A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 14: Secrectcy Continues

Story by Aquos on SoFurry

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#14 of A New Start As A Trainer

Hey guys! I bring you another wonderful chapter, brought to you by TX & Oathy: the best team up ever! Also, you may be shocked when you read this; I worked EXTREMELY hard on it and TX said it didn't need that much change..... meaning that what you read is mostly my backbone. But that's beside the point, now.... let's see what Latias wanted to talk to Lucario about.


(Lucario's POV)

Okay..... What does Latias want to talk about? And why am I so nervous? Those two questions filled my mind when I answered yes to the red Eon Pokemon's question. We walked silently behind everyone and they SEEM to not notice. David, Lucas, and Latios were all talking among themselves. Though I couldn't hear what they were saying. I gave up on the attempt then started the conversation with Latias.

"So.... what did you want to talk about?" I asked. I also couldn't help, but feel a little queasy inside my stomach as we talk to each other.

"Well.... I've been noticing....." Latias spoke, seemed to be nervous as well. "You and Lucas have been very..... cling-y ever since you two found each other."

"Yeah, I guess we have." I sighed, thinking about Lucas. But I immediately snapped myself out of it and continued. "Sorry, you were saying?"

"Well I've been thinking," She said, idly playing her claws as she spoke. "How close are you with him?"

'Uh-oh, does she know?! I gotta say SOMETHING!' I thought. I stuttered, "W-we're pretty close, we're practically like family." I looked away as I finished, my face heating up from discomfort.

Latias stopped, which made me stop, and she was giving a look saying, "you can't fool me" kind of look with her arms crossed. She soon spoke after a few seconds of silence,

"Lucario please, you can tell me if you love him or not." She said rather simply. I was just surprised and shocked by her sentence AND her seriousness. I didn't know if I should say something or WHAT I should say after that. What would she do? What should I do?! I try to comprehend everything on what Latias had said as I try to make up an excuse. But I couldn't think of one, I sighed in defeat.

"Is..... is it that obvious?"

"Well you're not hiding it very well." She pointed out while having a big grin on her face. I put my face into my paws in such embarrassment, but she made me look up with her continuation. "But I think it's kinda cute you have a crush on Lucas."

"Did you get hit in the head by a stray attack or something?" I asked bluntly, thinking there's something wrong with her. She, to me, was acting kinda weird for liking something so abnormal. But then again, how am I any different? I was mated with a human after all.

"No, I didn't get hit." She giggled while shaking her head. "I just find it cute that a Pokémon falls in love with a human. Two totally different races bound together by the invisible force of love, not being able to express it openly for how much they desire for one another.... ohhh it's just so romantic!" She replied with glee while spinning around slowly with her arms securely holding herself.

'This Pokémon is seriously starting to creep me out.' I thought while sweat dropping from Latias' amusement about all of this. Soon after she stopped with her little fan girl moment, she signalled us to continue walking.

"So, how did it happen?"

"How did what happen?" I asked, already having a feeling what she's asking for.

"You know.... how you two got became mates." She answered, with excitement bubbling up inside of her. She was curious how it started, since she now knows that we ARE together and I knew it. I shuffled through all the things that happened since I met him. Trying to figure out HOW I fell in love with him. I soon got a light bulb in my head as I began my story.


(Normal POV)

"Well, it started when I first attacked Lucas." Lucario started. Latias thought in her head that it was just like what happen with David and Latios. "And I nearly killed him." The aura Pokemon said with guilt, but nonetheless continued. "When I was about to finish him off I caught a wisp of his aura. It felt the same as mine. As I looked deeper into his thoughts, I saw what happened to him and was stunned." He pauses as he looked down in remorse. "I was attacking someone who doesn't even know where he was. I felt decimated and was about to leave. Only did I look back to see that he was coughing hard and trying weakly to get up, with blood oozing from the wounds I gave him..... Ugh! It was so terrible!" He said in frustration with his paws shaking into fists. Just thinking of it made him feel angry about himself. "I thought to myself, 'Should I really leave him?'. I mean.....someone would bound to find him, but for how long? And would he even be ALIVE when they find him? So I decided to pick him up and carried him to the Pokémon center."

