A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 19: A Roark-y Battle

Story by Aquos on SoFurry

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#1 of A New Start As A Trainer/ part 2

Hey guys, I'm here with another chapter of "A New Start As A Trainer"! Hope you guys are enjoying how Lucas and Lucario's relationship is going....... sooner or later things will go higher: MUCH higher.....but not right now, though. SO, without further delay....here's Chapter 19: A Roark-y Battle (get it? XD)!

Oh, and before I forget: this chapter is a two-part chapter. This is chapter one.


(Lucario's POV)

I had a dream, a terrible dream, caused by the mentioning that Lucas wasn't from here last night: I was surrounded in darkness, nothing more but total black space, and I was looking around to see if anyone was around me. I began to call out "Lucas! Where are you?!" After a few seconds I heard a "Help!" Then I heard "Lucario, help!" It was my lover: he needed me. Blindly, and without thinking, I ran towards the voice. After what seemed like an eternity I saw him, fading away into nothingness: I reached out to try and grab his hand, and did the same thing, but my paw slipped through and he disappeared. I stopped to kneel down, not believing what happened, and began to cry: my Lucas.....gone.

"Lucario, Lucario wake up!" I heard as I was being abruptly shaken. I opened my eyes and bolted upright to see the room around me.... and Lucas. I couldn't help but squeeze him, thinking I almost lost him in my sub-conscious mind.

"Lucas! Thank Arceus you're alright!" My mate just looked at me confused.

"What happened? You kept muttering my name in your sleep while tossing and turning: did you have a nightmare?" He surrendered and hugged me back, figuring I was scared of that dream.... which I was: I was shaking like a leaf.

"Yeah: I was surrounded in complete darkness... and I couldn't see anything. I called out to you to see if you would answer: you did, but it was a cry for help" My lover's face went hard, seeing how that could be frightening. I continued "I ran towards your voice, not caring where I was or if there was danger. When I got to you, you were fading away INTO the dark. I tried to reach out to you, and you did the same thing, but my paw just slipped through you.... making you disappear. I was completely destroyed; I couldn't think of my world without you: I never want to be without you." I took his face in both my paws and kissed him passionately, leading to him doing the same thing; I had a few tears in my eyes but they could have been streaming down my face for all I care: Lucas is my world, without him.... I have nothing.

I felt the presence of Lucas' tongue as he slipped it in and searched my mouth. Pleasure took over me, making me paralyzed, and Lucas took advantage of that: he brought me lying down and we made-out even more. I wrapped around him, pulling him close to me, and I started to caress his body: I felt every muscle and tension he had in his entire body. His hands were kept around my waist, making sure that I was close.

We only did it for a short time, though I wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING: my time with Lucas was always irreplaceable, no matter how short it is.

"Thank you, I needed something THAT good to get my mind off of that dream."

"I know you needed it, I would too if it was vice versa." I looked at him, stumped by the new word he used. Before I asked he explained, "Means the other way around." I nodded in acknowledgement: one thing I found cute in Lucas was his smartness. Others are his additude, compassion, but most of all his physique: his cute brown colored hair, adorable hazel eyes, and his body type was so.....well, can't really say but.... it's EXTREMELY attractive.

"Hey, where are Monferno and Gallade?" Lucas asked as he looked around the room. I turned around and, sure enough, the fold-out couch was bare: Gallade and Monferno were missing.

"Maybe they went to get something to eat?" I said, throwing out the idea. Lucas got out, followed by me, grabbed his backpack, and we exited the room: we'd be back; we just need to find those two other Pokémon.


(Normal POV)

"Where could they be? This isn't that big of a hotel." Lucas said, getting a little frantic. He and Lucario split up to look, but they weren't anywhere: they looked outside and saw a mine....... maybe they went inside there?

"Let's check that mine; curiosity does get the better of them most of the time." Lucario said.

"Good idea: hope they didn't upset anyone." They jogged over and saw Monferno and Gallade running away from some Geodudes: they were using Roll Out. Knew it: why am I NOT surprised? Thought Lucas as he saw Monferno turn around and launched a Flamethrower attack; he knocked away one or two Geodudes. Gallade jumped up and used Magical Leaf, taking out more of them. But they kept coming, so Lucas, riskily, jumped in front of them and yelled "STOP!" All the Geodudes slowed to a crawl.... except a Golem that was racing towards him. Lucas became dead scared as he just slowly backed up.

