A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 15: Back With Friends

Story by Aquos on SoFurry

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#15 of A New Start As A Trainer

HELLO SOFURRY! OATHY'S BACK: with another chapter of 'A New Start As A Trainer'! Let me tell you, this one took a DOOZY of a time; me and TX will try and get you the next one out a little sooner, PROMISE! Now on to our warning lable......

CAUTION: I/ Oathkeeper35 do not hold or own any rights to the characters and/or Pokemon listed, only my main character. Also, this story may contain yaoi and sex scenes . If your old enough (physically and mentally) to be mature about it, read to your hearts content; if not, DON'T.


"Oh, NOW I get it!" Said Latios after an HOUR of explaining from Latias about how Lucas and Lucario are together. By now, Lucas and Lucario were with the rest of the group. They were waiting on the Eon duo to return, hopefully successful on both of them having the full concept of what happened.

Lucas was silently thinking, 'Man, how long does it take for someone to realize two of their friends are secretly boyfriends?' Lucas decided to learn on how David and Latios got together, so he asked.

"Hey, David?"

"Yeah? What is it?" The trainer asked. A little puzzled on what Lucas had to say.

"I was just wondering..... how did you and Latios hook up? I mean, you two know how we did." He motioned himself and Lucario, who was now paying attention to Lucas and David "I would think it would only be fair if you told us how you two became mates."

"Well...... it's not THAT different from your meet up. You see, when we arrived in Sinnoh, at Lake Verity, I wanted to talk to Latios alone. I found out that Latios was in love with me when we were on a ferry to a city in Hoenn, and I wanted to make sure. What surprised me was that, I guess, I was secretly in love with him too."

"Wow, what happened?" Questioned Lucario, craving for more. Lucas hissed at him.


"What? I'm just curious." He snapped back. Of course, every relationship has thorns on its rose. Lucario's curiosity and Lucas' lack of discipline.

"I know, but you shouldn't interrupt someone." Scolded Lucas.

"I'm sorry Lucas. Can you forgive me?" Asked Lucario, giving the puppy-dog eyes. Lucas just rolled his eyes and hugged Lucario.

"Of course I do, and you don't need to use puppy-dog eyes for anything."

"Thank you." Said Lucario as their hug lead into a quick kiss. David looked away right before our lips met. Afterwards we both apologized.

"Sorry, forgot you just found out we were together."

"It's cool. Anyways, WAY before we went to Sinnoh I was at Alto Mare at the time and I knew that Latios and Latias were in that city, I just and to see them myself. Long story short, I manage to find Latias. But I end up losing her then somehow after searching for her I found her again. She kind of caught me, but she didn't seem to mind and she led me to their secret garden. I was amazed at how beautiful it was. While I was looking I then realized that Latias' brother was nowhere to be seen, and that's when it happened." David pauses as he slightly shudders, but he quickly regained himself and keeps going. "Latios noticed me in the garden and came in to attack me. He thought I was invading the garden and being a threat to his sister. It was the worst beating of my life, I thought I was going to die in the hands of one of my favourite Pokemon. But luckily Latios and Latias' guardians, Bianca and Lorenzo came just in time. They were shocked seeing what condition I was in. When they were about to patch me up in their place, Latios actually grabs my shoulder from behind and...... hugged me." The trainer paused again as he gazed at the blue Eon Pokemon for a brief moment before continuing. "I guess it was the first clue that I might be in love with him, because my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. It just felt wonderful. I knew Latios wanted me to forgive him since I saw how guilty his face looked. I completely understand and forgave him without a second thought. After that we head in Bianca and Lorenzo's house."

Lucas and Lucario looked at each other, both thinking that their encounter was much similar to David and Latios'. They soon got their attention back to David as he continued his story.

"During when Lorenzo was patching me up, Latios haven't left my side the whole time. Also me and Lorenzo talked about trainer stuff and he actually was the one who helped me get my Pokemon journey started. He also offered Latios and Latias as my starter Pokemon. I was having mixed feelings as I told him that I couldn't for obvious reasons. But he told me that they can have an adventure from this opportunity. I guess I couldn't argue with that, and he said that everything would be taken care of. So once I got everything I needed for our adventure, we soon said our goodbyes and headed to the ferry that would lead to Hoenn. Once we arrived in Hoenn, we found Treeko there. He was being abused by his trainer, because he lost a battle." David said, still feeling hatred over that trainer. Lucas' face became filled with terror at the sight of a trainer even hitting their Pokémon intentionally for pain. His fists began to clench up, but Lucario put his paws on Lucas' hands. It calmed him down, but he was still mad about it.

David continued, "After Treeko was checked out and joined the team, we flew to Sinnoh on Latios and Latias' back. We only made it to Lake Verity though, because SOMEBODY had to take a break." He said while grinning at the blue Eon Pokemon, which he heard and only stick out his tongue playfully before talking back to his sister. "So after we landed at the lake, I asked to talk to Latios alone. Once we were by ourselves we started talking. Soon we both blurted out we loved each other, which confirmed my suspicions that he loved me. When I went over to him, I thought he was crying, but then he tackled me. After I told that I might not REALLY love him, but I would give it a try, we kissed. It felt..... indescribable. I never knew that you could put so much feeling into just one action." David decided to just leave it at that and did not want to go into the rest like Latios wanting to mate or Lucario raping him in the pool. And judging by the reactions of Lucas and Lucario, he didn't need to say anymore.