All Latias would do was nodding her head, understanding how the aura Pokemon's been feeling. It wasn't much different from what Laitos felt after beating David half to death when he explained it to her. Lucario then continued,

"When he was patched up in one of the wardens. Nurse Joy said I could stay, and that's what I did. I never left his side ever since. I was so filled with guilt that I felt like killing myself if he didn't make it, but we were both lucky. When he regained consciousness, he started to sit up. But I put my paw on his chest to tell him that he shouldn't do that. Once he saw my face he looked terrified of me as he then passed out again, nearly falling out of the bed."

Latias' face started to become filled with sadness as she kept listening, both she and the aura Pokemon were unaware that an unsuspecting trainer had been listening partially to their conversation. He then decided to hang back a while to see what was wrong. Lucario continued, still unaware of the third person.

"I was so mad at myself, because I did that to someone so innocent. I started punching a pillow on the sofa. In the middle of that I realized I started crying. The first time I ever did since I was a Riolu. After pulling myself together I went over to Lucas to look him over. Once I got there-"

"I woke up, blurry-eyed." Lucas cuts-in. Lucario jumped at the hearing of Lucas's voice, but then immediately relaxed. Lucas continued, putting his arm over Lucario's shoulders "So, telling Latias about how we met up in Canalave?" Lucas got the same surprised look when Latias answered him.

"No, he's telling me how you two hooked up." She happily said. Lucas became a little mad at Lucario now.

"You told her?! Why?"

"Actually, I found out. Not very hard to piece together, your actions are VERY predictable." Latias said, giggling afterwards. Both Lucario and Lucas replied back in unison "Thanks a lot." Lucario continued with the story.

"As I was saying, Lucas woke up. He seemed to not know I was above him when he first awoke. As minutes went by, he slowly realized who he was looking at. The jackass who beat the crap out of him." He said as Lucas helped out with telling it.

"I was going to scream until he put his paw on my shoulder and gently pushed me back down. The longer he kept his paw there, the calmer I became. I put my hand on his paw and thanked him for taking me here. I also told him that I didn't care that he beat me up, only that he took care of me after that. Then I hugged him."

"Yeah, THAT took me by surprise," Said Lucario, snuggling close to Lucas (since he doesn't have to hide it around Latias since she knows) "I thought he was going to yell at me or hit me or never talk to me at all. Anyways, when he hugged me I hugged back. The feeling was so..... amazing! My heart kept pounding, hard enough to come out of my chest. The speed would have done that, too. It was going a mile a minute. And according to the heart monitor Lucas had attached to him," Looking at his mate, who started to blush. "His hearts was doing the same. That's when I realized I was in love with him."

"Aw.... that's SO sweet." Said Latias stopping, taking in all that the "Luca mates" (LUCAs, LUCArio) had told her. There meet up was so much similar to David and Latios' way of falling in love. Then it hit her, she had to tell David and Latios, but will these two let her? Maybe if.....

"Uh, guys?" She asked for their attention nervously, trying to find the right words.

"Yeah?" They said in union, wondering what else the red Eon Pokemon would wanted to ask.

"Would.... would you mind if I told David and my brother?" Bracing herself for the answer. Lucas and Lucario then started to talk among themselves quietly.

"What do you think? Should we let her?" Asked Lucario.

"I don't know, but I KNOW she has good intentions." Said Lucas.

"Yeah, but what if David flips out to this?" Lucario pointed out.

"True, hmm........ Maybe Latias can tell us why. That might help."

"Okay we'll ask her." Told Lucario. Confirmed on their decision, the mates turned back around and Lucas asked,

"Latias, why do you want to tell Latios and David? Don't you think they'll kinda.... flip out?" Latias spoke without hesitation.

