My Life as a Furry: Chapter 7

Story by Aquos on SoFurry

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Hello guys, I brought another chapter of 'My Life as a Furry'! So let's review really quickly:

Sol and Riley went to retake Iceblood, but Domino, seemingly, knew they would come. Now that Sol defeated the dragon, temporarily, he and IB have to escape the now scrambling thugs that plan to recapture them. So now, without further adue, the.....

Warning: This story contains yaoi and sex scenes in future chapters, this chapter is one of them. So if your physically and mentally mature enough, you may read this to your extent; if not, DON'T. Also, I own NO rights over any other character other than my own.


Me and Icey have been searching for a way to get OUT of this warehouse for over half an hour and I had knocked out dozens of guards, making me weak.

"Dammit! How big IS this place?! We've been running forever!" I yelled as I dragged IB behind me by his hand. IB had a hard time keeping up, but he didn't stumble yet. We came up to a fork, making us stop. I looked left, seeing a promising path, and went in that direction. We ran until we hit a dead end, goons facing us. I made a huge circle in front of me, making a light barrier, and pushed it at them; all the goons that touched it were shocked by the intensity of the light's potency (meaning hurt by its great power) and thrown to the back wall. I turned around and pulled my mate behind me, back-tracking until we got to the fork again and went the right way (get it? XD).


"*pant* *pant* I can't *pant* run any- *pant* more!" called my mate, letting go my hand and dropping to his knees. I stopped and got back to him, trying to get him up.

"Come on! We have to keep running! If they catch us, we're toast!" I said, picking him up and continuing to drag him... only for a few feet though.

"Please *pant* we need to *pant* rest."

"But we have t- DAMMIT! Here come some more goons!" I yelled as I formed the Light Splitter again, ready to slash with... but once the goons got about fifteen feet away, they started to slip as if on ice. I looked to my side to see IB, holding out his hand and having a few flakes spill out of his palm. I was taken by surprise: my mate was a super...... that means-

"Icey, did you do that?! H- How?!"

"I- I don't know, all I thought is that they had to stop and 'Froosh!', sleet came out of me." He was amazed by himself, I couldn't blame him: I was shocked by me having powers too.

"Well, I'm glad: you need some way of protecting yourself when I, for some mysterious reason, might not be there to protect you." I said as I helped Iceblood to his feet. I began a little energy boost process I learned how to do with my light ability: I make my hands glow a light-blue and I press them on the person's chest, sending part of MY OWN strength into their body. My mate began to be highlighted in the same blue that glowed around my hands. Soon only he was glowing, then no more. I felt weaker than I was used to, but I put on a brave face and we ran.


We ran for ten more minutes and we run into the large bay that leads to outside. We put all our strength into running full-speed outward.... only to run into a gigantic bull in front of the exit. We put the brakes on it but still ran into a fist of his, sending both me and Icey into a wall: me first, thankfully, and Iceblood second. The hit was painful, most likely from the lack of strength. With what little energy I had, I was about to bring out Light Splitter until IB stepped in front of me: blocking my view of the bull, the same bull, I just realized, that I knocked out earlier on.

"Sol, I got this: you're too weak to take him on," he said while keeping a hand up so I couldn't pass. I argued back,

"You're not familiar with your powers yet! Are you sure you want to take on something THIS big?"

"Yes, I need to prove to you I am NOT someone you can just 'rescue' all willy-nilly! Don't worry: I'm a big boy, I can handle it." My mate said confidently, looking back at me winking. I was about to argue back but debated myself that it was no use: there is NO changing that wolf's mind.

"Okay, bull boy: BRING... IT... ON!" He yelled, forming a HUGE scythe (for picture, click link here >; totally sick! The bull, after brushing the ground with his feet, ran after Iceblood. Right at the last second he shot himself upward using a sudden ice pillar. He landed and swung behind him, only to have his attack blocked by the bull's horns. Unknown to the bull, Icey winked at me and I made my move: I snuck up behind him and stabbed him with Light Splitter. I was surprised Icey didn't want to kill him, but before I had the chance to ask him the bull burst into dark dust and was absorbed into the sword I held. I was strengthened, oddly, by the dust when it was sucked in. I was somewhat lost at that point.

"Okay, what just happened?" I asked, staring at my sword: it had no change to it.

"No time, let's go before more show up!" Icey reminded me, and he ran outside. I mentally hit myself for the thought and ran behind him.

... (Back at the house) ......

"Iceblood! Thank God you're safe!" the dragon called as he squeezed him to death, from the look of his purple-colored face. I eased Nevassa down so he wasn't choking him again, but I couldn't stop him from continuing the hug. I just shrugged and went over to the couch with Riley, explaining what happened when I told him to get out of there.

"Wow, so Domino can actually heal himself: that's the first I ever heard of that happening. And you said Iceblood got a power too?"

"Yeah, ice: just like his name." I couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of it. I looked back, seeing Nevassa sway IB side to side made me laugh even more. IB just gave me a dirty look, knowing I was joking made it that much more hilarious that it WASN'T me...... until IB opened his mouth:

"Hey, Nevvy: did you know that Sol nearly died at Domino's warehouse?" The tan dragon put Icey down and then began to talk.

"He did?! How?!"

