Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 5

Story by XratedPanda on SoFurry

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#5 of Panda Puppy Action

Puppy slipped into the apartment after his date with Panda, Potter gleaming at him from a far, Potter quickly pounced up, " So...."

Puppy interupted him, " The date was great, it was just cut short."

Potter followed Puppy to his room, " What do you mean cut short?"

Puppy pushed open his room door, " I cut it short because I have to go talk to HotSex."

Potter looks appalled at his back, " What? You cut a date with my hot boss to see some slut?"

Puppy threw on a shirt, turning to face Potter, " Shut up, you wanted me to meet her in the first place, and its not what your think why I am going to see her."

" Sure its not, your going to actually go see HotSex for a civilized conversation. Thats a load of bullshit!"

Puppy slipped into pants, looking at Potter, " Believe what you want, but it is the truth."

" How can it be the truth? HotSex is a stripper, someone who probably has sex with every man who walks in there."

" I have to talk to her okay, she and I can actually talk, like I have a question to ask her."

" What is that? Would you like it in the cunt or asshole tonight?"

Puppy shakes his head, " Fuck you Potter, that is not it, you dont understand the bond HotSex and I have."

" Yeah I probably could understand that bond if you throw in some handcuffs and a whip."

" Fuck you Potter...I am going to talk to her about her and Panda."

" Wanting to start a threesome? Cant have just one now? Gotta be like Lorina!!!!"

Puppy pushing himself forward with a thrust, drives his tight fist into Potter's face, feeling the warm crimson blood paint his knuckles as Potter slams back into the wall, Puppy pointed his stained red finger at him, " Dont you ever compare me to Lorina again! You got that? I am not like that deciteful bitch okay? I am going to pick one or the other tonight. Just lay off my fucking back already..."

Puppy pushes past Potter, now melted to the ground as he storms out the apartment.

Potter holds onto his nose, " Ow!"

Potter slowly stood to his feet, as he walked out to the living room ,hearing the phone ring, still holding onto his nose, he picks up the phone, " Hello?"

It was Panda Chan, " Hello, is Puppy there? Did he get home safe? He was feeling kind of sick when he left."

Potter sighed, " I am going to be honest with you Miss Chan, since your my boss and all, Puppy is doing great...he just left to go meet some slutty stripper."

Panda went silent for a second before bursting out, " What did you say?!?!?"

" Puppy..."

" I heard what you said Potter. How could you let him do that to me? I was actually starting to love males are all fuckers! Son of bitch...all the hot ones end up doing this!"

" Don't blame me! I warned him, try to stop him at that, but he had to go, said he had to talk to her or something like that."

" What is the name of this strip joint so I can call him?"

Potter sighs, knowing he was doing both the right and wrong thing, " Panda Candy Strip..."

" Thank you Potter, good day!"

Panda hung up the phone.

Meanwhile with Puppy...

Puppy sat down in a crimson heart shaped cushioned ebony chair in HotSex's strip room, with her coming in wearing nothing but a golden thong, she smiled at him, " There is my favorite dog...what brings you hear so early?"

Puppy looked at her desirable sexy half nude body, " Wow...I I cam here to talk to you."

HotSex slowly eases into his chair, spider straddling him as she presses her breast up against him, " What do you want to talk about?"

Puppy gulps slightly as HotSex runs her fingers gently on his neck and up into his man, kissing softly on his drooping ears, " Well...there is a problem..."

HotSex slightly starts to nibble on his ear, whispering out is an alluring voice, " What kind of problem?"

Puppy feels sweat dribble from his forehead as he tries to speak, " Well...I have been seeing you a lot lately...right?"

HotSex draws away from his ears, kissing down his neck, she spilling out in between kisses, " Yeah what about it?"

Puppy bits down on his lips, feeling HotSex slowly remove his shirt, pulling it up and over his head, running her tongue down his chest, " And well as you know..." he was started to heat up, " I keep coming back because I like you..."

HotSex slips from her chair, kneeling down at him as she slowly starts to unbuckle his pants, " What about you coming back?"

Puppy grips onto the chair slightly, as he watches the belt emancipate from the loops of his pants, " I like you a lot...more then well words can describe...because your the first person who made me forget about Lorina..."

HotSex pulls the belt free from his pants, throwing it to the side of the chair, " What else?"

Puppy looks down at her, feeling the releasing of the button on his pants, " That makes you special to me..."

HotSex nods as she releases the teeth of his zipper from there twine, seeing his throbbing penis within his boxers, she smirked with pleasure, " And?..."

Puppy watched her grab both sides of his pants and jerk them down to his ankles, " Well...there is more to the story then just that, I thought you would be the only person for me..."

HotSex listens slightly as she slips her fingers into the elastic of his boxers, pulling them down with his pants, " What happens next Puppy?"

Puppy watches as HotSex stands up, slipping out of her thong, " Well my friend Potter introduced me to someone new..."

HotSex, reaches over grabbing the shaft of his penis, holding it straight up as she slowly managed to fix herself, into inserting it into her soaking wet pussy. She moans softly feeling his rock hard cock inside of her, looking at him as she grabs the head of the chair says, " Is that someone new still important right now?"

