A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 18: A Day of Surprises

Story by Aquos on SoFurry

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#18 of A New Start As A Trainer

Hello furries! Oathkeeper here........or should I say Dragon of Wind here (yes, I changed my name and avatar)! I bring you another chapter of Lucas and his gang...... AND the mysterious Monferno who is following them for some reason. But I KNOW you don't want to hear my voice right now, so I'll shut up so YOU can read......


(Lucas's POV)

We walked through the entrance of a cave Shane showed us and saw pitch-black darkness. I put my bag down and pulled out a flashlight, turned it on, and we began our walk.

"Wow, I have not seen someplace that is THIS dark before.... NEVER." I said, kinda scared. I began to shiver for two reasons: 1st was obvious, I was cold. The second was that I had NO IDEA what kind of Pokémon lived in here. I heard a Zubat screech and jumped at the hearing of it: making Lucario chuckle a little. I felt him put an arm around me and bring him close....... oh God; I can't believe I acted like that around him: he must think I'm easily scared like a little kid. I tried to shrug him off but he wouldn't let me.

"Don't worry, if you get scared I'm right here." He said, comforting me.

"I know it's just that I'm so unfamiliar to this world still: remember? I'm not from here." I reminded him. He went silent, making me think I brought up that bad memory of him beating me up. He shook his head and put on a smile:

"I know, guess I forgot." He brought me closer and I wrapped my arms around him. I closed my eyes for a brief second.... then I heard a noise: it wasn't like a Zubat or Bronzor.... something bigger and faster. I stopped and Lucario looked back,

"What is it?"

"I heard something: not like the Pokémon that would live here...... it's something bigger." Lucario got to my side and was in battle position, thinking it was hostile. I took the flashlight (Lucario carried it) and scanned the area with it: almost a complete circle around me and I didn't see anything until I saw orange.


(Monferno's POV)

'Not good, I made too much noise. They'll for sure find me.... if my tail didn't already!' I thought as I pulled my flame in. I also thought that I was, for sure, a dead monkey because that Lucario looked lethal. I crotched into a ball and began cringing, hoping it wouldn't hurt.


(Normal POV)

"Lucario, you wait here: keep an eye out for any hostile Pokémon and use Aura Sphere on them if you find it necessary." I said as I began to walk over to the rock I had the flashlight pointed to.

"Wait, where are you going?!" asked Lucario as he grabbed my arm. He was, seemingly, scared of his idea. Lucas kissed him and replied back calmly, "Relax, I'll be fine."

"Okay, I trust you." He sighed as he released Lucas' arm.... but before kissing him back. The trainer walked slowly up to the rock and glanced over: Monferno was cradled into a ball, shaking like a leaf.

"Aw... he seems scared." Lucas said to himself as he placed a hand on the Pokémon's shoulder. Monferno cringed, then relaxed as he unfolded from his protective shape. Lucas started to rub his shoulder gently, trying to make sure the Monferno was okay. The orange monkey looked up to see Lucas and jumped into his arms. Lucas carried him over to Lucario, now confused at the sight of his boyfriend carrying a Monferno from behind a rock.

"So... Monferno was the one following us? Why?"

"Well, I saw your battle," began Monferno, jumping out of the human's arms "and I was awe-struck: you listen to him so well. I want to be like that, I want to have a friend that close..... I want to join you." Monferno looked down, then looked back up and started jumping up and down.

"Can I? Please?" Never has Lucas seen a Pokémon THAT enthusiastic to become a trainer's Pokémon.

"Well... I guess if you wanna." Said Lucas, scratching the back of his head as he brought out an empty ball. Monferno took it, tossed it up, and slapped the button with his paw; the Fire-type was sucked in and then began to jiggle.... only one though before the 'DING!' sounded out.

"Wow that was fast." Lucas pointed out as he took the ball, re-summoned Monferno, and put the ball away. Monferno was excited, saying over and over "I have a trainer! I have a trainer! I have a trainer!"

