My Life as a Furry: Chapter 2

Story by Aquos on SoFurry

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Hey everybody, Oathy here with another chapter of "My Life as a Furry"! Hope you guys have been enjoying it so far. So with that done now onto the.....

Warning: This story contains yaoi and sex scenes in future chapters. So if your physically and mentally mature enough, you may read this to your extent; if not, DON'T. Also, I own NO rights over any other character other than my own.

Now with THAT done, onto the story!


All I could think of when I blacked was 'What's happening?! Where am I?! WHO am I?!' soon I felt myself touch ground, but as if I was gently laid there instead of a 'THUD!' I was hoping for, it would tell me that I WASN'T dreaming or that I WASN'T crazy. I was still unconscious, but I could still have access to my sense of smell, hearing, and, to an extent, touch and taste. Soon after about five minutes, or so I guesses, my eyes slowly opened, then closed them, then abruptly open them while sitting up. I was dizzy from sitting up too fast, but I knew that and it didn't stop me from getting to my feet. I looked around, seeing an autumn forest setting with colors of gold and orange and yellow and red all around. It was peaceful, serene, and it emptied my mind of all troubles...... but not totally. Soon I heard someone coming, and fast too. I panicked, saw a nearby tree, and began climbing it. I didn't question why I had claws from my hands, all I could think of was concealing myself from whoever, or whatever, was coming. What passed by startled me.

Running by were a tan old-looking dragon and a grey wolf. I was shocked and fell out of the tree I was hiding in, landing in a THUD! My head hit the ground first, then onto my back.

"Ouch!" I cried, drawing the attention to the creatures that were almost out of hearing distance. They saw me and came running towards my position. I looked up, vision very hazy. My hearing was muffled, but I could hear a majority on what they said.

"... is he? Is ...e new here?" said the grey wolf.

"..Aybe, but righ....ow he needs...elp!" replied the dragon.

I try to talk but the words wouldn't come, and I was being carried by these to creatures. Soon I blacked out again with the grey wolf holding me in his arms.


I awoke to find the grey wolf in a chair next a bed that I was laying in. I started to mumble.

"Nng... ugh.... oh, my head." I said, making the wolf jump at the hearing of me. I slowly sat up, rubbing my head. I looked around: I was in a small room painted a light-ish orange, ceiling and walls. There was a window that held a sight of nightfall. Looking in a corner was a simple, mahogany dresser. I continued to look around and I notice a night stand next to the bed with a plain lamp on it. I was completely unaware of the grey wolf looking at me with a look as if he saw me from somewhere. He began to talk and it startled me slightly.

"Well, looks who up." He said casually.

"How long was I out?" I asked, curious on how it changed from afternoon to evening.

"About 3 hours. Man, can you sleep," he joked around "my friend said you might wake up till tomorrow due to your concussion." I reply back with my own joke.

"Okay, then. I'll just blackout again and forget what this room looked like." The wolf started to laugh. Then we began our introduction since we THOUGHT we didn't know each other.

"Well, since you saved me, kinda, I would think I should tell you my name. I'm -" I was immediately cut-off: should I really give them my name? I don't know anything about them..... maybe I should let HIM tell me his name. The wolf cocked his head in curiosity,

"You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Maybe you should tell me your name first," I muttered, kinda nervous.

"Okay, I'm Iceblood." He said casually. For some reason, I felt a twinge of familiarity when I

heard it, but I thought that it could be a mere coincidence.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sol." I said sub-consciously, extending my hand. He gladly took it and we shook. My heart soon started to beat faster and harder than ever the minute his hand touched mine, though I didn't know why. After we let go I looked at my de-formed hand. It was covered in fur, black as night, and had a white stripe that branched off to each of my fingers. It was the same for my other hand. As I looked up my arm, I realized that I had white spirals on my chest..... and that I was shirtless. I looked around and saw my white shirt on a chair with a few stains of red on it. I went back to examining myself..... and my new tail! It flicked its way from underneath the blankets and stopped right next to me, as if knew I wanted to see if I had one. I saw a white stripe down the middle of it. I put my face into my hand...... or paw...... to soon feel fur on it too. I soon felt a muzzle on me and extremely sharp teeth inside it, this was scaring me...... and iceblood saw this.

"What's wrong Sol? You seem flustered," he seemed worried and sympathetic, he was holding my paw in his "you look normal to me."

"I'm not sure," I replied "I'm not sure at all. I mean... how did I become a wolf? And why didn't I realize this sooner?"

"I don't understand what you're saying, why would you be any different?" asked Iceblood.

"I mean I was human just a few hours ago." I said frantic.

"You, human? I don't follow...." replied iceblood, looking puzzled. Soon the naga entered the room. Iceblood stood up, releasing my hand. I felt upset he had to: Iceblood, in irony of his name, was very warm to the touch. The dragon began to talk.