Puppy moaning softly, whips his head back as he speaks softly, " Maybe we will talk another time..."

HotSex smirked as she pushes herself up and down on his penis, using the balls of her feet, with the head of the chair, she slammed down hard onto him. She looked at him, listening to his moans as she starts to thrust herself slightly into him, listening to the soft slaps of her colliding into him. She rolls her head letting out a moan, now wrapping her arms around his neck, as she pushed herself on, feeling the folds, or lips, of her vagina embrace his penis as she moved up and down, she panted out, " good on the inside..."

Puppy gritting his teeth, grasps both paws onto her breast, squeezing as he plants his lips onto her moving neck, sucking onto it softly.

Puppy ended up falling over, HotSex underneath him as he slowly pulled out from her, his penis soaked in her vaginal secretions, he growled as he pushed her other onto her back, smiling he grabbed both of her hands and held onto them strongly, as he stuffed her tight asshole with his dripping penis, he listened to her shriek of pleasure, as he mumbled into her ear, " Your now mine..."

He pushed himself deep into her, proceeding to pull out and repeat his actions, not letting go of her hands, he wanted her to have no release, no grabbing of the ground, just strictly screaming out. HotSex plants her right cheek into the ground, her mouth gaped wide open as she screams out her pleasure, feeling Puppy impale her over and over again.

Puppy keeps driving into her, gritting his teeth, and squinting his eyes as he fills her butthole full of thick hot semen. He slowly pulls out watching it seep out and splatter onto the floor. Panda moaned softly, breathing deep as she calmed down for there sex session. She rolled over, looking at him, laying in his puddle of cum. She pants out, " So what was it you wanted to talk to me about?"

Puppy gulps and sighs softly, feeling even more bad now that he had sex with HotSex, " You mean about the someone else?"

HotSex just nods. Puppy sighs again, " Potter sent me on a blind date with his manager, and well...she is a nice girl and she really cares about me...but I just well you know..."

" You are confused?"

Puppy nods. HotSex slightly nods and says, " Well there comes a time in every male's life where they have to answer the biggest question of all time."

" What is that?"

" Do you pick love or lust?"

With that a voice interupts there conversation, " Miss HotSex are you in here?"

HotSex groans looking at Puppy with an annoyed look, " Yes, Rufus, what is it?"

" You have a phone call from an angry sounding woman, do you want to take the call now or leave a message?"

HotSex sighs, " I will take the call now."

HotSex looks at Puppy, " Stay here for one moment, I have a business call to take."

HotSex stands up, picking up her gold thong, walking out the room.

Puppy lays there, looking up as he speaks to himself, " She is right...I do have to pick one or the other, but what? I mean Panda Chan she is bright, funny, smart, cute and well I would probably have to take it slow with her. Then there is HotSex who is hot, sexy and knows what I want. What is more important to me right now?"

Before he could answer himself he heard his cellphone go off, he slowly sat up, digging quickly into his pants to see who was calling. It was Panda Chan. Puppy gulped as he answered it, " Hello?"

" Oh so you finally decided to answer the phone you fucker!"

Puppy looks to the side, a bit worried, " You sound mad, what is wrong?"

" What is wrong? You should know of all people you lying son of bitch!"

" What are you talking about Panda?"

" Where are you right now? Fucking some slut, getting your jollies right now! Your at the strip joint, hope that hoe is ten times better then me because I dont want to see you anymore..."

Puppy looked down, " Its not what it seems...I only came here to talk to her...I can talk to her about things like love and lust."

" I am sure that is what it is! You and a stripper talking, because that is what males do with a stripper."

" Well for me it is...I did talk to her, I am confused."

" Confused about what?"

" Whether to pick you or her..."

" Well who do you pick?"

Puppy looks out the window in the room and sighs, " I dont know, I haven't made up my mind..."

" Well until you do, I dont want to have anything to do with you. Goodbye Puppy!"

Puppy hears her hang up, sighing slightly as he looks down in shame, HotSex joining the room again, " What was that all about? I didnt want to come sounded emotional."

Puppy looks up at her, standing up now, " I am...that was her who called..."

HotSex nods slightly, " What did she have to say?"

" Until I decide she doesnt want anything to do with me..."

" So...are you going to decide?"

Puppy nods heading to the door, " Yeah, but I can't do it here...I need to be alone. I will call you if I need you."

Puppy sulks as he walks out the strip club.

Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 4

Puppy quickly opened his eyes, looking up at his pastel ceiling, smiling slightly, from last night. He smirked and spoke to himself, " Damn, last night was great..." Puppy licked his lips as he rolled over onto his side, seeing the phone, his eyes...

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Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 3

Chapter Three Puppy woke up the next morning with Potter lingering over him, using a paw to push him aside he spoke, " What have I told you about that Potter?" " Not to do it, so. I have my reasons!" Puppy slowly got up, looking at Potter, "...

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Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 2

Chapter 2 (where it gets confusing) " Potter step into my office I need to speak with you on personal matters." Potter stepped into his bosses office looking at her with a grim smile, her soft smooth blonde hair soared down to her mid back, she...

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