Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 2

Story by XratedPanda on SoFurry

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#2 of Panda Puppy Action

Chapter 2 (where it gets confusing)

" Potter step into my office I need to speak with you on personal matters."

Potter stepped into his bosses office looking at her with a grim smile, her soft smooth blonde hair soared down to her mid back, she gazed at Potter with hazel orbs and glossed golden lips, she wore a white business suit with pants, pieces of her black paws and feet poked from the bottoms, as well as room for her black tail. She was a Panda. Potter smiled at her, " Yes, Miss Chan? Decided that you want me?"

She shook her head, " You no, your roommate yes."

" Damn, he is always the lucky one. How do you know he is single?"

" Heard in the coffee room."

" Damn...he is always the lucky one."

She smiled softly, laughing in her smile as she walked to her desk. Potter sighed, " What do you want from me roommate?"

" Let me think...a blind date."

Potter looked to the side with a suggestive face, " What's in it for me?"

Miss Chan slowly turned to face Potter from her window view of her office, " A four hundred dollar bonus."

Potter bit down on his lower lip, hissing a bit, knowing that was a good offer, " I can talk to him about it, when I go on my one hour lunch break."

Miss Chan slowly turned facing the indigo oceans behind her, " Report back to me afterwards."

" Well before doing so, what information would I give him?"

She slowly looked back at him, through the corner of her eye, " What do you mean?"

" Like where would he meet you if you did go on a date, and what day?"

She slowly turned to face him again, " Tonight, at six o' clock at the Mulae Cafe."

Potter nodded, slowly turning about to exit her office, darting to his cubicle as fast as he could. He fell into his desk and picked up his office phone, dialing in numbers to get ahold of Puppy. The phone rang twice before Puppy picked up, " Hello, This is Puppy Dizzle, thank you for calling Swan Lake Clinic. How can I help you?"

Potter chuckled softly to his introduction as he spasmodically blurted out, " Hello Puppy its me, Potter."

Puppy groaned slightly, " What do you want? I told you to only call me on emergencys."

" Consider this one."

" Well, how is this one?"

" I am getting a four hundred dollar bonus!"

Puppy sighed softly, " That is good news, but how is that an emergency?"

" Well there is a condition to it."

" What is that?"

" It involves you."

" What about me?"

" You have to go on a blind date with my manager, Miss Chan."

Puppy grew silent, before yelling out in a hiss, " But what about HotSex?"

Potter rolled his eyes, leaning back in his chair, " Well let us think about this, would you rather see HotSex and have some jolly good fun or actually pay rent this month. Your choice?"

Puppy groaned, thinking silently to himself, " Fine! I will go on the date with Miss Chan. When? Where? How? and Who? Give me details."

" Tonight at six o' clock at Mulae Cafe."

" Mulae Cafe?!?!?!? Your kidding right?"

" No, why would I be?"

" Because that place is fucking exspensive, how does she expect me to fucking afford that?"

" Well considering she invited you and was blunt about the whole date, I am sure she is paying for it."

" I hope so."

" Well, I need to be going, so I will talk to you later Puppy, later on tonight that is."

" Cute Potter. Cute. Bye."

Potter hung up the phone, heading back towards Miss Chan's office, to fill her in on the blind date. He roamed the hallways, looking about intently, halting at her door, knocking softly. Her sweet voice chimed, " Come in."

Potter cracked the door open, slipping in slightly, looking to Miss Chan, " Hello Miss Chan."

She turned to face him, still gazing at the ocean, " Oh Potter it is you. Have me any news?"

He nodded spilling it out, " Yes, my roommate Puppy said he would be delighted to go with you."

She cracked a festive smile, " Excellent, now man your station and do some form of work."

Potter nodded and left back to his cubicle.

Puppy just got off of work from his last teaching of yoga class, with a bag in his head, he decided to walk home, as he decided to walk to work. He lived close enough anyway. He opened his apartment door, throwing his things down and heading to a shower, he wanted to be somewhat decent for his date tonight. He slowly worked his way unbuttoned his white shirt, throwing it to the ground, joining the other piles of clothes. His paws slipped from his naked hard chest, to his belt buckle, pushing the belt through the loop his stomach was free. He pushed down his pants, standing there in the nude, leaning slightly forward to start the hot water. He stood up looking into the mirror just ahead of him, his eyes scoping his body, jolting about from scar to scar on his chest. He sighed and spoke softly, " Hopefully this girl will not do the same as she did."

