A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 20: More Than a Victory is Obtained

Story by Aquos on SoFurry

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#4 of A New Start As A Trainer/ part 2

Hello guys: I bring you the second, LONGER part of the battle against Roark. So far, Lucas had an easy time in defeating Geodude with Monferno.... But not as such an easy time when defeating Cranidos with Gallade: that Rock-type took a Magical Leaf attack and was only weakened.


(Lucas's POV)

"Now Gallade, Psycho Cut!" I yelled out as Gallade's arm was highlighted in purple. He unleashed an inverted slash with his blade for arms, shooting out a purple slash. As the slash zoomed towards Cranidos, Roark commanded Cranidos to "Jump over it, then use Headbutt." Cranidos followed the order and leaped into the air, then rocketed towards Gallade.... I didn't realize it but Gallade had something surrounding him when I said "Dodge it!"

The Cranidos was about to hit Gallade, but he just recoiled off of him. I didn't know how or why until I saw a fringe of blue around him: Gallade learned ANOTHER move..... how fast is Gallade going to know moves?! He now knows up to six moves: I thought that Pokemon could only know four, guess that's only in Pokemon games.

"Gallade, did you just use what I thought you just used: Protect?"

"I... I think so: I... it was all....I don't know HOW I did it." explained Gallade as he looked at me with disbelief.

"Well, it's good that you know another move.... But that makes SIX: take it down a notch okay? It's hard to remember them all." I said in humorous disapproval; he just rolled his eyes.

"No promises on that. Now let's finish this Pokemon off!"

"Right, now Magical Leaf!" I nodded then commanded: my Gallade jumped up and began to spin, launching the attack like a machine gun. Cranidos, running from the leaves, tried to hide behind a rock; it didn't help, the leaves pelted it too much and it sliced through and hit the Pokemon.... Knocking him out.

"Cranidos is unable to battle, the winner of this battle is Gallade!" said the referee: Gallade walked over and we high-fived; afterwards he walked over to the stands where Monferno sat.

"Well, you certainly are a good trainer.... but I saved my most powerful Pokemon for last." He said proudly, face becoming dark as his head was faced down. He took another Pokeball and enlarged it (as you know, Pokeballs are the size of marbles until you press the middle button to make them big again).

"Go Onyx!" He cried as he summoned out his last Pokemon. The Rock-type Pokemon was HUGE: it looked like a giant rock snake with a fin on the top of his head. I started to get a little intimidated by his shape and size, but I remember something: Lucario hasn't been used yet and he's a Fighting-type, very effective against Rock and Ground-types.

"Well, if you're using your favorite," I said with a grin as I reached a certain Pokeball on my belt "then I will use my favorite: go my Lucario!" I tossed my mate's Pokeball and he appeared in a burst of light. He gave a small roar and got into position: I gave him his first order.

"Now Lucario: Aura Sphere!" He built up a blue ball of energy and threw it at the rocky snake. Roark laughed sinisterly and gave out his command:

"Onyx, Iron Tail!" The Onyx lifted his tail and smashed it against the ball and created and small earthquake. Lucario jumped up onto a sturdy rock, awaiting my next command:

"Now, Force Palm!" I cried out, he jumped up onto the tail of Onyx as he brought it in and ran up it towards his head. I remembered something about the same scene; it was the same technique that Ash used with his Pikachu: Pikachu used Quick Attack up to Onyx's head, but was hit by Onyx's......Screech.....Oh-no (haven't seen that episode in a while so don't blame me if it's wrong).

"Onyx, Screech on Lucario!" I was decimated that I didn't see that coming. I had to figure out some way of countering it: that's it!

"Lucario, use Force Palm now on Onyx's tail!" This was something I thought of on the spot: if it worked, Onyx would he hurt by the attack and wouldn't be able to react for a short amount of time......and it did: the plan worked perfectly.

"Nice job Lucario, now Aura Sphere towards his head!" I called out as soon as Lucario landed. He pulled his paws back and shot another blue ball of energy at Onyx, hitting him in the head. The Onyx's head flew backwards, then slowly back to its normal position: I could obviously see that he was close to fainting so I had to make this last attack risky.

"Now, Force Palm!"