"No, why would they? They're the same way- oops" She immediately covered her mouth, hoping they didn't hear it, but she already realized it's too late. Lucas and Lucario were stunned by the info they were given. Latios and David, together?

To calm Latias down, Lucario joked, "Hm... I can see that." Latias chuckles a little, appreciating the cheer-up. Then asks again, "So... can I tell them?"

"Well..... Sure. Go ahead, but tell them we know their secret too." said Lucario.

"Okay, thank you!" She floated up and hugged Lucario, then Lucas. To Lucas, Latias felt soft, almost silky and cool to the touch. He put it second on the list he loved in touch, Lucario's fur being first. After Latias left, Lucas walked back over to his lover and started up a conversation with a little joke.

"Hope you weren't jealous when Latias hugged me. I wasn't when she hugged you." He said while closing the distance between them.

"Nah, of course not. As long as I can do this," Lucario said, pulling Lucas close. He then presses his lips against Lucas', kissing him softly, and then continued, "I won't be jealous of anybody."

"That's good, because it's the same way for me with you." Added Lucas before burying his face in Lucario's warm, soft fur. Taking in the Pokemon's sent. Lucario, obliging to this, pulled him in as close as he could, never wanting to let go. Lucas could hear Lucario whisper, "I love you." Lucas, though muffled because of the fur, said, "I love you too." After that mushy moment, they began walking towards the group, with Latias just reaching David's group.


(With David, Latios, and Latias)

".... and that's why I swore I never to provoke Latias like that ever again." Latios spoke to his lover while shivering.

"That must of been frightening." David said, agreeing with the blue Eon Pokemon.

"Hi guys! What are you talking about?" Latias came in, surprising the couple. Treecko (who's been sleeping now) was nearly dropped from David's grasps, but fortunately he caught the gecko Pokemon before his head was dropped to the ground.

"For Arceus sakes sister, you almost gave me a heart attack." Latios wheezed while grasping his chest.

"Sorry brother. Well anyways I got something to tell you guys!" Latias said excitedly, taking a lot of her will power to not just blurt it out.

"Please don't tell me you found another Buneary, Latias. We already told you that you can't just take one away from its family." David explained.

"Yeah consider that last one bonk my head with his damn foot." The blue Eon Pokemon said while grumpily rubbing his head.

"Hey I didn't know he was just wondering off from his mom, and he looked so cute!" The female Pokemon squealed about the cuteness, but quickly regain herself. "But that's besides that point. You two know you're both mates, right?"

"Yes Latias we are." Latios said while rolling his eyes as his sister stated out the obvious. But his Eon sister ignores the sarcasm and continued.

"Well...... I told both Lucas and Lucario that you're a couple!" She said in delight, earning a slight shock from David as he had his eyes wide. Wonder if he heard that right from Latias.

"You did what?!" Latios shouted as he then chased after his sister, wanting to rip out every one of her feathers.

At the back of the group, Lucas and Lucario were holding each other as they walked. Feeling relaxed and content with each other's company until they heard a shout from a certain blue Eon Pokemon, "You did what?!"

When the two mates looked ahead, what they only saw was a terrifying Latias being chased after a snarling Latios.

"Hmm.... Latios seems to be taking it well." Lucario said almost jokingly.

"Wonder how David is taking it." Lucas asked as he looked ahead and saw the other trainer's expression. From what he could see, David looked almost scared, maybe worried more than anything.

The aura Pokemon whispered, "You think Latios is actually going to hurt her?" He asked, eyeing both Pokemon as they few around.

"Probably not, I think it's just a brother and sister kind of thing." Lucas replied as he and Lucario watch the scene before them. But that started to sweat drop when they saw how mad Latios was.

"Latias get your butt over here so I can beat the living daylights out of you!" Latios shouted as he kept chasing his Eon sister.

