this," Nathan replied, "I'm going up to get Brian."

Davis pulled the gun into Nathan's vision. The coyote's eyes widened, prompting the wolf to chuckle.

"Go ahead," Davis began, "On second thought, just bring your fuckbuddy down here. You two queers must have had some fun, I'd hate to spoil your naked escapades."

Nathan backed away slowly, hoping that his movements wouldn't alert the wolf. Davis chuckled and struck out at the coyote with the butt of the gun. Nathan began to stagger, and made it halfway up the stairs before collapsing against the wall. Davis chuckled and advanced onto the slumped coyote, he put the gun to Nathan's head.

"Sorry bitch, you're done," Davis said.

There was the steady drum of footsteps; Brian was most likely coming to see what the commotion was. Nathan brushed the pistol away from his head with a tired paw, eliciting a laugh from Davis.

"You want to see your boyfriend one last time?" Davis scoffed, "I can wait."

The sound of Brian's footsteps grew louder. Davis laughed and moved the gun back. Nathan took in a sharp gasp of air and fell silent.

"Are you okay?" Brian asked.

The golden retriever rounded the corner and gasped. Nathan turned over to his lover, the blood from his forehead dripping on to the ground.

"Brian!" Davis began, "How nice of you to join us."

"Why are you still here?" Brian spat, "You little fucking passive aggressive bitch."

"This isn't passive aggressive," Davis scoffed, "This is revenge."

"Just leave us alone," Nathan began.

"Who the fuck said you could TALK," Davis snarled, striking Nathan's skull with the pistol butt again at the last word.

Brian advanced a step towards Davis. Davis clucked his tongue and pointed the gun at Nathan once more. Davis sniggered.

"Stay back," Davis warned, "You know I could kill him."

"Just get out," Brian began.

Nathan stood up, facing the wolf. Davis chuckled and pushed the gun into the coyote's chest.

"You got balls doc," Davis began, "Too bad they're not enough."

Davis pulled the trigger three times and stepped back. Nathan slumped back to the wall, sliding down and leaving a trail of blood behind him. The coyote's face was a mixture of surprise and pain although it soon faded to a dull tired slack. Brian stood stock still in disbelief, allowing Davis to

pass by him.

"I'll be waiting Brian," Davis taunted.

Brian walked up to his lover and knelt down beside him. Nathan coughed and a liquid red trailed out of his mouth. The golden retriever gently hugged his lover, rocking the naked brown body silently.

"Just tell me what to do," Brian began, "Tell me how to fix you."

"Forget about me," Nathan whispered, "Kill that son of a bitch."

"But what if you die," Brian replied, his voice breaking at the last word.

"I'll be fine," Nathan sighed, "I just have to keep from bleeding out."

"God," Brian sighed.

He began to sob into the coyote's chest, holding the brown head to him. Nathan tried to move his arm up over the golden retriever, but couldn't, his blood loss and resulting fatigue was just too great.

"Hurry," Nathan whispered.

Brian kissed Nathan on the cheek before walking to where Davis waited. Nathan began to black in and out, catching snippets of angry conversation and loud noises. As his world faded into darkness and his tiredness overtook him, there was a horrible scream.


Nathan slowly came to. He was still propped against the wall, and he was immediately wracked with disbelief.

How the hell am I still alive? Nathan thought, looking down at his wounds.

He had stopped bleeding, but there was still a dull pain in his chest. He pressed down an investigative paw and quickly withdrew it with a pained groan. His chest was compressed and wrapped, albeit poorly, and someone had patched up the wounds on his face from his pistol-whipping. He tried to stand up, but was too weak. The coyote huffed and leaned back against the wall, not knowing if Brian or Davis were still alive.

"Brian?" He called.

He was about to call again, but fell silent. Davis could still be alive, and if he came back to Nathan. The coyote shuddered at the thought of it. Nathan began to tentatively move, and found that he could manage a slow crawl without too much pain. He crawled his way to the living room. The living room was in a state of disarray, the chairs were overturned, the couch's cushions were off kilter, and the record player lay smashed on the floor.

The coyote continued on, searching the rooms thoroughly as he went. As he made his way to the bathroom, he found a blood stain in the hallway. There were drops of blood spattered haphazardly across the floor culminating in a pool just inside of the bathroom. Nathan followed the trail and stopped at the dark bathroom. He reached up for the light switch, and promptly wished he hadn't.

The walls were covered with blood. Clearly a very intense and deadly fight had taken place. Nathan's gaze transverse the room, taking in the macabre scene. His examination stopped at the tub where a bloodstained arm drooped limply. Nathan could not discern who the arm belonged to, the fur dyed in that terrible crimson. Nathan looked at it once more, his arms shaking at the fact that it could be Brian lying in that tub, his beautiful Brian. He tried to avert his gaze, but couldn't, he was effectively mesmerized by that blood red arm.

Without warning, his arms gave out, sending his body slamming against the floor. His chest and face screamed with pain, the sudden shock ravaging the tender nerves. His hips slid down until he was laid out flat. Nathan began to gasp, the pain in his chest making it hard to breathe. It also didn't help that his heart was beating a mile a minute, the scene effectively scaring Nathan into a state of shock. The coyote passed out again.


"It's about time we get a good story," A young female fox said.

She was driving down the road in a faded brown jeep, with her colleague, a male fox like herself. The male turned at her, a look of annoyance on his face.

"Baby sister," He began, "We're going to a military doctor's office to interview a POW. How is that a good story?"

"You heard what Louise said," The female replied, "The doctor and the POW are together."

"Like gay together or in the same house together?" The male asked.

"You know what I mean Thomas," the female scoffed.

"That's fucking disgusting," Thomas replied.

"I think its sweet," The female said, "I think we could get front page with this."

