My Life as a Furry: Chapter 6

Story by Aquos on SoFurry

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Howdy ev'rybody! Hope y'ur enjoyin' ma lil' story. If you are, well let's get to it! But first, the......

Warning: This story contains yaoi and sex scenes in future chapters. So if your physically and mentally mature enough, you may read this to your extent; if not, DON'T. Also, I own NO rights over any other character other than my own.


During my black out, all I could think about was Iceblood: where he was, how he is doing, is he worried about me. I kept tossing and turning, trying to find him. I awoke abruptly to the hazy sight of someone patting my head with something. As my vision cleared little by little, I recognize where I am: the same street that the person that was blotting my head and I fought. I was soon filled with rage as I made a light ball and was about to hit Riley with it until he grabbed my wrist, making me stop.

"I don't think you should do that, not unless you want to be out cold again." The fox said casually as he continued to dry up the blood from the head wound. I was completely lost: why was the guy who tried to kill me and help kidnap my boyfriend help me out? It didn't add up!

"Why are you helping me? Aren't you with Domino?" I asked weakly, my voice was filled with anger.

"You would think; no, I'm a mercenary for hire. They paid me to do that, and it was enough for anyone to accept no matter WHAT they did or had to do." He said getting up. He continued on, "And as for why I'm here," he held out a hand "is because I'm going to help you recue Iceblood. It was my fault he was taken and I'm not going to never do that again!" I could tell he meant every word he said and I trusted him. I took the hand he offered and he helped me to my feet, only for him to take my arm and help me walk because I was so weak and fragile at the moment. He asked me where I lived and I told him at Nevassa's for now. He seemed to know where that was because he didn't ask further on.


"So, why does Domino want Iceblood?" I asked after twenty minutes of silence.

"It's a long story." Riley said simply as he sighed. He began, "Domino is known for his looks, talent, and money: he is the richest furry here. What people DON'T know is that he is a yiff junkie: he will fuck ANYONE he gets his hands on; guys, girls, anyone. He usually lures them in with telling them if they date him, they can have FULL access to his loot. If they don't give into it, he goes forceful: threats, kidnapping, and....... me: killing." I could tell this was hard on him and I was about to say he didn't need to tell anymore until he continued.

"That filthy dragon became a life-size fuck-lover! It's disgusting! He yiffs them so much that they orgasm: in him (guys), on him (girls), both (herms, I think)....... He just doesn't care at all! God, I wish someone would just get rid of him and his raping schemes!" I put a hand on his chest to tell him to calm down; he obligated and let me speak.

"If it helps, I'll be the one who ends his life!" I said, seriously. If anyone was going to have Icey's first seed, it was going to be ME; not some sex-loving dragon that only wants the pleasure of it!

"Humph, if you don't mind but I want to join in your actions: I've been called on him for too many times!" He exclaimed, voice full of courage.

"But of course!" I said, liking that he wants to make right his actions; I knew I would need his help to rescue my mate. We walked for more than half an hour total, just to reach the house that was 15 minutes; it took twice as long as it should because we had to limp there. I knocked on the door and opened it, yelling inside.

"Nevassa, we need help!" I saw him peer out from his room and looked pale-white. He ran over and helped Riley help me onto the couch. He seemed to know what happened before he asked.

"Sol, what happened to you?! And where's Iceblood?!"

"Icey's been kidnapped by Domino, and I need to get him back!" I said, trying to lean up. I continued "Nevvy, this is Riley. He was hired to attack us, now he wants to help out."

"HE did this to you?!" asked the dragon. He suddenly became hostile towards my new fox friend. I quickly put my hand in front of Riley, telling the angry fire-breather it was alright. Nevassa, still steamed, let me explain.....but NOT after adding in "Hope you have a good reason for attacking my friend and kidnapping his mate!"

"Yes, he does: he was hired by Domino to steal Icey and execute me if I became too much of a nuisance. Show him how much that dragon paid you: it'll prove that I'm right." I motioned to the fire-fox and he took out a HUGE wad of money: he said it was up to 5 grand ($5,000 if anyone doesn't know what a grand is). Nevvy was amazed at the sight as Rile out back the money.

"Okay, so what are you going to do? Retake Iceblood? Kill Domino?" asked my tan-colored friend. Riley and I looked at each other than replied back in unison "All of the above."

...... (Two hours later)......

