Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 7

Story by XratedPanda on SoFurry

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#7 of Panda Puppy Action

Puppy opened his eyes, seeing Potter hovering about his head, with a bandage of medical tape on his nose, Puppy grunted rolling over, " What do you want Potter?"

Potter leaned up, sitting down on his bed, " Are you still mad at me?"

Puppy didnt even look at him, he just glared at his white wall, " Yes! You ruined my chances with Panda. Thank you Potter."

" I didnt ruin your chances, you did, and you cannot argue with that, you were playing with the emotions of both."

" You provoked it!"

" No you did, and you still proceed to do so."

Puppy slowly turns over looking at Potter, " What do you mean?"

" Let me had phone sex with HotSex last night, after you said you wanted Panda. Your so clueless on what you want!"

Puppy throws the blankets off of him, getting out of bed, " I do know what I want."

Potter stood up, watched as Puppy slid into a flesh tight white tank top and black pants, " Then what do you want?"

Puppy leaves his room, with Potter following, " Love and sex."

Potter quickly uses haste to get in front of Puppy, " That requires the use of both girls."

" Exactly...I just need Panda to understand I have those needs."

" Did you ever hear of taking it slow for once? This is not a race to see who becomes a father the fastest here."

Puppy rolls his eyes, " Shut up Potter, this is not about you, I will solve this myself."

" Thats what you have been saying so far..."

Puppy pushes Potter aside, " Lovely that you noticed, but I dont have time for this, I have to be at work. Bye Potter..."

Puppy leaves, slowly heading to work.

Within ten minutes Puppy was at work, ready to start his first day back from the weekend, he walked up to his office, looking at the passing by women, throwing them smiles, he halted in front of his the front office secretary of the gym, " Hello Candance. Your looking radiate as ever."

Quickly the vixen turned about quickly, her long crimson mane following her, she blinked at Puppy with large lavender hues, smiling bright, wearing a silver tube top dress which halted at her knees, " Hey Puppy! No weekend shift I assume, so how have you been my sex toy?"

Puppy smirks, " Grand you can say."

" That is good, want to have a round of fun before you start the clock?" she smirks brightly.

He shrugs, " I dont know, what is my motivation?"

Candance, reaches over grabbing a hold of his shirt collar as she pulls him in close, to whisper into his hanging ear, " I am dripping wet, and lately I have been craving to feel you cock pushed deep into me...or some form of sexual activity."

Puppy grins slightly, " That is tempting, but I have a lot on my mind right now."

Her mouth slightly gapes, " How dare you ruin tradition! We always have sex before work."

Puppy sighs, " I know, but right now I am having girl problems."

Candance groans, " Whatever! Well go ahead and clock in see if I care."

" I promise you this, next time we do have sex I will fuck your brains out."

Candance quickly redeems her frown with a huge smile, " Okay! I will keep you on that!"

Puppy starts to head to his room, " So what is my first appointment or class?"

Candance looks down at her memo pad, " You have a private lesson starting in ten minutes, I would hurry and clock in, before it starts."

He nods, walking off to go do his job.

He was ready to start his job in no time, he walked into his classroom, propping himself on a mat, starting a medidtation, his eyes shut and legs crossed.

Slowly in walked his client.

Panda Chan wearing a tight white shirt and tight spandex white pants, knocked on his door, " Hello, you awake?"

Puppy still in meditation does not turn around to face her or even look, " Yes, come right in class will start soon, please do shut the door."

Panda did as he said, she walked into the room, shutting the door behind her, people knew he was in session now. He kept his eyes close, " Pull you up a mat, have it behind me thank you."

She walked over to where all the mats were stacked, grabbing one and dragging it behind him, waiting for her next command, " I am Puppy Dizzle, your instructer today, before I start, tell me your name."

She coughed slightly and spoke, " My name is Panda Chan."

Puppy's eyes flapped open as he turned around to see it was her, " Your here...but why?"

Panda shrugs slightly, " Because you dont give up on those you like and may start loving. I felt bad."

Puppy shakes his head, " You have no reason to feel bad, I did this too you, and you don't deserve this kind of treatment. I just got out a bad relationship myself and the girl did the same to me what I did to you, its not civil, and I don't plan to do it again, I was afraid that I might lose you."