"Lucas, look out!" Lucario cried as he tackled his trainer, saving him from becoming a pancake.

"Thanks, I..." stuttered Lucas, not sure why he didn't move. Lucario got up and interrupted him.

"No time for that, he's coming back!" Lucas saw that, but the Golem began to use Rock Blast instead of going into another Roll Out.

"Lucario, Aura Sphere! Gallade, Magical Leaf! Monferno, Flamethrower!" Lucario charged up a blue ball and threw it at high speed; Gallade tossed his arms up and flung them forwards, shooting leaves of multi-colors out; Monferno leaned back, flung his head forward, and opened his mouth to shoot out a huge amount of flames. The Flamethrower burned some of small rocks; while the Magical Leaf sliced through many of the other rocks.... leaving the AS to hit the Golem with incredible force (Fighting-type moves are very good against Rock and Ground-types).

"Uh-oh." Said Lucas as he rushed over to the knocked out Rock-type, followed by Lucario. Gallade and Monferno came over as well, knowing that Gallade was going to have to use Recover.

"I think I used too much force in that attack..... or maybe he's really weak" Lucario said, whispering that last part to himself.

"Ya think?" said Lucas in a harsh tone, now realizing he made a mistake in tone as he saw Lucario hurt. He then added in "Sorry came out harsher than it was supposed to be."

"It's alright, but still....." Lucario said, still hurt. He looked down and saw the locket he never took off: he took it and opened it up, remembering the paragraph his mate wrote down. He felt like a total jackass, not believing him; he immediately perked up, letting Lucas know he understood.

The Golem moaned in pain and Lucas took off his backpack and started rummaging for something inside it: he needed to find one of those Super Potions.

"Lucas, what are trying to find?" asked Monferno, hopping over.

"A Super Potion: it will DEFINITELY help this Golem. I know I have in one in her- found one!" exclaimed Lucas as he pulled out an orange spray bottle with a red topper on it. He spritzed a few times on the Golem and the Rock-type cringed a little, most-likely from the sting.

"Okay, that should help it recover." Lucas said as he stood up. Lucario walked over to him and offered a paw to the now sitting up Boulder Pokemon, "Listen, I'm sorry Golem for putting that much force in my Aura Sphere: guess I was upset that you attacked my friends. Can you forgive me?" Golem, reluctantly, took Lucario's paw and was pulled back to his feet by him.

"Feeling better?"

"Yeah, a little; thank you for helping me...... even when I attacked you." Golem said; his head was down in shame. Lucas walked over and put a hand on his rocky shoulder.

"Its fine: you were just protecting the mine and everyone else...... right?"

"Yeah: the miners there left me in charge when they weren't at work." Golem felt better as he gave Lucas a crushing hug. Luckily, for the trainer, it was for a brief second as the Golem rolled back into the mines. Lucas rubbed his arms, they had pieces of rock on them and they hurt, as he got Monferno, Gallade, and Lucario together.

"Okay, now that we're all together let's get something to eat. Afterwards we'll challenge Roark. Sound good?"

"Yeah, I'm STARVING!" Gallade spoke, holding his stomach. The gang laughed and they all walked back to the hotel, they were starting to serve breakfast.


After a fifteen minute breakfast, the gang left and made their way to the front of the Gym: the Rock-type leader, Roark, was just inside. Lucas walked in, followed, very closely, by Lucario, Monferno, and Gallade.

The inside of the Gym was huge: there was a battle area in the middle and stands on either side for any and all spectators. Across, on the other side, of the battle field stood a middle aged man with a helmet on and glasses. He wore a mining suit with gloves, shoes and everything. He called back.

"Welcome, I am Roark: the leader of Oreburg and the first of the eight Sinnoh Region Gyms." He seemed nice enough to Lucas, but that changed pretty quickly.

"If you want to gain my badge, you'll have to beat all of my Pokemon.... And I can assure you: that is no easy feat."

"Well, we'll see about that." Replied Lucas in confidence; he continued "I'm Lucas, and, to make it official, I challenge you to a battle!" as he said that a referee came out and stood in the middle of the field on the right side of it. He spoke out the rules:

"Okay, this battle will be a one-on-one battle with three Pokemon each. Only the challenger may switch out Pokemon during battle, and the winner is the battler that knocks out all three of the other side's Pokemon. Now let the battle commence!"