"No one wants to read about that little sis," Thomas said.

The female punched Thomas on the arm, hard enough to make him stop the jeep and rub it.

"Don't call me that," the female huffed, "You know my name."

"Ok Agnes," Thomas began, followed by a scoff, "Agnes Fagnes."

"Say that again bed wetter," Agnes retorted.

"I wet my bed in the third grade one time, that's normal," Thomas said, "You need a better insult Fagnes."

Agnes unbuckled her seat belt and threw herself at Thomas with a flurry of slaps and scratches. Thomas retaliated, turning the front of the jeep into an angry blur of spitting red fur. It quickly came to an end when Agnes got Thomas's ear and began to pull, causing the other fox to cry out.

"Not the ear! Not the ear!"

Agnes ruefully returned to the passenger seat and buckled her seatbelt. Thomas sighed and continued on, rubbing his ear with a spare paw.

It was a mere coincidence that the two found themselves in military journalism, and even more of one that they were partnered with each other. Their employers thought that being with someone you knew and spent time with could lower the stress of their job. In a way, being together did lower their work-related stress; it was just replaced by their constant fighting and bickering.

"Just like when we were little," Agnes began, "I can still beat the shit out of you."

"It's not polite to hit a girl," Thomas replied, "But I can make an exception for you."

The conversation carried on that way until they reached Nathan's house. The two siblings stepped out of the jeep and went to the front door. Thomas reached out and knocked three times. There was no answer.

"They're probably fucking," Thomas scoffed.

"Why are you so mean?" Agnes asked.

"I just don't really feel like doing this story," Thomas replied, "Gay guys kind of gross me out."

"Homophobe," Agnes scoffed.

"Whatever," Thomas retorted, knocking again, "What the fuck are they doing?"

"One of them is a doctor," Agnes began, "Maybe he's with a patient."

"Then we're just walking in, come on," Thomas said.

The fox cranked open the door and entered into the house. His sister followed, and pulled out a note pad as she crossed the threshold. The house was really dark, covering up any evidence of last night's events. The pair stopped just before the hallway.

"I don't hear anything," Agnes began.

"We should look around," Thomas replied, "Lets check the basement."

Thomas pointed down towards the dark staircase, the bloody scene hidden in the black. Agnes shook her head.

"You can, I need to use the bathroom," Agnes said.

"Ok then," Thomas replied, "Holler if you find them."

Agnes walked down the hallway, leaving Thomas alone in front of the staircase. He pulled out his camera, hoping that there would be something picture worthy. He began to walk down the dark stairs; his paw found the railing where it slid down behind him. At about halfway down, he felt something. It was a hard stain, and the fox turned on his flash to investigate. The sight of Nathan's blood nearly scared the fox dead, literally, the shock nearly made him fall down the stairs.

Thomas leaned back against the opposite wall and edged his way down the stairs. He looked out over the basement floor and saw something. It was a dark shape that looked somewhat like a body. He moved his finger to turn on the flash again, loathing what he might see. Before he switched it on there was a piercing scream.

Thomas dropped the camera and ran back up to his sister. She had run back to the staircase and was sitting on the ground with her head in her hands. Thomas knelt down beside her and gave her a reassuring hug.

"There's two bodies in the bathroom," She began, surprisingly calm.

"There's one in the basement too," Thomas replied.

"God," She sighed, "What in the hell happened here?"

"You should call up the base," Thomas began, "I need to take some pictures."

Agnes went out to the jeep to call base on the radio. Thomas loathingly went back down to the basement, only to find that his camera had broken when it was dropped. He picked up the broken pieces and left the house, finding his sister screaming at the army dispatcher.


She slammed down the radio and leaned back into the seat of the jeep, her head in her paws. Thomas got in beside her and sat in the adjacent seat.

"I thought you were taking pictures," Agnes began.

"I broke my camera, look," Thomas replied, holding the pieces out for her to view.

"They should be here in a few minutes," Agnes said.

"Are you ok?" Thomas asked.

"That's unlike you to ask that," Agnes scoffed.

"Guess you are then," Thomas retorted.

They sat in silence until the military ambulance arrived. A serious looking otter stepped out of the front and went over to the pair of journalists.

"You said there were three dead in there?" The otter asked.

"Yeah, one in the basement and two in the bathroom," Thomas replied.

"Did the deaths look violent?" The otter asked.

"Yeah," Thomas began, "There was blood everywhere."

"Ok then," The otter sighed, "We'll go in and collect them."

As if on cue, two more otters jumped out of the back of the ambulance. They went into the house, body bags in arm. A few minutes later, one of the bags came out and was tossed unceremoniously into the back of the ambulance. The two went back in and after another few minutes one of them called out.

"Hey, this one's still alive!"

"This one too!"

The two otters ran out and retrieved stretchers from the back. They shortly came out with the two bodies, covered in a sheet to hide the gruesome wounds. The stretchers were loaded into the ambulance and the two otters jumped in back with them. The doors shut and the driver saluted to the siblings before getting in and driving back to the base hospital.


Sorry once again for the cliffhanger. Cant let you guys off too easy now can I? ;)

Healing A Doctor Chapter 14

Well, after a period of time fraught with delays and drama, this series is done. I do have some other writing projects started and I will update you as soon as I choose one. Lastly, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the...

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Healing a Doctor Chapter 12

It had been three months since Davis had first come to the clinic. Nathan and Davis had struck up a very close friendship, and the two of them were happy just to keep it that way. In the three months that Davis had been living in the clinic, life had...

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Healing A Doctor Chapter 11

Louise Valerez walked into Nathan's dark and gloomy house. It was a Saturday, and because of this she thought that her doctor friend would be able to look at her arm. HQ was too busy dealing with more grievously injured furs than she, so they her to...

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