A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 17: A New Addition

Story by Aquos on SoFurry

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#17 of A New Start As A Trainer

Hey guys, Oathy here with a chapter of "A New Start As A Trainer"! You see, last chapter you read said that me and TX aren't collaborating anymore...... that doesn't mean we won't EVER do it again (or refer to the others' OC): it was too much fun! For now, though, we want to get back into our original momentum of story-writing. So..... let's get to it!


(Normal POV)

Lucas and Lucario have been walking for about fifteen minutes down the Oreburg trail. They just left Jubilife and David's gang. Now glad that the two are back on their way to the first gym, Lucas felt great: as if nothing in the world could possibly stop him from-

"Gang way!" yelled a mysterious voice as it passed through the couple (who were holding hand contently) and made Lucas fall to the ground.


"Sorry, I'm in a hurry. Bye!" said the mysterious figure again as s/he began to run again. Lucas said "Hang on" while grabbing the figure's wrist...... only to find out that the figure was a Pokémon: a Monferno to be exact.

"Hey, I said I'm in a rush! Let me go!" struggled the chimp-like Pokémon, though Lucas' grip was firm and wouldn't release.

"Just, hold on for a second: why are you in such big hurry? Where do you have to be?"

"Anywhere but here: some mean trainer is trying to catch me!" Lucas could now see fear inside the Fire-type's eyes and he slowly released his grip. The Monferno, instead of running down the path, went behind Lucas. Lucario was kinda lost at this point so he had to ask,

"Okay, what's going on?"

"I..... don't really know myself." the trainer said, just as confused as he was.


(Lucas' POV)

"Ah, dammit! Where'd that thing go?!" yelled a guy's voice from behind me, apparently THAT must be the trainer this little guy is trying to hide from. I saw a body that the voice belonged to and was shocked: it was Shane! What was HE doing here? He looked around and saw Lucario and me..... and the hiding Poke-monkey.

"YOU!" he said as he walked over to me. I steadied my breathing, trying to stay calm so I wouldn't feel compelled to beat the shit out of him for leaving us in mid-battle/near-death experience last time. He continued on by saying "What are you doing with my Monferno?"

"YOUR Monferno? He's not yours, and I'm not letting him get into YOUR filthy little hands!"

"Oh, got quite a backbone do ya Lucas? Definitely a change since last time." he said, acting high-and-mighty.

"Yeah: last time...... the same time when you NEARLY LEFT ME FOR DEATH ON THAT CLIFF!" I yelled, getting in his face. This guy just REALLY made me sick to my stomach: I haven't met anyone nastier.

"Eh, you're still alive. Put it in the past and move on: that's what I do." He said turning around and walking slightly away from me.

"You know, you have some nerve talking like your SO much better than us, Shane!" I heard Lucario speak up: now HE was mad.

"Sorry, did I just hear a mutt talk? Because all I heard were barks and yaps!" Lucario could barely keep his cool as he shouted "Say that again, I dare ya!" I kept hold of him so he wouldn't hit Shane.

"ENOUGH!" I finally had their attention, everybody's "I say we battle: we never got the chance to finish up our last one. So, up for it..... unless you're scared we'll win."

"You're on! I win, Monferno is mine!"

"I win, you completely apologize for EVERYTHING you said and/or did to us!"

"Deal, not you'll win anyway: my Pokémon are the best!" Braggart, I thought to myself. As we got at the right distance for a battle. Shane made the first move by sending out his Ditto, meaning he wanted me to send out Lucario so he would be weakened and I would lose..... NOT falling for it!

"Go Gallade!" I shouted as I summoned my Pokémon. Gallade flexed and the light that surrounded him dispensed, revealing himself.


(Normal POV)

"I'll go first: Ditto, Transform!" With that command, the small pink blob began to shift and morph into the form of Gallade. Not good for Lucas, but lucky he didn't choose Lucario first.

"Gallade, Magical Leaf!" Gallade threw up his arms and shot dozens of multicolored leaves at the faux Gallade.

"Dodge by using Double Team!" demanded Shane. Ditto began to split himself into multiple Gallades, surrounding Lucas'. Lucas had to think quick, then got an idea:

"Gallade, Double Team as well!" Gallade began to make copies of himself, just as Ditto did. The amounts of copies were now equal.

"Now, Magical Leaf on ALL the Ditto copies!" Instead of using Magical Leaf, however, the Psychic-type's arms began to glow a purplish color. He then threw his arms outward, as if to attack someone with an inverted-handle blade, and launched an arch that slashed through multiple fakes until hitting the real Ditto.