"Not so fast," cried Roark "Onyx, Screech again!" The Onyx leaned his head forward and bellowed out, but instead of as a loud screeching sound it was a pulsing ring attack. It pressed against Lucario and knocked him into a stalagmite, breaking it.

"Lucario!" I yelled out, hoping he wouldn't be knocked out. My despair was banished as I saw him slowly get up; he was obviously weak by the attack AND the hit from the rock. I had to end this now:

"Time to finish this up: Lucario, finish Onyx off with Metal Claw!" At first Lucario looked at me as if I was crazy, I nodded and he seemed to understand what I was thinking. He followed my order and extracted his metallic claws and rushed towards him.

"Humph, you never learn do you: Onyx, end this with Iron Tail!" He scoffed as the Onyx raised his tail, just as I knew he would do. I sprang my trap:

"Perfect, now stop Metal Claw and use Force Palm!" Lucario was surprised by my sudden move change, though he figured out why I did: I direct Fighting-type move to any part of Onyx would result in a KO. He followed my command by stopping in place and jumping back, focusing might into his right paw.... He was waiting for my signal.

"Wait...... wait....... NOW!" I cried as the tail was just a yard away from hitting my mate and he released the energy, making the Onyx recoil.

"Now, Force Palm again!" The Steel-type jumped up to the middle of Onyx and unleashed to burst. Even though it was small, the impact was huge: it knocked out Onyx. Lucario landed, wobbly-legged from all the energy exertion, and heard the referee banter out:

"Onyx is unable to battle. The winner of this battle and victor of the challenge is Lucario and Lucas!" Both me and my mate were ecstatic: we won our first Gym battle! I ran over and tackled him, hugging him tightly.

"Lukey (his nickname) you did it! You did it!" I just squeezed him, letting him know how much I was proud of him.


A few minutes later all of my Pokemon and Roark, with his Cranidos, and I were in front of the Gym.

"Lucas, in light of your excellent battle, I present you with this:" He said as he handed me a metal item "The Mine Badge (correct me please if it's different). Now whenever you show this to someone they will know that you beat me in a battle." He also extended his hand out.

"Thank you Roark, you have been extremely nice and great: I hope we meet again soon." I said as I grasped it warmly. We nodded and m and my gang walked off towards the hotel we stayed at last night.


(Normal POV)

As Lucas and his Pokemon walked off, the trainer couldn't help but feel he was being...watched: not like before with Monferno, but in a stalker-like way. Lucas stopped and looked around, but saw nothing. Lucario stood by him and asked,

"What's wrong?"

"I think I'm being watched....by some sort of stalker." he said as the trainer looked up, something curious caught his eye: a Flygon just hovered there. It looked straight at him, creeping Lucas out. He walked just a little bit towards it and the Dragon/Ground-type jetted towards him. Fear took over him as the Flygon got closer and closer, Lucario didn't see this. The trainer began to run but was tackled by the force of the Pokemon with wings; it was like getting a bear-hug from behind.

"Ack! Lucario, a little help please?! I have a Flygon on me!" said Lucas as the Flygon wrapped his arms tightly around him; Lucario was too far away and couldn't hear the trainer. He felt a little nudging by his neck... is be being given affection by this guy or girl?

"Hey, um... can you let me get up? You're starting to hurt me," I asked politely to the Flygon. While still having a hold around him, it happily began to flap its wings and set Lucas to his feet. He brushed off some dirt and it hugged him again, this time a little gentler. The human felt compelled to hug back but resisted and pushed the Flygon away.

"Why are you hugging me? I don't even KNOW you."

"Well" started the Flygon, voice in a deep male's voice "I saw you leave that building and thought that you looked.... Cute." Lucas was bug-eyed: did he just hear that right? Lucario was already his boyfriend, and this Flygon just said he was cute...... hope he doesn't become the center of a love conflict.

"Wait, you called me cute? Does that mean you 'like' me?"

"Maybe. You tell me," said Flygon, brushing up against the human.

"I'll take that as a yes then." Lucas walked back slowly and decided to join his gang and boyfriend. The Flygon flew in front and blocked his way: this guy is persistent. Lucas yelled again:

"Lucario! I ne-" Flygon covered his mouth with his tail before he had a chance to finish the second sentence. He threw back the tail and walked past him, only to be blocked AGAIN by the Flygon's wings.


