A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 12: A Gift For A Mate

Story by Aquos on SoFurry

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#12 of A New Start As A Trainer

What's up guys? Oathy here, with another story: courteously of the help of TripleX.



As Lucario and Lucas exited through the trees, David had his backpack on already. They were planning to go to the hotel that Lucas stayed the other night. Kirlia and (David's) Lucario were still there, waiting on the arrival of their trainers. David just hoped that Lucario wouldn't cause any trouble during her wait, but he had a feeling she would.

"Ready?" Asked David, wondering what they did. The two mates had their hair/fur all messed up and Lucas's clothes looked all crinkly too. Luckily, a while ago that Lucas' erection passed since he was too distracted from talking to his lover on their way back to the others. So he felt pretty relieved from it.

"Yeah, we're all set." Replied Lucario, staying extremely close to his lover. He was NOT going to let him go again so easily, and Lucas happily obliged to that.

"Okay then, let's get this show on the road!" Cheered Latias, wanting to meet Lucas's other Poke Partner, Kirlia.

"Alright! The hotel is at the other end Jubilife from where we're at so...... it's gonna be a long walk." Spoke Lucas, making Latias seem less excited. "If I had to guess, by the time we would get there, it'll be close to lunch." He said, but quickly added in to TRY and cheer Latias up a little. "BUT.... the hotel allows Pokemon. That means you can spend the night there if it gets too late."

'Damn...... why didn't I think of staying at a hotel.' David thought to himself. It would definitely be much easier to stay in a hotel than go camping outside the city.

"Sweet! Let's get going then!" Said Treecko, getting restless. That was probably the first time Lucas heard the gecko Pokemon talk so.... it was a little surprising.


(Lucario's POV)

We kept walking for over a half an hour to get to the hotel and I was in NO rush to get there. David and Latios were talking to each other, as well as Latias and Treecko. This meant I had Lucas all to myself and he was MINE, ALL MINE to take...... as usual. We kept in the same position we were during our walk, Lucas' arm was over my shoulders and my arm around his waist. We just kept walking in silence, milking out the experience of our kissing within the trees, until Lucas spoke.

"Hey Lucario, can we talk in private for a sec?" Lucas said personally. I was wandering what he wanted to talk about.

"Sure, of course!" I answered a little TOO excitedly. He soon led us by a lamp post and stopped in front of it. My lover then spoke again.....

"I got you something." He said with a small smirk. As if knowing what my reaction would be. Now I'm really curious.

"Really? That's really nice of you, but I wouldn't know how to repay you." I said a little discouraged.

"You don't have to and I don't want you to. I'm giving this to you because I WANT to." Lucas told me with sincere in his voice, making me feel better and all warm inside. "Now, close your eyes and open up your paw." He ordered.


(Lucas' POV)


Right when I head out the hotel, all I could think was finding Lucario and that I wouldn't stop until I do fine him. I kept running and running, my mind completely focused in determination on finding my love. Nothing could stop me not-

"Hurray-hurray! Necklaces and lockets for sale! I'm telling you that this is not a joke people! Some of these necklaces and lockets are made up of actual platinum, titanium, gold, silver, you name it and we got it and it's all for a low price! Hurray-hurray-......"

I couldn't help but stop at my tracks as a spokesperson got my attention. The spokesperson was seemed to be in around in his fifties as I could see he had a white moustache on his face and was wearing an old grey business suit, along with a nifty top hat. He was beside a stand full of necklaces and lockets in all shapes and sizes, and in different color too. It didn't seem that he was getting much attention from the people passing by since they might think it's just a scam, which I don't blame them.

But curiosity got the better of me as I got closer to the necklaces/lockets stand to inspect them.

"Hey there my boy, are you looking for a necklace for yourself? Or maybe a necklace for a special someone?" He said as he noticed me coming his way.

I guess I wasn't looking of a necklace for myself. But at the mention of a special someone, it reminded me of Lucario (which I should be LOOKING for him). Although looking at the necklaces and lockets gave me an idea.

"Hmm...... Yes I am actually. Can I check them out?" I asked. Which he eagerly nodded and show me what he had to offer.

I inspected the necklaces and lockets I saw so far and there were a few that got my attention, but none of them seemed right to me. I need to find the perfect one.

The middle aged spokesperson noticed my troublesome expression and said, "Are you finding what you're looking for?"

"...... I'm trying to find the perfect locket that would go good with the necklace for a...... special someone." I said with a little blush, embarrassed I had to say something like that.

"Ahh, okay-okay....... I think I got just the thing for you my boy." He said enthusiastically as he quickly went behind the stand. He rapidly pulled out a black tin suit case and turns it to face me and opens it. "I was going to save this for later. But since business isn't going so smoothly for me, I'll make you a deal if you fine the one you're looking for." He offered as I saw a new batch of necklaces and lockets.

It revealed a bunch a different necklaces that were way better than the ones displayed on the stand. My eyes scanned through and I eventually found a perfect locket and necklace that would be perfect for my Lucario.

"These are perfect! So how much for them?" I asked while holding the locket and necklace in my hands.

"$2,000, but that's if you don't add in a crave and a picture." He told me as I handed him both the locket and necklace, about to get out my Pokedex. "But if you want to carve in it, it'll be another $100." He added as I was left there to think.

