A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 21: An Extra Group Member

Story by Aquos on SoFurry

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#5 of A New Start As A Trainer/ part 2

Hey guys, hope you remember me (if not, just check the profile XD)! Now, where were we last time........

Lucas won his first Gym battle: Sweet

We added Flygon to his team, even though he is flirty with him: Weird.... But good

Lucario had something on his mind: Wonder what it is

*Oh, and here's a spoiler: I'm adding in a familiar face into Lucas' bunch of traveling friends*


(Normal POV)

The two lovers rejoined the rest of the group and they went inside to check out of the hotel, thanking the manager for letting them stay. The male manager said welcome and the group left: Lucas had an idea on how he was going to get to Jubilife instead of going through the pathway again.

"Hey, Flygon: do you think you can carry me and Lucario on your back? We need some way of getting to Jubilife again."

"I'm not sure about both of you, maybe just you or Lucario." Said Flygon, scratching his head "I can try: hop on." Lucas returned Gallade and Monferno into their balls and got on; Lucario was reluctant but got on as well. 'This will be my first time EVER flying: this is so cool!' thought Lucas as he held onto Flygon's neck; he felt Lucario wrap his arms around his waist so he wouldn't fall off.

"Lucas, to tell you the truth: I'm scared." He said, shaking. Lucas put a hand on his, re-assuring him with his words.

"Don't worry Lukey, Flygon won't let you fall. Right, FG?"

"Yeah, of course not: if you DO fall off though, I'll catch you with my tail. Promise." Said Flygon as he moved his tail in a quick fashion. Lucario thought that maybe he SHOULD try to like this guy more.

"Okay, I trust you." Said the Aura Pokemon. The dragon, without any further delay, began flapping his wings and floating off the ground: first 5 feet, then 10, soon 20. Lucario put his face into his lover's shoulder; he felt a hand on his head and looked up to see Lucas's serene face. He calmed down... then looked down: he became terrified by how high they were now.... They were about 10 yards up. Flygon looked back and asked if the two were ready: Lucas nodded and Lucario, after regaining his composition, nodded as well. The Dragon then rocketed forward towards the city of Jubilife, scenery passing them. Lucas looked around and was thrilled at the feeling of flying: never had in his life has he ever thought that he would do something like this. A few minutes later they approached the giant city; the Pokemon lowered his descent and landed inside. Lucas tried to get off but Lucario was still holding on to him:

"Lucario, Luca- Lukey: you can let go now." Said Lucas, gently shaking him. The Pokemon opened his eyes and saw he was grounded.

"Oh, sorry." They got off and Lucas sent out Gallade and Monferno again. Lucas pulled out his dex and tapped the map icon. After the map was up, he knelt down to show it to everyone there.

"Okay, so here we are in Jubilife. Are next destination is Eterna City: we need to head through Floroma Town first, then Eterna Forest. If we can find someone that will join us through Eterna Forest, it would make it easier: I heard there are TONS of Double Battle teams in there."

"Right, so what are we waiting for? Let's go." Said Monferno, as excited as always. Everyone gave a laugh and they made their way to the Floroma pathway.... Until Lucas saw a PokeMart and had an idea:

"Hey uh guys, I'll be right back. I need to do something really quick."


(Lucario's POV)

"What is it?" I asked, wondering what Lucas had to do. He just pretended to zip his lips up and waved good-bye saying "Be right back". I looked back and started up a conversation with the others:

"Do you have any idea what he could be doing?"

"Nope, not really." said Monferno, shrugging. I looked towards Gallade.

"Hey, don't look at me." I didn't even bother trying to get the answer out of Flygon, he wouldn't know since he JUST joined the team.


After a few minutes I got a little worried and was about to go inside to see what was taking him... only to see him walk out. He looked different: instead of that red-and-black checkered flannel and Jack Skeleton (I think I remember him saying that was who it was) shirt, he wore a dark blue shirt that seemed to match my fur; his dark blue jeans were replace with black shorts that stopped just above his knees; his white tennis shoes were replaced as well with black ones with yellow stripes on the sides of them; he even had a necklace on: an onyx-colored crescent moon. I had one thing on my mind: he looks hot!

