Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 3

Story by XratedPanda on SoFurry

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#3 of Panda Puppy Action

Chapter Three

Puppy woke up the next morning with Potter lingering over him, using a paw to push him aside he spoke, " What have I told you about that Potter?"

" Not to do it, so. I have my reasons!"

Puppy slowly got up, looking at Potter, " What is that?"

" How did the date go last night?"

Puppy walks out his room towards the living room, " It was magical, great and all those terms a girl would use."

" Is that you saying that you didn't like it?"

Puppy shakes his head, " Nope. I did like it. So much I am going on a second date with her on Saturday."

" Well that is just lovely. You and my boss getting it on. What I always pictured."

" Shut up Potter."

Puppy threw on a shirt and some pants, walking towards the front door. Potter looked at him, " Where are you going?"

" Out, do you mind if I use your car?"

Potter shook his head, " No, just dont wreck it."

" I didn't plan on it."

Puppy took his keys and set out the door. Heading out to Panda Candy Strip, since he missed her last night he planned to watch her today. He wanted some action. He slipped into the car, starting it and heading that way.

In the apartment with Potter

Potter hears the phone ring, running to catch it, he picks up, " Hello?"

" Hi Potter, this is your boss, Miss Chan, Is Puppy there?"

" Nope, you just missed him, he is heading out, maybe to run errands, he really didn't say."

" Well, when he gets in, tell him to call me okay?"

" Okay. Bye Miss Chan."

Inside the car

Puppy sighed softly, listening to the soft music playing lowly in the background, " Why do I feel bad about going to the strip today? Does this have anything to do with Panda? Why? I just meet her last night, it shouldnt have a deal with me."

He rolled his eyes, keeping his eyes on the road as he pulled into the Panda Candy Strip Club parking lot, parking his car and entering the club. He looked around, seeing the normal strippers, tease customers, as well as walk about naked handing out drinks or dealing with someone. Puppy looked around, seeing her no where, with a sigh, he walked to the bar, plopping door. The tender looked at him, " What will it be?"

" A shocking organsm."

" That would be very nice if you gave me one right now."

Puppy slowly turned his head, seeing HotSex sitting right next to him. He smiles at her, " Hey there sexy!"

HotSex quickly looks away, " Where were you last night? I missed you."

Puppy looks down slightly, " Sorry, my friend forced me to go on a date with his boss, just so he could get a bonus."

" Did you like that other girl more then me?"

" Hell no. Your incredible!"

HotSex smiles, " Just what I like to hear, for that you earn access to come to my room, want to join me there now?"

Puppy nodded. HotSex slowly stands up, " Follow me then."

Puppy followed HotSex into her room, stopping at the door, she turned to face him, " Before we go in, I must tell you, you are to go into the small bathroom to your right when you walk in, a costume will be waiting for you in there. When your done dressing call out for me, understood? Oh and wait for me on the bed. You hear?"

Puppy shakes his head as they both walk into the room. Puppy follows his orders, he walks into the small bathroom, seeing laying on the toliet seat was a pair of black boxers, a spiked collar and leash. He smirked as he slowly undress, slipping into his new attire. When he was done he stepped outside, sitting on the bed as he chanted out, " You can come to me now my queen."

Slowly standing in front of the sliding door, was the shadowy outline of HotSex, it appeared she was wearing something different, but what. She slided opened the slide door, standing there in a shimmering lavender body suit, zipped closed from her neck down to her clit, holding in her hands, was a bag. Puppy eyes lit up, like a child on Christmas, when he saw the bag, " What is in the bag?"

" Goodies, fun things for you and me to play with."

She slowly walks towards him, setting the bag down on the table next to her bed, she smirks at him, reaching into the bag, whispering, " Lay down."

Puppy quickly laid down, watching her pull out handcuffs, she leaned over him, the hot leather of her suit pressed against his face, as she shackled his hands to her bed. She leans back, slowly unzipping her suit, all the way down to her clit, she slips a few fingers of her paw into her mouth, damping them, now guiding them down her body, into her suit, down to touch her dripping lips, she smiles, " I am soaking wet..."

She pushes two fingers into her cunt, moaning softly as she pushed the two fingers deep into her, feeling his erection slide up the curves of her butt. She tilts her head back, moaning softly as she wiggled her fingers inside of her, peeping down at Puppy, his eyes enraged with lust. Puppy jerked some, wanting to be released, so he could please HotSex.