'I actually do have a picture of us together...... I was going to save it for memory purposes, but I think this is more worth it.' I thought quickly as I told the man that I was going to put in the picture myself and that I also wanted to carve in the locket.

It took me a lot of hard thinking, but I think I wrote in what I wanted. I then quickly paid the man and got my gift for my loving Lucario.

But before I ran off to fine Lucario, I carefully put in the picture in the left side of the locket (don't ask how I got it, it took a lot of work for me to get it). After I got the picture in, I safely put Lucario's gift in my pocket and went off.

'When I find Lucario, he'll be so happy to see me..... and my gift!' I thought with excitement as the feeling was bubbling up inside of me of just the thought of seeing Lucario's reaction once seeing his gift after we're reunited.

'Man I can't wait.' Was the last thing I thought before I ran into a full sprint throughout the morning sun.

End of Flashback....


(Lucario's POV)

"Now, close your eyes and open up your paw." He ordered.

I did as I was told and held out my paw. Soon I felt something cold in my paw, then the warmth of Lucas' hands gently closing it. Indicating that I should open my eyes, I did and looked at the absolutely perfect gift I received...... it was a necklace. It had a titanium, waterproof, indestructible chain with a Pokeball locket attached to the end. I was so overwhelmed by such gratitude towards my mate that I just tackled him with a hug, almost knocking him over.

"Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!" I said over and over in between my rapid kissing.

"Wait! There's more.... open up the locket." Replied Lucas as I released him. I opened it up and gasped in happiness.

On the left was a picture of me and him together laughing. On the right was a small paragraph written in his own handwriting:

No matter what ever happens, I will always love you. That will NEVER change and NO ONE should make you think otherwise. We will always be together, even though we aren't always that way.

  • Lucas, your lover forever

Tears started bursting out of me as I hugged Lucas again.

"I love it! *sniffles* Thank you SO much! I'll NEVER take it off!" This is probably the second time that this was the best thing that happen in my life, and it all had to do with Lucas.

"It's the least I could, or wanted to do. And I mean every word of what I wrote." Lucas then looked at me eye to eye "I will always love you." Then he gently kissed me. That's all it was, a simple kiss. But I felt so much love being put into it that I had to put a lot of effort and love into it as well.

Lucas, as I could see, just wanted it to be simple, so I obligated..... Though next time, it won't...... and I'm going to be in charge.


(Normal POV)

"HEY! YOU GUYS COMING?!" Cried David, interrupting the two mates kissing.

"Yeah! We'll be right there!" Yelled back Lucas. Lucario was about to turn when Lucas caught him by the shoulder.

"What is it?" Asked Lucario, curious about what his perplexing boyfriend (think I might use this word more often) was going to do next.

"Don't you want to wear your necklace?" Asked Lucas, answering his BF with his own.

"Oh, yeah!" He said, the aura Pokemon turned and showed the back of his neck to Lucas so he could put it on. Lucas easily linked the necklace around the aura Pokemon. He then turned the aura Pokemon around, and looks at the necklace on him. It looked beautiful to Lucas as he gave Lucario a quick kiss. They both smiled at each other and entwine each other's hand and paw together and ran towards David and the others.

"What took you so long?" Asked Latios, examining the new "item" Lucario was wearing.

"I had to give Lucario something." Lucas answered while he and Lucario slowed their run to a walk towards their companions.

"See?" Said Lucario, holding up his locket. Everyone got a good look at it and as quite interesting to them, especially one of them.

Once Latias looked at the locket in Lucario's paw, she couldn't help but wonder about something. Ever since Lucas and Lucario reunited with each other, they were quite...... clinging. Almost reminding her when David and Latios first encounter with each other (well, after the beating up part).

'Is Lucas and Lucario's relationship more than just a very close friendship?' She thought. Latias couldn't help it as she saw a few sighs that look similar to Latios' first few moments with David.

Lucario's closeness to Lucas for one, very similar to what Latios does to David. Both Lucario and Lucas holding hands/paw, kind of like when Latios puts his head on David's shoulder.

'Just like a couple.' Latias thought in suspicion. 'Maybe Lucas and Lucario are like a couple just like David and Latios.' She thought with excitement. 'Oh that would be so cute!' But then again, the red Eon Pokemon might be doing some wishful thinking.

Maybe she could talk with either Lucas or Lucario about this. Although that might be awkward for the both of them if she went up to either one and asked if they love each other. So deciding that if she saw a few more signs that Lucas and Lucario are actually more than just good friends, then she would ask.

Everyone were finished talking and was about the leave when someone interrupted them.

"SO..... HOW ARE YOU TWO DOING?! HOW ABOUT A BATTLE....." Cried someone from behind the trainers, making them jump. "ON LIVE TV?!"

"What the hell!" Lucas screamed. As the both trainers and Pokemon looked to where the voice came from, they saw a reporter and camera man, both holding a Pokeball. After further looking around, they noticed that a huge crowd was formed around them, no escape from it.

The report then spoke again. "So how 'bout it? A double-team battle?" Both David and Lucas then looked at each other, wondering what to do now.


Ooooo, more suspense! It's killing me, and I'M THE WRITER! XD

So, will the two trainers accept the challenge?

Will Latias find out on Lucario and Lucas's secret love?

FInd out next time on Chapter 13: A Battle With A Friend

You'll love it!

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