"Wow Lucas, you look amazing!" said Flygon, stealing my thunder.

"Really? Thanks FG. What do you guys think?" Lucas asked Monferno and Gallade.

"You look good, compared to your last outfit: you know, that flannel and jeans combo?" said Monferno, putting his thumbs up. I guess he wanted me to reply last; well he was going to get more than just a reply from me......

"Yeah, I was getting too hot in that so I decided to get some different clothes. What about you Gallade?"

"I think you look good." Said Gallade, bowing his head and having a smile; he had his arms crossed against his chest. Lucas looked at me then, a smile on his face: he asked, "Well, what about you?"

I walked over to him and, to answer, I pressed my lips against his and suckled them carefully; his arms pulled me close.

"I thought that you looked hot when I saw you leave the building." I said truthfully, blushing. He blushed by my compliment and we kissed again: Oh sweet Arceus, whenever we kiss it's like magic! After a few minutes we began our way to Floroma.


(Normal POV)

Lucas and his Pokemon walked through a small field of flowers and into a cave; it wasn't dark enough for a flashlight luckily, but they still didn't feel like staying in there for long. Everyone kept a steady pace as the entrance came into view... but heard a little cry for help:

"Help, please someone!" They looked around and saw another pathway with some fallen rocks scattered about. Lucas stopped and ran down it, closely followed by the rest of the gang. The cries became louder and more desperate:

"Help! Please!"

"Hang on! Help is on the way!" cried Lucas, thinking he heard that voice before. As the gang approached where the voice was the path was blocked off. He yelled past it:

"Hey, are you alright?"

"Lucas?! Yeah, I'm fine: I was trying to catch a Graveler but he escaped and used Rock Fall to trap me here! I need help!" Shane cried out from behind. Lucas thought for a second to think of a plan... but first he had to know his options.

"Have you tried to blow the rocks away?"

"Yeah, but my Salamence got hurt and he can't use any of his moves. I tried to copy his stats with Ditto, but he's not strong enough...... maybe you could." Shane said, Lucas thought it was a good idea: plus he didn't really have that much more of a plan.

"Okay, step back then! This could get messy and I don't want anyone hurt... or worse!" So, after taking a few steps back, he gave commands to all of his Pokemon:

"Lucario, Aura Sphere!"

"Gallade, Psycho Cut!"

"Monferno, Flamethrower!" Everyone began pelting the rocks with their attacks. Lucas took out his dex and scanned Flygon his moves: he knew Fly, Dragon Breath, Dragon Claw, and Strength; nice moves for a Flygon (if Strength was replaced with Hyper Beam, then he would've had his Platinum Flygon).

"Okay then: Flygon, Dragon Breath!" The Pokemon leaned back and launched a blue-and-purple wavy beam towards the rocks that help break through them; dust overcame the cave and everyone coughed.

After the natural smoke settled, Shane walked out from the small dead-end.

"Thanks, Lucas: if you didn't come by and hear me.... well, I don't even wanna to know what COULD have happened."

"No prob." Lucas said the entire group walked through the rest of the cave and to the entrance to Floroma Town.

Shane explained what happened after they left: apparently after our battle he left through Jubilife and stayed there for the night. After he left the hotel he made his way towards Eterna City, where he saw a Graveler intimidating him; he got mad and chased after it... only to get it cornered and him trapping him in that dead-end.

"Well, maybe you should come with us: after that I would think it might be better for the accompany each other. Not because I think you can't handle yourself on your own, but because you can think quickly and make good actions in a moment's notice: I have a hard time doing that." Said Lucas as they entered the PC. Shane thought for a sec, then answered:

"You know, I'll take you up on that offer: your mind can process things faster than mine can in normal situations." Shane outstretched his hand and Lucas met it with his own: once enemy, then friend/rival, now traveling companion...... Lucas is SO much more different than Lucario thought: it was a good kind of weird to him.

"Welcome to the team then, Shane." Lucas nodded as he shook Shane's hand. They turned, Lucas returned is Pokemon besides Lucario, and decided to get their Pokemon healed. Nurse Joy was very perky and asked us in a nice tone: "Hello, how may I help you?"