"Come on Riley! Push me harder!" I cried as I dodged the fire-fox's kicks and punches. We've started training in the field across from the house just a few minutes ago, the same time my healing was done (my ability of light sped up my recovery).

"I'm going as hard as I can!" He yelled back as I back-flipped away from his round-house kick. I made a light sphere and shot it at him; he destroyed it by unleashing a fire-breath type attack from his hands.

"Hey, I think we should take a break: we need to conserve our strength if we're going to get IB back." I said, walking up to Riley. I could see he REALLY appreciated the breather: I was giving it my all. We headed inside so we could think of a plan: Riley started.

"Okay, so the warehouse that Domino ALWAYS goes to is on the other side of town. Once there, I'll 'pretend' to capture you so we can get inside. Once he comes up to you-"

"I'll knock him out by giving him a full dose of light energy to the chest!" I cut-in, and Riley nodded then continued.

"Exactly. Now the hard part: getting to the room Domino is in. We can use the main ventilation system to get to him. It'll be tough: the vent we would need to take is up in a mini-tower inside and would most likely be guarded."

"We'll worry about that once we get there. But what about the other sex slaves? Shouldn't we bust them out too?" I asked, thinking about all the people that damn dragon took. My fox friend re-assured me.

"We will, but Iceblood is our main rescue-y."

"Okay, but what about Domino? He is sure to have some body guards, right?"

"That's where you're wrong," said Riley. I was lost after that and before I could ask he explained it to me "Domino is a black dragon, they wouldn't need protection: they breathe fire, have incredible strength, AND they are fearsome. NO one would be dumb enough to attack a BD."

"That's where HE'S wrong!" I said confidently. We both nodded, understanding the plan, and headed out...... but not before we told Nevassa. He was worried, but said bravely to come back soon and, us unhurt, with IB. Before we headed to town I grabbed a backpack and put some clothes in it, just in case for Iceblood.


After about 15 minutes we arrived in front of the warehouse: it was old, abandoned...... and HUGE! It looked as big as a mall back in the real world! I wondered how I was ever going to find Iceblood in it, I looked over to see Riley smile at me and walk over to the gigantic door. I followed, pretending I've been capture by him. A little peep-hole opened up and a big, burly voice rang out of it.

"Who's there?! Is it you Riley? You found another one?"

"Yeah," answered Riley, playing along "He's a super like me, Domino will be pleased. Open up!" At the sound of that, the man behind the door closed the peep hole and opened the door to inspect me. He was a big, brown bull with an ebony nose ring: he kinda scared me. I examined his body type: his chest, arms and legs were bulging with muscles.... but the stomach was left unprotected by any muscle or armor what-so-ever. As the bull came around me and checked me out, to see if I was "defected", I formed a light ball and shoved it into his stomach, sending him flying ten feet into a steel beam: knocked unconscious. I was left in awe by the sheer force I used against him, and all I was thinking was Icey..... maybe my light abilities were stronger when I focused on something good like my time with him. Nah sounded WAY too cheesy to me. Riley patted me on the back and we were on our way to the center of the building. The whole place was crawling with guards: but they were VERY easy to deceive! They almost NEVER turned around when you made a foolish sound, their hearing was diminished by, and Riley told me this, all the yelling they get from their boss. We made our way to the tower in the middle of the warehouse in an easy 5 minutes..... to get up inside the tower would be the difficult part: tons of guards were inside the structure.

"Okay, here is where you might need to strain yourself a little: you see that grate up there?" asked Riley, pointing to a vent near the ceiling.

"Yeah," I said in acknowledgement.

"Your power of darkness lets you bend space to form a temporal portal, though it takes a lot out of you. Is there any way for you to make one?"

"I can try; I'll keep it up for as long as I can. Once you're in, pull me through."

"Got'cha!" He said and stepped back a little. I focused and out stretched my arm, soon encased in a blanket of darkness. Small waves gently left my arm to form a side-ways spinning vortex. Without hesitation, Riley leaned in and started messing around inside. After a few minutes he leaned out and jumped through. I saw him stick his head out and offer a hand: I immediately started running once I dropped my arm. Once I grabbed on he yanked me through, the portal nearly closing on my foot. I panted from both the use of energy to run AND the energy I used to make the portal, but I was still able to mutter, "Thanks."


Ten minutes later we are crawling through the ventilation to find Domino's "Throne Room". I whispered back to Riley (I was leading since I had a light orb to illuminate the way).

"How much farther until we reach the room?"

