Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 9

Story by XratedPanda on SoFurry

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#9 of Panda Puppy Action

Puppy walks into his apartment after a long day at work, seeing Potter sitting in the chair facing the door, he smiles slightly, " So where is your date Potter?"

" In the bathroom, freshing up. She wants to look her best. So where is your hoe, I mean date."

" Potter! I want you to try and be nice to Lorina."

" What are you talking about, hoe is a nice term for her."

Puppy throws his things down, " That is lovely, just be nice. I am going to change, if Lorina shows up answer the door for me."

" Okay Puppy."

Potter glares as Puppy heads to his room. Potter looks ahead at the door, " I hope the plan works."

Potter heard a knock as the door, with a groan he walked over to the door, opening it to see it was Lorina. Lorina stood before Potter wearing a strapless crimson velvet dress. Lorina meets eyes with Potter, " Potter! Hey! It has been a long time since I have seen you. How have you been?"

" I have been great, ya know not cheating on my girlfriend or anything like that."

Lorina narrows her eyes slightly, " That sounds lovely."

Lorina pushes herself into the house, " So is your girlfriend here? Or is she still invisible?"

Potter laughs, it was a fake laugh, " Your so funny Lorina. No, she is not here, and before you get your panties in a knot, my date is just a friend of mine."

" That's lovely, so where is she? Or is she invisible too?"

" She is in the bathroom."

Lorina rolls her eyes, looking down the hallways to see Puppy approaching her. She smiles bright as she looked at the handsome Puppy, " You sure do look handsome Puppy."

Potter wise cracking in the background says, " Which translate to I am a whore and will be fucking you later tonight."

Puppy glares at Potter and then looks at Lorina, " Just ignore him, he is ill about the whole thing."

Lorina nods, " That can be understood, he is your so called best friend. So can we get this show on the road?"

" I agree. Potter get you date out here."

Potter looks up and chants out, " You can come out the bathroom now!"

Puppy looks at the bathroom door, then at Lorina. Panda slowly steps out from the darkness which covered the bathroom exit. Lorina in shocked screams out, " Wow, Potter snagged someone who is considered beautiful."

Puppy turns around to see who his date is, Panda and him lock eyes.

Panda wore a blush spagetthi strap dress, she was beautiful as ever, she smiles at Puppy and then at Potter, " Are we ready to head out now?"

Potter nods, " Yeah we sure are Panda."

Potter meets arm and arm with Panda as they head out the door, Lorina follows and Puppy in the midst of the room whispers out, " Potter, what are you up too?"

Puppy follows them out, locking the door behind him. They walked down to Potter's car, they all filled it in. Potter sitting next to Lorina, Panda and Puppy sitting next to one another in the backseat. Potter did not want Lorina sitting with Puppy. He started his car and they were off.

Potter looks in the rearview mirror, " So Puppy what do you think of my date?"

Puppy looks over at Panda, sadness starting to fill his eyes as he answered, " She is have no taste Potter, none! I mean gosh look at Lorina! That is taste right there!"

Lorina blushes slightly, " Thank you Puppy, I mean I know I am hot, but give the girl credit, she looks good too."

Panda smirks slightly, " At least Lorina is man enough to say the truth" she looks to Puppy, " your balls still need time to drop then."

Lorina chuckles, " That was a good one girl! But come on lets have a good time, lets not diss on one another."

Potter, " What about joking diss?"

" Potter I know your not joking with me, so shut up and drive the car dim-wit."

Potter rolls his eyes, " Oh well whatever, so how does De le Compe sound? The nice little French resturant out by the docks?"

Panda chimes in, " That would be lovely!"

Lorina smirks, " That sounds great! I heard that place was a five star resturant!"

Puppy grits his teeth, " That place is also exspensive!"

Panda looks at him, " Are you saying Lorina is not good enough for a five star resturant?"

Puppy growls, " No, I am not saying that! Fine we will go!"

Potter pulls into the parking lot of the resturant. They all get out, and head into the resturant, being seated quickly.

Potter reading the menu looks at Lorina, " So what do you do for a living? Still sell your body?"

Lorina glares at him, " Shut up Potter! No! I actually work at a salon now."

" Oh really! A salon! That is the dream job right there! Rolling in the money."

" For your information it is a four star salon so I make forty thousand a year!"

" But how does that support you and your ninety kids?"