She blushes slightly, leaning in to kiss his lips softly, " Thank you Puppy."

Puppy looks down and then around his room, " Did you really come here for a yoga lesson?"

She shakes her head. He a bit curious asks, " Then why are you here?"

Panda blushing slightly says, " I want you to make love to me."

Puppy's eyes widen a bit as he blurted out, " Are you sure?"

" I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it."

Puppy smirked as he leaned in, kissing her softly on the lips as he grabbed her cheek, pulling her into his body. He felt her tongue slip over into his mouth through part lips as he started to make out with her.

In there kisses Puppy slowly lodged his fingers at the base rim of her tight shirt, starting to strip the white off, revealing her supple breast, breaking the kiss for a moment. Puppy returned to her lips and in the moment he placed a hand upon her breast, squeezing softly, focusing on the nipple in a tight pinch at the tip. Panda moaned softly, breaking the kiss, to cleave him of his shirt, running the tip of her claws on his packaged chest. Puppy glared into her eyes as he muttered, " Stand up and take off your pants, I want to see you naked..."

Panda stood up shredding off her pants, lobbing them aside, and standing in front of him nude. Puppy smirked as he started to do the same, revealing his desirable nude body.

Both standing nude in front of one another, Puppy leaned close into her, taking her at the roots of her hair, jerking her hair back and alluring her in a zealous kiss, drawing her back to the ground. He with his rough paws parted her legs, swarming between them, wasting no time as he introduced his throbbing seven-inch cock deep into her moist pussy.

She moaned out loud, grabbing onto his brawny male breast, pulling him into her, as he pushed into her deep chasm and then drawing out and slamming back into her. She and he both bleated as he rapidly sped up the process of driving his hungering cunt penis deep into her. She wrenched him into a fervent kiss, avoiding from shattering out pleasures cries. She rolled her tongue in the inside of his mouth; dancing the tango with his tongue, trying to focus on the kiss, as Puppy proceeds to skewer her.

Puppy rolled his head back as he felt his searing liquidize load trickle into Panda's cunt, lying back down on her nude breast, panting softly. He looked up at her, kissing her breast softly, " I love you..."

Panda's eyes diffused with sadness as she mumbled, " I love you too..."

He saw her sadness and quickly blurted out, " What is wrong?"

" Your not going to like what I am about to say."

" Well go ahead."

Panda gulps as she slightly runs her fingers up and down on Puppy's arm, " I am both Panda Chan and HotSex..."

Puppy's eyes widen slightly, " Say what?"

" I am both Panda Chan and HotSex..."

Puppy slowly leans up, glaring down at Panda in alarm, as he then burst out, " You played with emotions like it was some game?"

" Well yes and no really."

" Explain yourself bitch!"

Panda slowly sits up, " Well, I had to see if you were pure, when I first meet you as HotSex, I liked you. I wanted to see if you could answer male's toughest question, love or lust and you picked love. That is correct."

" No actually I picked get the hell away from me."

" How can you say that?"

" Easy! Get the hell away from me!"

" But Puppy..."

" No hurt me with this...right now I don't want to deal with you, see you or talk to do as I say and leave before I have you arrested for trespassing!"

" Puppy!"

" Leave now!"

Puppy leans down, grabbing Panda by her clothes and arm, shoving the clothes into her arm, " Need anymore help?"

Panda shakes her head, " No...I will see myself out..."

Panda sulks off, knowing she made a mistake now.

Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 8

" A month has passed and I still cannot get her out of my head. She constantly calls me, makes Potter deliever me messages from work...she doesnt want to give up on me...on us...but here I sit sulking alone, thinking things will get better if I ignore...

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Panda Puppy Action: Chapter Six

Puppy sulked into the apartment, seeing his ever so faithful friend Potter waiting for him, he looks at Potter and says, " What no asking me how it went?" Potter already knew that in his voice, something was wrong, " Now that you mention it yes....

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Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 5

Puppy slipped into the apartment after his date with Panda, Potter gleaming at him from a far, Potter quickly pounced up, " So...." Puppy interupted him, " The date was great, it was just cut short." Potter followed Puppy to his room, " What do...

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