Panda Puppy Action: Chapter Six

Story by XratedPanda on SoFurry

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#6 of Panda Puppy Action

Puppy sulked into the apartment, seeing his ever so faithful friend Potter waiting for him, he looks at Potter and says, " What no asking me how it went?"

Potter already knew that in his voice, something was wrong, " Now that you mention it yes. What happened?"

Puppy throws his things down on the floor slamming the door shut, " Everything was going just fine...I had sex with HotSex and then suddenly Panda Chan called me pissed off...because she found out I was at the club. I cannot figure out who gave her that information."

Potter looks down slightly depressed, " It was me..."

" It was who? Say that where I can here you!"

Potter looks up spilling it from his lips only louder this time, " It was me!"

Puppy pushed himself forward, pulling a full forward punch into the air, feeling it connect with the snapping of Potter's jaw, not enough to break it. Puppy leaned up and screamed out in rage, " Why the fuck did you tell her?"

" She is my boss..." stands up rubbing his jaw, only to have Puppy paws push him back to the ground, " she had the right to know."

" What right is that?" Puppy says as he drives his foot into Potter's side.

Potter welps slightly, " The same right that you knew when Lorina was doing the same..."

Puppy stopped himself, turning away from Potter, " I was going to pick who I wanted..."

Potter still on the ground looks at him, " It didnt sound like afterall had sex with HotSex..."

" Shut the fuck up the hell did you not know that HotSex wasnt my the fuck did you not know who I was going to pick?"

Potter pushes himself up on one knee, " Its obvious who you were picking. Its in your eyes, your voice and actions. Your so overwhelmed that Panda knows, your afraid that you will lose her because of your stupid actions..."

Puppy looks down slightly, breathing hard as he nods, " Your right...I care about her a lot...and like the moronic fool I am...I go and screw it up and I probably already lost her..."

" You don't know that."

" Your right. I dont, but I dont think I plan to give up. I will get her back somehow and someway."

" What about HotSex?"

" Screw her. I don't need her."

" That sounds like some serious attitude adjustment."

Puppy turns and starts heading towards his room, " Well I am tired. I am going to bed. Nite Potter."

Puppy got into his room, pulled out his cell phone and dialed up HotSex. He waited three rings till she picked up, " Hello HotSex speaking."

" Hey HotSex. I have still haven't decided who to pick. Have any way of helping me decide?"

She was silent for a second, coming back in with a chime, " Sure. Lets have phone sex."

" What?!?!?!? How is that going to help?"

" A male's mind is always free and clear after he does something sexual. So why not?"

Puppy shrugs as he slips into his bed, " Sure, lets take a whirl."

" I will instruct you...and you will instruct me. Got it?"

" Got it."

" Pull out your penis now!"

Puppy did as she said, he slid his paws down, slowly undoing the button and zipper, pulling out his now hardening penis. As he held it in his hand he smirked and asked, " What are you wearing?"

" I am wearing a see through pink dress that comes to about my dripping wet clit...what do you want me too do?"

Puppy bit down on his lip as he said, " Separate your lips with one hand and roll two damp fingers on your clit."

HotSex, pressed her lips down onto her body, sucking softly on two fingers, starting to roll her fingers on her clit as he said too, she moaned softly, " Now I want you too...roll your paw ontop your head, while the other has a firm grip on the shaft, massaging your balls."

Puppy grasped his ball sack, rolling them about as marbles as his other paw carassed his head, lubricating his hand with his pre-cum. He bites his lips as he says, " Slowly tease yourself by running the two fingers from your clit, down to your love hole, push them in slightly and out again to play with your clit..." he said in a moan.

She does as he says, she leaves her clit, pushing her fingers in slightly, drawing them out and using the moisture to play with her clit again. She moans into the phone, " Use your lubricated hand and slowly push down on your shaft and jerk up hard, repeat this techinque until you cum all over your hands..."

Puppy licks his lips, " While I do so, push three of your fingers into your sweet cunt, and rolling them about as you push them in and out of you...when your done cumming on your fingers, lick off the sweet juices and tell me how you taste..."

HotSex slides her three fingers deep into her, moaning as she pushed them in deep and pulled them out to ram them back into her. Puppy listened to her yelps of pleasure as he moved his hand up and down his shaft, thrusting just as she directed, moaning with her.

She wiggled her fingers out her drenched pussy, moaning louder now, getting close to climax. Puppy knew it as he pushed faster trying to cum with her at the same time. They did. HotSex oozed vaginal waters all over her fingers, popping the fingers into her mouth, savoring the bitter sweet flavor.

Hot semen coated his hand, he quickly grabbed a towel, wiping his hands as he heard her say, " I taste high delicious today, as always. Now that your mind is clear, who is it that you pick?"

Puppy sighed softly, " Right now I am loving you."

" Well what about when right now goes away?"

Puppy sighs, not thinking about that. He groans as he says, " Panda Chan is innocent, sweet, beautiful, smart and funny and sometimes I believe she is way out my league. Your hot, funny and so sexy. You satisfy me, while Panda is someone I would have to wait for, but she is also someone I could fall in love with."

" Well ask yourself, would you rather have sex all the time, or fall in love with someone and then have sex?"

" Its too much to think about. I am still undecided. I am going to have to keep my promise and think about this alone, without your influence or without Panda's. I need alone time."

" First smart thing you have said today. Now go and do so."

Puppy hung up on the phone with her and started the though process in his sleep.

Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 5

Puppy slipped into the apartment after his date with Panda, Potter gleaming at him from a far, Potter quickly pounced up, " So...." Puppy interupted him, " The date was great, it was just cut short." Potter followed Puppy to his room, " What do...

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Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 4

Puppy quickly opened his eyes, looking up at his pastel ceiling, smiling slightly, from last night. He smirked and spoke to himself, " Damn, last night was great..." Puppy licked his lips as he rolled over onto his side, seeing the phone, his eyes...

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Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 3

Chapter Three Puppy woke up the next morning with Potter lingering over him, using a paw to push him aside he spoke, " What have I told you about that Potter?" " Not to do it, so. I have my reasons!" Puppy slowly got up, looking at Potter, "...

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