"Wow..... that's incredible! I can't believe how similar your confession was to ours. It's just so-" Lucas began.

"Weird." David ended. Soon Lucas started to talk to his lover.

"Lucario, why don't you go talk to Latios and Latias. I want to talk to David alone for a sec, okay?"

"Alright." He replied happily and went over to the floating Pokémon duo.

He then started to talk to David again, "So... how did you end up here? In the world of Pokémon?" David was kinda caught off guard by this question. 'What did he mean by that?' He thought to himself.

"I...... don't really know," He answered, racking his brain. He thought it wouldn't hurt to risk telling Lucas what happen since he seemed like an understanding guy, "I guess it was when that weird storm hit when I was watching that Pokémon DVD. How about you?"

"Same here but through my DS, I was playing Platinum. But before that, I heard these three voices. The shape of them in my dreams looked familiar, but I couldn't find a shape like those in my Pokémon handbook in the real world. Creepy."

"Yeah, really creepy. But maybe it was fate..... I mean, we met our mates?" David said. Lucas then looked over at Lucario having fun with Latios and Latias, "And we met each other? So far, things are going good." Said David positively.

"Can't blame you for that. But still, something is telling me that all of this was meant to happen. Maybe I'm just imagining it." Said Lucas wanting to know why he just can't shake this feeling.

David thought about that too. He thought that maybe it was just a crazy coincidence at first. Or maybe him being here was meant to be more than just luck. But he quickly put that thought to the side as him and his companions were at the entrance of Jublife again.


They first had to go to the Pokemon Center since Treecko was still injured from that accident he had with Lucas' Lucario back at the battle with the cameraman and reporter. David also decided to give Latios and Latias a quick check up too, along with Lucas' Lucario. After their treatment, everyone was in good shape. Even the gecko Pokemon pretty much looked good as new. But now he has bandages wrapped around his mid section. Now they were on their way to the hotel.

It took them a while for them to get to their destination, but they mange to get to the hotel without struggle. Since the whole city was starting to calm down in the late afternoon, with barely any people walking throughout the city.

Once when they were all inside the hotel lobby, they immediately heard loud noises coming from the floor above them. This instantly got their attention and started to wonder what it was.

It was then that a hotel clerk came running down from the stairs that goes to the next floor, he looked messed up. His uniform was dirtied, wrinkled, ripped, and somewhat charred.

"Hey you two!-" He said while coming towards the two trainers, "Do you guys by any chance own a Lucario and a Kirlia?" The man said desperately while heaving from his fatigue.

"Uhh yeah, I own a Lucario." David said awkwardly, already having a bad feeling about this.

"And I have a Kirlia." Lucas pitched in, looking worried.

"You two come with me." The clerk said while grabbing both trainers' wrists and dragged them to the next floor with their Pokemon companions following close behind. As they head up the stairs, they could hear the noised becoming louder within every step.

'Lucario what have you've done now?' David mentally thought in complaint. This is what he meant by the female Pokemon being unpredictable.

"Okay I don't know why those two are fighting, but you two better get them under control." The clerk ordered. He then left and grumbled to himself about how wrecked his uniform looked, leaving everyone else at the door.

David and Lucas looked at each other, worried about what's going on at the other side. The noise was still presence and continuing, but now they heard voices.

"You fucking physic Pokemon get back here!" Someone said. David can probably guess whose voice that belonged to.

"Screw you whore!" The other replied back. Lucas already knew who that potty mouth belongs to.

Deciding that he had enough, David gripped to door knob, but was hesitant to open it. But Lucas put a hand on his shoulder for reassurance and gave him a nod. David then slow turned the door knob and opened the door.

What everyone saw shocked them.


Oh- no! Kirlia and Lucario are fighting..... but about what?

Did Kirlia find out about that morning? Or was it something else?


Did Kirlia squeel the secret?!

Find out next time in Chapter 16: A Girl's Jealousy (hopefully this is the name, but don't get your hopes not..... I MIGHT change it depending on the chapter)!

A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 16: A Battle Before We Leave

**Hey guys, I have another chapter of Lucas' journey: unfortunately this is the last collab between me and TX for a while. That doesn't mean we won't do it again, this was too much fun to NOT do! Well, hope you enjoy this chapter!** **CAUTION: I/...

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My Life as a Furry: Chapter 6

**Howdy ev'rybody! Hope y'ur enjoyin' ma lil' story. If you are, well let's get to it! But first, the......** **Warning: This story contains yaoi and sex scenes in future chapters. So if your physically and mentally mature enough, you may read this...

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My Life as a Furry: Chapter 5

**HEEEEEEEELLOOOOOO SOOOOOFURRRRRRYYYYYY! OATHY HERE! I am LOVING that you guys want to be part of my story, I'm trying to think of chapters that include you guys.......... this is hard because there are SO MANY OF YOU! But I will continue to write so...

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