(Lucario's POV)

"Lucario! I ne-"I heard as I was almost to the hotel. I looked back and saw my mate with a..... Flygon? I need to see if he needs help. As I walked back over I saw him try to pass the Pokemon but was cut-off by its wings; I walked faster to be with my boyfriend.

"Come on, no one will know."

" I will know, and I am NOT cool with that!" I heard both of them speak. Now Lucas was being pushed back by him.

"HEY!" I called back, now a little mad. My BF seemed relieved by the sight of me, though I don't know why he would be. Lucas ran over to me, rejoining me by intertwining hands.

"Well, hello there. You must be the friend of that adorable-looking human." Said the Flygon, did he just call MY Lucas adorable?

"Wait, are hitting on him?!" I let my fury do the talking. Flygon wasn't fazed.

"Yes, why would you be so mad about that: it's not like you're his boyfriend or anything."

"I am." He looked shocked at that, but regained his composition and turned around.

"Well, didn't see THAT coming. Sorry, I guess I let my emotions do the talking for me." Flygon said as he turned around and began to fly away. Lucas let go of my hand and went after him, holding onto one of the clawed paws he had.

"Wait: don't leave." The dragon stopped in mid-hover. He continued "Look, I think it's sweet that you like me that way... even though I have a boyfriend. That doesn't mean we can't be friends: I would love to have you on our team." I saw shocked at that: my mate is letting a flirty Flygon into the bunch..... he crazy.

"You mean it?" The Flygon asked. Lucas nodded and the dragon landed, embracing him. I could tell it was in pain by the look of my BF's face, so I tapped Flygon on the shoulder.

"Hey, uh... I think you're hurting Lucas." He loosened up, then let go of him so he could take an empty Pokeball. He tapped it on Flygon's head and he was sucked in; after two shakes, it DING!-ed. Lucas summoned him out again and that dragon hugged my Lucas AGAIN. Oh sweet Arceus help me, if he kisses him I will kick his ass SO hard he'll only be able to fly. Lucas saw me tense up and he told Flygon to meet the others, Flygon happily said yes and flew towards Gallade and Monferno. I walked over and got close to Lucas again so we could talk.

"I don't like him: he too cling-y to you..... that's MY job!"

"Relax, if you got to know him better then maybe you would like him more." He said as put his arm over my shoulders, I was still steamed.

"No offense, but I wouldn't count on it." He turned my head and kiss me on the lips, then spoke.

"Please, just try.... For me."

"Alright, I'll TRY and get used to him.... For you, not because I want to." I said as I brought him close and kissed him passionately. I wrapped my arms around him as I leaned into him; he put his arms around my shoulders and pushed back so he wouldn't fall. I leaned in even more to kiss stronger; I felt my teeth grind against his, by accident, and it sent a magnificently wonderful sensation. We stopped, him rubbing the back of my head, and we walked back to the group of now four friends..... same number of Pokemon David has; that reminds me, I should remind Lucas to give him a call sometime.


Finished! This had to be one of the longest chapter I have ever done, the first with a multi-love interest part in it: I added it in to spice things up a bit. Tell me how you like it..... AND if you have ideas on anything.

"Wait, I haven't even gotten a chance to kiss Lucas!" -Flygon

Well, you won't while his boyfriend is Lucario.

"Says you." -Flygon

Wow, you must really not care if the guy you like is taken by someone else.

"Or girl: I'm bi." -Flygon

Oh, well pardon me.

Well, see ya next time!

A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 21: An Extra Group Member

**Hey guys, hope you remember me (if not, just check the profile XD)! Now, where were we last time........** **Lucas won his first Gym battle: Sweet** **We added Flygon to his team, even though he is flirty with him: Weird.... But good** **Lucario...

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 19: A Roark-y Battle

**Hey guys, I'm here with another chapter of "A New Start As A Trainer"! Hope you guys are enjoying how Lucas and Lucario's relationship is going....... sooner or later things will go higher: MUCH higher.....but not right now, though. SO, without...

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 18: A Day of Surprises

**Hello furries! Oathkeeper here........or should I say Dragon of Wind here (yes, I changed my name and avatar)! I bring you another chapter of Lucas and his gang...... AND the mysterious Monferno who is following them for some reason. But I KNOW you...

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