My Life as a Furry: Chapter 3

Story by Aquos on SoFurry

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Good day, everyone. I bring yet another chapter of 'My Life as a Furry' and I think this may surprise some people when they read this: has a little something extra in it. With that said, we shall move onto the warning.

Warning: This story contains yaoi and sex scenes in future chapters. So if your physically and mentally mature enough, you may read this to your extent; if not, DON'T. Also, I own NO rights over any other character other than my own.


As I woke up, it was morning; about 8:30 according to the wall clock. I was given the honor of having my mate sleep with me. Last night's sleep was absolutely blissful, the best I have ever had as both now a furry and when I was human. I looked over to see Iceblood huddled up close to me, I gently rubbed his back; my dad does that when he wants me to wake up, but it usually sends me back to sleep. IB stirred, shook a little, then opened his eyes.

"'Morning, IB. How'd you sleep?" I asked.

"Blissfully. You?" he replied, realizing that I was still rubbing his back.

"Same here." I said as I kissed his nose. He scratched behind my ear then started to get up. He talked back to me while he was getting up.

"I think it would be good if you got up and stretched a little. Besides, if you want breakfast, you'll have to hurry: I eat A LOT."

"Okay, if you say it's alright." I swung my feet around and hopped onto them. My felt normal, and I almost looked normal in the mirror across the room. I walked over to get a better look at myself and I was surprised at my own reaction. I was buffer than I was when human, my muscles rippled underneath my fur. I flexed them, impressed on they looked on me. IB came up from behind me, complimenting me.

"Damn, Sol: your hot! I mean.... Those muscles are amazing!" He exclaimed, feeling them. Personally, I wouldn't have gone THAT far, but that's what couples do: they flatter each other with exaggerated comments and don't get mad easily if you mess up on something.

"Thanks, now come on!" I said as I grabbed my shirt, surprised that it had no blood on it anymore, pulled it on and walked into the kitchen. Nevassa was already there, having some pancakes ready. He cheerfully wished us good morning with a little humor.

"Well, look who FINALLY got up," gesturing Iceblood, who just shrugged "Ah and you're on your feet today, how you feeling?" I gave him the thumbs up.

"Pretty good, thanks Nevassa. I can't thank you enough on how nice you and Iceblood have been, I hope I'm not causing any trouble for you."

"Don't you worry about that, we were happy to do it." Nevassa said sincerely, hugging me. It kind of surprised me, but I didn't mind...... but IB, joking, came up and said,

"No way, Nevvy. Sol is mine!" Nevassa released me. Soon I was dragged away with Iceblood, Nevassa joking behind me.

"But of course." I was surprised that Nevassa didn't freak out from the reaction that me and Iceblood were mates now, so I HAD to ask.

"You mean, you're okay with it?"

"Yeah, besides I saw you two kissing last night," IB and I just looked away from each other, blushing "you guys are magic together. I would never break you two up." I quickly whispered to IB what I wanted to do, he agreed, then I ran up to Nevassa and hugged him.

"Thanks, Nevassa." He wrapped his arms around me. His skin felt leather-y and his whiskers kinda tickled my neck.

"You're welcome Sol." After that we sat down for breakfast.

...(20 minutes later)....

"Wow, Nevvy. That was good!" exclaimed Iceblood, leaning back in his chair.

"Yeah, best pancakes I EVER tasted." I commented as well.

"Well, I try my best. Glad you liked them." Replied Nevassa with a smile. Iceblood then got up, almost as a hop.

"I'm going to show Sol around the town, you mind?"

"Sure, I encourage it actually. Maybe you'll meet someone you know here."

"Okay, plus it might be good to get some fresh air." I said, getting up. IB took my paw and led/dragged me out the door. I waved back to Nevassa, and he waved to me. Soon I was blinded by the sudden sunlight, I covered my eyes but still followed Iceblood down the path. After a few steps, we stopped in front of a tree so IB could tell what they would do. I was glad that the sun wasn't in my eyes, and even more glad that I was actually with my mate.... in the world of SoFurry! Every user that I met on the site probably has some kind of picture of me in their mind.

"Okay Sol, I'll be taking you everywhere in SoFurria. I KNOW you'll meet some else you know here, I'm positive." Iceblood told me, voice containing confidence.

"Well, I DO know some other furries," I said, my mate looking impressed. Soon we had nothing else to say and IB was still holding my paw, making impossible to resist it any longer: I slowly walked up to him and kissed him. His paw went from the normal grip (like in a handshake) to having his fingers intertwined with mine. I loved it, every minute of it; but soon we were abruptly cut-off by my boyfriend backing away quickly, holding his hand that was intertwined with mine exclaiming in pain.

"Ouch! What was that?!"

"What happened? Are you alright?" I rushed over, not realizing that my right hand was glowing bright white. We both examined his paw, nothing severe except for a little redness. We both looked at each other, then I spoke.

"What just happened?"

"I don't know: one minute I was in total heaven, next I was experiencing pain from hell." He slowly clenched up his left hand, making sure it didn't hurt when it did. Soon he saw my still glowing hand, then exclaimed again.

"I think THAT might be our pain-causer." He gestured towards my hand which was flashing, letting little ripples of white of off it. I rotated my hand, seeing if it would change: nothing. Just curious, I pretended to shoot something out of my hand by flicking it and, sure enough, some flew out of it and hit a tree on the other side of the road. We were shocked at the result, then it hit me: I put as my species 'Keeper of Light' and 'User of Darkness'. I looked at my left hand which began to glow midnight-purple with these thorn-like things spinning around it at different angles. IB was kinda scared now, so I willed the powers to cease and they did.