"Not that much farther, just turn left and it's the third grate down into the rooms." So I continued to crawl, gaining inches towards my loved one. I began to get a little anxious, but I lost that as soon as I heard the sounds I wished I never had to hear: looking through the vent I saw Iceblood gagged and leashed with a big, menacing, ebony colored beast held onto them, yanking it as hard as he could to bring his victim close to him. I was, at first, overcame by happiness to see him, but that happiness was soon replaced by rage as the dragon continued to yank my boyfriend closer to his nude body. Riley came up behind me asked the one question, "Ready?", he didn't get an answer for; I already let a blast of a light ball blow the grate away and I jumped down, unaware that my rage was controlling me and not my actual brain.

"STOP!" the fire-breather just leaned up, keeping his grip on the rope. I aimed and fire a ball of light that cut the rope he held, letting IB come over and hide behind me for protection. I knelt down slightly and told him two things: 1st was "I'll be RIGHT back." 2nd was "He's as good as dead!" Riley was second to jump down, hands aglow with a burning flame. I decided to get in fighting position and summon my sword (which I had named): the Light-Splitter. The dragon got up and spoke in a voice that could sound like evil itself.

"Ah, visitors. I have not had many for quite a time. May I have the honor of knowing your name, young wolf?" He seemed to be trying to look innocent, a very similar trick everybody uses; this guy was GOOD. I started to regret killing him....... almost.

"I am Sol, why would you want to know?" I replied back harshly, he seemed hurt by my tone. He calmly stepped towards me and I raised my sword, but he simply slid it to the side as he talked to me in an even tone.

"A gentle name, not the name that would be given to a fighter. Am I correct?" SHIT! He was right, I nearly killed myself in my first battle with Riley; maybe I wouldn't get so lucky. I banished that thought, knowing he was trying to get in my head.

"A rose has its thorns." I replied coldly, but calmly, as I raised my sword again; the tip touched his chin. He chuckled, now surprising me with his words.

"Yes, they do. I am no exception and neither are you, of course. Hmm I am puzzled: why do you have so much feeling towards one creature? Is there a certain bound you to have?" I lowered my guard to take in what he said, only to raise it again to block his attack from his claws (thankfully Riley yelled at me to watch out). His strength was phenomenal and his speed, blazing. I could barely keep my stance and him talking shocked me.

"Join me, and you won't ever need him again: I'll be all you'll want." I froze in my spot, giving him enough time to swipe me and launch me into a wall. I hit it, hard, but I didn't feel as much pain as I should: normally it would have dis-located someone's shoulder or even shatter it, all I felt was a little pain. I thought that my powers were starting to enhance my physique, and I was right: I could myself heal as my light ability took away most of the damage I took. I got up, looking unscathed, and ran towards the black beast. Riley was already fighting the dragon, counter re-acting the purple-colored fire with his deep scarlet-colored. I was about to plunge into Domino's leg when he swiped with his tail, sending me through the chair he sat in..... and the hiding place of IB. I landed with a hard "BAM!" breaking it into pieces.

"Sol!" Iceblood came to my side, thinking I could be dead (apparently he didn't see me get clawed to the wall). I got up, rubbing my head; I didn't hear Icey talk to me.

"Ouch. That hurt a little, that filthy bastard! He will die under my blade!" I was about to jump into action until I felt his gentle hand on my arm. I turned around to see his hurt face: here I was, fighting a dragon that took my boyfriend away from me and I was taking all my energy out on him. I looked at my mate: he had bruises all over him and he was naked. I saw the choke collar tossed away, but that didn't change the fact that I saw a ring around his neck left from extensive pulling and tugging. I had tears come to my eyes for two reasons: First reason was I was able to find him, and before the dragon made him mate. Second reason was on how bad of shape he was in and he was worried about me. We both embraced each other, squeezing one another for how we missed each other. I kissed my mate on his neck, able to finally be with him: though my words also told this.

"Icey, I....I'm SO glad I found you. And just in time too!" I started to cry. I could hear IB crying too through his words.

"Me too, Sol! He was WAY too rough on me.... but then again, YOU were kinda rough on me. I kept thinking that you would come back, but I was about to just give myself up when I heard that blast." He leaned back and our foreheads touched; soon pressing lips against mine. I pacified on my mate's lips, craving his saliva I haven't tasted in a while. We were abruptly cut-off as I heard the booming voice of Domino.

