Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 8

Story by XratedPanda on SoFurry

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#8 of Panda Puppy Action

" A month has passed and I still cannot get her out of my head. She constantly calls me, makes Potter deliever me messages from work...she doesnt want to give up on me...on us...but here I sit sulking alone, thinking things will get better if I ignore her, and the truth of the matter is it wont, I love Panda...and here is stubborn me, taking as long as I need to get over the whole HotSex and Panda being the same person. Get over it Puppy, Potter always says. I should, before Panda gets over me and then I end up losing the chance of love again. I cannot beat myself over this anymore. I need to do something about it, and not live on being so miserable all the time."

Puppy sets down the leather bound journal he was writing in, and sighed looking at the mirror across his bed, " Look at you Puppy...your a wreck."

Puppy scoots off his bed, grabbing his tight white tank top and his black pants, readying himself for work. He strokes his fingers through his fine blonde hair and out his room he goes, being gawked by Potter as he made way to leave. Potter stands up and speaks softly, " Panda just called again, she wants to know if your doing okay?"

Puppy beams at Potter with sulken eyes, " I have not been okay since we parted a month ago..."

" Then why not forgive her and make things right?"

Puppy opens the front door, looking at Potter before he walked out, " That seems like the logical thing to do...but Puppy is too stupid to do that..."

Puppy steps out closing the door behind him, heading to work.

At work he walks up to the front desk where Candance was awaiting him, she wearing a white tube top and a silver mini skirt, " Hello there Puppy! Are we having sex today or are you still mourning?"

Puppy just glares at her, " I am still mourning..."

Candance pouts slightly, " Aw! I really miss us having sex."

" Thats grand and great Candance..."

Candance sighs again, " One day when your better I suppose? Either way you have someone waiting for you outside your classroom door."

Puppy's eyes widen, " Was she a panda?"

Candance shakes her head, " No, she was a vixen."

" A vixen?" he shrugs slightly, " must be a client."

He turns around waving to Candance as he starts to head to his classroom, to teach his first yoga class of the day. He turns the corner of the main gym hall, halting in his tracks as he looked at the vixen in shock.

The vixen had long flowing shimmering jet black hair, pulled uo into two separate braids, which latched onto her mid back, she turned to face Puppy with her cobalt dangerous eyes, she smiled slightly, parting her pink glossed lips, to flash her white fangs, she wore a baby blue belly shirt, showing off her flat stomach, clenching at her hips were a matching baby blue mini skirt. Something was familiar about her, as Puppy walked towards her, she was someone he knew, Lorina.

Puppy's mouth gapes, as his voice changes to soft, " that you?"

Lorina slowly turns to face him, smiling bright, " Yeah, its my Puppy."

Puppy looks down slightly, " Its good to see you..."

Lorina smiles, pushing Puppy's face to make eye to eye contact with her, " Its good to see you too. You, well I hate to say this, look like crap. Your not still dwelling about me are you?"

Puppy shakes his head, " No, not over you anymore, the girls who got me over you is who I am dwelling over."

" Girls? You becoming a playa or something?"

Puppy shakes his head, " No, I found up that the girls are really the same person, with just split personality syndrome. It sort of crushed me to think someone who claims there care about me lie to me, wait like you did."

Lorina groans slightly, " That is past me now! I realize that I was stupid and see where my heart really belongs."

" Let me guess, my brother dumped you and your using me as a re-bound guy."

Lorina shakes her head, " No, I dumped your brother realizing where my heart really belongs. Your brother did not have that special flare you had, I missed it, hoping he could get better, and I saw that he was not going to achieve it, so I decided I wanted you back and realized how stupid I was!"

" So your coming to your sense now? What do you want Lorina? Expect me to just take you back and imagine that you never cheated on me?"

" No, I didn't expect you to forget that, I wanted us to start over, you know maybe invite me over for dinner, maybe just as a friend thing, I want to see how you and Potter are holding out."

Puppy sighs slightly, " Fine, you can have dinner with us, were not much of cooks, but just meet up at our place and we will drive in Potter's car somewhere. How does that sound?"