"Okay.... THAT IS COOL!" I said, excited that I ACTUALLY turned into my fursona.

"Are you sure you can control it? I don't want to get hurt by you again the next time we kiss." My mate was frightened. I answered him by kissing him again, the same position we were in before. IB melted into me, mostly because he knew I was NEVER going to hurt him...... even on accident! After the kiss he led me to the town.


Words could not describe what I saw: the town was like an endless strip mall. Stores lined the sidewalks, the roads had lots of straight ways and turns and intersections, and the sidewalks were FILLED with fursonas. Unfortunately, I didn't know any of them. Icey put his paw on my shoulder, telling me not to worry. I nodded and followed him on one of the greatest day I ever had: we went bowling (which I won beating IB's score of 102 with my score of 114), visited the arcade (not very good at it, but LOVED it anyway), then we went to a pizza parlor. I was tired once we sat down.

"Wow, I....AM.....POOPED! You certainly can show someone a good time Iceblood."

"Well, I thought you would enjoy it Sol. So, see anyone you recognize?" I looked around, searching through the crowd. Then I spotted someone:

"Yeah, Nevassa. He right over there." I pointed. IB turned then flicked his paw.

"Aw, he's just going to work: he's a cook at that restraint."

"No wonder those pancakes tasted so good!" Now realizing it. Soon someone came up to us and I knew he wasn't the waiter. He started to talk to IB, but he Iceblood shooed him away.

"No, I can't.......... just tell him later........ why? I'm with a friend and I want to hang with him....... I haven't seen him in almost ever!........ Look just tell him later!" the black horse, which I guessed, soon left. Icey was still mad when he left.

"Hey, IB. You okay?"

"Yeah." He said, clearly pissed.

"Who was he?" I asked, wondering who the horse was.

"He's a crony for one the gangs around here. He's trying to 'recruit' me and I keep blowing him off. He just can't take them message!"

"That we're together?" I added in afterwards. I started to lean in towards him and a held his paw in mine.

"Well, that's part of it." He said, getting close to me as the waiter brought our pizza: we both shared a pepperoni pizza. It was gone within 10 minutes, with both me and Icey eating the same amount.

"This is the best date that I ever had, Icey!" I said as we made our way home.... or so I thought. IB got closer to me.

"No problem Soley! It was the least I could do!" he said as he kissed me on the cheek. I wrapped my arm around IB's shoulders to bring him closer. I was about to turn onto the pass where it led back to the house but Iceblood kept walking, taking me with him.

"Uh... IB, isn't the house back there?" he kept walking, making my hand slip out of his.

"Yeah, but I thought we could take a walk." He said, taking my hand again. I let him guide me into the trees and pass a little creak. Soon we were by a big tree with a twisted trunk, one of the limbs big enough for me and IB to fit inside. We stopped in front of the tree, I was amazed at the sight.

"How did you find something like this?"

"Well, I usually take a walk in the forest. When we found you, Nevassa and I were on a jog. Now the forest is the scene of this," he said. He soon pressed his lips against mine, immediately suckling on my lips. I did the same as he started doing it a little harder and faster, increasing my pleasure. I started to push into IB, wanting dominance over him; unfortunately, I was weaker than him and he pushed me to the ground. I wasn't hurt when I fell, and as soon we hit the ground I clasped on to him, rubbing my body against his. I started to moan during our kiss and that made IB go further in with the kiss. Soon I felt the familiar taste of Icey's tongue in my mouth. I fought his tongue with mine, twirling it around as a hypnotizing dance. We stopped for a sec to catch our breath, but what we caught was a whiff of trouble: I looked over to my left and see coyotes (like in the real world) slowly making their way towards us.

"Uh... Icey, I think we might be in trouble!"

"What do you-"He looked to where I was looking "Oh..... that's not good." We slowly started to back away, but our backs ran into the tree. I summoned a light sphere and tried to hit one of them but they easily dodge it.

"Not good. NOT. GOOD!" I said, as I take back the steps I used to throw the ball of energy. We were surrounded by a good dozen coyotes. I had to ask him.

"Iceblood, is it even possible for this to happen?"

"Yeah, but it's rare. It's even rarer for someone to survive it!" My mate said in despair. We hugged onto each other, hoping it would end quickly as the first coyote lunges at us.


SUSPENSE! Sorry, had to include it.

Now, I have something to ask: I want to put in more furries than just IB and the one I made up: Nevassa. Would any of you guys want to be part of it? If you do, comment on this and leave what your fursona looks like. That is all. Thank you!

My Life as a Furry: Chapter 4

**Hey guys, I have another chapter for my story. So let's get on with it!** **Warning: This story contains yaoi and sex scenes in future chapters, this chapter is one of them. So if your physically and mentally mature enough, you may read this to...

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My Life as a Furry: Chapter 2

**Hey everybody, Oathy here with another chapter of "My Life as a Furry"! Hope you guys have been enjoying it so far. So with that done now onto the.....** **Warning: This story contains yaoi and sex scenes in future chapters. So if your physically...

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My Life as a Furry: Chapter 1

**Hey everyone! I bring you a SPECIAL PRESENT: a NEW STORY!!!!!!!!! Hope you like it as much as the last one "A New Start as a Trainer"! It's doesn't have Pokémon, but........ it IS fictional and there is yiff and sex and all that kind of stuff you...

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