"He fused himself with his darkness to increase his strength and speed and nearly destroyed the body he had." IB said proudly, getting back at me for laughing at how Nevvy hugged him: I thought on my feet and retaliated,

"Well, IB battled a HUGE bull. I killed it though when he gave me the sign to. Also, he now has the ability of ice now: came to him in the warehouse when we were escaping." I saw his face as he mouthed the words DAMMIT! It made me laugh harder as he was hugged tighter now. I quickly stopped my laughter as I went over and saved my boyfriend from anymore hugging.

"Hey Nevvy, I need a hug too. Icey may have been taken by a sex-addictive, proper talking dragon, but I was nearly killed ya know!" Nevvy stopped hugging my wolf so he could embrace me: he felt leather-y and soft. He was also VERY warm and gentle in his hug towards me...... for the first part: soon I was starting to suffocate, but I was glad to be back in his arms. Right now, he seemed like a dad away from home. I started to gag after a while from lack of oxygen and my strangling lizard friend eased up. After a few minutes Nevassa let me go, letting me get back to the side of Iceblood. We looked at the wall clock and it read 10:00 PM, it took over five hours to rescue him. Riley got up and yawned.

"Well, I'm going to head home: I'll be back tomorrow to check up on you guys. See ya later." He waved good-bye and left through the door. I yawned to and began to head to my room until I felt a soft, grey, paw on my shoulder: looks like Icey is going to sleep with me, guess I shouldn't be surprised...... I mean we've been apart longer than we should.

"You don't mind if I..." Iceblood started. I cut in during his pause with a small kiss.

"Of course not! Why would I mind if my mate sleeps with me?" He just smiled at me as we entered my room. We both took off our shirts and got inside the bed, covering up under the sheets. We rolled over to look at each other, at first just looking: soon we closed the distance little by little; we leaned into each other and pressed our lips together, sucking on the lips of the other mate. I wrapped my arms around my mate's waist, pulling him closer to me. He did the same thing as we started exchanging tongues; my lust for my partner increasing with every passing second. I was glad that me and Iceblood were back together, I felt as if I was giving him a piece of me that he could keep forever: I strength was above anything I could believe or imagine...... and all I was doing was having oral with my boyfriend. Minutes later and we were still at it: I felt my body brush off Icey's and it felt good, SUCH a turn on. We stopped to take a breather: we also started talking.

"IB *pant* I'm so glad *pant* to be with you *pant* again." I panted, hoping we could always be like this.

"Me too. *pant* I was hoping *pant* that you *pant* would save *pant* me." He said, catching his breath before I did "I didn't want to waste my first on HIM: I SPECIFICALLY wanted to mate with you! You mated in me, now...... it's my turn." He was already at my shorts, pulling them off of me. I quickly did the same and soon we were both ready to fuck each other: I was hard already (been hard ever since kiss) and IB just got hard; we were ready. I leaned up a little to show him entrance, he quickly mounted me. I felt pain as I felt him split my ass open-wide: 'Damn' I thought 'No wonder he added those sound when he rode me, this fucking hurts! But it's a good hurt.' I felt his first hilt and it felt like my butt was bleeding; the pain was SO intense that's all I could feel. But as my partner hilted me more, the feeling of pain became less noticeable as the feeling of pleasure was replaced. After a few more hilts I could hear myself un-consciously moan with every hit. I could feel that I was going to cum soon, before I could say so, however, I heard Iceblood say with difficulty.

"Al...almost... there!" Soon there was nothing but warmth and pleasure as IB let out his seed in me and I let out my seed out on the bed. We both brayed out as moans from the actions we have done, and the actions left us limp and tired. We both gasped for air, after blurting the air out for what we did. I felt myself being manually turned after Iceblood dismounted from me and put some clothing on. I put something on as well so I wouldn't have to worry about it in the morning.

"Oh GOD! *pant* *pant* That felt *pant* painfully *pant* WONDERFUL!" I kept gasping. I wiped up the cum that HASN'T dried up yet with a shirt on the ground that had holes in it (from that one battle with Riley).

"Well, *pant* from the *pant* moans you *pant* let out *pant* *inhales deeply* *exhales* you MUST have enjoyed it!" said my partner. Little did he know that I already fell asleep before he kissed me good night. I thought of an incredible thing before I gave in to sleep: BEST. NIGHT. EVER.


Well? What do you think? Hopefully you guys like it!

So, now that Iceblood has powers, is he a more "interesting" target for Domino? Does the black dragon even know? Find out next time, but not now: I'm sleepy.

Good night!

My Life as a Furry: Chapter 8

**Hello everyone! I have brought another chapter for me to put on SoFurry! Let's review now:** **1. Sol and Riley went after Domino to get IB back** **2. Sol defeated Domino and got IB back** **3. IB got power of ice** **That pretty much covers...

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 15: Back With Friends

**HELLO SOFURRY! OATHY'S BACK: with another chapter of 'A New Start As A Trainer'! Let me tell you, this one took a DOOZY of a time; me and TX will try and get you the next one out a little sooner, PROMISE! Now on to our warning...

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My Life as a Furry: Chapter 6

**Howdy ev'rybody! Hope y'ur enjoyin' ma lil' story. If you are, well let's get to it! But first, the......** **Warning: This story contains yaoi and sex scenes in future chapters. So if your physically and mentally mature enough, you may read this...

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