Puppy growls slightly, " So I got upgraded at work last time you saw me Lorina."

Lorina looks at Puppy, " Really now? What do you do now?"

" I teach yoga and give massages. I make about forty thousand a year too."

" Really now? So with us being together we make a grand total of eighty thousand!"

Potter chimes in, " Wow you know how to add now."

Lorina rolls her eyes, " Whatever."

" Well your two's combined income is eighty thousand that is my annual income."

Lorina flashes over to Potter, " You make eighty thousand dollars year on your own?"

Potter nods, " I sure do."

" What do you do for a living?"

" I approve advertisement layouts for magazines."

Lorina shrugs slightly and looks at Panda, " So how much do you make a year?"

Panda smirks as she says, " Anywhere from ten to twenty million a year."

Lorina's mouth drops, " That is a lot of money! What do you do for a living?"

" I am the owner and founder of Pan Pan Art and Animation, owner of Panda Candy Strip, and that harbor outside, I own that too. I also own a few fashion lines."

Lorina's mouth gapes, " Wow, your truely rolling in the money. What fashions lines?"

" MEO and El Fashiondore Panda and the famous fashion line amongest teenagers, Hobo Wear."

Lorina laughs slightly as she points to her dress, " This is like my favorite MEO dress that I have on! I cannot believe I am sitting in front of the owner right now!" she looks at Potter, " Your a lucky man! Truely you are! I wish I could be you right now! You have no idea how lucky you are to have her in your life..."

Puppy sits there, looking at Panda whispering, " You have no idea how lucky you are to have her in your life..."

Lorina looks at Puppy, " What did you say?"

Puppy looks at Lorina shaking her head, " Its nothing, just talking to myself."

Lorina nods and says, " Well I am going to the bathroom to freshin up. Panda you want to come with me?"

Panda shrugs, " Sure why not. Boys I hope you can manage to order some fine wine while were gone?"

Potter nods, " Sure can!"

Panda and Lorina head to the bathroom.

Puppy looks at Potter, " What the hell do you think your doing?"

Potter looks at Puppy, " What do you mean?"

" Why the fuck did you bring Panda as your date?"

" She was the only one I could think of, plus you have Lorina so what do you care?"

Puppy sits back and whispers to himself, " Plus you have Lorina so what do you care?"

The waiter looks at them, " Your order for drinks?"

Potter looks at the waiter, " The finest and most exspensive wine you have."

The waiter nods, " Good choice."

The waiter walks off.

In the bathroom....

Lorina looks into the mirror putting on makeup, " So you and Potter are you a thing?"

Panda standing there powdering her nose, " No. Potter is just an employee of mine. He didnt have anyone to take since his girlfriend is currently on a tour, so I was kind enough to do it."

" Why? Why stoop your standards so low?"

" Well I had nothing better to do. So I figured why not."

" So are you friends with any of them, ya know, Potter or Puppy?"

Panda shakes her head, " No, I absolutely detest both of them."

" Really? Me too!"

Panda puts her powder away, " Really? Then why are you so close with Puppy?"

" Well actually, we used to be really close, we started to go out in high school and all through college, and somewhere in college I didnt feel right with him so I cheated on him, we broke up and was off and on a lot, and well recently I cheated on him with his brother, and that finally ended us."

" So what happened between you and his brother?"

" Well, he thinks he is a big shot and can have any woman he wants, and I am proving if he plays dirty so can I. So I am basically using Puppy to get back as his brother."

" That is such a devious plan!"

" I know! Aren't I the smart one...well lets head back before they think something went wrong."

Lorina opens the door and heads out the bathroom. Panda biting down on her lips sighs and whispers, " Poor Puppy..."

Panda leaves the bathroom, heading back to the table which had four glasses of red wine poured into them. Lorina takes a seat next to Puppy, " I hope you chose good wine..."

Potter looks at Lorina, " Only the finest and most exspenive."

" Wow, who would of imagined, you with taste."

" Not some low class person as yourself Lorina."

The waiter stepped up to them, " Your orders?"

Puppy mumbles out, " Doggee Treat de la gravo."

The waiter skribbles it down on his pad, " Excellent choic sir."

Potter looks at the waiter, " Catnip fish sticks."

The waiter writes it down, " A surperb meal."

Panda chimes out, " Bamboo soup."

The waiter speaks, " The meal that panda's rave about."

Lorina smirks and says, " I want a steak."