" Great! Well I hate to burst the bubble but I have some clothes shopping to do with you brother's credit card, talk to you later okay?"

" Okay..."

Lorina wraps her arms around Puppy, embracing him in a hug, Puppy's eyes widen as he softly places a paw on her, remembering how good it felt. He sniffs her hair slightly getting her smell in him again. He smirks softly as he let go, watching her leave.

He turns around to walk into his room, but was stopped with Candance standing behind him, now in front of him, " I thought you were mourning and now your going on a date with that vixen hoe!"

Puppy smirks slightly, " Yeah, isnt it great!"

" No! I want sex and I am not getting it and your just beating around the bush and dating other girls! What about my needs?"

" Sorry Candance, she is just my first love, I lost my virginity to her, so its a big deal that were hooking up again."

" Thats really sweet truely, but how about we fuck before the gym owner comes in."

" Why what happens then?"

" We go fuck."

Puppy narrows her eyes at her, " Do you sleep with everyone here?"

" Pretty much, hey what can I say I am horny. So what do you say? It will get you pep for the date tonight."

Puppy bites down on his lower lip, " Maybe tomorrow depending how things go?"

Candance rolls her eyes, " Whatever!"

Candance walks off, leaving Puppy alone to his classes.

Puppy walks into his classroom, pulling out his cellphone, calling Potter up for the good news. The phone rings twice before Potter picks up, " Hello, Thank you for calling Pan Pan Art and Animation this is Potter Catswick, how can Pan Pan aid you today?"

Puppy laughs slightly, " That is more amusing then what I say here at work Potter."

" Shut up Puppy! What do you want?"

" Were going out tonight, so find you a date."

" What?!?!? Wait, did you make up with Panda? You do sound happy."

" No, I didnt, even better then her."

" Who is even better then her?"

" Lorina!"

" can't go back after her, what about all the times she has cheated on you, haven't you learned yet?"

" She said she has changed, and knows where her heart belongs."

" I am sure. Well okay fine! I will get a date for this lovely event."

" Great Potter! Bye!"

" Bye..."

Potter hangs up the phone sighing, " He is going to end up getting hurt again, I need to stop that from happening, he isnt even right for her."

Potter stands up from his chair, " I got it! My date will be Panda! That way he will have both of them there..."

Potter starts to head towards Panda's office, ready to tell her, his devised plan.

Potter knocks slightly on the door of Panda's office, hearing her voice chime, " Come in!"

Potter cracks the door, " Hey Panda, how are you this morning?"

Panda whips around looking at Potter, " Not so good, you know I have not been good since Puppy pushed me away."

Potter nods, " Well I have a plan that will get you Puppy back..."

Panda's eyes widen some, " What is that?"

" Tonight Puppy and I have a so called double date, he is with his ex girlfriend Lorina, the girl who basically tore him to pieces, and there thinking or reconsidering dating again, and I dont want that to happen, because lets face it Lorina is a slut. So I want you to be my date, or escort, and act like you have nothing to do with Puppy, because first off that will make Puppy see that you dont care about him and make him jealous, and second of all I think Lorina is up to something, so I want to stop whatever she is planning, because do you really want to see Puppy hurt?"

She shakes her head, " No..."

" Then are you up for it?"

" Yes...what do I have to do?"

" Just when we get off work, follow me home. Okay?"

" Okay."

" Lorina is not going to hurt him ever again. This time I am sure of it."

Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 9

Puppy walks into his apartment after a long day at work, seeing Potter sitting in the chair facing the door, he smiles slightly, " So where is your date Potter?" " In the bathroom, freshing up. She wants to look her best. So where is your hoe, I...

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Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 7

Puppy opened his eyes, seeing Potter hovering about his head, with a bandage of medical tape on his nose, Puppy grunted rolling over, " What do you want Potter?" Potter leaned up, sitting down on his bed, " Are you still mad at me?" Puppy didnt...

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Panda Puppy Action: Chapter Six

Puppy sulked into the apartment, seeing his ever so faithful friend Potter waiting for him, he looks at Potter and says, " What no asking me how it went?" Potter already knew that in his voice, something was wrong, " Now that you mention it yes....

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