"Oh good, your awake; and faster than I thought you would. I knew I heard another voice in here. How are you feeling?" he asked as he walked over to me.

"Right now, I feel top heavy." I said bluntly, holding my head; there was bandage wrapped around my head.

"Kind of figured that, you had one serious concussion when we found you."

"To tell you the truth, I fell out of the tree trying to hide from you guys. I was scared because I had no idea who, or what, was coming this was and I panicked." My voice was full of guilt. The fire-breathing reptile came over and put a hand on my shoulder.

"It's fine. We're sorry for scaring you, you probably don't even know where you are. Am I right?" he said patting me on the back.

"Yeah, where AM I? Last thing I remember was being in my room, then bright light, then 'Poof!' I'm here." I said, hoping that THAT would be enough for an explanation.

"Well, for the 'Poof!' thing I don't know..... but as for where you are, you're in SoFurria." The tan-colored creature said. SoFurria, so that's where I am...... wait a minute, so that would mean....

"So, I'm in the SoFurry community?" I asked, hoping it would give me the answer that I needed.

"Yeah, you could say that. Oh, where are my manners: my name is Nevassa." The Chinese fireball-breather outstretched his hand. I take it, and then begin to get out; but a tail, Nevassa's, pushes me back down.

"No, I don't think that's a good idea. You should lay down for a while so you can heal; you may not know it, but you hurt your back when you fell, though it wasn't as severe as your head. We have both bandaged up." Said Iceblood, I nodded, in recognition of the seeing the bandage around my waist, and Nevassa left. I was able to stop iceblood from leaving by asking him something,

"Hey, um...Iceblood?" I asked, nervous because of the thing I was about to say.

"Yeah, what is it Sol?" he walked back and sat on the side of the bed. I tried to find the right words to use.

"Do... do you have a mate yet? I'm just curious."

"Actually, yes. I do: Sol y Luna. It's like we're perfect for each other, I always have him on my mind." Said iceblood, now losing himself in thought. I started to try to get his attention.

"Um... Iceblood? Iceblood," I began shaking him "IB, snap out of it!" He immediately stopped thinking at the mention of the nickname, it was the same Sol y Luna used, that I used. He looked at me, having the 'How-do-you-know-that' look on his face. I began my explanation.

"You see, I'm not sure how but..... I'M Sol y Luna. IB it's really me, didn't you catch on when you heard the first part, Sol? I had a hunch it was you when you said your name." IB, even though I knew the understood and believed me, just looked astonished: he rescued his mate. He looked down into his lap. I knew that he was having hard time believing it, so I said something I thought I might had to say.

"If you don't believe me, kiss me." After a minute he looked up, thinking if I was crazy. But, slowly, he took my chin in his hand and pressed his lips against mine. The feeling was warm and amazing, nothing that I ever dreamed of or ever felt before in my life. As the seconds ticked by, our feelings became stronger as we were now sucking on each other lips. We stopped for a moment for a breather then IB tackled me, kissing me repeatedly. I was surprised that he had this much passion for someone and I loved it, I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist (since he was bigger) and we pulled into each other. A few seconds later I feel Iceblood's tongue penetrate my lips and slip through. His wet muscle searched my entire mouth, my pleasure from this spiking........ which led to a moan escaping from me. Soon five minutes led to ten, then to twenty. After twenty-five minutes we finally stopped, but we were still in a cuddling position.

"I can't believe I'm finally with you IB, I've missed you WAY too much!" I said, unaware Nevassa was watching the whole time.

"I know. I couldn't get you out of my head..... then again, I didn't want you out of it." Said my new boyfriend, getting closer to me.

"Promise me one thing. Please?" I asked IB, knowing the answer already.

"And what would that be, Soley?" Soley..... I like it.

"Be with me forever." I said simply.

"You didn't have to ask." The he kissed me again; a much slower paced, more passionate kiss. It only lasted a half a minute before both me and IB fell asleep. Nevassa, as quietly as he could, left us two mates succumb to sleep together.


There! Chapter 2 is finished! So, hopefully you'll like it!

So, I'll start workin' and you start commentin'! I'm out, PEACE!!!!

My Life as a Furry: Chapter 3

**Good day, everyone. I bring yet another chapter of 'My Life as a Furry' and I think this may surprise some people when they read this: has a little something extra in it. With that said, we shall move onto the warning.** **Warning: This story...

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My Life as a Furry: Chapter 1

**Hey everyone! I bring you a SPECIAL PRESENT: a NEW STORY!!!!!!!!! Hope you like it as much as the last one "A New Start as a Trainer"! It's doesn't have Pokémon, but........ it IS fictional and there is yiff and sex and all that kind of stuff you...

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 14: Secrectcy Continues

**Hey guys! I bring you another wonderful chapter, brought to you by TX & Oathy: the best team up ever! Also, you may be shocked when you read this; I worked EXTREMELY hard on it and TX said it didn't need that much change..... meaning that what you...

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