Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 10

Story by XratedPanda on SoFurry

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#10 of Panda Puppy Action

Anthro News

On April 11th, 2004, a innocent male attempted suicide for the wrong reasons, love. This has been a recent and growing epidimic here in Anthropolion, he just topped it off with his injury. Puppy Dizzle, worker at Swan Lake Spa, apparently wanted to end his life, to rid the pain of love, but drifter Owl Shanburn found him and sent him to the hospital. Puppy suffers from two slit wrist and a gash in the stomach, as of right now his condition is serious. He needs blood and the only one with his blood type is his brother. Degrado Dizzle, we seek out his help to save this poor boy. Send out your supports!

Panda threw down the newspaper, " I cannot believe he would do that to himself! He has no true or definate reason too. That really pisses me off that he did that. He has love in his life, what is causing his pain?

Panda stood up slowly pulling off her robe, standing there perfectly nude, she looked down at her naked body, she cupped her hands on her full breast, " I remember it like yesterday when we made love, or just all those thrashings of sex when he thought I was HotSex. I should of never lied...I should of been honest with him from square one."

Panda walks around her large estate mansion, heading from the kitchen to her room, to get dressed and see Puppy.

She walked upstairs, into her room, heading straight for her closet. She ended up wearing a white button up blouse, a navy business jacket and matching navy mini skirt, she had to go to work afterwards. She turned from her closet, and picked up her phone head set, calling her driver, " Hello, driver?"

" Yes madam Chan?"

" Good, your here. I want you to be outside the gate in fifteen minutes. Thank you."

She threw off her head set and headed outside to meet the driver.

At the hospital...

" I made it here as fast as I could, is he okay?" slipped from the lips of Puppy's brother, Degrado Dizzle. Degrado was a giant brawny koala, wearing a crimson baseball cap backwards, a matching crimson t-shirt and blue shorts.

The doctor of the hospital turned looking at the koala, smiling slightly, " Of course your brother is okay, just he lost quite a lot of blood and that is what your for."

Degrado sighed slightly as he took a seat into a chair, Lorina joining him in the chair next to him, " Can we see him?"

The doctor put his clip board to his side and nodded, " Of course you may, he is the last room on the right."

Degrado shot up and started to head towards his brother's room, Lorina following but not interested. Degrado knocked on the door, before poking his head in, " Puppy?"

Puppy looked up from his hospital bed, seeing a blurred image of his brother, " Degrado is that you?"

Degrado pushed into the room, " Yeah its me little brother."

Puppy looked to the side, " Why are you here? Figured you would be too busy with Lorina to even care about me..."

" Family always comes first, plus when Lorina gave me the news article, I flipped! You know how I feel about you cutting yourself, I don't want you making the same mistakes as me. I have too many scars and your flesh is not going to tainted."

Puppy groans slightly, " Well that is easy for you to say, I mean you get one girlfriend after another. It really is no big deal to you. I get a girlfriend, fall madly in love with her, she leaves me and no one is there for my support. This time it went to far."

Degrado walked over to Puppy's bed, taking a seat in the chair, " Tell me your problems."

" You should know, you took Lorina away from me, and then I meet these two grand girls, only people who can get my mind off of Lorina, lie to me and I find out there the same person, Lorina suddenly comes crawling back saying she knows where her heart belongs, is lying to get even with you. I am sorry to say, your my brother but your not treating me like one. At least you adopted."

Degrado's mouth gapes, " What did you say?"

Puppy rolls his head to meet eye to eye with Degrado, " I said at least your adopted."

" That is cold, you have considered me like family since your mother took me in, and now I am not family anymore?"

" Family does not rip love away from other family!"

" I am sorry but Lorina is a hoe, if she didnt with me it would of been someone else."

" I rather it be someone else then family. You degraded yourself, and shamed the Dizzle name, Degrado Leafwan..."

Degrado points at him, " Don't call me by my real name!"

" I am sorry, but I never would touch any of your girls, because to be betrayed by family hurts, but you wouldnt know that...."

They both go silent as they hear a knock on the door. Lorina and Panda slowly walk in. Degrado looks up and down at Panda, " Well, well, well, who is this fly honey?"

Puppy growls out, " Leave her alone Degrado! You have Lorina but at least leave the last girl I am into alone!"

Degrado turns to face his brother, " What? You dig this girl? Man she is kind of out your league. This is my taste, high quality."

Panda rolls her eyes, " If your referring to me, I suppose you shut up, I have no care in the world about you, I am here to see Puppy, so take your whore and fuck her or do whatever it is you two do."

Lorina steps up, " You need to shut Panda! Don't talk about me like that or talk to my man in that manner!"

" I can do whatever I please! I can say what I want about you because I know your tramp like procedures now, and see your not clean, your a harlot! Degrado, your suppose to be family, and all you do is betray someone who took you in and basically raised you! You should be ashamed of yourself!"

Degrado looks down slighlty, but Lorina proceeds on, " Stop it hoe! Your going to depress my boyfriend."

" Who cares if he is depressed, look what he has done to his brother, here he is in a hospital bed, because of him, you and me. We all should be painted with shame, I am not afraid to admit it. I know that I am apart of the reason he is here. I shouldn't of lied to him" she looks directly to Puppy, " I am sorry, I lied to you and basically broke your trust, and with trust being the element of a relationship, I dont expect that we will ever be. So I ruined every chance we had together, I should of just been honest with you from the start. I am sorry for being selfish and playing my little game on you. I thought it would answer what type of guy you were, but instead you got angry and didnt take it too well. Games are foolish right? Should of though about that before I lost you. I should be heading out now, I have some work to do" she looks to the others, " Hope one day you have the guts to admit to the shame!" She looks at Puppy and nods heading out the hospital room, "Contact me when you feel like giving me a chance, oh and I love you, remember that."

Panda was gone then.

Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 9

Puppy walks into his apartment after a long day at work, seeing Potter sitting in the chair facing the door, he smiles slightly, " So where is your date Potter?" " In the bathroom, freshing up. She wants to look her best. So where is your hoe, I...

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Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 8

" A month has passed and I still cannot get her out of my head. She constantly calls me, makes Potter deliever me messages from work...she doesnt want to give up on me...on us...but here I sit sulking alone, thinking things will get better if I ignore...

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Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 7

Puppy opened his eyes, seeing Potter hovering about his head, with a bandage of medical tape on his nose, Puppy grunted rolling over, " What do you want Potter?" Potter leaned up, sitting down on his bed, " Are you still mad at me?" Puppy didnt...

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