"Ugh.... I have a feeling he will be VERY annoying." said Lucario as he put his palm in his face. Lucas walked over and kissed Lucario on the lips.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine."

"Well, if you say so....." trailed off the Aura Pokémon but was cut-off by another kiss from Lucas. The trainer put his hand on the side of Lucario as they suckled on the others' lips. Lucario did the same as their love for each other made them want to go deeper; unfortunately, due to their current location, they had to cut their kiss short. Also, as a bonus bad thing, Monferno saw that.... He was kind enough though not to say anything until they finished up: but he had to tell them he saw it.

"Uh, guys? You....kinda... kiss in front of me." he said.

'Shit!' both trainer and Pokemon said to themselves, then spoke out loud.

"Promise that you won't tell ANYONE. The secret of me and Lucario being mates is a total secret." Said Lucario, making sure he knew that the Fire monkey understood.

"Of course: why would I tell someone something THAT personal?"

"Thank you, now let's get out of here: Mount Coronet is starting to scare me a little." Lucas admitted as they headed outside and through the exit to Oreburg: the city was colored in the colors of rust, coal, and marble. The city looked more of a town, all the buildings were close together and the highest of them were as big as two-stories. While the team looked throughout the city, Lucas located the familiar red-roofed PC. He alerted the others and they walked inside: Nurse Joy was pleasantly arranging papers into various slots she had in her desk.

"Hello, how may I help you?" she asked. She seemed to be very kind and caring, something Lucas hasn't noticed it before.

"Hi, I was wondering if I could get my Pokemon healed."

"Sure, of course. May I see your Pokeballs?" she asked pleasantly. Lucas took Gallade's Pokeball and handed it to Nurse Joy. She put it in a machine and it flashed for a few seconds, then the light dimmed down. She took the ball and handed it back to Lucas.

"Now that your Pokemon inside your Pokeballs are healed, now for a check-up on your Pokemon outside." She pressed a button and two Pokémon, a Chansey and a Blissey, came out and took the paws of Lucario and Monferno.


A few minutes later both of the trainer's Pokemon came out with smiles on their faces. The Blissey gave Nurse Joy a sheet of paper and put it in a folder.

"Your Pokemon are completely healthy."

"Great, thank you." Everyone said as they walked outside. It was past sunset, so they decided to stay in a nearby hotel.... this one, like the other one in Jubilife, allowed Pokémon. The clerk looked and saw the team; he motioned the guys to come over.

"Welcome, you here to spend the night? If so and you're a trainer, I would like to see your PokeDex please."

"Wow, thanks. Here's my dex." Lucas said as he took out the dark-blue device he carries in his back-pocket. Like before, the clerk inserted a wire into it to check his trainer card (to prove he is a trainer). He grinned, took out the wire and handed the dex back to Lucas.

"Perfect, now let me see here...." He did a few clicks on his computer and out popped a card for a tiny room in the small hotel. He continued on as he handed the card to Lucas "Here you go, you'll be in room 107: it's right over there in fact."

"Thank you." Said the trainer as he and his two friends (Lucario is, of course, MORE than a friend) approached the door. Lucas slid the card into the inserter and quickly pulled it out, unlocking the door. He opened it up and saw the room he would stay in: there was a bed on the other side of the room with a couch (that could be turned into a fold-out bed) across it. Monferno ran over and jumped onto the couch, tired from all the walking. Lucario sighed and walked over to him to talk to him for a bit. Lucas, now realizing something he forgot, grabbed Gallade's ball and summoned him out. The Pokemon stretched in all directions, making sure he had blood flowing through ALL of his body.

"Thank Arceus I'm out of that cramped up ball!" He said after finished stretching, then turning to Lucas "Why didn't you summon me out sooner?"

"Sorry, guess I forgot: I mean while you were in your ball Shane apologized and we became friends, we met Monferno here," motioning to the now sleeping monkey "AND we arrived to Oreburg. We're in a hotel-like place."

"Well, guess I can't stay mad at you if all that happened. Wait a sec," Gallade looked and saw 1 bed and 1 couch "where are ALL of us going to sleep?"

