Rise To Power Chapter 10

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#10 of Rise To Power

While Flameria and company work on healing Streeka. Other things are going on. In a large mansion in the floating city of Airise we see two dragons in a throne room looking at a report. The Male gold dragon hisses in disgust. "I can't believe it! Hornblade is growing again. I thought Rahor was supposed to take care of her?"

"Honey, He's dead. Sparkle Clan took him out." The male pounds his fist on the arm of his chair in rage.

"I guess we have to take care of this ourselves. We nearly wipe them out when we lead the charge of treason. It was only luck that another clan found that darn piece of paper clearing them." The two dragons then began to plan.

Months later we're back at Flameria's mansion. Streeka seems to have nearly healed from her kidnapping, though she's had a great distraction. We find her helping out Feyla at the small dairy store with a noticeable bulge on her belly. Her relation to Feyla has also healed, so there back on friendly terms. "Feyla, where do we get the milk?" Feyla hesitates, looking at Streeka she says.

"From Cream." A cold determination settles on the coyote's face.

"Where is she?" Feyla cowers a bit.

"Ask the mistress, please." Streeka seews a lot of fear in the doe's eyes and sighs.

"I will." Streeka heads out leaving a worried Feyla behind.

Flameria was studying a spell that cost her a lot but if it worked it would be well worth it when Streeka entered. "WHERE ARE THEY!?" Flameria is startled, it's rare that Streeka yells like that.

"Where are who?"

"Lunesta and Cream, I just learned you have them where are they?"

"Where they can never harm you again. You have my word."

"I want to see them?"

"No, I don't want you relive what you went through."

"I need to see them."

"No." To Flameria surprise Streeka starts casting a spell. She immediately gets up and starts her own spell. She manages to raise a shield as Streeka's lighting bolt. Her shield manages to hold. "Streeka stop this!"

"Not until I see them." She starts casting again. Flameria casts a spell to knock Streeka unconscious. Streeka gets her spell done first and an energy ball head towards Flameria. The Dragoness manages to dodge it though she feels the blast it creates. She finally casts her spell and Streeka attempts to dodge. The spell however is a seeker spell and still hits her. The coyote falls to the floor unconscious . Flameria then uses her magic to repair the damage done by the fight and walks over to the sleeping coyote.

"Man you must have been practicing a lot to have that level of power in that last attack." She picks up Streeka and heads up to the coyote's room.

Streeka wakes up on her bed and moans. Flameria puts down the scroll she was reading and heads over to the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired, crap I lost didn't I?"

"Yup, you think you can get up?" After a minute Streeka nods. "Good then I want to show you something." Streeka slowly gets up and follows her mistress. They head down to the basement, Streeka hasn't been down here in ages. They finally stop at one door and Flameria opens it. Streeka here's muffled sounds coming from the dark room. "Go in." And Streeka hesitantly walks in. Flameria follows and with a flick of her hand mage lights activate. They reveal to Streeka Cream, hanging, bound, gagged, and straining against something. There are tubes connected to her breasts and udders which you can see milk pump up to the roof to an unseen destination. Streeka walks up to the bound cow and also notices a hood over most of the cows head. "AS you can see Streeka there's no way for her to harm you, with the hood she can't see or hear you. She has dildos vibrating in both her pussy and anus set to a point where she'll be aroused but can never orgasm. Her cow bell is magically infused so that she doesn't need food, water, to relieve her waste, and as an especially to her can constantly produce milk. With the hood all her focus is on the dildos and the milking only."

Streeka looks and the bound cow for minutes as the cow strains to orgasm. The coyote then slaps the cow hard cause the cow to moan louder. Streeka then walks to her mistress.

"Where's Lunesta?"

"In the next room." She shuts the door without looking at Cream. She goes over finds Lunesta similar situation but minus the milking tubes. After looking at her for a few minutes she notices Lunesta's breasts are left alone. Turning back to Flameria Streeka asks.

"Could you get me a couple of rings?" Flameria nods and starts to turn before stopping.

"Will you be okay here alone?"

"Yes go."

Streeka watches the bound dragoness, she seems to be fighting more than Cream was. Minutes later Flameria returns and hands Streeka 2 simple rings. Streeka than quietly chants two spells, lifts up one clawed finger which is now glowing a yellow color. Using the glowing claw Streeka pierces the dragoness right nipple causing the dragoness to attempt to yelp through the gag. Streeka then places one ring through the hole and repeats it the left nipple. When done she steps back and snaps her fingers. Lunesta straights a bit as the rings start vibrating also on a low setting. She then also slaps Lunesta hard and turns to leave. As Streeka leaves the room Flameria asks.