The waiter raises an eyebrow, " What kind? There are so many?"

" I said steak, get that through your head pierre."

The waiter rolls his eyes, " Alright then degraded unkept harlot."

The waiter takes there menus and walks off, mumbling to himself in French.

Lorina looks to them, " What a rude guy!"

Potter laughs slightly, " I believe you brought it on. This is a classy resturant dumb fuck, there are different types of steak, not just the one you normally have at the local pub. Learn the trade."

" Potter you better learn to be quiet before I thrash you with my claws! Got that scum bag!"

Potter hisses slightly at Lorina, " Don't call me a scum bag! Harlot!"

Lorina stands up quickly, slamming her hands down on the table, " I am not a whore! Shut up about that already! Where the fuck did you get that idea from? I am not a bad person! I have made mistakes but what makes you think I am going to hurt Puppy again! Get over yourself Potter and be a man!"

Panda joins her with standing up, " I cannot play this lie anymore!"

Lorina looks at Panda with a raised eyebrow, " Huh?"

Panda glares to Lorina, " I wont allow you to hurt Puppy anymore. What you said in the bathroom ends here tonight! I want you to tell Puppy what you had planned. Now!"

Lorina looks at Puppy, who was awaiting the answer, she rolls her eyes, " Can you believe these true drama queens?"

Puppy nods, " Yes, one is my best friend and the other was the girl who got my mind off of you. There is more trust there then there is with you. So what was it that you were planning in the bathroom."

" Nothing Puppy, I was planning out our future."

Panda interupts, " Dont lie!" she looks at Puppy, " Dont listen to her, she is not speaking the truth!"

Puppy stands up looking at both Panda and then Lorina, " I just want the truth now!"

Lorina groans, " Fine! I was using you to get back at your brother. I had no real intentions of getting back together with you Puppy. There I said it, you happy now?"

Puppy looks down slightly, " That is how it is? You just come up with some horrid scheme to get back at my brother Lorina? That is revolting! If you weren't a female I would slap you."

Puppy turns around to walk off, Panda yelling out, " What about me?"

Puppy sighs, " I am still mad at you...."

" But can you not forgive me now, here! I went on this date in hope to get you back, because the truth of the matter is, Lorina hates you and you need to learn to let her go."

" What reason do I have too?"

" Because right behind you, you have someone who is willing to stay loyal to you and love you."

Puppy walks off saying, " Should of thought of that before you lied to me."

Puppy was gone.

Puppy sighs, shoving his hand in his pockets, " You are so stupid Puppy, to think Lorina would actually take you back in. You need to face it and get over her, there are better catches out Panda who you need to learn and forgive!"

Puppy turns into a dark road, " She is the only one who is patient enough to be with you. She is devoted to you. Doesn't that mean anything to you? No, apparently not. Your selfish Puppy, cruel, selfish and always seeking for things to be your way. That is not how the world works. What do you pick love or lust? Love..."

Puppy plops down on a slab of concrete, pulling out his pocket knife from his pants pocket, " I wonder what cutting my wrist would feel like? It may end some of my suffering."

Puppy pushes the blade of the knife into his wrist, feeling the puncture of his fur and skin break, he smiled shoving the blades inside of his wrist, seeing the odd colors of red trickle down his hand and onto the ground. He pulled out his knife and did the same to the other side. He smiled as blood came from, it satisfied some taste within him, but not enough to complete it. He pulled the knife up, looking at his bleeding figure, and decided on one thing to do.

He lifted the knife over his head, and hurdled it down to impale his stomach, he watched as blood oozed from him, laying back, waiting for the next thing to happen. Whatever that was.

Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 10

Anthro News On April 11th, 2004, a innocent male attempted suicide for the wrong reasons, love. This has been a recent and growing epidimic here in Anthropolion, he just topped it off with his injury. Puppy Dizzle, worker at Swan Lake Spa,...

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Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 8

" A month has passed and I still cannot get her out of my head. She constantly calls me, makes Potter deliever me messages from work...she doesnt want to give up on me...on us...but here I sit sulking alone, thinking things will get better if I ignore...

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Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 7

Puppy opened his eyes, seeing Potter hovering about his head, with a bandage of medical tape on his nose, Puppy grunted rolling over, " What do you want Potter?" Potter leaned up, sitting down on his bed, " Are you still mad at me?" Puppy didnt...

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