My Life as a Furry: Chapter 5

Story by Aquos on SoFurry

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HEEEEEEEELLOOOOOO SOOOOOFURRRRRRYYYYYY! OATHY HERE! I am LOVING that you guys want to be part of my story, I'm trying to think of chapters that include you guys.......... this is hard because there are SO MANY OF YOU! But I will continue to write so YOU can continue to comment. So, let's get on with......

Warning: This story contains yaoi and sex scenes in future chapters. So if your physically and mentally mature enough, you may read this to your extent; if not, DON'T. Also, I own NO rights over any other character other than my own.


Last night's sleep, or what night I slept through, was a bad one: I had a terrible dream! Me and Iceblood were walking together in the town when we were attacked, while I was busy fighting they kidnapped IB. All I could do, since I was too weak from the fight, was walk weakly in the direction they took him, muttering his name over and over and begging them not to take him. The nightmare finally ended when I fainted: me waking up up-right, screaming once I hit the ground in my nightmare.

"Iceblood!" I looked around and realized that I was in his room. I felt my face; I was sweating. Icey stirred then got up, wondering what was wrong.

"Sol, what's wrong? You look as if you had a bad dream." He was holding my shoulder so I wouldn't fall; I was shaking so hard that I would've if he didn't have a grip on me.

"I did, but that's all it was: a bad dream." IB scooted over and hugged me, whispering in my ear.

"It's alright. Like you said it was just a dream." He started rubbing my back, and I gave in and hugged him too. I yawned and he stopped saying we should get a bit more sleep since it was about 2 in the morning. I glanced at the clock and sure enough he was right: the time showed 1:58 AM.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Thanks." I said sleepily and laid back down. I rolled over and started to unconsciously cuddle with Icey, but I didn't feel and/or hear any objection.


I woke up to the bright sunlight shining through the curtain. I squinted in the light and got up: I was awake before IB was. I looked around and saw that I still had my clothes on the bed; I quietly slipped out and put them on. I looked back at my wolfie and saw he was still asleep, so I decided to see if Nevassa was up. Surf enough he was, he just started to make some breakfast and was surprised at seeing me up this early (if you're wondering, it's 7:30 AM).

"Ah, 'morning Sol. Why are you up so early?"

"Well, I had a bad dream around 2 in the morning and it was kinda hard for me to stay asleep. Need any help with breakfast?"

"No, not really.... but thanks, I'll take you up on that offer." The tan lizard said. We started making some toast and eggs with some orange juice: I started on the OJ.

...... (An hour later) ......

It was fun, we fooled around every now and then: it was like making breakfast with my dad......... Dad, Mom, Matt, Em, I miss them. I didn't know how long I was going to stay here, but I wished there was some way of letting them know I was alright. Nevvy saw I was slowing down and he said I should probably try and wake up IB, I said okay and went back to my mate's room.

"Hey, Icey." I said as I began to shake him gently. He just rolled over and kept snoring. I shook harder, raising my voice.

"IB, wake up!" Nothing. I sighed and stepped back, I can't believe I was left to do this: I summoned a light sphere and launched it at the bed. It made a small BOOM! and IB woke up immediately, looking frantically around. I peered out of the room and gave the thumbs up to Nevvy that told him Iceblood was up. He just rolled his eyes humorously, as if saying "Oh brother."

"Hey! Why did you do that?" IB asked, wondering why I woke him up. I patted him saying "Breakfast." I also pointed at the clock, it read 9:00. He immediately got up, got dressed and headed through the door. All I had to know he understood me was a sudden breeze. I laughed when I saw him behind him.

"Wow, you're fast!" He kissed me on the cheek and rubbed my head slowly like a dog.

"Thank you." We soon headed to the table, it was all set up and ready for us to eat. IB smacked his lips, eager to dig in.

"Wow Nevvy! Everything looks great!"

"Well, I didn't do it all alone, Sol helped out as well." Nevassa said, making me feel like an over-achiever. I was about to blush until I was able to add this in,

"Well, I thought that I should try to be as helpful as I can while I'm staying here, thanks again for letting me by the way." Now it was Nevassa's turn to blush..... or so I think he did because I saw a hint of red in his cheeks. Icey kissed me on the cheek again... or at least tried to as I turned my head so he instead kissed me on the lips.

"Okay, enough smooching. Let's eat!" said Iceblood, I nodded and we began to eat.

...... (twenty minutes later) ......

"Man, that was delicious you two. You're a pretty good cook Sol, probably just as good as Nevassa." Said Iceblood, patting his stomach. Nevassa and I looked at each other then back at IB.

"Well, I wouldn't go THAT far: I still have a way to go if I want to be THAT good. I'm just good with this particular dish: I help my dad with it every Saturday."

"Well, he would be proud if he saw you cook it." That made me a little sad: I missed my family, my friends, everybody. Did they even notice I was gone? I started to cry a little at the thought of them not knowing where I was. Iceblood came over and asked me what was wrong.

"I... I just miss my family. I wonder if they even noticed my absence." Icey, feeling my pain, gave me a hug. His warmth was assuring and nice, making me feel a little better. Nevassa came over and did the same thing, making it a group hug.

"Thanks, we guys are the best!" I said, getting up so it is was a proper group hug (they kinda knelt down to me when I was still sitting). After a few moments, Nevassa said he was going to work and we nodded, saying we were going into town. He waved good-bye and left through the door, with me and Icey leaving through it five minutes later. I looked down the road and didn't see Nevvy, I questioned that.