"What did you do?"

"Gave her vibrating rings. Why did you allow me to come? I thought you didn't want me seeing them?"

"Your energy ball attack impressed me. I didn't know you have gotten that strong. So you deserved it." The pair head back upstairs closing that chapter in their life..well almost.

That night Feyla was in her room painting, two months earlier she discovered she had a knack for painting and used her meager allowance to but painting supplies. "Meager allowance." She thinks. "Never had any money before. Streeka was dead on right about the mistress." There's a knock on the door. "Come in."

The door opens to reveal Streeka. "Hey how you doing Streeka?"

"I saw Lunesta and Cream, I think that really helped."

"How so?" Streeka steps closer to the doe taking the painters pad and put it next to the painting.

"I forgive you for taking so long." Streeka then kisses Feyla and pushes her to the bed. Feyla showing some shock as Streeka carfully lowers her self on top of the doe do to her pregnant belly.

"Streeka are you sure?"

"Yes." The coyote once again kisses Feyla and starts groping the does breasts. Streeka soon lies on her side and starts using a hand to play with Feyla's pussy and clit.

"Oh, Streeka." Feyla does her best to tease back. Soon they're in a 69 postion with Streeka on the bottom and Feyla stretching to lick the coyotes pussy. Streeka moans into Feyla's pussy as she starts her own licking. Both enjoy the taste of the other's pussy, Feyla's sweet like honey while Streeka's a little salty. For minutes you just here the sounds of moaning and licking from the two. Unfortunately due to her unpleasant experience, Streeka has a lot of stamina. "OOO, Streeka I'm gonna cuuuummmmm!" Streeka's tongue goes into overdrive as Feyla's juices spill over her face. Streeka's tongue causes the orgasm to last over a minute and Feyla pauses to catch her breath before continuing. Streeka gets the doe to cum one more time before she has her first orgasm. They end up falling asleep in that position.

The next day Flameria heads to her office carrying her son Brimestone as he milked her breast. Firemane was playing with Cole who once again was in a denial rig, she just rolled her eyes and sighed. Hir Mistress has been in quite a mood lately. But there's more than Cole's teasing that has brought a smile to her facing. Streeka and Feyla arrived to breakfast together, holding hands and bounces in their steps. She was afraid that they might never makeup after Lunesta's actions but by the way they were that must have been some reconcile between them. She sits down on her large chair with Brimestone on her lap as she goes over the latest reports. The dragoness sighs, with Streeka at first missing then shelled up and now pregnant she had to rely on other runners. Streeka thankfully recruited the latest one claim while not as fast as her Nikki was pretty fast, to which the other coyote stuck her tongue. A sudden shudder and explosion interrupts Flameria's thoughts. She heads over to grab her sword and her armor before investigating.

As she gets to the lobby she runs into Streeka and Nikki. "What's going on?" The dragoness asks.

"Don't know, I was answering the door." Streeka replies. Feyla appears, coming down the stairs with soot stains and cuts.

"The whole left side of the 2nd floor is gone!" the injured doe says.

"EVERYONE OUTSIDE NOW!" Flamreia yells. She reaches down and picks up her son. Cole joins them outside with firemane in hir hands. Outside they find themselves confronted by a groups of dragons. At their head was a gold and silver dragon and dragoness. Handing Brimestone to Streeka she steps forward a bit.

"What have I done to provoke this attack?"

"Being alive." The gold dragon responds. She then starts casting a spell secretly without hand motions. It takes more power and concentration. Flameria then let's loose a blast from her mouth incinerating one dragon. She then lets loose a wind blast from a spell. While the attacking force recovers from the sudden attack Flameria yells to Nikki. "Nikki go to the Enforcers!" They Coyote nods and begins to run to the Enforcer's headquarters in Skygate.

"Not so fast." The gold dragon says, and throws a lighting bolt. It goes through Nikki's chest, she's dead before she knew she was under attack. AS her lifeless body falls Flameria looks back at the dragon, her eyes glowing with an intensity never seen before. She cast a spell to make a smoke screen.