"Alright, I recognize that move: that was Psycho Cut! Gallade knows a new move!" said Lucas to himself. He directed his attention back to the battle..... only to see Ditto on the ground, in normal form, with swirls for eyes. 1 down, he thought as he brought out Lucario 1 to go.

"Oh, finally: our most prized Pokémon get to play together. Be sure you have a Revive on you, you'll need it!"

"Hope YOU have one: it's a LONG walk to Jubilife from here." I countered back with my own response as I gave my order:

"Lucario, Metal Claw!" Lucario went all Wolverine (from X-Men) by bringing out three white, razor sharp claws on each paw and he began to run. His speed and agility was, by far, the most astonishing feature my Lucario had..... besides his incredible warmth and softness of his furs. My fantasy was abruptly cut-off when I heard Shane yell out "Salamance, Dragon Breath!"

"Dodge it!" With barely any room to spare, Lucario cart-wheeled out of the way of the breath attack. I followed up with another move:

"Now, Aura Sphere!" My Aura Pokémon charged up a blue ball within his paws and shot out with blazing speed, hitting the big Dragon-type before Shane had a chance to tell him to dodge. The blow was pretty strong as it began to make Salamance huff and puff, but my Lucario wasn't exactly in the best condition either: he was panting, holding himself up by holding onto his knees. I knew I had to wrap it up fast before Shane could launch Screech: Lucario was only thinking on how to not hear that making him completely immobilized. This next move was all or nothing:

"Lucario, Force Palm at full strength!" Lucario then started to dash, moving swiftly from side to side: he wanted Salamance to attack him wildly, and they did.

"Salamance, Dragon Breath again!" The Pokémon let out a fierce exhale, but Lucario dodged it. Salamance did it again, same outcome. He kept doing it, weakening himself every time he used it, but Lucario was too fast. Soon Lucario slid underneath Salamance and unleashed all the energy built up, sending the Pokémon up into the air (about 3 ft. though) and landed with a THUD! in front of Shane.

"Lucario, you did it! You beat Salamance!" cried Lucas as he ran toward Lucario, giving him a hug. Lucario accepted it and nearly fell from his fatigue; luckily Lucas was strong enough to keep him up.

"Well, I guess I lost then...... never lost before." said Shane as he walked up to Lucas, who was still holding Lucario up. Shane continued "I guess I owe you an apology, sorry about everything: me ditching you when you needed my help, me acting my a jerk to you when I found out you just started, AND for trying to get under your skin before the battle."

"It's alright, you're forgiven. Lucario, what about you: does he pass YOUR test?" Lucas asked as he shifted the weight so he could carry his Pokémon more comfortably. Lucario thought for a while and answered: "Yeah.... just barely, though."

"Thank you. To make it up to you, how about I escort you guys to Oreburg? I was just there." Lucas and Lucario looked at each other, both having a "what-luck" look on their face. They nodded and they went on..... but not after sending out Gallade for some quick medical help for Lucario's fatigue.


Twenty minutes later they arrive at a small cave. A pointed arrow sign was on the side of it: one pointed inside saying "Oreburg City"; the other arrow pointed at the mountain saying "Mount Coronet". Shane stopped in front of the entrance.

"Well, here it is: just walk straight through and you'll be at Oreburg City."

"Sweet thanks Shane. Guess we'll be seeing you around sometime." Lucas said, offering a hand. Shane grasped it in return, saying "Yeah, see ya.... rival!" The last part took Lucas by surprise, in a good way, and he nodded. Shane then began to walk towards Jubilife, waving back to the Pokémon and trainer. A few minutes later the Dragon Trainer was out of sight.

"Well, let's go! Roark, and that badge, is waiting for us!" said Lucas, knowing he will take that badge.

"Right." nodded Lucario, and both ran inside the darkness...... little did they know a certain Pokemon was following them.


Done! Whew, think I might be getting a little rusty on making a full chapter. Let me know if I am, okay? I want to be the best possible!

So, is Shane trustworthy?

What'll happen in Oreburg?

Why is Monferno following the team?

Will I EVER stop asking YOU guys the questions you are thinking? (don't count on it XD)

Find out next time Chapter 18: First Gym Battle

A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 18: A Day of Surprises

**Hello furries! Oathkeeper here........or should I say Dragon of Wind here (yes, I changed my name and avatar)! I bring you another chapter of Lucas and his gang...... AND the mysterious Monferno who is following them for some reason. But I KNOW you...

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 16: A Battle Before We Leave

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