"Wha- where did he go? Did he start running or something? Because that was quick!" Icey just put his hand on my shoulder and started to lead me towards town.

"No, don't you know some dragons fly even though they don't have wings?" He chuckled afterwards. I slapped myself, literally, and he kinda gasped.

"You didn't until I told you, did you?"

"Yeah, kinda." I said, trying to as nice as I could. IB slinked his head, but I pulled it back up and told him bravely.

"It's okay, don't feel bad. I don't know a lot of stuff, so don't think that you should know all that I do or something like that...... I'm sorry," I started to laugh a little "I'm not so good with re-assuring speeches. But I DO know one thing that will cheer you up."

"And what would that be?" He asked, sarcastically asking.

"I'll show you!" I said as I closed my lips around Iceblood's. After a moment we broke up and entered the town.

We turned a corner and I saw the same black horse that bothered us yesterday, he was with a fire-red colored fox. We both stopped, seeing the other two walking casually up to us. They began to talk to us:

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to show his face in town: you know, Domino is pissed you declined his lovely invitation."

"Well, I'm sorry. I don't NEED to be in a group with that jackass as leader. So, why don't you leave us be now." Said Icey, stepping in front of me.

"*sigh* I'm afraid I can't do that, Iceblood. Domino said if you didn't accept this offer we were to kill your friend and take you by force!" The red fox said, making his fist a ball of fire and walking towards my mate. IB couldn't take them... but I could, hopefully. I stepped in front of my mate, summoning an orb of light.

"Take one more step towards Icey and you'll regret it!" I said, summoning a ball of light and aimed my arm towards the fox. The fox just chuckled and jumped back, then launched a big ball of flames at us. I though fast and pushed IB away, then jumped to the side as well. I then made another ball, had to dispense it to dodge, and shot it at him, he barely dodged it. I heard the black horse call to him.

"C'mon, Riley! Pull it together and kill him!" I called back to him, voice full of confidence but mind filled with doubt.

"Good luck trying! I don't plan on dying just yet!" I formed a sword, made of pure light, and charged Riley. He made a fire circle and braced himself as I slashed hard: he was using it as a shield. As I held my position, I formed a sphere of darkness, something that I never did yet, in my left palm and pushed it into his shield, not only dispensing the flame shield but also throwing me a few feet away. I landed on my hands and used them as a kick spring, making me land on my feet. This fight was like NOTHING I ever thought it would be: I knew that I couldn't win against this guy..... but I couldn't stand by while they attacked my boyfriend. I felt my rage build up in me from them trying to take Iceblood from me and I went full charge at Riley, my hands having an orb of light and darkness in each hand. I launched the light ball, then the dark ball: the first missed, the second hit. It made Riley fly backwards, clutching his stomach. I launched another light orb and he jumped off a wall that I backed him into. He then threw a fire ball of his own and it hit me square in the chest. The pain was searing, like my body was being jabbed by a thousand needles. I put on a brave face and shouted back,

"Is that all you got?! I barely felt it!" Truthfully, it was ALL I could feel. I began to think now: 'He uses his fire for defense, but my darkness can shatter it. I can't just use dark all the time, it drains my strength too much. What if I used it in the form of a weapon? That way I don't have to keep making balls.' I began to focus now, putting my power of darkness in the form of a sword. I could feel my life being drained away, but I soon felt the weight of a hilt-less sword (similar to sword like this > It was dark purple with the handle black. I was thinking in my mind, 'Holy shit! This is awesome!' but I quickly brought myself back into the battle. I charged weakly after the fire-fox. Riley kept throwing balls of fire at me, but I swung my sword through them; destroying them as if they were paper. I jumped and made a giant slash, using the momentum as power for my hit. Riley barely missed it and made one last fire ball and hit me with it, launching me into a wall.

"Sol!" Iceblood called out to me. I got up weakly and felt my head, it was bleeding profusely. My sight began to get clouded, my strength failing, I could barely keep my sword in form as I felt it disappear. I fell to the ground, keeping my hands in front of me so I don't land on my face. I look up slowly to see IB run to me. I hold out a hand but then see my mate being grabbed and taken away. I became filled suddenly with despair as I tried to crawl after them. I formed a light orb and shot it, but it only went a few feet. I cried for my love weakly.

"ICEBLOOD!" As soon as I finished saying that, I fainted. I remember having one thing on my mind before passing out: 'My dream was right.' Little did I know was that someone saw the fight and came to my limp body.


Ooooooo...... CLIFFHANGER!

So, who is this mystery person that watched the battle?

Why does Domino want Iceblood?

Will the two mates be reunited?

Find out in CHAPTER 6!!!!

My Life as a Furry: Chapter 6

**Howdy ev'rybody! Hope y'ur enjoyin' ma lil' story. If you are, well let's get to it! But first, the......** **Warning: This story contains yaoi and sex scenes in future chapters. So if your physically and mentally mature enough, you may read this...

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My Life as a Furry: Chapter 4

**Hey guys, I have another chapter for my story. So let's get on with it!** **Warning: This story contains yaoi and sex scenes in future chapters, this chapter is one of them. So if your physically and mentally mature enough, you may read this to...

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My Life as a Furry: Chapter 3

**Good day, everyone. I bring yet another chapter of 'My Life as a Furry' and I think this may surprise some people when they read this: has a little something extra in it. With that said, we shall move onto the warning.** **Warning: This story...

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