"Hi, we would like to heal our Pokemon and I would like a check-up on my Lucario here." Lucas said in his usual tone. Both trainers gave their balls to the Nurse and she placed them into the machine: after a few seconds she handed them back and she called a Chansey to take the Aura Pokemon back for the check-up.


(Lucas's POV)

"So, while your friend is being checked-out," said Shane as we found a place to wait "I was wondering if you could tell me why you two are always so close. I'm not trying to get in your personal stuff, I'm just wondering." I looked down to my feet to try and find the words I wanted to use:

"Well, you're not going to believe it if I told you."

"Try me: I heard some PRETTY interesting things.... I'll only tell you those if you tell me your secret: I promise not to tell anyone." Shane said, he held onto my hand: he felt like a close friend doing something like that.

"Well, Lucario and I are..... together." I said slowly, not sure if it was such a good idea telling him; Shane didn't flinch.... Or move at all.

"Shane? You okay?" I said as I waved my hand in front of his face. He shook his head and re-directed his attention to me again.

"Well, that DOES explain why he hasn't left your side.... AND his way of looking at you."

"Wait, you see him 'look' at me? How does he look at me?" I asked, getting interested by this piece of info. Shane, grinning ear-to-ear, just leaned back and explained:

"Well, you and Lucario are together... that means he could feel jealous if someone flirts at you or looks at you a certain way, and it's the same way with you towards him. He constantly wants to know that you are his and ONLY his.... and I have a hunch that YOU think the same way towards him as well." Shane started to make a point there: me and Lucario's love is only based off of love.... That's it; I need to find some way of strengthening it.

"You.. you're.... are you some sort of relationship wizard or something?" I asked, astonished by how much help I was getting from him.

"No, I've just been through it with another girl." He laughed, reminding me of my friends back in my world. I looked over and saw my Lucario exit out and I got up to meet up with him: I had one thing on my mind that might convince him that we will ALWAYS be lovers....... Though I wouldn't know how he would react.

"Hey Lukey, I want to tell you something: in private." He looked scared, then said sure. I told Shane I'd be right back and we headed outside: my heart was replaced by a snare drum as we stopped in front of a window by the PC's front door. I took a deep breath and began:

"Lucario, you know I love you completely.... Right?"

"Yes, of course." He said without hesitation.

"Were there ever times that you ever doubted that?"

"Well....." He paused "a few times." I put my head down: Shane was right.

"I thought so." I said, still ashamed. Lukey put a paw on my shoulder and got closer.

"Why do you ask?"

"Well, I want... well, I'm wanting to... aw this isn't coming out how I want it to." I said as I turned around, ready to run away... but I felt something hold me in place: it was my mate. He was frightened by my reaction just then.

"Lucas, are you okay? If you have something to tell me... you can tell me: I can take it." He said turning me around. I soon just blurted it out without opening my eyes or looking at his face.

"I want us to mate!"


I just stood there, letting my tears, that I just felt, pulse out of my crammed shut eyes. I waited for an answer from him so I would know, but heard nothing. I slowly opened my eyes to see that he was hugging me; I didn't even notice it until now. As I was about to hug him back he made a quick motion and he was kissing me: it felt gentle, caring, like we became one of those marble statues that held so much emotion in a kiss. His lips left mine, but they were mere centimeters away, and he whispered to me.

"Lucas, it's alright." He kissed me again as he comforted me, rubbing my back. I kissed him back passionately, feeling the sadness being replaced by comfort and relief. I stopped our love-sharing and asked him the question I was dying to know:

"Can we mate?" He put his paw on my cheek and said the most unimaginable thing I ever heard: "Yes, just tell me where and when." My heart felt like it was going to burst as I just jumped onto him, bring him to the ground:

"Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! I love you so much!" I reconnected our kiss as we rubbed our bodies together.


(Shane's POV) *may do his POV more*

I looked out the window to see Lucas tackled Lucario and smother him with love: apparently my advice worked for him. Salamence and Ditto came over and asked me what was going on.

"Just watching a friend." I said simply.

"Who is it?" asked Ditto, crawling up to the window-sill. I told them about Lucas and Lucario and they didn't seem to believe it...... or the fact that we would be traveling with them from now on.