(Lucas's POV)

"I'll go first: go Monferno!" I called out as I threw my Pokeball out, summoning my Fiery monkey to the field. I quickly got my dex out and checked his moves: he knew Flamethrower, Flame Wheel, Fury Swipes, and... Dig? 'Huh, that unusual for a Fire-type to know.... Cool.' I thought as I slid my PokeDex back into my back-pocket.

"Alright, if you're going with that... then I'll summon Geodude!" called Roark as he tossed his Pokeball. It released a small boulder with arms attached to it. I figured this would be hard since Monferno is a Fire-type and Geodude is a Rock-type... I was going to rely on his speed to give me the advantage.

"I'll make the first move: Monferno, Flame Wheel!" I called out: Monferno jumped back, did a somersault in mid-air, and formed flames all around him and sped towards the floating Geodude.

"Geodude, Rock Throw!" Geodude picked up a boulder and chucked it at my Pokemon.

"Move to the left!" I yelled. Monferno, just in time, moved to the side I called; the rock grazed him as my monkey friend rammed into the Geodude. It pushed him a few feet back, giving me a chance for me to launch a return attack.

"Now use Flamethrower!" Monferno, after being bounced into the air by his own attack, flung his head forward and let out a huge amount of flames. The fire engulfed Geodude, making the Pokemon become burned. The Rock-type fell to the ground, swirly-eyed; and the ref sounded out, "Geodude is unable to battle, the winner of this battle is Monferno!" I jumped up, saying "Yes! Way to go Monferno!" The monkey came over and jumped into my arms for a hug; I put him down after a little and told him to wait by my side. I looked and saw Roark pull out his Pokeball and return his Geodude.


(Lucas POV)

"I admire your strategy you used to take out my Geodude.... Even when your Pokemon is at a disadvantage in type. You won't get so lucky this time, though." He said as he took another and threw it, "Go Cranidos!" A raptor-looking Pokemon came out, with a round dome-shaped head. I knew how dangerous a Cranidos was: I fought one in my Platinum game in the real world.... Though I had a Chimchar, Budew, and Starly instead of a Lucario, Gallade, and Monferno. I needed to take him out quickly or I would lose to him... just like before: I finally beat Roark on my fourth try.

"Gallade, go!" I shouted as I tossed his Pokeball. Gallade looked at his opponent and scoffed: "THIS is my opponent? He's so small." Cranidos looked steamed and yelled at him.

"HEY! I happen to be older than ALL of you: I used to be a fossil!" The Pokemon got into position and Roark gave him an order: "Cranidos, Flamethrower!" Roark's Pokemon let out a flurry of giant flames through his mouth, sending them towards Gallade.

"Double Team!" I ordered and he split himself into 6. The flame sailed through 3 of them, making them disappear. I gave out another command: "Now Magical Leaf!" The leftover Gallades began to rapidly launch tons of leaves, all varying in colors.

"Dodge it!" yelled Roark, but he wasn't quick enough as Cranidos was pelted rapidly by the rainbow-colored foliage. Cranidos was pushed back to in front of Roark and my Gallade's copies dispensed: this battle is FAR from over..... and I know that Lucario was going to have a difficult when he'll be used.


DONE! Now it's my turn for a cliffhanger of my own: what will happen next:

Will Lucas be able to win against Roark?

Does Lucario have something on his mind that he doesn't like?

You can only know after you read 'Chapter 20: More Than One Kind of Victory'!


A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 20: More Than a Victory is Obtained

**Hello guys: I bring you the second, LONGER part of the battle against Roark. So far, Lucas had an easy time in defeating Geodude with Monferno.... But not as such an easy time when defeating Cranidos with Gallade: that Rock-type took a Magical Leaf...

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 18: A Day of Surprises

**Hello furries! Oathkeeper here........or should I say Dragon of Wind here (yes, I changed my name and avatar)! I bring you another chapter of Lucas and his gang...... AND the mysterious Monferno who is following them for some reason. But I KNOW you...

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 17: A New Addition

**Hey guys, Oathy here with a chapter of "A New Start As A Trainer"! You see, last chapter you read said that me and TX aren't collaborating anymore...... that doesn't mean we won't EVER do it again (or refer to the others' OC): it was too much fun!...

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