"I thought about that: Monferno gets the couch, obviously since he's asleep, and maybe you would..... if you used Psychic on him to lift him up while we make it into a bed." Said Lucas, nervous about the answer because he knew Gallade might get mad.

"Alright.... don't have to tell me twice. So, how long do you want me to keep him up in the air?" Asked Gallade as he focused his energy and began to lift the Fire-type up.

"Put him on the bed for now." Gallade did as he was told and gently put the sleeping Pokemon on the soft mattress. Lucas and Lucario then went to work.....


"Whew, done." Said Lucas as he and Lucario stepped back from the couch: it took only a few minutes to do...... but it was hard because it squeak a lot and they didn't want to wake up the sleeping Monferno. Gallade used Psychic one last time and placed Monferno back onto the couch: he was put on one side so Gallade could sleep on the other. Lucas checked the time: 10 o'clock; time really can fly.

"Well, I guess it's time to hit the hay as well."

"Yeah, *yawns* I'm pretty exhausted." Stretched Lucario as he climbed inside the bed, Lucas followed in and covered up, glad that he was with Lucario again tonight. He stretched his arm over his mate and brought him closer to him. Lucario obligated by scooting closer to him, wrapping his arms around Lucas. They stared into each other's eyes, seeing absolute love for each other in them. The two leaned in and kissed, wanting the most from the other. Lucas put his arm around Lucario's head to bring him closer to him while the Aura Pokémon brought the trainer's waist closer for a more loving make-out section.

"Lucario, please......never leave me!" Lucas said in their kiss. Lucario didn't answer; Lucas already knew what it was: he would...... forever. The Pokémon then did something that caught Lucas off guard: Lucario grabbed Lucas and brought him on top of him, apparently strong enough to support him.

The two dived in deeper with their kiss, swirling their tongues around inside the connected mouths. Both moaned slightly as they felt warmth surge through-out them. They plunged even deeper still; knowing that even though their hearts were satisfied when they re-united that same day they wanted each other more than they can describe.... it was painful, yet amazing at the same time.

The two began rubbing their bodies against each other's, gaining the sensation of total bliss within them. They stopped for a second to take a few breaths, just looking at each other and being with them would seem to satisfy the two mates as well as their kissing...... but not totally.

"Lucas," Lucario spoke after another quick breather "I love you SO much. You have caused two of the best moments in my life: being your Pokémon and you giving me this locket. I don't know how I can top that," he felt guilty: his lover could do so much for him.... yet he can't do as much with Lucas.

"I love you too, that's WHY I did it: you don't need to top it, me having you is already the best thing ever...... and, of course, us kissing is really great too." Lucas rolled back over, but onto the opposite side he was on before, and hugged Lucario. The Aura-user felt better as he generously hugged back, starting to get drowsy. He heard gentle snoring from Lucas and decided it was late, so he went to sleep as well.


Well, THAT chapter is done!

This one had to be one of the first near-sex scenes that I did for this series, so I hope it's good. May seem a little sappy, and I respect you for telling me if it is, but I worked hard on trying to word it JUST RIGHT. So enjoy, I'll be back with the next one soon!


A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 19: A Roark-y Battle

**Hey guys, I'm here with another chapter of "A New Start As A Trainer"! Hope you guys are enjoying how Lucas and Lucario's relationship is going....... sooner or later things will go higher: MUCH higher.....but not right now, though. SO, without...

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 17: A New Addition

**Hey guys, Oathy here with a chapter of "A New Start As A Trainer"! You see, last chapter you read said that me and TX aren't collaborating anymore...... that doesn't mean we won't EVER do it again (or refer to the others' OC): it was too much fun!...

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 16: A Battle Before We Leave

**Hey guys, I have another chapter of Lucas' journey: unfortunately this is the last collab between me and TX for a while. That doesn't mean we won't do it again, this was too much fun to NOT do! Well, hope you enjoy this chapter!** **CAUTION: I/...

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