"Lucas: he and Lucario were just talking."

"..... Looks like they're now.....KISSING?!" said Ditto as he fell backwards onto the chair. Salamence was shocked and HE wasn't even looking at them.

"WHY are they kissing?!"

"I told you before: they're together." I said, putting my face in my hands.

"Well, we didn't think they were TOGETHER-together..... just together like really close friends." It was like, sometimes, they no absolutely nothing about things.... I still love them. I heard the doors swing open and saw Lucas and Lucario walk through, very close together.

"So, did my relationship advice work?" I asked Lucas, Lucario curious what I was talking about. Lucas nodded and, surprising for me, hugged me: it felt.... Good, like when two friends hug. I heard say quietly "Thank you." I replied with a "Your welcome" and we broke apart and we rejoined everyone. Lucas began to talk:

"Okay, so as a refresher, I'll go over the plan on what we will do: we're going to stay in Floroma Town for the night, then make our way through Eterna Forest to Eterna City and to our second Gym battle victory." Everyone cheered, happy with the plan.

"Wait, where are we going to sleep? There isn't any place to stay in this town." Asked my Ditto. Lucas winked and explained:

"I have some camping stuff, we can pitch camp near here..... I know a good place." He started to walk off and we followed him: he exited through the PC and went off to a parting in the trees, he went through without any hesitation.


(Normal POV)

Everyone's mouth was agape as they saw an endless sea of flowers and grass, swaying within the wind.

"You like? I saw this somewhere else and thought this would be the PERFECT place to make camp."

"Yeah, it's amazing Lu!" Lu, I like it! though Lucas as he took the hug Lucario gave him. All the Pokemon, including Lucario, ran into the field and started to play around.


A few hours of playing and almost everyone was asleep, thinking about the day they had: Lucas, Shane, Lucario and Salamence were left.

"So, that's how you ended up with Lucario as your boyfriend and how you got here? Wow, that's incredible." Shane reveled after hearing the ENTIRE story of Lucas and Lucario: how he got here, how he met his Pokemon, AND he even included the mix-up with David in Jubilife (thankfully keeping their secret safe).

"Yeah, sometimes I think it's a pure dream and that I didn't want to wake up.... But you CANNOT dream up the pleasure I have felt throughout this journey when I kiss this guy." Lucas motioned towards his mate sitting next to him.

"Aw, you're just trying to butter me up..... and it's working." Said Lucario, leaning his head on the trainer's shoulder. Salamence made a weird noise and Shane nudged him:

"Knock that off: don't judge them. You could be the same way, ya know." He yawned afterwards and so did Salamence.

"Well, I'm turning in... don't stay up too late okay?" He said as he went into one of the empty tent with the Dragon-type behind him. The two remaining laid back and watched the stars twinkle one by one, feeling the warmth of the fire blanket them. Lucas and Lucario were RIGHT next to each other; they looked over to each other and saw one thing: absolute love and lust for the other.


Sorry, gotta cut ya off here: didn't want to drag this chapter on for too long.

Do you know what's going to happen now: they're all alone.... in the dark..... next to each other.

Well, I think I'll go and work on the next chapter right now!

BTW: LONGEST CHAPTER I HAVE EVER DONE, it's 7 pages from top to bottom on a Word document!

A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 22: Bound By More Than Love

**Hey guys.... sorry for the wait: this chapter was hard to write. If you wanna know, then read through this and read the footnote... you'll understand why. I guess now I'll just.... start it up then.** ......... (Normal POV) "Lucario....... thank...

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 20: More Than a Victory is Obtained

**Hello guys: I bring you the second, LONGER part of the battle against Roark. So far, Lucas had an easy time in defeating Geodude with Monferno.... But not as such an easy time when defeating Cranidos with Gallade: that Rock-type took a Magical Leaf...

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 19: A Roark-y Battle

**Hey guys, I'm here with another chapter of "A New Start As A Trainer"! Hope you guys are enjoying how Lucas and Lucario's relationship is going....... sooner or later things will go higher: MUCH higher.....but not right now, though. SO, without...

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