She pulled her fingers from her cunt, slowly dragging the up, pushing in her clit, rolling those two fingers about in a frenzy, she lets out yet a louder moan, feeling Puppy's jerks, cries for freedom.

Finally she removed her fingers from her vagina, they were covered in her juices, she looked at Puppy as she stuffed her two fingers into her mouth, tasting her sweet love necutar, Puppy watched her amazed. She then leaned down, forcefully prying his mouth opened with her tongue, painted the roof of his mouth with her vaginal secretion. She leaned away after a second. She slowly scooted down to his erection, pulling it out from the boxers.

She smiled as she closed her eyes, wrapping her cold lips around his penis, sucking softly on the head, whipping her tongue about on it softly as she tasted him in her mouth. She collected more of him in her mouth, sucking softly as she soaked his penis in her saliva. Puppy moaned softly, she pulling away from his penis, looking at him as she spoke, " Do you want freedom?"

Puppy shook his head violently. HotSex grinned as she said, " I am going to free you now, with your soaking wet salvia rid penis, I want you to rip of the remaing of my clothes and shove your cock deep into my ass and give me good rough anal sex. You understand?"

Puppy nodded, watching as HotSex slowly release him. He did as she said, he lunged forward, slamming her face down into the soft bed, ripping of the lavender leather with his claws. He without question, took his throbbing cock and stuffed it into her, listening to her moan fill the air. He slowly pulled halfway out of her, ramming quickly back into her, he and she both moaned at the same time. He then started to move back and forth quickly into her tight asshole, looking down at her face, driving into the ground with each pound. She moans out loudly, with him following after. She starts to talk, with her teeth gritted, " I want keep going...and...shoot your load in me..."

Puppy nodded as he leaned over, grabbing onto her breast, squeezing hard, using her for a boost in thrusting. He proceeds to drive himself into her, listening to her moans, Puppy grits his teeth, feeling hot semen spill from his cock and into the asshole of HotSex. HotSex moans softly as she speaks, " That was incredible...Oh my God...I have not had anal sex like that in awhile..."

Puppy nodded, pulling his cock from her asshole, " Your telling me..."

She slowly rolls over, laying on her back looking up at him, swirling her fingers on her breast, " Where did you learn to fuck like that?"

He leans up looking down at her, " I dont know...I guess I am nature born this way?"

She laughed softly, " That is quite comical...but you know what?"

Puppy looking at her, with sincere eyes, said, " What?"

" That was your miracle for the got to have anal sex with me..."

He nodded " That is more then a miracle, a blessing from the heavens above!"

She chuckled softly, " You make it sound like I was damn good...when really I did nothing."

He shook his head, " No...watching you masturbate and give me head was hot enough for me. You worked your panda magic."

" My panda magic? That is a new way of putting it."

He didnt say anything so, HotSex just nodded as she looked up at the ceiling, " That is quite alright. That will do for today."

Puppy, looked around the room, for his clothes, " So I am guessing this is goodbye for today?"

Panda nodded waving him out to leave. Puppy nodded standing up and heading back into the little bathroom to change into what he was wearing. Without question he headed out, he got what he came for. He walked out the club, to Potter's car and headed towards home.

Smiling as he enters the door, Potter looks at him quite confused, " What are you so happy about?"

Puppy looks at Potter, " Let's just say, I got done watching HotSex masturbate, suck my dick, have anal sex with her, fingered her, she licked cum off my body and I gave her a good fisting."

Potter's mouth dropped, " How can you do that?!?!?!?"

" Do what?"

" Your suppose to be faithful to Miss Chan."

" Potter, me and her are not even a thing, so I wasn't doing anything wrong."

" But I thought you like Miss Chan?"

" I do like her, but I also like HotSex."

Potter shrugs, " Whatever, its your life."

Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 4

Puppy quickly opened his eyes, looking up at his pastel ceiling, smiling slightly, from last night. He smirked and spoke to himself, " Damn, last night was great..." Puppy licked his lips as he rolled over onto his side, seeing the phone, his eyes...

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Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 2

Chapter 2 (where it gets confusing) " Potter step into my office I need to speak with you on personal matters." Potter stepped into his bosses office looking at her with a grim smile, her soft smooth blonde hair soared down to her mid back, she...

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Panda Puppy Action: Chapter One

Chapter One " You need to get over her, Lorina was never your kind of girl, considering she did leave you for your cousin..." the speaker pauses as he looks to his shallow friend with dreary blue orbs, sighing slightly as he boosted his round...

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