He leaned towards the water, dipping his fingers in the water, satisfied, he stepped into the shower, turning on the head. Hot waters sprayed onto his naked body. Waters sprinkled down his damp blonde mane, down his strained neck, down his muscular flat chest and stomach, down his well-endowed male piece and over his athletic legs. He scratched shampoo into his scalp, feeling the suds tickle down his back slowly. He whipped his head back into the hot waters, rinsing out his hair. He lathered up the soap in his head, rubbing it all over his body, concealing himself almost, watching it rinse away with hot waters. He turned off the water, stepping out the shower, steam following him. He grabbed a towel, wrapping around his wet body, walking to the mirror.

He ran his paw over the fogged window, looking into it. He smiled slightly as he left the bathroom, heading to his room. He looked through his closet, finding somethign to wear for his date. Finally decided on a black button up shirt and some comfortable black jeans. He slipped into his clothes, and headed out the door, considering the watch said five o' clock. He stepped out, Potter standing right in front of him. Potter smirked, " Someone is looking fly. Where you heading to?"

Puppy pushed past him, " You should know of all people."

Potter follows Puppy to the door, " Yeah, I know. Don't have too much, don't drink and no sex. You have fun you hear?"

Puppy nodded heading out the door, awaiting to meet his date.

Puppy decided to walk, walking helped him clear his mind and think straight. Plus it was not too far. He looked around, " I can't believe I am missing HotSex tonight. She is like all I wanted to be with tonight." he looks around at all the scenery, " I hope Miss Chan is hot, or at least decent looking and fun to be with, because I know one thing. I do hate blind dates because there boring most of the time, and the people are not the best of lookers."

He moped about sadly.

At Mulae Cafe

Miss Chan walked into the Cafe, her blonde hair pulled into a bun, a few curls spilled out, curling onto her complexion, her hazel orbs looked about the spectacular place, smiling bright, wearing a strapless crimson dress, soaring to about her ankles where it halted. The waiter walked up to her, looking at her as he spoke, " Table for one Miss?"

Miss Chan looked to the waiter shaking her head, " No sir. Table for two, I have a date to wait on, but you may go ahead and seat me."

He nodded grabbing two menu's, showing her to the table.

Down the street of the Cafe

Puppy looked at the sky, talking to himself still, " Well your almost there Puppy, get ready for this."

Puppy sighed as he walked into the cafe. The same waiter meeting with him, " Table for one sir?"

Puppy meet eyes with the waiter, shaking his head, " No, I am here waiting for a date."

" A Miss Chan at that?"

Puppy nodded with the waiter speaking, " Follow me sir."

Puppy followed the waiter, stopping at the stunning Panda. His mouth dropped slightly, as Miss Chan stood up holding out her hand, " Hello there, I am Panda Chan, you may call me Panda."

Puppy took her hand, kissing the top lightly, looking up at her speaking, " I am Puppy Dizzle."

They both seated. The waiter walking to the table to speak, " What may I get you to drink?"

Panda looked to the waiter, " Bring a bottle of your finest white wine," she looked to Puppy, " Is that alright with you?"

He nodded, she looked to the waiter and nodded him off. Panda looked back at Puppy, questioning him, " So what do you do for a living?"

Puppy looked into her trancing hazel eyes, " I work at Swan Lake Clinic, I either give massages or teach a yoga class there. What about you?"

" I am the founder, creater and owner of Pan Pan Art and Animation."

" I suppose your rolling in the money then."

Panda giggled softly, " Only if you consider being a millionarie rich."

Puppy nodded, " I envy you. The most I make is forty thousand a year."

" That is not too bad. Why would you envy me?"

As Puppy spoke, the waiter set down the bottle if wine beside them in a bucket of ice, popping open the cork and pouring wine into there glasses, " Because your richer then me, and I could never compete with you."

The waiter intruded, " Sorry to intrude, but what would you like to eat as your starter?"

Panda looked to the waiter, " Your bamboo soup."

The waiter looked to the Puppy, " I will take..." he looked into the menu, " Alpo de gravy."

The waiter nodded, walking off. Panda looked to him smiling, " You have no reason to compete."

" Why do you say that?"

She smiled sipping her wine, " Because I am one of those people who do not judge a guy by what they make."

He smiled softly to that, " You would be one of the first."