"But brother I haven't finished yet!" Latias yelled back while flying around, trying to avoid her raged brother. She soon few over to David and went behind him in fear as Latios stopped right in front of his lover.

"David, step aside so I can have a 'talk' with my sister." Latios said as calmly as possible while trying to control his temper, but wasn't hiding it well as his breath through his nostrils like a mad Tauros.

"No you're not! You're going to hit me!" The red Eon Pokemon shouted back in fear, insecurity holding on to David's shoulders.

"Wait Latios...... I'm sure your sister has a good reason for this......right?" The trainer said sternly while looking behind him. Latias eagerly nodded as she then releases David's shoulders and came in front of the couple, both waiting for her to talk.

"Okay, I told Lucas and Lucario that you're mates. BUT the reason I did that is, because they're also...... mates." The red Eon Pokemon said, looking at both David and Latios.

"Wait did I hear that right? You said that they're mates as well?" Latios questioned while picking his ear with his claw, almost not believing.

"Well I found out they were. Have you guys ever notice that since they found each other, they were a little...... attached." Latias said while indicating with her claws together.

"Hmm....... Well I haven't seen them left each other's sides ever since. So yeah I guess I could see it." David said to himself, seemed pretty convinced.

"I don't know. I still don't see it." The blue Eon Pokemon pondered while scratching his head.

Latias just face palmed to her older brother's confused manner, "*Ugh* Oh Arceus, boys really are clueless when it comes to this kind of stuff."

David could only chuckle, "Maybe it's a girl thing."


So from then on there, everyone was still heading towards Jubilife. Latias explaining about Lucas and Lucario's story to David and Latios as they kept heading towards the city. Both David and Latios realized that Lucas and Lucario's first encounter was very much similar to theirs. They both admit that it was a little creepy, but nevertheless glad that Lucas and Lucario forgave each other just as fast as they did. While David's group was in the front, Lucas and Lucario on the other hand were holding each other peacefully while they were walking behind the group, content with one another.

When David thinks about it, Lucas sort of reminds him of himself sometimes. About how Lucas seems to have compassion towards Pokemon just like he does. Especially to Lucario ever since he gave that necklace to him. David thought to himself that maybe he should buy something nice for Latios too. As well that it's been a while since they actually done something together...... alone. He also guessed that he should spend time with (his) Lucario as well. Maybe if he bonds with her more, he could grow into liking her rather than feeling uncomfortable around her.

'Speaking of Lucario, I wonder how she's managing herself and with Lucas' Kirlia.' The trainer thought to himself. He can't even imagine what she would be doing right now. Literally, he doesn't know what the female Lucario would be doing right now. She can be unpredictable sometimes with her actions, especially with her flirts towards him. He doesn't know whether if she's behaving herself or causing a lot of trouble. All he hopes is for that he could just meet up with her again and leave it at that. But for some reason to him, that seems unlikely.


OH MY GOD! BOTH LATIOS AND DAVID KNOW!!!!!! But they're okay with it, though Latios, being as simple minded as he is (no offence), still doesn't understand.... so Latias has to explain it.

What will happen next?

Find out in Chapter 15!!!!!!!!

A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 15: Back With Friends

**HELLO SOFURRY! OATHY'S BACK: with another chapter of 'A New Start As A Trainer'! Let me tell you, this one took a DOOZY of a time; me and TX will try and get you the next one out a little sooner, PROMISE! Now on to our warning...

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 13: First Battle Goes Hectic

**Hey guys. Got some good news and bad news.** **Bad news: TripleX's schedule got changed due to him having a new semester.** **Good news: We will continue to write stories as BEST as we can.** **We are very sorry, though we will...

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 12: A Gift For A Mate

# What's up guys? Oathy here, with another story: courteously of the help of TripleX. **SO... WITHOUT FURTHER ADUE \*drum roll\* ONWARD WITH CHAPTER 12!** .......... As Lucario and Lucas exited through the trees, David had his backpack on already....

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