"Ah, so that is why you came after him: you are bound to him by love. Such a feeble thing, I'm afraid that I must destroy this!" I looked up and the monstrous beast breathed a ball of black fire. I grabbed Iceblood and jumped as hard as I could towards the exit; the fire almost grazed off me. As I landed I put my wolfie friend behind a canister, hiding him from view.

"Stay here, I'll be back soon! I need to have a 'talk' with our friend on how it is rude to interrupt someone's kiss!" I said as I took the backpack I was wearing off and gave it to IB, signaling him to open it.

"Don't just teach him a lesson, HIT HIM HARD!" He said, getting up slightly to kiss me one last time before I rushed after Domino. Riley had been doing well dodging Domino's attack and keeping him busy. When Riley saw I was going to get back into the fight he stopped holding back; I saw him outline himself in fire and launch himself at Domino. The fox zoomed around the dragon, flustering the beast: that gave me enough time for me to grab my sword and run full charge at him. I jumped and plunged my sword into his thigh, making the dragon let out an ear-piercing screech of pain. I pulled out my sword, now coated in purple gunk (dragon blood), and jumped back to miss the tail. Riley landed next to me, completely exhausted.

"Riley, you take Icey and find the other people held here: Domino is MINE!" I began to highlight myself in darkness, not knowing it except the sudden surge of strength I felt above my intense fury. I continued on.

"NO ONE TAKES AWAY MY ICEBLOOD!!" I began to run, but don't remember anything afterwards: only the sense of my strength being totally gone. I dropped to my knees, still clutching my sword by its hilt. I could hear the sound of blood spilling behind me, telling me that I had hit him but where? I weakly turned around to see a massive gash across his chest and he was holding it to keep it from gushing his species' blood. He backed away a few steps, chuckled, and stood upright: the gash I made was closing itself! I was horrified, backing away, but the dragon held up a hand. I stopped, confused on the lizard's actions. He spoke,

"I am impressed by your use of darkness to multiply your strengths. I kneel before you in reverence: however, I can clearly stronger than you. I will let you live so that you and the grey wolf can continue to be together, but I WILL come back for him......... and you!" The black dragon, making a huge gust of wind, spread his wind and flew through the ceiling, destroying it and making a hole in it. I looked up to see I was getting dizzy from fatigue, and I would've fallen too... if it weren't for that fantastic wolfie of mine. He caught me in his arms, and I melted within them. My Iceblood, here with me: I tried to get up but my legs were too numb by my fatigue. I held onto his hand, feeling the soft pads of his paws: I thought this was fake, and that I was still on the couch at the house asleep.

"Icey, you're still here? I thought I told Riley to get you and the other guys out of here." I said weakly, thinking that whatever I did won't do it EVER again... unless I need to.

"He did, but I snuck away: I couldn't leave you. By the looks of you, you really need it to get out of here." He was about it bring his head into my but a stopped him. He moved my hand away and instead of resting his head on mine, we shared a kiss; one that I haven't felt since the first time we kissed. I felt the warmth of his breath surge through my body, giving me enough strength to supply my own weight; I slowly got up, not breaking the kiss. I wrapped my arms around him to pull him closer, he did the same thing. You took about ten minutes for us to realize where we were again. We stopped and started to run outside, weaving through the warehouse to the fire-fox outside and the other people the dragon Domino has taken.



This chapter was one of the LONGEST I HAVE EVER DONE! Glad I finished it, though.

So, why would Domino let them live?

Is there something about Sol's darkness seem..... sinister?

Will I ever stop making questions you might be thinking in your mind? XD

Find out in Chapter 7 (if your wondering, NO I will not name them)!

My Life as a Furry: Chapter 7

**Hello guys, I brought another chapter of 'My Life as a Furry'! So let's review really quickly:** **Sol and Riley went to retake Iceblood, but Domino, seemingly, knew they would come. Now that Sol defeated the dragon, temporarily, he and IB have to...

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My Life as a Furry: Chapter 5

**HEEEEEEEELLOOOOOO SOOOOOFURRRRRRYYYYYY! OATHY HERE! I am LOVING that you guys want to be part of my story, I'm trying to think of chapters that include you guys.......... this is hard because there are SO MANY OF YOU! But I will continue to write so...

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My Life as a Furry: Chapter 4

**Hey guys, I have another chapter for my story. So let's get on with it!** **Warning: This story contains yaoi and sex scenes in future chapters, this chapter is one of them. So if your physically and mentally mature enough, you may read this to...

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