"Streeka, take Brimestone and Firemane and head to the shipyard. We'll hold him here as long as can." Streeka tries to argue but seeing the look in her mistresses eyes quietly nods and picks up the children. "Streeka if we don't make it, take care of the children. Sparzow can show you where I keep some money. Now GO!" The Coyote runs as fast as she can with the weight she now carries. As the smoke screen fades the trio launch a counter attack. Both Flameria and Cole had drawn their swords and engaged to of the dragons. Feyla herself has been trained under Flameria's order. She jump kicks the nearest dragon. She hits her in the head sending her falling down and as the dragoness hits the ground she loses her grip on her sword. Feyla quickly picks it up. She beheads the dragoness with a lucky swing. The doe steps back and views the battle. Cole shows hir previous job as she ruthlessly and quick dispatches hir foes. Flameria was taking a bit longer than Cole but most of that was her casting spells. Just when the trio thinks they get the upper hand. More troops show up with the Gold dragons emblem on their armor. Sighing Flameria raises her sword into a fighting stance. If she was going out, she was going out fighting.

Meanwhile huffing Streeka manages to get to the dock. She is notice by Sparzow. "Someone help her with the kids and fetch her some water." Two workers helper out.

"Mistress.......under.....attack....at....house!" the coyote manages to gasp.

"Crap!, Dice, Roland, Send someone to the enforcers. Larry you stay here with Streeka and the kids. Everyone else with me." Sparzow gathers the rest of the workers to assist the owner.

Back at the fight the triowere showing fatigue. They were still another 20 troops with the gold dragon, it looked hopeless. The gold Dragon cast another spell and a lighting ball heads for Flameria. She dive to the left and the ball flies past and hits the mansion. One third of the mansion is gone. The dragon then jumps up and does a short dive. Flameria manages to get het sword up in time and a heavy clang is heard. "It took me much time and effort to get your clan in trouble with the alliance. Now your undoing all of THAT!" Both still put pressure on the blades as the gold dragon tries to push down and Flameria hold hers up.

"WHY!? What have we ever done to you!?"

"Your Clan comes from peasants. You deluded the blood of your betters, and continued to grow. Your Clan must end here to protect the blood line."

"You killed my parents over THAT!" With rage in her eyes she now uses her clans secret weapon. Her tail comes up, her hornblade extending. Her hornblade slice through his sword arm.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" He screams clutching his stump. "How did you..?" Then he sees her hornblade dripping with his blood. He's in shock from what he sees.

"There's a reason our clan is called Hornblade."

"It can not be." He says still shocked. Flameria gets up taking his shock to ready herself. Sparzow shows up with the workers.

"Throw down your weapons!" He yells. The remaining troops look around, they see a hundred beings around with various tools that are excellent to fight with. Along with a handful of Enforcers approaching they all drop their weapons. The silver dragoness looks around and seeing her troops surrendering decides to do the same and races to her mate. Flameria herself finally relaxes and puts her sword back in its sheath and faces the approaching Enforcers.

"Took you guys long enough." The male unicorn with sergeant stripes pauses at the remark and replies.

"Sorry, most of are leadership was bribe to ignore what was going on. I'm now in charge. What happened here?" Flameria points the gold dragon and his mate.

"He and his mate attacked my home without provocation and claimed to be responsible to what happened to my parents. Also they murdered a coyote female named Nikki."

"Alright I'll take them into custody."

"Wait did you say Nikki was killed?" A wolf Enforcer asks.

"Yes." Flameria points to the stop where Nikki's body lays.

"Oh no, poor Balto!'


"Her kid, The dad left when she got pregnant and she's been doing her best to try to raise him. Now he has no family."

"I'll take him." Flameria states.


"I'll take him. His mom died while she was hired by me. It is my duty to make sure he's cared for."

"Alright for now you can take him. The courts will see if that becomes permanent." Flameria nods and looks back to her home. Above there's not much left, less than one third of the house above ground remains.

"I guess will be sleeping in a hotel for awhile."

A month pasts and Flameria is in the Supreme Court of the Alliance. Since the attack her family has stayed in a hotel for a week until Lord Zatur heard and offered his mansion in Skygate until hers is rebuilt. Both Cream and Lunesta only had some cuts and bruising and since been transferred to Zatur's house. Right now Flameria waits for the verdict from the court on the actions of the Gold dragon whose name is Suun of the Majestic Clan. Cole and the rest are back at the house with the current addition of Balto. Balto of course wailed and cried at the site of his mother's body. He was also a little hostile to Flameria, blaming her for his mom's death. Lately though he has been starting to warm up, mainly because of Streeka who he knew when she visited Nikki. The head judge clears his throat bringing Flameria back to was happening. "We have gone over all the evidence provided." Says the head judge. "We are amazed at the lengths Suun has done to destroy the Hornblade clan. From tricking Davion, the last head of the Hornblade Clan to the deal with Stiener Clan. To the incident in Skygate last month. Suun is hereby pronounced guilty of conspiracy, bribery, attempted murder, and murder. All personal assets will be given to Lady Flameria of the Hornblade Clan and both Suun and his mate Glow are now owned my Lady Flameria. Lady Flameria will also be given guardianship of Balto son of Nikki." Flameria looks at the pair shocked at the ruling.