She nods, " I have been told that before."

The waiter stops by handing them there soups. Panda smiled softly dipping a spoon into the soup, " Well what was your last relationship like?"

Puppy looked at her slightly, eating his soup, swallowing as he said, " Pretty bad as you can see."

Panda nodded slightly, " I know how that can be. I haven't been in a relationship since college, and that was two years ago, well really more like three. However you want to put it."

" Why so long?"

She shrugs lightly, " Might be the fact that I have been so busy getting this business started, I had no time to date."

" Well that does make sense." he said finishing his soup.

" What was your first impression about this blind date?"

Puppy watched her finishing up her soup as he spoke, " To be honest, I was hoping you were not ugly."

Panda chuckled softly, " Were you disappointed?"

Puppy shook his head, " Not at all, I was quite happy in fact, your beautiful."

Panda blushed slightly, turning her head to that, " Thank you."

The waiter pushed to there table, " Ready for your second meal?"

Panda slowly turned to face the waiter, she nodded, " Yes, I am."

" What do you want madam?"

Panda handing the waiter her menu spoke, " I want the papaya fruit glazed in a bamboo salsa."

The waiter nodded turning to Puppy, as he spoke, " I will take a steak, cooked like dogs like it."

The waiter nodded, taking there menu's and walking off. Puppy looked to Panda, " Why did you turn away?"

Panda turns facing Puppy again, " Because you made me blush."

" Really? I have the power to do so?"

She smiled at him as they both laughed together.

At the end of there laughing, Puppy spoke, " I like you."

Panda looks at him with a raised eye brow, " What?"

" I like you. You make me happy, and you also make me laugh. I miss that with the opposite sex."

Panda smiles slightly, " I miss it more then you do, but I know what you mean. I am also glad I could make it that way for you."

Puppy smiles, looking away for a second, thinking to himself, " She makes me feel better then Lorina ever could. Weird, it is something about her."

Panda smiles slightly as the waiter sets down there food. She stabs a fork into her papaya, shoving a piece into her mouth as she listened to him speak, " Your the first real person to make me feel better since Lorina broke up with me, you make me feel more good then she could of ever done. If that makes sense."

She swallowed her food, " Yes, to me it does. To the world of grammer no."

The both laughed together again.

He smiled at her putting a piece of steak into her mouth. They both watched each other eat until the food was gone. At the end of eating the waiter brought over the check. Puppy took the check, reading it out loud is shock, " Two hundred and thirty-nine dollars and seventy-four cents!!!"

Panda nodded, " That sounds about right."

Puppy looked at her, " I hope you plan to pay for this. I hate to be blunt."

Panda shook her head, " I intended to pay for it."

Panda slipped three one hundred dollar bills in the wallet, standing up looking at Puppy, " Do you want to walk me to my car?"

Puppy nodded, " Of course I will."

Puppy stood up, standing next to Panda, taking ahold of her hand, as they walked out the cafe together, heading to the parking deck across the street. Panda smiles at him, " This date was lovely, do you think we will see each other again?"

Puppy looked over to her as they crossed the street together, " Of course. I would love to! When?"

Panda thought slightly, " How you come along on my yacht this weekend, for some fun in the sun as well as a little swimming, and lunch, spend the day together, this Saturday?"

Puppy looked to her as they entered the parking deck, " That sounds great!"

Panda removed her hand from his slipping out a piece of paper, " Here is my number, call me around noon on Saturday. Okay?"

Puppy nodded stopping in front of a black brand new Camero. Puppy's mouth dropped as he chanted, " This is your car?!?!?"

Panda nodded, " What do you expect? I am rich."

Puppy nodded agreeing with her. She opened her car door, about to step into her car, she walked to him, leaning in as she planted a sweet kiss on his lips, " Goodnight Puppy."

She eased into her car, racing off with his wave in the rearview mirror. Puppy smilled walking back home.

Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 3

Chapter Three Puppy woke up the next morning with Potter lingering over him, using a paw to push him aside he spoke, " What have I told you about that Potter?" " Not to do it, so. I have my reasons!" Puppy slowly got up, looking at Potter, "...

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Panda Puppy Action: Chapter One

Chapter One " You need to get over her, Lorina was never your kind of girl, considering she did leave you for your cousin..." the speaker pauses as he looks to his shallow friend with dreary blue orbs, sighing slightly as he boosted his round...

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