"Perfect." Flameria thought. " There still on the young side, thus the perfect specimens for my plan." Suun approaches Flameria with a defeated look.

"Who'd ever thought to find one of you among common blood." He shake's his head as he is lead away to the transport. Confused she looks to Lord Zatur who decided to watch the trial.

"What does he mean?"

"He means is what your clan has hidden till now was the sign of the Old royalty which went extinct eons ago. He was shock to see the legend show up with what he considered inferior blood."

"And what do you think of it?"

"Glad that I'm allied with you."

A weeks later in a darkened room in their new home Flameria has Suun and Glow bound. In front of them are a couple of large gems with Flameria behind them. " I think this is the most fitting punishment for your actions." She chants from a scroll that she has unrolled in front of her. Soon beams erupted from the gems and goes into the bound dragons. After a minute the beams emerge, with one a gold light the other silver. The beams slowly return with the lights into the gems. The gems then started to glow. Flameria clearly tired turns on the lights and goes to the bound dragons. A quick check shows them dead. She goes back to the gems and checks them magically. After a few minutes a smile comes to her lips. "Well phase one worked now on to phase 2."


100 years have past and we go to a large mansion. In this mansion we see a number of horse,deer,coyote, and dragon hybrids going about in tasks. In the throne room we see a very large desk with three chairs behind it. The largest chair holds a familiar dragoness. Flameria has only aged alittle in the hundred years since we last saw her. SHe currently is looking at a crystal ball which shows a certain midnight blue dragoness. Lunesta is still bound and stimulated yet unable to orgasm, her mind is completely gone at this point. The only things goning through what's left is the pleasure and the frustration of not being able to orgasm. Cream had died 20 years earlier from old age, but Flameria had figured ouy how she made her milk. She then hired a bunch of cows to go throught the procedure. These cows spend a year being constantly milked before a year break befroe coming back. Flameria looks over to her right and to the being sitting in that chair. Cole looks back and smiles at hir lover and at the other being. Streeka has the greatest smile whiles looks and the ball. Both Cole and Streeka have also hardly aged. How you ask. Flameria experiment worked. She was saddened by the thought of how much she would out live her lovers, so she research ways to extend their life. She foud it, a spell that imbued a being with the same aging process of a dragon. However it got it at the cost of a dragon. Suun and Glow were perfect to be the unwilling volunteers and theris life force was given to Cole and Streeka. Unforuatly they didn't find a third dragon deserving of the same treatment thus Feyla died 10 years ago of old age surronded by her family. Flameria leans back in her chair and rubs her belly. It is once again swollen with her and Cole's baby, thus one reason Cole now is wearing a golden grip and other denial gear to keep her in denial for a year. The other reason was a bet by Streeka that Cole couldn't last a year with it on. Firemane is now a captian in the Alliance fleet, Brimstone teaching a magical school, and Balto had worked at the Skygate shipyard until 30 years ago. He now lives in the rebuilt mansion in Skygate with his family. The Hornblade Clan has become among the highest ranked Clans in the Alliance. Flameria's smiles grows wider and her eyes glow more. She has indeed rose to POWER.

Rise To Power Chapter 9

It's been a year since Streeka first joined them and Feyla was beginning to worry. Most of that time Feyla got to know the coyote while she cleaned and cared for her. They talked about many things, but one thing Feyla did notice was when her mistress...

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Rise To Power Chapter 8

Five months have past and we go to a ball hosted in one of the mansions that serves as a guest mansion in Skygate for the upper class in the Alliance. There we find a familiar dragoness. Flameria is dressed in her finest clothing and jewlery, though...

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Rise to power Chapter 7

Two months have passed since Firemane's birth and both Flameria and Cole have gotten less sleep and sex since then. They were getting ready for breakfast Streeka showed up. She spots Firemane and immediately goes over to hir chair puts a finger in...

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